September 29, 2020

How the Lying Mainstream Media treats a double murder of whites by a crazed black

A couple of weeks ago a black male driver slammed into a vehicle occupied by a father and his 21-year-old daughter.

After the crash, the black male (Walters) got out and fatally shot both the father and daughter, then ran away. 

Now take a look at how the local paper described the murders:

"The description of the shooter aided as the sheriff’s office searched for Walters, who fled on foot shortly after his alleged tussle with McConnell"

"Alleged tussle"



How utterly typical for the Lying Mainstream Media.



Half of the donations to Democrat party's "ActBlue" money-machine came from allegedly "unemployed" donors

As most rationale adults know, no system devised by humans is invulnerable to hacking by other humans.

So...the people who devised the reporting system for political donations required alleged donors to declare their employer.  The idea was to detect any case where a corrupt employer instructed his/her employees to donate to one party.  Cuz if 99% of employees of a company donated to one party, that would be...well, sort of unusual.

But again, every system devised by humans can be defeated by humans.  So, cunning scoundrels (Democrats/socialists) quickly found a way around the "safeguard:"  Simply claim to be unemployed.

Cuz, like, who's gonna check, eh?

Hey, ain't that cool?

Of course the Federal Election Commission keeps track of donations.  And would you believe that in 2019, half of all donations to the Dems' bag-organization "ActBlue" came from people who swore they were...unemployed.

Wait...what percentage of all Americans are unemployed, eh?

Oh, maybe ten percent.

So that would make it a bit...odd...that half of all donations to the Dems were from people who claimed to be unemployed.

Oh, by the way:  Before Emperor Obama won, he got two BILLION dollars in credit-card donations from sources who refused to state their zip code.  

You're like, why is that required?   Ah, because the credit card system was programmed to require users to state their zip code, as a default.   But organizations receiving donations could change the default requirement that donors state their zip code.

And Obama's organization did just that.

Gee, why would they do that, eh?

Because declaring the zip code would make it far, far easier for investigators to find that no donor with the name of X lived in zip code Y.

But of course that would make it far more risky to accept donations from foreigner sources.  So it's no surprise that Emperor Barack the First's lackeys would overtly, deliberately disable the default requirement that donors declare their zip code.

Of course the Democrats got away with that scam in 2008 and again in 2012, so it's not a bit surprising that they'd keep doing it as long as possible.

Gosh, you'd think that some agency would take a look at this, eh?  But admit it:  you never even heard about any of this.  Because the Lying Mainstream Media didn't--and doesn't--want you to know.

But hey, citizen:  These are just trivial, unimportant, niggling requirements, and no one needs to be concerned that one party doesn't obey 'em.  I mean, who really cares about trivia, right?


FINALLY! Here's the proof that Hilliary concocted the entire "Russia Russia Russia" bullshit to distract from her emails

Finally!  Proof of what most rational Americans have suspected for four years!  This should be an earthquake under the Democrat/socialist//communist party.  But I'll predict you won't see a single word about this in the mainsream media.  Click on the image to view the whole thing.


NY Times claims you should ignore vote fraud, cuz...reasons

The NY Times is totally in the tank for Democrats/Biden/socialists/communists.  So naturally they're doing everything they can to make voters think Trump and his supporters are determined to maintain power even if voters vote them out.

Problem is, what if the Dems pull off massive vote fraud?  Does the Times expect Trump to simply concede in the face of massive fraud?

Why of course, dear.  Did you even need to ask?  So here's the Times' latest editorial:

“Imagine: It’s midnight, and the electoral map looks quite red. But news networks and election officials aren’t calling the swing states, as this year’s record numbers of mail-in and absentee ballots have yet to be fully counted,” the Times wrote in an editorial published Sunday.

“Mr. Trump, leading in the popular vote, decides he’s seen enough. He takes to his social media platforms and declares that he has won re-election and will accept no other result. He tells his tens of millions of followers that the Democrats and the press will try to change the result and steal the election. The door to unrest and constitutional crisis swings wide open.”

Got that?  You're expected to simply ignore any vote fraud.  Cuz that's the American way, right?

See, y'all shouldn't care about vote fraud, cuz hey, the Times wants you to believe vote fraud doesn't matter.  Cuz hey, what's a little fraud between friends, eh?

Of course according to the Times there's no vote fraud.  Keep that in mind, citizen:  The Times wants you to ignore fraud.  Cuz...reasons.

September 23, 2020

Ever heard of NSP or NEP programs? No?

 Ever seen the abbrieviation "NSP"?  How about "NEP"?  

Those stand for needle and syringe program (NSP), also known as needle exchange program (NEP). 

These programs allow poor women who do a lot of sewing to exchange worn needles for new ones.

Just kidding:  these are programs by liberal /socialist-run cities that give junkies "free" syringes--complete with needles--so they can inject drugs without the risk of getting hep-C or HIV.

Is that cool or what? 

When a liberal city proposes giving "free" needles to junkies, the use of abbrieviations makes it harder for voters to know what's really going on.  (The term "exhange" is often used to disguise the true nature of these programs, which is to simply give syringes to junkies.)

Liberals support these programs--and get voters to support 'em--by noting that when junkies get hep-C or HIV from sharing needles, and are hospitalized, the cost of treating them is paid by (can you guess?) taxpayers.  So the rationale is that by paying half a buck to give junkies a "free" needle every day, taxpayers actually save money since fewer junkies get hep-C or AIDS.  So it makes perfect sense, eh?

And if you're not allowed to change any of the inputs, it does make fiscal sense.

But there's also no question that giving junkies "free" needles also insulates them from the consequences of their own choices.

If you don't understand all the implications of  the previous sentence, read it again.  Cuz insulating people from the consequences of their own choices removes the penalties from making deadly or damaging choices--which ends up enabling more people to make damaging choices.

Now, I'm not saying taxpayers shouldn't support giving "free" needles to I-V drug users (junkies), but that we should admit that such programs encourage drug use, with all the consequences that implies..

Basically these programs are enabling junkies.

BTW, Portland, Oregon was the first city in U.S. to use taxpayer dollars on a needle "exchange."  It started in 1989.[11]  The program continues to this day.  Which may account for...nah.

September 22, 2020

Great video compilation of top Dem leaders DEMANDING that Supreme Court vacancies be filled immediately

CNN broadcasts one of their morons saying "We need to get rid of the electoral college."

Yesterday CNN moron Don Lemon suggested that America needs to "get rid of the electoral college" system.

"We're going to have to blow up the entire system," Lemon said.

"You know what we're going to have to do?... You're going to have to get rid of the electoral college," Lemon continued.

Hey moron, there's already a way to do that.   It's called "amending the Constitution."  You might look into it.

Oh, you say you don't wanna do that?  You wanna eliminate the electoral college some other way?  And what would that be?  Oh, got it:  A decree by Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, Nadler et al.

Sorry, moron. We're not buying it.

Embed codes haven't been working, but we'll try anyway.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">UNHINGED: CNN’s Don Lemon: “we’re going to have to blow up the entire system”<a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; RNC Research (@RNCResearch) <a href="">September 22, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> 

If that doesn't work, here's the link.

September 20, 2020

Anti-American threatens to "burn the entire f'n thing down" if Trump tries to fill RBG vacancy before November

As I've noted here earlier, the Left has threatened riots if Trump wins the election in November.  Now they've added a new threat:  Muslim Reza Aslan--who also seems to be something of a communist--says that if Trump even TRIES to fill the SC seat vacated by Ginsburg, his group will burn the whole thing down.

Wonder what this POS means by "the entire f'n thing"?

