February 28, 2022

After porridgebrain (biden) cancels key U.S. pipeline, U.S. is now importing $1.8 BILLION in Russian oil every MONTH!

On his first day in office porridgebrain cancelled an oil pipeline that would have delivered 800,000 barrels of good Canadian oil per DAY to the U.S.  

The project had already jumped through all the hundreds of environmental hoops, and was already under construction.  Roughly a BILLION dollars worth of large-diameter steel pipe had already been purchased and was sitting beside a trench, waiting to be welded together and buried.  But Joe stopped the project cold, leaving the company to cope with the loss as best it could.  (It can't, of course, but the Democrats don't give a damn.)

Joe also halted oil and gas leasing in the oil-rich Gulf of Mexico, and in oil-rich Alaska.  So almost in the span of a single day biden's ORDERS ended U.S. energy independence, which we'd achieved under Donald Trump.

But consumers and businesses keep needing oil and gas to keep from freezing (among other things).  So with the U.S. oil industry now barred from that big pipeline, and from new drilling, how would that U.S. demand be met, eh?

You probably won't believe it, and the Lying Mainstream Media will NEVER tell you, but here's biden's "solution:"

Startng a month or two after porridge was sworn in, the U.S. has been buying an average of 600,000 barrels of oil per day from...can you guess?   Yep, Russia.

At current prices that's $60 MILLION bucks every DAY--more than enough to fund Russia's entire cost of invading Ukraine.

Throughout 2021, the U.S. has imported 12 million to 26 million barrels of crude oil and petroleum products per month from Russia — the same country porridgebrain bleats about imposing harsh economic sanctions on to deter Putin from invading Ukraine. The most recent month from the Energy Information Agency’s figures is November 2021, at 17.8 million barrels.

At current prices, 18 million barrels of oil--one month of imports--is worth $1.8 BILLION.  In August of last year Russia became the second-highest exporter of oil to the United States. Think that might be a reason Putin feels so confident?

Oh, I hear my liberal friends saying this can't possibly be true! Gotta be a wacko conspiracy theory!

Okay ya dumb bastards, if you don't believe me, would you believe the Leftist, Democrat-fellating website "Politi-fact"?  They love the Dems and almost never publish a critical word.  So here ya go:

The amount of oil being imported today from Russia has reached a record level, and it does roughly equal the transport capacity of the now-cancelled Keystone XL pipeline

However, the pipeline would first need to be built, meaning it couldn’t solve today’s demand needs, and it’s hardly assured that the Canadian production that would feed the pipeline would have risen by 800,000 barrels a day beyond today’s production, or that this entire amount would be sold to the U.S.

Notice how they immediately spin the jarring facts to keep Americans from blaming the Democrats and the biden regime: "However, the pipeline would first need to be built, meaning it couldn’t solve today’s demand needs, and it’s hardly assured that the Canadian production that would feed the pipeline would have risen by 800,000 barrels a day beyond today’s production, or that this entire amount would be sold to the U.S.

That's some world-class spin there.

The cunning Democrats who run Politi-fact are expert propagandists, and they know the average American doesn't know squat about the world oil market:  Because it takes years to find new oilfields and bring them on-line, the oil business--like all world markets for high-demand strategic commodities--is forward-looking, meaning that actions taken today cause prices to rise or fall based on how users (buyers) try to predict how future supply and demand will change.  So decisions made today have a huge effect on prices.

So for the cunning leftists at Politifact to wave away the damage the astonishingly destructive porridgebrain has already inflicted, by saying "The pipeline wouldn't be finished today, so couldn't help supply today" is fatuous:  The oil market has already adjusted for that dumb-ass DECREE.

Here's Politifact again:

The most recent data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration shows that in May, the U.S. imported 844,000 barrels per day of crude oil and petroleum products from Russia. That’s almost 10% of all the U.S. imports for that month.

Historically speaking, this is a large amount, setting a new monthly record for Russian oil imports.

But again watch the spin--claiming high oil prices and sending the Russians $60 MILLION per DAY for oil has nothing whatsoever to do with porridgebrain's DECREE:

Experts said that any impact from the Keystone XL pipeline would have been years down the road. Even if all legal obstacles were to disappear, the project would have involved the construction of 1,204 miles of new pipeline in Canada and the United States.

This means the pipeline wouldn’t have solved the immediate problem referred to in the Facebook post.

Ah, it would have been virtually impossible to build a pipeline 1,204 miles long.  Well there ya go.  The cunning leftists are implying that such a long pipeline was just far too hard to build, eh?

No.  We've been building longer pipelines for many decades now.  But the average American has no idea about that, so if an OFFICIAL WEBSITE says "Ooooh, dat too long!  Not possible!" the average American thinks the website must be right.  Yep yep yep.

And again (I'll say this until it sinks in), claiming the XL line wouldn't have solved the "immediate problem" ignores the fact that the markets have already taken account of Joe ordering construction of the pipeline to be halted. 

Thanks, Democrats.  And I'm sure the people of Ukraine are just thrilled that by porridgebrain's help to pick up the tab for the Russian invasion.

