November 30, 2021

New drug hits DC, 3-4 times more potent than fentanyl. How does the WaPo react? Hmmm...

Just saw a piece from the cesspool called Washington DC, wailing that a NEW drug has been found there, reportedly three to four times more powerful than fentanyl.  And as you could predict, it's killing users.

So just to review: for most of the last 50 years heroin has killed more people than any other drug.  Most sites say the smallest dose of heroin that will kill a normal adult (in this case "normal" only refers to body weight) is about 30 milligrams--just over an ounce.  So how does fentanyl compare?

Most sites report that the smallest dose of fentanyl that will kill a person is TWO milligrams.

Jeff Bezos's newspaper, the Washington Compost, did a story on the new DC cool-kidz drugs, but the Post "reporter,"oddly, didn't seem all that concerned.  After all, the Narrative right now is that the drugs we should all be worried about are prescription painkillers like oxycontin and oxycodone--cuz they're made by eeeeebil capitalist companies which are easy, fat targets for left-wing "activists."

By contrast, illegal fentanyl and the two new kewl-kidz drugs are walked across the open southern border by ...what did bidenfail order everyone to call em?  Oh yeah: "undocumented non-citizens."  So since the regime *totally* supports open borders, the Post doesn't wanna criticize drug smuggling because that implicitly criticizes the Democrats.

Here's the Post's take on the new drugs:

Forensic analysts have identified a new and highly potent family of synthetic opioids in the District’s illicit drug supply, a worrisome discovery in a city already struggling with a wave of fatal overdoses that shows no signs of abating.

The opioids are called protonitazene and isotonitazene, respectively. Experts estimate that each is several times more powerful than fentanyl, the synthetic opioid that has displaced heroin in many parts of the United States and is now responsible for the majority of the country’s drug overdoses.

The identification of nitazenes in D.C. comes as the District is dealing with an opioid crisis that has never been worse.  The District saw an estimated 498 fatal overdoses over [the last year].

As yet there is no indication that the new drugs are widespread, and fentanyl remains the primary threat to opioid users in D.C.

There ya go, sparky.  Don't worry your head about duh new drugs, keep your focus on duh old ones.  Wouldn't wanna go lookin' for trouble, eh?

But their discovery is an ominous development because the drugs could be less vulnerable to some of the primary tools used to prevent overdoses.

It's not known whether fentanyl testing strips — which warn users about the possibly higher potency of their drugs — can detect nitazene substances.  And more of the overdose antidote Narcan may be needed to revive someone who has overdosed on the new drugs.

Ah, the real problem is NOT drugs 3 or 4 times more potent than fentanyl but that it may take more Narcan to revive overdosers.

It's astonishing:  New drug makes it to DC, deaths going up, so how does the Post react?  Calls to imprison or kill the drug sellers and suppliers?   Put more cops on the beat to arrest drug sellers?  Stop illegal invaders who are bringing the stuff into the U.S.?  Not even close.  The Post's main concern seems to be that the normal dose of the antidote might not be enough to save duh po' overdosers.

Amazing.  Wait...considering who runs both DC and the federal gruberment, utterly predictable.



November 29, 2021

Another federal judge orders Bidenfail's "vax or be fired" order halted

As many of you know, the bidenfail administration ordered healthcare workers at facilities that receive federal funding to take the non-vax covid "vaccine" by January 4, or face firing.  More specifically, the regime ordered health-care *employers* to fire workers who refused to take the jab.

Today a federal judge issued a preliminary injunction ordering the regime's vaccine mandate for healthcare workers in ten states halted.  In doing so the judge agreed with the 5th circuit.

When federal judges blocked any of a hundred Trump orders--including the border wall--the Mainstream Media blared those decisions all over their front pages.  Wonder if you'll see anything about this order stopping a Democrat policy on tomorrow's news.

Who did bidenfail EXEMPT from the "vax or be fired" mandate? You may be surprised.

So, bidenfail ordered every American to take the vax or be fired.  Harsh.  Despotic.

Wait, not everyone: Okay, we know the Resident can't order congress or federal judges to do squat.  And the courts [spit] have expanded that to include congressional staff.  But why in the HELL are White House staff exempt?  They're federal employees, so why the exemption?  If the vax is good for everyone--good enough and safe enough to FORCE everyone to take it--why are certain federal employees--who work in the executive branch--not forced to take the jab?

Same for employees of the CDC, FDA, NIH, Postal Service.  Why?

