November 30, 2023

Return to barbarity

edited from Mark Lewis in

Creating a civil society from barbarism is slow and difficult, because the masses must be persuaded that civilized behavior has some advantages for them--a proposition malevolent people intuitively reject.

The decadent, criminal and merely lazy have no wish to abandon those gratifying pursuits.  To a drug addict or mugger, the notion of pursuing excellence and rejecting decadence is, to put it mildly, an unconvincing proposition.

By contrast, returning to barbarism is easy and relatively fast.  We've actually seen examples of this happening in a single generation.  If society stops enforcing laws and removes rewards for excellence, and instead starts rewarding corruption and thuggery, in 20 years or less you're back to the jungle.

When young people start to see that lawless, barbaric behavior is rewarded, undecided bystanders are quickly converted.  Once young men see that such behavior is not only rewarded but praised by the elites for being "brave," "authentic" or a dozen other fawning euphemisms, the floodgates are opened.

Politicians intuitively recognize the opportunity for power in social chaos, so when national, state and community “leaders” (politicians) encourage such conduct--which they do because —and when one’s peers and associates actively engage in such behavior, even more "activists" jump on the trend.  

The Democratic Party and American media seem to be totally supportive of this trend.  Look at the exact quotes by Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Ayana Presley and other Democrat pols during the 2020 riots.  They all encouraged the rioters, telling them they were doing the right thing.  Can anyone be surprised that today--over three years later--we see an epidemic of daylight smash-and-grab robberies of high-end stores?

Biden and the Democrats see votes and power in America’s descent into lawlessness.  They not only excuse it and praise it, they are welcoming it into the country in massive numbers of illegal aliens via the open southern border who can be expected to join the lawlessness (since they already showed their disregard for U.S. law).

When one removes the will to be civilized from citizens, what remains is violent and barbaric.  The animal.  The jungle.  Communism.  Chicago.  San Francisco.

Our inner cities are descending into lawlessness.  In every case, Democrat political "leaders" tolerate that rather than angering the thugs by removing the thugs from the planet.  

But don't worry, citizen: Dis will end well.  Reeeally!  Trust your Democrat leaders!

November 27, 2023

When one side loses a war, are they entitled to apologies and free stuff from the winners?

A few leftist "native Americans" are fed up with Thanksgiving.  So they want to "decolonize" it.

Translation: You people of European ancestry need to apologize yet again to us who are decendants of the people you defeated between 1500 and 1800 or so.

They want you to "apply values" of native Americans to everything, which they claim would drastically change the way we live.  

>>A decolonized Thanksgiving could transform a holiday marred by historical amnesia into a celebration of genuine gratitude, unity, and recognition of our rich Indigenous heritage. It would offer a clearer lens through which to see the entire world.>>

I'm going to say something considered racially rude:  I'm sick of the bullshit.

As a military guy I honor the bravery of all fighters, on both sides.  Almost all would have been happier not to have gone to war, since they are the ones who pay the price.  But all fought valiantly for their beliefs--and in most cases honorably.

Until recently societies that were defeated either assimilated into the conquering society or rebuilt as peaceful allies.  But in the last 40 years leftists began to push the unprecedented idea that countries that won wars needed to apologize to the people they'd defeated.

It was the beginning of the Victim Narrative, and has reached full flower with the Left's support of Native Americans and Palestinians.

The Left pushed the idea that both groups  were morally superior to the nation that defeated them in battle.  In fact, they were not.  Early Native American tribes were experts at conquest, and unsurprisingly, tried to defeat every opponent.  

Native Americans fought well and honorably, but were defeated largely by superior European technology.  The lack of technology absolutely does not mean they were morally superior, but that's now the universal claim of the Left.

Since the beginning of history the winner of a war sets the terms for peace.  One can argue about whether this is just, but it makes more sense than letting the losing side dictate terms.

But now the Left has decided the losers of  wars can extort the great-great-grandchildren of the winners of any war for endless concessions.

Descendants of Europeans never point this out because no one wants to cope with the predictable angry fits by people who see victimhood as a path to freebies and power.

But by not shutting down this absurd extortion by the Left we have ensured that their demands will only increase.  Endless reparations and payoffs, endless "land acknowledgements," endless affirmative action programs, endless demands for apologies (which are endlessly offered, and endlessly rejected as insufficient).

The Left endlessly demands that we "center" other people and endlessly think about our alleged sins.


Though I am proud that my ancestors fought and won a war, I can't take credit for what they did.  And similarly, the fact that some people's ancestors lost that war does not entitle them to make endless demands on the winners.

biden regime say "Inflation way down!" Math-proficient voters: "What a crock!"

I've been reading a guy named Karl Denninger for a few years now.  He seems to be a pretty sound analyst, and he and I agree that the biden regime (and all its tentacles and lackeys and munchkins) are flat-out lying to you about...well, everything.  I've taken the liberty of adapting some of his ideas from a post of his on 11/17:

When I go to the grocery store my debit statement says I'm spending a lot more money there than a year ago.  And not just a couple of percent, but an obscene increase.  My food purchases don't change, yet my costs are up more than 30%, hugely more than the regime claims.

Car insurance costs about 20% more than last year.   That's real, and you have to pay it to drive legally.

But oddly, amid all the price increases, the biden regime claims the cost of health insurance has dropped by roughly 30%.  That's utter nonsense, and anyone who actually pays for the stuff knows it, and yet the regime keeps making that claim.

The simple reality is that in the nearly three years that biden and the Democrats have been running the country, congress has passed laws--eagerly signed by Porridgebrain--spending a stunning 30% more than the government takes in every year.  This is a *massive* increase from prior administrations, and the result is the inflation you're seeing.

The lies and regime gifts to supporters as supposedly "free" stuff, and gold-plated waste, are breathtaking, and now it's all a permanent part of our national debt.  It can't be undone.  But almost no Americans have any idea of any of this--it's not their area of expertise.

The problem is that congress has gradually become comfortable with spending more than revenues by more and more every year, and now both political parties believe the government can spend 30% more than it takes in *every year* with no ill effects--like 8% inflation.

That's flat-out false.

A second--huge--problem is that inflation can increase quickly but takes a lot longer to come back down.  So even if the government were to reduce spending to "just" ten percent more than revenue, it would take six or eight years for inflation to come back down to an acceptable level.

And note well that this would NOT reduce prices at all, but merely slow the increase.  Americans don't realize that either.

Of course in theory there *is* another way: raise taxes by about 30% to destroy demand by reducing disposable income.  You'd think proposing that would be political suicide, and yet some Democrats are reportedly considering it.

So how does this resolve?

I don't have the answer.  All I know is that my personal experience says prices are WAY higher than the regime is telling you. >>


Teachers union wants to scrap Basic Skills Test not just for students, but also for teachers!

It's getting way more common: you read a story and think, "That's too insane to even be plausible!"  But it turns out to be true.

Logically, would a competent employee want to end objective tests of his or her skills?  Yet the New Jersey affiliate of the NEA is demanding that the state scrap the basic skills test for certifying teachers, wailing that it's "an unnecessary barrier" hindering the alleviation of teacher shortages.

Imagine a group of doctors who objected to taking tests to become board-certified.  Most people would assume those docs were sub-par.  Or imagine airlines saying "We're having trouble finding enough pilots, so we'll just hire anyone who wants to be a pilot, without testing 'em to see if they're competent!"

Democrats praised the demand to drop testing, claiming tests were "unfair to minorities," while parent groups said teachers should be able to pass a basic skills test both before they're hired and every year after that.

Last year the same state branch of the NEA got state bureaucrats to scrap a different teacher certification test, again claiming it was discriminatory and made it harder to hire new teachers.  (Seeing a pattern here?)

They claimed it was "discriminatory" because minority applicants had to score five percent higher than whites to be offered a job.

Hahahahaha!  Just kidding: If any state or city tried that, Merrick Garland would have an FBI swat team raid their offices at 4 a.m.

Nah, the union claims the test is "discriminatory" because doggone it, it's just not fair to force minorities to pass a skills test.  And if the state scraps the test for minorities, gotta scrap it for everyone, cuz if they didn't the double-standard would be obvious even to dim-witted Democrat voters.

