October 29, 2018

Caravans headed north. Mainstream Media: "All Trump's fault"

As you may have heard, thousands of people from Honduras and Guatemala recently formed a mob and headed north.  Destination was the U.S., but first they had to get into Mexico--which they didn't have the legal right to do.

Well...the president of Mexico postured that he wouldn't let them entering Mexico.  This allowed our Lying Mainstream Media to under-play the event, since--in theory at least--the mob wouldn't be able to threaten the U.S. border if it couldn't get into Mexico--which the socialist president of that shithole said he'd prevent.

That lasted for ten hours.  The Mexican cops the posturing president of Mexico sent down weren't armed and were hugely outnumbered.  Once the mob realized the cops didn't have weapons, they threw rocks at 'em, and that was the end of that.  The mob is now fully inside Mexico, headed north.

The Lying Mainstream Media immediately pivoted to put Trump on the spot for this threat.
As the Honduran immigrants head toward the U.S.-Mexico border, we face a challenging moral and policy circumstance. This requires a response from the American government.  The question is: what type of response?

President Trump offered his solution in his tweets – end aid to Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras; call up the U.S. military to close the southern border; and scuttle the new trade agreement with Mexico and Canada--all while blaming Democrats.

Less than three weeks from the midterm elections, this purely political solution is sure to energize a segment of the president’s base. But it doesn’t actually solve the problem.

As the president’s tragic “zero-tolerance” policy proved, not even taking children from their parents will keep Central American families from seeking a better life elsewhere. So, let’s understand the problem and take a rational approach.

El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras remain among the most violent countries on the planet. To stop people from fleeing desperate circumstances, local, regional and international policies must be in place to stem the bloodshed and create real opportunities for economic development.

President Trump should propose more targeted aid and incentives to grow the economies of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, while promoting the rule of law. Over time, if people can find work and live securely, they won’t make the trek north.
Really?  They'll stop sneaking into the greatest country in the world--which also is astonishingly generous in giving every imaginable kind of welfare to illegals, including free health care--if they can find work in their shithole countries?  That's utter horse-shit.

Compared to anywhere else, the U.S. is the Emerald City.  Food is affordable and plentiful--especially affordable if you get it free, courtesy of an EBT card.  Illegals in Cali can make $50,000 a year mowing lawns for a living.  Start a company hiring other illegals and you can make five times that much.  It beats hell out of anything they can do in Honduras or El Salvador or Guatemala except work for the cartels, which has... risks.

Of course we'll see how this turns out, but regardless of the outcome you can be absolutely sure the Lying Mainstream Media will spin it as a defeat for Trump, or depict Trump as a monster for enforcing U.S. immigration law.

Democrats promising more free stuff, socialism, open borders--and if you don't agree, you're raacist!

The leaders of the Democrat party are now totally committed to socialism.

Of course most of 'em don't call it that.  Oh no, citizen!  Perish the thought!  We just wanna give you free college, and free health-care.  And free housing.  And a guaranteed income!  For doing nothing!  You can sit around and get high all day, and someone will pay you money for doing that! 

As the charming Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi said, Americans should be "free from 'job lock.'"

Ah, yes.  Of course.

"Back in the awful, unenlightened past, young Americans were taught that "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch."  But that's so last-century, comrade!  Just another lie pushed by "the patriarchy" to suppress the natural desire of enlightened people everywhere to vote Democrat.

"The only reason Rethuglicans taught that there was no such thing as "free" was to keep you enslaved to a lousy job, working for them at slave wages.  Who would fall for that?  Only a dummy.  And you're not dumb, are you, citizen?  Of course not.

"So vote Dem and we'll give you all the things listed above, FREE!"

Okay, that's probably enough satire.   Probably.  (Although in my experience Democrats and liberals don't seem to realize when they're being spoofed.)

The "leaders" of the Democrat party know demonizing Trump will only win them a certain number of votes, perhaps not enough to re-capture control of the government.  So their game plan is to win more votes by promising not-too-bright voters "free stuff."  And by "not-too-bright" I'm including a majority of college students on both coasts, since surveys show a majority of those people say they prefer socialism to capitalism.

Seriously, they said that.  Hence "not too bright."

Of course the morons the Dems are pitching their "free stuff" to never bother to ask who's actually gonna pay for all this "free" stuff.  And it seems likely that many of 'em really believe valuable things can be made "free" if enough people simply will it into being.  After all, their professors and thought leaders and TV tell 'em people can change genders simply by saying "I think I'll be a ____ today."