Why are employees of Pfizer and Moderna exempt when EVERY OTHER company that has a federal contract must fire employees who don't take the g_ddamn vax?

For heavens' sake, F.JoeBiden ordered every member of the Armed Forces to take the jab, but all the assholes mentioned above are exempt?  WTF??  This should tell everyone that the vax is NOT good for you.

The Post Office exemption was to curry favor with the postal workers' union.  I haven't verified that Pfizer and Moderna employees are exempt, but if they are I suspect it's because bidenfail knew that they'd leak all the dirty secrets if they were fired for refusing the jab.

Still mystified by that order that all members of the Armed Forces had to take the damn thing.


November 28, 2021

Leftist Washington Post says Waukesh massacre was "caused by an SUV." Really?

If you think the Leftist Mainstream Media will EVER tell you the truth, consider the tweet below from Jeff Bezos's Washington Post (which they eventually deleted):

If you hadn't heard about this "event" before, what would the Post's tweet lead you to think?

Well according to the Post this attack sorry, "tragedy" was "caused by a [sic] SUV."  

Really?  So the Post implies that a few SUV's have mysteriously become sentient and now drive around all by themselves.  And hey, dat's reasonable, cuz at least a dozen models of vehicles are now advertised as self-driving, right? say this vehicle was NOT self-driving?  That there was actually a driver choosing the speed and heading?  NOOoooo, dis not possible!  Cuz no human would deliberately mow down "dancing grannies" and kids under 15 marching in a Christmas parade!  It makes no sense!  Just not possible in any sane world.  So..."self-driving vehicle runs amok" sounds way more plausible, eh?

Now, we're pretty sure the idiots at the Post don't really think SUVs have somehow become sentient.  But we're equally sure that neither the Post nor any other leftist Mainstream Media outlet wants ANY reader to examine the real cause:  a black, white-hating career-criminal obsessed with killing whites.  Cuz man, dat f's up duh Narrative!

Can't have dat, right? out fo' dem sentient SUVs.  In fact, why not ban dem things altogether?  Who needs that much room, or that much speed, eh?   Just like who needs guns, eh?

Not to be outdone on the "Nothing to see here, citizens," CBS's chirpy talking head introduced their live video of the driver's first court appearance with "He's accused of driving through a Christmas parade."  Not "...of deliberately running over 40 people, killing six (so far)."  As CBS wants you to see it, it's as if someone like Joe Biden was out driving/wandering around and got lost, and crossed the parade route.  Yeah, jus' like dat.

Regular Americans roasted the Lying Media: "Deadly, but mostly peaceful crash," said one.  "Media is angling to charge the *SUV* for the crime."  "A car did some things" (using Ilhan Omar's summary of the hijacking of 4 commercial jets on 9/11: "some people did something."  Literally.

If any event doesn't fit the carefully-crafted wokie/Media Narrative, the Media uses soft, passive-voice, exculpatory language.  Contrast with the Media shrieking that Rittenhouse was a raacist murderer, despite the men he shot being white and trying to kill him.

November 27, 2021

"It's a cult"

If you pay attention you've heard about the "omicron" variant.  Very conveniently-timed, eh?

Thanks to Fauci, Walensky and the Mainstream Media, the vaccinated millions--basking in the glow of their virtuous obedience to their rulers--already live in terror of the unvaccinated because Fauci and the Dems have convinced 'em that the unvaxxed spread duh virus to those who've obediently been vaccinated against it.

Say what?  Something's not right about that.

Half the nation doesn’t know what's happening, for a good reason: The politicized news media, the despotic social networks, the bottomless greed of the pharmaceutical-makers and their errand boys in the CDC, feed them bad information.  Add malevolent cash from the Gates Foundation and George Soros.  As a result the blue-check mommies of America follow Pied Pipers like NPR, Sanjay Gupta and Big Bird, eagerly lining up to get their 5-year-olds jabbed.

It’s a cult initiation ceremony.  Vaxing the kids reinforces the psychosis of the blue mommies.  It does nothing good for the kids, who have a near-zero chance of being harmed by Covid-19 but a fair chance of being harmed by the mRNA “vaccines.” 

H/T Howard Kunstler 

Anything strike you as odd about this graph?

Anything seem...unusual...about the graph below?  (Clicking it may make it larger.)

"Well it seems kinda odd that a state in India--which doesn't have our faaabulous health-care system--would have only ONE-TENTH as many deaths per capita as the U.S."

