July 31, 2020

Mob threatens to damage businesses with bad reviews if they don't agree to race-based demands

In Louisville, left-wing "activists" have sent letters to businesses in downtown Louisville demanding that they agree to a list of race-based concessions.  The "activists" threatened that if a business refused to make the concessions demanded, the mob would post negative reviews of the businesses online.

WDRB News reported that the "demands came with a deadline of Aug. 17, or else protesters would respond by launching negative reviews and social media posts about the businesses."

Local residents that reached out to The Daily Wire were stunned that this criminal extortion had mostly been ignored by local media.  The residents asked that they not be identified because they feared "mob retaliation."


And now a story that explains a LOT about why Chitcongo is so corrupt and inefficient:

Because of the Chinese virus, Cook County (Chicago) decided to eliminate in-person appearances at traffic court, instead holding traffic court online via Zoom.

The plan was for the clerk of that court to mail notices to everyone who had a court date, telling them the hearing would be held on-line.  But as you probably guessed, the court clerk forgot to mail the notices to the people summoned to court before the date they'd been ordered to appear.

Unaware of the change, those ordered to appear showed up, waiting in line at the physical court for their case to be called.  Only later did an employee tell them that hearings were now online.

And worse, while they were waiting at the courthouse they missed their online hearing.  Seriously, this happened.

A TV reporter was sent to find out why the crucial notices that hearings were now online were being sent out after the date of the hearing--something that made the notices rather useless.  He spoke with court clerk Dorothy Brown, who happens to be a black female, as is almost universal in Chitcongo government.

Brown's response was, shall we say, interesting. Brown said the only reason she was being asked to explain was because the TV station "felt like this black woman's office had to have done something wrong."

Apparently sending out notifications after the fact is an acceptable practice according to some Racial Traditions.

Brown continued, "Regardless of what I say today, this story will probably come out very negative for my office as it always has come out over the last 20 years, continuing to perpetuate the internalized, mediated and institutionalized types of racism directly onto me."

Perhaps someone will ask her how "internalized, mediated, and instutionalized types of racism" caused the office SHE runs to fail to send out the required notices on time.

Realizing Brown was playing the race card to dodge responsibility, the reporter asked "Why is it racist to ask about all the folks who were forced to drive clear down to the Daley Center for court appearances that they weren't supposed to attend?"

Brown again said that focusing on that was a sign of "unconscious bias."

And of course that position is exactly the one taken by the National Museum of African-American History (operated by the august, beyond-questioning Smithsonian), which posted that linear time is a construct of the White Supremacy Patriarchy.

African professors at West Coast "universities" have shortened this to "It's raacis' to expect black people to be on time!"

This country is fading fast.  We need a new one.

July 29, 2020

Election night, 2016, per SNL

Why does the Left hate America?

"The left doesn't hate America because it is bad. It hates America because America is good.  If the left loved good and hated evil it would love America and hate its enemies."  
          --H/T Dennis Prager

An Albanian understands what the rioting mobs in Portland represent--cuz his nation was killed by it

As leftist mobs continue to destroy and burn Democrat-run American cities, a young Albanian, , recognizes in the mobs a familiar scenario from his nation's past:  Communism.  Here, slightly edited, is his take on what's happening here, and why the world has seen it many times before.
America is far more than a country, more than a land or a group of people. Ultimately the United States is a symbol: the world’s fullest and greatest embodiment of freedom and democracy.  It is the land of the free, the home of the brave, a source of hope, and a defender of justice.
Many don't understand the crucial role of America as an ideal. Some in the United States and Europe have lived comfortably for decades,.  They've never been invaded, never lost their land or property, nor their freedom to think or speak. As a result they don’t value what they already have. It’s an unfortunate reality that you often have to lose something to fully understand its worth.
My country, Albania, is small today, but in the past our lands once spread throughout the Balkans. But over time, neighboring countries with the help of larger empires in Europe slowly took our territories and forced many Albanians to flee. More than 100 years ago, only one country stood up for us, fought for our territorial integrity, and helped us retain the borders we have today: the United States of America.
From the end of WW2 until 1991 Albania was ruled by communism. History was warped and changed, important historical figures were erased, monuments were destroyed, churches and mosques were torn down, and religion found itself hanging in the balance.
Most of what George Orwell writes in his novel 1984, communists and far-left terrorists actually did in Albania. Sure, there was universal health care, free schooling, and no private property. Everything was centralized by the government into the hands of a few well-connected party insiders. As a result, people starved, lost their humanity, and turned against each other.
Our “universal health care” was light-years behind similar systems found in the West. Our “free schools” taught only what the regime allowed. You could go to prison or die for saying the wrong thing or wearing the wrong outfit.  In communist Albania, cars were illegal.  We had 3 million people but only 3000 cars at the end of the communist era in 1991.
While Europe was happy to abandon Albania to communism, we hoped America would rescue us.  And in time, by defeating the Soviet Union and ensuring the fall of the Iron Curtain, it eventually did. “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall,” remains one of the most consequential phrases of all time.
Despite 45 years of propaganda demonizing the United States, the Albanian people never forgot what President Reagan often referred to as the “shining city on a hill.” Indeed, no matter the torture and the brainwashing the regime tried, it could never remove the desire for freedom. The desire for freedom, meritocracy, and justice are deeply ingrained in the human soul.
When U.S. Secretary of State James Baker arrived in Albania after the fall of the regime, to his surprise he was greeted by hundreds of thousands of cheering people. The cheers he heard and the thanks he received were aimed at what he represented. Make no mistake, the American standard is what every nation on Earth should aspire to.
Today, however, as America finds itself under attack, it falls upon not just Americans, but to every one of us to return the favor and stand beside it in its hour of need. The ideology that invaded my country for half a century, tore down monuments and tradition, replaced freedom with oppression, prohibited freedom of speech, encouraged spying, swapped hope with terror, and brought famine instead of prosperity, is now trying to destroy the United States of America.
This evil ideology knows as long as America exists, all nations will look to it for inspiration and courage.  Many will fight for their dignity and freedoms. The heralds of the radical leftist ideology infecting the United States have gathered their strength and are trying to destroy America.
A nation that gives equal opportunities to every person, that encourages economic success, entrepreneurship, innovation, and risk-taking is now facing threats from within.
Leftist fascists who hate what America stands for want to transform it into a barren land of misery, without identity or soul.  They don't understand the greatness of the American model, so they want to destroy it. Because the modern radical left is unable to appreciate hard work, love for country, meritocracy, protecting history, or valuing tradition, they do what they do best: destroy.
Heated rhetoric about racial equality is being used to brainwash the weak and the uneducated, as the left often does. A future with such people in charge would lead to the confiscation of property, high taxes, and the rewriting of history. This has happened in many countries in the last century.
I hope the people of the United States will not be fooled and will continue to stand for what is right.  Europe is already lost, and the planet can’t afford to lose the United States as well.
Still, hope remains. I see it every day and not just in America. President Trump stands in front of the advance of the radical leftists in the United States and inspires others around the world to follow his example.
The history of America is filled with inspiring stories of those who stood up, never gave up hope, and resolutely worked for a better future. A strong and prosperous United States means a safer and better world.
Every period in history features strong nations. We're fortunate that one of the three major powers in the world today is a freedom-loving empire of commerce and trust, not of conquest, setting an inspirational example for everyone who longs for a better future.
So, here’s to America winning this lastest, most crucial battle — not only for its sake but for all of us who live on this good earth.
This guy gets it.  Too bad half of the U.S. population doesn't.

NYT writer who CREATED the fake 1619 Project "history" now claims "It never pretended to be a history"

Nikole Hannah-Jones is a black female communist who writes for the NY Times.  Her claim to "fame" is that the founding of the U.S. was NOT 1776 (when we declared independence from Great Britain) but 160 years earlier.  She and the Times called it "the 1619 project."

