March 31, 2024

Student at Tucker Carlson's old prep school asks him to speak there. Hilarity ensues...

You'll get a laugh out of this.

Tucker Carlson attended a prep school (St. George), and a student asked him if he'd come speak at the school.

When Carlson called the staff at the school to ask about this, the staff wouldn't give him a straight answer on whether he'd be allowed to speak there.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Do we have free speech here?  Fundamental right?  No.  Not if you're a conservative, because Democrat shitheads who ignorantly proclaim themselves to be "liberal" won't you can't speak anyplace they rule.

"But hey, we lib'ruls jus' LUVvvs duh Free Speech, citizen!  We iz all fo' dat free speech thing!  Just not here.  Yew kin go ovah to duh mall, or duh junkyard, and say anyt'ing yew want.  Jus' not here.  An' why?  Cuz we sed so.  Dat all yew needs ta know, deplorable!"

So...Carlson spent a week or two calling various offices at the school, trying to get a straight answer.  No luck.  Called the "headmaster's" office for a week.  Shithead wouldn't return his calls.  Finally gets a call, and the guy lied his ass off.  You really need to hear this:

Carlson--a champion debater and easily the smartest guy on the tube--asked the officious, self-important "headmaster"  "If Oprah Winfrey wanted to speak at your school, would you bar her?"

Shithead replies, "Dat hypothetical."  Classic dodge.

A week later Tucker gets another call from the school: 

Lying shithead: "We haz a new reason yew cain't speak here: 'It's too dangerous.'"

Carlson: "Dangerous from whom?"

Lying shithead: "Uhhh...we don' know, but weez sure some conservative wif' a gun gonna do sumpin if yew speak here."

Carlson: "Don't you have armed security on your campus?"

Lying shithead: "No, none of our security officers are armed.  Dis beez a gun-free zone!"

Carlson: "So how about if I bring my own security?"

Lying shithead: "NOOOoooo, yew cain't doo dat, cuz dis beez a gun-free zone!"

Carlson: "Suppose Joe biden wanted to speak there.  Would you demand that his Secret Service detail be disarmed?"

Lying shithead: "Dat hypothetical.  We smaht!  We know not to answer hypotheticals!  Ouah in-house counsel dun' tol' us not to doo dat."

Carlson just laughs his ass off about the cowardice of these liberal Democrat shitheads.  He says You'd think that a school that claims to be liberal and enlightened would love free inquiry, free speech, so that at worst they'd say "We hate this Carlson guy's politics, but we want to give our students the chance to evaluate his ideas for themselves."  But of course liberal shitheads don't do that: they never let conservatives speak, because they know people like Tucker would totally destroy their totalitarian, fascist policies and ideas.

No liberal bureaucrat or adminishit will EVER take on a sharp conservative like Carlson.  If you disagree, find a video that proves that wrong.

As America rejects Christianity, what will replace it?

A day before Easter Sunday your preznit--Porridgebrain--issued a proclamation:  He proclaimed that the day most of us revere as the day of Christ's ressurection  as "Transgender Day of Visibility."  (The preznit left the pro-forma Easter proclamation for two days later.)

A handful of people found this...offputting--but the White House told them this was perfectly, utterly reasonable.

If you look around you it’s hard to avoid the realization that something is very wrong in America.  And not just our economy or the border or rampant crime in our cities that's horribly wrong.  Those are just symptoms of the real cause.

Today the entire Mainstream Media and every leader of one of the nation's two main political parties not only insist that men can become women, and vice-versa, and that even children can consent to what the Democrats euphemistically call “gender-affirming care,” they demand that you agree with them.

Many Democratic lawmakers are demanding laws that will force parents to affirm whatever their child claims is xir “gender identity.”  And worse: they're demanding that the government remove the child from the home if the parents refuse.  The liberals who totally run Washington State actually passed such a law, and national Democrats aren't far behind.

After Hamas terrorists filmed themselves raping and murdering Israeli women on Oct. 7, boasting about their savagery to a watching world, hundreds of thousands of American leftists--including many college--still can't bring themselves to condemn Hamas.

Clear corruption of the president--taking obvious multi-million-dollar bribes from China and other foreign nations, as shown by bank wire transfers--elicit coy smirks from Democrats--who would be screaming if a Republican president did the exact same thing.

The common thread to the above (and much more) is that America's "elites" have been slowly rejecting the principles of Christianity, replacing those principles with a worldview that rejects transcendent moral truth.  Instead, today's "elites" and "leaders" tacitly believe  truth is relative.  The totally intended result is that anything is permitted--if you're a member of the elite.

The idea of "fundamental rights," extended to all humans, isn't one that occurred even to advanced ancient societies.  Ancient Greece and Rome had amazing cities and civilizations and structures, but (as far as I know, at least) the idea of fundamental rights for everyone never surfaced.  

Christianity introduced some truly revolutionary ideas: Love your neighbor as yourself.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  Forgive.  

If you want an eye-opening experience, go to your local mall with a microphone and a friend with a videocam, and ask teenagers what the Golden Rule is.  All of us old folks knew it by age ten or so.  No longer.

Another interview experience:  Ask how many Americans believe "rights come from the government."  Almost every adult Democrat believes this.  But is it true?

Clearly, rights do NOT come from government, because without any unbreakable principles to rule 'em, governments do whatever makes the ruling politicians and bureaucrats more powerful and richer.  Doing the right thing for the citizens never enters the equation.

Some have posited that the total lack of morals we see everywhere today is due to the rejection of Christianity, which offered a revolutionary set of principles that defined morality.  Our leaders have rejected those principles and substituted double-standards and "the fix."

If that's true--as it seems to be--what does that mean for the future?  

It means the end of America as we know it, because without the universal, defining principles, nothing remains to constrain evil, power-mad humans.

If you want a glimpse of that future, look at any of our big Dem-run city, where killers and muggers are released by corrupt politicians hours after being arrested, without posting bail, because the pols want more votes, and they know huge chunks of voters love quick, no-bail release.
Our nation was founded on unprecedented ideals, but the Founders openly admitted that making the experiment work would require moral people--as an overwhelming majority of Christians are.  The Founders knew that power-mad people would always try to control things, so that even after being shown the concept of fundamental rights, the country could only survive if the people were moral.

And in America today, far too many people clearly are NOT moral.

As Christianity fades in America, our system of government, our once-civil society, will unravel--which is exactly what we see happening all around us.  And gradually all our rights and freedoms will follow--and they are.

When people have had something since they were born, they naturally believe life has always been that way.  People who don't know history--that's almost everyone--believe fundamental human rights come from government.  If that's true there would be no reason to be concerned that Christianity is vanishing, eh?

Try telling a Democrat that the huge benefits of Western civilization depend on Christian principles and they'll laugh.  And you know it's true.

The original source of liberalism was Christian principles.  But as time passed liberals forgot that, and slowly rejected that faith.  Cuz they're smaht, see?  Just ask 'em.  You see this in the comments of Democrat websites: "We don't need to believe in your almighty sky-friend."  

If you doubt this, watch man-on-the-street interviews where the interviewer asks 20-somethings "Where do human rights come from?"  The answer is always either "government" or "the U.N."

But without Christianity, how long will the Christian principles last before America reverts to an older form of civilization, one in which only power matters?  Here in the third decade of the 21st century we're beginning to see that happening.

A godless culture prizes money, power and success in those fields.  So-called "sophisticates" see moral relativism--which is another term for double-standards--not as a fatal character flaw but as a sign of sophistication.  "A higher understanding."   But under moral relativism power alone determines what the society believes is right.

The principles Americans have always asserted against tyranny--whether political or moral—freedom of speech, equal protection under the law, government by consent of the governed —sprang from Christianity.  Thus the waning of that faith will cause the core principles on which we have all depended for our frankly magnificent lives to fade.

That process has been underway in the U.S. since around 1960.  Of course it was almost impossible to recognize at the time because it was so gradual.

The new society will be marked by by daily violence: random murders on the streets, for no reason.  Drive-by shootings killing innocent victims--an occurrence now so frequent that few people even notice.  Oppressive taxation, foreclosure of the homes of elderly widows for failure to pay the last six dollars of a tax bill.  (It's already happened.)

Judges taking children away from their parents because the parents refused to call the child by a new, petulant, power-driven name.  (Again, already happened.)

Elderly women randomly attacked on the sidewalks of our big cities by far stronger males--the attacker caught but immediately released to do it the next day.  (Again, already happening.)

You see it in the big, Democrat-ruled cities every single day.  It's become so common that no one even says anything anymore.  