And BTW, that's a clear threat of violence.  Thought Twatter had a policy against tweets calling for violence, eh?  Oh wait, guess that's just bullshit that they invoke to delete posts by conservatives.  F'n liberals can threaten whoever they want and Twatter just grins.

Leftist female goes postal on Trump supporter--content warning! This gal is really profane--and screechy

Content warning for language and being a total a$$hole.  With that in mind, click here to see video.

 Backup link to video.

This gal was caught stealing "Trump2020" yard signs.  Classic leftist move: "We will decide what signs you may have in your yard."   Yeah.  In Democrat-world free speech only applies to them, not to anyone else.  Classic.

(Note that since the normal "embed code" method isn't working, the only way to post videos is by linking to, and the videos there only stay for a month or so.  So the link might not work.  Sorry!) 

Could this explain the insane ferocity of the BLM/Antifa mob?

Psychologists have long noticed that children think differently than adults.  One of the stages of development that children pass through is a phase called “egocentric thinking,” named for the fact that the child lacks the ability to see an argument from any perspective other than their own. 

With experience most people get past this phase.  As adults learn to reason, they learn to at least see the reasoning behind someone else's position.

Antifa and Black Lives Matter are remarkably uninterested in the viewpoints of others. Their movements occurred only after a couple of generations of our public educational system telling students that it's perfectly reasonable for them to define their own truth.  

For those who believe this, there's no need to sit down and have a debate about ideas and policies, any more than you would negotiate with evil.  The only thing that matters is who has the power to force society to accept one group's version of "truth.".

There's no discussion of ideas, it’s simply a power struggle, in which the other side is viewed as evil.

Our educational system has produced a generation of people who lack, even detest, the ability to see any argument from any perspective other than their own.  When the mob doesn't get what it wants, it burns cities.

The Left wants socialism, and it wants it now.  Anyone who knows anything about the world knows socialism produces  horrifying results.

If your ideas are horrifying, you have to train your followers to disregard the ideas of anyone else.

September 19, 2020

Leftist woman hears about Ginsburg, instantly has extreme meltdown while driving; posts video of her screaming

We all know letists have the emotional age of children, and are predisposed to go postal when anything that upsets them.  Here's the classic example--click this link.

What's really revealing--and funny--is that this nutcase actually put a cameral in her car to record HER, and all the witty, brilliant things with which she will grace us.  And THEN she has to decide to post it on the internet.

Wow.  Instant classic.


Below is the "embed code" that should have put the video on my blog instead of a link, but after Blogger "improved" (i.e. wrecked) their software, the embed codes don't seem to work.  I'm keeping it here to test later to see if the idiots fixed it.)

<iframe width="705" height="397" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Adam Schiff as Roy Scheider (starred in "Jaws")


33-year-old black "male" punches 84-year-old white woman standing on a corner with Trump supporters

Here's a story you won't see in the Lying Mainstream Media, because they don't want you to know.

In a small town in California a group of people were standing on a street holding signs and flags supporting president Trump, when a 33-year-old black male came up to the group and punched an 84-year-old white woman in the face so hard it knocked her ear-rings off.  He also punched a 74-year-old.

He then pulled a knife. Fortunately a retired cop was present, and pulled a gun on the goblin, who suddenly decided the balance of power no longer favored him.  He was fine punching elderly women, but when faced with an armed male he decided to flee.  Didn't get far.

What kind of twisted mind does it take for a 33-year-old "male" to punch an 84-year-old woman in the face?

Oh, of course.  You all knew from the beginning.  And here's the kicker:  The assailant is a postal worker.  You know, the people the Democrats scream you can TOTALLY trust to ensure your mail-in vote is counted.  Of course if a few hundred-thousand Trump votes are accidentally "lost," it's not fraud.  No no no, citizen!  It's just an accident.


Oh, and here's one more interesting tidbit:  You won't see this story on any U.S. maintream media outlet.  Nope.  The only mainstream media that carried the story were overseas.  The Daily Mail has these stories that the Lying U.S Media refuses to tell you about.  Gee, wonder why?

Kamala Harris promoted a bail fund that enabled a man accused of raping an 8+year+old to get out of kail

Last June, cunning communists started a fund to post bail for BLM rioters, arsonists and looters.  Since Democrats are big on letting criminals out of jail, the fund quickly raised $35 million, with help from staffers of the Biden campaign and support from Kamala Harris and various Hollywood celebrities.

But after posting bail.for perhaps 2,000 arsonists at perhaps $1,000 apiece (remember, this was in Minneapolis, which hates cops and wants all prisoners released), the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF) still had about $33 million left, so they scaled up their operation and began posting bail for everyone in jail in either Minneapolis or St Paul who hadn't gone to trial.

Again, Kamala Harris urged her Twitter followers to donate to the group “to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.”

But MFF wasn’t just using their funds to bail out violent protesters and rioters. A report last month from Fox9 in Minnesota found that the MFF used the $35 million they raised in the wake of the George Floyd riots to bail out “defendants from Twin Cities jails charged with murder, violent felonies, and sex crimes.”

So it was that in July the fund paid the bail of a prior sex offender who'd been arrested and charged with raping an eight-year-old girl.  36-year-old previous sex offender Timothy Wayne Columbus was arrested in June for raping an eight-year-old girl, but was released after MFF paid his $75,000 bail.

Another individual whose bail was paid by MFF has been accused of assaulting a 71-year-old woman while he burglarized her home. A week after MFF paid for his release he was found to be in violation of his bail. He's still on the loose.

Will Kamala Harris and the Joe Biden condemn the people who run the MFF for paying the bail for murderers and accused child rapistsl?  Of course not, because both Democrats believe accused criminals should be released without the inconvenience of having to post bail..

That, and Democrats think they were “mostly peaceful” murderers and rapists?

Fleeing murderer carjacks Tennessee couple, executes husband after holding them hostage for hours

Last Sunday a Tennessee couple on their way to church were carjacked by a thug goblin.

The goblin held the couple hostage for hours before executing the husband in front of his pregnant wife.

Phillip Stevens, 23, and his wife Aileen were on their way to church Sunday when their car was struck from behind by a vehicle driven by thug goblin Dangelo Dorsey, 28.  Minutes earlier the goblin had fatally shot a man and wounded another, and was apparently fleeing the scene when he crashed into another car--not the Stevens car..

The thug jumped out of the vehicle he was driving and tried to carjack another, firing into a moving car and hitting a woman in the hand,  He also allegedly shot a truck driver in the face nearby.

He eventually sarjacked another vehicle, and shortly after that he rear-ended the car carrying Stevens and his wife. 

Not suspecting any danger, Stevens got out to exchange information with the driver who'd just hit his car.  The goblin then took the couple hostage and forced them to drive to their home, where he stole firearms and forced them into their other car..

Hours later the goblin executed Stevens and threw his body out of the car. He then drove off with Aileen Stevens and a high-speed police chase ensued before crashing that vehicle too. The goblin then did his one good deed for this lifetime by killing himself.

Dangelo Dorsey, murderer

One is almost at a loss for words to describe the depravity, the horror of this goblin's final day on the planet.


September 18, 2020

How the Dems could steal the election without creating any fraudulent votes

You're not gonna like this one.

There's a way for the Democrats to steal the election OTHER than vote fraud.  It's much easier, and doesnt involve the minor risk of being charged with vote fraud.

Works like this: The governors of Democrat shithole states won by Trump simply refuse to certify their state results, claiming that they believe there was fraud.

There is NO mechanism to force a state to certify its results, and it's at least plausible that if the governor of a state claims fraud, they wouldn't certify that Trump.had won their state. 