Stupid actions have ghastly consequences

February 26, 2022

Team biden before invasion: "The sanctions will deter Putin from invading"; After invasion: "No one ever expected they would deter...:

For weeks the biden-ho regime has bleated that economic sanctions it threatened to impose on Russia would "deter" Putin from invading Ukraine.

State Department pencil-neck spokesliar Jake Sullivan and others kept repeating that every day.

So...after Putin invaded--clearly not deterred by porridgebrain's threat to impose economic sanctions, that created a small problem for porridgebrain:  How to make his regime's repeated claims that sanctions would deter invasion vanish--disappear?

Easy: Porridge simply stepped up to the podium and said "No one ever expected the sanctions would prevent" Russia from invading Ukraine.

Except his regime spouted that claim repeatedly, in an effort to show how tough porridgebrain was.  How he would stand up to bullies!  How he was always looking out for the American people!  How...you get it.  But it was all horseshit.  Putin ignored Biden's threat.  And understandably so: If you look at the memo listing the proposed sanctions, almost everything significant is "exempt"--i.e. won't be affected.  So it's like the "sanctions" consist of not letting five specific Russian oligarchs withdraw more than $1,000 per day from ATMs at Disneyland, or something equally useless. 

The two videos at the link were 3 days apart.

Biden, 2019: "Think how awful things could be in Ukraine if Trump is re-elected!" Things are so much better now!

The internet is fabulous for giving ordinary people the ability to pull up a video clip of corrupt, senile Joe Biden accusing Trump of being likely to bring disaster to Ukraine.

Then Biden is installed as prez, thanks to breathtaking fraud.  And barely into his second year, he brings about the exact thing he said Trump would do: allows Russia to invade Ukraine.

Too bad clips like this are never shown by the Mainstream Media.  (Pic below is a screenshot.  Click here to see the vid.)

Source:   https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/this-didnt-age-well-joe/

February 25, 2022

Russian invasion shows that thanks to the Dems (Obozo and now Biden), the U.S. is no longer a world-class power. Enjoy

When a regime is failing -- and flailing wildly looking for a way to retain powe-- the dictator's playbook says you create a distraction.

With the price of gasoline, heating oil, food and electricity soaring in the U.S., the biden/ho regime wanted a distraction that would make Americans forget all the regime's disastrous policies and orders, and "rally around the flag."  Right out of the fascist playbook.  

That hoped-for distraction, obviously, was Russia threatening to invade Ukraine-- a bunch of very nice people but not even close to a democracy, as the biden/ho regime claimed.  According to porridgebrain we HAD to "defend Democracy."  "We stand up to bullies," said the senile imposter.

In that case you should totally support the Freedom Convoy that's standing up against your damn jab ORDER, eh Joe?

No?  Gosh, there's a shocker, eh?

That's all just background.  Here's what it means--the real significance of what you've seen over the last couple of days:

You've just witnessed the end of the U.S. as a world-class power. 

Happened really quietly, eh?  So quietly that none of you noticed.  And of course the Mainstream Media won't breathe a word, cuz it hurts The Narrative of Democrats having great policies.

Sure, we've got nuclear weapons, but no one ever expects any nation to use 'em (which is obviously good).  What we no longer have is an effective "conventional-war" military.  Reason is that the top brass--ALL of whom are eager to get that next star (= more money and prestige) know you only get promoted if you show the Regime you're a loyal supporter.  So when the regime (and the last Dem regime) made the #1 goal allowing trannies to enlist, and wokieness, and purging the military of scary (and non-existent) "right-wing extremists," ALL the top brass started trying to out-do each other to show how f'n woke they were.

Porridgebrain's ORDER that all military personnel take the jab finished the job by forcing critics out of the service.  Result of all the above: an ineffective military.  No longer a credible threat to Russia or China.

20 years ago the mere existence of then- powerful U.S. military might have deterred Vlad from invading, but no longer.  End of an era.

So...with the U.S. neutralized, Russia was free to take as much of Ukraine as it wanted.   Ukraine troops retreat to avoid annihilation, keeping deaths to a few thousand or so.  No EU nation does anything, because if any nation bucks Russia, you no longer get crucial Russian natural gas.

With absolutely no effective opposition, the only question is how much of Ukraine Putin will take.

So herewith, the future:

The U.S. is no longer a superpower, and the rest of the world knows it.  The incredibly ghastly surrender in Afghanistan was a great forewarning, and the Russian invasion has now proven it.  And without U.S. leadership and a strong military, no force anywhere exists to oppose either Russia or China. 

The U.S. has been reduced to spectator status.  

Hope y'all enjoy the show.  If you don't, thank the Democrats.

February 24, 2022

Supreme Court refuses to hear appeal from Maine health-care workers ordered to take the jab by Dem governor

Last August the Democrat governor of Maine--Janet Mills--ordered all health-care workers in that state to take the jab or be fired.  The health-care workers filed suit, claiming the ORDER violated their Constitutional rights,specifically in refusing to recognize their religious beliefs.