And what's her basis for her revisionist history?  Do you really need to ask?  She says that's when the first slave landed in the colonies.  That's critical to her because she claims slavery is the most important issue in human history----but only slavery in the British colonies that fought a war for independence 160 years later.

This communist bitch won a Pulitzer prize for her revisionist history, and dozens of school systems (mostly in New York city) have said her work will be taught as fact in their schools.

Fact, eh?  But even fiction-writer Nikole admits "I've always said that the 1619 project is NOT a history.  It is a work of journalism."  Yet the schools in Dem-ruled cities have said they'll teach this as FACTUAL.  Clever how that works, eh?  Here we have official Dem policy to teach fake history if it advances the Marxist goal of tearing down the U.S.

Wait, it gets even nuttier (or more outrageous, depending on your viewpoint):  Nikole tweets "The crazy thing is, the 1619 Project is using history and reporting to make an argument. It never pretended to be a history.

That's a hoot, cuz before you were called out for fabricating history, you claimed what you fabricated WAS history.  And the schools are gonna teach it as history, not fiction.

Great work, comrade.

Nikole also claims there's nothing exceptional about the U.S, writing "One group has monopolized [the national narrative] for too long in order to create this myth of exceptionalism. If their version is true, what do they have to fear of 1619?"

That kind of "reasoning" explains everything:  "If you know true history, why would you complain about us pushing the schools to teach fake history?"  Or "If you know real physics, why would you complain if we pushed the schools to teach that physics is really done by repeating magic incantations?"

July 28, 2020

Writer in mens' fashion mag tips Dems' hand: "I actually do want to take your guns--all of 'em."

Two years ago a fop writing for a "mens' fashion magazine" tipped the hand of the Socialist/Dems: they'd been claiming they really did NOT want to take away guns from citizens, but the fop was now admitting he did.  Here's a post from two years ago:

For years liberals and Democrats have been lying that they don't actually want to take everyone's guns away, just what they cunningly, ignorantly, falsely call "military weapons."  Like, you know, weapons that fire one round per trigger pull.  Cuz gun owners call those "automatic," even though they're really just "semi-auto."

But I digress.  Point is that girly-man magazines--those designed to sell expensive clothes to fops--have long been far left.  They hate guns.  And now one has dropped the pretense of Leftists and Dems not wanting to actually ban private gun ownership.

Here's the article by a wuss by the name of Dave Holmes, in fashion mag Esquire:
Hey there, NRA:
Listen, I know the moments after a gunman opens fire in a school are hectic for you. You have to get your talking points together, you have to mentally prepare to debate a traumatized yet sensible child, you have to look at yourself in the mirror and practice saying that more guns would have made the situation less deadly. It’s a busy time! And since we are always either in the moments after or the moments before a mass shooting, you’re pretty much always busy, I have noticed!
Anyway, I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that I now actually do want to take your guns.
All of your guns.  Right now.
Isn't it amazing, Dave, that guns have been available to ordinary teenagers for over a century, yet mass school shootings are a relatively recent phenomenon?  Rational people would take that as proving that guns aren't the cause.  Instead, it's young, deranged copycats, who know they'll get their 15 minutes of fame.

But of course the idea of private gun ownership as the ultimate defense against criminals, abusive spouses or an abusive government never crosses your mind, eh?  Cuz you aren't a woman (um, maybe we need to investigate that a bit more) and you don't mind a leftist government that controls everything.

So we're not surprised, Dave.  It's just the way you creatures roll.

Oh, but Dave isn't finished yet.  Here he is again:
I want to take them all and melt them down and shape them into a giant sphere and then push it at you so you have to run away from it like Indiana Jones for the rest of your lives. I want Ted Nugent to roam the halls of his gunless house, sighing wearily until he dies. I want to end this thing once and for all, so that all of you who have prioritized the sale of guns over the lives of children have to sit quietly and think about what you’ve done. God help me, I want to take all of your guns out of your hands, by myself, right now.
You really want to take my guns by yourself, personally?  Somehow I doubt you would really have the stones to try that, even if the Democrats made it the law of the land.  Oh, I don't doubt you want someone else to take my guns, but you wouldn't have the stones to do it yourself.  Instead your party would order big, armed cops to take the guns, so that you wouldn't be at risk.

Cuz that's the way you creatures roll.

Isn't it interesting:  Illegal and unprescribed drugs kill something like 60,000 Americans per year, many of them barely out of highschool.  Yet we don't hear you calling for illegal drugs to be further criminalized.  Cars kill more people each year than guns, and many of those killed or horribly injured are helpless children, but because cars have a useful purpose, we don't see you demonizing cars.  You reserve your girly-man tantrum solely for another thing that has many hugely useful purposes.

You just trivialize or ignore those very useful purposes.  Or you don't agree that, for example, a woman should have the right to be armed so she can defend herself against a stronger male attacker.   Nevertheless, you insist that everyone listen to you, and do as you demand.

In that case, come and take them, Dave.  Yourself.  Personally.

Obama's former head speechwriter says he's **horrified** by pics of mistreated illegal-alien kids. Wait...

College-age Americans are too young to have an accurate idea of how brazenly the Elites in the Media and government have lied to make Trump look awful, or to cover for the crimes of Obama.  So here's an example from two years ago--a period Leftists and the Mainstream Media call "ancient history which has absolutely nothing to do with us today!" 

Jon Favreau was Obama's head speechwriter.  Wiki (I know) says Obama called Favreau his "mind reader."  And on May 27th, 2018, Jon-boy lit up Twatter because he was absolutely appalled:  Seems he stumbled on some very distressing pictures, of children of illegal immigrants sleeping in a holding facility, after entering the U.S. illegally.

He posted one pic and the link to more.  He was beside himself with outrage.  "This is happening RIGHT NOW," he wailed!  "The only debate that matters is how we force our government to" fix this awful, inhumane situation! 
"I mean really, it's just awful that Trump's inhumane ICE terror squads snatch these poor kids just as they set foot in the U.S.--now that the awful, raaacist, inhumane Trump is president--and then make 'em sleep on the floor of dog kennels!

"Wait... what???"

Uh, yeah, Jon, just one problem with your rant:  The pics and the article you linked had nothing to do with Trump, cuz they were taken in, uh...2014.  And if you try really hard, even you may be able to remember who was president then, eh sparky?

Of course once Obama's mind reader teed up a great chance for other Dems to virtue-signal, other Dems were ever so eager to jump on the bandwagon.

Famous horror writer Stephen King was among the hundreds of Democrats outraged by the pics.  How could the U.S. do this to kids??!!   Because Trump's a raaacist monster!

The scummy Democrat mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa weighed in with this Twit:

So all the ghastly, lying Dem virtue-signallers did a long, passionate group-shriek about how Trump did this, even though the pics were actually from 2014, before Trump was elected.

It's SO educational to see yet another example of Democrats and Leftists--especially Obama's head speechwriter Favreau--not just falling for fake news, but generating tens of thousands of likes and re-twats among other True Believers.  Keep up the good work, Jon.  Show everyone what brilliant thinkers Obama hired to help him rule the United States.

[BTW, there are two Jon Favreaus.  One is a six foot actor, the other is Obama's gay mind reader.]

So predictable.  It's just precious.  They were all certain they were knifing the AWFUL Trump, and had no idea this happened under Obama.  Priceless.

UPDATE:  Two days later, former Obama head speechwriter Favreau tweeted that he would NEVER have posted the pic if he'd known it happened under his emperor:
Of course, Jon.  "I would never have posted that picture if I'd known it was taken when my boss was prez, cuz I would never want to make my team look bad!"  That is, the pic is only useful if they can use it to make Trump look bad!  But not Obama.  Heaven forbid.

Brian Williams, NYT writer and MSNBC claim $500 million divided by # of Americans equals...a million bucks?