The state's incompetent, tyrannical governor is likely to give in to the teachers union's demands since he has to have their votes.  He's also going to make it easier for teachers to pass failing students, since that makes the state's graduation rate--and the teachers-- look far better.

This covid fascist warmly supports trannies, and says anyone who object to school personnel pushing children to "transition" is an "extremist."  He specifically called those critical of public schools teaching the joys of "transitioning" "extremists seeking to insert political ideology in schools."

"They want to dim the light of truth and instead shroud our schools in the darkness of fear and intimidation," said Murphy. "Know that I have your backs unconditionally and always."

Yes we all know that, Democrat tyrant.


November 26, 2023

The coming Democrat civil war

The Democratic Party is united by their loathing of Donald Trump.  But beneath that shared loathing the various Democratic factions are at war.  Labor vs. radical environmentalists, pro-transgender vs. no transgenders, support for Israel vs. pro-Hamas, and center-left vs. hardcore socialists are starting to face off.

Perhaps the most visible battle may be between Kamala Harris and California Gov. Gavin Newsom for the party's nomination if Biden doesn't run next year.

Biden chose Harris as his VP because he promised to name a black female, for obvious reasons.  In many ways the pick made sense, because Harris offset biden's obvious weaknesses as an old white male.  Cynics claimed biden chose her for "impeachment insurance," but having a black female as VP checked important identity boxes for Dem voters, just as Obama did.  

But from the outset Harris has been a disaster. Something about her isn’t quite right.  Her speeches are mediocre, her cackle and bizarre ad-libs remind voters of Hillary Clinton--and not in a good way.  

After biden gave Harris the title of "immigration czar" two years ago--her sole real policy responsibility--she's done nothing at all with it.

But what must rankle Harris the most is that with polls showing biden trailing in key battleground states— despite Trump’s myriad problems--she surely thinks that as a double-minority VP she's the hands-down choice to replace biden as the Dem nominee.  Yet for some reason there's almost no support.

While biden is an abysmal 14 points negative on the RealClearPolitics approval rating, Harris is worse at minus 17.6 —even worse than Trump (negative 16.6).
In YouGov polling biden's approval is underwater by 10 points, but Harris is worse at negative 13 points.  The real shock is that while just 31% of independents say they approve biden, just 26% say they approve of Harris.

Enter Gavin Newsom.

Last year, as people began to see video of more of biden's mental lapses, several Democrats began cautiously testing the water for a possible run in case biden didn't.  And the Media adored Newsom--never said a harsh word about him.

Newsom's media appearances are constant.  A trip to China to meet Xi Jinping clearly seems to have been made to show his foreign policy prowess.  His Democrat-ruled legislature has passed one socialist policy initiative after another, all of which Newsom has enthusiastically signed.  At the end of this month he'll debate Ron DeSantis in an event designed to promote both.

All this has to leave Harris fuming, since while Newsom grandstands, she's stuck in Washington, unable to do anything without the approval of the White House.

Harris must be thinking "It's just not fair!  How can my party not pick me as their nominee?  I check so many identity boxes!"  Even more galling is that Newsom’s polling isn’t that great. The recent Fox News poll has Harris and Newsom performing about the same against Trump.

In an August YouGov benchmark, Newsom’s approval is negative 13 points while Harris is just negative 12 points. Harris was net positive with Hispanic voters while Newsom was net negative. Harris polled significantly better with Black voters.

Yet it appears that the Media and the party prefer a straight white male--the son of a prominent San Francisco family--who's been getting a free ride from the fawning Democrat-run media.  Given how loudly the Dems bragged about having a black female VP in 2020, rejecting her for the top spot next year seems a glaring reversal.

The big problem for the Dems is how to get Harris to voluntarily step aside instead of fighting for the nomination.  Obviously if Harris competes for the nomination and doesn't win it, that would be a humiliating rejection, particularly for the first woman and first minority VP--and particularly when either voters or the Party nominate a white male.

If the Democrat elites throw Harris under the bus, lots of female and black voters will be outraged.  Can the Democrat elites count on them swallowing the insult and still turning out to vote because they hate Trump, or will many be so angry they won't vote?

So the best strategy for the Dems is to somehow convince Harris to voluntarily not compete for the nomination, perhaps citing a better offer.  At least if she goes with the latter excuse, we know the Media won't press her for details.

Adapted from a piece by Keith Naughton.  Click here to read his original.

November 25, 2023

biden backing plan to end U.S. use of coal to generate electricity--while China builds 2 new coal-fired plants every WEEK

China and biden regime issue joint declaration on "Enhancing Climate Action."

Ah, "enhancing," y'say?

You have no idea how the biden regime--with the full support of all Democrats--is selling you out to benefit China.  And you seem to have no interest in learning about what the regime is doing, cuz dat would harsh your mellow.  As a result, you richly deserve what you're about to get.  You're allowing the Democrats to sentence your kids and grandkids to a harsher life, and you richly deserve to be condemned for it.  Let me explain.

The communist-ruled United Nations has an annual conference on "climate."  The newest one, called "COP28," will start in five days (Nov 28).  It offers corrupt, virtue-signaling pols a chance to strut and preen, while signing agreements that will triple your electricity bills.

But hey, dat jus' FINE, citizen!  You NEED to pay more for electricity, cuz dat will let Chinese and Indian citizens pay a lot less.  And after all, isn't that what the Left wants?  "Equity," eh?

Decades ago France discovered how to make nuclear powerplants cost roughly a third of what U.S. utilities were having to pay.  Their solution was that instead of making utilities pay to design the entire thing from scratch, French regulators approved a couple of standard designs.  So when they needed more electricity a utility simply drove a stake in the ground, called that "Point A", and the approved plan's matching point went there.

Wow, who could have guessed, eh?

SO...France reportedly doesn't use coal at all.  So it was super-easy for the French to propose that the U.S. and other western nations (but ONLY western nations--not China or India) totally stop using coal to make electricity.

See, coal is the lowest-cost way to make electricity.  Kicks the crap out of every other method except hydroelectric--and the Left has cut off that source by not only blocking all new dam building, but has succeeded in forcing states to destroy existing dams in the name of "equity" for Indian tribes who exclusively get to gill-net salmon.

Oh wait, you have no idea about any of that.  Nevermind.

In any case, Porridgebrain's handlers have instructed his lackeys to support the French proposal, which will force the U.S. to not only refuse to allow utilities to build any NEW coal-fired plants, but would eventually force us to close all existing coal-fired plants--just as emperor Obozo ordered.
Democrats and university students: "Dis beez totally wonderful!  Cuz duh CO2 beez killing all life on duh Erf!  So if we have ta pay a tiny bit more fo' 'lectric in duh U.S, it beez totally worth it to save duh Erf!  I mean, dat jus' logical, right?  It beez Science!"

Really, sparky?  Nah, not even close.  Cuz guess who will NOT be signing on to that faaaaabulous U.N. agreement?

Yep, China and India.  China has been building an average of two new coal-fired plants a WEEK.  So all the CO2 you morons think this "agreement" by the U.S. and other western will stop being put into the atmosphere will be...wait for it...put right back by China and India, and then some more!

Let me explain that more slowly for my Dem friends: the agreement will do NOTHING AT ALL to cut CO2, but will simply double electrical costs for Americans and other citizens of western nations, while lowering costs for Chinese and Indian citizens by letting them continue to build coal-fired plants, giving them lower electrical costs.  

To repeat: it will do literally NOTHING to reduce CO2 (which isn't causing Global Worming in any case).

(RELATED: Luxury Concierge Service Offering Private Jet Charters To Next UN Climate Conference)

It's no coincidence that the U.S. has by far the largest coal reserves in the world.  So the game plan of the communists has been to get us to stop using that asset in the U.S., and instead to sell our coal to China at a much reduced cost, since the Democrats will have agreed not to let us use it here.