Tranny shooters kill six--including three 9-year-old kids--and the only thing the media wails about is "gun violence."  Biden's FBI refuses to release the "manifesto" explaining the murderer's motive, because the biden regime doesn't want to lose votes from the tranny mafia.  And the Mainstream Media--once bent on ferreting out the truth, but now given to supporting the regime--just shrugs.

Violence against the helpless, with the killer protected by the government--to win a few more votes.  How utterly, brazenly corrupt!  In post-Christian America such violence is quietly protected by the government and used for political advantage.  

The never-stated principle is already known, though never spoken: "There are no absolute truths, so everything is permitted.  That never-explicitly-stated truism will produce--as it always has--a world in which all that matters is power.

How did our school boards get to the point of quietly ordering "counselors" and staff to encourage children to "transition" while keeping this secret from the parents?  And it's telling that often no one knows (or more likely, is willing to say) who actually gave the order.  "Uh...we don't know."

People in constant pain, with no cure, shouldn't be prevented from ending their own suffering.  But obviously that's radically different from a corrupt government urging sick or elderly citizens to kill themselves.  Yet the supposedly sophisticated Canadian government is doing just that--and hardly anyone has batted an eye.

Debauched adults encourage ten-year-old kids in lingerie to dance suggestively.  Does anyone think this is right?  Moral?  Do ya think the Founders ever imagined this?  Do ya think Americans in 1940 would have put up with it?  Yet today it's common.  Democrat mayors fight to protect those events.  Liberals cunningly call pedophiles "minor-attracted persons."

All the things listed above are clear signs of a society that's rejected most of its moral foundations.

Whatever replaces our Founders' principles--founded on Christianity--may claim to be secular humanism, but will be divorced from the Christian principles that made humanism possible.  It will be replaced by power and violence--some by the gangs that infest us now, but some will be official, carried out by government bureaucrats, like 81,000 armed IRS "officers," and regular police.

Opponents are already raided and jailed on bogus charges, parents killed by SWAT teams for refusing to hand their children over to the government to be "transitioned."

Look at the symptoms: the deliberate denigration of the "nuclear family" by the leaders of the Democrat party and their Media toadies.  Daily violence, and the casual, almost smirking tolerance of high-level corruption.  But because the decline is gradual, no one notices.

Liberals and Democrats will sneer that we never really needed Christianity, that "enlightenment" can be found in every society, sparked by any number of things.  Thus they claim the end of Christianity--the source of our great guiding principles--means nothing.  After all, they sneer, don't all religions have great principles?

Okay, I'll play: Name one nation governed by another religion that has the founding principles of the U.S.  Even "progressive" American Jews are opposed to Israel.  China?  You're kidding.  Islam?  Even worse.

There's a way out, but no Christian will even entertain the idea.  So the good people--the moral people--will continue to sit like passengers on a doomed jetliner, waiting for the end.  

Who will say "Let's roll"?

  adapted from John Daniel Davidson
  in The Federalist  March 27, 2024

March 30, 2024

NY Attorney-general Leticia James to be prosecuted for "over-valuing Trump's fine"

(yes, this is clearly satire!) 

Democrats: "If only we could _____, we could save our precious democracy!"


Illegal invader urges other illegals to steal homes by "squatting;" will he be deported?

Because you get all your "newz" from duh teevee--i.e. from the biden regime--you probably never heard about a thug illegal alien invader from Venezuela named Moreno.

You need to.  If you ever wanted to see a demon, Moreno is the classic example.  He recently soared to fame (of sorts) by posting a YouTube video telling fellow invaders how to take possession of empty homes--"squatting."  (The face of the demon as he urges followers todo this is hugely revealing to anyone with eyes to see.)

This demon has half a MILLION followers on YouTube, 45,000 followers on Facebook and more than 16,000 on Instagram.  Let those numbers sink in for a minute.

He brags that the biden regime gives illegal invaders everything they could possibly want--cash, free food, free cell phones, free housing.  And keep in mind, citizen, this information is going directly to half a MILLION followers via YouTube.  Hmmm...ya think at least half of his followers are foreigners making plans to come to the U.S. and get on the gravy train?

He also tells his followers he makes a thousand dollars a DAY from begging.  Tells 'em to buy a strap-on cast and pretend to be injured.


He told his 507,000 TikTok followers, “If a house is not inhabited, *we* can seize it.”  He calling squatting “the American dream.”

He boasted about how the biden regime gave him a free apartment, and that the government gives him and his wife $350 a week.  He shows off huge supplies of food bought with the "WIC card" issued by the regime.

His wife had their child in the US, and he tells his followers he paid nothing for his wife to have their daughter in a top-notch hospital with private room, bragging that “Papa Biden” paid the bill.  And of course the baby is automatically a U.S. citizen, which he brags is a "game changer."

See, Democrat "leaders" have long pushed for alien parents of "U.S. citizens" to be given U.S. citizenship--cuz, votes.  That program--called "DAPA"--was instituted *by decree by Obozo* and lasted for over three years before finally being declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.  But biden cares nothing for Supreme Court rulings, as evidenced by his plan to have taxpayers pay off student loans.

“Work is for slaves,” says the demon, adding that he's lived in the U.S. for more than a year without ever having to work. “They just give you food," he says.

The demon uses his baby to beg, posing her with a huge sign around her neck saying “give me a hug, it’s my birthday please,” as he waves a huge bundle of $50 bills.  He boasts that he'll use the money strangers gave his baby daughter to buy a motorcycle.

“Work is for slaves, boys. Remember that: work is for slaves.”

Now, this demon is now in ICE custody.  Any guesses as to what the biden regime will do with him?  The guy is clearly harming the U.S. by telling a million people around the world (lots of people see his vids without being followers) to enter the U.S. illegally and start raking in "free" (taxpayer) money.  But the only law he's broken is illegally entering.

But the biden/harris/mayorkas regime doesn't deport illegals, even those with criminal records.  So chances are great that they won't deport this demon either.  Meaning he'll be here for life, mooching off taxpayers (and gullible Democrat donors).


March 29, 2024

At last! Photographic proof that sea levels are rising--due to Global Warming!!!

For years wokiez, the Mainstream Media, the leaders of the Democrat party and 90% of their voters have been screaming at you that Global Warming was causing sea level to rise.  

A few diehard conservatives were skeptical.  The Democrats and the Mainstream Media immediately labeled the skeptics "Climate Deniers." the Democrats and the Media have absolute proof that sea level is rising!  The two photos below were taken 100 years apart.  The black-and-white was in 1924, and the color one a month ago.  And as anyone can easily see, the sea level is clearly higher! 

SEE??  SEE??  We Democrats and Media types told you stupid deplorables sea level was rising! don't lie, eh?  You've got the hard proof right in front of you.  So...FOLLOW THE SCIENCE, deplorables!

See, we knew this cuz we're all Hahvahd and Yale grads, while you dummies went to state universities, if you even went to college at all.  

And if you couldn't afford to go to college, our faaaabulous president is having your tax dollars pay off our student loans.  Cuz we're smaht.  It's just fair. 

If you're still skepical here's another one:


March 28, 2024

Democrat Party working to keep 3rd-party candidates off the ballot...while bleating "We iz defending democracy"

Hey, citizen!  Which party constantly bleats that it is reeeally, REEALLY tells us dey wanna "defend our precious democracy"?

Of course!  It's duh Democrat party!

And nothing says "Wee iz SOooo defending our precious democracy" like trying to bar third party candidates from all ballots in November, eh?

See, so far all the third-party candidated—RFK Jr., Cornell West, and Jill Stein are very liberal, so the Democrat National Committee knows the three will take votes from Joe Biden.

Whoa!  Can't have that, right?  See, we Dems loooves democracy, right!  And one of the key tasks of "democracy" is to keep as many candidates as possible off the ballot, right?

Well, at least if they're likely to siphon votes away from a Democrat!  If a third-party candidate were a conservative who would take votes from Trump, dat beez fine!

The DNC will likely try to ban any candidate from the "No Labels" party--again because No Labels is likely to take votes away from biden.

This effort includes not just a propaganda campaign against Kennedy and Stein but also legal action to keep those candidates off the ballot.

Tellingly, the Mainstream Media hasn't said a critical word about the Democrats' utter hypocrisy in using lawfare to keep people they don't like off the ballot while raising LOTS of money by claiming they're “saving our precious democracy.”

The contradiction is staggering. On the same sites promising to oppose the third party candidates, the DNC and other groups push the narrative that the Democrats are working to "protect our precious democracy."

The Post reports that Democrat rulers have studied how Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016.  Trump beat Hillary in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan by a total of just 67,000 votes.  In just those states, Libertarian Gary Johnson and the Green Party’s Jill Stein got over half a million votes.