As noted, "not too bright."

It's also likely that an equal number who are smart enough to realize that someone has to pay for anything called "free" are totally fine with that, as long as it's someone else paying the tab, not them.

This may well be a defining characteristic of most Democrats.

The all-consuming goal of Dem leaders explains why they're so eager to open our borders to all third-world invaders--cuz the invaders are eager to get "free stuff," thus will vote for the Democrats who promise to give 'em freebies.  It's interesting that Dem leaders have declared their support for open borders even though that position is beginning to anger more citizens who are not utter moonbats.  Apparently they think the trade-off of new votes gained outweighs the loss of a few thousand citizen votes.

I'd love to see conservatives demonstrate that that's a really bad choice.  But maybe they're right.

Illegal invader fakes his own kidnapping to try to stay in U.S. as a "victim of crime"

Much to the dismay of liberals, it's still against U.S. law to enter our country illegally.

Oh, do you think that was obvious?  Redundant?  Well the charmingly witless Nancy Pelosi--who, amazingly, was formerly Speaker of the House!--once said illegal alien invaders shouldn't be punished because..."they haven't committed any crime."

Seriously, she actually said that.  But I digress.

A Mexican entered the U.S. illegally, and was deported in 2001.  He then re-entered the U.S.--again illegally--and was deported a second time.

He then re-entered--again illegally--a third time.  He contemptuously did this because there was no punishment for either entering or re-entering illegally.

Last week he pleaded guilty to faking his own kidnapping in a scheme to be able to stay in the U.S.

The guy told cops he'd been kidnapped by several men in Chicago and dumped in a snowbank in St. Paul days later.  He said the men threatened to kill him if he called police.

Police were skeptical, and called in the FBI.  The guy later admitted that he was in the U.S. illegally and often used fake identities to avoid detection because of a prior drunk-driving arrest.

One of his friends later told agents that the guy faked his own kidnapping so he could obtain a visa to stay in the U.S. because he'd been a crime victim.

The point of this story is that as long as there's no penalty for repeatedly entering the U.S. illegally, the invaders will keep re-entering again and again, and eventually will disappear into the cesspools of Democrat-ruled "sanctuary cities" and states, where cops have been ordered not to turn 'em over to the feds.

Wanna keep those cesspools, or get more of 'em?  Vote Democrat--the folks who want open borders but wail that what they *really* want is immigration "reform."

Which for them is unlimited visas and paths to citizenship.  I.e. open borders.

Fake "bombs" mailed to top Democrats? The story is full of holes, yet media eagerly runs with it

It won't surprise many to read that the CIA has had LOTS of practice devising carefully-crafted fake scenarios designed to do something illegal while fooling the public into thinking someone else did it.

But as experienced as they are, even the most carefully-crafted cover story usually leaves a few "clunkers"--items that don't make sense.  But the clunkers are subtle, only obvious to people with lots of technical expertise.  Americans whoe don't have the tech background to see the clunkers reject any theory that points them out as "nutty conspiracy theory." 

That's what we have with the my-how-conveeenient! mailing of a dozen fake "bombs" to every top Democrat, supposedly by a Florida resident named Cesar Sayoc.

You may have seen the abundant media pics of the van Sayoc supposedly owned.  It was abundantly, meticulously, carefully, totally covered with pro-Trump stickers, and others ragging on parties opposed to Trump.

Someone pointed out that all the stickers looked brand-new, their colors sharp and un-faded despite being theoretically exposed to the tropical Florida sun for...years?

Miami is loaded with radical Democrats, yet the guy's van--totally covered with pro-Trump stickers--had never been torched.  No windows had been smashed in with a baseball bat.  It hadn't even been keyed.  It was in absolutely perfect condition--not a mark on it.  Almost as if it had just been purchased and prepared for photographs taken by a media positively salivating to blame President Trump for inciting the "bomb attacks" against Democrats.

Someone else noted that the alleged bomb-mailer follows 32 people on Twitter -- mostly left-wingers like Lena Dunham, Obama and Jimmy Kimmel.  Odd for someone whose van is covered in brand new pro-President Donald Trump stickers.

The CIA has had lots of practice finding disturbed and stupid people who are eager to find people who seem to be like-minded.  The pawns are easily manipulated, and the contacts they claim to have had with mysterious co-conspirators can never be proven.  The pawn's claims are easily, airily dismissed as delusions.  "Why bother investigating, citizen?  The guy is obviously crazy."

Pristine van, despite being covered in crisp, unfaded pro-Trump stickers and parked in low-life areas of a Democrat-infested area. 