Yeah, that seemed odd to me too.  Say, you don't suppose all those folks who said U.S. covid deaths were hugely exaggerated because the CDC ordered that anyone who died after testing positive for duh virus using the hugely unreliable PCR test at 40 cycles was to be counted as "caused by Covid," do ya?

"Wait, they would never do that!  Would they?  I mean, why would the CDC wat to hugely exaggerate the number of Americans dying of covid?"

Yeah, it's hard to imagine why they'd do that.  Unless the directors had stock in one of the companies making the vax.  And of course that's just silly.

"Agreed.  I guess the people of India are just way healthier than Americans."

Yeah, that must be it.  The other odd thing is that after July of this year, the death RATE in that Indian state has been almost zero, while the U.S. rate has gone way up again.  Yet the biden people say 60% of Americans have been vaccinated, compared to just 18% of residence of Uttar Pradesh.

"Gosh that does seem odd.  You'd think that with three times more Americans having been vaxxed, it would be the other way 'round."

Yep, it's almost like the vax isn't keeping people from getting the virus and dying.  Weird.  It's almost like the Indians have some secret cure, some sort of miracle drug no one else knows about.

"That's just crazy.  If there was a cheap, safe drug that cured people, our CDC and FDA and Fauci would know about it, right?"

You're right, of course.

Source and details.

Dictatorship explained in 20 lines

Safe and effective.  Safe, and effective!


Follow the Science!  FOLLOW the SCIENCE! 

"Anyone who posts 'misinformation' will have their account either locked or deleted." --Fakebook

"Anyone who claimms covid was created in a Chinese lab will have their account either locked or deleted." --Twatter

"You must follow the Science!!" -- Every top Democrat pol and every media talking head

"We will decide what constitutes Real Science.  Trust us." --Fakebook, Twatter and Instapuke

"Masks don't work."  --Anthony Fauci

"You must all wear a mask." --also Fauci

"Two weeks to flatten the curve."  --Fauxi, March 2020

"All we need is two weeks to flatten the curve!" --Rochelle Walensky

"What is this 'ivermectin' of which you speak?  Has it been approved?" --Rochelle Walensky

"Ivermectin is just for deworming horses.  You're not a horse." --your f'n FDA, seriously.

"My administration will not order everyone to get vaccinated." --Joe bidenfail, September 2020 (2 months before the election)

"The president isn't considering a mandate.  That probably would even be legal." --Jen Psaki, June 2021

"I am directing OSHA to develop rules requiring companies with 100 or more employees to ensure all employees are vaccinated, and to fire anyone who refuses." --bidenfail, September 2021

"I've been very patient, but my patience is wearing thin." --bidenfail, September 2021

"...the Mandate likely exceeds the federal government’s authority..." --5th Circuit Court of Appeals

Biden regime asks a different Circuit Court to reinstate "mandate"

"Follow the Science, proles." --every Media/pro-Democrat outlet

November 26, 2021

Young mother of two--in her own home--killed by shot fired by 16-year-old

In Waukegan, Illinois a 23-year-old mother--in her child's bedroom reading the Bible to her seven-month old baby--was fatally shot by what People ragazine called a "stray bullet."

See, the bullet was looking to find its way back into the mag of a gun recklessly fired near her home by a 16-year-old male, Zechariah Myles.  Myles pulled the trigger, sending the bullet toward...well, Myles didn't care where.  And in trying to get back home the poor bullet lost its way and ended up killing the young mother--in her own home.

The 23-year-old victim was Melanie Yates, and she leaves behind two young children and a husband. 

But hey, yew cain't get mad 'bout dis cuz it bees an aksident, peeps.  Yew cain't blame dis po' 16-year-old fo' dis, cuz he din' know not to shoot da gun anywhere he want, in town, near houses, cuz all da homies in Chitcongo do it all da time, see?  If da homies do it, mus' be okay, hey?

People Magazine: "She shouldn't have been in such an obviously dangerous place."

Slate:  "The teen shouldn't be charged, since he was clearly acting in self-defense."

Okay, sarcasm aside:  Clearly this shooting wasn't intentional, but was obviously negligent.  Question is, will the prosecutor sentence the shooter to any meaningful punishment--not to try to keep him from doing this or worse, but as a message to other "teens" not to shoot guns in town.

Wanna take a bet?

16-y-o shooter


November 25, 2021

Democrat jab-mandaters: If the vax is "perfectly safe," how do you explain this graph?

Liberal/Democrat: "The vaccine is perfectly safe!  If you claim it's not, you're an eeevil right-wing domestic terrorist who wants to kill innocent children and grandparents!"