The video below is from last March.  I wrote a piece about then but the video croaked, so I wanted to fix it.  Old post wouldn't fix, so here it is from scratch:

You all assume the "elites" in the Mainstream Media must be smart.  Perhaps some are, but most seem dumber than a freshman womens'-studies major.  Case in point: "Mekita Rivas" is a latina female who writes for the hopelessly leftist WaPo.  Among her numerous dumbass writings is a tweet saying that if one of the Dem presidential candidates--who spent $500 million running--had instead divided that amount to all Americans, he could have given every American...a million dollars!

As you may know, the population of the U.S. is around 340 million people.  When you divide 500 million by 340 million, is there a single "non-elite" American who thinks the answer would be anywhere near million bucks?  It's actually about $1.50.

Yep, a buck-fifty.

But the funny part isn't the stupidity of a hopelessly incompetent latina diversity hire.  Oh no.  It's that on MSNBC, Brian Williams was hosting a black female writer for the vaunted, totally competent NY Times, Mara Gay, who told Williams about Rivas's tweet.  Williams said "Yes, we've got that.  Let's put it up."  And they showed a pre-prepared graphic of Rivas's dumb-ass tweet.

So the hoot is that Brian Williams, Mara Gay and apparently everyone in the control booth had ample time for someone with an IQ over room temperature could have realized Rivas and Williams and Gay were...a bit off--like, by a factor of 600,000 or so.

And these are the people half the country trusts to a) tell you what to do; and b) tell you who should run the country.  They're the same people who love telling the rest of us rubes how smart they are.

Oh, and every one of the elites supported Obamacare--it made perfect economic sense to them. And they support "Medicare for all," free housing, free college and banning carbon fuels.  They're sure all those will be great for the econnomy, just like giving a million bucks to every American would have been.

All values have now been turned upside-down

Here's what the Left now demands--or they'll get you fired, or worse:
• If a man claims to be a woman, or vice-versa, you must support their delusional claims.
• It was the intent of the Founders that when apportioning House seats, illegal aliens count as citizens.
• Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegals voting in our elections are great.
• It was cool for Joe Biden to demand that the president of Ukraine fire that country's prosecutor to get a U.S. loan guarantee, but it’s an impeachable offense for president Trump to inquire about it.
• Twenty-year-olds aren't mature enough to drink a beer, but eighteen is mature enough to vote for president. [Young people overwhelmingly vote Democrat.]
• Whites who never owned slaves should be forced to pay tens of thousands of dollars ("reparations") to blacks who were never slaves.
• Screaming thru loudspeakers at people in restaurants is virtuous.
• People who didn't go to college should be forced to pay the off the student loans of college students.
• Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio must be welcomed into the U.S, but your kids won't be allowed into schools unless you can prove they've gotten all their vaccinations.
• Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate gang-banger who walks across the southern border must be admitted.
• $5 billion for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for “free” health care is not.
• If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the U.S. Democrats demand that taxpayers pay for your college.
• We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing, but Democrats say we must go socialist.
• Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, while others aren't held responsible for crimes they commit today.
• Criminals should be allowed to walk out of jail without having to post any type of bail.
• If you point out any of this, Democrats claim you're a "racist"

Video of Portland rioters being interviewed

No Lying Mainstream Media outlet has run more than a few seconds of the violent riots in Portland without calling 'em "peaceful protests."  The MSM focuses on the groups calling themselves "moms," "dads" and "vets," who are peaceful, and none of the footage of lasers, thrown mortars and people with pipes beating the courthouse doors.

Only two guys have been willing to show what's going on: Andy Ngo and Ami Horowitz.  Here's Ami, interviewing "peaceful protesters" as they say "We need to have violence in order to win."  And "We need to kill hate."  And not seeing any contradiction.

July 27, 2020

"The feds won't let us burn down buildings! SEE? We live in a fascist country!"

Rioters set fire to a courthouse, assault officers; ABC calls it "a peaceful demonstration"

Like the entire Lying Mainstream Media, ABC routinely and intentionally calls things the opposite of what they are, to keep the sheeple in the dark about what's happening in Democrat-ruled shithole cities and states.

Latest example (of thousands to choose from) is a tweet from these bastards' verified twatter account:
"Protesters in California set fire to a courthouse, damaged a police station and assaulted officers after a peaceful demonstration intensified."
See, the rat-bastard socialists at ABC simply could NOT bring themselves to say the protest was violent, even though it clearly was.  Instead they falsely said it was "peaceful" before merely "intensifying."

George Orwell, call your office.

In his famous novel "1984" Orwell wrote the classic control mottoes, "Freedom is slavery.  War is peace.  Ignorance is strength" to show the evil of the socialist Big Brother state.  He didn't expect any network would take that as a recommendation.

July 26, 2020

Rich black liberal writer cheered as the mob in Minneapolis burned buildings, but then...STOP!!

In the same vein as goofy Seattle left/liberal Paul Gallant, who was totally fine with riots ("peaceful protests") until the mob torched a Starbucks underneath his trendy apartmemt, allow me to present one of his fellow liberals, Chris Martin Palmer, apparently of Minneapolis.  Black writer for ESPN, high net worth.

When the mob in Minneapolis burned a just-built, not even occupied, $30-million six-story low-income apartment complex to the ground, ol' Chris was, like, totally supportive!

Skeptical?  I don't blame ya.  Why would a sucessful person cheer the total destruction of a $30-million low-income housing development.  Oh, got it:  Thinking he was seeing the destruction of a developer's investment, Palmer tweeted the words below, from his verified Twatter account:
"Burn that shit down!  Burn it all down!"
But then, as if by magic--or maybe Karma--just three days later the mob came to HIS exclusive gated community, howling with burning, murderous rage and trying to climb the fence.

So how do ya think ol' Chris react to THAT mob desire to burn HIS shit to the ground, eh?  Take a look:

Wow,"Get these animals TF out of my neighborhood"??  "Go back to where you live"??  Wait, Palmer is black, and just THREE DAYS earlier he was cheering arson--when the mob was burning someone else's property.

When people started re-posting his utter, stinking hypocrisy he deleted all his tweets.  But screeshots are around to remind us...that leftist liberals are hypocrites.


The skin tones are a bit off but the message is accurate:


Now for something funny

In the midst of a seemingly endless stream of grim news, we need to hear something amusing: 

After Trump condemned the riots in Seattle, a local leftist radio host and "criminal defense advocate," Paul Gallant, mocked the president, denying that the riots were violent.

Got it?

But yesterday the leftist seems to have had a sudden change of heart, after "peaceful" rioters set fire to the Starbucks below his own trendy apartment.  Now he’s saying he needs to buy a gun.

Wait, dawg, I thought you'd insisted the riots demonstrations were all, like, peaceful.  What changed your mind?


The Left has a new martyr

The Left just got a new martyr:  Garrett Foster, who was fatally shot last night in Austin as he took part in a BLM/Antifa demonstration.  Video clips show Foster openly carrying an AK-47 and bragging that the people who "hate people like us" are "pussies" who are too scared to do anything about it.

Austin's Lying Mainstream Media are spinning this by claiming a man whose car was surrounded by protesters got out and fired 3 shots into this "peaceful protester."  But other witnesses said Foster walked up to the stopped car and fired 5 shots at the driver from his AK-47.

All Foster's shots missed, at which point the driver pulled a handgun and fired 3 back at Foster.  All the driver's shots hit.

How can we discern the truth?  Fortunately several protesters had their cell-phones recording video, and posted the vids on-line.  Their audio clearly captures 5 shots from an AK-class weapon (large 30-cal rifles have an unmistakable sound), followed by 3 shots from a handgun in the 9mm class.

In the vid below the 5 shots are at the 26-second mark, and the 3 handgun rounds are at 34 seconds.  Totally inconsistent with the claim that the driver was the first to shoot.