Now: There are 538 EVs. .Supose the EV's are 260 D to 250 R, with 28 total EVs from 3 states still not counted-- because their corrupt governors wailed that they couldn't certify the results (despite a convincing Trump win in votes). At that point the Supreme Court would declare that the Dems had won, because they had a majority of the EV's actually certified.

This is actually close to the margin in 2016, where a *total* of something like 140,000 votes in 3 states would have tipped Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin to the Dems. All those states are Democrat-ruled. 

My guess is that at least one among the army of lawyers already on payroll for the Dems has already hit on this strategy..

The problem is that there is NO mechanism to force a state to certify its results if the state simply *claims* vote fraud. Note they don't have to prove it, just *claim* it. And there's not enough time between the election and inauguration to investigate thoroughly anyway.

I think this is a VERY real possibility. And if the Dems decide to do this I'm damned if I know how to prevent it. And think it's been amply demonstrated that they'll do absolutely anything to win the presidency.

Fakebook "flags" accurate conservative ad stating that Biden supports a bill allowing males to compete against females in sports

If you pay attention to the Left's war on American culture you may have heard that men claiming to be female--trannies--have been competing against biological females in highschool sports. 

If this doesn't outrage you, you should probably stop reading this blog.

No school official tried to stop this because in the Democrat-ruled shithole states the top education officials all support the tranny lobby.  And several school systems officially RULED that letting men compete against women was now official policy.

But out in flyover country a lot of sensible people were outraged, and one state legislature actually passed a law saying biological males couldn't compete against biological females.

Of course you can already guess what happened, right?  Sure you can:  A corrupt federal judge RULED that the law just mentioned was unconstitutional.  The judge's "reasoning" was total crap, but as you may have noticed, judges make crap decisions all the time, and those crap decisions are still legally binding.

Great system, eh?

All that's background:  Now, the Democrat party is totally in love with the tranny mafia, as evidenced by the ORDER issued by Obozo's Department of "Education" (Indoctrination) that all schools in the entire nation were to allow trannies to use whatever bathroom and locker room they wished.  

One major retailer--owned by leftist Democcrats--loved that idea and made that their policy in all their stores.  Their sales dropped ten percent, but no matter:  They were standing up for Obama's policy.

In any case, the Democrats were concerned that other states might pass laws barring males from competing against females.  Of course they could still get their judicial friends to rule those laws unconstitutional, but they recognized that this would increase backlash in flyover states.  

So the first bill introduced by Nancy Pelosi when the new congress began in Jan of 2019 amended Title IX of the Civil Rights Act to add "gender identity" to every sentence that listed "protected classes," like race, creed, sex or "sexual orientation."

Seriously, they added "or gender identity" to every sentence listing protected classes. 

And in classic Democrat fashion, they named their new bill something no one could possibly object to: "The Equality Act."  Cuz, everyone is for equality, right?  

You may wonder how a bill that will have the intended effect of allowing males to compete against females is ever remotely fair.  Tough.   Cuz Dems believe it's more fair to allow men claiming to be women to compete as women.  So shut up.

Joe Biden supports this bill.  Which brings us to the point of this post (all the preceding being necessary background to understand what's next).

A conservative organization paid to run an ad on Fakebook stating--quite correctly--that Biden supports the so-called Equality Act.

Fakebook "flagged" the ad, putting a warning on it saying the ad was "missing context and could mislead people."   Really?  How's that?

Fakebook cunningly dodged responsibility for this decision, instead crediting one of its so-called "fact checkers"--all of which are left-wing organs.

Wake up, people:  If you're a hard-working American, trying to keep a roof over your family's head, trying to raise your kids right, Fakebook is your enemy.

Twitter suspends account of Chinese virologist who claims to have proof that China modified the virus to make it more lethal

Lots of Americans use Fakebook to keep in touch with family and friends.  But you need to know that for years now Fakebook has been censoring posts they don't want you to see.

In the latest example, a Chinese virologist, Dr. Li-Ming Yan, claims to have evidence showing that China deliberately modified an earlier coronavirus to make it far more deadly.  Then personnel at the lab that modified the virus "intentionally released it." 

Tucker Carlson interviewed the virologist on his program, and posted the interview on Fakebook.  But Fakebook didn't want you to see it, so they posted a warning that the interview "repeats information about COVID-19 that independent fact-checkers say is false." 

The so-called "independent fact checkers" aren't named, nor does Fakebook bother to tell readers what part of the interview those anonymous Hitlers consider false.  Which is typical for Fakebook.

See, if they would tell Americans what part of the interview they (allegedly) considered false, we could have an open debate that would enable users to decide for themselves who was telling the truth.  Which, of course, is not something Fakebook wants.

They want to tell you what to believe, and you are not to stray from their orders.

Instagram, which Facebook also owns, did the same thing. 

Twitter--a totally leftist outfit--went even further, suspending Dr. Yan's account entirely.  Like Fakebook, it didn't explain why..

Get the hell off social media.  They lie constantly, just like their friends in the Lying Mainstream Media.

September 17, 2020

Harris/Biden campaign holds a big car rally. See if you can estimate how many cars showed up

Hey, didja hear that the Harris/Biden campaign had a big parade yesterday in New Hampshire?  Yep.  Here's the link, in case the video doesn't work.  See if you can estimate the number of cars.

<iframe width="640" height="419" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Three cars?  This must be satire, right?  Gotta be staged by Republicans.  But wait!  Biden press secretary Michael LaRosa actually tweeted the video of the thing, with Jill Biden in stylish knee-high leather boots with her back to the camera, waving at the cars.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">🚨Campaigning in 2020. Yard sign car parades with <a href="">@DrBiden</a> and <a href="">@DouglasEmhoff</a>. Beep Beep! 🚘 <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Michael LaRosa (@MichaelLaRosaDC) <a href="">September 16, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> 

Yeh, must be satire.

Democrat commenter: "Is this really 3 cars or we only saw the last 3 cars?"

The second amendment, explained, for liberal dumbshits

September 16, 2020

BLM organizer: "We cannot win if we rely on an election."

Click here to see a vid of a Philadelphia BLM organizer screaming "We do not win if we do not 'step out' before November.  We do not win if we rely on an election."

These people have no knowledge of American history or the Constitution. They are products of instant gratification and pop culture. The only struggle they know is occasionally losing WiFi.

If you still think we can co-exist with these people, you're too naive to breathe.

Weapons of mass....what?


September 15, 2020

Is their message clear yet? It sure as hell should be


September 14, 2020

Members of Mueller's "special counsel' team erased the data on 30 government phones before turning them in

Does the name "Robert Mueller" ring a bell?

That's the guy who was named "special counsel" to investigate Democrat claims that the Trump campaign "colluded with Russia" to help them win the 2016 election.  

The steam behind this claim was the fact that right after the election the FBI wiretapped phone calls between Trump's pick to head his national security team (General Mike Flynn) and the Russian ambassador.

What the media never told you was that top officials from major powers chat with each other all the time, to help determine and avoid possible points of conflict.  Nothing unethical or disturbing was recorded, but the FBI launched a vast probe into dozens of members of the Trump team, looking for evidence of "collusion."

They found nothing.  But under a constant media barrage of false claims of "collusion," congress appointed Mueller as special counsel and gave him a blank check to investigate what the FBI had already been investigating, without finding anything amiss.

Mueller assembled a team of 19 Democrat attorneys--including FBI agent Peter Strzok, who had texted his mistress Lisa Page "Don't worry, we'll stop [Trump from winning the presidency]."

Later, when the FBI's own Inspector General published that text message and hundreds of other damning texts between Strzok and Page, Mueller belatedly fired Strzok.  But think about it:  Mueller had been Director of the FBI for a decade.  Does any rational human think he would have tried to uncover wrongdoing by that agency?  Of course not.

