January 31, 2018

Dems in congress sit on their hands as Trump delivers great news in SOTU

Click this link to see how the ghastly Democrat congress-whores (sorry to give honest working girls a bad name by comparing them to Democrat congressional twerps) reacted to Trump's SOTU speech.

They refused to applaud or stand when the president mentioned record-low unemployment for both blacks and whites.  Cuz, um...they love unemployment, I guess.  Clearly they don't think record low unemployment is good, eh?

What monsters.

ACLU whines that Trump used "America" **80 times!!** in State of the Union speech

The "national political director" of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is a hearty Irish lad by the name of Faiz Shakir.

Wait, that might not be right.  I could have mis-copied that from their website.  Maybe this fine lad isn't Irish after all.  But undoubtedly a thorough, solid, America-loving American, you can be sure.

Well...after the American president's State of the Union speech last night, Mr. Shakir weighed in with the opinion of the fine Americans at the ACLU, saying
Tonight, President Trump said the word ‘America’ more than 80 times in his speech. Yet, after a divisive first year, we hear and feel how exclusionary that ‘America’ is, with policies that have harmed so many vulnerable American communities. The ACLU stands ready to protect these communities, both in the courts and at the polls.
Did ya get that?  The president used the word "America" over 80 times in his speech.  The one where he's reporting on the state of...um, what?  The world?  Nope.

The state of the middle east, perhaps?

Nope.  The speech is supposed to report the state of OUR union--which at least some of us believe is the United States of....um...America.  And yet Fariz Shakir and his hive of scum would have you believe that the use of "America" in that speech--80 entire times!!!--is "exclusionary."
Okay, if you're easily offended, stop reading.  Cuz I'm about to get really, really profane.

Fuck you, Faiz Shakir--and your communist organization.  You are anti-American.  You don't deserve to live in this wonderful country.  You're a monster.  And yet you wrap yourself in the wretched lie that you and your organization are just fucking wonderful...cuz you stand up for illegals and killers.

Just another night in Sweden

Do you want to see what life in Sweden has come to?  (And most of Europe is headed for the same fate, for the same reason.)

You don't, of course.  Because if you see and know, you have to confront a horrible reality.  And if you do confront that, your friends will call you "racist" or intolerant.  Your call.

The girl below is a 19-year-old Swede, Sophie Johannson.  She was at a popular nightclub in the Swedish city of Malmo--a city dominated by Muslim immigrants, notorious for attacking native Swedes.  Even the police and firefighters refuse to enter certain areas of the city because the Muzz throw rocks and bottles at them.

19-year-old Sophie Johannson was allegedly attacked after a man in a nightclub groped her and she rejected him.

Sophie was dancing when "a man"--the Swedish newspapers refuse to be more specific because they're oh-so-politically-correct--grabbed her ass, and then got more aggressive from there.  She slapped him--a reasonable response to that sort of assault.

He punched her square in the face.

Scared and bloodied--and as the Swedish paper  put it, "hoping to avoid further escalation--Sophie and her friend quickly decided to leave the club.

But on their way out, the awful male assailant hit her over the head with a bottle.


This should make you furious.  What sort of male animal--after being rebuffed for grabbing a woman--not only punches her in the face but hits her over the head with a bottle?  He's much stronger, but that isn't enouth of an advantage.  Instead he decides to pick up a weapon to further attack a weaker person.  What kind of culture teaches that this is acceptable?

But of course, gentle reader, you already know.

There's a sick post-script to this already ghastly story:  According to the Swedish paper, 
 Police have yet to identify the man, whom Johansson described to the paper as being around 25 years old with a muscular build.  Law enforcement chose not to open an investigation since the man is unknown...
Did ya get that?  The ridiculously PC Swedish cops "chose not to open an investigation since the man is unknown."  Wouldn't you think that opening an investigation would be the way to, um...figure out who the ghastly assailant was?   It's hugely telling that the cops decided...not to.  Wouldn't wanna actually have to do any, you know, work--especially if it would result in identifying the attacker as a member of a group that your political bosses are determined to protect at all costs.

There's not a single male Swede with balls in the whole damn country.  France and Germany are close behind. 

And if the U.S. doesn't do something about illegals invading across our southern border, we're next.

If Democrat congress-whores manage--with the help of RINO republicans--to block construction of the wall, ending chain migration and the visa lottery, we don't stand a chance.

But by all means listen to Nancy Palsi and Chuckie Schumer and vote Democrat.  The invaders will thank you.

January 30, 2018

Hilliary refused to fire staffer charged with being "sexually inappropriate." Media cheers.

The following story perfectly exemplifies how Hilliary lies to dodge taking any blame for...well, anything.  The story is that back in her 2008 campaign, she hired a guy named Burns Strider for the position of "faith adviser."  Seriously.

A female campaign worker reported he was 'sexually inappropriate" toward her.  This was reported up the chain, who recommended to Hillary that he be fired.

Hilliary declined to fire him.  Eventually he got a job with one of David Brock’s groups (Correct the Record) where he once again was accused of "acting inappropriately" toward a female staffer.

Now obviously we have no idea whether the complaint against Strider was valid or bogus--and of course neither did Hilliary.  That's not the point here.  Rather, it's that in the current feeding frenzy over sexual harrassment, Hilliary simply cannot take the criticism that would likely fire up among militant feminists for keeping this guy on her staff. 

But if she'd fired the guy, one or two members of the media would surely have pointed out her hypocrisy in defending her own husband against numerous sexual allegations.  She didn't want that.

So read Hilliary's response, below and see how deftly she hid her culpability:

A story appeared today about something that happened in 2008. I was dismayed when it occurred, but was heartened the young woman came forward, was heard, and had her concerns taken seriously and addressed.
"A story appeared about something..."  See, Hilliary strongly doesn't want to tell you what happened, since that will show her utter hypocrisy.  So she simply omits this from the story.  "Something" happened, but if you don't know don't worry about it.  Probably nothing.

"I was dismayed when it occurred."  Oh,well, it's all good then.  As long as you were "dismayed" you are relieved of any ethical responsibility to fire the guy.  Cuz after all, it's not the boss's job to fire bad apples, right?  Hey, we're all just one big family here, eh?

The young woman "was heard."  Ah, all's well then.  As long as you "heard" her complaints, no need to do anything rash.  Hmmm...Would you say this was a reasonable response for a male CEO of a large company?  Of course not.

And the complainant "had her concerns taken seriously and addressed."  Ah, well, everything's fine then.  You not only took her complaints seriously, but actually addressed them.  Would you tell us exactly how you addressed those concerns?  Cuz it looks like you didn't do squat.

Hilliary is on board with "All women who claim to have been harrassed must be believed."  Except when she's the CEO.  Or when it's necessary for her political power to defend her husband by discrediting his accusers.

It makes perfect sense.

January 29, 2018

Potentially costly pic of Obama posing with leader of Nation of Islam in 2005 finally surfaces

Wanna see yet another example of what a total snake and liar and con-artist the Democrats forced on us for 8 long years? Check this pic:

That's obviously the socialist Muslim former emperor of the U.S., courtesy of a lying press flying top-cover for his shady, crappy record; and dumb-ass Democrats who bought the bullshit about this guy being the smartest, most dreamy candidate evah!

But who are those folks with Barky?  Why that would be the founder and head of the black-supremacist, Jew-hating group called the Nation of Islam.

And why was he posing with 'em?  Turns out they posed together after meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus way back in 2005.  But of course you never saw this pic before--because after it was taken a CBC staffer called the photographer and demanded that he give them the pic.

Gosh, why would he demand that--unless there was something toxic about the pic?

Ah, bingo.  Someone on the CBC staff realized that the pic knew about Obozo's political plans, and the if the pic got out it would very likely cost Obama votes.

Since for each of the previous ten years Obama had signed off on his biographical summary with his publisher claiming to have been born in Kenya, this might cost him the election.  So the pic had to vanish.  And photographer Askia Muhammad quickly agreed.

There is SO much about Obama that was kept hidden from voters to get him elected.  That should tell you something.

NYU snowflakes say Trump's State of the Union speech was AWFUL -- before he made it

How well have the cunning, evil Leftists infesting the Lying Mainstream media and universities done their job of turning young people into mindless Trump-hating robots?  Check this out:

A week ago Campus Reform sent an undercover reporter to NYU--one of the many communist s***hole universities on both coasts--to ask college students--who you'd think might be at least marginally aware of what's happening--what they thought of President Trump's State of the Union speech.

