The fate of the nation will likely hinge on what happens in congress today. Seriously.
The future of the United States very likely depends on what happens today in congress.
That's not hyperbole. Here's why:
Democrats in congress have sworn they won't pass any bill that continues funding the federal government unless Trump caves in and allows the DACA pawns to remain in the U.S. (and eventually be given citizenship).
Dems have also sworn to DEFEND AND RETAIN the ghastly-stupid policy of "chain migration," by which any legal immigrant is allowed to bring in dozens of family members. The Dems fire up support for this by wailing "It's horribly CRUEL to split up families." Okay, but who split up their family by having someone come here illegally in the first place? If you miss your family back home, go home.
If congress doesn't pass a funding bill, Trump can't keep the government funded unilaterally. (Obama would simply have issued one of his royal decrees, but Trump understands that presidents can't make laws.) So unless either Trump or the Dems cave, the federal gruberment will shut down.
Now: If no bill is passed, it's impossible to blame the shutdown on the president, since again, he can't just ORDER law to be passed. Again, unlike Obama. But the typical low-info Democrat doesn't know that. So when the Lying Mainstream Media blames the shutdown on...guess who?...Trump, the moronic sheep will all nod eagerly.
Trump's advisors know this, and know that if the govt shuts down--even for a week--Trump will likely lose in 2020.
So as the deadline of midnight tonight approaches, my guess is that RINO advisors like the awful H.R. McMaster will redouble their efforts to get Trump to cave on DACA (and maybe chain migration.too).
That will be the end of the U.S. Reason is that while Obama only ("ONLY") gave "deferred action" status to 800,000 illegals, there are actually 3.6 MILLION illegals in the U.S. who were brought into the U.S. by their parents BEFORE Obama's decree. So what does that do?
Now follow me here: If Trump is pressured to cave on DACA pawns, it's absolutely certain--I say again, "absolutely certain"--that in a year the open-borders Democrats will start wailing that if the DACA illegals got amnesty and citizenship, "it's JUST NOT FAIR" to deny this huge gift to the other 2.8 MILLION "Dreamers" who've been in the U.S. even longer.
Now: Add chain migration (under which each immigrant eventually brings in an *average* of seven family members) and we're talking about 22 MILLION new Democrat voters.
Get it yet? The Dems will control every election for the rest of your life.
And this is as certain as the sun rising tomorrow.
Democrats already know all this, as do traitorous RINOs like John McCain and Jeff Flake--who have said they will NOT vote yes on a funding bill. So the funding bill already passed by the House will be defeated in the senate.
At that point, shutdown. White House goes into OMG-mode, advisors signal Trump will sign a bill legalizing the DACA pawns, and that's the end of it.
Glad I had the chance to live in a good United States instead of a third-world s***hole.
Hope I'm wrong about this. But I've seen McMaster tipping his hand too many times. He's a bad one. As are all the Dems in congress. Not a good one in the lot. They'd sell out the every American citizen to line their own pockets and stay in office until they're senile.
Or in Pelosi's case, past that.
That's not hyperbole. Here's why:
Democrats in congress have sworn they won't pass any bill that continues funding the federal government unless Trump caves in and allows the DACA pawns to remain in the U.S. (and eventually be given citizenship).
Dems have also sworn to DEFEND AND RETAIN the ghastly-stupid policy of "chain migration," by which any legal immigrant is allowed to bring in dozens of family members. The Dems fire up support for this by wailing "It's horribly CRUEL to split up families." Okay, but who split up their family by having someone come here illegally in the first place? If you miss your family back home, go home.
If congress doesn't pass a funding bill, Trump can't keep the government funded unilaterally. (Obama would simply have issued one of his royal decrees, but Trump understands that presidents can't make laws.) So unless either Trump or the Dems cave, the federal gruberment will shut down.
Now: If no bill is passed, it's impossible to blame the shutdown on the president, since again, he can't just ORDER law to be passed. Again, unlike Obama. But the typical low-info Democrat doesn't know that. So when the Lying Mainstream Media blames the shutdown on...guess who?...Trump, the moronic sheep will all nod eagerly.
Trump's advisors know this, and know that if the govt shuts down--even for a week--Trump will likely lose in 2020.
So as the deadline of midnight tonight approaches, my guess is that RINO advisors like the awful H.R. McMaster will redouble their efforts to get Trump to cave on DACA (and maybe chain migration.too).
That will be the end of the U.S. Reason is that while Obama only ("ONLY") gave "deferred action" status to 800,000 illegals, there are actually 3.6 MILLION illegals in the U.S. who were brought into the U.S. by their parents BEFORE Obama's decree. So what does that do?
Now follow me here: If Trump is pressured to cave on DACA pawns, it's absolutely certain--I say again, "absolutely certain"--that in a year the open-borders Democrats will start wailing that if the DACA illegals got amnesty and citizenship, "it's JUST NOT FAIR" to deny this huge gift to the other 2.8 MILLION "Dreamers" who've been in the U.S. even longer.
Now: Add chain migration (under which each immigrant eventually brings in an *average* of seven family members) and we're talking about 22 MILLION new Democrat voters.
Get it yet? The Dems will control every election for the rest of your life.
And this is as certain as the sun rising tomorrow.
Democrats already know all this, as do traitorous RINOs like John McCain and Jeff Flake--who have said they will NOT vote yes on a funding bill. So the funding bill already passed by the House will be defeated in the senate.
At that point, shutdown. White House goes into OMG-mode, advisors signal Trump will sign a bill legalizing the DACA pawns, and that's the end of it.
Glad I had the chance to live in a good United States instead of a third-world s***hole.
Hope I'm wrong about this. But I've seen McMaster tipping his hand too many times. He's a bad one. As are all the Dems in congress. Not a good one in the lot. They'd sell out the every American citizen to line their own pockets and stay in office until they're senile.
Or in Pelosi's case, past that.
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