So the Dems have vowed not to allow third party candidates to take badly needed votes away from their corrupt candidate this year.  So the Democrat party is determined that RFK Jr, Cornell West and Jill Stein must go.

The DNC will reportedly be joined in this effort by an array of well-financed groups, including the liberal think tank Third Way (which has filed complaints with secretaries of states); American Bridge (a Democratic opposition operation), and Clear Choice (a super PAC composed of “allies of President Biden”).

And of course as these groups work to keep third-party candidates off the ballot, the effort continues in Florida, Georgia, Washington, and New York to keep Trump in court until the election, including a possible trial weeks before or even running through the election.

The Democrat party has decided that they just can't allow voters to vote for the candidate they want.  They're convinced voters can't be trusted with something as important as democracy.

FDA finally "settles" lawsuit from doctors, tacitly admitting they lied to trash ivermectin

All of you trusted the FDA and the CDC.  

We told you they were lying, and pointed out exactly how and why, but you didn't believe it.  You couldn't possibly believe it.  Because you trusted them.

Now the FDA has tacitly admitted they were deftly, cunningly lying by directly, intentionally making you believe a Nobel-prize-winning drug, approved by the FDA for human use in 1983, was actually only approved for animals.  That was a brazen lie.

Not only that, the CDC itself recommended that exact same drug for "immigrants" from Africa, and even published the recommended dose per pound of body weight.  Yet the biden regime sneered that the drug was just "horse paste," thus deliberately leading gullible Americans to believe it had not been approved for human use.  Again, that was a brazen lie.

By lying, warning people not to take a drug the FDA had approved for human use decades earlier, which had been shown to cure covid in days, the FDA probably allowed a million people to die needlessly.

Never trust the FDA or the CDC again.  Because it should be obvious by now that if an agency lies to you once, they'll happily do it again.

In the 1970s a Japanese researcher chanced on the discovery of a class of compounds called avermectins, which killed parasites.  Over the next decade the most potent of this class were eventually refined into Ivermectin, released in 1981.

That drug was approved by the FDA for human use in 1983.  It was also used as an anti- parasitic in horses and cows.  It has since been taken by hundreds of millions of humans, with no ill effects.

When the plandemic was unleashed in 2020, a handful of foreign doctors tested ivermectin to treat it...and found it worked.  Similar cures were reported for another FDA-approved drug called hydroxychlorquine (HCQ) that had been used by hundreds of millions of people since 1940 to prevent and cure malaria.

When Trump mentioned HCQ as possibly effective (March 2020) the Deep State quickly saw the chance to demonize him as a dangerous person, with the goal of swinging the 2020 presidential election just seven months ahead.  Dozens of papers were quickly cranked out, with some calling HCQ a "medicine substitute."  That's utter horseshit.  It's a real, effective medicine approved by the FDA.  But see for yourself: end of 4th 'graf under Abstract.  The authors had to have known HCQ had been approved for human use, so was NOT a "medicine substitute."

In 2021 the corrupt biden regime--seeking to protect the huge profits of Pfizer and the other "vax" makers--went out of their way to mock ivermectin—sneering that it was "horse paste." Reason was that the "vax" had been approved by the FDA (two weeks after the presidential election!) under a category called "emergency use only," which BY LAW was only allowed if no other effective treatment was available.

Admitting that either ivermectin or HCQ worked would have caused the vax to lose its EUO approval.

Ivermectin worked, so the FDA tweeted, “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”

"Y'all."  Too precious, eh?  Using that one colloquialism made "sophisticated people" on the coasts equate taking ivermectin with stupid rubes from flyover country--which was precisely why the corrupt shitheads at the FDA did it.

Following the lead of the biden regime, on August 26, 2021 NBC posted another article damning both ivermectin and Trump, with the headline "Clamoring for ivermectin, some turn to a pro-Trump telemedicine website."
   Sub-head: "ivermectin has emerged in recent weeks as a *new false cure.*"
   Second sub-head: Some Facebook groups offer people ways to buy ivermectin, which health professionals warn can be toxic and do little to stop Covid-19.

First, I have yet to find a single report of ivermectin toxicity when used at recommended doses.  Second, note the "do little to stop covid."  Cunning.  They didn't wanna say "does nothing" because that would obviously be easy to disprove.

NBC called ivermectin "a drug primarily used to de-worm animals that has become the latest false cure for Covid-19."  The "primarily used to de-worm animals is a lie.  Millions of overseas residents use it because some nations have big problems with parasites in humans.  Few Americans have that problem, so in the U.S. the main use is for animals.  But NBC wanted to run with the FDA's bullshit line that the drug's main use was to de-worm horses.  That's only true here in the U.S.  Cunning lie.

NBC didn't know fuck-all about whether ivermectin cured covid.  They simply published what they were told by the lying rat-bastard shitheads at the FDA--who had already tweeted the propaganda "You are not a horse.  You are not a cow.  Stop it, y'all."

Why did NBC publish so many blatant lies in its piece?

Because they were doing what the biden regime wanted, in order to protect the billions of dollars of profits to Pfizer et al.  Unlike the fake "vaccine," ivermectin has no side effects at all.  If people believed ivermectin would quickly cure covid, a lot fewer people would take the untested "vax," eh?  And *poof!* Billions of dollars in profits lost.

The FDA's "You are not a horse.." tweet promoted a press release from the agency titled “Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19.”  It concluded "The FDA has not approved ivermectin to treat Covid-19."  Implying that it wasn't approved for human use.

But not only was the drug approved for human use, that was done by...wait for it...the same FDA now trying to get you to believe it was NOT approved.  And they'd approved it way back in 1983!  They knew, but someone in the corrupt regime had made the decision to protect the billions in profits by sneering at any better treatment.

Democrat-fellating "comedians" on late night TV had a field day sneering at anyone who would "take a horse de-wormer over COVID-19 vaccines.”

And this is just the tip of the outrageous acts by the FDA.  The agency also threatened doctors, ordering them not to prescribe even the FDA-approved ivermectin specifically made for humans, in processes and labs inspected and approved by...the FDA.

Now, long after covid has been shown to be no more dangerous than the common flu, we've learned that the vax makers admit they never tested to see if people who took the vax couldn't transmit it to others.  Yet we constantly heard, from both the Vegetable-in-Chief and from all liberal media talking heads that "If you take the vaccine you cannot transmit it to others."  We now know that's a lie.

They also said--repeatedly--that "If you take the vaccine you cannot get covid."  Porridgebrain repeated this (though he had no idea what he was saying).

Now we know that's a lie too.

biden and the media talking heads also told us--endlessly--that the vaccine was totally safe.

Now we know that was another lie.  

A year ago three brave doctors who had defied the FDA's threats not to prescribe ivermectin for covid, and were punished, sued the agency, citing everything you've just read.

And finally, two weeks ago the FDA settled the lawsuit out of court.

For young Americans: you settle if you think you're gonna lose, or if you know the bad publicity will be tantamount to losing.

We'll never know how many lives could have been saved if the FDA hadn't gone to such huge lengths to lie about ivermectin.

Then again, we have no idea how many Americans actual died *due to* covid.  The reason is that the corrupt CDC ordered that anyone who died after a positive covid test would be considered "died from covid."  So if people who died in car accidents or from a gunshot but tested positive for the virus afterward were counted as a dying "from" covid.

We saw the faxed *directive* from the CDC at the time, and warned that this was clearly designed to inflate the danger from covid, and showed the fix was in.  But no one listened.

The regime doesn't want you to know how many people were actually killed by the virus because "pandemics"--like every other emergency--allows politicians and government bureaucrats to grab more power.

I am not an anti-vaxxer.  Real vaccines are a miracle that have eradicated smallpox, which killed one-third of the people who contracted it. Vaccines against polio and measles were carefully tested for years, and are excellent. By contrast, the covid vax was approved before there had been time to thoroughly test it.

It was approved too early to cash in on the public's fear--carefully exploited by the regime-- that they'd die if they didn't take it.  And the result--especially after biden made it mandatory for almost every worker--was billions of dollars of profits.

Wonder how many tens of millions of those flowed into Democrat coffers?

March 27, 2024

The bridge in Baltimore

SOoo...everyone has heard about the bridge.  And now lots of things are absolutely certain..."set in concrete," as it were:

First, the biden regime will blame every shortage in the eastern half of the U.S. on the loss of this bridge.  Absolutely guaranteed.

Second: The money to rebuild the bridge will be rolled into a "must-pass" bill like the Defense Appropriations bill.  The appropriation language will initially include the requirement that the steel must be American-made. But hours before the vote this language will mysteriously vanish. No one will admit knowing who did it.