As you just saw, this was a week ago.  The speech hadn't been given yet, seeing as how it's on for tomorrow night. 

But no problem for the sharp "minds" (to be generous) at the s***hole NYU:  They hated it!  Just awful!

Some quotes from interviewed students:
"Quite racist, at the very least, if not, up there with most racist," said one female NYU student--about a speech that hadn't yet been made.
"Very offensive," said another female student, describing Trump's nonexistent SOTU remarks on immigration. "It's something that I wouldn't have expected to happen in, like, our lifetime."  She added, "I believe when I'm hearing about his rough nature and the hate that he probably said."  (And yes, it doesn't make sense.)
"It's offensive," said another young lady. "But I'm not shocked by it."
The same student was asked to pick out one thing from the speech people are most upset about. "Probably immigration going on, with the whole DACA thing and him trying to build a wall," she answered.
And the best part was when the Campus Reform reporter asked one student if just maybe people are not actually listening to what Trump is saying but just want to "shut it down because it's Trump saying it?"
"I don't' think so," she said. "I think there are enough progressive and intellectual people who really analyze what he's saying."
Ah yes, it's impressive to hear an NYU student being proud of all those "progressives" and "intellectuals" who were able to "really analyze"--and immediately condemn as "racist," offensive and hateful--a speech that hadn't been made yet.

Good job, Leftists!  Watch the fun below:

Official FBI press release--or should that be "FIB"?

FBI Press Release-- For immediate release, Jan 29, 2018:
"When Russia releases dizinformatzion to our wonderful, honest Media to manipulate our elections, that is a threat to our very democracy."
But when WE do it, it's different!  And absolutely NOT breaking a single law!  

Cuz we're the ones who decide when laws actually...y'know, MATTER.

Signed,  Andrew McCabe, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Chris Wray, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page et al

January 27, 2018

A little humor about "crumbs"

Sometimes the comments on my favorite blogs are a huge source of amusement.  Example:

Got my first bi-weekly paycheck under the new tax rate. I got to keep an extra $50 of the money I earned. Thanks, Mr. President!
Next comment:
$50?  That's breadcrumbs. I took my keys out of my pocket and a $50 fell on the floor. It wasn't even worth me bending over to pick up.  SEE, that tax cut was a disaster! Impeach Trump!  -Maxine Waters

Trump's inexplicably bad DACA proposal, and what it means. Prediction.

By now most of y'all have probably heard about the president's compromise offer on DACA:  Instead of offering permanent residence and citizenship to 800,000 illegals, as the Democrats had demanded, he offered to give citizenship to 1.8 MILLION.

In exchange he wanted a) funding for the wall; b) end to chain migration; and c) end to the insane, ghastly "visa lottery" that allowed random people from anywhere to come here.

How...interesting.  And all the conservative blogs are crackling with debate over what the hell he's been smoking!  After all, DACA was totally unconstitutional--created by a unilateral decree by Obama in violation of longstanding, valid U.S. immigration law. 

It was unconstitutional ab initio--from the outset. And should have been repealled on day 1 in office.  So to see Trump offering to amnesty not just the sacred 800,000, but to more than double that, is frankly bizarre.

Conservatives wonder why he did this.  Many speculate that his strategy is that he's certain the Dems will demand more--as is their iron-clad habit--and that without Democrat votes, no proposed bill will pass.

This is soothing, but even though congressional Democrats are crazy and unceasingly pushy, they're not altogether stupid, and I'm pretty sure that after they've threatened to withhold their votes, and blustered and grandstanded and bluffed and squeezed every possible nickle of concession out of the likes of Windsey Gwaham and John McCain and Jeff Flake, at the very last second they'll agree, knowing that they've won a huge victory.

These conservatives also believe that by offering to give citizenship to over twice as many illegals as the Dems demanded, then if the Dems reject the offer (as the conservative optimists expect), a measurable number of voters will be upset with the Dems for rejecting the more-generous offer and will vote R in November.

This is total wishful thinking:  That kind of subtlety is so far down on the need-heirarchy as to be imperceptible.  Not a single Democrat will vote R due to that, and only 0.001 percent of independents.

No, I'm afraid Trump's proposal is his historic Democrat ties talking.  I hate it, but it is what it is.

Unfortunately the consequences are far more wide-ranging than just giving citizenship to another 3 or 4 million illegal aliens.  Instead, Trump voters will feel--correctly--that they've been betrayed, and as a result they'll stay home in November.  Meaning the loss of congressional seats always seen in mid-term elections will be worse than usual.

And if the Dems get a majority in the House, they'll pass articles of impeachment.

Republicans will likely only lose 3 seats in the senate, but that will lose the majority.  Worse for Trump, with the Dems then having 52 seats, they only need to find (or bribe) 15 senators to win conviction and removal.  Today I can show you 10 RINO senators who would vote to remove Trump.  So it all comes down to the remaining 5 needed.

Frankly I think the Dems will impeach even if they can't identify 15 guaranteed R senate votes to convict and remove, because they're certain that impeachment alone--even if he's not removed--will cripple the rest of his term, and more important, cost the republicans the presidency in 2020 no matter how awful a candidate they nominate.

Remember, you heard it predicted here first.

 and by offering so much, it will give R's a supermajority after the November elections?

Not safe for work pics from Women's March in D.C.

The pics below are from the recent Women's March--actually an anti-Trump hate-fest--in DC.  Caution:  Not safe for anyone offended by bad language.!

Oh, you're surprised at how "bad language" could be a problem in photos?  Clearly you haven't seen the true side of the crazy-angry Left.

Okay, the first one's fine.  I put it here to keep the bad ones from popping up unless you scroll.

Now this is kinda surprising: one seemingly-normal girl who seems to maybe for Trump! Amazing.

Oh, now I see.  How...charmless.  But then, who expected charm from the Left?  They're all about being as offensive as possible.  In your face.  "Screw your bourgeois, middle-class, religious, homophobic, Islamophobic "values," you deplorables!  Yeah, dat's da ticket!  Hilliary and open borders forever.  Oh, and free college.  Free housing.  Government-guaranteed six-figure jobs for women's-studies and revolution-theology and Critical Race Theory majors!  Right on, comrade!

We're in the midst of a titanic power struggle for the future of this nation

For the last ten years our nation has been wracked by a titanic power struggle--nothing less than a fight for the future of this country.

Most Americans have only the sketchiest idea that anything's been going on.  Of course.  Most of you are busy raising your kids and trying to make your house payment.  I understand.  It's not your fault that you don't know about the huge fight that's been going on.

Most of you got a hint that something was wrong back when Hilliary was shown to have violated the law on handling classified material but the then-director of the damn FBI--supposedly the nation's tops law-enforcement agency--airily decided not to charge her with *anything*--even though ordinary military people are in prison for far less serious violations of that same law.

A few of you got more uneasy if you heard about the meeting between Obama's attorney-general, Loretta Lynch, and former president Bill Clinton days before the director of the FBI was to announce whether Hilliary was to be prosecuted.  The meeting took place in Lynch's government jet, parked in a remote location on the tarmac at the Phoenix airport. 

The FBI took pains to ensure that the meeting wouldn't be observed by any ordinary American.  But it was, so Obama's "Just Us" department--which Lynch headed--was ready with a cover story: According to Lynch and the FBI this meeting was totally accidental.

Many of you were...skeptical.  And with good reason.

Then when the emails between top FBI agents investigating alleged "collusion" between Trump and the Russians were released, showing how violently they hated Trump, and wanted an "insurance policy" to prevent him from being elected, some of you felt alarm bells going off.

You were right.

I've been posting about it for two years, as have other bloggers.  Now conservative analyst Andrew McCarthy at National Review has put most of the pieces of the puzzle together.  I've edited his piece below, but certainly it's worth your time to read the original in case I misssed something.

Anyone with an IQ above room temperature knew the fix waa in to avoid charging Hilliary for routinely sending above-top-secret emails to her private email account, the physical server for which was in a closet in her mansion in New York.  But since the people conspiring to keep her from being charged were the top powers in the nation, how could we uncover the truth?