Is that a brilliant plan or what?  And because biden's handlers can have his lackeys sign any "agreement" they want, without having to get the senate to ratify it (cuz duh regime will never call it a "treaty" after Obozo got away with refusing to submit the faaaabulous Iranian nuclear deal as a treaty), it's a done deal.  Neither you nor congress gets to vote on it.  You just get to pay for it.

The Founding Fathers explicitly set up the Constitution to prevent that.  The Democrats simply ignored those provisions--and got away with it because Republicans didn't have the balls to sue--because they were afraid to lose votes by opposing the black Emperor.

Oh but wait.  It gets even better!  And by "better" I mean better for the communists at the U.N. and way worse for you, Americans!  Brace yourselves.

Delegates at dis faaabulous U.N. conference are also "expected" to set up a so-called “loss and damages” fund, under which leaders of western nations--but ONLY western nations--will agree to pay "climate reparations" to poorer nations.

China is expected to strongly support this plan.  But interestingly, despite being tied for the world's largest economy--and being the largest emitter of CO2 in the world--China won't be contributing anything to the "climate reparations" fund!  That's because despite being tied with the U.S. as the world’s largest economy, China has cunningly arranged for the U.N. to classify it as a "developing country."

So...China benefits, we pay.  Starting to see how you're being conned yet?

COP28 is scheduled to begin on Nov. 30 and run through Dec. 12.  You can expect the "usual suspects" (duh Lying Mainstream Media) to flood the airwaves with pro-Chinese, anti-American propaganda cunningly mis-labeled as "Science."  Just watch. 

Migrant in Dublin stabs 3 children, one critically. Whites riot--and NOW Irish pols are against riots

In Ireland "a man" used a knife to stab three very young children and two adults.  A 5-year-old girl was in critical condition.

The communists at the Associated Press--who have nothing but kind words for migrants who murder and burn--"reported" that the man was "rumored to be of Algerian ancestry."

Well let's see here: bystanders stopped the stabbing attack on the kids by jumping the attacker and beating him senseless, so the guy's identity was definitely known within a few minutes at most.  But the AP is extremely reluctant to identify the perp and his origin, know.

Like many citizens, the Irish have had it up to here with immigrants stabbing citizens, robbing, looting, burning--and they took to the streets.  And now it gets...way more interesting, as the pro-immigrant pols rushed to condemn the rioters.

Irish Justice Minister Helen McEntee said that the rioters did NOT do so "for immigration purposes" (meaning sick to death of the government opening the floodgates to African "migrants").  Instead she said the rioters were "thugs" and "criminals."

Fair enough, but why has she NEVER called out thug "migrants" for being thugs, eh?

The country's damn prime minister said Dublin had endured *two* attacks — one on innocent children and the other on "our society and the rule of law."

"These criminals"--not the man who stabbed the kids, but the citizens rioting--"did NOT do what they did because they love Ireland or wanted to protect Irish people, or out of any sense of patriotism," he said.

"They did so because they’re filled with hate, they love violence, they love chaos, and they love causing pain to others."

And normal people think "Wait, sounds like that describes the *attacker*--all the so-called 'migrants' angry that the host nation isn't giving 'em more money, finer housing?  But the corrupt pols never wail that the attackers are 'filled with hate, love violence, love causing pain,' eh?  

Oh no.  Never.  Because the pols are all about signaling their great virtue to other elites. Where is the outrage about *by the pols* about adult immigrants stabbing 5-year-old Irish girls, eh?

You won't see a hint of that, ever.  Just like Democrats in the U.S:  You are commanded to ignore any murders they commit, any fatal accidents caused by drunk illegal drivers, any illegals selling drugs.  It's all just "collateral damage," eh?

And as predictably as night follows day, Democrat elites counter with "Hey, white citizens born in the U.S. commit crimes every day!!!"

Ah, thanks for explaining that, Democrats!  That makes crimes by illegals vanish.  I'm SO relieved!


November 24, 2023

Ever heard of a proposed RULE carefully camouflaged as "ISA"? No? Well get ready...

Y'know who I think is the guy who should be setting national policy of...well, everything, cuz he so smaht?

biden's faaabulous secretary of transportation, Pete Buttigeig.  Cuz evert'ing he do iz SOOooo smaht!

F'rinstance, in Las Vegas in 2022 an illegal alien, high on cocaine and PCP and driving 100 mph hit another car, killing nine people.  So Mayor Pete's NTSB got right on that, and ten days ago they recommended a RULE!  Yep, starting in 2026 it will be illegal to drive if you're high on coke or PCP, or nodded out on smack or fentanyl.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!   Just kidding!  That's already illegal, but much to the surprise of the Democrats (and more importantly, mayor Pete), that LAW didn't  prevent this driver from killing nine people.  So Pete's employee, the female who currently heads the NTSB, recommended that starting in 2026 all cars sold in the U.S. would have to be equipped with very specifically capable speed limiting devices, called (wait for it) "Intelligent Speed Assistance."  

Doesn't that sound faaaabulous?

It would work from GPS, so when driving and you entered a 25 mph speed zone, the car wouldn't let you exceed that.  Or if you tried to force it to, you could be electrocuted--they haven't gotten all the details finalized yet.  But of course "if it saves even ONE life, it's worth it," right?

This RULE builds on the fantastic success of the Dems in passing a LAW that all cars sold starting in 2026 will be required to have the ability to allow the government to kill the ignition by remote control.  And of course Artificial Intelligence will ensure that no vehicle ignition is EVAH killed when the car is crossing a railroad track or trying to evacuate from a huge fire or anything like that, right?

The biden regime slipped that beauty into the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and not one of you noticed, eh?  Cuz dat jus' UN-possible, comrade.

Republicans in the House tried to pass an amendment of another law last month that would have repealed that part of the LAW, but 19 RINOs voted with the Democrats to kill that amendment.  Cuz the 19 are really Democrats who "identify as Republicans" to win in majority-GOP districts.

Hey, is this a great system or what?

Here's the NTSB press release:

You may notice that the NTSB carefully avoided mentioning that the driver in the fatal accident that spurred this new RULE was high on PCP and coke at the time.  All they'll say is "drug-impaired driving," which makes it sound like a guy who's had a beer.  

This idea has been SO warmly received that the regime is considering forcing appliance makers to use AI to help human owners make "safe, good, environmentally-correct choices."  For example, your clothes washer would know the numbers and ages of everyone in your home, and if you reached the number of loads allowed by the EPA for a week, the machine wouldn't start again til the next week.

Another idea being tested is a limit on the number of gallons of hot water per week.  We've long known that heating water takes a LOT of energy, so the device would keep track of the gallons used each week, and when the limit determined by the Department of Energy was reached, water wouldn't heat beyond 80 degrees or so until the start of the next week.  

"Climate activists" have pushed for no heat at all after reaching the weekly limit, and this remains on the table if the 19 RINOs join with the Democrats to put this in the new bill.

And of course anyone who complains will be jailed, but for a week or so.  After all, this isn't North Korea, right?   

Back on "Intelligent Speed Assistance," one conservative representative suggested that Americans would be much more in favor of executing people who used hard drugs.  That suggestion was roundly dismissed as crazy-talk.  Nancy Pelosi snorted "Next thing you know some Republican will be claiming we need to stop fentanyl from being smuggled across the southern border or some such nonsense!"


You really have no idea what's coming--even after I've repeatedly explained it

As most adults know, the federal gruberment does its budget accounting on "fiscal years" (FY) that start on 1 October and end the next year on September 30.

In the last four FYs, ending last September 30, the regime spent a staggering $9 trillion more than it took in--which was added to our now-$34-TRILLION national debt.

Every DAY the regime spent $6.2 billion more than it took in in revenue.

You still don't grasp the problem, so to put that in perspective consider that it took our government 219 years to accumulate the first $9 trillion in debt.  That debt was reached 16 years ago.

Now we're adding that much debt in just four years.  And from now on we'll have to spend a staggering TRILLION dollars every year just to pay the interest on that debt.  We can't avoid paying that, every year.

Starting to get it yet?

Nah, you're not.  Oh, you understand what I've written above--for about ten seconds, but then a normal psychological mechanism called "normalcy bias" takes over and causes you to reject what you just read.