Ultimately the two-year-long Mueller probe found nothing.  But now, as Bill Barr is looking into the FBI investigation started (ie.corruptly), and the basis for congress appointing Mueller's team (i.e. corruptly), a funny thing has happened:  Mueller's team had a number of government phones.  After the team finished work, each member was required to turn in that phone.

Virtually every one of the 30-some phones returned had been illegally wiped clean of all data.

The excuses for how that happened are hilarious (see the link) and utter bullshit.  The phones were wiped because they would have proven the corrupt origin of the entire "collusion" claim.

Oh, you say you don't believe that?  That the idea that Mueller's attack dogs would erase the data on all their phones as an investigation of their own corruption closed in is just ridiculous!  Absurd!  And if that isn't enough to make this story fake, if it WAS true you would have heard about it, all over the news, right?

I mean, how would the media have reacted if 30 members of the Trump campaign staff had erased their phones as the Mueller investigation was ramping up, eh?  The media would have screamed bloody murder!  Huge scandal!  But you didn't hear squat about the story I just posted until now, right?

The media is lying, every hour of every day, to elect Harris and protect Democrats.  The 30 wiped phones is a huge smoking gun, showing the utter corruption of the entire Democrat case.  But the Media will bury it.


UK pol demands that a Christian pastor be *deported* for criticising homosexuals

Okay, the pol in question is minor--a city councillor--but he's accused a Baptist preacher of spreading hate by making a Fakebook post criticising homosexuals. 

The pol was so incensed by this awful "hate speech" that he asked the government to deport the pastor.

The pastor wrote on Facebook last month that the cancellation of an annual gay event this year was “wonderful news” and that “I don’t think sin should be celebrated.”

Now, the government of the UK has been fining and jailing its own citizens for a couple of years for posting anything on social media criticizing Islam, trannies or gays, but this is the first I've hears of a pol calling for the poster to be deported.  That's astonishing.

Free speech?  Sure!  You just can't say anything critical of Muslims, trannies or gays.  Other than that, anything goes.


Then things got rather more... interesting:  An LGBT mob showed up at the pastor's church threatening to burn it down.  He reasonably called the cops.

The cops replied that the pastor "should quit being offensive to others."

Source:  LGBT mob threatens to burn church. Cops tell tastor to "quit offending others"

But don't worry, citizen:  That could NEVER happen here!

September 13, 2020

Cops in Sweden searching for people who burned a Koran in a "no-go" suburb of the capital

In the U.S., the black-robed tyrants ruled decades ago that it's legal to burn the American flag.  And a satanist or anarchist wants to burn a Bible, that's perfectly legal too.

By sharp contrast, in virtually all of supposedly-civilized Europe (also known as "Eurabia"), if you burn a Koran, or even make a post on social media critical of Muslims or gays or trannies, you can be fined or jailed or both.  And it's been that way for a couple of years now.

Of course you didn't know that, cuz our Lying Media didn't want you to know.  And why not?  Because it shows where the world seems to be heading.

Oh wait...Right here in the United States--where you thought you had free speech, cuz it's legal to burn our flag and the Bible--in New York City the city's so-called human rights commission can fine you if you use the wrong pronoun to refer to a tranny.

Seriously.  But don't worry, citizen:  the Democrats will never fine you or throw you in jail for burning a Koran or making a social-media post critical of Islam or gays or trannies.  Cuz...well that's just absurd!!!


Has the U.S. reached "peak insanity" yet? Umm...apparently not quite

The creature below describes itself as a "tranny satanist anarchist."  (Okay, he actually uses the term "transexual" but at least until the next Democrat takeover I can use a slightly dismissive term for that condition without getting jailed or fined.  For now, at least.) 

The tranny satanist is in the news because it ran for sheriff of some hapless county in the deluded state of New Hampshire. 

You might wonder why an anarchist satanist tranny would run for sheriff.  The question is even more relevant when you learn that the creature's campaign slogan was “F*** the Police”--which cleverly appears on its campaign poster above.

It also says it wants to "destroy the system."  Wow, who could have guessed that one, eh?

Ironically, the creature won the GOP nomination--because it was the only GOP candidate.  It didn't run as a Dem cuz the Dem is very popular and is running for a 5th term as sheriff.

Now, the point of this story was NOT to lampoon tranny satanist anarchists.  Those jokes write themselves so I don't need to.  Rather, the point was that 4,200 morons in New Hampshire voted for this creature.

Wow.  What does that tell you about the intelligence or common sense of lotsa voters?


2 officers shot in ambush, hospitalized; then black protesters show up at hospital screaming "Hope y'all DIE!"

Yesterday in the all-black town of Compton, California, two sheriff's officers were ambushed and shot.

Both officers were taken to the hospital.  Later dozens of uncivilized thugs and ghouls showed up at the hospital, blocked entrances and screamed "Hope y'all DIE!"

Still think these people have the same basic human values you do?  Still think they can be reasoned with?

Do you still naively believe that ANY concession you make to them will EVER satisfy 'em?

Oh wait...I got it:  Liberals have the solution!  [Ahem.]  "Make it illegal for private citizens to own guns.  Then people who want to kill cops won't have anything to do it with!  See?  It's simple!"

Ah, got it.  So it'll work just like drugs:  Congress makes drugs illegal, and voila!  No more illegal drugs!

Gosh, can't believe we didn't think of that sooner!

Or how about murders?  If I'm not mistaken, killing people without provocation is illegal. But wait!  Unless I'm mistaken there are still tens of thousands of murders every year!  The vaunted "liberal logic"--that same "reasoning" that says making it illegal to own guns means criminals will give up THEIR guns--didn't work.  Gee, how come?

I know this will sound far-fetched, but it's almost like criminals...don't obey laws or something!

Source.   If you're skeptical, you need to see the chilling ambush at the link.

September 12, 2020

Obscure Leftwing German think-tank publishes bullshit scare story about Sturgis; Lying Mainstream Media pushes it

About a week ago the entire Lying Mainstream Media ran a hair-on-fire piece about a public-health DISASTER!  It was supposedly the big annual motorcycle rally in Sturgis, South Dakota that was attended by somewhere around 300,000 bikers.

According to the Mainstream Media a "research institute" published a "report" titled "The Contagion Externality of a Superspreading Event: The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and COVID-19,” which claimed that “large crowds, coupled with minimal mask-wearing and social distancing by attendees” turned the rally into a “superspreader” and "led to" 260,000 people being infected.with the dread Chinese virus! Or about 88 percent of the people who were there!  

A "super spreader."  Ooooh!  Sounds like another hundred-thousand deaths coming!

Note the use of the past tense "led to."  Not "might" or "could" or "worst case," but "led"--as in, already happened.  Keep that in mind.

But the Lying Mainstream Media had even worse news: they claimed the cost of all those cases was a staggering $12.2 BILLION.  And note the past-tense again: "was."  As in, already happened.

Turns out the entire thing was a hit-piece--not research at all but simply wishcasting designed to keep worried Americans scared to death.  

Why would the Media do that?  First, it makes more Americans willing to vote against Trump, because the Narrative is that he "bungled" the response to the virus.  Second, it makes voters more willing to accept extensions of the ghastly, economy-destroying, education-wrecking lockdown imposed by Democrat governors until hell freezes over.

Here’s a partial list of the Mainstream outlets that eagerly, breathlessly echoed this bullshit story--with links so you can see how loudly they were screaming about dose awful, AWFUL right-wing nuts who ride motorcycles and are undoubtedly White Supremacists and Trump voters:

Yes, even Kaiser Health News, which should have been skeptical of the fake "research.".

Plus Fox News, The Washington Post, New York Times.