Expect the Left to wail that this poor AK-47-carrying protester was an innocent victim of an aggressive white supremacist.  National media may parrot this line for a day or so, until it becomes obvious that they didn't do any investigation at all but are merely running with a tale that furthers the Left's Narrative.

According to multiple witnesses, the incident began when the driver honked at protesters, then sped down Congress Avenue and drove through the crowd, the Austin American-Statesman reported. The driver then appeared to hit an orange barrier and come to a stop. 

Multiple armed protesters approached the car, at which point the driver fired several shots before speeding away, witnesses said. They added that several of the protesters returned fire as the driver made his escape...
Note there is NO MENTION that 5 shots were fired from an AK-47-class weapon--which Garrett was videoed carrying earlier in the evening--before the driver fired back.

The "Narrative" is now out there--ostensibly "verified" by the MSM--that this po' innocent peaceful protester was gunned down for doing nothing more than peacefully protesting.  It's utter horse shit, but everyone on the Left will believe it's true...forever.

As you could have guessed, the site linked above didn't allow any comments on their fake-news story.


Imagine if some group had flown a huge banner saying "RESIST" right after Obozo's inauguration

Imagine how the mainstream media would have reacted if, just three days after the inauguration of the socialist Muslim Barack Obama, some group had climbed a crane just across from the White House and unfurled a huge banner saying "Resist."


Every single media outlet would have screamed bloody murder, wailing that flying a "Resist" banner next to the White House proved that conservatives were refusing to accept the new, duly-elected president.  They would have screamed that it was the duty of all Americans to accept the results of elections, and that "resistance" was treasonous.

The Media would have screamed bloody murder, for weeks if not months, as reporters found ways to insert references to the old act into new so-called "news" stories.  You may have noticed this in stories about riots "mostly peaceful protests" in Seattle, Portland, Atlanta, Chitcongo and other cities, where the death of George Floyd was recounted in the 4th or 5th 'graf of every story, as a rationale for the rioting, burning and looting.

So when a group of Democrats/socialists/liberals hired a crane and flew a banner screaming "Resist" just across from the White House, three days after Trump's inauguration, how did the media react?

Not a single critical word.  Instead pro-socialist, pro-Democrat NPR made the story about how brave one of the lesbian protesters was, to have the courage to climb the crane despite her fear of heights.

No criticism, just praise for the brave protesters.

Wow, no bias there, eh citizen?

Of course you think I'm just making this up, cuz it's so outrageous that it just couldn't be true.  Well, click this link and read for yourself.

This is one of the dozens of ways the Lying Mainstream Media supports Democrats--including the thousands of Deep-state Democrat saboteurs in goverment offices.  And it'll get worse as we get closer to November.

July 25, 2020

Corporations fall all over themselves to give money to BLM. Wait...it that actually..."

A brief history lesson...

It's been said that "Those who cannot learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it."

Of course if you're gonna vote Democrat in November you don't believe that.  I mean, what the hell could history possibly teach a cool kid like you, eh?  It's just silly, right?  Cuz hey, the New York Times said the U.S. was founded in 1619, not 1776, and the Times--like all hip Mainstream Media papers--would never lie to us.  So there ya go, boomer!

Ah.  What can one possibly do to rebut such blinding brilliance, eh?

Well here ya go:  Some amateur historian attempted to answer the question "What accounted for the success of the Roman empire?"  He identified several characteristics.  Here's his take:

  • The Roman empire was strongest when it was a republic.  To maintain power in a republic a leader must deliver policy success not only to his supporters but also to the public at large.  By providing universally popular policies Roman policiticians could get more votes. By contrast an emperor doesn't have to provide policy success to voters, but just to his supporters.  Thus there's no incentive to provide universal policies that appeal to everyone.

  • In an authoritarian regime the military is the police force and does whatever the emperor orders.  By contrast, in a democratic regime the military protects the state, including the legislature.  It's a subtle but huge difference.  In a democracy (like the U.S.) the military is outside politics, so it remains effective even when the political leadership changes radically.

  • Conservatives and republics emphasize education.  You'd think that would be a good policy for emperors too, but surprisingly it's not.  Emperors and dictators aren't strong supporters of universal education because educated people are quicker to rebel if they see they're being played by the leader.  They become harder to manage--a threat to the regime.  Also, better educated people make notably better soldiers--and more importantly officers.  You train experts who can design and built better fortifications, better logistics, and more effective strategy. 

  • In a dictatorship or empire, an officer's career depends on the politician at the top.  But in a republic, since the military is outside politics it makes a good career for people. Career soldiers are notably better than drafted soldiers.  Also, since the military in a republic is outside politics they can train more. 

  • When a threat to the state appears, democracies will fight to the death and spend whatever it takes to survive.  They have a huge stake in the survival of their home nation.  By contrast, soldiers in a dictatorship don't have the same resolve: the regular soldier recognizes he doesn't have a huge stake in the outcome.  He's less likely to fight to maintain the status of the dictator.

  • So how does any of this ancient history affect us, eh? 

    Well as many have noted, one of our nation's major political parties has decided the path to winning involves encouraging riots, burning and looting, in effect giving their voters "free shit"instead of trying to appeal to a broader coalition of voters.  They've made it cool to burn our flag, to kneel for our national anthem.  They exalt homosexuals and men claiming to be women, and introduce bills to give those groups special rights.  Not designed to instill strong positive national identity.

    They smugly encourage mobs of young people to destroy statues of our nation's first president--who declined to be named king--and of president Thomas Jefferson, who drafted much of the language of our Declaration of Independence.  When one of those statues is toppled, the leaders of the Dem party don't utter a single critical word.  (Check for yourself.)

    Our public schools have ensured that millions of young Americans have no idea of the real history of this nation, or how our government works, or the ideals of the founders.  One of our two major political parties has thoroughly, relentlessly demonized the military, sneering at our troops even as they deny doing so.  Again, not likely to lead to long-term success, or even survival.

    Many of the leaders of the Democrat party are demanding an end to the use of fossil fuel, an end to air travel for ordinary citizens and "guaranteed universal basic income."  And their uneducated, moronic, thoroughly unAmerican followers totally support all three proposals and more.

    If the U.S. was faced with the same international situation that existed just before World War 2, is there a single American who believes we could win a two-front war today against world-class powers? 

    If the U.S. was attacked by China, and Trump activated the draft, is there a single American who believes we would NOT see mass riots by BLM/Antifa against the draft, with more cities burned?

    Dems support Obama-era rule to force cities to end zoning for single-family homes

    If you're an American college student the odds are that you were raised in "the suburbs," in a single-family home.  Did you like those surroundings?  If you ever plan to have kids, would you rather raise 'em in the same environment, or would you prefer living next to a high-rise, low-income, gruberment-subsidized housing project?

    If you're rational and not a socialist, leftist, Democrat or communist this is obviously a rhetorical question:  With few exceptions, rational people choose a single-family home, regardless of location. Only a "woke" leftist moron would choose the second option.

    But amazingly, Democrat leaders hate single-family homes, and thus hate suburbs, since the single-family home is the norm there.  They don't SAY they hate single-family homes, but their actions say they do.  Specifically, during Obozo's emperorship the leftists running the federal agency that sets housing rules and policy--HUD--pushed out a 100-page set of rules called "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing" (AFFH), that would effectively end single-family housing and suburbs.

    Of course you think this is a conservative scare-story; that it's simply un-possible.  For one thing, if you're over the age of 30 or so you probably know that cities set their own zoning regulations, and you don't believe those could be overruled by the federal government.  That's a reasonable belief.  Unfortunately it's totally wrong:  The federal government constantly passes rules and laws overriding what the states do.  If you haven't recognized that by now, stop reading and go back to watching TV, cuz this is beyond your interest.