Third: The contract for the steel to rebuild the bridge will be awarded to a new company, "J.R. Robinette Steel," which will have one tightly-guarded warehouse in Los Angeles.  No one will be allowed inside.  There will be a smokestack, but no smoke will ever be seen...due to "super-green scrubbing technology."  A few brave citizens will publish their investigations claiming that the "factory" couldn't possibly make steel, but because building the new bridge is such a critical, high priority, no government agency will investigate since "Doing so would delay this absolutely top-priority project, on which the city of Baltimore--one of our strongest supporters--depends."

The steel will actually come from...China, moved to the "factory" at 2a.m. and stored there for a day or two before being shipped to Baltimore.

A week after all the steel has been delivered, "J.R. Robinette Steel" will go out of business and the "factory" (warehouse) will be demolished.  No one will be allowed within 1000 feet of the structure "for safety," but a handful of curious citizens will take telephoto pics.  Those will show no steel-making machinery in the rubble.  The citizens will report this to the Mainstream Media, but their pics will be ignored.

House investigators will later find wire transfers from "J.R. Robinette Steel" to one of Hunty's shell companies for $10 million for "consulting fees."

March 26, 2024

Hail wrecks TWO SQUARE MILES of solar panels in Texas; Dems claim "didn't happen"

Whut dis? (Click here to see the one-minute video)

Here's how the professional Democrat-regime-fellators at Newsweek "reported" it:

"On March 15 thousands of panels on a solar farm southwest of Houston, Texas, were damaged by hail.  Aerial footage showed rows of cracked photo-voltaic cells near Needville in Fort Bend County, Texas."
Ahh, so according to the communist sons of bitches at Newsweek the panels were..."damaged," eh?  And according to the "experts" at one of the myriad fed empires called the "National Renewable Energy Lab" a bit of "damage" only cuts a solar panel's output by four percent.  Yay!

Wait...Newsweek is a pro-Democrat rag.  You don't suppose they a bit about something that might make pipo skeptical about biden regime programs, do ya?  So let's take a closer look, shall we?

That look like "four percent damage" to you?  Dude, that's "destroyed."  Now, you likely don't live in Texas so you probably don't care about this "incident."  Here's why you should:

As anyone who's lived in west Texas knows, they have big thunderstorms constantly.  And the big ones often produce...wait for it...hail.  So either the political insiders who got millions of taxpayer dollars (or "tax credits," which can be converted to cash) to build this were too stupid to know about frequent large hail in Texas, OR...wait for it...they didn't care.

"Wait, why wouldn't they care?"  Because this white elephant was made possible by one of the half-dozen trillion-dollar-scam LAWS--like the "American Reinvestment Act"--passed by the Democrats and the biden regime.

Without the outrageous, market-defeating taxpayer subsidies for "green energy" rammed into law by the Democrats, no savvy private investor would have poured millions into this.  It would have been a small "pilot project"--ten acres or so--to test operating cost and reliability predictions.

And how well they could resist hail.

But there are two other huge reasons you need to see these photos and understand the stupidity.  The first is that Democrats and RINOs will keep funding things like this as long as they can...because it wins them votes from gullible people who believe CO2 and nuclear are jus' tarrble, an' we gots ta haz duh "green energy."  So congress-creeps will keep allowing massive tax subsidies for shit like this to become law.

The second reason is way more sinister: it's that because governments at all levels have gotten FAR too powerful, the shitheads who infest government begin to think THEY'RE powerful..and that they're way smarter than the rest of us--and thus that whatever ideas they have must necessarily be faaabulous.

So you're gonna see stupid shit like this year after year.  and not just when the Dem party rules things, cuz the permanent Deep State is FULL of people who think they're super-smaht.  And with a few exceptions, members of congress don't have the technical background to say "Not only no, but hell no."  And the few who DO have a strong tech background are always out-voted.

Need more proof that the so-called "experts" in gruberment will do anything to get you to ignore their incompetence?   Back before the Democrats decided Global Warming was a way to win elections, killing "endangered" birds was just horrible, remember?  The fedrul gummint would fine citizens a thousand bucks for possessing a single eagle feather!

But after Democrat leaders discovered that subsidizing huge windmills would win votes (and fawning, gushing support) from the Greenies, things...changed.  At full speed the blade tips of huge windmills are travelling over 100 miles per hour.  Birds understandably don't expect that and tens of thousands of endangered species are killed by "wind turbines" every year.  But because the Media does whatever the Democrat leaders demand, you almost certainly didn't hear a word about what a few months earlier the Media would have screamed was a total disaster.  "A scandal."

What the Media had screamed about only months earlier--a huge "cause" for environmentalists--suddenly became a non-story.  Vanished without a trace...because Democrats and the Left were perfectly willing to sacrifice the birds--including eagles--for "green energy."

Another example: If you're over 40 you may recall when "save the whales" was a huge rallying cry for the Left.  But when studies by "marine biologists" showed that vibrations transmitted into the ocean by offshore "wind farms" of a hundred "wind turbines" were killing whales, did you hear any complaints about those dead whales from environmentalists or the Left?

Nope, not a damn word.  What the Media had screamed about a year earlier was now a non-story.  So once again the Mainstream Media stopped reporting about what had recently been a huge cause for environmentalists...because Democrats were perfectly willing to sacrifice whales for "green energy."

There's another interesting twist: Something like 90% of the world's solar panels are made by...wait for it...China.  So if the American public--the world's largest consumer market--gets all dreamy about solar panels, China earns billions of dollars.  It's just a coincidence that Joe biden personally pocketed tens of millions of dollars from China, via son Hunty's shell companies.

Here's another indication the fix is in:  If a storm did, say, $100 million in damage to a nuclear powerplant, do ya think that story would lead every "newz" broadcast by the Mainstream Media for several days?  Damn right it would.

How about a $100 million fire at at a natural-gas-fueled generating plant?  Again, you would have seen it on every newscast.

This storm--which almost certainly destroyed $100 million worth of solar panels--happened eleven days ago, and I'll bet you the drink of your choice that unless you live in Texas you never heard about this until now.  Think about why, and what that means.

The "why" is because the Media, like the biden/harris regime, wants people to support banning gas-fired powerplants, replacing 'em with solar and wind.  If they're this biased, think they might be hiding other critical info from ya?

Finally one more hoot: In the comments on this story on X, three Democrat shills whined that they couldn't find any confirmation of this story on the Mainstream Media, so they claimed the story was a hoax.  It took me 30 seconds.  But this is the kind of lies or ignorance that enables the Mainstream Media to lead gullible Democrats around by the nose--and enables the Democrat party to either stay in power or keep enough congressional seats to block the GOP from cleaning up the country.

Grocery shopping in biden's America


March 25, 2024

CDC: measles cases in U.S. already exceed total for all of 2023--in just first 11 weeks of this year.

As of March 21 the CDC confirms that 64 measles cases have been reported in 17 states, compared with 58 cases for all of last year.

The CDC took care to emphasize that the huge increase had nothing whatsoever to do with 2.5 million aliens entering the U.S. across our totally secure southern border.  Nothing at all.

Instead the health agency coyly noted that 93% of the cases reported so far this year have been "linked to international travel."  That's how the CDC classifies illegal aliens, because as the Democrats claim, "No one is illegal," right?  Has nothing at all to do with the fact that government workers have quietly been ordered that using the term "illegal alien" will get you fired.

In other news, novelist George Orwell said "Are ya believin' me yet?  I told ya entire gruberment ministries would be paid to tell ya 'Freedom is Slavery,' 'War is Peace' and Ignorance is Strength'.  So surely you can't be surprised to hear 'illegal aliens' disguised as 'linked to international travel.'"

Source: CDC

Yet another illegal alien invader has been accused of murdering yet another American girl

Yet another illegal alien invader has been accused of murdering yet another American girl, this time in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  The body of 25-year-old Ruby Garcia was found by the side of the road in downtown Grand Rapids last Friday night.  She'd been shot to death.

Investigators say she was killed by Brandon Ortiz-Vite, 25.  He faces charges of murder, carjacking, felony firearm possession, illegally carrying a concealed weapon, driving while intoxicated and driving without a license. 

Spokespyrsyns from Democrat governor Gretchen Whitmer's office cautioned residents against jumping to any conclusions about the incident, saying diversity is our greatest strength, and that all undocumented Americans are entitled to the same presumption of innocence as pyrsyns assigned American at birth.  

Other experts said if convicted of all charges Ortiz-Vite could lose his free iPhone and half of his $5,000 monthly allowance from biden's Department of Immigrant Resettlement.  Immigrant-rights groups countered that this was unconstitutional. 