Works like this: "Everything is perfectly, citizen!  Yesterday we had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends.  Some NFL teams played their traditional TG-day games.  Airplanes flew people back home.  Your home's heating came on when you touched a switch.  Water flowed when you opened the valve.

"Totally normal, citizen.  So that thing you just read, about debt and billions of this or that CANNOT be real.  Or if it's real, it can't be serious as he claims, because that would mean...catastrophe.  It's unthinkable.  If it were real, and as serious as this guy we've never met claims, the media would have warned us!  Our 'leaders' would have taken steps to avoid it!

"Normality cannot end.  That is simply un-possible, citizen.  Out of the question.  After all, when we reached the first nine trillion in debt life continued perfectly normally, right?  That proves that trillions in total debt mean nothing!  So why would adding another nine trillion in four years be any different, eh?  They're just numbers, and numbers have no power.  In fact, the Democrats been tellin' us--an' duh teachers been teachin'--dat maff beez RAAAaacist!  So there!"

Yep, like I said: "normalcy bias."  You can read the facts, and what they unavoidably mean, but your defense mechanism keeps you from "internalizing" what it means.  It's literally too distressing to accept.

Okay, so show me which of the facts noted above that you claim are false.  Then we can talk about what they mean--not just "speculatively" or "spun to please Democrats," but really.


Poll by Hahvahd has some interesting results

After watching pollsters for decades I've concluded that 99% of 'em are lying, manipulative sons of bitches who far over-sample Democrats and undercount conservatives.

With that in mind, consider a few results from a poll by fucking Hahvahd--styled as the "Harvardharris poll."  (The "Harris" in the title is *not* biden's faaabulous VP Kamala, though her minions likely paid handsomely to boost her in this one!)

Is this proof of insanity, or mere incompetence by the pollsters, or outright fraud?  You decide.

This next one is a hoot:  Have you noticed that following his initial announcement of his candidacy, RFK jr. has virtually disappeared from the Media?  It's almost as though the guy could hijack a school bus and the media would ignore him.  Yet for the last six weeks or so every Lying Mainstream Media propaganda outlet has been constantly telling you that RFK jr. "pulls more votes from Republicans than from Democrats."

The Media actually claim that, seemingly seriously, even though RFK is a life-long solid Democrat whose family boasted JFK and his brother, RFK junior's dad.  But take a look at the poll question below:

The poll claims to have found that 52% of Democrats would consider voting for a third-party candidate instead of for their party's nominee, but only 47% of Republicans felt the same.  So how the hell do the Lying Media claim RFK pulls more conservative votes away from Trump than Dems from Biden?  I don't see any way to resolve that, but I predict the Media will keep hammering away on their lie.

What the Media are trying to do--at the request of their Democrat masters--is to frighten Republicans into supporting Democrat efforts to keep RFK off the ballot next year.  See, with the two major parties almost equally dividing the electorate, then after the Dem convention shuts him out, RFK may decide it's worth running as an independent.  If he really does pull more Repub voters than Dems, you'd think the Democrats would want to keep him in the race, since he supposedly hurts Trump more than Biden.  But according to the Media, it's the other way.

This poll shows RFK pulling more Democrat votes from biden.  Which suggests that the Media has been lying yet again.  Shocker.

Finally there's this question:

  The result circled above is hugely significant:  What do you think has happened to American kids between 18 and 24 to make nearly half support Hamas (if indeed the poll is honest, which is always questionable)?   If you said "public schools" and "the Lying Media" that should cover it.


November 22, 2023

Democrats calling illegal aliens "undocumented immigrants" is a classic language hijack


November 21, 2023

Is world ending? Democrat website runs piece on deficits, national debt, interest costs!

I think maybe the world will end this week.

Just kidding, but a story in the Democrat-fellating website Politico sure makes it seem like it: they posted a piece *seemingly* worried about...the huge size of the national debt--which is closing in on $34 TRILLION.

As I've been writing for years, this is a huge problem, because just paying *just the annual interest* on that debt will cost us over a TRILLION dollars in the coming year.  That's an amount greater than any other government expenditure.

And if that's not enough of a problem for ya(because most people are math-phobic), the equal problem is that this CANNOT BE FIXED (short of the equivalent of nuclear war).

Let me repeat that for my sophisticated Democrat friends:  *Cannot.  Be.  Fixed.*

Let me explain:  Corrupt, stupid congresswhores--most of whom are totally unable to grasp numbers--have passed law after law obligating the gruberment to spend more money than it takes in.  They did that to bribe voters to keep 'em in office.  

To be able to keep doing that, decade after decade, the Treasury Department borrows the difference.  It's like you spending more than you make, by putting a thousand bucks a month on your credit card.

(Hey, how's that working for ya?)

Over decades that debt is now, as noted above, closing in on $34 Trillion.  Problem is, congress refuses to cut spending back to what the gruberment takes in--i.e. a "balanced budget," just like families have to do.  So they continue to have to borrow more *every year.*

But even if by some miracle congress were to cut spending back to *exactly* what the gruberment takes in, *that wouldn't reduce the gargantuan debt by a penny.*  Meaning unless interest rates drop a LOT, the government will have to pay a TRILLION dollars in interest every year for the rest of your life.

Here's a little game for your supposedly "smaht" Hahvahd-educated friends:  Suppose by a total miracle congress passed a "budget" that cut spending to a BILLION dollars LESS than revenue every year, AND then used the surplus to pay down the national debt.

Yeah I know, both those are pure fantasy, but play along for a minute.

So if the gruberment were somehow to pay down the debt by a *billion dollars a year,* how long do your smaht friends think it would take to pay off the debt?  Really.  Ask 'em.

34,000 years.  Which gives you a vague idea of the magnitude of the problem.

Of course as you could have guessed, Politico blames...Republicans:
>>Even GOP lawmakers acknowledged an inability to reach consensus within their own ranks on the path forward. Democrats want to focus on raising taxes, not spending reductions —and some Democrats don’t believe deficits are an urgent issue at all.>>

Yeah, well..."some Democrats" believe open borders are great, and that tent camps on sidewalks are good for a city.  And that "no guns allowed" stickers on doors keep bad people from coming in and shooting others.

In other words, they're unable to grasp problems.

Now there's a well-known psychological response when people realize (often unconsciously) that death or disaster is inevitable:  they go into denial.  And what does that do?

It has two big effects:  First, it causes "leaders" and so-called "elites" to double down on demonizing anyone who describes the problem.  See, "Whatever we've been doing for decades must be exactly right...because we've been doing it, and we're smaht.  So anyone who says we're headed for implosion must be wrong!  And dangerous!"

Second, as more "ordinary people" begin to at least unconsciously recognize the problem, and that there's no fix for it, they start to exhibit increasingly dystopian behaviors, like taking known-deadly drugs, eating Tide-pods, shooting up WalMarts and so on.

Democrat: "Dat crazy-talk, deplorable!  We not seeing any of dat kind of stuff goin' on!"

Ah.  Well.  Guess we're done here.  Have a nice day. 

Source: Politico (leftist) 

November 20, 2023

After wokie Oregon decriminalised ALL drugs, addicts took over the state's major cities

Since Oregon has been totally ruled by "wokie" Democrats forever, it was no surprise that just two years ago, pushed by wokiez and the illegal-drug lobby, the state's wokie voters approved a ballot measure to remove jail time for possession and use of heroin and the far more dangerous fentanyl.

The libs and drug lobby claimed that the state just had to do that, because they said druggies really wanted to stop using, but because using hard drugs was punishable by prison time, users were afraid to seek help!  Got it?

So decriminalising those two very dangerous drugs would make it easier for druggies to get duh treatment they supposedly wanted, eh?

It sounded totally plausible, eh?

Well, unless you've ever known someone who was addicted to drugs.  Maybe one in 5,000 wants to quit, but the rest do NOT.  They love the high--enough to risk death if the drug is heroin or fentanyl.

But Oregon voters--being woke--bought the bullshit claim, and the ballot measure decriminalizing drugs passed 58 to 42. 