New, unfaded stickers.  Like they were just applied recently.  Van covered with 'em, yet never keyed or otherwise vandalized.  Because those anomalies never occurred to the folks who created The Narrative. 

All the fable-creators needed to produce was a van covered in pro-Trump stickers. 

They knew the media would eat it up, and not question The Narrative.

October 28, 2018

Democrats and socialism: "Trust us, it'll work this time. Really."

So funny that Hilliary, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, rising "star" Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and dozens of male Dem leaders are pushing socialism as the greatest thing evah!  And you wonder:  Do they really believe that, or are they just spouting it to win votes from people who believe the moronic but cunning lie that "everything is free"?


October 26, 2018

How today's Democrats think


October 23, 2018

Live on MSNBC, Rosie O'Donnell says she wanted the military to remove Trump by force; hosts laugh

MSNBC is always doing its part to fan the flames of insane Trump-hate among their moronic viewers.  Recently they did a long segment featuring the laughably-stupid Rosie O'Donnell saying "I said we needed to send the military to remove Trump from the White House." 

And the other 3 morons hosting the MSNBC segment laughed uproariously.


That's brilliant, ya dumb bastards.  Are you really so dumb that you don't realize that that's calling for a military coup?  Oh yeah, that's really funny to you people, eh?

Of course the average liberal/Democrat/socialist/so-called "progressive" immediately screams "Well the eeeebil Rethuglicans did the same thing when our beloved savior Barack the Great was president, so turn-about is fair play!"  Except no one EVER appeared on MSNBC or CNN or any of the alphabets calling for a military coup.  You never saw it, cuz it never happened.

Because if a conservative had called for a military coup to overthrow the worthless socialist Obama, the Lying Mainstream Media would have replayed that clip ten times an hour for a month.  And you know that's true.  The media would be re-playing that even today, as a way to fire up their base to vote Democrat in the elections two weeks from today.

Rosie's literally crazy.  This is the same dimwit who claimed the World Trade Center couldn't have been destroyed by airliners crashing into it--fully loaded with jet fuel just after takeoff--because she hilariously claimed--on live tv-- "fire can't melt steel."

So, Rosie, how do you think steel is made, if it's not melted?  If it IS melted, and you claim fire can't do that, what magic *does* melt it ?

Rosie used her goofy "fire can't melt steel" idiocy to try to convince people that the twin towers had to have been destroyed, not by the hijacked jets but by...wait for it...explosives, cunningly planted by the eeebil Bush regime!  Yes, that's right:  It was a plot by Bush et al to destroy the WTC and kill 3000 Americans because...well she's not sure why he'd want to do that.  Probably conspiring with the Russians to steal the next election or something.

Of course if it was a Bush plot, the conspirators must have also managed to rig explosives to blow up the west entrance of the Pentagon--since anyone can just waltz into that building and start drilling holes and planting explosives.  Really.

And what of the 4th plane--the one where the desperate passengers--having learned of the other suicide attacks by phone, knew they had to act to avoid the same fate.  In Rosie-world the sounds of the passengers breaching the cockpit door and fighting the armed hijackers were faked.  Instead of the hijackers diving the plane into the ground, it was probably shot down by an Air Force fighter.

Yeh, dat's da ticket.

The fact that MSNBC and CNN give a national platform to idiots like Rosie and similar morons shows how demented their management is.  And their hosts, and analysts, and producers.  Idiots, every one of 'em.  But rich.

October 22, 2018

Famous, brilliant Hollywood star strikes a blow at the eeevil NFL, says she won't do a Superbowl ad

There are moments in our nation's life that you remember forever:  What you were doing when you saw the hijacked jetliners crashing into the World Trade Center.  What you were doing when you learned that Trump had won the election--something the media elites said couldn't possibly happen.

Another such moment happened Friday--at least if you're a liberal:  Amy Schumer angrily announced to the world that... she won't appear in any commercials for the Superbowl!

She announced this momentous decision Friday on social media, angry because the horrible NFL owners haven't offered noble virtue-signalling anthem-kneeler Colin Kaepernik a job as a starting quarterback at a salary of $30 million a year.  It's simply unfair!  The White Patriarchy is oppressing the poor minority person!

Schumer not only supported Kaep, she challenged white NFL players to join him in kneeling for the national anthem.

Yes, it was a genuine "defining moment" for the nation.

If you're not a liberal Social Justice Warrior you're probably asking yourself "Who the hell is Amy Schumer?"