A federal district judge--Jon Levy, appointed by Obama--RULED that the governor's ORDER was perfectly legal--didn't violate ANY right stated or implied in the Constitution.  Levy RULED that the mandate was “narrowly tailored to serve the compelling interest of containing the spread of this serious communicable disease.”  

"Narrowly tailored," eh?  Well in that case everthing's peachy. It's fine to take away a person's right as long as it's just a few tens of thousands of people, cuz that's "narrowly tailored."

We're only going to force *some* of you to take the jab.  Got it.

The workers appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Yesterday the so-called "justices" on the that court refused to hear that appeal, which leaves the governor's corrupt, unconstitutional order in place.

The state's Attorney General--yet another Democrat--claimed the ORDER is "critical for the protection of patients, healthcare workers, and Maine’s healthcare system against COVID.”  No reporter bothered to ask if the mandated jab prevented people from getting covid, which was always the definition of a "vaccine" until last September, when the CDC changed the definition.

Dictatorial Democrat governor Mills said that the lower courts were correct in finding her ORDER likely doesn't violate the First Amendment, describing the order as "not designed to infringe or restrict a particular religious practice” and necessary to achieve herd immunity.

Of course even a cursory reading of the First Amendment shows that "not designed to infringe on a *particular* religious practice" isn't the test.  Mills uses this line to make the ORDER less offensive to her supporters.

(For any amateur lawyers out there: Yes, I know the 1A says "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or the free exercise thereof," so someone will argue that since that only applies to "congress" then the governor of Maine is free to issue an ORDER violating the free exercise of religion.  No.  There's a thing called the "supremacy clause" that says fed law overrides state and local laws.  So a governor can't *legally* issue an ORDER--nor can a state legislature make a state law--doing something the Constitution forbids.  Got it?)

And about Mills's bullshit that taking the jab is "necessary to achieve herd immunity."  Really?  No, because Her fascist ORDER does NOT exempt people who have HAD covid, and are thus naturally immune.  But she counts on people being to dumb to realize that.  Typical Democrat mislead.

So...thanks to a Dem governor, a Dem judge and a corrupt supreme court, governors can issue orders violating religious freedom, and the fucking supreme court won't say a word.

Rights you thought you had, but that aren't enforced, might as well not exist.  They don't really exist, except on paper.

You're about to see a huge demonstration of that, as the corrupt biden regime crushes the Freedom Convoy here in the U.S. to prevent it from reaching D.C.  Remember, you read it here first.

February 22, 2022

Insane Canadian MP claims "Honk honk" is an "acronym" for Heil Hitler. Seriously! These people are nuts!

Wanna see how the insane supporters of dictators think?

Actually you don't, cuz it's depressing (as well as outrageous).  But you need to see what we're up against.  So here's a member of the damn parliament of Canadia claiming that "Honk honk!" is really "an acronym" for...wait for it... Heil Hitler.

Seriously, she says that.  (below is a screenshot.  Click link at bottom to see the vid)

Yeah, she looks sane.  Not.

And for the record, the canadian parliament voted about 180 to 150 to approve dictator/citizen-beater Jussie Turdeau's decree of martial law.  So the insane members are in firm control of the Canadian government, just as they are here.

Are you okay with that?  Doesn't matter if you aren't, eh?  And "our" congress is very much like this.  Even though the senate is technically 50-50, so many of the so-called republicans are really liberal Democrats merely claiming to be republicans--the infamous "RINOs."



February 20, 2022

Chicago: Niece of the chief of Internal Affairs busted for selling heroin from chief's luxury car. Hmmm...

As many of you know, big-city police departments have a division called "Internal Affairs" that has the job of identifying corrupt cops and working to get them fired.  Obviously if IA is corrupt, bad cops are never identified or prosecuted, so if the chief of IA is corrupt, that's a VERY bad sign.

So...below is a pic of the Chief of Internal Affairs for Chicago, one Yolanda Talley.

Yolanda recently loaned her Lexus to her niece, who has a boyfriend with a long list of convictions for selling drugs, and multiple other felonies.  Duh niece and boyfriend wuz drivin' duh Lexus when dey got stopped fo' some silly traffic rule.  As the car was stopping, boyfriend threw a bag containing 84 packets of heroin (42 grams) outta duh car.

So, was the niece charged?  Hahahaha!  No.  Wuz da car impounded?  If it was your niece and your car, it would be.  But in this case, again, no.  All duh niece had to say was "When you run duh plate on dis cah you gonna find it belong to my aunt. You bettah know my auntie be duh chief of IA, so..."

Now:  What prompted Yolanda to loan her Lexus to her niece?  An emergency?  No evidence of that.  So what do ya think the odds are that Yolanda had no idea whatsoever that her niece and duh boyfriend were sellin' heroin outta Yolanda's Lexus?

And so the steadily growing corruption continues.  It seems as though every Democrat in power is corrupt, and not one of 'em worries about being caught, cuz they know the system will protect 'em.

I don't know if it's even possible to reform a system this corrupt.