The so-called "study" was such obvious crap that “no medical journal would touch it.  Instead, the story was posted on the website of an obscure leftwing German thinktank, the Insitute of Labor Economics.

The entire piece was pure speculation.  But that didn't stop the Lying Mainstream Media from pushing it.  Cuz they figured it would damage Trump.

This is what the Mainstream Media does every single day.  Most people can't tell they're being lied to.


No correlation here at all. In fact, trying to draw correlations is racist


September 10, 2020

Harris/Biden: The team that will "fix things." Really?


September 09, 2020

Truckloads of U.S. mail dumped in California. But mail-in ballots will be totally fine

Democrats keep assuring you that mail-in voting in the November presidential election will be perfectly honest and free of manipulation.

Well not so fast, sparky.  Last weekend piles of bags of mail and packages were found at two different locations in Glendale, California.

It's worth noting that the Postal Workers' Union has endorsed Democrat Joe Biden and his presidential running-mate Harris..  But I'm sure that won't impact the integrity of the voting process.

Well, not by more that a million votes or so, anyway.


CNN broadcasts old, sentimental pic of Joe Biden and son--carefully altered to be PC

Upper right is the original pic.  The big one is what CNN showed.  Notice any difference?

Sure:  CNN airbrushed the Redskins logo off the son's maroon watch cap.  Now...


"Always accuse your opponents of doing what you're doing"--Saul Alinsky


September 08, 2020

Democrats are openly laying the groundwork for another coup attempt

As I noted two days ago, Democrats and their Mainstream Media allies are openly discussing how they can get Harris/Biden declared to have won the election even if they lost.  Seriously.

This can be shortened to "executing a coup."  Given the nightly rioting and daily assaults by BLM and Antifa mobs you might have missed their open discussion of a coup, but it’s happening.

It started fully two years ago, with sneering, anonymous stories that Trump was unhinged.  Here's CNN from 2018:
Damaging portraits of President Donald Trump are drawing new attention to the options available to military commanders who feel they have been given an illegal or seriously ill-advised order by their commander in chief.

A New York Times op-ed penned by a "senior official" and excerpts from a new book by Bob Woodward portray Trump as erratic, impulsive and dangerously incurious on matters of national security. The publications illustrate how some of Trump's top advisers believe the President of the United States is unfit to be the most powerful man in the world and have sought to circumvent or undermine his demands.
Defense Secretary James Mattis is among those top officials, according to confidential background interviews [i.e. no sources named, meaning fake] conducted by Woodward, who writes that the defense secretary reportedly made disparaging comments about Trump and military actions he sought to take against Syria and North Korea.
Gee, leftist Woodward hates Trump?  Who would have guessed!  But you can totally rely on his anonymous sources, eh?
Woodward depicts a furious Trump demanding that his military officials have Syrian President Bashar al-Assad assassinated after his regime was accused of conducting a chemical attack against civilians in April 2017. And after a charged meeting about South Korea, during which Trump wondered why the US backs Seoul, Woodward writes that Mattis says Trump understands issues at the level of an elementary school student.

So two full years ago CNN and the Left were claiming our nation's top military officers—including President Trump’s own first Secretary of Defense—had quietly signaled lower-ranking officers that they should not follow orders from Trump. 

Rational adults would consider this banana-republic stuff.  The president is the commander-in-chief, and any general or even Defense Secretary who orders subordinates not to follow a legal order from the president should be tried for treason and executed.  And I say that as a former Air Force officer.

(Of course the catch is that our military is instructed in training that they are not to carry out illegal orders.  Question is, what constitutes an illegal order?  Hilliary and Obozo ordering the Air Force to bomb Libya, which had done nothing to us?  Bill Clinton ordering the bombing of aspirin factories to distract from Monica?  Or the bombing of Serbia, which was an ally?  These things CNN ignores.)

Then as nationwide riots and arson rose sharply in early June of this year, the Secretary of Defense himself publicly told the president not to invoke the Insurrection Act.  His implicit message was: "If you order that, we won’t obey, and you know what happens after that.”

Then last week a law professor wrote an opinion piece published by the Washington Post, describing a panel she'd convened to look at possible post-election scenarios.  Her panel was composed of Democratic officials, anti-Trump RINOs, journalists and other ruling class apparatchiks.

One possibility they considered was a clear Trump win. In the panel's war game Bill Clinton's former White House Chief of Staff, John Podesta, playing Joe Biden, refused to concede. Instead he pressured states won by Trump to send Democrat electors to the formal Electoral College vote, meaning he was pressuring states to NOT cast their electoral votes for Trump!  This is open treason, but that's what Podesta--playing Biden--did.

The leaked report from the "war-game" exercise darkly predicted that what would follow the November election would be “a street fight, not a legal battle."  And if the Harris and the Democrats do as Podesta recommended, that's exactly what will happen.

Analyst Michael Anton offered two more data points:   Recently two former Army officers wrote an open letter to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs saying that if Harris won, the Chairman should order the Army's 82nd Airborne Division to drag President Trump from the Oval Office at precisely 12:01 PM, January 20, 2021.

About a month later Hillary Clinton publicly declared that Joe Biden should not concede the election “under any circumstances.”  Refusing to concede to a Trump win would give the Democrat mobs official permission to keep rioting, with even more violence.

Why are the Democrats openly talking about ways to steal the election if Trump should win?

Because they know that in order for them to succeed in this, they have to plant the idea in the public mind before the election that a) Trump can't possibly win fairly; and b) that if the vote does show him as having won, it's not just totally reasonable but actually righteous to drag him out of the White House and install Harris and Biden as the rightful prez and VP..

A vital part of the plan is to delay the official vote count for as long as possible, since that will both increase the insanity of the Dem mob, and give the Dems more time to create enough bogus ballots—mysteriously "found" in trunks of cars or in closets—to tip close states to their side.

There have actually been two recent cases of this:  In the 2008 Minnesota senate election, after a legal battle lasting over eight months Democrat Al Franken--who had initially lost--demanded a recount.  The Dems kept "finding" ballot boxes, and Franken was eventually ruled to have won by 312 votes.

The moment the tally swung to the Dems, they went to court to demand that no further recounts be allowed.  It was classic Dem lawfare.

Same thing happened in 2004 in the governor's race in Washington state:  Democrat Christine Gregoire initially lost, but after two months of miraculously discovered ballots the courts finally awarded her the win, by just 130 votes. 

The media are already prepping the public for the possibility that it may take two months to determine who will be declared to have won the presidency.  Part of this is that some states have ruled that mail-in ballots will be counted even if not received by election day, as long as they're postmarked by then--raising the specter of hundreds of votes being mysteriously found weeks later, all seemingly postmarked by election day.  It's also crucial to note that there's no postmark on the ballot itself, so once a ballot is removed from its envelope there's no way to determine when it was postmarked--thus no way to know if it's fraudulent!

And the Democrats well know all this, and have pushed for all-mail voting.

There have been streams of stories and social media posts explaining that even though on election night it might look as if Trump won, close states will tip to Biden as all the mail-in ballots are eventually received and counted.

The Democrats' third tactic is to get their huge propaganda machine to declare that Trump lost--regardless of the truth.  Once half the public believes Harris and Biden won, they'll support any move to drag Trump out of the White House.  And if that happens, it's all over:  that video will be stamped into the public's mind and the mob won't tolerate any attempt to investigate fraud, period.

Let me say that again because it's so crucial:  If any government entity drags Trump out of the White House--even if he actually won the election--the public will never support an investigation of massive vote fraud that could return him to the presidency no matter how strong the evidence is.  That is, the coup will have succeeded.

So if Trump wins the vote, can the Democrats get some agency to drag Trump out of the White House?  The only likely players are the military and the Secret Service. 