If you asked that it just shows you aren't 'plugged in' to the key issues facing our nation today.  Cuz all the 'cool kids' know who Amy Schumer is.  They hang on her every word, because she's so incredibly smart, and has a Virtue Rating of 98!

If you didn't know how important and smart and cool Amy Schumer is, you're must not be one of the 'cool kids.'  You're probably wasting your time working, raising your kids, paying taxes or fighting your local school board about transgender restrooms instead of going to important parties and organizing protests to support open borders.  Heck, your Virtue Rating is probably under 20! 

But Amy has shown you how you too can be cool and hip.  You too can fight oppression, racism and the eeeebil patriarchy, by joining Amy in her brave, virtuous protest!  Tell the corporate oppressors that you too will refuse to do any Superbowl ads this year!  Then tweet the vid of your decision with the hashtag #WeStandwithAmy.  Together we'll force the apartheid Nazi oppressors who own NFL teams to give Colin Kaepernik a starting position, and to allow all their players to kneel for the oppressive, raacist national anthem.

After all, the Constitution guarantees everyone the right to say anything they want without having to worry about their employer firing 'em.  It's right next to the clause that says everyone in the nation is entitled to free college and free medical care.

October 18, 2018

Pelosi says she'll continue to oppose border wall, then claims "We can't allow Trump to say Dems don't support border security"

On Tuesday the ranking House Democrat, Nancy "Botox" Pelosi said President Trump's desire to drastically cut the number of illegal alien invaders waltzing across our southern border--by building a wall along the U.S-Mexico border--is simply a "manhood issue" for the president.

She said she will continue to oppose building a wall, and that she isn't interested in negotiating about it.  “It happens to be like a manhood issue for the president, building a wall, and I’m not interested in that,” Pelosi said.  She said building a wall is "probably the worst way to protect the border.”

But then in an absolutely classic case of lying thru her teeth, mere seconds after saying she would continue to oppose building a wall to secure the border, Pelosi brazenly, cunningly, falsely claimed Democrats support border security.  In an even more repugnant effort to turn truth into lies, she went on to demand that Democrats and the media not "allow" Trump to say otherwise.  “We can’t allow him to say we’re not interested in protecting the border,” she said.

The president has often said Democrats want "open borders."

Democrats have wailed for years that the U.S. simply must allow anyone who sneaks across our border illegally to stay here forever.  They want the illegals to have the right to vote.  They cunningly lie by claiming the illegal invaders don't suck up welfare benefits, because they know Americans who are hardworking and not Democrats think that's outrageous. 

But “We can’t allow him to say we’re not interested in protecting the border,” she said.

Democrat leaders have even demanded that newspapers and TV networks NOT use the term "illegal aliens"--how f'd up is that?  Guess the Dems think that if we call 'em "citizens"--as Pelosi famously said, she saw a "spark of divinity" in MS-13 gang murderers--that will make any problems vanish, eh?

But “We can’t allow him to say we’re not interested in protecting the border,” she said.

Many Dem congresscritters have screamed that they want to abolish ICE (the main agency that arrests illegals).  They scream at Trump for separating illegal-alien parents from their fake children, but if the administration had kept the kiddies with their parents the liberals would have screamed that Trump was endangering the kids by putting them with an adult population--something no civilized nation in the world does.

But “We can’t allow him to say we’re not interested in protecting the border,” she said.

The Democrats have always been for open borders--stridently, unapologetically--and no honest reporter would let the cunning, corrupt Pelosi get away with claiming the opposite without asking her why the Dems have, in fact, always opposed securing our borders against illegal invaders.

Tell me, dear reader:  How the hell could an honest reporter simply listen to her bullshit--her brazen, in-your-face lies--without asking a dozen pointed questions that would reveal those lies?

Oh, that's right: "The Hill" is a totally Democrat-supporting website.

October 16, 2018

Commenter: Regardless of the results of the mid-term elections, be prepared for more Leftist violence