And the truth turns out to be that the decision not to charge Hillary Clinton with even the slightest crime for her violation of laws on handling classified information was made by...Barack Hussein Obama, president of the United States.
If you read history (or you're over 65 or so) you may recall that one of Richard Nixon's famous lines was "If the president does it, it's legal."  This statement was widely (and understandably) ridiculed, and he was eventually forced to resign--the only president to do so.  So you can imagine that if Barack Obama--the Democrats' golden god--were to take the same position, his legacy would be totally devastated.
Obama ordered that Hilliary not be charged for two huge reasons:  First and most obvious was that he needed her to win.  But the second is that because of the release of emails--including Wikileaks--we know with total certainty that Obama himself sent classified email to Hilliary, then later--in a television interview--lied that he didn't even know that she had a private email account until he "learned about it the same time everyone else did, through news reports."
Obama knew that if Hilliary was charged, his equal violation--sending classified to her unsecured email account--would also be discovered.  As would his brazen lie that he didn't know about her email account until he read about it in the newspaper.  
While he could probably have avoided prosecution by claiming--as Hilliary did--that he simply didn't know that sending classified email to a private account was against the law, that would have made him look stupid and incompetent--something unthinkable to an egotistic narcissist like Obama.  And of course once he chose to lie and claim he didn't know about her email account before, the "I didn't know it was wrong" excuse was no longer believable.  Why lie about something if you didn't think you'd done anything the least bit wrong?
Both revelations would have been devastating, and Obama wouldn't have chosen either one.  The only solution was to ensure that Hilliary wasn't charged.  If Hillary were charged and found guilty, Obama would have been equally guilty of the same offense.
We now know from released emails that Obama repeatedly used a "fake" email account to send emails to Hilliary's private email account.  An FBI interview of Huma Abedin also implies that at least one of the emails he sent to her contained classified information.
On April 5th, 2016, the FBI interviewed Huma Abedin.  They showed her an email, sent to her boss, Hilliary, from a sender with a nondescript email address, and asked her if she knew who sent it.  She said she didn't recognize the sender's address. 

The FBI interviewers then did something unprecedented--something agents would never do if the fix wasn't in, because it tells the witness something extremely valuable: They told Abedin that the sender was Barack Obama, using a pseudonym to conduct communications over a non-secure e-mail system -- something anyone with a high-level security clearance (which Abedin had) would instantly realize was a major breach.

"How is this not classified?" she demanded. She recovered quickly, though, as the very next thing she did was to ask if she could have a copy of the email.  She knew an insurance policy when she saw one.  If Obama himself had sent email over a non-government, non-secure system, then everyone else who had been doing it had a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Thus any possibility of prosecuting Hillary Clinton was tanked by President Obama’s conflict of interest.

When we learned that the White House was refusing to disclose at least 22 communications Obama had exchanged with Hilliary via latter’s private e-mail account, we knew that Obama had knowingly engaged in the same misconduct that was the focus of the Clinton probe: the reckless mishandling of classified information.  So the Justice Department couldn't prosecute Clinton without explaining why Obama wasn't guilty of the same thing.  Thus Obama had to ensure that Hillary wouldn't  be charged with anything.

On July 5, 2016, Comey held the press conference at which he described Mrs. Clinton’s sending classified email as "extremely careless," but nevertheless recommending against an indictment. We now know that Comey’s remarks had been in the works for two months and were revised several times by his advisers.  
Last weekend the chair of the Senate Homeland Security Committee noted a draft of Comey's statement dated June 30, 2016--five days before Comey read the final statement in his press conference--contained a passage expressly referring to a troublesome email exchange between Clinton and Obama.
The passage in the June 30 draft stated: 
We also assess that Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal email domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent. She also used her personal email extensively while outside the United States, including from the territory of sophisticated adversaries. That use included an email exchange with the President while Secretary Clinton was on the territory of such an adversary.
According to one of the released Strzok–Page texts, a revised draft of Comey’s remarks was circulated by his chief of staff, Jim Rybicki, the same day, in which the phrase “the President” was replaced with “another senior government official”  to avoid admitting that Obama knew about Hilliary's private email account.
But this clever evasion had an obvious flaw:  congressional investigators--and clever journalists--would likely have asked the bureau to identify the “senior government official” with whom Clinton had exchanged emails.  
The conspirators decided not to risk it, and the final draft of Comey's July 5th statement clearing Hilliary removed both "the president" and "a senior government official."  It now read
We also assess that Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent. She also used her personal e-mail extensively while outside the United States, including sending and receiving work-related e-mails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries. 
Problem solved--or at least nearly solved.
The decision to purge any reference to Obama is consistent with the panic that seized his administration from the moment Clinton’s use of a private, non-secure server system was revealed in early March 2015.  What most alarmed Obama and Clinton advisers was not only that there were several Clinton–Obama email exchanges, but also that Obama lied about when he learned that his secretary of state had a private email account--and indeed, had been using it for her entire tenure as SecState.  She never had an official dot.gov account.
As luck would have it, Obama denied earlier knowledge of Hilliary's email account in a nationally televised interview. 
On March 4, as soon as the New York Times broke the news about Clinton’s private email account, John Podesta (Clinton’s campaign chairman) emailed Cheryl Mills (Clinton’s main fixer and top aide in at State) to suggest that Clinton’s emails to and from Obama should be “held” — i.e., not disclosed — because “that’s the heart of his exec privilege.” 
Three days later, on March 7th, as Obama's counselors argued about whether he should admit knowing about Clinton's private email account, Obama decided the issue by lying to CBS News, claiming he'd only learned about Clinton’s use of personal email to conduct all official State Department business “the same time everybody else learned it, through news reports.” 
CBS News senior White House correspondent Bill Plante asked Obama when he learned about her private email system. “The same time everybody else learned it through news reports,” the president said. “The policy of my administration is to encourage transparency, which is why my emails...all those records are available and archived,” he said. “I’m glad that Hillary’s instructed that those emails about official business need to be disclosed.
As you'll see later, this was a brazen lie--total theater to con the public.  In fact Obama quickly ordered all his emails sealed, meaning they couldn't be revealed even through a Freedom of Information Act request.  He would also have known Hilliary would delete any emails to or from his "alias" account, because incriminating him would remove her protection. 
Perhaps Obama believed that because he'd used a fake email account (one that used an alias) in his emails to Clinton, those emails wouldn't be found.  But his and Clinton’s advisers were less confident. Right after the interview aired, Clinton campaign secretary Josh Scherwin emailed Jennifer Palmieri and other senior campaign staffers: “Jen you probably have more on this but it looks like POTUS just said he found out HRC was using her personal email when he saw it on the news.”
Scherwin’s alert was forwarded to Cheryl Mills.  An agitated Mills then emailed Podesta: “We need to clean this up — he has emails from her — they do not say state.gov.”  In other words, Obama had emails from Clinton which he had to know were from a private account, since her address did not end in “@state.gov” as State Department emails do. 
So how did Obama and his helpers ‘clean this up’?  Simple:  Obama had his emails to and from Hilliary sealed, by invoking a previously-nonexistent "presidential-records privilege."  
The White House insisted this had nothing whatsoever to do with the contents of the emails, but was done because of the principle of confidentiality in presidential communications with close advisers. 
With the mainstream media willing to play along, this had a double benefit:  First, it enabled Obama to avoid using the term “executive privilege” — with all its dark Watergate connotations — even though that was precisely what he was invoking.
Second--and far more crucial:  It enabled him to avoid admitting that the emails contained classified information--since to admit that would have been admitting to violating the same law regarding mishandling classified information that was starting to plague Hilliary. 
The White House then explained Obama's lie to CBS by saying that what he meant was that he learned of Clinton’s private server system through news reports, and wasn’t claiming to have just learned that she had a private email account. 
This was sheer misdirection:  From Obama’s standpoint, the problem was that he discussed government intelligence matters with the secretary of state through a private email account; the fact that, in addition, Clinton’s private email account was connected to her own private server system, rather than some other private email service, was beside the point. But, again, the media was not interested in such distinctions and contentedly accepted the White House’s non-explanation. 
Meanwhile, Attorney General Loretta Lynch ordered Comey to use the word “matter” rather than “investigation” to describe the FBI’s probe of Clinton’s email practices. This ensured that the Democratic administration’s law-enforcement agencies were aligning their story with the Democratic candidate’s campaign rhetoric. If there was no investigation, there would be no prosecution. In April 2016, in another nationally televised interview, Obama made clear that he did not want Clinton to be indicted. His rationale was a legally frivolous straw man: Clinton had not intended to harm national security. 
This was not an element of the felony offenses she had committed; nor was it in dispute. No matter: Obama’s analysis was the stated view of the chief executive. If, as was sure to happen, his subordinates in the executive law-enforcement agencies conformed their decisions to his stated view, there would be no prosecution. 
Within a few weeks, even though the investigation was ostensibly still underway and over a dozen key witnesses — including Clinton herself — had not yet been interviewed, the FBI began drafting Comey’s remarks that would close the investigation. There would be no prosecution. 
On June 27, Lynch met with former president Bill Clinton on the parking ramp at Phoenix airport, where their security details arranged for both their planes to be parked side-by-side. (But the meeting was totally accidental, remember?)  
Over the next few days the FBI carefully deleted any reference to Obama’s emails with Mrs. Clinton from the statement Comey would make 8 days later, recommending no prosecution. 
On July 1, amid growing public criticism about her meeting with Bill Clinton, Attorney General Lynch piously announced that she would accept whatever recommendation the FBI director and career prosecutors made about charging Clinton.  
This was simply theater--a farce to make the public believe the fix wasn't in.. Page elaborated that the attorney general already “knows no charges will be brought.” Of course she knew: It was understood by all involved that there would be no prosecution. Knowing that, Lynch could go on television and with an earnest, sincere expression, announce that she and her agency would accept whatever FBI director Comey recommended. 
Fearing this just might look a bit choreographed, the FBI promptly amended Comey’s planned remarks to include this assertion (which he in fact made on July 5): “I have not coordinated or reviewed this statement in any way with the Department of Justice or any other part of the government. They do not know what I am about to say.” 
But of course there was no need for Comey to "coordinate" with DOJ--because everyone involved in the "investigation" already knew Comey would recommend that Hilliary not be charged. 
All cleaned up: no indictment, meaning no prosecution, meaning no disclosure of Clinton-Obama emails. On July 2, with the decision that she would not be indicted long since made, Mrs. Clinton sat for an interview with the FBI — something she’d never have done if there were a chance she might be charged. 
When the FBI finally got around to interviewing Hilliary--after Comey had already drafted the statement clearing her--the farce was compounded when it allowed two of the subjects of the investigation — Cheryl Mills and Clinton aide Heather Samuelson — to sit in on the interview, ostensibly because they claimed to be lawyers representing Clinton. This isn't something law enforcement abides when it is serious about making a case.  But in this case everyone already knew there would be no prosecution. 
In that case no one was surprised to learn that Hilliary was not required to testify under oath, nor was the interview even recorded, whether electronically or by a court reporter.  Nice.
All cleaned up: no indictment, no prosecution, no disclosure of Obama's emails to and from Clinton. 
It all worked like a charm... except for the million-to-one longshot that Hilliary lost the election.  Otherwise all the evidence would have vanished forever.
As it is, Obama holdovers in the FBI and DOJ--like Rod Rosenstein and current director (and Comey protege) Christopher Wray are trying their best to sabotage both this investigation and Trump.  And they may well succeed.

