In 1945 and 1963 an author predicted what we're seeing today
Every young American should be familiar with C.S. Lewis, who wrote half a dozen inspiring books like "The Chronicles of Narnia." (Hugely popular but hated by the "sophisticated" Media.)
Shortly before the end of WW2 Lewis wrote The Screwtape Letters--a series of missives supposedly written by a "senior devil"--Screwtape--to his protégé Wormwood, telling him how to corrupt humans.
In 1963, shortly before Lewis died, he updated the Screwtape Letters to directly criticize the social trends he was seeing in the early 1960s. And of course since then those fatal flaws have gone from mere whispers on college campuses 60 years ago to become the principles of the Democrat party of today--as intended.
In that update (full text here)–senior devil Screwtape describes how the normally benign term "democracy" could be used to destroy excellence, first in education, then in society at large. That was to be done by pushing total equality not just of opportunity but of outcomes, regardless of effort. As you could easily guess, slackers and morons LOVED this scheme, in which everyone stayed "totally equal” in outcome.
Screwtape tells his subordinate devils “Democracy is the term to use to lead them by the nose. The most basic principle of the new education system must be that loafers and slackers must not be made to feel inferior to intelligent, hardworking students, because that would be ‘undemocratic.’”
Screwtape orders "Entrance examinations for universities must be made so easy that everyone can be admitted." And then urges “University exams must be framed so that nearly all the students get good marks."
And of course that's what we see today, as progressive demagogues like Bernie Sanders insist that everyone should go to college "so we have the best-educated workforce in the world”–-willfully ignoring that a sham education has no value.
“Students qualified to proceed to a higher class may be artificially held back, because other students might get a trauma by being left behind.”
And sure enough, the wokiez who run most public schools are now eliminating gifted programs because they're afraid slackers and kids who don't give a damn about learning will have their feelings hurt. And in California cunning leftists are already charging consulting fees of $5,000 per HOUR to tell school boards how to do this.
And what do liberal media outlets have to say about this? Not a word of criticism--because criticizing any wokie program will get you fired.
It should come as no surprise to anyone with a functioning brain that a nation of dunces is far easier to rule. As Screwtape explains:
“Pure democracy leads to a nation without great men, a nation mainly of sub-literates, full of the cocksureness which flattery breeds on ignorance, and quick to snarl or whimper at the first sign of criticism."
Sound familiar?
“We must encourage this behaviour, the manners, which arises naturally from 'pure democracy,' because these are the things which will ultimately destroy democracy.”
Finally Lewis notes that one of the key tactics of the devils is to re-define words so they now mean the opposite of their historic meaning--like moronic reporters (all Democrats) who describe mob violence as “peaceful protests."
Another example: For millenia, "democracy" meant letting citizens choose their rulers by vote. But today the Democrat party claims that keeping Trump or Kennedy off state ballots is "defending our precious democracy." Really? And the Media print that utter horseshit without a word of criticism, leading dull people to think that NOT letting citizens choose their leader is actually...democracy.
Re-defining words.
Yet another example: the NY Times style book hath DECREED that whenever "journalists" write stories about males claiming to be female, the writer must use female pronouns "she" and "her" when referring to the wokie nutter. That cunning tactic gets weak-minded people to believe the absurd lie that men can actually become women by simply claiming to be so.
Changing the meaning of words. Brilliant.
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