    So first:  Cunning socialists know that it's far, far easier to dictate policies by simply having a federal agency issue a RULE than by trying to pass a law to do exactly the same thing.  Cuz laws are typically debated, in public, and take a long time to pass.  By contrast, RULES by an agency fly under most peoples' radar, and don't attract much attention.

    As you've guessed by now, AFFH was NOT a law but simply a RULE.  And for those who naively believe the feds can't ovverrule state and local policies, the cunning Obama used a well-known weapon to do the same thing:  The RULE gives HUD the power to withhold hundreds of millions of dollars in "Community Development Block Grants" from any city that defies the rule.

    To re-state: AFFH would withhold funds from any city that refused to eliminate zoning regulations allowing single-family housing.

    Now consider that federal judges have RULED that the Trump administration does NOT have the power to withhold federal dollars from so-called "sanctuary cities" and states that have ordered their cops to release illegal aliens without notifying ICE.  But Obama's lackeys ruled that withholding funds from a city that allows zoning for single-family housing was just peachy.  And if you think the corrupt, liberal-loving judges will throw out AFFH using the same logic that blocked the Trump adminstration from withholding money from sanctuary cities, you're too naive to breathe.

    So, what does the rule do?  It effect it would force cities to put an end to single family zoning, replacing single-family homes with high-density, low-income housing.  Of course no builder or developer can make a profit on "low-income housing" without government cash, so in essence these hi-rise, hi-density projects would be public housing, with all the associated problems.

    Trump's directed his appointees to rescind AFFH, but Biden has promised to reinstate it, and to vigorously enforce it.  

    So...if you're a hip gen-X or Y or Z, or non-binary, or tranny, AFFH is fine, cuz dense cities are hip, cool, and very friendly to singles.  By contrast, if you ever plan to raise kids--or simply don't like living in a high-density apartment complex--you're likely to be a bit skeptical of the Dems' plan to effectively end single-family housing around large cities.

    Which raises an interesting question:  What's the cutoff population, under which a small city could keep single-family zoning without losing block grants?

    You can already guess:  There isn't a cutoff.  Obama and his lackeys wanted every city to genuflect before their power. 

    Some conservatives believe they'd found a solution: Move outside city limits.  Yeah, no.  When Dem-ruled Philly raised city taxes to insane levels a couple of decades ago, thousands of middle-class families moved outside city limits.  You might think the Dem rulers of Philly's city gruberment would respond by lowing taxes.  Hahahahahaha!  No, they won by unilaterally declaring new, larger city limits, bringing the formerly-safe, low-tax suburbs back under their control.  It's called "annexation."

    Cool, eh?  When Democrats rule, nothing is safe from their reach.

    Now Dems are pushing this same tactic under the cunning slogan "Better together," saying it's hip and trendy to be part of the corrupt, Dem-ruled cesspool metropolis.  And the "woke" kids are eating it up.

    3,500 leftist protesters mass in Portland. But if *you* tried to go to church or a funeral you'd be fined

    Two days ago 3,500 liberal Democrats massed in Portland in a single crowd, singing and "protesting."

    Governors of Democrat-ruled states have RULED that you aren't allowed to hold church services "in person" with more than ten or 50 people, supposedly to prevent the spread of the awful Chinese virus.  If you disobey this order you will be fined thousands of dollars.

    But no one--not a single person--in the mass Democrat gathering was charged with violating anything.  THIS mass gathering is apparently perfectly fine with the hypocritical Democrat dictators who rule with absolute power, unrestrained by legislatures or courts.

    How much longer will good Americans put up with this hypocritical bullshit?


    Another example:  After the lying rat-bastard fraud Fauci threw the far-left pitch the other night, he went back to the stands.  Thinking no cameras were watching, he took his mask off while sitting right next to someone else.  When the pic surfaced and he was criticized for hypocrisy, he falsely claimed he had just momentarily slipped his mask down to drink water, cuz the poor snowflake was SO dehydrated from that massive effort to get the ball within 100 feet of home plate.  Yet he wasn't holding a drink, nor was there one visible.  He was holding a cell phone.

    But hey, how could anyone believe anything Fauci says?  He's a tool.

    July 24, 2020

    Major-league baseball games to be televised with digital crowds--that can move!

    As many of you may have heard, when Major League Baseball kicks off its delayed 2020 season, fans won’t be allowed in many of the ballparks. This worried TV networks, with execs worried that seeing empty parks might reduce the compulsion to watch for some fans.

    But technology will solve that!  To make the game look and sound like a traditional event, Fox Sports plans to use computer graphics to put images of spectators in the seats.  Seriously.

    See, pre-season games put cardboard cutouts of people in a few dozen seats, but astonishingly, it didn't take most viewers long to figure out that the fans weren't real.  And as a Fox exec explained, "We had a vision for making our broadcast games look totally natural,” says Brad Zager, executive vice president and head of production for Fox Sports. “A lot of that is having a crowd in the stadium.”

    And not just fixed images, either!  The fake fans will be able to actually MOVE so they look more real.  Producers can also change the predominant colors, to match home-team fans.  The tech wizards can even have the crowd do a wave, says Zager, and can even remove crowd members if need be. “If it’s an 8-to-1 game, the crowd can be thinned out” late in the game, he explains.

    All pro sports broadcasters are wondering how far can they go to "augment" games without alienating viewers.  ESPN--which was once a sports network but is now a progressive arm of the Democrat party--has said it plans to play up the natural sounds of the ballpark – music from the home team’s organist, words from its in-stadium announcer – so fans at home feel all is normal. “Sneaking in just enough fake crowd audio makes the broadcast much more authentic than I thought it would be” said one ESPN exec.

    The networks need games to look convincing because millions of dollars in ad revenue are at stake.  And to the surprise of no one, Major League Baseball is totally on-board.  The league has distributed 75 different sound effects, including cheering, roaring, disappointment and "regular crowd buzz."

    Wow, it's no wonder these guys are "senior executives," eh?  And I'm sure most Americans will be, like, totally fooled, just as they were when the networks spiced up their comedy shows with "laugh tracks."  I mean, we all thought those were totally live, right?

    And here's a free idea for a top Democrat party advisor:  You guys should consider using this faabulous, pioneering technology to make it look like Joe Biden is appearing before hundreds of people instead of alone in his basement.  You can even splice in shots of fake "reporters" and then audio of campaign workers--posing as reporters--asking him scripted questions!  Which, when you think about it, is the same as now.

    Fake "reporters" simulating fake news.  Too funny!  Who would have thought?  Art imitates life, eh?


    Director of the Sierra Club apologizes for Club's founder having some raaaacist friends in 1892

    With all the unbelievable crap that's been happening for the past two months or so--things no one would have believe as recently as March--you might think we've reached peak-insanity.  If you don't, here's another data point:

    The Sierra Club was founded in 1892 as a conservation group.  In the 1970s it began morphing into an anti-capitalism, anti-free-market, quasi-Marxist organization.

    For the last decade the club's executive director has been a goofy sumbitch named Michael Brune, and a few days ago Brune confessed the collective guilt of the Sierra Club's founder.

    You may well wonder what sin the exec director claims its founder committed, eh?

    Wait...given today's screamig, of course you don't have to wonder:  Founder John Muir had friends who were concerned that the U.S. was allowing too many immigrants back around 1900. 

    SEE??!  The dude who founded the Sierra Club was obviously a raaaaaaacist!  So according to the rules of the Left/Democrats/social-justice warriors, the Sierra Club must be abolished immediately!

    So director Brune grovelled out how the organization plans atone for the 1892 founder's having had friends who were concerned about high immigration:  Brune said he would ensure that people of color make up “the majority of the team making top-level organization decisions” of the club in the future.

    As a commenter noted, how dumb is it to promise that “the majority of the team making top-level organization decisions” for the club will be groups making up perhaps 20 percent of the population of the country?  Wait, to guilt-ridden leftist snowflakes it make perfect sense.