You might think that because Trump has strong support among members of the military, the armed forces would support Trump, but there are reasons to think the military may actually back the Dems.  Reason is that junior officers and enlisted men can't make a move unless ordered by higher-ranking officers, and Obama carefully purged the highest ranks of the officer corps of generals who didn't totally support him, promoting only those who were solid Democrats.

Since the military's action depends on orders from the top, and the top generals are probably split about equally between conservatives and Obama loyalists, it's impossible to predict how the military would react.  The most likely scenario is that the coup plotters will assume that the top military leaders will NOT resist a coup.

Could the Dems get the Secret Service to drag Trump out?   Certainly if they believed he had lost and was refusing to leave, they would probably remove him.  So the call comes down to whether the plotters can convince the SS that Harris and Biden had won—which amounts to an article of faith.

One of the critical elements to the success of a coup is the ability of social media and the Mainstream Media to shut down Trump's ability to communicate with the people.  Once the plotters commit to the narrative that “Trump lost,” all the president’s social media accounts will be suspended.  Similarly, the Mainstream Media will refuse to air any interviews with him or his team.  Count on it. He’s going to need a way to talk to the American people and he has to find the means, now.

For the rest of us, the most important thing we can do is raise awareness that it's likely that the Dems will try this.  Which is why they’re telling you about it now, to get the public ready for it so they're more likely to accept it.


September 07, 2020

Yesterday in a Dem-ruled city, BLM thugs chased outside diners out of restaurant

Now at this point a lot of whites are probably thinking "Why are these thugs incredibly "woke", virtuous blacks screaming at the people who are just enjoying what WAS a peaceful dinner?  What do they think that's accomplishing?"

What are the diners doing that the thugs find offensive?

Ah, I see you just arrived on the planet.  For the answer we turn to the founder of  BLM, Patrice Bullshit, who helpfully tells us:  "The answer is...Food is raaaacist!"

[quiet conference off-screen]

"Uh, wait:  What we meant was, Dining outside is RAACIST!"

[conference off-screen]

"Uh, what we really meant was...White people are all raacist white supremacists!!  And we have the absolute right to run you off from a pleasant dinner cuz what WE want is far more important than you being able to enjoy a pleasant dinner.  And we've intimidated all the Democrat politicians into not stopping us from chasing you off.  And you can't stop us, because we outnumber you!"

Welcome to black-run America.  Enjoy your stay.

And by the way, vote Democrat.  Cuz if Trump defeats Harris the thugs will never, ever, let any of you have a pleasant meal at a restaurant.

Fifteen years ago the Supreme Court took away your property rights. And you didn't hear a word.

One of the many ways the Founders of this country decided to do things differently from the way the King of England did things was "takings."  And if you're a college-age student you need to understand this.  Seriously.

In a classic monarchy (as opposed to a ceremonial one) the king or queen is considered to own everything.  If you had something the king or queen wanted, they took it, and that was that.  As you might guess, the victims of such takings were less than thrilled, but had no recourse.

(I probably don't need to tell adult Americans--but apparently do need to tell students at east- and west-coast universities--that communism, socialism and other totalitarian regimes work the same way.)

To some extent the problem of "takings" by the monarch was addresed by the Magna Charta, but the fix wasn't complete.  So when our Founders drew up our Constitution--which, we hasten to point out, was once considered the "supreme law of the land"--they included a provision that said if a citizen owned property, even the government of the United States couldn't take it away UNLESS it was for a "public good," like a highway or canal or similar thing that enabled the government to provide a useful service to all citizens.

And if the government's "need" passed that test, it still had to pay fair market value for whatever it took from the rightful owner.  That's worked very well since then.

Fifteen years ago your [ha!] wretched Supreme Court utterly trashed that principle, in a decision that supported corruption and rolled your rights WAY back.

The decision was in the case of  "Kelo v. City of New London," and you need to understand what the hell happened, and how much of your rights the rat-bastards-in-black stole from American citizens 15 years ago.

The last clause of the Fifth Amendment concludes "...nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."  The Kelo case turned on the question of what the Founders meant by "public use."

One of the serious defects of the Constitution is that the authors didn't bother to explain definitions they thought were f'n' obvious.  One of those definitions was "public use."  The Founders meant something that would be owned by the government and would benefit everyone, like a road or canal.  But inevitably, some dumb asshole in a city government would stretch this reasonable definition until it was unrecognizable.

The outrage isn't that the asshole did that, but that the damn Supreme f'n Court upheld this outrage.

New London, Connecticut, had an area of old homes adjacent to the water.  Sharp developer goes to the corrupt city council and says Hey, the tax records show you're only gettin' X million per year from the 100 homes inside ths red rectangle.  If you'll condemn all those homes and sell me the property for, oh, say, a dollar, I'll build a gazillion-dollar mall there, with faaaabulous stores!

"So not only will your city get a lot more in property taxes from that huuuuge new mall, your city will also get a gazillion dollars in SALES TAXES from all those faaaabulous stores!  And besides, most of those homes are rentals, so the owners will be just as happy for you to buy 'em.  So whaddya say, eh?"

The council seemed skeptical, so they took an off-the-record recess and retired to a meeting room with the developer.  And when they re-convened and went back on the record everyone was smiling..

At which point the council voted to condemn all those homes.

But a few people who lived in the condemned area had a problem with this.  They claimed that a) a mall was hardly in the same class as a road or canal, in the sense that stores were already everywhere, so this was hardly necessary; and b) that even if a mall was a "public good" it seemed as though the deal was using the power of eminent domain to corruptly benefit a private citizen--the developer--rather than the public.  While the city could condemn property for, say, a highway, here the city was basically seizing property from a group of citizens and giving it to a private citizen.

Which was hard to rebut since it was absolutely true.

One occupant of one of the homes condemned by the corrupt council wasn't a renter but the owner, and had lived there her whole life.  Her name was Suzie Kelo, and she sued.

Seeing his chance at millions slipping away, the developer lawyered up.. And his lawyers came up with an ingenious argument: Cities needed money to provide services, like police and firefighters, and to fund faaabulous social-welfare programs like midnight bakkebaw.  Clearly these things were a public purpose.  So the attorneys argued that the fact that the city forcibly seized and destroyed the homes of hundreds of residents, and gave their former land to a private entity for development, didn't alter the fact that the END GOAL was a "public good."  And thus didn't violate the "takings clause" of the Fifth Amendment.

And amazingly, five black-robed morons agreed with this.

Polls showed that over 80% of the public disapproved of the Court's ruling.  But of course it was too late.  Having lost in the nation's highest court, there was nothing more the property owners could do but watch as their homes were bulldozed. 

And of course the real ghastly result of this ghastly ruling is that it sets precedent, meaning in the future any other corrupt city council that tries the same bullshit can cite Kelo as a defense.

There are two bitter twists to this tale:  First, the asshole judge (ironic that they're called "justices," eh?) later admitted that he'd made a huge error in applying the law relating to "takings."  But in classic monarch fashion he claimed his ruling was still the right one!  Amazing.

The second twist is that the promised mega-rich development never happened.  The property remains empty to this day.

If every judge and politician were magically vaporized, and replaced by drawing names at random, I don't think the results would be any worse than now.

Does this person look even partially sane? She's running for president. Yes, president.

WILMINGTON, DELAWARE - AUGUST 19: Democratic vice presidential nominee U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) speaks on the third night of the Democratic National Convention from the Chase Center August 19, 2020 in Wilmington, Delaware. The convention, which was once expected to draw 50,000 people to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is now taking place virtually due to the coronavirus pandemic. Harris is the first African-American, first Asian-American, and third female vice presidential candidate on a major party ticket.