February 19, 2022

After black guy tries to kill candidate, and BLM pays his $100,000 bail, ABC "news" omits that detail. Cuz, reasons

Example 2,396,496 of how the Lying Mainstream Media controls what you see:

A few days ago a faaaabulous supposed "gun-control activist" named Quintez Brown rushed into the campaign office of a white guy running for mayor of Louisville, pulled out a handgun and started shooting.  Emptied the mag, but amazingly, didn't draw blood.  (One shot grazed the candidate's clothes so the lack of blood was just luck.)

Most of the broadcast networks ignored the story.  But then things took a twist:  The very next day, BLM wrote a check for $100,000 to pay the guy's bail.  Perfectly legal, obviously, so why would ABC carefully avoid mentioning that connection--instead calling it simply "a community organization""

Of course you already guessed.

ABC’s evening "news" gave the story of the attempted assassination just 29 seconds, totally concealing BLM’s role in bailing him out of jail. Here's the quote:

“And back here at home now, a man accused of attempting to kill a candidate for mayor in Louisville, Kentucky, is now free on bond tonight.  The suspect [was] described as a social justice activist. A community organization freed him on $100,000 cash bond.”

It took more time for the anchor to say "A community organization" than it would have to say "BLM," but ABC didn't want to tie BLM to paying the shooter's bail.

Ain't it wonderful how the Mainstream Media can twist the "news" to mislead viewers?

February 15, 2022

Unbelievable but true: When critics claimed mRNA vax didn't meet the official definition of a "vaccine," the CDC changed the def!

For many years the accepted definition of a "vaccine" was something that prevented people who'd taken it from catching the disease it was designed to prevent.  That was called "producing immunity."  Nothing controversial or complex, eh?

But by July of 2021 it had become clear that the mRNA "vaccines" didn't prevent people who'd taken the jab from getting covid, nor from transmitting the virus to others.  In fact, evidence was starting to emerge that the percentage of jabbed Americans with the virus was slightly higher than the percentage of vaxxed people in the population.  To anyone who understood basic statistics, that was a bad sign.

As a result, critics of the controversial mRNA "vaccines" were starting to write that the so-called vaccines didn't meet the CDC's own official definition of a "vaccine."  Since the "Emergency Use Authorization" was for a "vaccine," some Real Smaht Execs (tm) at the CDC realized the entire multi-BILLION-dollar scam could soon be out of business.

Ooooh, can't have THAT, eh?  What to do, what to do?

"Got it!  Let's change our official definition of a vaccine to make the mRNA jabs pass!"

"Wait, can we really do that?  Isn't that kind of...skanky?  Unethical?"

"Nah, we're the f'n CDC, so we're THE authority on what the definition of a 'vaccine' is.  Besides, if we do it quietly, with no fanfare or comment period or approval, the rubes will never notice!"

And that's what they did.  On August 19th, 2021 Alycia Downs-- a low-level "communications specialist" at CDC--emailed the next higher lackey up the chain saying "vaccine deniers" (seriously) were starting to question whether the vax met the CDC's definition.  

That apparently got the attention of executives because just 13 days later, on September 1st, the CDC changed the official definition.

Of course you don't believe that, because it's just TOO outrageous to be believed.  Gotta be a "conspiracy theory" from some right-wing, flat-earther, climate denying, vax denying white supremacist!  Yeh, dat's it.

Except...it's all totally true.  We have the emails, and the Federal Register, proving that on September 1st, 2021, the CDC officially changed their definitions of “vaccination” and “vaccine.”

Here, from the CDC's own website, are the CDC's official efinitions of Vaccine and Vaccination (August 26, 2021).  See if you can spot the differences:

Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.

Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.

And here are the CDC definitions as of  September 1, 2021:

Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.

Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.

Did you spot the differences?  Sure, how could you miss.  Huge change.  So as with all major changes to federal procedures, the September date was just the start of a 90-day "comment period" to allow interested Americans to comment on the proposal.

Hahahahahaha!  No.  There was no comment period.  None.  Why not?  "Oh, cuz it wasn't a significant change.  It was no more important than re-numbering paragraphs."

Really?  Horse shit.

Of course the usual pro-Democrat media outlets defended the CDC's stealthy change of the definition. The Washington Post, for example, claimed the change of definition had nothing to do with the growing evidence that the mRNA vax didn't prevent the disease.  The CDC tried to downplay the change, stating “slight changes in wording over time … haven’t impacted the overall definition.”

Internal CDC E-Mails

CDC emails obtained via the Freedom of Information Act reveal that a low-level "communication specialist" warned supervisors that the mRNA "vaccines" didn't match the agency's own definition.

In classic "demonizing" style the lackey sneered that “Right-wing covid-19 deniers are using your ‘vaccine’ definition to argue that mRNA vaccines are not vaccines…”

Take a look:

Getting no response, Alycia tried again a week later: “The definition of vaccine we have posted is problematic and people are using it to claim the COVID-19 vaccine is not a vaccine based on our own definition.”