January 26, 2018

White woman murdered in KC by black 13 and 14-year-old. Media ignored it.

I ran across the following story by accident, and I think that given the current huge push by Democrat congresscreeps and the mayors and governors of so-called sanctuary cities and states (Andrew Cuomo, Moonbeam Brown--to give millions of illegal aliens citizenship--backed 100% by the Lying Mainstream Media--the story is worth noting.

Three years ago in a Kansas City suburb a 43-year-old woman named Tanya Chamberlain was knifed to death by two 8th-grade black "youths," ages 13 and 14.  After they killed her they stole her car and drove around for half an hour with her body in the front seat, until a police officer tried to pull 'em over for suspected drunk driving.

Unless you live in Kansas City you didn't hear about this.  Not a peep out of the Mainstream Media.  "Oh," say liberal liars, "there's a perfectly logical reason for that," they say.  "The national networks and papers never bother reporting local crimes like that, because there's no interest in the story outside the local area.  It's just Another Local Crime, of interest only to a few local residents.

Really?  That's bullshit.  Let's compare how the national media--both print and broadcast--responded to this murder with how they reacted to the *self-defense shootin* of Trayvon Martin:  The liberal media made the latter front-page news for months, even printing and broadcasting pics of Martin when he was a "cute" 12-year-old. 

Blacks were outraged! that po' li'l innocent Tray-Tray got shot cuz the guy he was trying to beat to death--literally beating his head on the concrete--decided he didn't want to put up with that.  The media even labelled the self-defense shooter a "white Hispanic."  But when it comes to the cold-blooded, unprovoked, offensive (as opposed to defending your life) murder of an *unarmed* *woman* by two 8th-grade moronic thugs running loose at 1 a.m.? 


So why the difference in the way the media treated these two killings?  Seems to me the murder of Tanya Chamberlain was far more of a hate crime, and a cold-blooded killing.  She wasn't attacking the kids who knifed her to death, but simply washing her car.  By contrast, the 13 and 14-year-olds were running loose with a knife at 1 a.m.--a fact that by rights should raise questions in the minds of every responsible adult.

Finally, armed killers stabbing an unarmed...woman.  Regardless of the races of killers and victim, virtually all people of character would consider that an abomination.  But the national media still ignored it.

Why?  Because it didn't help their Narrative.  Just as the killing of Kate Steinle by a five-time-deported illegal alien who'd been convicted of 7 drug felonies didn't help, and thus had to be soft-pedalled.

Just like the gleeful courtroom outburst by an illegal alien who killed two American policemen, and on his conviction laughed "I wish I'd killed more.  And I'll escape from jail and when I do I'll kill again.  Didn't hear that either, did ya?  Probably not. Didn't help The Narrative.   Hmmm....

Liberal commenters were making the usual excuses for the murder:  the killers were just children, didn't know right from wrong.  Can't blame them.  Or my personal favorite:  "It's society's fault."

Back in the old days parents taught and emphasized character.  The importance of good character was reinforced in church and in schools.  But for the last couple of decades many biological parents haven't been interested in parenting.  God is no longer discussed in those homes,  Churches have gone homosexual and communist.  Schools removed God long ago because liberals demanded it.

The teachings of God don't support The Narrative.

If you want to destroy a nation, teach "children" to have contempt for the law.  From there it's easy to have contempt for their fellow citizens.

Give them money for not working, and you destroy the incentive to work.  Personal responsibility becomes something to be ridiculed.

Banish God, and there's no rational basis for behaving morally, let alone ethically.

Unless one wishes to argue that blacks are genetically inferior, then Liberals have created the dysfunction of black America.  They will no doubt claim that every single program they demanded be created was born of good intentions.

No doubt this will comfort the family of Tanya Chamberlain and other victims of racial hate murders of whites by blacks.
James Cone was the spiritual mentor of Jeremiah Wright, who was Obama's "pastor" for 20 years.  Cone speaks as one of the foremost authorities on "Black Liberation Theology," and here's what he said about the relationship between blacks, whites, and God.
"Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community … Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy."

If the media told the truth about what passes for cutting-edge thought by blacks about race relations, or about what illegal immigrants really say about America, would any Democrat ever be elected?

This murder got little attention because the killers were Black and the victim was White. The media ignored it--despite the huge news "hook" of young killers and a female victim--because it didn't fit The Narrative.  The killers got little punishment for the crime of race-motivated murder due to age and their race.

Now the Democrats are renewing their demands--yes, demands--that millions of illegal immigrants--most from Mexico--be granted citizenship.  Who will bring in more, even if "chain migration" is banned--because the law means nothing to these people.  It's true that a tiny percentage joined the military--I think the exact number was seven.  Not seven percent, but seven *people.*

Democrats demand we give illegal aliens citizenship.  Good intentions.  Bad results.  Just like the government giving welfare to people who won't work. 

Good intentions.  Bad results.  But hey, let's just do more of same, cuz eventually it'll work, right?

January 24, 2018

Philly pols want to set up taxpayer-funded shooting galleries so junkies can shoot up safely

Philadelphia politicians want to set up taxpayer-funded drug shooting galleries.

They claim this is actually a good way to combat the opioid epidemic.

Yes, they actually said that.

Now, you have to realize that most politicians aren't good at thinking things through.  (Obamacare, for example.)  And they consistently do dumb things if they think it'll get 'em more votes.

