June 30, 2023

Mexican M.D.--big pro-vax pusher on TV, in great shape--dies of heart attack at 42

If you pay attention to events outside your arm's reach you may have heard vague rumors that a few dozen young, fit people who took the "totally safe and effective" covid jab had some sort of problem.  Passed out, maybe?  Hard to remember, eh?

Actually it thousands and thousands, and they didn't just pass out: a lot dropped dead on the spot.  Most had no "pre-existing medical conditions."   In roughly one out of a hundred cases an autopsy was performed, revealing never-before-seen *long* blood clots.

But what was NEVER revealed by the families of the unexpectly deceased was their vax status.  No reporter ever asked, cuz dat would be unfeeling, eh?  And the families never volunteered the info.  So this allowed the CDC and other pro-jab agencies to claim that none of these unusual deaths was due to the jab.

The agencies also claimed--and continue to claim today--that the risk of death from the jab is way smaller than the risk of dying from covid.  This has been demonstrably falsified, since the risk of dying from covid if you're under 50, in shape, with no pre-existing conditions is damn near zero.  But of course the average American doesn't believe this, cuz y'all have been scared shitless by the regime and the Media.

But finally we have a single case where we know that somone who was in great shape, no co-morbidities, and died of a heart attack at 42 took the jab:

Mexican Dr. Alfredo Victoria Moreno--a strong advocate of the jab who was touted as a “vaccination expert”-- died in his sleep early Monday of an apparent heart attack.  He was 42.

He was a vocal advocate of COVID mRNA vaccines, and operated a pro-vaccine website.

Comments on his death are...telling.  People know tens of thousands have died from the clot shot, but in other cases either no one could prove the victim had taken the jab, or the victim had co-morbidities.  In this case we know the victim took the jab and was in perfect heath, so vax pushers can't hide behind one of those excuses.

Democrat: "You jus' a right-wing conspiracy theorist! Young pipo in gud shape die alla time, including athletes.  Surely you knew a couple of highschool classmates who died on the field, right?  It always beez happening, you jus' din' notice!"

You bet, sparky. Source.

Court strikes down biden ORDER forcing taxpayers to repay student loans. Media screams

Did you hear?   After our faaaabulous Democrat preznit DECREED dat students who borrowed lotsa cash to go to college wouldn't have to repay those loans, duh nasty "conservatives" on duh Supreme Court ruled that he din' have duh power to do that!

Democrats:  "Can you imagine?  Such gall!  I mean, when duh preznit say "I hereby decree X," that becomes law, right?"

No, snowflake, it doesn't  But if you're a young American, "educated" by the DOE-ruled K-12 public skools, you probably think all decrees by duh preznit become law.  Well, decrees by Democrat preznits, anyway.

Now let me show you how the Mainstream Media (in this case NBC, but they all did the same) reported this decision.  The Media cunningly uses the terms "forgiveness" and "cancellation of the debt" to hide the fact that the order would force taxpayers to pay off student loans up to $20,000.  

See, everyone loves "forgiveness," right?  Forgiveness is a core concept of Christianity, eh?  So all voters love it (even those who hate Christianity).  The media NEVAH tell readers the truth: that signing an ORDER doesn't magically make the loans disappear.

Democrat: "Whut?  Of course it does!  Dat why all duh Media stories say 'forgiven,' eh?  Or 'cancelled.'  Or my favorite, 'All our payments 'would come to an end.' "

Yep, the Media stories do make it seem as if the loan balances simply vanish.  But of course the truth is that the order just forces taxpayers to repay those loans for the borrower.

Democrat: "Wait...whut?  You mean if I didn't go to college, or got jobs to pay my way without borrowing money, I and my parents and kids have to pay off the loans of people who borrowed money?  Gee, that...doesn't sound fair at all!"

Well done, young Skywalker!  You're one of the few Democrats to grasp the truth that the Democrat machine (Mainstream Media) has been trying hard to hide.  Cuz that's exactly what biden's ORDER did--even though the Media tried their best to make it sound as though the loans just magically vanished. 

Now after the SC ruling we can expect the Media to endlessly wail that their faaaabulous preznit was trying to hep duh young borrowers, who had every right (!) to expect that they wouldn't have to repay what they borrowed.  As you'll see below (a screenshot from NBC), one snowflake borrower wailed "We did everything right, and now we're being punished!"

Hey, you're "on board to the concept of debt cancellation," right?  Cuz if you duh Dem preznit, you jus' issues a ORDER dat debts beez cancelled, and bingo!  Dey vanish, eh?

And of course this makes borrowers vote Democrat.  But that's just a happy accident, eh?

Source: NBC

Think the SC struck down "affirmative action"? Nope--but the Media wants voters to think it did

[sigh]  It's a sad truth that most people are far too easily fooled.

Latest example:  A few days ago the f'n Supreme Court issued a decision that the Lying Mainstream Media has wailed "ended affirmative action."  

The Mainstream Media wailed and screamed and moaned that this was the most awful thing since Christianity!  Claimed it wuz duh mos' awful thing EVAH!  Blamed the "conservative majority" on the court.

Except: the decision didn't end AA.  The cunning, anti-merit chief "justice," John Roberts, crafted a loophole allowing the equivalent of AA to continue, just not named as such.

Of course you don't believe that.  You think it's a "right-wing conspiracy theory."  Okay, have you read his "opinion" (i.e. decree)?  Ah, I didn't think so (except for one highschool classmate of mine who reads this).  So you're basing your conclusion on...what?  

Ah!  On what duh Mainstream Media has written about the decree, eh?  C'mon, be honest: you don't know fuck-all about what Roberts actually wrote, eh?

So...if you read the opinion you'll find Roberts cunningly, carefully created a huge loophole to allow race-based preferences in college admissions to continue.  The just won't call it "affirmative action."

(For young Americans: The "Affordable Care Act"--widely called Obozocare--*forced* every American to buy health insurance.  But the Constitution doesn't give the federal government the power to make Americans buy health insurance.  So without some legal magic, Obozocare was clearly unconstitutional.)

(When conservatives brought precisely that challenge to the SC, Obama's regime lawyers argued that the "individual mandate" was NOT a tax--because Obozo had promised--*promised*--that his vaunted command would NOT raise anyone's taxes at all!  But Roberts realized this would make obozocare unconstitutional.  To save it, Roberts RULED that the "individual mandate" in Obamacare was a tax, despite the fact that Obozo's attorneys had vehemently argued to the court that it was NOT a tax.  Roberts rejected the arguments of the regime's own attorneys because he knew that only by defining the "individual mandate" as a tax would Obamacare be Constitutional.  Clever, eh?  So this is the kind of cunning thinking you're up against.)

So...quoting from the just-issued RULING:  
>>...nothing in this opinion should be construed as prohibiting universities from considering an applicant’s discussion of how race affected his or her life, be it through discrimination, inspiration, or otherwise.>>

Obviously that's the loophole: Roberts RULED (via his majority opinion) that universities *may* consider "an applicant's "discurrion of how race affected his/her life."  Bingo.  And the black female president of Hahvahd has vowed to use that loophole to continue business as usual.

SO...all the wailing and hair-pulling by the Lying Mainstream Media about dis decision is designed to keep Democrats voting Dem, cuz dey t'ink dey needs ta replace duh alleged "conservative majority" wif sum gud liberals.  But the SC's *ruling* is a nullity: it does absolutely nothing--because of the cunning loophole crafted by Roberts.

Net effect: zero.

Source: Legal Insurrection


June 29, 2023

"Everything we are witnessing is the result of...