    But perhaps nothing captures the inherent idiocy of leftist orgs like the Sierra Club as well as the time the club sued itself in federal court.

    Seriously.  A company had asked to build a huge solar-electric project in the desert.  Since the Sierra Club hates carbon fuel ("global warming," ya know), the National board was, like totes for the green-energy project, and gave its approval.  But the California branch of the club sued National because desert tortoises lived in...well, the desert, and surely some lived on the proposed site of the marvelous, non-polluting solar plant.  Or needed to go thru that exact spot to get from feeding ground to mating ground.  Or something.

    Comedy gold.

    Another commenter wondered how long it would be before director Brune demanded that the National Park Service change the name of Muir Woods in Yosemite Park to "Black Lives Matter Woods."

    The over/under is six weeks. 

    Demon posts pic of himself kneeling on neck of a toddler as his comrade pins toddler's arms. No pic in U.S. media

    Whenever an adult "male" in the U.S. brutalizes a two-year-old, the Mainstream Media gives the story big play, since it's a) so ghastly; and b) sure to get lots of reader eyes on it.

    So y'all undoubtedly saw the pic below, of a creature kneeling on the neck of a toddler as a comrade held the toddler's arms behind his back, right?  I mean, you can't get much more gripping and outrageous than that, right?

    The demon with his knee on the neck of the toddler is 20-year-old Isiah Jackson, of Clark County, Ohio.  He was on parole for some other crime, probably something trivial like murder or rape.

    Of course you didn't see the pic above.  Why?  Because the Lying Mainstream Media decided you shouldn't.  Doesn't support the Narrative of innocent blacks being killed by white cops, see.  And after the demon posted this on Lying Social Media, the LSM immediately scrubbed the demon's account.  Cool, eh?  Now the only way you can find this pic is to go overseas, since the overseas media isn't entirely in on the false Narrative being spun by the media here. 

    As sure as G_d made little green apples, a public defender will plead this down to "carelessness" or something similar, and the demon will walk out in 30 days or so.

    If this had been New York the guy would have been released before the ink had dried on the arrest documents.  Cuz New York is run 100 percent by Democrats like Warren Wilhelm.

    Wait, you say you never heard of Wilhelm before?  Maybe you know him by his newest name, after two name changes:  Bill deBlasio.


    America is under siege

    For the past dozen years America has been under siege by the Democrat Party-- a party that will gladly accept the wholesale destruction of communities in its lust for absolute power.

    Democrat mayors and congresscreeps have effectively removed your right of free speech, which is supposedly guaranteed by the First Amendment.  They've done this by Dem mayors ordering their controlled city cops not to protect conservatives from being attacked by BLM/Antifa mobs, and by passing laws that make it a crime to refer to someone by a pronoun they don't like.

    Amazingly, as the leaders of the Democrat party have done this, they've been able to portray themselves as defenders of human rights, while accusing righteous, innocent, Constitution-loving Americans of being racists.

    Reality has been stood on its head.  The Mainstream Media repeatedly tells you that rioting, burning and looting are merely "peaceful protests."  Anarchists and terrorists kill people simply for saying "All lives matter," and topple statues of Washington and Jefferson.

    Violent thugs rule our largest cities (always Democrat-ruled) with impunity.  Mayors support the thugs in Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Atlanta and Washington DC, without a single word of protest by the Lying Mainstream Media.

    Look around you.  Try to find real evidence that a single word written above is false.

    "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

    Ever heard the chant "USA! USA!" at a Democrat rally?

    BLM/Antifa: "We're reasonable, so we'll give you a chance to compromise."

    BLM/Antifa "activist":  "You're white, so you need to be killed."

    Conservative:  "I'm really opposed to being killed."

    BLM/Antifa "activist":  "Well you're obnoxious, but since we're very reasonable people we'll give you the opportunity to compromise."

    Conservative:  "How can there be a compromise with someone who wants to kill me?"

    BLM/Antifa "activist":  "We'll just break your legs and cut off a hand.  See how reasonable we are?"

    Mainstream Media:  "That seems like a very reasonable compromise.  Just shows what we've always claimed: BLM and Antifa are reasonable, conservatives aren't."

    One state's Republican party issue platform opposing "SOGI" laws. Dems scream. Governor apologizes

    The gay/tranny mafia--supported by the Democrat party without a single reservation--has rolled another nominal Republican.

    A few weeks ago Republicans in North Dakota voted on a party platform.  Along with dozens of uncontroversial planks (personal freedom, limited government, encouraging personal responsibility, lower taxes and so on) was a provision opposing what are called "Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Anti-Discrimination" (SOGI) bills.

    Hey, how could anyone be opposed to something named an "anti-discrimination bill," eh?

    That's because the Democrats have done what the always do: they gave this class of laws a totally misleading name, precisely to hide the REAL effect from normal Americans.  Cuz among the many things that "SOGI" laws have done in other states is to make it a hate crime to refer to a male with a male pronoun if he claims to be female.  Or female claiming to be male.  Or "non-binary." 

    Note that these laws say you don't have to be speaking TO the snowflake to be charged with a "hate-crime."  Instead you can be charged if you merely use a person's "non-preferred pronoun" in conversation with someone else. 

    These grossly-misnamed laws would also add trannies to the long list of what are called "protected classes" in the law.  Members of one of these special "protected classes" have special status under the law--status which allows them to sue you for deciding not to hire them because you don't want them representing your company, or deciding you'd rather not do business with them.

    Examples are everywhere:  Several bakeries have been sued into bankruptcy for declining to make a cake celebrating homosexual marriage, or tranny marriage. (Search "Masterpiece cakeshop")

    Of course you can't believe that in America--where the First Amendment to our great Constitution states that we have freedom of speech--any law criminalizing use of an obvious (if non-preferred) pronoun could withstand a legal challenge.  Unfortunately these laws are already on the books in shithole cities like NYC, and haven't been struck down yet.

    Further, a bill already introduced a year ago by Pelosi's Democrat majority in the House added the phrase "or gender identity" to the end of every list of protected classes in the Civil Rights Act.  This bill was the first one introduced by Pelosi after the 2018 mid-term election.  It passed in the House, exactly on party lines, but the majority-GOP senate ignored it.

    If the Democrats pick up just 2 net senate seats in November, flipping the senate, this bill will pass, and go to the president for signing or veto.  If Biden is elected, which do you think he'd do?

    In any case:  Whined at by Democrats and the Lying Mainstream Media, the nominal Republican governor of North Dakota quickly apologized for the party's opposition to giving special status to more classes, under the guise of "non-discrimination," and promise to remove the points the Dems didn't like.  Yay!!

    July 23, 2020

    Official platform of the Democrat party blames Whites for the nation's problems--15 times

    Democrats Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders have issued a "unity platform" that outlines what they plan for the U.S. if the Democrats win in November.  It's little more than an anti-White screed, blaming every problem on...Whites, which are blamed 15 times by name. 

    Of course many Americans have a hard time believing the leaders of the Dem party would single out whites as the cause of our problems, so here ya go.  Read it for yourself.

    China and Iran sign a huge deal, "strategic accord" worth hundreds of billions

    While America's attention has been focused on fighting the Chinese virus, China has quietly signed a huge strategic alliance with the terrorism-funding government of Iran.  Following weeks of feverish rumors, last weekend The New York Times reported the contents of a final draft of the agreement.

    The main terms are that Iran has agreed to sell China oil, at below-market prices, for the next 25 years.  In addition to buying Iranian oil--thus giving Iran desperately needed foreign currency--China has agreed to invest $400 billion in Iran over the same period.

    In essence, the deal frees Iran from economic sanctions, which the developed nations had imposed on Iran because it was determined to keep working on developing nuclear weapons.