Vote Harris / Biden.  Because we need a black female president.  Really.

Just another day in Denver

In Denver three weeks ago an 18-year-old thug stole a car, then put an ad on the internet to sell it.  A guy saw the ad and decided to buy the car--which he didn't know the thug had stolen--for his teenager.

He agreed to meet the seller in the parking lot of a big mall, bringing his wife along because he planned on driving the purchased car back to his home.

When thug arrived he claimed he'd brought the title to the wrong car, and asked the couple to follow him across town to an apartment complex.

Not a good sign.

When the couple arrived, the thug walked up to the driver's window, pulled a gun and demanded the $3000 cash that the guy had brought to buy the car.  The man grabbed the gun and the thug fired several rounds, killing both the man and his wife.

The couple had five children, now orphaned.  Friends said the couple were the friendliest, most helpful people they knew.  But their lives didn't matter.  Not all lives matter, to some people.

Can't imagine the devastation the couple's five kids felt.

Here's a pic of the perp:

Normally, a killer orphaning five kids would make national news.  As you probably guessed, for some odd reason this killing--that made five young kids orphans--was only picked up by ONE paper outside of Denver, and not by a single national television network.

Gee, how...predictable.

September 06, 2020

What to these people have i common? Another indicator of where our nation is headed

See if you can guess what the charmless goblins below have in common.

They all sexually assaulted a 16-year-old Rhode Island girl at a party.

My analysis of the November election and aftermath

Two days ago I wrote about a brazen propaganda piece published by the socialist-loving assholes at the Washington Post.  It was by a law professor / propagandist who claimed to have assembled a panel of "experts" to examine the likelihood of continued street violence after the election.

Of course anyone with half a brain could immediately see that it was a hit-piece cuz the "experts" she chose were all hard-core Democrats or RINOs.  (Click on the link above to see who she picked for the panel.)

Amazingly (sarc), her panel of "experts" concluded that the current wave of Democrat-sponsored and Dem-encouraged street violence would continue-- unless Harris/Biden won by a landslide.

Now, the problem with propagandists trying to construct a convincing "alternate reality" to bullshit people is that the propagandists often don't think everything through.  As a result, their bullshit either contains internal contradictions, or else shoots their own side in the foot.

In this case, consider that the propagandist claimed that if Trump won by a landslide, the current, massive violence would continue.  But if Harris and Biden won by a landslide, no violence.  Hmm...

That tacitly admits what rational Americans well know: that the current wave of violence is NOT being driven by Trump supporters (since the experts predicted no violence if Harris won by a landslide), so the current wave of arson, looting and battery must be being driven by Democrat supporters, including Antifa and BLM.  Again, everyone knows that, but the Democrats and their media allies have continued to feed you the bullshit that what you're seeing are actually "peaceful protests."  Or "mostly peaceful."

Of course that's a lie and everyone knows it.  But the Dems and their media allies have kept trying to make you believe that lie--even as their reporters are standing in front of huge fires, still claiming "peaceful protest."

SO...I'd like to walk you through what I predict are the likely results of the election, in just 58 days.

First is the likely result of the vote. Right now virtually every poll claims Biden is ahead.  But look closely:  If the poll says "nationally" they're spewing propaganda.  Reason is that the two big shithole states of California and New York--overwhelmingly Democrat, and with huge populations of illegal aliens--vote Dem by a huge margin.  For example, California tallied 7,362,490 votes for Hilliary and 3,916,209 for Trump.

New York tallied 4,143,874 for Hilliary and 2,640,570 for Trump.  So those two states alone gave 5 million more votes to Hilliary. (Hilliary ended up winning the total vote by 1.3 million, meaning that the rest of the country other than NY and CA voted against her by a wide margin.

So unless the pollsters take the trouble to correct for that (and do you think they do?), they end up over-sampling Democrats significantly.  So be very skeptical of "national polls."  

But of course as every American should know (but far too many don't), presidents aren't elected by the winner of the popular vote, but by the winner of the "electoral vote"--in which each state gets a number of votes equal to its members of congress.  Obviously Trump won that.  But what you may not know is that in every presidential election, all the drama comes down to just six or seven states.

Reason is that in most states voters are heavily for one party or the other, so the outcome in those states is rarely in doubt.  But a handful of states are so closely balanced that they can tip either way.  These are called "swing states" or battleground states, and they're the ones that decide most elections.

If you're a college-age American here's another thing you probably don't know:  In 2016 a shift of less than 107,000 votes in just three crucial swing states would have swung the election to Hilliary.

Specifically, Hilliary lost Wisconsin by just 27,000 votes, lost Michigan by 11,600 votes, lost Pennsylvania by 68,000.  Historically, all three of those states had voted Democrat by comfortable margins.  In fact Hilliary was so sure she had Wisconsin in the bag that she didn't go there even once in the entire campaign.

Those three states have a total of 46 electoral votes.  Had they gone Democrat, as they always had before, Hilliary would have won.

But things are better for the Dems in Pennsylvania this year, because Biden was born there.  And although he left the state when he was young, and couldn't tell you his address in that state to save his life, the connection should be worth some votes.  Also, the state elected a Democrat governor.  He's a corrupt moron but the state had enough Dems to elect him, so that doesn't look good for Trump.

Michigan also elected a Democrat governor--the ghastly Gretchen Whitmer.  So clearly there are more than enough Democrat votes to pull the state into Harris's column.

If every state breaks the same way as 2016 except that Harris wins Pennsylvania and Michigan, the electoral vote would be tied, in which case...if you're a parent of a high school or college kid, ask them if they know how the Constitution says such an election is supposed to be decided.

Of course YOU know, right?  Sure ya do, sparky!  Article 2 section1 of the Constitution says the president shall be decided by the House.of Representatives.  That works in Trump's favor because instead of all the members voting (favoring NY and CA) each state only gets one vote.  Wow.

But if Trump can win Wisconsin and Michigan, and other states don't change, he can lose Penn to Harris and still win the electoral vote 286 to 252.

In which case you can expect Antifa and BLM to scream that "Trump STOLE the election," and then go nuts (more nuts?) and burn cities all over again.

Ironically, if Trump were to win by a huge margin--something I don't expect--Antifa and BLM would also go into arson/looting mode, still claiming Trump stole the election--even if the margin is huge.  Now, this may not make sense to you and me, but remember that these are the morons who gulped down the whole ridiculous story that Trump colluded with Putin to steal the 2016 election.  When you ask one of 'em whether he/she/it thinks Hilliary--who famously loathed our military--would have been tougher on Russia and more supportive of our military than Trump has been, you get that blank stare.  "Whu...?"

Of course when we use the phrase "the result of the vote" we have to recognize that there's likely to be a huge difference between the legitimate vote and the official results, due to vote fraud.  And yes, despite the constant scream from the mainstream media that there's no such thing, there IS always vote fraud. The question is, are enough votes fraudulent to change a state result?

Remember those totals for the three swing states above?  If Biden's birth state pulls PA over to the Harris column, the Dems only need to create just 11,800 votes in Wisconsin to win the election.

As I wrote a week ago, there are some telltale indicators:  If a precinct reports more total votes than the number of registered voters in that precinct, your alarms should go off.  Similarly, precinct workers are required to know the total number of in-person voters who signed in to vote, and that should match the total votes cast.  So if a precinct refuses to report that total, or claims not to know it, or refuses to allow those sign-in registers to be examined, it's almost certainly an indicator of fraud.

But here's the real problem:  Suppose all those indicators of fraud are triggered, and in large enough nunbers to change a state's results.  What would the Trump campaign do with that evidence?