A commenter at Belmont Club had an interesting observation about the elections 21 days from now:
1) If the Left wins control of the House, they'll increase the amount of street violence they start, because the Left will take the win as showing--conclusively--that the voting public supported the violence they've been starting for a year or so.  Why stop if a majority of voters apparently approve your tactics?
2) If the Left doesn't win a majority in the House, the Left will ALSO increase the level of violence, because they'll conclude that they can't wait for an election victory to regain control and force their policies on the rest of us.
If this is correct, violence by the Left will increase regardless of the election results.   The last two years were our last chance to return the U.S. to the rule of law--one that would have jailed Hilliary, Comey, Andrew McCabe, Loretta Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Koskinnen (former head of the IRS, lied to congress), Lois Lerner and all the other members of the Deep State.  But despite having a majority in the House and senate, and a Republican president, none of the lawless wreckers were even brought to trial, let alone convicted and jailed. 
This may be due to the fact that Democrat operatives--the Left--still control the Justice Department, the Intel services and the FBI.  Be ready for violence from the Left.
Agree completely.  Hilliary is still making statements like "We can't be civil" to conservatives.  Former Obama attorney-general Eric Holder says "If they go low, we kick them."  Are statements like this likely to heal divisions in the country, or more likely to inflame the average low-IQ Democrat/leftist?  The answer seems pretty obvious.

Did anyone learn anything from Jonestown?


If you're under 50 or so you may not have heard of a guy named Jim Jones.  Jones was a charismatic psychopath, and in the early 1970's he founded a fake-religious cult in the San Fran bay area called the Peoples Temple.  The overwhelming majority of his followers were black. 

Then, as now, the entire Bay area (including San Francisco) was ruled by Democrats--and without a single exception they all praised and supported Jones and his cult.  For one thing, Jones had enough followers to be able to swing the outcome of primary elections.  (Whoever won the Dem primary was guaranteed to win the office, since Repubs had little support)  Also, Jones could be counted on to deliver multiple busloads of "supporters" to rallies of pols he supported.

Jones ended up bringing a thousand of those followers to a jungle camp in Guyana that they called Jonestown.  U.S. congressman Leo Ryan heard stories that some were being held against their will, and went to the camp to investigate.  On Nov. 17, 1978, as Ryan and his group were at the airstrip preparing to leave, Jones ordered three of his henchmen to gun them down.

Jones then convinced virtually all his followers--912--to commit suicide.

Parents forced their kids to drink the poison first, then killed themselves.

Wiki and the networks will tell you all that.  What they won't tell you--and what virtually no one outside the Bay Area every knew--is that Jones began his warped cult in San Francisco and was enthusiastically supported by the leaders of the entire Democratic Party.  And both the list of Jones's supporters and their reasons for supporting him ring lots of alarm bells today.

Willie Brown, who was in the state legislature for over 30 years, ruled it as Speaker for 15, and later was the first black mayor of San Francisco, compared Jones to Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi.  In a 1977 letter to Fidel Castro, Brown described Jones as “a close personal friend and a highly trusted brother in the struggle for liberation.

When Dianne Feinstein was on the powerful San Francisco board of supervisors she honored Jones “in recognition of his guidance and inspiration” in furthering “humanitarian programs” in the area.

Jerry Brown, California governor then as now, gave a speech at Peoples Temple.

George Moscone, who owed his position as mayor of San Francisco to Jones, appointed Jones to San Francisco’s Housing Authority Commission, where he quickly became chairman.

Left-wing lawyers Charles Garry and Mark Lane depicted Jonestown (the jungle camp in Guyana) as a paradise and aggressively defended Jones in the media.

Jane Fonda joined other luminaries in expressing that she was “familiar with the work of Reverend Jones and Peoples Temple and [I] have no hesitancy in commending them for their example in setting a high standard of ethics and morality.”

Jones preached the gospel according to Karl Marx. “I call capitalism the devil,” Jones said, “and socialism is God.”  He urged his followers to hate the U.S.: “My country ’tis of thee, sweet land of liberty?” he sermonized.  “No, my country ’tis of thee, terrible land of inequity, that’s what it is.”

Where have we heard this before?  Ah yes: Obama's firebrand socialist "preacher" for 20 years, the ghastly Jeremiah Wright, who said "God bless America?  No.  God damn America!"  But the media quickly swept that down the memory hole lest it jeopardize the election of the Chosen One.

Clearly, no one could have predicted Jones ordering his followers to open fire on Ryan and the reporters with him, nor could anyone have predicted Jones would order his followers to commit suicide.  My point here is merely that Democrats have a long an ghastly history of sucking up to America-hating con-men (looking at you, Obama), many of whom prey on gullible minorities--who inevitably support--and help elect...Democrat politicians.

Are at least a few members of minority communities finally starting to wake up and reject this kind of exploitation?

Perhaps.  But the Lying Mainstream Media will call any black critics crazy, "Uncle Toms," "traitors," "stupid"--just as CNN ad the WaPo did to Kanye West when he cited Trump's booming economy.

Oh well.

Attention leftists: If legal gun owners in America were a threat to you...