    It takes quite awhile to fully understand the implications of this agreement.  For now, suffice it to say that it's a huge coup for both nations.  And for the record, there was no way the U.S. could have prevented it.

    My guess is that aside from bare reporting, it'll take a week or so for the Mainstream Media to decide how to spin this agreement.  They'll want to use this against Trump, but they'll be reluctant to write about it because it so clearly shows that China is intent on world domination, as Trump advisors have said on numerous occasions.  So hard to know how they'll jump.

    My take is that this is very de-stabilizing, and a huge source of concern for the U.S.  More later.

    Drunk illegal alien crosses centerline, kills 3, injures 9 more. Had prior DUI but Obama let him stay

    Last Saturday in Texas a group of motorcyclists was riding--middle of the day--when a drunk driver crossed the centerline and collided head-on with the line of bikes, killing three and injuring nine more.

    Not a single story about this horrible event included a single word about the drunk driver, leading cynics to suspect that he might have been an illegal alien.

    And a week later we find he is.  But it gets worse:  The drunk illegal immigrant, Ivan Robles Navejas, was arrested back in 2016 for...wait for it...drunk driving, but emperor Obama's policy forbade agents from deporting illegal aliens unless they'd committed a "major crime."  Drunk driving wasn't considered serious, and the Obozo administration "declined to deport him." 

    So...illegal arrested for DUI in 2016 but Democrat president declined to deport him.  Did they really, truly think this illegal, having shown himself willing to drive drunk, wouldn't do that again?  Really?

    So they let him stay, and just 4 years later, the predictable happened.

    But ya know, we need to elect more Democrats in November, cuz deportations iz bad!  And Dems promise they'll stop all deportations.  Yay!!  Everyone around the world should be allowed to walk in, with no vetting and no deportations. 

    A great policy, just like all Dem policies.

    After NY Dem pol urges people NOT to call cops, black woman shot 8 times in NYC. National Media yawns.

    Eric Adams is the president of the "borough" of Brooklyn, New York.  Like virtually every Democrat pol, Adams is a master of "virtue signalling:"  pushing ghastly, deadly policies and demands, but refusing to ever be held accountable when the predictable consequences kill or harm people after his policies or demands are adopted.

    Specifically:  All the top Democrat leaders want to defund the cops or abolish them entirely.  Wanting to ride that Dem idea, when borough residents began calling cops to stop "youths" of never-mentioned ethnicity from blowing up fireworks around other kids before July 4th, Adams had what he thought was a sure-winner demand: DON'T call the cops, cuz "that might risk a heavy-handed police response."

    Instead on June 21st this poser noted that shooting fireworks in NYC was a "non-violent act," and urged people wanting to stop it to talk to their neighbors instead.

    So how well did that dumb-ass idea work?  Well on July 4th Shatavia Walls, a hard-working 33-year-old black woman, was concerned about "youths" of never-mentioned ethnicity shooting fireworks in a nearby park as young children played just feet away.  Because Eric Adams had warned all his people not to call the cops, Walls went over to the "youths" and asked them to stop.

    According to Walls' mother a scuffle ensued and one of the "youths" chased Walls into her mother’s building, pulled a gun and fired a single shot at her.  It missed, and Walls had the presence of mind to scoop up both the shell casing--and a driver’s license the shooter dropped while fleeing,

    Walls then called 911 to report the attack, and gave police the name and home address of the "youth" who shot at her, based on the ID she recovered.  She also gave them a physical description.

    Of course the police immediately came to Walls and took the driver's license so they could positively identify the shooter when they picked him up, right?  Nah, it's New York, where a "youth" who shoots at someone but misses isn't regarded as a crime.  So nothing happened...until 3 days later.

    Around 8:30pm on July 7th, police say Walls and a friend again noticed "youths" shooting fireworks on the playground, and following Eric Adams' urging not to call police, asked 'em to stop.  Which had exactly the effect you'd expect.

    This group didn’t include the man who’d previously shot at Walls, but one of them went to retrieve him and he came running, again armed.  He chased her around the complex, shooting.

    Eventually one shot found its target--and with Walls on the ground the attacker moved in for the kill.  As Walls' mother watched in horror, the attacker fired 7 more shots into the defenseless woman, then fled.

    Amazingly, Walls lived long enough to tell cops her attacker was the same guy as before.  Her friend confirmed the description.  But  despite having the killer's name, address and photo, cops can't find him.

    Of course you heard about this horrific murder of a defenseless black woman by a "youth" in NYC, right?  Because it was a top story by every part of the Lying Mainstream Media, which constantly scream at us that black lives matter.  Wait... you did NOT hear about it. because HER murder didn't fit the Narrative being pushed by BLM and the Lying Mainstream Media. 

    And you already know WHY no media outside of NYC said a word, eh?

    Now here's the point of the story:  Eric Adams is an idiot Democrat virtue-signaller.  His "urging" that residents not call cops on black perps got a hard-working black woman killed, intentionally.  So do you really want to abolish the police?  If so, vote Dem in November, cuz that's exactly what they've promised to do.


    Dem D.C. mayor orders everyone to wear mask outside home or be fined $1,000

    With all the ORDERS issued by Democrat mayors and governors, ordering all citizens to wear masks at all times when they're outside their own home, some Americans might think these people are dictators, throwing their considerable weight around.

    For example, yesterday the Democrat mayor of Washington, D.C., Muriel Bowser, issued an executive order demanding that all residents wear masks outside of the home.  Here are her own words:
    “If you’re waiting for a bus, you must have on a mask. If you are ordering food at a restaurant, you must have on a mask. If you’re sitting in a cubicle in an open office, you must have on a mask.”
    Her dictat imposes an astonishing fine of up $1,000 per violation.  So you may think she's just an insane dictator.  Oh, not at all, citizen!  What could have given you that unsocial idea?  Cuz here comes the huge, magnanimous concession to common sense.
    Bowser says the fine won't be imposed on children under the age of 3.
    See, citizen?  We told ya you were way off base to think these Democrats were unreasonable dictators, eh?  And there's even more concession to common sense:
    Bowser says no fine will be imposed on people who are actively eating or drinking.
    Wait...how does Bowser's order define "actively" eating or drinking?  It doesn't, but the mayor's office later sent out "guidance" that to be deemed "actively" eating or drinking--to avoid the $1,000 fine--diners must take a bite or a sip of beverage within 52 seconds of the previous bite or sip, and then must re-mask while chewing.  The mayor has ordered police to randomly video diners to ensure compliance.

    Source:  Democrat-loving rag The Hill.

    Okay, maybe the last part of the 'graf above is fiction, but as insane as Dems are today, how could you tell?

    In Portland a man with a saw walks into a laundromat...

    Meanwhile in the Democrat-created-and-ruled paradise-on-Earth that is Portland, Oregon, two women were doing their wash in a laundromat when a male entered, armed with a 3-foot-long handsaw.  The vid below tells the rest of the story.

    Interestingly, when cops tried to arrest the attacker, BLM/Antifa "bystanders" screamed and tried to prevent the arrest.  Cuz he dindoo nuffin.'

    Also interesting:  The Democrat mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler, wants to defund police and replace them with social workers.  While this may sound a bit...radical...to most Americans, the mayor was simply echoing the demands of leading congressional Democrats.  Cuz, see, blacks are arrested at a higher rate than their percentage of the population.  And to Leftists, whenever there's a difference in outcomes--charges filed, sentence length, highschool graduation rates, college admissions, college graduation rates--that difference can only be explained by raaaaacism.  Yep yep yep.

    Hey, who needs cops, eh?   So vote Democrat in November!  Cuz who needs cops when arguments can be settled peacefully, as this man did?

    Or as every mainstream media outlet puts it, "mostly peacefully."

    Polls show Trump so far behind that it reminds me of when...


