April 26, 2024

biden regime's "U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services" opens three offices in Muslim nations. Why?

Three days ago the director of biden's "Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)--a connected bureaucrat named "Ur M. Jaddou"--announced that his agency is using your tax dollars to open offices in three Muslim nations: Doha, Qatar and Turkey.

You may well wonder why, eh?  Well, unless you're a Democrat voter, in which case you don't even bother thinking about it--cuz you believe everything the biden regime does is absolutely faaaabulous, eh?

Director "Ur M. Jaddou" explains that the purpose is to "increase capacity for refugee processing, strengthen strategic partnerships, and facilitate interagency cooperation." 

That's all bureaubabble.  Baffle-gab, designed to hide the real reason: It's to import more Muslims to the U.S. without making 'em trek through Mehico, as most have to do now.  See, citizen?  Much more "efficient" at importing the people who are determined to take over the U.S.   Here's "Ur M. Jaddou" spouting more horseshit:

"Opening these field offices establishes a USCIS presence and expertise in critical locations in the Middle East and is part of our commitment to the Biden-Harris administration's efforts to facilitate safe, lawful, and orderly migration and family reunification. Our presence in Qatar and Turkey expands USCIS' footprint outside the United States, supports our humanitarian mission, and strengthens the integrity of the U.S. immigration system." 

Ah..."our commitment to the biden-harris administration's efforts to facilitate...[Muslim] migration."  "Strengthens the integrity of the U.S. immigration system," eh?  Utter horseshit.  Baffle-gab.  It serves the same purpose as a squid squirting clouds of black ink to hide itself.  But two-thirds of Americans believe it because they're naive.   

Democrat:  "No no no!  What Ur M. Jaddou say beez absolutely true, cuz our preznit would nevah let his agency heads lie!  Duh preznit beez committed to duh troof!  After all, he tol' us "If you take the vaccine you CANNOT GET or transmit covid!"  An'  "We have a pandemic of duh unvaccinated!"  An' all doze things were, like, totally true, right?



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