The measure provided that if you were caught using a "hard" drug like meth, heroin or fentanyl, you'd be fined $100.  BUT the canny drug lobby even removed that slap on the wrist if the drug user signed up for state-funded treatment.

And of course that pot of state money created another huge lobby supporting the measure, and scores of "treatment centers" opened, looking for sweet state dollars to get dem addicts ta quit, right?

So how'd those great ideas work out?

The story in the London Telegraph buries those results way deep:  Eventually they note that according to one police chief, of 6,000 people who were given the $100 ticket, fewer than 125 signed up for treatment.  

The rest preferred to pay the fine--cuz duh canny ones are on Social Security Disability getting a couple of grand a month.  See, dey sez dey can't work cuz dey too drugged out, man.  Of course the SS case worker corrects dat to "Disabled per paragraph 13 c (5)(f) of the Americans with Disabilities Act."

And if you livin' in tents an' gettin' free food, you can buy a LOT of drugs with $2,000 of taxpayer money every month.  And while the check you get for regular Social Security is based on your three highest years of income, disability checks are NOT income-based.  Sweet!

Of course tents on sidewalks in front of downtown businesses are a huge deterrent to customers.  The tent residents use the sidewalks for toilets, and the dedicated communist mayor has ordered city cops not to arrest the tent dwellers, even for open drug use.  The only concession to business owners is that every week or so the cops shoo the tent denizens away for an hour or so to let workers firehose the sidewalks.

The Telegraph quotes a local business owner saying the reason druggies didn't accept treatment was "because there isn’t the infrastructure to support it”--meaning not enough treatment centers.

That's horseshit.  As soon as the measure passed, every glad-hander opened a treatment center, but no one showed up...because druggies love their drugs and have no desire to stop using.  But the wokiez in Oregon don't understand that.   

But the measure did have several major effects:  For one thing, druggies from all over the west flocked to Oregon when they heard the state had essentially legalized all hard drugs.  One business owner says he has friends who work for the Social Security bureaucracy, who say that when they process druggies for disability checks, only 30 per cent of the IDs they see are from Oregon.  Hmm...

One police chief said “We don’t have even really one successful example of somebody who got a citation, then went to treatment, to being clean.”

He noted that they were handling a record number of overdose calls, and the state would  shatter the record for overdose deaths.  This is what the Democrats call "success."

Not surprisingly, after the measure legalizing all drugs passed, all cities and large towns started to see a significant rise in crime.  But hey, who cares, right?  So a druggie with a crowbar or a brick breaks your car window to grab something he can sell for drugs.  You've got insurance, right?

Yeah, well...people are getting tired of this crap, and are trying to repeal the 2020 measure and bring back prison for drug use.

But as you already guessed, that move is strongly opposed by certain "voices" in the state, who say that would be "turning back the clock."  And who would want to do something like that, eh?  It's definitely not "progressive."

There's actually an org called the "Drug Policy Alliance," which supports...illegal drug use, and backed the decriminalisation.  They bleat that prosecuting users would “go back to a harmful system where people are arrested and put in jail for drug possession.”

Why yes, that's the entire idea: Make people reluctant to use dangerous illegal drugs.

But the Drug Alliance bleats that “Jailing people results in a revolving door of arrest and incarceration that never addresses the root causes of drug use.”

Didja catch the "tell" there?  Sure: "revolving door."  Meaning the punishments are so minimal compared to the rush of drugs that no users are deterred.

Now: I don't live in Oregon (thank you, Lord) and you don't either.  So really, as Hilliary famously bleated, "What difference does it make?"  The Oregon wokie experiment is actually a great data point, showing that druggies gonna continue until they either die, or one out of 10,000 actually decides to quit.

But the datapoint only works if the rest of the country learns the truth about how this experiment failed.  And with the Democrat-fellating Mainstream Media providing air cover for the wokie Democrats, almost no one will learn about it.

Which means other Democrat states will try the same thing, again and again, wasting millions (transferring millions to grifters who win state contracts to open "treatment centers" and get no clients.

Wheeee!  America iz at 20,000 feet, pitch angle 60 degrees down, racin' an anvil to the ground. 


Now for another eye-opening read, click here to see a webpage of 16 organizations committed to squeezing money from the state "to advance policies that best reduce the harms of drug prohibition, and promote the sovereignty of individuals over their minds and bodies."

That's from the Drug Policy Alliance, and in essence says "We support people doing whatever they want, cuz 'sovereignty,' baby!"

Now, it's easy to understand the idea that "If I wanna do drugs, dat my bidness, an' duh state gots no part in dat."  Problem is, druggies tend to mug people, and break into homes and cars looking for stuff to fence for drug money.  If you understand that, and are willing to tolerate it to hep duh po' druggies (who, after all, had no choice on becoming addicts, right?), then go for it, by continuing to vote Democrat.

I get the impression more non-addicted people are starting to say enough is enough.  But the biden/garland/mayorkas regime is totally cool with the use of illegal drugs, regardless of the consequences.  For example, they distributed "drug kits" to users, containing glass pipes used to smoke crack.  Then when someone reported that, they lied, denying they did it.

But hey, keep voting Democrat.  Cuz *your* kid is too smart or too cool to get addicted, right?  It's always someone else's kid, eh?

All my siblings are dedicated Democrats.  They claim they support every Democrat policy: open borders, letting illegals vote, opposing voter ID, supporting all-mail voting without any requirement for matching signatures or witness signatures, schools pushing transgenders and keeping it secret from parents, taking kids away from a parent who won't swear to support sex changing, letting boys compete in girls' sports and use female locker rooms, biden ordering everyone to take the jab; schools forcing kids as young as 5 to be jabbed; the whole nine yards.

The staggering thing is, they all have advanced degrees and are high-functioning.  They just get all their info from the Mainstream Media...*and refuse to even consider the possibility that the Media may not be telling 'em the truth.*

November 19, 2023

Classic! Liberals RULE that putting planters on sidewalks to prevent tent camps violates city code!

In the Democrat-ruled shithole of San Fran, tent camps block sidewalks everywhere.  Since the city refuses to clear the camps (except during the recent APEC conference!), residents of one nice neighborhood spent thousands of their own dollars to put heavy steel planters on the sidewalks to block the tents.

Of course you already guessed what happened next, right?

Sure: the moronic socialist Dems who rule the once-lovely city ordered the residents to remove the planters!  Cuz blocking sidewalks violates city code!  But somehow tents blocking sidewalks don't violate code, eh?  The rulers also cite the "Americans with Disabilities Act" as ordering sidewalks be kept clear--but the city NEVER enforces that against tent camps:

Short answer is that the Democrat rulers decide whether to enforce the code or ignore violations for politically-favored groups.   Two sets of laws, as always under Democrat rule.

Residents said folks in the tent camps started fires, vandalized property and engaged in drug activity.  City rulers shrugged.  After years of the city doing nothing, residents said the planters were mostly successful in deterring homeless encampments.  And the Dems rulers could NOT tolerate that!   

Members of the homeless industry have bashed the use of planters to deter homeless encampments as “hostile architecture.”  And we just can't tolerate "hostile architecture," right?

Other residents have installed loudspeakers to get the campers to go somewhere else.  City rulers have responded by citing violations of noise ordinances.

A city spokes-lackey said the city is trying to determine who actually owns the Larch Street planters so they can issue tickets.

Once the planters are removed, the spokes-lackey said the city would "explore ways to make the street safer for housed and unhoused residents."  This is classic bureau-babble.  Baffle-gab, designed to make dumb residents believe the city will somehow reverse course and help residents.  Of course that's bullshit, but Democrats believe it.

Spokeswhore say "We want to figure out from the neighbors what the issue is there.”  Yeah, sure.  Cuz the rulers don't have the faintest idea what the problem is now, eh?Peddle that bullshit somewhere else.


Liberals discover bin Laden's 2001 letter condemning U.S., suddenly love bin Laden

For Americans with short memories, on 9/11/2001 19 Muslims armed with boxcutters hijacked four U.S. jetliners and crashed them into the 110-story twin towers in NYC, and the Pentagon, ultimately killing 3,000 Americans.