    Man who shot 5-month-old and 2 others was on probation...for illegal gun possession


    In Chitcongo five days ago the creature above got out of a car and fired 14 shots at two men.  Each of the men was hit by one shot.

    One of the other 12 hit a 5-month-old baby in the head.

    Mainstream Media ignored it.  "Strictly local interest only," see.  Another day ending in Y in Chitcongo.

    Now the twist that makes the story useful:  When the shooter--21-year-old Teontun Davis--shot the two men and the baby, he was on probation for illegal gun possession.

    Now you may think that my point in posting this story is that blacks commit 99 percent of all murders in Chitcongo and other Democrat cesspool cities, but it's not.  Instead I'd like you to consider a proposal supported by every single Democrat mayor, every single Democrat in congress and the Dem nominee (for now) for president:  They demand that people who commit "minor crimes"--like illegal gun possession--be released from custody immediately, without having to post bail.  (Yes, I realize the shooter above was on probation, not on no-bail-release.)

    Do you really think Democrats give a damn about your safety?  But half the country will vote Dem, cuz BLM and Antifa are what all the cool kids are supporting.  And every single Dem policy is aimed at grabbing the votes of young people who don't even know what the 4th of July celebrates, and who are determined to destroy statues of Washington and Jefferson cuz they owned slaves 220 years ago.


    July 22, 2020

    BLM/Antifa wussy-mobs attack fed courthouse for 56th consecutive night. But this time...

    If you get all your "news" from the Lying Mainstream Media, you probably don't know much about the nightly riots in Democrat-ruled Portland, in Dem-ruled Oregon.

    Every night, young marxist rioters break every replaced window they find, rip off the plywood covering the windows of the federal courthouse and attempt to break those windows too.  They spray-paint obscene slogans on every square foot of every building.

    This has been happening every g_ddamn night for 55 nights in a row now.

    In a normal city the mayor would OBVIOUSLY order his city's cops to stop the madness.  But because the mayor of Portland (Ted Wheeler) is a Democrat, and thus supports BLM, Antifa, Marxism and the riots and looting of all those outfits, he's ordered his cops to take NO action at all.

    So as you would expect, with no consequences the riots have continued for 55 consecutive nights.

    But...downtown Portland also has a federal courthouse.  And that building is...wait for it...federal property.  Which means...wait for it...that non-Democrat, non-communist, responsible adults are legally responsible for it.

    Antifa/BLM idiots:  "Oh YEAH?  Says who, fascist?!  WTF does that mean to US, dummy!"

    Adult:  "Glad you asked.  Let's watch as your comrades find out.  And bear in mind, we're not even using lead slugs yet.  Not even cracking skulls.  But please, do come back tomorrow for another round if you're in the mood.  Cuz we've about had enough of your tantrums."

    Last weekend mobs broke all the windows in Bloomingdales, stole everything. Media ignored it ALL

    Chicago--or as the cops call it, "Little Mogadishu."

    Even though Chitcongo is supposedly the second-largest city in the U.S, other than a dry mention of the number of shootings on a weekend you don't see much national video coverage.

    There's a reason, of course.  For instance, while mobs of BLM/Antifa rioters threw rocks, bricks and "mortars" (fireworks designed to shoot bombs 500 feet into the air) at cops circling a Columbus statue, 50 "persons" broke all the windows in famed Bloomingdales and stole everything they could carry.

    Video was available, but not a single station or network thought it was worth showing you.

    What does that tell you?

    1) Looting has become normal; and 2) the looters enjoy the protection of both the media and the Democrat female black mayor of Chitcongo.

    If you wanna see what's really going on in that cesspool--the things the Lying Mainstream Media refuse to show you--take a look at a blog called "SecondCityCop."

    But don't bother trying to look for any law-and-order blog by using Google, cuz those communists are blocking search results for every website and blog they don't like.

    Here's one tiny vignette from SecondCityCop:
    The school where I teach (West Side) bought every student who was in the free lunch program a tablet-computer, at $860 each. They were given out during the free breakfast, lunch, and dinner pickup.  But when students were asked to return the tablets at the end of the school year, less than 10% were returned.
    Parents whose kids didn't return the tablets said they were lost, broken, stolen, and in more than a few cases being used by family members for “other things” (oh, dat's fine).  When we asked the CPS administration if we should report them stolen, we were told "No, we will just buy new ones when the next school year starts."

    July 21, 2020

    3 black males killed in a single attack in Detroit last Sunday. Media ignores it.

    Last Sunday in the cesspool called Detroit, a raaacist person shot 4 peaceful black persons at point-blank range, killing three of them.

    Of course given the screaming racial war created and stoked by the Mainstream Media (at the screaming demand of Marxist BLM-ers), the Mainstream Media led every evening newscast with this story--especially since the shootings were captured on video, making it perfect for network "news."

    The NY Times and WaPo and Detroit Free Press put this on their front pages, top story, because...3 peaceful blacks killed by a raaaaacist. 

    Surely you saw those headlines and stories, right?

    Wait...ya say you never heard a single word about this ghastly murder of 3 peaceful blacks?

    How can that be?  Cuz wasn't this the lead story in every liberal paper?

    Oh, that's right:  It wasn't broadcast by any member of the Lying Mainstream Media.  Didn't make the WaPo or NY Times or CNN or...well, anywhere.

    Gosh, that seems...odd, doesn't it?  I mean, if it was Chitcongo or Baltimore or Philly you could understand, since murders are so commonplace in those Dem-ruled cesspools.  But this was Detroit--and a triple-murder, caught on video--so you'd think it might be...um...newsworthy.  But your Lying Mainstream Media ignored it.  Why?

    Look at the vid and the answer is clear.  So the Mainstream Media has a total double-standard when deciding if the murder of blacks is newsworthy.  Depends entirely on the race of the killer.

    July 20, 2020

    University English department bows to blacks by "de-emphasizing traditional grammar." Really.

    The comrades who run the English Department at Rutgers University have signalled their great virtue to all other universities--by proudly proclaiming that English is oppressive to blacks and other minorities.

    They did this by vowing to "deemphasize traditional grammar."

    Rational people may well wonder what the f**k that phrase means.  Fortunately the chair of the English department, Rebecca Walkowitz, is all too eager to esplain dis too uz.

    In an email sent on "Juneteenth" titled "Department actions in solidarity with Black Lives Matter," English Department chair Rebecca Walkowitz explained that the new "initiatives" (a word that rolls off the tongue much more smoothly than "bullshit") are a "way to contribute to the eradication of systemic inequities facing black, indigenous, and people of color."

    Now I don't know much about writing or English so I'm sorta speculating here, but seems t' me the amazingly brilliant Rebecca is saying dat da U.S. bees reel raaaacist cuz dem White Supremacists has dis raaacis' ting bout speekin' an' writin' in a way evry1 kin unnerstan.  See?

    See, it's a huge oppression to have everyone write in a standard way.  Jus' awful.

    Walkowitz described one of the initiatives as "incorporating ‘critical grammar' into our pedagogy."
    "[Critical grammar] challenges the familiar dogma that writing instruction should limit emphasis on grammar/sentence-level issues so as to not put students from multilingual, non-standard ‘academic' English backgrounds at a disadvantage," the email reads. "Instead, it encourages students to develop a critical awareness of the variety of choices available to them with regard to micro-level issues in order to empower them and equip them to push against biases based on ‘written' accents."
    Shorter version: It means dat da ebonics now bees da fine wit da Egrish dapahtmunt.

    See, eight years ago the comrades who run Rutgers' English set up a "Committee on Bias Awareness and Prevention.  But of course that wasn't enough for da comrades, so Rebecca has now lobbied the the department "move from a role emphasizing awareness and prevention towards a role emphasizing ‘culture change.'"

    Yes.  We should change our culture to accommodate ebonics.  And any other minority bullshit that pops up.  It's gonna' be SO much better, comrade.  Trust 'em.