Unless you're an idiot liberal you may well wonder how setting up "safe" shooting galleries--paid for by scarce taxpayer bucks--will reduce opioid use.  Surely that is what they mean by "combatting the epidemic," right?

And there's no doubt that lots of Philly residents are dying from overdosing on injected opioids: In 2017 over 1,200 people fatally overdosed in Philadelphia — one-third more than in 2016.

So setting up shooting galleries could reduce overdose deaths very slightly, cuz medical personnel would be standing by to administer an overdose antidote if necessary.

The city's public health commissioner inadvertently exposed the inherent insanity, saying “No one here condones or supports illegal drug use in any way.  We want people saddled with drug addiction to get help.”

Oh, absolutely.  Having the city set up shooting galleries isn't "condoning" injecting illegal drugs in any way, no sir!

City officials concluded that setting up just one shooting gallery in Philly would save 25 to 75 lives a year, and at the same reduce public injection of drugs.

Really?  It'd actually reduce drug use by the public?

Uh, no.  What the rat-bastards said was that it would reduce public drug use, meaning people would be shooting up inside, not on the streets.  Ah.

This is insane.  But wait...government safe injection sites are operating in Canada and Europe.  And every good liberal knows that if Europe does something, it must be the right thing to do.  In fact, to not do whatever Europe does shows you hate poor people!  And people of color!  So if you oppose this you're raaaacist!  Even though most of those who die from overdose are white.

Philadelphia officials visited government-run shooting galleries in Vancouver and claim that they make neighborhoods safer by reducing the number of used syringes littering parks.  Ah.  In that case, totally worth it.

The local paper reports that critics have argued the sites may undermine prevention and treatment and cause safety concerns.  "May."  Like, no one can really know, eh?  But what the pols DO claim to know is that setting up shooting galleries will definitely, y'know, "combat the opioid epidemic."  Trust 'em.

One possible snag in this brilliant plan is how the federal government would respond if the city were to set a "safe-injection site."  The Obama regime was all for it, but with da eeeebil orange guy as preezy...well, who knows?  But it's a great idea.  Really.

January 23, 2018

FBI claims its computer system conveniently "lost" five months of key texts being sought

The FBI has a zillion-dollar gee-whiz computer system that's supposed to save all texts and emails sent to and from government- issue phones.  

Tell me, readers:  How many of you have heard that the FBI is claiming that it CANNOT provide to congressional investigators five months worth of texts between two of the most treasonous conspirators (Peter Strzok and Lisa Page) trying to overthrow the legitimate president?

And did you read the FBI's bullshit excuse?

They're claiming that five MONTHS of key, incriminating, potentially jailable emails simply weren't saved by their computer system.  And that as a result, the lying asshole rat-bastard Obama holdovers claim those emails are irretrievably lost.

These people must think everyone who's not in their cabal is terminally stupid.  What an AMAZING coincidence that the FBI's ultra-expensive computer system somehow managed to avoid saving FIVE MONTHS of texts send and received by the key conspirators.  (The other four are deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe, former director James Comey, Rod Rosenstein and current FBI director Chris Wray.  Yes, the current director.)

If you believe the lie that the texts were simply "lost," you're terminally naive.  Obviously the seditious conspirators--who are unquestionably trying to overthrow the republican president they hate--deleted the incriminating texts.

Now follow me here:  The FBI didn't "lose" the texts to shield Strzok and Page, since incriminating text messages between those two have already been released.  They did it to protect the higher-ups, McCabe, Comey, Rosenstein and Wray, once those four realized they might be in jeopardy. 

With the texts incriminating the FBI bosses conveniently "lost," then if Strzok and Page "take the fifth" and refuse to testify, there won't be any evidence to charge the other four conspirators, and they'll get away with everything.

Strzok and Page have been quietly assured that if they take the fifth, Democrats in congress will cut the investigation short and ensure the two get the lightest possible sentences--probably probation--and they'll be secretly paid for their silence.

All of this so the four top conspirators will get away with everything.

Now:  The "Big Four" conspirators are incredibly powerful, but not omnipotent.  So unless they're a lot smarter about computer tech than I think they are, they probably don't know where all the copies of  the allegedly "lost" texts are saved.  Meaning that ordering the copies they know about to be deleted hasn't affected the copies they didn't know existed.  A couple of copies almost certainly still exist.

The question is, how can the few "good" Republicans in the House find 'em?

Simply ordering a federal agency to search for 'em and produce any copies is sabotaged--every time--by "deep state" Democrat employees.  That's not hyperbole:  When Lois Lerner claimed to have had 3 of her hard-drives crash in 3 years, and the damn Commissioner of the IRS--a smug, lying scum named John Koskinnen--claimed they'd searched their system but amazingly,  no backup copies existed, a private investigator went to the federal office that saves that stuff.  He asked, Do you have copies of emails to and from office X on these dates?"

Govt employee says "Sure."  Investigator says, "Has anyone from the IRS asked you to look for 'em?"  Govt employee: "Nope."

So Koskinnen was brazenly lying.  Congress later confronted him about that lie in live testimony, and his response was essentially "F-U.  What do you think you can do about it?"  I watched the exchange.  The asshole's smug expression as he was telling congress to kiss his ass was infuriating.

Of course this was when the emperor was on his throne, so I didn't expect anything honest or responsive.  I did hope that Trump's election would get the bastard Democrat holdovers to start obeying the law, but doesn't seem to have happened.

If you were of age in 1973 you may remember that Nixon deleted 18 1/2 minutes of tapes from the oval office, and was forced to resign.

The FBI deletes FIVE MONTHS of incriminating texts, and the Democrat-loving media yawns and looks the other way.

This is far, far bigger than   Shame on the lying, Democrat-loving media.  If they win this one, the U.S. is done for.


January 22, 2018

Bizarre story 854,659: And beware of obvious crazed demons

Normally I don't bother posting about crazy people since it seems to be a random affliction, like the flu.  Not much can be done about it except...warn young, naive people to stay away from obvious demons.  Like the guy below.


The guy--Joseph Porter, 25--appears to have kidnapped and murdered the woman, Cristina Prodan 27, whose burned body was found a day after her mother reported her missing in Minnesota. where she lived.

The victim and Porter met thru social media in October and began living together shortly thereafter, proving that there's a shortage of sane men in Minnesota.  A few weeks later Porter allegedly became abusive.  Cops called to the residence "numerous times," and the victim got a court order barring him from contact with her.

Porter--sane, normal-looking fellow that he is--promptly violated the order.  Lesson one.

On Dec. 28 Porter pleaded guilty to violating the order, and since the pair were living in liberal Minnesota, the liberal judge sentenced Porter to a year lockup, to keep him from abusing her further.

Just kidding.  The liberal judge promptly released him--"sentenced to time served."  Lesson two.

Within days, the victim reportedly "took him back;" then vanished days later.

"Abusive."  "Protective order."  "Took him back days later."  Uh, not a good plan, ladies.  Lesson 3.

An arrest warrant on Porter quoted his mother as saying he told her in December “he was going to kidnap the victim, drain her bank accounts, empty her safe deposit box of the guns, and take her some place where no one could find her."

One more bit, buried way down the story: The federal kidnapping-across-state-lines complaint says Porter's husband, Richard Crawford, of Little Rock, Ark., told investigators Porter admitted to killing Prodan somewhere in Minnesota and taking her body to New Orleans where he burned it.

Wait--Porter's...husband??   Surely that's an error: surely it must have been *Prodan's* husband--the victim's husband, who would understandably be eager to help authorities catch his wife's killer.

But no--Richard Crawford and Joseph Porter are a legal married couple.  The murder victim wasn't married.

More misleading "news" from NBC and Andrea Mitchell

Yesterday I accidentally watched a few minutes of the NBC nightly news.  One of the top stories--right after a slobbering clip of Chucky Schumer blaming Trump for shutting down the government--was the ghastly Andrea Mitchell interviewing Vice-president Mike Pence, who had addressed U.S. troops regarding the government shutdown.

The 15 seconds of Mitchell's interview that NBC chose to broadcast to its audience had Mitchell asking Pence "Since your party has a majority in the senate, isn't it your party's responsibility to keep the government running?"

As Mitchell had to know, because of the filibuster rule it takes 60 votes to pass the continuing resolution to fund government operation, but there are only 51 Repubs.  So the shutdown is entirely due to the refusal of Democrat in the senate to vote to keep the government running.  Mitchell's question totally mis-stated the facts.  Anyone listening to her would have thought her snarky premise would have had to be correct, when it wasn't. 