The change of the “vaccination” definition was approved with stunning speed a week later, on August 31. The next day, on September 1, the low-level lackeys seem to have approved the change to the definition.  Anyone think low-level lackeys would have the authority to do this?  Of course not, yet there are no emails implicating anyone higher up the chain.  Interesting.

Bet you thought crap like this only happened in banana republics, eh?  And yet, it happened here.  And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

FDA sneers at effective treatment by IMPLYING it's not approved for human use. Media dutifully echoes the lie

Leftists and Democrats scream that Ivermectin--a drug approved by the FDA for human use around 1996--is a "horse dewormer" and thus MUST NOT BE USED BY HUMANS!  

Ever hear that?  Sure you have.  The NY Times and WaPo all jumped on that claim, sneering that anyone who proposed ivermectin for human use was a dangerous, antigovernment extremist, and that anyone who was so dumb as to actually USE the drug to treat covid was risking his or her life!

Of course neither the FDA nor the Lying Mainstream Media actually SAY the part in caps above, because... it's totally, completely false.

As in, utter horse shit.  And yet the f'n FDA  itself posted a tweet a year or so ago saying "You are not a horse!  You are not a cow!  So c'mon, people!"

That was CLEARLY, OBVIOUSLY intended to make Americans believe anyone who suggested taking ivermectin to treat covid was a nutcase--cuz "You are not a horse," eh citizen?

This is one of the most basic techniques of propaganda: State an obvious truth ("You are not a horse") to make uninformed people believe the claim of the propagandist, without ever making the actual claim--because the actual claim can so easily be shown to be a lie.  But by instead using the snide, sneering "You are not a horse" technique the FDA gets people to draw the conclusion that the only thing the FDA has approved ivermectin for is... de-worming horses and cows.

That's utter horseshit.  The FDA approved ivermectin for human use way back in 1996, but the average American draws the false conclusion that it's not approved for human use because...it's the FDA!  The government!  Why would the FDA tell us ivermectin's only approved use was to de-worm horses if that wasn't true, eh?

Look again:  They didn't actually SAY that.  Yet everyone *believed* that's what they said because of the cunning way they phrased the tweet.

So what was the purpose?  By discrediting ivermectin as a horse de-wormer, never approved for human use, that leaves the only hope as...the JAB.  So the FDA tweet would warn people away from a drug that's cured tens of millions of covid cases in India, and would generate pressure from ordinary Americans for the government to continue to BAN the use of ivermectin and other approved drugs to treat covid.  The damn POST OFFICE is SEIZING packages of ivermectin Americans ordered from overseas--something they have NO legal authority to do, yet they're doing it anyway!

Freedom?  Not under this fascist regime.

Yes, the regime has BANNED you from getting a drug approved for human use.  The regime has threatened doctors that dare to prescribe it and pharmacists who dare to fill such prescriptions.  Yet the FDA's own fucking website confirms that it's totally legal for docs to prescribe drugs approved by the FDA for so-called "off-label uses."  Meaning to treat some other disease.  Cuz if the FDA approved a drug, it means they found it was safe.  So it won't harm you if you take it to treat something else.  And yet they still won't let us have it.

The quote below is from the FDA's own damn website.  I just wanna get this on the record before they delete the quote.

Once the FDA approves a drug, healthcare providers generally may prescribe the drug for an unapproved use when they judge that it is medically appropriate for their patient.
You may be asking yourself why your healthcare provider would want to prescribe a drug to treat a disease or medical condition that the drug is not approved for.  One reason is that there might not be an approved drug to treat your disease or medical condition.  Another is that you may have tried all approved treatments without seeing any benefits.  

There ya go.  It's totally legal to prescribe approved drugs for "off-label" uses!  And yet they are BARRING Americans from doing that.

Ivermectin works, and is inexpensive and safe.  Your own CDC even recommends it for human use, and even gives the dosage!  Yet the regime still won't let you use it!

Let me be even more clear:  From June of last year, when a CDC-funded trial concluded in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, involving tens of millions of people, the U.S. government has known iver works, yet not only do they not make it available, they still won't even allow you to buy it yourself.

Since June of last year, every death of an American due to covid is directly the fault of the U.S. government.  But why would they suppress an inexpensive, effective drug?

Corruption.  Pfizer alone has recorded $25 BILLION in profits in the last year.  Fauci et al want to keep that money rolling in.  They do that by a) having the government make the jab mandatory to keep your job; and b) discrediting actual treatments; and c) barring you from even obtaining approved, legal drugs that actually work.

There should be trials and executions.  Seriously.

Biden regime appointed this person to a Dept of Energy position regarding nuclear waste. Woke much?


The biden regime has appointed the person below to a post in the Department of Energy.  

Mental illness?  Perish the thought, citizen!.  Instead this is supposedly "The most qualified person in the country to fill this post."  Really?  Wow, what were the odds of that, eh?

In ancient Rome during the time of Nero, the emperor named his horse as a Roman senator.  It was a sign of the total corruption of the system.  And everyone was afraid to raise a single word of protest.

Welcome to the U.S., folks.  You allegedly voted for this.  Thanks, Democrats.  Thanks, Dominion.  Thanks, supreme court.