Okay, someone said "take it to the Supreme Court."  Okay, but there are two HUGE problems with that:  First, if the Dems can tie the GOP up with motions in the lower courts, such that no actual investigation is allowed until, say, late December, the justices are highly likely to ignore even the most obvious proof of fraud, for what they will claim is a plausible reason:  That delaying the decision on who is the rightful president could jeopardize national security, since in an emergency there could be confusion by the Chiefs of Staff as to who had the right to give orders to the military.

Now, you should know that's a bullshit excuse:  Even in a normal election the outgoing president is commander in chief until noon on inauguration day.  But Team Harris would whine that the court had to decide RIGHT NOW in order to give them time to plan the inauguration.  Of course that's bullshit too (you make contingent plans), but they'll still make that claim.

The second reason is more disturbing:  The Washington Post propaganda piece linked at the top of this post argued that violence by BLM and Antifa was likely to continue if the election was close.  Thus the media would be warning the two swing justices on the court every day that IF they voted to allow the evidence of massive vote fraud to be investigated, the country would be torn apart by massive violence, in all major cities.

Twenty years ago the court would likely have said "If that happens, that's a matter for local police to handle.  You can't actually think you can threaten the Supreme Court to sway our ruling on such a crucial matter, do you?"  But in the last three years we've seen endless examples of corrupt decisions from courts that should never have reached those decisions legally.  (See "Kelo v. City of New London" among many others.)

But wait...what happens if instead of Trump losing, the Democrats lose by a few votes?  Won't their argument explained in the two 'grafs above work just as well against them as against Trump?

Gosh, it should.  But obviously the Dems won't claim fraud if they won.  Duh!

So will the Republicans be ready with the same argument?  I don't think so, because it sets a ghastly precedent for the nation--which is, if a party is brazen enough to use massive fraud in a presidential election, the Supreme Court will ignore it.

Yep, that is one hell of a horrible precedent.  Which is why the GOP won't make that case.

So I expect an extremely close election, with lots of fraud.  Hope I'm wrong.

September 05, 2020

Know what this is?

Know what this is?

It's a "peaceful protest."

Washington Post op-ed predicts "violence" *unless* Harris/Biden win by a landslide

If you're a young American you may not know that the Washington Post is 100% Democrat/socialist.

And you're probably saying, "So what," right?

So this:  99 percent of everything they say is either a flat-out lie, or pro-socialist propaganda.

Of course you don't believe that, but eventually you'll figure it out.

Latest example:  Last Thursday the Post ran an "op-ed," written by a "law professor" at George Washington University, Rosa Brooks.  (You should know that op-ed is short for "opinion/editorial" and they're pure propaganda.)

The author of this propaganda piece predicted "violence" beyond the November election UNLESS Harris and Biden won a "landslide" victory.

Professor Brooks co-founded a thing called the "Transition Integrity Project," conveniently established barely one year ago to look for "potential disruptions" after the 2020 election.

Let's see here:  law professor.  GWU.  Yeah, not a smidgen of bias there, eh?  What horse shit!

Brooks said she convened a group of "civil servants" [wait, is that the same as "politician"?], media experts, pollsters and strategists" and asked them to imagine what they’d do in response to various election results.

And I just know you'll all be really shocked at the results of her vaunted team of "experts."\

Her team of "experts" predicted that a Trump win--whether a landslide or a squeaker--or a narrow win by Harris/Biden, would result in...violence.  The ONLY scenario that offered peaceful results was a landslide for Harris/Biden.

That is, a Trump win would create street-level violence and political crisis," she said.

Oh, you say you think this is fiction?  Fake news?  That even the shit-eating, socialist WaPo wouldn't be this crazy?  Take a look at their tweet, from their verified account:

"With the exception of the 'big Biden win' scenario, each of our exercises reached the brink of catastrophe, with massive disinformation campaigns, violence in the streets and a constitutional impasse," Brooks wrote. "In two scenarios ('Trump win' and 'extended uncertainty') there was still no agreement on the winner by Inauguration Day.

If that's not distressing enough, that uncertainty would also mean our armed forces wouldn't know which candidate was authorized to give orders to the military, or receive the nuclear codes.

In the 'narrow Biden win' scenario, the Post published--as though it was certain--that Trump refused to leave office and was ultimately escorted out by the Secret Service — but only after pardoning himself and his family and burning incriminating documents."

The only nominal "republicans" on the panel of "experts" were RINOs like Michael Steele and Bill Kristol--BOTH of whom have declared they support Harris/Biden.  The rest were hard-core Democrat/socialist attack dogs.  All were asked to guess how their respective parties would react to the various scenarios.  Brooks summarized the results
"In each scenario the players assigned to simulate the Trump campaign [were] ruthless and unconstrained right out of the gate, and Team Biden struggled to get out of reaction mode.  In every exercise, both teams sought to mobilize their supporters to take to the streets. Team Biden repeatedly called for peaceful protests, while Team Trump encouraged provocateurs to incite violence, then used the resulting chaos to justify sending federalized Guard units or active-duty military personnel into American cities to 'restore order,' leading to still more violence."
Critics blasted the "irresponsible" article for suggesting violence is inevitable unless the Democratic candidate has a clear victory.
Senator Ted Cruz summarized the piece with the old Mafia line, "'Nice country you got there.  Be a shame if something happened to it....'”

Give the huge amount of violence--physically battering Republicans, massive arson, looting, vandalism--in scores of American cities, Brooks's op-ed can only be interpreted the way Cruz did:  It's a threat of what the Dems will do unless Harris and Biden get a landslide win.  But there are several other messages too:
  • The Post is preparing Americans to accept the idea that it won't be possible to know the result of the election for weeks--a scenario that gives the Democrats time to create hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes;
  • By predicting violence if Trump wins, then if Trump were to lose the electoral vote when the evidence of Democrat fraud was obvious (like 30 percent more votes tallied in dozens of precincts than registered voters), the article is a warning to the Supreme Court not to let Trump claim the results were due to vote fraud;  
  • The Post is preparing Americans to accept the NEED for "righteous" violence by BLM, Antifa and other Democrat mobs if Trump wins;

But here's a ray of sunshine: a look at how the NY Times--which has the same politics as the WaPo--predicted the results of the 2016 election just two weeks before that election:

How much of the rioting in the video below did you see on the Mainstream Media, eh?

"By now our message should be clear." Oh yeah, absolutely.


Sign of the times

BLM thug rioters trash restaurant, chase off diners, throw dishes and chairs.

This happened last night in the charmless, un-policed, lawless shithole of Rochester, New York.  You won't believe your eyes.

After you watch, ask yourself:  If police aren't allowed by corrupt Democrat pols to use force to stop this, do you think the thugs will just magically stop trashing businesses, rioting, burning, looting?

September 04, 2020

This morning on Interstate 5 in Seattle

This morning in Seattle, BLM and Antifa took it on themselves to BLOCK the damn interstate.  Cuz, you don't have a right to use it, peon.  And of course the communist Jenny Durkan has ordered her city cops to do NOTHING.

What happened next was...amazing.  The Washington State Patrol pulled every one of these rat f'n communist bastards out of their damn cars and towed the cars to the impound.

Good job!

September 03, 2020

Self-proclaimed Antifa "commander" bursts into tears during arrest, curls up in a ball

The charmless moron below billed himself as an Antifa bad-ass, calling himself "Commander Red."

He was arrested with a flamethrower in Kenosha, Wisconsin--site of "mostly peaceful protests" that only burned 76 cars and ten businesses.  But really, mostly peaceful.

When this big bad Antifa "commander" was arrested he burst into tears and curled up in a ball on the floor.

They're all posers, but can pull triggers.

Well, some of 'em.

Biden loses it again