A month later their leader, Osama bin Laden, wrote a letter to America, basically saying the attack was our fault.  Now, after Hamas terrorists invaded Israel six weeks ago, killing or kidnapping 1,200 Israelis, wokie morons from U.S. universities are parroting the Left's talking points that the attack was...our fault.  And they've re-discovered bid Laden's letter--and they're *thrilled.*

In the last week we've seen dozens of morons posting videos on TikTok saying the letter opened their eyes about how awful the U.S. is, and how bin Laden was SO right with all he wrote.  These wokiez enthusiastically agreed with Osama that America was horrible, and that he was merely avenging the Palestinians by killing 3000 people on 9/11.

Like Osama, the wokiez of the Left have always hated Israel, and now it’s finally okay to say so.  They’ve always supported the Palestinians against Israel.  The wokiez are the same folks who say they've never been proud to be Americans.  (Ring any bells Moochelle?)

Very few of these wokiez have actually read Osama's letter, cuz why bother, right?  Cuz a *very influential* TikToker read it, so why spend the time?

We know this because if they'd read it they would have seen that bin Laden condemned the U.S. for *far* more than just supporting Israel--like homosexuality, "intoxicants," and gambling.  He claimed AIDS was a "satanic American invention."

Wokie-1:  "Say What?  Uh, we can't support dis guy, cuz he beez hatin' gays.  An' we're pretty sure his group hates transgenders too.   So how can we support his positions?"

Wokie-2:  "Don't worry, we'll just push the points we like and ignore the rest, as always!"  

On the very evening of 9/11, students from NYU were already burning the American flag in Union Square, just blocks north of the destroyed twin towers.  Of course either you never heard about that, or you've forgotten.  (The average garden slug has a longer memory than the average American.)

In 2018, Democrat NY governor Andrew Cuomo said America was never that great.  Oh, you forgot that too, eh?  Of course.  In 2020, liberals burned the flag outside Trump Tower, screaming “America was never great!”  So is anyone surprised to see mobs of 20-somethings--including thousands of college students--echoing that line?

Remember when the entire Mainstream Media fawned over athletes taking a knee during the national anthem?  Ah, you forgot that too, eh?

The idea that America was never great isn't  new.  For decades American college campuses and Democrat-ruled cities have been in lockstep on a single issue: the United States is evil and must be overthrown.  We've been seeing the results for decades.  Now the mobs are getting bigger.

Adapted from PeachyKeenan

November 18, 2023

Just-released J6 surveillance video shows cops releasing fed agent in isolated hallway

Say, citizen, whut dis?

This is one of the J6 surveillance videos just released.  It appears to be a hallway in the capitol building.  Two cops are marching a handcuffed guy wearing a helmet (to make it impossible to identify him from face recognition).  But whut's dis?  They remove the cuffs, the guy fist-bumps one of the cops and walks off.

You already know, of course.  The guy who was supposedly arrested is a federal agent, and the alleged "arrest" was pure theater.

The guy's helmet has a fairly unique insignia on the back which will show up in footage from outside the building.  See how he urges others to break windows to enter, even though capitol cops are holding a door open just five feet away.  Why bother  breaking in, eh?

Cuz it makes great video.

It was obvious from the start that the "insurrection" was a federal operation, led and triggered by scores of federal agents posing as Trump supporters.  If all the other surveillance footage is released, you'll see this dude in action.

Porridgebrain's handlers invoke 1950 law to give millions to companies that make heat pumps

Yesterday the vegetable-in-chief's handlers had him sign an order invoking a cold-war-era law to give millions of taxpayer dollars to companies that make electric heat pumps, ostensibly to "fight Global Worming."

If you don't have a tech background you have no idea how a "heat pump" works, or whether it's better or worse than other options for heating your home.  So since you don't know how it works, you believe whatever the regime tells ya.

And of course Porridgebrain's handlers know dat.  So they can couch this as "Dis gud cuz it beez fightin' duh Global Worming!"  And since all "good 'Mericans" know dat Global Worming is duh mos' dire crisis EVAH, you'll think dis iz totally GREAT!  Cuz duh New York Times constantly tells you  Global Worming gonna kill ev'ryt'ing on duh Erf, right?

Having an engineering background (despite being a pilot and general stud) I'm here to cut through all the regime's bullshit for ya.  So buckle up, sweetheart.

There are essentially four ways U.S. homes are heated: The most common and efficient is "natural gas."  Another, common in the northeast, is "heating oil," which uses an oil-fired burner to heat water.

A third option is the heat pump, and the last is "resistance heating"--the least-efficient, most costly option.

Heating with natural gas--the same gas that powers stoves--or heating oil are both highly efficient.  But burning anything produces CO2, which Democrats and their scientific lackeys wail is causing duh Erf to get hotter (Global Worming).  Dey call dis duh mos' awful threat to duh Erf evah, and are determined to make you stop burning things.

Enter the "heat pump."  Anyone who's been around the outside part of an air conditioner knows that the air blowing thru it is hotter than the outside.  So the pump is using electricity to keep your home at 72F even when it's 110F outside, eh?  A heat pump turns that around, like an air conditioner installed backwards.

To the surprise of most people, when it's 40F outside the air still contains a lot of heat.  It's just that there's not enough to make humans comfortable.  But by adding just a *little* heat, it works.

So a heat pump is like an air-conditioner installed backwards:  Instead of sucking heat out of your house, it sucks heat out of the 40-degree outside air and pushes it into your home.  Slick, and when the outside temp is 40 or 50 degrees it's very efficient.  Not as efficient as gas, but still pretty neat.

But when the outside temp drops to 30 or below, the efficiency drops like a damn rock, meaning your cost goes way, WAY up.  In fact you won't believe this but the least-costly fix is to use resistance heat (like a toaster) to heat the OUTSIDE air to 35F or so, and then use the heat pump.

Seriously, that's in every installation.  Your electric bill goes thru the roof!

SO...while heat pumps technically work in all climate zones, they're only economical in places where the winter temp stays above 30F or so.

By contrast, natural gas gives you a lot more heat per dollar.  Plus, a gas-fired furnace will last for 15 or 20 years, while heat pumps typically only last 7 to 10 years.

SO...given the poor energy efficiency of heat pumps in much of the country, why would duh biden/garland regime use a 1950 law to give millions to the companies that make the things?

It's all theater.  See, they know you'll believe that these multi-billion-dollar companies aren't constantly spending their own money to improve efficiency by a percent or two.  The companies do this research all the time, without taxpayer funds.  Problem is that increasing efficiency makes a heat pump a LOT more expensive, and because most Americans move every few years, few consumers are willing to spend the extra money that they won't get back when it's time to sell.

Getting it yet?
Porridgebrain's secretary of Energy--the totally moronic Jennifer Granholm, a woman who had zero energy experience--said her agency would give $169 million to nine already-identified billion-dollar companies to "accelerate electric heat pump manufacturing."

Under biden's order the DOE will give $169 million to companies like York, Mitsubishi and Honeywell, all of which are billion-dollar multinational corporations.

This is nothing but corporate welfare.  It only works because the regime sells it as helping to fight Global Worming, leading uneducated voters to think it's really great--when it's really a net loss. 


November 16, 2023

Democrat teachers and admins: "We have the total right to transition your kids and keep it secret!"

Conservatives have been outraged at public school teachers--people *totally* funded by tax dollars--urging or pressuring kids as young as 12 to "transition"--i.e. to change genders--*while keeping this secret from parents!*

Democrats and the tranny mafia: "You deplorables are always making a big deal out of nothin'!  Deez kidz *wanted* to change genders!  We din' do nuffin' to push 'em to!  Dey wanted to all by demselves!"

Conservatives: "If you thought it was the right thing to do, why would you tell the kids not to tell their parents, eh?"

Democrats: "We jus' din' wanna upset you deplorables, cuz we know you get upset real easily when it comes to things like your kids changing genders.  It's silly, but you're all silly."

Conservatives: "Ah.  So you claim we're just upset about...nothing?"