In other words, fake news, again.

To his credit Pence did point out the truth, but did it in such a diplomatic way that I doubt most people got the point.  So for Mitchell and NBC it was another "mission accomplished:" imply to Americans that Trump and the Republicans ("...your party...") are to blame for the shutdown.

How far have we fallen? Two gay Army officers married in cadet chapel at West Point


Liberals and Democrats have gone all-in in support of gays and transgenders, including forcing the armed forces to accept them.  First there was Bill Clinton's "don't ask, don't tell" policy, which allowed gays in the military as long as they weren't flaming about it.  Then Obama made things far, far worse (what a shock, eh?) by removing that caveat, forcing the military to take flaming gays.  And trannies.

I suspect 99% of both officers and enlistees were appalled by this, but if you said a word you just ended your career.  Understandably, no one was willing to make that personal sacrifice when doing so wouldn't budge either Obama, the congress or the public.

Now, the gays I've known have been completely delightful people, but allowing openly-gay people in the military is a dumb policy.  In a minute I'll tell you why, but first let's see the latest result of this dumbassery:  On January 13th two Army officers--both West Point grads and both biologically males--got married, in the cadet chapel at West Point.

This ceremony--complete with the arch of crossed sabres formed by the cadet sabre drill team--made headlines overseas, complete with big, big pictures of the two holding hands, kissing and so on.

One of the pics published in scores of foreign newspapers that will result in American deaths
Now:  If for no other reason, allowing openly-gay people in the military is dumb--because it will get American soldiers killed needlessly.  The reason is that a large part of war is how motivated soldiers are to fight:  As should be obvious, highly-motivated soldiers will fight on even when outnumbered, or for a cause that's obviously hopeless.  By allowing open gays in the military our opponents see us as insane, incompetent, feminized.  How, they will think, can any competent soldier be defeated by a military that caters to such seeming insanity?

At that point the fact that our actual military skill hasn't changed at all doesn't matter a whit.  What matters is the perception by the enemy's troops that the U.S. military is being led by feminized crazies instead of strong, determined men.

Again, lest any leftists, libs or Democrats out there misunderstand: when it comes to how highly motivated the enemy is, all that matters whether he perceives the U.S. military to be hard and competent--a force best avoided.

Our troops are already facing an enemy who believes he's doing the will of Allah, and that if he dies in battle he goes to heaven and gets 72 virgins.  So he's already strongly motivated.  Throw this on top and the Muslims will be even more strongly motivated to fight when logic would dictate that they surrender.  Hence the needless American deaths.

With Trump's directive to the military--which was promptly blocked by the leftist courts--to stop allowing transgenders to enlist, it's barely possible that this whole deadly policy will eventually be reversed.  But with the courts blocking Trump--and 99.9 percent of all judges not knowing a thing about military history or psychology or combat--I doubt Trump will be able to reverse the policy of openly-gay people in the military.

Thanks, Obama.  Thanks, idiot judges (who blocked the transgender reversal and would almost certainly do the same for any effort to correct the problem I just pointed out).

Again, I don't doubt that the two officers who got married are nice people who may also be competent pilots.  But that's not the problem.

January 21, 2018

Feds deport two bad guys who'd said "F-U" to deportation orders


In case you haven't been paying attention, a huge percentage of the illegals in the U.S. seem to have the attitude that "Your so-called laws mean nothing. We demand to be allowed to stay in this crap country--even though we hate it, and you, and your ideals, and you're all shit.  And you can't deport us because we have The Power cuz all the Democrats in congress, and your media, want us here.  So F-U, dumb white anglos!"

For example, Jean Montrevil is a Haitian national who's been in the U.S. since 1986 despite a court ordering him to be deported after a prison term for drug possession.

Montrevil proceeded to give a big F-U to the authorities, essentially daring them to try to deport him, by co-founding a group called the "New Sanctuary coalition."

See, he's implying that he be given "sanctuary" cuz of the awful civil war in his native country, Haiti.

Oh wait, there hasn't been a war in Haiti.  So on what grounds is he demanding sanctuary?

You're not supposed to ask, citizen.  And Democrats and their media propagandists don't.  Ever.

Well--earlier this month Montrevil was taken into custody by ICE officers, touching off a firestorm of protest.  Open-borders pushers accused ICE of breaking an “understanding” that Montrevil would not be arrested while he appealed his order of removal--which he's had decades to appeal but hasn't, believing he'd never have to worry about it.  Cuz of the Democrat air-cover.

Despite what the media described as a "firestorm of protest," the asshole was deported to Haiti on Tuesday.

Wow!  Is someone in government finally deciding to enforce our laws?  That's so cool!

And Montrevil wasn't the only one:  The executive director of the "New Sanctuary coalition," and the public face of immigration activism in New York City, is a native of Trinidad named Ravidath Ragbir.  Ragbir came to the U.S. in 1991 as a legal permanent resident but in 2006 he was ordered deported after he was convicted of wire fraud.

Five years later he was still in the U.S, having managed to avoid being deported, and in 2011 the New York field office of ICE granted him a stay of deportation, apparently to allow him to continue his legal fight.  Cuz how could anyone with any feelings deport someone to Trinidad, since that island nation has been in the middle of such a ghastly, deadly civil war for years?

Oh wait--Trinidad hasn't had a civil war.  Or any other kind.  The guy would just rather stay in the U.S. for some reason.  Hard to figure, eh?

Last April the Trump administration granted Ragbir an extension of that stay until Jan. 19.  But when Ragbir reported to the ICE office in New York on the 19th for his weekly check-in, he was detained for deportation. 

But mysteriously, word that the government was about to deport him had leaked out, and hundreds of supporters had already gathered around the building.  And when the car carrying him pulled out of the Federal Plaza garage, supporters tried to block it.  As a communist-front website put it, "Friends, colleagues, clergy, and city council members put their bodies in front of the vehicle, blocking it with their lives."

Resistance, comrades!  We should not have to obey the laws of this fascist country!  We should be able to do anything we like, because we're here and we're angry!  Neener neener neener!

But Ragbir was deported.

These two news items are the most encouraging that I've seen since the last election:  ICE has deported two of the guys leading the big F-U to American citizens.

Right back atcha, a**holes.

Oh, and to my Democrat friends--and any NY city-council members who tried to help block this scofflaw's deportation:  Do you really want to encourage people to defy court orders?  Is that really the path you want for this country?  Sure, you love lawbreaking when it helps your cause, but ya might wanna re-think that.  Cuz as a famous person once said, if you succeed in knocking down all the laws, what remains to protect you from the devil?

If the Russians could have influenced our election...


This is a cute caption, but if you stop to think about it, if the Russians wanted to throw an election with the goal of weakening the U.S, they couldn't have done anything more effective than help make  Obama president.  What a disaster!

And yet every Democrat in the country would have voted to give him a third term!

Former fed prosecutor says FBI "investigation" of Hilliary was "a farce"

A former federal prosecutor says the truth is slowly starting to seep out about the Obama administration’s brazen breaking of all the usual rules of law and investigation to exonerate Hillary Clinton.

A second objective of the Obama team was to plant the false story that the only reason Donald Trump was elected was because Russia intervened to help him--the "collusion story."

A former federal prosecutor (Joe diGenova) claims officials in Obama's "Justice Department" and FBI conducted a sham investigation of Hilliary's email server, and used bogus FISA warrants to illegally wiretap and record American citizens while they were in the U.S.  Again, that's illegal.

He says the "investigation" of Hilliary's email server conducted by the FBI was a fake, as it broke virtually every normal rule for investigations:  Among other things, Comey
  • gave key witnesses immunity in exchange for no useful information
  • allowed witnesses to sit in on testimony of other witnesses 
  • failed to seize key evidence, allowing time for Hilliary's employees to destroy it
  • failed to convene a grand jury
  • didn't enforce subpoenas
  • didn't seek or obtain search warrants.
"That’s not an investigation," said DiGenova, "It’s a farce.”

Of course nothing will come of any of this, because the Lying Mainstream Media and the Democrats have cunningly boxed Trump in in the court of public opinion, so he can't fire his inept or complicit attorney-general Jeff Sessions without losing the presidency in 2020.