End times?  Not for the wokies, the "cool kidz."  They bask in high salaries while the working people are crushed by taxes and inflation.  And we're only barely into the second year of Nero's term.

If you think the JoeHo regime will get better you're too naive to breathe.


February 14, 2022

Dems demand kids keep wearing masks, even though ALL the science says masks don't work.

We've known that masks haven't worked since before Fauci told us we needed to wear them or we'd die.  His first statement, that they were useless, was the true one.  And we've known since May 2020 that children were almost entirely immune to any serious complications from covid .

We've also known since April of 2020 that the average age of death from covid was higher than the average life expectancy, and since that same date that most people who are under 65 and not obese or have heart or lung conditions had very low risks from covid.

We've known all this since early 2020. We've known it and known it and known it.  But of course the most of the Lying Mainstream Media continues pushing the Party Line that wearing a useless mask is what "The Science" requires.  Except it doesn't.

"The Science" hasn't changed.  Only the political needs of the Democrat Party have changed. They needed Americans to be scared to death in 2020 so they could ram through "everyone votes by mail" in so many states, allowing them to steal the election by claiming porridgebrain somehow got millions more votes than Dear Leader Obozo.  Now the Democrats are scrambling to decree that the virus is no longer a threat, claiming that they have defeated the virus by their brilliant policies. 

Top Democrats have belatedly realized they're facing a LOT of anger among the public, so they're frantically trying to declare victory over the virus.   They need to declare a Return to Normalcy several months before the midterm elections in November.  

And as short a memory as most Americans have, with the help of the Lying Mainstream Media they'll probably get away with it.

February 12, 2022

Independent reporter asks Canadian dictator a VERY pointed question. Dictator says "I will not answer your question!"

If you want a one-minute demonstration of how a dictator acts, click here.   It's Jussy Trudeau, being asked a question by a RARE Canadian female reporter who does NOT work for his government.  She's smart and has scientific training, which makes her a huge threat to corrupt, fascist shitheads like Trudeau (and Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff et al). But don't click the link just yet, cuz you need a minute of background to fully understand what happens.

The background: She works for a media outfit called Rebel News, which is one of the VERY few media in Canada that's NOT owned by the government.  It's critical of Trudeau and his regime.  Non-government media threaten Jussie's absolute power, so Jussy tries to turn Canadian citizens against them by accusing them of "spreading disinformation" or misinformation.

Sound familiar?  It should, cuz that's exactly what "your" gruberment is doing, and ordering social media to cancel accounts of people who claim the jab is dangerous or ineffective, or who ask why the Democrat rulers ban Americans from getting two drugs APPROVED FOR HUMAN USE BY OUR OWN FDA YEARS AGO, which cure covid in five days or so.  Cheap and no side effects, and used by hundreds of millions of people in India and Africa, yet the gruberment will NOT allow Americans to obtain those life-saving drugs.

Think about what that means.  They're approved for human use.  By our FDA.  There is NO legal justification for the gruberment to bar you from using 'em.  Yet they ARE barring you from getting those inexpensive, safe, effective drugs.  Ask yourself WHY.

So with that background: The Canadian reporter tells the dictator that Israel has the highest percentage of vaxxed people, and the highest percentage who've taken FOUR shots.  Damn near 95%.  Yet Israel is seeing a HUGE surge in covid cases.  To people with a brain that tells you the jabs don't work.  But Jussie doesn't wanna hear that, cuz he's ordered every Canadian to take the jab.  Just like biden did.

So, the female reporter ends her long, polite, detailed question with "Since the 'vaccines' don't work, will you continue to force every Canadian to take the jab and get the vax passport to go to restaurants and shops, and to travel?"

Jussie sneers, haughtily, and sniffs "I made my position on your organization quite clear yesterday, so I will not answer your question."

Think about that.  She's just nailed the guy as a fascist who ignores actual science in order to retain total power.  There's no way he can refute her data.  So he takes the dictator's escape: "I refuse to answer."

Hillliary Clinton, anyone?  Joe biden, running away from reporters?  You damn betcha.

But the reporter gets the last word: Before the lackeys can kill her mic she says "That shows exactly what kind of person you are."

Bang.  Now click the link below to watch the exchange.  It should infuriate you.

H/T Citizen Free Press.

February 11, 2022

Wanna look into the face of evil--disguised as a Harvard professor and CNN contributor?

Wanna look into the face of evil?

Actually you probably don't, because it either makes you sick or makes you want to pick up a scoped weapon.  Yeah, I went there.  And sadly, that's where all this will end--it's just a matter of time.

Let me introduce you to evil.   Her name is Juliette Kayyem, and she's a contributor to CNN--and a Harvard professor.  This bitch SNEERS at the "freedom protesters."  How could anyone be so deplorable as to want FREEDOM, eh?  It's beyond her, or so she pretends.  She's absolutely outraged that some uppity common folks have the ill manners to protest for freedom from Canada's jab mandates.  