A White House spokespyrsyn said "As usual, ultra-MAGA Republicans are pouncing on this unfortunate incident, claiming the president's policies somehow have something to do with this, which is crazy.  Many more American women are killed every year by white cis-hetero American males who are always the biggest threat to our precious democracy.  So shut up."

Our reporters contacted NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, the Associated Press and Reuters for comment.  All claimed they hadn't heard about the incident, despite the fact that NBC, ABC and CBS all have local television stations in Grand Rapids.

Rest in peace, Ruby.  We're pretty sure this will never make the national network news.


Murder suspect Brandon Ortiz-Vite

Democrats: "We’re not coming for your precious guns, you conspiracy nuts!'

One of the vast powers of biden's federal government is its ability to gift tens of millions of dollars of federal (i.e. taxpayer) funds to states controlled by Democrats.

States never pass up the chance to get "free" federal money, so the Dems use this massive power to get Democrat-ruled states (and states controlled by greedy, gullible GOP governors and legislatures) to do whatever the hell the regime wants.

SO...a couple of days ago biden's epically incompetent VP, "Cackles" Harris, announced "Joe and I have 'invested' $750 MILLION to help every state pass 'red-flag laws."

Now, if you're well informed (and if you're an adult you almost certainly believe you are!), you know what a "red-flag law" is, right?  Sure:  Such laws allow states to confiscate every gun from anyone the state claims is "a danger to themselves or others."

Wait, that's a pretty vague test, eh?  Who gets to decide that?  Is there a hearing in court, due process, the right to confront accusers, call witnesses, defend yourself?

Hahahahahahaha!  I see you just arrived on the planet!  Enjoy your stay!

Remember the people who are pushing this are the leaders of the Democrat party, so the answer is "None of the above.  We will confiscate firearms from anyone we declare is a threat."

See, the Dems believe your rights--guaranteed by the Constitution--must yield to..."safety."   So of course Democrats are utterly giddy about this prospect, as seen by Harris's gleeful announcement. 

On Saturday Harris announced two regime proposals purportedly intended to "reduce gun violence."  The first would create yet another federal agency, called the National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center--funded with three-quarters of a BILLION dollars--to help states pass "red-flag laws."

Red-flag laws sound SO reasonable, eh?  Cuz some nuts--no one seems to know what percentage--give fairly clear warning signs that they're bent on killing--signs which are invariably ignored by the FBI and DHS, since letting the nut kill helps the Democrats get what they want, eh?

But before you Dem voters get too giddy over this (too late, you're already slobbering over it), you should know how these new "red-flag laws" will work: They'll allow states to disarm anyone liberal idiots claim is a "threat."

Have you attended a school board meeting to complain that the staff at your kid's school are secretly urging kids to "transition," and keeping this a secret from parents?  Merrick Garland's DOJ has already called you a a domestic terrorist, in writing--thus decreeing that you're a clear threat.

Ever made a post on social media noting the ghastly rights violations inflicted by the biden regime on the J6 political prisoners?  (Refusing to allow bail, among many others.) The biden/harris/garland/mayorkas regime now considers you a "threat to our precious democracy” (i.e. Democrat rule).

Own a MAGA hat or a Gadsden flag?  That's enough to mark you as a threat to the regime.  

Kamala’s second proposal was to urge state legislatures not only to pass "red-flag laws" but to use some of that $750 million funding to confiscate weapons from people the regime deems a threat.  Every damn Democrat-ruled state--and several RINO-ruled ones--will apply for $30 million or so to do that, cuz..."free money!  Yay!"

Not one American out of 500 remembers that in 2019 during a debate between Democrat presidential  candidates “Beto” O’Rourke said “Hell yes we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”  The Mainstream Media absolutely swooned.  Gushed.  Biden's handlers had him keep quiet, letting "Beto" (real name Robert Francis) float the left's prized goal without comment.  

Smart.  So the Democrats could signal to their goofy, gullible voters that they wanted to confiscate guns, while still allowing the Party to bleat “We’re not coming for your precious guns, you right-wing conspiracy nuts!”  And then the regime quietly keeps moving to do just that.

The insistence by the Media that the biden/harris/Democrat regime has no intention of confiscating guns, but just want what are always called “commonsense gun laws” is one of the most blatant of woke lies--demonstrably, since Dems refuse to enforce any gun-control laws on the books against convicted criminals.

Try asking a Democrat if criminals obey laws, and be prepared for a long, loud, sputtering effort to avoid answering the question.

Obviously criminals do NOT obey laws, so no matter how many new laws you pass, criminals will always have guns.  Indeed, cities with the strictest gun control laws, such as the Democrat-controlled killing fields of Chicago, suffer the most gun violence.

Red-flag laws are simply "the nose of the camel," meaning they get gullible, naive people comfortable with the idea of the regime being able to take guns away from people who never broke any laws before the Democrats passed new red-flag laws.

The Democrat party is actually pro-crime.  If you're not sure about that, ask why they allow known thugs and attackers to walk out of jail two hours after being arrested, without posting a single dollar of bond or bail.

The Dems are happy to allow attackers caught on surveillance cameras to walk out, free to attack again.  Week after week we watch liberal judges routinely refusing to jail felons caught with guns, despite felons not being allowed to own guns in almost every state.  Clearly Democrat judges aren't enforcing laws already on the books to reduce crime.  Yet the Dems and their Media supporters think more laws will help.

The Left's refusal to enforce existing laws to reduce black-on-black gun crime shows their true agenda: While a handful of mothers in Chitcongo protest about the huge number of black-on-black shootings, the Left and Dems never protest or grandstand in Congress about the hundreds of children killed in drive-by shootings or stray bullets in the inner city.  What does that tell you?

"Crazy" happens randomly.  When some white nut kills people, the Left hits the airwaves with huge protests decrying "gun violence."  They immediately demand "more gun control laws to protect innocent lives!" But black-on-black shootings never trigger national protests.

Odd, eh?  Clearly shows the party's goal is only gun control for some people. But Democrat voters don't seem to have noticed.

Democrats would love to pass a law to confiscate all civilian-owned guns.  Problem is that darn Second Amendment.  Since that darn Constitution the left ignores says amendments can only be passed--or repealed--if ratified by two-thirds of the states, they're unlikely to get 34 states to agree to repeal the Second.  So they're always looking for "workarounds" that would have the same effect.

One such was to make it so hard to get a city mayor's permission to own a gun that few people were willing to jump thru all the hoops.  That was the tactic New York City and Chitcongo and DC used for decades, before the Supreme Court said that was unconstitutional.

When that trick was finally knocked down, Dems in California were ready to pass a state law imposing a tax of a dollar per bullet.  Another was a state law that would have required anyone who owned a gun  to buy a $2,000 gun safe--totally as a "safety measure," of course!  Didn't matter if there were no children in the home, cuz rulez is rulez, eh?

Yet another serious proposal by the Democrats was to pass a law requiring that all guns owned by civilians would be required to have a device that would only allow the gun to fire if the fingerprint of the person holding the gun matched that of the registered owner.  That would add about $1,000 to the price of every gun, but since the stated goal was "safety" and not a tax, such laws would pass judicial review.

So-called "red-flag laws" reject "due process" to allow states to take firearms away from anyone the state (or federal regime) doesn't like--Second Amendment be damned.  That is unacceptable.

Teen driver going 112 mph kills Wash. state mom and 3 kids

In Seattle an 18-year-old scofflaw driving more than 100 miles per hour ran a red light and crashed into a van, killing a mother and three kids.

Chase Daniel Jones is accused of killing 38-year-old Andrea Hudson, 12-year-old Boyd Buster Brown and sisters Matilda Wilcoxson, 13, and Eloise Wilcoxson, 12.  Two of Hudson’s children who were also in the van remain in intensive care.

Jones was driving as fast as 112 mph on a road where the speed limit was 40 mph.  Surveillance cameras showed he never applied his brakes.  Witnesses said he was also weaving in and out of traffic just before the deadly crash.

Jones bought the Audi a month ago, after totaling two other cars in less than a year, in wrecks caused by speeding.

Why the hell did the son of a bitch still have a license?  Throw the spoiled bastard in jail for a year or two or five, and see if that helps him understand things.

Now a prediction:  If this little shit could buy three cars within a year AND still have a driver's license after two wrecks "caused by speeding," he's a spoiled rich kid.  And since Washington State is a cesspool of liberalism, my bet is this little shit will get off with a slap on the wrist.

The four dead victims couldn't be reached for comment.

It'll be interesting to see how light a sentence the wokie jury gives this killer.


