January 20, 2018

California Democrats propose taxing businesses extra to fund "social services"

As most of you know, just before Christmas the Republican congress passed a bill cutting taxes for the middle class.  Trump signed it into law.  Yay!

That angered the Democrats in California's legislature, so they've now proposed amending that state's Constitution, in a rather odd way.

They want to force businesses in CA to pay a whole new type of tax, that would allegedly be used to fund "social services" for residents of the state who were hurt by the awful INcrease in taxes under the tax-cut bill.

You read that right:  San Francisco senator Phil Ting claims the tax bill will force middle-class Californians to pay higher taxes.

Y'know, you'd think that at some point more business owners in CA would start to consider that their state taxes would be a lot lower elsewhere, and leave.

Wait, that's already happening.  And if the new tax proposed by the Democrats becomes law I suspect it'll happen a lot more.

Good job, Democrats!


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