But she has THE solution.  Here it is:

She wants SOMEONE--cops? BLM?  Antifa?--to "slash their tires, empty gas tanks, arrest the drivers."  Communists in Ottawa--by the hundreds--have called for the cops to seize the trucks and not return them to their owners.  Wow.

Tell ya what, bitch: Let's just seize your assets instead, eh?  Everything:  Homes, vacation homes, overseas bank accounts, the whole mess.  How's that sound, sweet cheeks?  Ooooh, not quite so good now, eh?  Well tell us what you think the difference is.

Oh, that's right: In the second version you're the one who're getting robbed...and you don't like that a bit, eh?  But you were perfectly happy to have your thugs rob someone else of THEIR property, right?

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the prosecution rests.

And the topper is, this bitch fits in perfectly with the communists at Harvard.  She won't get "cancelled" for tweeting this.  So...right back atcha, baby.


When your government changes the official definition of words...

When "your" government routinely changes the meanings of words and phrases, you know you live in a dictatorship, no better than China or a banana republic.  Examples:

   For at least four-thousand years, marriage meant the union between one man and one woman – now the government has re-defined it to include two same-sex people.

   "Vaccine" used to mean something that prevented you from getting a disease.  After it was absolutely proven that people who've taken the jab get covid at the same rate as unjabbed, the government (CDC) has now re-defined "vaccine" is "something that reduces the severity of a disease."  Quite a revision, eh?

    "Patriot" used to mean someone who loved their country.  Now the Democrats who run the government have re-defined such people as "terrorists" and "white supremacists."

George Orwell nailed it: The "Ministry of Truth" had the task of changing all publications so that no record remained that would show any government prediction or claim to be false.

February 08, 2022

Biden regime to spend $30 million to give crack-heads free crack pipes and syringes! And calling it "harm reduction"!

Biden and his insane, corrupt crew of  Democrats are driving this nation straight to hell at warp speed.  Latest example:

Joe and the Ho and their communist handlers have ordered the Department of "Health" (DHS) to give friends of Democrats $30 million bucks to distribute free crack pipes to blacks and gays.  And to make it more outrageous, they've called this a "harm reducction program"

Oh WAIT...they don't say "crack pipes."  Instead the grant offer is for "smoking kits."  See how much nicer that sounds?  "Smoking kits."  Roll that around on the tongue awhile.  It's SO soothing!  Who could be concerned about "smoking kits," eh?

HHS said the purpose of handing out "smoking kits"--crack pipes--is purportedly to reduce the risk of infection when smoking substances with glass pipes, which can lead to infections through cuts and sores. HHS says grant applicants will get priority if they promise to "treat" a majority of “underserved communities,” including African-Americans and “LGBTQ+ persons.”  So you can see--quite clearly--who the program will hand grant money to.

My idiot liberal friends and siblings: "You LIE!  Dis not true!  You makin up dis unbelievable story to make our Dear Leader and his wunnerful vice president (and president-in-waiting) look bad!"

Unfortunately--outrageously--I'm not kidding,  Click here to read the 75 PAGE instructions from DHS on how favored organizations could apply to get a few million to give away crack pipes to favored groups--all under the bullshit label of "harm reduction."!

You won't hear a word about this in the Lying Mainstream Media, because CNN/MNBE/ABC/NBD/CBS NY Times, WaPo all know that normal, hard-working, child-raising Americans would be FURIOUS if they knew Joe and the Ho are pissing away taxpayer funds on crap like this.  Let alone that the program will make it easier for people to smoke crack, meth "or other illicit substances" (that's a quote from the grant app instructions!).

Okay, I know very few of you will take the time to click on the link above, cuz you're too busy.  Just don't have the time!  So unconsciously you'll think this isn't true--because IT'S SO OUTRAGEOUS THAT IT JUST CAN'T POSSIBLY BE, eh?

So here's the "executive summary," and you can click to enlarge.  I've underlined the most egregious bullshit, and will tale those points apart below:

SO...first line: They try to disguise this slush-fund--which is PURE grift and crap and harm--by putting the grant under the "Center for Substance Abuse PREVENTION" under the "Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration,"  This is beyond parody--Franz Kafka would be right at home.  You're giving crack pipes to addicts and calling it "PREVENTING" substance abuse?  What bullshit!

Line 3, the official "short title" is "Harm Reducction."  Reduction, ya say?  Well, other than handing out free crack pipes and free syringes to addicts, you bet.  As the Dems see it,  encouraging addiction is really a totally good thing, cuz well tell the rubes (that's you and me) that we're actually doing it to talk to the addicts about how to prevent overdoses.  Yeh, dat's da ticket!

Wait, ya say you don't see anything about handing out free syringes and needles?  What do you think they mean by "syringe SERVICES programs, eh?

Wait, it gets worse!  Cuz "other equipment that qualifies for funding" includes not just syringes but also fentanyl patches.  Cuz there's just not enough fentanyl in the U.S., so we need to pay for more.

Funding for this insane grant program-- cunningly mis-named “harm reduction”--was included in the Democrats’ scam "American Rescue Plan," which was passed by the Dem-controlled senate in a straight party-line vote, with the faaaabulous VP (president-in-waiiting) Kamala Harris casting the tie-breaking vote. 