Conservative: "If it's perfectly safe--or even as safe as all prior vaccines--how do you explain the graph below?" 

Liberal/Democrat: "Dis not true!  Dis be fake!  I'm calling the Vaccine Police and having them arrest you for Spreading Misinformation!  And what is this "VAERS" thing?  Sounds like a domestic terrorism organization!  I'm calling Homeland Security!  Reichsfuhrer Mayorkas will get some answers out of you!"

Okay, seriously: When a statistic deviates from the historic number by more than four standard deviations, what does it tell you? 

If you're a liberal, who buys the Party Line, your only choice is to claim that a departure of four standard deviations has NO SIGNIFICANCE WHATSOEVER.  Which shows you're a shill, a party hack.  A sheep who dutifully bleats anything the Party tells you, regardless of how absurd.

Here's an example even a sheep can understand:  If Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer or Hunter Biden were to win different state lotteries four times in a single month, would you believe those "wins" weren't rigged?  That's the kind of thing we're seeing with vax deaths.

Now, I'm not at all pushing the Party shills not to take the jab.  Just pointing out that whenever a leader or group lies so brazenly about something being "perfectly safe," when the facts show this is clearly a lie, something very bad is going on.

November 24, 2021

Salvation Army claims Christianity is "insitutionally racist." And a lot more...

The U.S. branch of the Salvation Army has created and released a “resource” to educate its white donors, volunteers and employees.  It's titled Let’s Talk about Racism.

That 67-page document claims Christianity is institutionally racist, and insists that white Christians repent and offer “a sincere apology” to blacks for being “antagonistic.. to black people and the values of the black community.”

You really should take a look at the "resource."  It's...classic--the standard communist tactic of demanding that every citizen "confess your anti-revolutionary thoughts, comrade!" 

The group claims Christianity is "instututionally racist," eh?  Not buying it.  Who does that assertion benefit?

The Left.  Communists, who have always tried to tear down Christianity, since it historically opposed state power.

Story here.  And do read the comments, about 80% of which say something along the lines of "I've donated to the SA for decades--they're even in my will.  But no more.  And I'll be changing my will Friday."

But don't worry, comrade:  any drop in donations from individual Christians will be more than made up by corporate donations ordered by guilt-ridden, virtue-signalling CEOs.

The Salvation Army stopped preaching the gospel 40 years ago, and is now thoroughly Left.

Reporter asks bidenfail's Energy Secretary how much oil the U.S. consumes every day. Too hard, right?

Pictured below is the person bidenfail hand-picked to head the Department of Energy.  Since all modern nations are totally dependent on a plentiful supply of energy, this is an important post.  In theory, no one in the administration should know more about the production and use of energy in the U.S.

See if you can spot Jennifer Granholm's qualifications for this critical position.

  • Does she have a degree in, say, nuclear engineering?  (No.)
  • Former governor of a major oil or coal-producing state?  (No.)
  • Former CEO or CFO of a major energy-producing company?  (No.)
  • PhD from the London School of Economics?  (Ha!  Good one!  No.)
  • PhD from MIT, dissertation on economics of energy?  (This just gets better and better.  No.)

There are lots of smart women in the U.S.  Granholm isn't one of them, and apparently her sole "qualification" for the post of Secretary of Energy is that she's female.

Wait, maybe she's been secretly studying national energy sources and uses at night for the past dozen years.  It should be easy to find out.  Let's have a reporter ask her about the most basic question the U.S. Secretary of Energy should have at her fingertips, updated every day in her morning briefing:  Roughly how many million barrels of oil does the U.S. use every day?

She had no idea.

Competence is a great thing, especially in rulers.  Damn shame the biden regime doesn't have any.

 But shortly thereafter all is made clear:  bidenfail's energy czar doesn't know how much oil the U.S. uses because...wait for it...she's "working through an energy of oil and gas."


Ah, that explains why she doesn't have even a vague idea about daily U.S. oil use..  She may well think oil and gas aren't the main sources of both transportation and electrical generation, so aren't worth encouraging.  And of course, being a Democrat we know she doesn't believe in the laws of supply and demand.

A clever reporter could have fun by asking her, what do all economists agree happens to the price of something when supplies decrease.  It would be a hoot listening to Jenny hem and haw and temporize as she tries to remember what the right answer is.

For any college-age readers out there:  Ask your parents, and see how long it takes 'em to come up with the answer.