March 24, 2024

Associate Press lies to defend biden regime secretly flying 325,000 illegals direct to U.S. cities

How shamelessly, brazenly, does the Associated Press shill (LIE) for the biden regime?  Take a look below.

After the Center for Immigration Studies discovered (via a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit) that the biden regime had allowed 325,000 illegals from Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela and Nicaragua to fly directly from their home nations to unnamed U.S. cities far from the border, the Dems pushed the AP to put the following horseshit on their "newz-wire:"
Claims Biden administration is secretly flying migrants into the country are unfounded
--Associated Press, Mar 7, 2024

On Super Tuesday former President Trump elevated false information that had gone viral on social media, claiming the Biden administration secretly flew hundreds of thousands of migrants into the U.S.  Here's what you need to know:>>

<<Clear inference: "here's duh troof"<<

>>Trump echoed *false statements on social media* that the Biden administration had secretly flown hundreds of thousands of migrants to the United States

Those false claims follow a report by the Center for Immigration Studies that said the administration refused to list airports where people arrived under a "parole" program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans.>>

<<A couple of paragraphs later you'll see that the AP admits those claims were true, and quibbled over the word "secretly."  The lying rat-bastards *admit that the biden regime refused to name the 43 U.S. airports the illegals were flown to,* but say dey wuz NO secrecy here!  Cuz duh regime admitted dey wuz flown in, eh?  

And how do ya think the lawless regime claimed the FOIA didn't require 'em to reveal the 43 cities duh illegals wuz flown to?  Simple: there's an exemption for "for law-enforcement-sensitive information."  

SO...see, citizen?  Not "secret" at all!  We just refused to tell ya what airports!  All quite legal under the exemption for "law enforcement-sensitive information," see?  So NOT secret!  We jus' refused to tell ya!  And the AP claims this makes it totally NOT a secret program!

Lying, lying, motherfucking rat-bastards.

The AP also bleats that the biden regime was NOT allowing "migrants" to be flown into the U.S. *"randomly."*  Ahh, I see.  That makes everything just fine!  

>>Under a Biden policy in effect since January 2023, up to 30,000 people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela can enter the U.S. *every month*...>>

Wait..."every *month*"?  When do ya think the regime was gonna tell U.S. voters about this, eh?  Answer: never.  They wanted it to be kept secret, to avoid losing votes in November.  If they hadn't been afraid it would cost votes they would have proudly announced it, claiming it benefitted the nation.  Which, of course, is utter horseshit.

Now here's a masterpiece:
>>Social media posts claim the administration is doing this to bring in new Democrats voters, but people admitted into the country under parole have no path to citizenship.">>

<<YET.  But the Dems are already pushing for that too.  And guess what citizenship allows: the right to vote.  Got it?<<

>>The *false claims* follow a report by the Center for Immigration Studies that *said the administration refused to list airports where [the Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans arrived]...*>>

<<But that's NOT false.  The biden regime refused to list the "arrival airports."  Moreover, the AP even admitted this in the very next paragraph!  Do they think we can't read?  Here's that next paragraph:
>> "U.S. Customs and Border Protection publishes the number of migrants admitted under the program, by nationality. This information is available on its website and in press releases. *It does not list arriving airports.*>>

Are you finally starting to see how brazenly, shamelessly the lie to you?  Contradicting their own statements in consecutive paragraphs?

>>Biden exercised his "parole" authority under a 1952 law that allows him to admit people "only on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.">>

<<"Only on a case-by-case basis OR significant public benefit," y'say?  Okay, which was it?  Sure wasn't "significant public benefit."  Ya wanna claim it was done case-by-case?

AP again:
>>The article by the Center for Immigration Studies says CBP approved flights that brought 320,000 to the United States last year. The author learned they were flown to 43 U.S. airports *but the government refused to say which ones, citing an exemption under the Freedom of Information Act for law enforcement-sensitive information.
   The migrants are NOT coming in from "parts unknown," as Trump charged. Instead CBP vets each one for eligibility...>>

<<That's yet another utter, brazen lie.  They CBP-One phone app that allows them to apply does NOT require fingerprints, nor any type of background check.  Lies, lies, lies to fool gullible voters.<<

>>Biden has granted entry—whether by land or air—to at least 1 million people using his parole authority... A White House spokesperson said reports of the biden administration secretly flying people into the U.S. were "categorically false" and that all entrants were "thoroughly screened.">>

<<Again the treasonous, rat-bastard Democrats are claiming the reports are "categorically false" by quibbling over the word "secretly," claiming that refusing to list the "arriving airports" for the 325,000 illegals is not in any way "secretly."  

This hair-splitting is utter horseshit.  If it's not a secret, tell Americans where you flew the illegals to.  But you refuse to do that, citing a bullshit exemption for "law enforcement-sensitive information."  Explain why revealing the arrival airports is "law enforcement-sensitive information," lying assholes.

It's not, and you know it.  You just don't wanna anger a few thousand Democrat voters  in each of those arrival cities, cuz you know damn well Americans hate this bullshit.

Of course you can't believe the America-hating communists at the Associated Press would lie so brazenly, eh?  Sure, I get it.  So here's the link to the AP bullshit.


The Democrat party's plan to use open-borders to rule the U.S. for a century


The Democrat party has been planning this for a long time: import illegals, give them free shit to get 'em to vote Democrat, and win elections.  Watch this vid--just one minute and 39 seconds, to see how. 

The steps: 

  1. At biden's orders, flood the U.S. with another 8 MILLION illegal aliens (so far since he's been "in office")--a number larger than the populations of 36 U.S. states;
  2. Prioritize the needs of these millions, forcing taxpayers to pay $480 BILLION every year (so far) for their housing, food, medical, education and to give them cash to spend--all ensuring their loyalty to the Democrat party.
  3. Refuse to deport any of them, even if they're caught selling drugs or rape or kill U.S. citizens.  Keep them in the country at all costs.  Attack any citizen who uses accurate language ("illegal alien") to describe the criminals.  Claim that anyone who objects to illegals is a raaacist.
  4. Ensure the privileges given to illegals are made irrevocable, including the right to carry guns (recently decreed by a female liberal judge). 
  5. Count non-citizens in the census, ensuring that states with lots of illegals will get more House seats, giving more power to the Democrat party.  The number of illegals in the country now is enough to fill 13 House seats.
  6. Wage a massive, heavily-funded "lawfare" campaign to change state voting laws to ban requirements to show photo ID, to legalize all-mail voting, or "no reason needed to vote by mail," and to abolish requirement to show proof of citizenship or to verify matching signatures on mail-in ballots.  Abolish all laws requiring that mail-in ballots have signatures of witnesses--all of which will make it impossible to prove massive election fraud.
  7. Lock in the new Democrat voting majority by promising lavish benefits and citizenship. 
  8. Use the millions of new Democrat voters to win elections for the next century.

The Hertz EV disaster is a classic, clearly showing consumers don't like EVs

The Biden regime wants to phase out gas-powered cars in favor of electric vehicles (EVs).

They say they're doing this to "stop climate change."  That's a lie, even though many naive, scientifically ignorant people believe it.

The real reason the regime is doing this is to win the votes of gullible Americans who have been endlessly propagandized to believe that CO2--from burning carbon-based fuels--is causing global warming--which is why they called CO2 a "greenhouse gas," eh?  

Under no theory at all--none--does any rational scientist claim CO2 cools the planet.  Instead after a string of several record-cold winters started to make many Americans realize they were being played, the scammers simply replaced the phrase "global warming" with the unfalsifiable term "climate change."  See, no one could argue with "climate change," since it's always hotter in some years and colder in others, right?

The meltdown of the EV market is a classic, on-going economic disaster, created by government, the leftist social media giants and the irrational chasing of utopia.  We may be starting to see Americans beginning to wake up.  (Nah, just kidding.)

Stephen Scherr was appointed CEO of Hertz just over a year ago.  He had zero experience in the car rental biz when the wokie board of the company hired him--and made him the third-highest-paid CEO in the U.S.  

See, ol' Steve wuz reel woke, eh?  An' of course duh board was jus' as woke.  So he was an obvious choice, even though he didn't know jack shit about the car-rental biz.  Cuz if yew woke, dat all yew need to be hugely successful, right?  Yew keep hearin' dat phrase "get woke, go broke"?  Dat not true, citizen!  Duh mos' successful comp'nees iz reel woke, so woke mus' be gud, right?

Biden regime say woke iz gud, so...gud!  Or as a so-so writer once said, "double-plus good!"  (Ask your parents who wrote that.)

So...since duh wokie CEO knew duh biden regime loved EVs, an' wanted to show errybudy how woke he wuz, he ordered Hertz to buy a bunch of EVs--where "bunch" is defined as a quarter of a BILLION dollars worth.