Sessions has allowed Obama holdovers in the DOJ and FBI to refuse to give congressional investigating committees documents they have demanded.  This is unacceptable:  Assuming the requests for documents are legal, on what grounds are the DOJ and FBI refusing to comply?

Either congress controls the government or it doesn't--and right now it doesn't.  In which case a hundred nameless Obama holdovers are running a shadow government that refuses to follow lawful orders.

This is dreadfully dangerous, and won't end well.

In the military, a soldier who deliberately ignores a lawful order is courtmartialled and jailed.  The same thing (in a civilian court, obviously) should be done to federal officials who refuse to comply with a lawful order from congress.  Either the U.S. is a nation of laws, or it's not. 

Unfortunately it's beginning to look as if we're past the tipping point now.

January 20, 2018

Christians forced to sacrifice religious beliefs? Media yawns. But NON-religious principles? Oooh.

About five or six years ago so-called "progressives"--a.k.a. the "gay mafia"-- in states like Oregon, NY and Colorado pushed for the creation of a new state agency that would punish any business owner who declined to provide their services to a gay wedding on the grounds that doing so violated their religious beliefs.

Thus Americans watched as the state of Oregon, for example, used its near-infinite taxpayer funds to sue a Christian couple who baked cakes, because they declined to make a cake for a gay wedding. The state "diversity agency" unilaterally decreed a fine of something like $165,000. The couple appealed, but the court found that the Oregon law was valid.

The couple ended up closing their business and filing for bankruptcy.

The Lying Media's reaction was a big yawn: They weren't about to stick up for Christian ,religious principles. By huge contrast, the media always reported sympathetically if a government refuse to cater to Muslim principles. The normal media double-standard.

And how has the mainstream media reacted to NFL players who've decided to kneel for the national anthem--something they don't mean in a worshipful sense but consider a big F-U to Americans?

I haven't seen a single editorial criticizing the players. To the media, the state has the absolute right to sue you for standing firm on religious principles, but suddenly they support the idea that no one should be forced to surrender a right--provided the right isn't based on religious beliefs.

That double-standard is captured reasonably well in the cartoon below--but only if you're familiar with the case of the Christian bakers sued into bankruptcy.  Only a small percentage of Americans ever knew about that case.  Because it exposed the dictatorial overreach of the gay mafia.


California Democrats propose taxing businesses extra to fund "social services"

As most of you know, just before Christmas the Republican congress passed a bill cutting taxes for the middle class.  Trump signed it into law.  Yay!

That angered the Democrats in California's legislature, so they've now proposed amending that state's Constitution, in a rather odd way.

They want to force businesses in CA to pay a whole new type of tax, that would allegedly be used to fund "social services" for residents of the state who were hurt by the awful INcrease in taxes under the tax-cut bill.

You read that right:  San Francisco senator Phil Ting claims the tax bill will force middle-class Californians to pay higher taxes.

Y'know, you'd think that at some point more business owners in CA would start to consider that their state taxes would be a lot lower elsewhere, and leave.

Wait, that's already happening.  And if the new tax proposed by the Democrats becomes law I suspect it'll happen a lot more.

Good job, Democrats!

January 19, 2018

The fate of the nation will likely hinge on what happens in congress today. Seriously.

The future of the United States very likely depends on what happens today in congress.

That's not hyperbole. Here's why:

Democrats in congress have sworn they won't pass any bill that continues funding the federal government unless Trump caves in and allows the DACA pawns to remain in the U.S. (and eventually be given citizenship).

Dems have also sworn to DEFEND AND RETAIN the ghastly-stupid policy of "chain migration," by which any legal immigrant is allowed to bring in dozens of family members.  The Dems fire up support for this by wailing "It's horribly CRUEL to split up families."  Okay, but who split up their family by having someone come here illegally in the first place?  If you miss your family back home, go home.

If congress doesn't pass a funding bill, Trump can't keep the government funded unilaterally.  (Obama would simply have issued one of his royal decrees, but Trump understands that presidents can't make laws.)  So unless either Trump or the Dems cave, the federal gruberment will shut down.

Now: If no bill is passed, it's impossible to blame the shutdown on the president, since again, he can't just ORDER law to be passed.  Again, unlike Obama.  But the typical low-info Democrat doesn't know that.  So when the  Lying Mainstream Media blames the shutdown on...guess who?...Trump, the moronic sheep will all nod eagerly.

Trump's advisors know this, and know that if the govt shuts down--even for a week--Trump will likely lose in 2020.

So as the deadline of midnight tonight approaches, my guess is that RINO advisors like the awful H.R. McMaster will redouble their efforts to get Trump to cave on DACA (and maybe chain migration.too).

That will be the end of the U.S.  Reason is that while Obama only ("ONLY") gave "deferred action" status to 800,000 illegals, there are actually 3.6 MILLION illegals in the U.S. who were brought into the U.S. by their parents BEFORE Obama's decree.  So what does that do?

Now follow me here:  If Trump is pressured to cave on DACA pawns, it's absolutely certain--I say again, "absolutely certain"--that in a year the open-borders Democrats will start wailing that if the DACA illegals got amnesty and citizenship, "it's JUST NOT FAIR" to deny this huge gift to the other 2.8 MILLION "Dreamers" who've been in the U.S. even longer.

Now:  Add chain migration (under which each immigrant eventually brings in an *average* of seven family members) and we're talking about 22 MILLION new Democrat voters.

Get it yet?  The Dems will control every election for the rest of your life.

And this is as certain as the sun rising tomorrow.

Democrats already know all this, as do traitorous RINOs like John McCain and Jeff Flake--who have said they will NOT vote yes on a funding bill.  So the funding bill already passed by the House will be defeated in the senate.

At that point, shutdown.  White House goes into OMG-mode, advisors signal Trump will sign a bill legalizing the DACA pawns, and that's the end of it.

Glad I had the chance to live in a good United States instead of a third-world s***hole.

Hope I'm wrong about this.  But I've seen McMaster tipping his hand too many times.  He's a bad one.  As are all the Dems in congress.  Not a good one in the lot.  They'd sell out the every American citizen to line their own pockets and stay in office until they're senile.

Or in Pelosi's case, past that.

Liberals and Dems: "We love 'coexist'--except with conservatives"


January 18, 2018

Peace Corps volunteer gets it: "Trump is right!"

SO...Trump may have used the term "s***hole countries"...and the Democrats and Lying Mainstream Media are going ballistic!

How goofy and lying are the Dems about this? Well first they're screaming in faux-righteous indignation (i.e. virtue-signalling) that it's just AWFUL for our president to even think that some country really is an actual S***hole--let alone have the balls to say it.

So are the Dems claiming all countries are models of smooth function, thanks?  Actually most Dem leaders do seem to be implying that--though carefully avoiding saying it aloud, since it's so obviously a lie.  Consider that when a conservative tried to point out liberal hypocrisy by asking liberal mouthpiece Joan Walsh--on live TV--whether she'd rather live in Norway or Haiti, Walsh claimed "I couldn't say. I've never lived in either one."

"I couldn't say." There ya have it, folks. They know Trump's characterization is totally true, but would rather scream that it's an awful thing to think, because they can beat him up about it.

Makes ya wonder: if you asked a typical lying liberal-Democrat mouthpiece if they'd rather get a massage or jump off a building, would they claim they couldn't say, "because I've never jumped off a building"?  Sounds like it.  Such is their refusal to be shown to be hypocrites even when it's made clear that's what they are.

Well fortunately a few million Americans have actually been to S***hole countries, and they're not under any goofy illusions about how about what s***holes about half the countries of the world are.  One of these Americans is Karin McQuillan, author of the article below (which I've edited slightly).  Ms. McQuillan gets it.

What I Learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump Is Right

By Karin McQuillan, Jan 17, 2018

Three weeks after graduating from college I flew to Senegal as a Peace Corps volunteer in a rural town.  A Peace Corps doctor warned us that it was "a fecalized environment."

In plain English: s--- is everywhere.  People defecate anywhere in the open, and the dried feces are blown onto you, your clothes, your food, into the water.  He warned us the first day of training: do not even touch water, since human feces in that region carried parasites that bore through your skin and cause organ failure.

I never would have imagined that a few decades later liberals would be pushing the lie that Western civilization is no better than a third-world country.  Or would teach two generations of our kids that loving your own culture and wanting to preserve it are racist goals.