Democrats: "Now you got it!  You're just easily excited cuz your lives are boring.  Same reason you support duh Orange Man!"

Conservatives: "Okay, answer this: Suppose you didn't control teachers, and teachers secretly started baptizing kids in public schools, and hiding it from leftist/liberal parents.  Would you think that was nothing to get upset about?"

Democrats: [no dialog cuz heads explode]  


A tale of law (and the total lack thereof) and disorder in a Democrat-ruled city

Meet Shaquille Taylor--a resident of the shithole Dem-ruled city of Nashville.

Shaquille be duh one on duh right.

Last year Shaquille was charged with "assault with a deadly weapon."  But in accord with the time-honored policy of the moronic, pro-crime Democrats who rule every shithole city, that charge was magically dismissed after a liberal judge RULED Shaquille was "incompetent to stand trial."

So since the judge ruled Shaquille "incompetent to stand trial," the judge ordered him to be confined to a mental institution until he was judged competent--at which point a future judge could decide if he could be safely released back into the general public.

Hahahahahahaha!  Just kidding!  The judge simply ordered that Shaquille be...wait for it... released immediately.  No detention, no confinement to a mental institution, despite being DECLARED "incompetent to stand trial."  Presumably that means he's mentally ill--though with liberal judges ya never know.

SO whad'ya suppose happened next, eh?  That brings us to the pic on the left of Shaquille.

That's a pic of a then-18-year-old college student named Jillian Ludwig.  A week ago Jillian was walking in a Nashville park when Shaquille fired off a few shots at a passing car--cuz dat whut pipo do, eh?

One of those shots hit Jillian in the head, and she died in the hospital a few days later.  

Welcome to liberal-run America, suckers.

So how do ya think the so-brilliant liberals ruling Nashville will respond to this, eh?

I predict the public defender will simply cite the prior liberal judge's RULING that Shaquille is "incompetent to stand trial."  So the judge in the new case will order him confined to a mental institution until his lawyers can prove he's competent again.

Hahahahahahahaha!  Just kidding again!  No liberal judge would EVER issue such an order, no matter how outrageous the crime.  "See, your honor, dis wuz jus' a aksident" (true), so it would be unfair to hold dis po' youth responsible."

"After all, if someone gets drunk and crashes into another car, killing an innocent family of four, we don't hold the drunk driver responsible, cuz it wuz a aksident!"


So liberals claim that if you shoot at something in a city and your bullet kills someone, you ain't responsible--at least not if you're a member of a "specially-protected class."

The law says that's horseshit, but that's what the defense will claim.  And given the makeup of the population of Nashville, that may well win probation or "community service" instead of prison.

Democrat: "Dat gud, cuz duh problem isn't pipo who shoot duh gunz, it's duh GUNZ!  So if we'd jus' confiscate all guns frum ev'rybudy, dis wouldn' happen!  Cuz if our wunnerful Democrat congress would jus' pass a law doin' dat, ev'rywun wud give up dere gunz an' den no one wud get shot!"

I find it interesting that not one of my gunz has evah gone out of my house and shot someone.  All the gunz I've ever known are very obedient, and only fire when a user squeezes the trigger.  Amazing, eh?  Of course my guns are well disciplined, unlike lots of shooters.

Democrat: "NOooo, duh problem is GUNZ!  Reeely!  So if we jus' make it illegal fo' citizens to own gunz, all duh thugs an' duh crazies ('incompetents') would turn in dere gunz, cuz thugs an' crazies obey laws, right?"

I think we're done here.

November 14, 2023

Two minutes showing Porridgebrain's senility. Dems: "Not at all! He's totally fine!"

You'll rarely see any of the clips at the link below on any of the alphabet networks, nor on CNN nor MSNBC.  They refuse to show you unedited biden.  The only way these clips get recorded is that in the relatively infrequent times that Porridgebrain speaks in front of live TV, the Democrats' fixers can't prevent those clips from being transmitted.  

Someone has assembled a compilation of Porridgebrain's most spaced-out moments, and it's pretty devastating.

Democrat: "Nonsense.  A bit of searching for the right words isn't a big deal.  Everyone knows the president has no direct control over any day-to-day operations of the federal government.  That's all handled by appointees and experienced federal employees in the civil service and higher categories.  So it doesn't matter at all if the president might sometimes have a little trouble communicating, since one person--even the president--has no effect on the routine operation of anything in government."

Same Democrat: "Unless it's Donald Trump, of course.  If Orange Man is re-elected, everything will be thrown into chaos.  All Americans will be in grave danger, since Trump is likely to singlehandedly run roughshod over the entire dedicated, polite, honest, hard-working federal bureaucracy!  The man could launch nuclear missiles by unilateral decree, killing all life on Earth!  He's also made Global Warming far, far worse than it was under president Obama (pbuh), by allowing oil companies to drill in federal waters!  It's awful!  He doesn't even support $7,500 subsidies for the faaabulous Electric Vehicles!  Can you believe it?  He even criticized our beloved president's forgiveness of student loans, saying it was unreasonable to force taxpayers who'd never gone to college to pay off student loans for those who had gone but refused to repay their loans.  The gall of that man!"

Your city on socialism


Behold the prophecy of Democrat senator Ted Kennedy in 1965, supporting opening the borders

In 1965 a worthless, cowardly, lying former Democrat senator--Ted Kennedy (D-Masshole) --supported a bill that threw open our borders to millions of immigrants.

Behold the sagacious prophesy of the man the Lying Mainstream Media called "the lion of the senate."  (It's a pun: "Lyin' of the senate"):

Our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same.

"Our cities will NOT be flooded by a million immigrants annually."  Yep, cuz it turns out it's more like THREE million every year--2.7 million who turn themselves in and get bused to the processing points and then flown to inland U.S. cities at taxpayer expense, and another 300,000 to 600,000 per year who DON'T get on the buses to processing points, but evade.  The so-called "gotaways."

The ethnic mix of this country will not be upset... Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area...

Certainly that was true: they're now coming in from every shithole nation in the world.

In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think.

Wow, those two loopholes ("not expected to change," and "as sharply as critics seem to think") are big enough to drive an aircraft carrier through!  And as you guessed, the Democrats did just that.

The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs.

Kennedy lied with every breath, but the Lying Mainstream Media swooned, slobbered, fawned over this wokie lie.  Amazing how that works time after time, eh?

When Ted Kennedy died, no one dared say "He was such a lying sack of shit," eh?  Instead the Media endlessly praised him.

Democrat pols--with the crucial help of RINO "plants" (con-artist Dems who pose as Republicans to get elected in GOP districts)--have sold out this country, and chances of recovering are virtually zero.  

Every time Trump talks about deporting illegal invaders, the Mainstream Media attacks him for being cruel or racist.  Raaacist to enforce U.S. law, eh?  The Media don't want to allow that--at least insofar as illegal immigration is concerned.

You'll figure this out eventually.  But unfortunately, by the time you do it will be too late to change the result.

I am SO glad I don't have kids.

Grifters open first U.S. plant to "capture" and remove CO2 from the air. Wokie companies line up to buy "credits"

Well the federal gruberment has now gone full retard.  

Okay, it actually went full retard back in Obozo's reign, but this is like, mega-retard: The first U.S. plant to "capture CO2" is now in operation, thanks to $1.2 BILLION from Porridgebrain's regime.

Now, not all that money went to just one plant.  Ohh no, it will be doled out to several Democrat supporters with faaabulous schemes for "capturing" the dread CO2.

Now I know some of you are thinking, "I could have sworn that in elementary school they taught us trees and plants turn CO2 into oxygen and wood or fruit or vegetables at no cost at all.  Was that wrong?"

We're not sure, citizen.  We'll form a gummint committee to research that.  Maybe let NASA or the FDA or NOAA or the Department of Homeland Security do it.  Yeah, that last one!  We'll give 'em $50 million to find the answer.

It's absolutely absurd:  The published "plan" is to capture the CO2 using calcium oxide.  Then they'll bury the result in big concrete containers.   Got it?

Now here's the fun part:  Who knows how concrete is made?  Anyone?  No?