The decision was highly praised by all the cool people on duh TV.  Just last year the company bragged “[Hertz has been] recognized by the White House for our efforts to expand access to electric vehicles across the country. Demand for EV rentals is growing and we’re here to help our customers electrify their travels.”

Hep customers electrify their travels, eh?  Now dat iz some plus-good wokiespeak, eh?  

Just one small problem wif' EVs:  most customers didn’t wanna rent 'em.

Can you believe it?  Stupid customers!  Dey din' know whut wuz best fo' em.

Now Hertz has cancelled new orders and has decided to sell its EV fleet, at a deep discount.  Scherr’s decision to have Hertz buy $250 million of EVs--to show how woke he was, and to please the biden regime--was a disaster.

See, the biden regime doesn't have to worry about silly things like "making a profit."  Scherr discovered--much too late--that pleasing the wokie Biden regime isn't the same as pleasing consumers.

The key issues with EVs:
  *Initial cost is much higher.
  *They depreciate faster than gas-powered cars.
  *Insurance is higher, by at least 25 percent
  *They cost a LOT more to repair, and most repairs take a lot longer.
  *Tires are more expensive and don’t last as long because EVs are about 25% heavier.
  *They're more likely to catch fire.
  *Accidents that would be "fender benders" for regular cars can damage the huge battery pack, which can cost more than the car is worth to repair.

The novelty of driving one quickly wears off.  At first they seem like the greatest thing evah-- like an iPhone with wheels. That’s great but then people start to realize while they may be okay for running around town, using your home charger, that's about it.

But rental conditions are far different: people have to use charging stations rather than a charger in your garage. That means spending part of your vacation figuring out where to find one.

Not all are chargers are high-speed, and recharging from a regular charger can take hours.  If you do find a station with fast chargers, you might have to wait in line.  And lots of chargers don't work.  You can waste hours doing this.

No one wants to do this. When you rent a car, all you want is a car that can go 450 or 500 miles on a tank.  And if it's cold, your range can be cut in half.  So they made terrible rentals--as Scherr would have known if he'd known fuck-all about the car rental business.

But Scherr had spent 30 years at an investment bank and was SO woke, eh?  So duh wokie board members din' think dere CEO needed any other qualifications.

So the board hired a putz.  And even if he brought the proposed  $250M buy to the board for approval before signing, the wokiez on the board don't know much about the business either, eh?  They're all wokie liberals, so they would have approved the wokie, fashionable thing.

The only reason more than a handful of virtue-signaling people have bought EVs is that eacy one is massively subsidized by taxpayers (i.e. the biden regime takes your tax dollars and gives $7,500 per car to carmakers; is that cool?).  But the car *rental* biz removes the effect of subsidies, and shows what people really want in a car.

The Hertz experience was a perfect experiment for how much drivers really want EVs.  We now know the answer: they don't.  Yet the biden regime will continue the massive subsidies and spending $5 BILLION to build charging stations (when that sum would have finished the Wall and saved taxpayers billions in welfare costs).

Before the regime made EVs mandatory (more on that in a minute) they should have been tested on a small scale first--say 20,000 cars. But the biden regime sneered that they din' need to do dat, cuz...reasons.  Their wokie analysts claimed they'd been tested, and that was that.  But they hadn't been.  That test is taking place now, and it's not looking good.

We keep hearing that manufacturers are going to solve all these problems--which sounds very similar to what Big Pharma said about the infamous mRNA shots: "Dis jus' a trial run!  Next time much better!  An' we reel sorry bout doze 50,000 people who died after gettin' duh jab.  Dey prolly wouda' died from covid anyway."

But even now the Biden regime is planning more subsidies, more mandates, more restrictions on the sale of gas cars.  Example:
The NY Times reports that last week the biden regime's EPA ORDERED that eight years from now 56% of all passenger cars and light trucks sold in the United States must be either battery-powered or hybrids.

The Times slobbered that this was "one of the most significant climate regulations in the nation’s history."  I'd say "morons praising morons" but they're the smart ones--not for their DECREE but because they won't be the ones inconvenienced.  You will.

They're forcing you to obey, and you won't have a choice.  For them, that's a strong win.

And of course Democrats in big cities see no problem.  "Doze wunnerful Democrats beez savin' all life on Erf," they'll bleat--even though it's obvious horseshit.

See, the DECREE applies to car *makers*: they'll still be able to make gas-powered cars, but the *average* emissions of all their products must be below a decreed number.

If people don't buy all the EVs the makers will be *required by law to make,* what will happen?  One obvious thought will be for the Democrats to raise the subsidy even more, from $7,500 per car to, say, $15,000.  Why not?  It beez "free money," eh?

Another oh-so-logical choice for the rat-bastard Democrats is to put a "climate surcharge" on all gas vehicles, starting at $2,000 for 1.2 L cars and rising to $5,000 for big engines.  That money would be used to subsidize the purchase price for EVs.

Think that's absurd?  Never happen?  Guess you were under 25 when emperor Obozo ORDERED a law called "Cash for Clunkers," under which his regime would pay owners up to $5,000 to "sell" older vehicles to the gummint, which would...destroy them.

Think I'm kidding?  Look it up.  The Obozo regime paid Americans $3 BILLION to buy and destroy 677,081 working cars, the engines of which were then deliberately destroyed by pouring fine sand into the oil fillers, then running the engines til they were ruined.

This piece of destructive shit idea was first proposed in an op-ed by a leftist economist in the NY Times on July 27, 2008.  He carefully noted that one of its huge features was "reducing income inequality," which was exactly the magic words to get the obozo regime behind it.  It was parroted by the leftist Center for American Progress [really?] on November 20, barely two weeks after the emperor's faaaabulous victory.

* Blinder, Alan "A Modest Proposal: Eco-Friendly Stimulus," NY Times, (July 27, 2008)  
* November 20, 2008.
* H.R.2751: Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act,  March 17, 2009.

Obama's people reeeally wanted this program.

So on March 17, 2009--barely seven weeks after obozo was installed--Democrats in congress drafted a law to pay people to turn in their old cars--to be destroyed.  It passed, by huge margins, because with that "reduce income inquality" buzz, no one wanted to oppose it, eh?  And the insane program began on July 1, less than a year after the concept was first proposed by the goofy leftist economist. 

This RUSH to waste taxpayer dollars should have been a red flag that the fix was in.  This monstrosity was rushed through with far too little debate.  The dumb Dem law forced taxpayers to pay $3 billion to save a small amount of gasoline per year.  But the Dems wanted it, particularly reps from Michigan. (Detroit was once called "the car capital of the world."  Seriously.)

Anything that goes from first concept to spending three billion dollars in less than a year should set off everyone's alarms, but because obozo had just been elected no one in congress wanted to be seen as criticizing a program that would "reduce income inequality," so no one said a critical word.  See, the country's first black emperor had just won in November of 2008, and had been installed in Jan of 2009, so the Dem-controlled congress was eager to give him anything he wanted.  

No member of congress challenged him on anything.  Critics were booed.  See, dis faabulous program also gonna hep sell lotsa new cahs!  Which hep duh United Auto Workers union, which haz LOTSA voters!  See?

Many people were totally disgusted by the idea of tax dollars being used to buy and destroy running cars.  The regime even wrote highly detailed rulez barring junkyards from using even undamaged engine or other parts, even ordering that the car bodies themselves be crushed within X days.  Rational people would think "Couldn't those parts be used to keep other cars running?"  Sure, but the greenies wanted all those cars off the road, eh?

It was nuts.  Pure destruction--brazen waste of good parts.  But Democrats in congress couldn't have cared less--and people who owned old cars and saw a cash offer absolutely loved the monstrosity.

After the Democrats got away with Cash for Clunkers, slapping a "climate surcharge" on new gas-powered cars should be easy.

Thanks, Democrats.


March 23, 2024

In San Fran, man stabs 94-year-old woman multiple times; liberal Dem judge says no jail time

In San Francisco, man who stabbed 94-year-old Asian woman multiple times gets PROBATION

In June of 2021 Daniel Cauich brutally stabbed a 94-year-old Asian woman multiple times on a sidewalk in broad daylight.  The brutal attack was caught on camera.

Guy should have been jailed for ten years.  However, since this was San Francisco the
defense attorney wailed to the liberal female judge that the po' attacker had "suffered trauma and cried when told what he'd done.

She said her client had "mental health issues and trauma that contributed to the attack."

As a result, the attacker got off with no jail time at all, just five years of probation and ordered to take a "behavioral program."