They call good evil, and evil good, and order you to let them give your 4 year old an experimental jab for a disease that doesn't afflict children.  But you're ordered to do it if you want your kid to attend the public school you're paying for (whether your kid attends or not!)

Thanks, Democrats!  Thanks, Lying Mainstream Media!  If the Founders were still alive, none of you would be. 

Hat tip to Citizen Free Press, which is the best conservative site out there. 

February 02, 2022

Fakebook deletes all posts about massive, nation-wide Canadian protest, then deletes American protest group!

You've probably heard of a left/communist POS organization called "Fakebook."   You think they at least vaguely support ordinary working Americans, and may possibly support for truth and justice over lies and censorship.

Not even close.  In fact, Fakebook routinely bans users for posting anything the communists who run that shithole don't like.  

Of course you don't believe that, so you keep using it.

You may have heard about the massive trucker demonstration in Canada against Justin "Little Fidel" Trudeau and his fascist, dictatorial state.  You'd think that was a very righteous cause.  So guess what: The communists who run Fakebook have deleted all posts about that fabulous protest.

"Wait," I hear my liberal friend say, "that's Canada.  Why should we care about what happens there, eh?   After all, Trudeau says the protests are small and "fringe," and that they're stealing food from starving children and vandalizing statues and carrying Confederate flags and...and...and...   It's all horseshit, but since the only national broadcast network in Canada is run by Trudeau's lackeys, Fakebook is the only widely-used way to get the truth out.

So my lib friend is "So what if Fakebook has deleted all posts about the Canadian trucker strike?  Who cares, cuz it ain't here, eh?"

Ah, well...you may have heard that U.S. truckers are organizing a convoy to DC to protest exactly the same bullshit vax mandates Trudeau has imposed.  The organizers had a Fakebook group with 139,000 followers.  But just as the communists at Fakebook deleted all posts about the Canadian truck protest, they've now deleted the American protest group entirely.  And banned all its administrators.

Still think Fakebook is standing for truth, even a little?  No, they're the ENFORCERS of misinformation.  They do whatever the JoHo regime wants, and you don't get a second thought.

Johns-Hopkins study shows the economy-destroying Dem lockdowns reduced mortality by a whopping 0.2%

Hey, mask-vax sheep, didja hear some goofy outfit analyzed 24 studies and concluded that the massive, ecoomy-wrecking lockdowns ordered by Democrat governors only reduced mortality by 0.2%?

No?  Didn't hear that?  Didn't see it or read it?  

I'm not surprised, because the Lying Mainstream Media didn't want you to know.  If they don't report something, it never happened, right?

No, obviously that's horseshit.  If something happened, the Lying Media ignoring it obviously doesn't make it un-happen.  But half of Americans actually seem to believe that if they didn't read about it in the NY Times, it never happened.

Besides, the outfit that came up with this 62-page report was kinda shaky--an outfit called "Johns-Hopkins."  So they're probably just spreading "misinformation."  Yeah, dat's it.

Trudeau smears massive, nation-wide trucker protests, implies they're anti-Canadian

Justin Trudeau is a dictator, pure and simple.  He won re-election last year with 32.6% of the vote, which should tell you everything you need to know.

When 50,000 truckers headed to the Canadian capital to protest Trudeau's dictatorial policies, the scum bastard first tweeted that it was a "small protest by a fringe group."  Ah, really?  The convoy stretched for 50 miles, yet f'n Jussie claims "small protest by a fringe group."

Video showed the highway shoulders and overpasses absolutely packed with Canadian supporters.  But Jusie say "small protest by a fringe group," eh?

This is how dictators react: Lie brazenly to try to discredit the protesters.  But Jussie is just getting started!

Then he holed up, saying he was under quarantine because someone around him had the virus.  My, what a convenient way to avoid facing the wrath of the protesters, eh?  Then two days later Canada's equivalent of our corrupt FBI whisked the dictator off to an undisclosed "secure location" so the pussy would be safe from those mean ol' protesters.  

Now the lying, asshole communist has gone on video claiming that "Canadians have been shocked--and disgusted" by the protests.  Really?  Cuz it sure doesn't look like the people are disgusted.  Quite the contrary.

That lying piece of biden also IMPLIED (but carefully avoided a direct claim) that the protesters had "hurled abuse at small business workers," and "stolen food from the homeless."  And "engaged in vandalism", and most egregious, "dishonored the memory of our veterans."  See his own tweets below.

These are all brazen lies.  As someone noted, in a nation where everyone has a videocam on their phone, no one has video evidence of ANY of this.  But since all the national the media in Canada is run by the state, no one is contradicting the lies in a way that will reach the public.

These lies are designed to peel support away from the protests.  They work on stupid people who get all their "news" from the Lying Mainstream Media.  And in Canada the major national network is owned by the government, and have totally ignored the massive protests, because their Dear Leader wants to make people think it's a "small protest by a fringe group" and that most Canadians oppose it.  That's utter bullshit, but if you control the media who can learn otherwise, eh?