Last time I was in Paris, near Notre Dame Cathedral I saw an African woman have her child defecate on the sidewalk.  A French police officer, ten steps from her, turned his head away to pretend not to see.

But I have seen.  And I will not turn my head and pretend unpleasant things are not true.

The poor of Senegal--as the poor everywhere--can lead happy, meaningful lives in their own cultures' terms.  But they are not our terms.  And the excrement is the least of it.  Rather, our basic ideas of human relations, right and wrong, are utterly foreign to them--incompatible with their basic beliefs.

I'm hardly a xenophobe.  I loved Senegal, quickly made friends and had an adopted family.  I relished the feeling of the brotherhood of man.  People were open, willing to share their lives and, after they knew you, their innermost thoughts.

But the longer I lived there, the more I realized that the Senegalese are not the same as us.  The truths we hold to be self-evident are not remotely evident to the Senegalese.  How could they be?  Their reality is totally different.  You can't understand anything in Senegal using American terms.

Take something as basic as family.  Family was a few hundred people, extending out to second and third cousins.  Senegalese are Muslim, with up to four wives.  Girls had their clitorises cut off at puberty.  (I witnessed this at what I naively thought was going to be a wonderful coming-of-age ceremony.)   The notion of love, friendship and partnership in marriage were alien to them.  Fidelity was not a thing.  Married women would have sex for a few cents to get cash for the market.

The reality was that every day women were worked half to death.  Wives raised the food and fed their own children, did the heavy labor of walking miles to gather wood for the fire, drew water from the well or public faucet, pounded grain, lived in their own huts, and had conjugal visits from their husbands on a rotating basis with their co-wives.

Their husbands lazed in the shade of the trees.

Yet family was crucial to people there--but in a way much different than for Americans.

The Ten Commandments were not just disobeyed – they were unknown.  The value system was the exact opposite.  The norm was to steal everything possible to give to your own relatives.  There are some Westernized Africans who see the insanity of that, and try to change it.  They fail.

We hear a lot about the kleptocratic elites of Africa, but kleptocracy extends through the whole society.  My town had a medical clinic. donated by international agencies.  The clinic's local aides stole all the  medicine and sold it to the local store.  Which meant sick people who didn't have money weren't treated. 

No one batted an eye at this.  It was normal.

In Senegal corruption was routine at every level.  At the post office the clerk would demand an outrageous price for a stamp.  After paying the bribe, you still didn't know it if it would be mailed or thrown away.  That was normal.

One of my most vivid memories was from the clinic.  One day in the 110-degree heat, an old woman collapsed, just two feet from two Senegalese clinic employees, who were chatting in the shade of a mango tree instead of working.  Instead of helping her they simply turned their heads away and kept talking.  She lay there in the dirt.  Callousness to the sick was normal.

Most Americans think a willingness to help those in distress is a universal human instinct.  Most of us learned it when we were kids, as "the Golden Rule."  But this response is not at all universal.  It only seems natural to us because we live in a Bible-based Judeo-Christian culture.

Similarly, most Americans--though clearly not all--think desire to do productive work--the so-called work ethic--is universal.  It's not.  My town in Senegal was full of young men who did nothing.  There was no private enterprise, so no jobs except for the rare government job for the connected.   Private business wasn't illegal, just impossible because of the nightmarish third-world bureaucratic kleptocracy. 

Private businesses are also made impossible because of the Senegalese concept of taking care of everyone in the extended family--scores or even hundreds of relatives.  If a Senegalese wanted to run a little store he'd go to another country, because if you started a business locally your friends and relatives would ask you for stuff for free, and you couldn't say no because in Senegal one isn't allowed to be a selfish individual and say no to relatives.  End of your business.

The result is that everyone has nothing.  All the little stores in Senegal were owned by Mauritanians.

The more I worked there and visited government officials doing absolutely nothing, the more I realized that no one in Senegal had any idea that a job means work.  To them a job was something given to you by a relative.   It was the place where you could steal everything, to give to your family.

I couldn't wait to get home.  So why would I want to bring Africa here?  Non-Westerners do not magically become American by arriving on our shores with a visa.

The greatest gift of my experience with the Peace Corps is that ever since then I've treasured America and our way of life more than ever.  I learned that if we want our culture and our country to survive, we must defend both, and pass on the American heritage to the next generation.

African problems are made worse by our aid efforts. Senegal has many smart, capable people.  If their problems are ever to be solved it will have to be done by them, not us.  If they are ever to improve it must be on their terms, not ours. 

The problems of Senegal and a hundred similar countries will not be solved by importing Africans to the U.S.

Democrats constantly demand that we must allow third-world immigrants here the insane (to us) privilege called "chain migration"--the right to bring dozens of their relatives to the U.S.  This means that legalizing a million DACA illegals imported by Obama will end up adding ten or 15 times that many third-world immigrants over time.

That result is absolutely fine with the Democrats, who tell us we must end America as a white, Western, Judeo-Christian, capitalist nation to prove we are not racist.  I don't need to prove a thing.

Leftists want open borders because they resent whites, resent Western achievements, hate free markets and capitalism and America.  They want to destroy America as we know it. As President Trump asked, why would we do that?

It doesn't seem unreasonable to think that we have the right to choose what kind of country America will be.  I'm not willing to let Democrats and their immigrants turn America into Senegal.

Karin has lived in a s***hole country, and she gets it.

January 16, 2018

Well played, Democrats

When Democrat Phil Murphy takes office as the new governor of  New Jersey, he says he'll create a new state agency whose sole purpose will be aiding "undocumented immigrants"--the people ordinary Americans call "illegal aliens."  

At least that's what the Washington Post reported.  So, you know...may be a total crock.

Murphy says the new state agency will be called the "Office of Immigrant Defensive Protection."

Notice that cunning use of the propaganda word in the title: "Defensive."  Cuz all good Americans should want to defend the poor hordes who simply want to enter the U.S. if they want. After all, everyone has the basic human right to enter the U.S. if they want.  Right, citizen?

Murphy previously vowed that if President Trump ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, Murphy would unilaterally declare New Jersey a sanctuary state.

“DREAMers… are every bit as American as my four kids,” he said.

“We will stand up to this president," he said.  "If need be, we will be a sanctuary--not just city but state."

Welcome to the new America, citizen.  As defined and ruled by Democrats.  Open borders, everyone welcome regardless of criminal record or gang membership.  And da Feds cain't touch 'em cuz we has dat sanctuary state sheeit.  Neener neener neener.  We be standin' up to da Orange Tyrant, who be worse den dat Stalin guy.

Okay, maybe our peeps not sure who dis Stalin guy is but da Orange Tyrant be way worse.  Cuz we tol' 'em so.  An' you kin believe us cuz we be lookin' out fer da hard-workin' 'Merikans.  Yep yep yep.

Seriously, the Democrats' strident support for letting anyone into our nation, regardless, is a real puzzle.  Could it be they're looking to drive down wages?  Bring in cheaper drugs?  Oh, I think I've got it:  millions of new Democrat voters, as far as the eye can see.

Well played, Democrats.

Record cold in Russia too? Wait, didn't a global-warming expert say the rest of the world...

MOSCOW –  Temperatures in the remote, diamond-rich Russian region of Yakutia have dropped to near-record lows, plunging to -67 degrees Centigrade (-88.6 degrees Fahrenheit) in some areas.
      In Yakutia — about 3,300 miles (5,311 kilometers) east of Moscow — where students routinely go to school in -40 degrees, school was cancelled throughout the region.
Wait, wait...this can't be true, citizen.  Simply un-possible.  Because when the record cold snap hit the U.S. east coast two weeks ago, and rational Americans were having great fun joking about how this was absolute proof that global-worming was real, some "expert" appeared on one of the news shows to explain that, "You knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing inbred deplorables don't understand the diff between local weather and "climate."  You aren't looking at the Big Picture!  See, it's cold *here*, but the entire rest of the world is experiencing record high temperatures. 

"So you are instructed to disregard the "news" above.  Could not have happened.  The report is fake news-- a ploy by the orange man to make you believe humans aren't causing the planet to warm by a fatal amount.  See, it's all Trump's fault!

"And to show that we enlightened Hollywood experts really believe what we're saying, we've all sold our private jets and will only fly commercial from now on!  Really!

"What, you don't believe us?  C'mon, citizen:  Have we evah lied to you before?"