The sentencing hearing also covered a charge of burglary in a separate incident.  But once again, being a liberal city and judge, the man escaped all punishment for that crime too.

This is much like the Dems handled the Hur report, where he found biden lacked the mental fitness to stand trial ("unable to recall things, so lack of intent") but is mysteriously still *perfectly* competent to be "commander-in-chief."  And produces exactly the same result: dysfunction and danger to citizens.

14-year-old "non-binary" girl kills her mom, wounds stepdad. Media: "Dis not newz"

Last Tuesday a 14-year-old girl claiming to be "non-binary" fatally shot her mother and wounded her stepfather.

Normally this would never make it into any Media outlet outside the local county because the Media have decided not to publicize any shootings by trannies, not wanting to be accused of encouraging "transphobia."  However, "People Magazine" decided that in this one case they could make an exception because the murder occurred in Mississippi, which all the hip editors in New York City recognize is a "Deplorable Southern State" and thus fair game for ridicule.

As an editor for People explained, "This was a tough call.  Obviously we never want to run stories about trans people doing questionable things, but because it was a southern state likely to vote for Trump, we decided to run with it."

When our interviewer noted that the shooter, Carly Gregg, reportly had a "manifesto" the editor was visibly distressed.  "Who told you that?  That's not true.  She may have had a diary, but after that incident with the Christian school in Memphis we're not calling it a 'manifesto,' because then transphobic right-wing nut-cases start demanding to see it."   


And now for something completely non-political and NOT an existential threat

This isn't what you probably think it is.


It's not a shopping center underwater, but is a very high-resolution effect.  Impressive.

The pic below is so other-worldly that you might think it's a painting, or photoshopped.  But it's real, a place called Patagonia.  If you've got highschool students, ask 'em if they know where that is.

March 22, 2024

Great film debunking "climate change" (formerly "global warming")

A huge industry has emerged to make people believe several scary things.  And thanks to corrupt government "scientists" (willing to lie to obtain money from government) and the liberal media, most people around the world now firmly believe
  * that the climate is warming;
  * that it's doing so at an alarming and totally unprecedented rate;
  * that almost all of this alleged warming is being caused by rising levels of carbon dioxide;
  * that almost all this "extra" CO2 comes from humans burning carbon-based fuels like gasoline, oil, natural gas and coal.

Any of that sound familiar?  If you're like most Americans you believe all of those things--and you believe anyone who disagrees with any of 'em is a "conspiracy theorist" or "dumb deplorable," or any of a dozen sneering terms used by government officials and the Media.

That's because not one of you does your own research.  And the Media knows you don't, because you're too busy trying to raise your kids and make your house payment and pay your (ever-increasing) taxes.  So with no spare time to research, it's totally understandable that you'd believe whatever the regime and their Media lackeys tell ya.  I get it.

It's vital that you know that I'm not throwing rocks at you for not doing your own research.  Your top priority--understandably--is raising your kids, keeping food on the table, keeping your job and your family's home, and I totally understand and agree.  

By contrast, I'm in the unique position of not having kids, and having (by luck) the best overall scientific education of anyone you know, so I have the time and the background to do the research needed to expose the lies.

And yes, lies.  Not just "Oh, we may have made a mistake," but overt LIES.  More about that later.

Three facts should have alerted everyone to the fact that "Global Warming" was a hoax.  Two of those weren't science-related at all:  The first was 15 years ago when the wokiez abruptly changed the name of the scare from "global warming" to "climate change."  The scammers did that after a series of about 5 record-cold winters in a row.  

After that string of record-cold winters, polls were showing that Americans were beginning to suspect  "global warming" wasn't happening, so the scammers changed the name of the thing to "climate change," since that way no matter what happened, they could scream that it was caused by carbon dioxide.  See?  Win-win!   

The second clue that it was a hoax was far more subtle:  when government and their Media lackeys scream about what both claim is an "existential crisis" (a threat to your survival), AND their "solution" just happens to require you to destroy your nation's economy and surrender many of your freedoms, AND the destruction and surrender of freedom is only demanded of western nations, it's a huge clue that you're being lied to.

The third clue was the discovery that both of the regime's climate-monitoring lackey agencies--NOAA and (oddly) NASA--were caught consistently changing actual historical temperature records to make temperatures from the terrible "dust bowl" of the 1930s look cooler, and modern temperatures hotter.

I know, you don't believe a "government agency" would evah do dat!  Yeah, I get it.  You probably also believe biden got 81 million votes too.  But thanks to diligent civilian investigators who went to local weather stations and compared the actual, measured temps against the temps NOAA and NASA were claiming were real, the agencies were caught.

Of course you never heard a single word about that.

Research, folks.  See, it nevah occurred to the lackeys at NOAA and NASA that anyone would take the time and effort to check what they said against the actual hand-written records.  So they didn't bother destroying those original records.  By contrast, scammers in the British meteorological service purchased hand-written temperature records from many former Commonwealth nations, then after they'd had ample time to alter those records they claimed to have lost the originals.  Seriously.  And no one questioned that horseshit.

Fortunately not all scientists were on-board with the hoax.  But they soon discovered that if you publicly questioned the scam, your grants vanished.  If you were a professor, your travel budget was cut.  You couldn't get any scientific journal to publish your research papers.  So most kept quiet.

This handful of scientists unwilling to trade their integrity for money continued to speak out.  And  now at long last, someone's made an 80-minute film letting them explain the dozens of reasons why global warming is a hoax.  It's called “Climate: The Movie,” and was just released.  It lists and then debunks every warmie talking point.  

As you listen to this group of brilliant and highly-credentialed scientists, including Nobel-prize winners, the truth of their position--and the lies of the hoaxers--become obvious.  Not only are these men (and a couple of women) brilliant, but they're also brave in their defiance, since daring to rebut the government's "global warming" scam has caused their reputations to be destroyed.
Key points:

  • Geologic data tell us the Earth is just now emerging from an ice-age.  That is, the planet is near a historically low temperature.  Normally it's much warmer than now. 
  • By analyzing air bubbles in ice thousands of feet thick in Antarctica, scientists know CO2 levels for the past 800,000 years.  Those levels were far higher in the past than today.  Yet a major prediction of the hoaxers is that rising CO2 will cause "thermal runaway" which will make temperatures rise exponentially.  If that's true, how did life survive when CO2 levels were 20 times higher than today?  They can't explain it, so they ignore it.
  • About 15 years ago, analysis of ice cores from up to 800,000 years ago reported that CO2 and temperature rose in exact lock-step.  The scammers claimed this was proof that rising CO2 caused global warming.  But a couple of years later, more careful analysis showed that instead of CO2 rising before temperatures rose, it was actually the reverse: temperature rose before CO2 rose.  That alone would destroy the "global warming is caused by CO2" theory.  (At minute 26:30) 
  • In the 1970s there was a pronounced drop in global temperatures--so strong that Time Magazine ran a cover story called "The New Ice Age?"  But CO2 was constantly increasing before and during this time.  But if CO2 was causing "global warming," how could the planet cool in the 1970s? 
  • Virtually all temperatures-measuring stations are in heat-retaining urban areas.  The few stations in rural areas have shown virtually no change in temperature records over the past century.  This is so well known that it's called the "urban heat island" effect ("UHI").  Warmie fans try to ignore this, since it contradicts their theory and they can't explain it. 
  • Many of those urban measuring stations have been found to be in the exhaust plumes of air conditioner compressors or aircraft parking ramps, so they measure higher-than-actual temps.  By contrast, satellites measure the temperature of the entire Earth every day, and their temperature measurements don’t show global warming.  The warmies haven't yet figured out a way to discredit the satellites--so they just ignore that data.
  • The hoaxers predicted global warming would produce many more hurricanes and tornadoes, and that they'd be stronger.  The data show that hasn't happened.  But because the ones that DO happen are so dramatic, the Media always quote scientists wailing that the "unprecedented destruction" is due to global warming.
  • Scientists who have pointed out the numerous flaws in the hoax have invariably been defunded and excommunicated from scientific circles.  Among other strong pressures, they found scientific journals refused to publish their papers.  Many other examples of pressure on scientists who didn't totally agree that CO2 caused global warming are given in the film.

Try this experiment:  If you have kids older than ten, ask 'em what they've heard about "global warming" and carbon dioxide.  Your kids have been totally indoctrinated by global warming propaganda at school, linking it to Americans driving cars.  The propaganda has been SO good and so relentless that you're likely to be surprised at how much they believe CO2 is killing all life on Earth.  So if you find the film persuasive you might want to watch it with them, to alleviate their fears.

Here are links to the film:

Chances are at least one of these may survive the inevitable pressure to delete 'em.