Concrete is made from cement, sand and gravel.  Cement, in turn, is made by putting chunks of limestone in a huge rotating furnace--a kiln--and using either propane, natural gas or (gasp!) *coal* to heat it to 2,700 degrees F or so.  

"Wait, doesn't burning all that propane or gas to heat tons of limestone to 2,700 F emit LOTS of CO2?"

Settle down, citizen!  We're not sure.  We'll form another gummint commission to study that.  But one thing we know: the company running the "CO2-capture" scam doesn't want you to know dat.

But wait, it gets better!  When limestone (CaCO3) is heated to such a high temp, it breaks down, by emitting...wait for it...CO2!

This inconvenient fact is carefully left out of all the press releases.  Even the cement trade group carefully conceals this, saying only "As the material moves through the kiln, certain elements are driven off in the form of gases."

Ah, "certain elements," y' say.  Any idea which elements those are?

"We're not completely sure.  So we'll form yet another gummint commission to find out."

I can save you the expense: it's been known for a century or so that it gives off CO2.

Citizen: "Wait, wasn't the whole point of this absurdly costly venture to take CO2 out of the atmosphere?"

"Yes, and we are.  But it's just not fair to make our business account for the CO2 that making cement  puts into the atmosphere!  You like fairness, right?  And if you ignore the CO2 it puts IN, the idea is faaaabulous!"

Admittedly all concrete absorbs CO2 when it's mixed with water.  Here's the sequence:
CaCO3 + heat --> CaO (quicklime) + CO2
   CaO + H2O --> Ca(OH)2 (slaked lime)
   Ca(OH)2 + CO2 --> CaCO3 + H2O + heat

But the CO2 absorbed by concrete as it "cures" exactly matches the amount produced when you heat calcium carbonate to make CaO in the first place.  So no net benefit.  Plus you've added all the CO2 from burning the fuel to make the heat to get things going in the first place.

So let's review: you burn carbon-based fuel at 2,700 F to make cement--producing scads of CO2--to make both CaO (to absorb CO2) and the big concrete coffins to bury it all.  Then they put the CaO/CO2 in the coffin, seal and bury it.  

Seems like a lot of money and work for a net INcrease in CO2!

What moron would pay to support this level of stupid?  Other than the biden regime.

Turns out the folks behind this scam have found the funders: big companies willing to pay tens of millions of dollars per year to "buy carbon credits."  It's virtue-signaling on steroids.

Seriously.  Microsoft has already demonstrated its virtue by signing up to buy 315,000 TONS of "carbon removal credits."  Companies like Airbus and JPMorgan Chase are joining the rush to spend millions on "carbon removal credits" to fulfill corporate climate pledges.

If you think this sounds like a scam (like Obozo's Solyndra "solar panel" business), you're right.  And because duh regime has declared that removing CO2 is the only thing that can "save our planet, then if some of the "removal" companies decide they need a few hundred million dollars of gummint money per year to keep grifting, congress will eagerly fork it over--cuz who could possibly object to, um, saving the planet, eh?

Moronic congresswhores who haven't the faintest idea about real science will happily give billions of your tax dollars to connected grifters in order to virtue-signal and buy votes.


Oh, and for the techies out there: the planet's atmosphere has been calculated to contain about 3.3 x 10^15 kg of CO2, or about 3.6 x 10^15 tons.  The just-opened "carbon capture" plant--admittedly just a small-scale demo--is advertised to capture 1,000 tons per year.  So if the U.S. builds 1,000 such plants in, say, ten years, then if the company is telling the truth that could capture a million tons of CO2 every year.

WOW, now we're talkin', eh Sparky?

So if the thousand plants all operate as planned, then in a hundred years they will have removed, tons of CO2!  WOW!

Democrat: "And you silly conservatives said we couldn't save the planet from your horrible SUVs, eh?

"Wait...whut?  Whut do yew *mean* that won't make any difference?  How can dat be?     
Well Sparky, a thousand plants taking out a thousand tons a year for a century would remove 10^8 tons.  Cool!  Unfortunately the atmosphere contains 3.6 x 10^15 tons of CO2.  So tell us: what percentage would that be?

Take your time--I'll wait.

So, maybe one percent?  Less?  You grifters can't do that simple math?  Wow, I'm...not at all surprised.  So allow me to help:

A CENTURY of that vast annual expense would reduce the amount of CO2 in the air by a microscopic *0.000003 percent*.

Starting to see why the whole "Global Worming" thing is a scam, a giant grift?  The people pushing this have no concept of math beyond "How many millions can I get for this scam?"  And the equally clueless "wokie" companies merrily go along with the grift to look "woke" to the public.

The link is to Yahoo, but the story was written by the morons at the NY Times.  Read the story at the link, then look for a single skeptical word about the utter absurdity of this plan.  You won't find one word.  Cuz the average journalist and NYT editor doesn't know jack about math or science.

Which allows them to eagerly support every moronic biden/democrat scheme, no matter how stupid.  The regime tells the Times "Dis beez real Science, and the Times dutifully parrots that.

November 13, 2023

Illegal immigrant, ordered deported in 2020 and fleeing from cops while smuggling illegals, kills Georgia couple

In April of 2019 a teenager from Honduras was caught entering the U.S. illegally.  A judge ordered him "removed from the country" (i.e. deported.  But as with so many other illegals, he simply ignored the order, and the Deep State didn't bother trying to find and deport him.

But in April of this year he was stopped by Texas cops trying to smuggle other illegals into the U.S.

Sheriff's deputies turned him over to biden's Border Patrol.  Because the Border Patrol knew that a judge had ordered him to be deported--an order that was still in effect--you might think biden's lackeys would have followed the, um, judge's order, eh?

Hahahahahaha!  Don't be silly, deplorable!  The biden regime simply ignores court orders they don't want to obey!  And biden has ordered his lackeys not to deport illegals, even if they've committed crimes.  Neat, eh?

So despite the judge's removal order, biden's border patrol lackeys handed the illegal over to Mayorkas's "Department of Health and Human Services," whose lackeys simply returned him to his mother's home in Houston.  "See, we don' hafta' follow no stinkin' court orders, citizen, cuz we work fo' The Big Guy!"

So the illegal was still in the U.S. last week when he was caught driving five other illegals into the country.  Cops chased him, but instead of stopping, he floored it.  In a no-passing zone on a two-lane road, the illegal driver tried to pass a semi--and ran head-on into a car driven by an elderly couple from Georgia, killing the couple instantly.

Thanks, biden!  Thanks, Democrats!  Thanks, Dominion!  Thanks, Mainstream Media.

Democrat: "Hey, chill, deplorable!  Your family wasn't killed, so why are you so upset?  It's not like this po' young man was working for a drug cartel trying to smuggle its agents into the country or anything!  People have accidents all the time, and no one gets mad, right?  I mean, this po' young man was jus' doin' his job, tryin' ta get his paid cargo of illegals to the transfer point in Albuquerque.  He wuzn't workin' fo' duh cartel.  Really.  Jus' happen to be sittin' in his car an' five po', oppressed tranny "migrants" walked up to him and said "We'll pay you twenty bucks apiece to take us to Albuquerque."

You really expect us to believe this was just random?  That this guy was sitting in his car when five random illegals asked him to take 'em north?  Nah, he was meeting customers-- cartel members--at a pre-selected point and gettin' paid big bucks to drive em north.  

If he stopped for the cops he had no fear of being prosecuted--cuz biden's lackeys had already ignored a court order to deport him.  The problem was that he wouldn't get paid.  Makes it worth trying to flee, eh?

Deport them ALL.

Oh wait...with biden or harris or Newsom in the White House, that won't happen.  Ah.  Oh well, carry on.

Now, you might think this story would make the national news.  After all, if a white guy fleeing police with some sort of contraband in his car crashed into a car and killed an elderly American couple, that would make the news, eh?

So try doing a search for Luiz Mencias-Escobar.  The crash story was picked up by local ABC and CBS stations near the Mexico border but was ignored by the nationals.  Like it didn't happen.  "Local interest only," deplorable.
