August 31, 2023

August jobs report due out Friday morning. Lots of signs, all bad. Prediction: July will be revised down.

I'm writing this Thursday night, Aug 31.  Tomorrow biden's corrupt Department of Labor will release its official "jobs report" for August.

It will also revise the report for July, as usual.

The Wall Street shill site MarketWatch says "A poll of economists by the WSJ" says they expect the report will show the economy added 170,000 jobs in August, down from 187,000 in July.

So is that good or bad?  Unless you're an economist you don't know--which is what the regime wants, because then they can tell you "awful" is great and you won't have any idea they're lying.  Cool, eh?

To get an idea how you're being lied to, back when Obozo was emperor the consensus was that because hundreds of thousands of people enter the U.S. labor market each month, the economy had to create about 235,000 new jobs every month to keep unemployment from rising.

(For young Americans, rising unemployment is always considered a bad sign for future prosperity.)

So here's MarketWatch:

The U.S. added an average 287,000 new jobs a month in the first four months of the year.

The economy was recovering from the lockdowns and bankruptcies of duh Chyna virus.  But here's the kicker:

Even the current rate of hiring is too strong for Federal Reserve officials. They want the labor market to cool off further to ease the upward pressure on regain control of inflation.

Now, if you're suffering from high summer temps, "cool off" sounds like a great thing, eh?  But in this case what it means is, MarketWatch claims some unnamed critter allegedly said what we need is fewer new jobs, cuz dat will "ease the upward pressure on wages."

Wait, haven't the Democrats always supported calls for higher wages?  "Fight for fifteen," right?  So why would they want to "ease the upward pressure on wages," eh?

Oh, I see: " regain control of inflation," they bleat.

See, you may have thought inflation was caused by the clueless biden regime printing hundreds of billions in paper money.  When more paper money circulates, prices rise as people bid more for the things they need or want.  

But dat beez old thinking, comrade!  Duh regime says printin' cash don' have no effect on prices.  Instead it's dat "upward pressure on wages."  And have they ever lied to you before?

SO...what does MarketWatch say is the "fix"?  Take a look:

Fed officials believe employment growth has to slow to around 75,000 to 100,000 a month.

First, let's see a person's name for this bullshit claim.

Second:  You only get *growth* if more jobs are added than are eliminated--through bankruptcies, layoffs or corporate takeovers.  If the consensus when Obozo was emperor was that the economy needed to add 235,000 jobs every month just to stay even, what would adding just 75,000 jobs per month mean, eh?

It means a shrinking economy, with more unemployed.  But the regime has rigged the game so no matter how few jobs are added, unemployment never increases.  They rigged it by throwing tens of thousands of people each month into a category called "no longer looking for work," and those people are NOT counted as "unemployed."

You probably don't believe that since doing that would so obviously be bullshit.  So do some damn research.  Even the shills at MarketWatch realize that unemployment can't logically remain unchanged when fewer jobs are added than have always been needed:

Even though hiring has slowed, there has not been an appreciable increase in unemployment.

Yeah, increase at all.  Like I said: rigged.

Now: MarketWatch is a total shill site for Wall Street.  They always tell readers to buy, buy, buy stocks--which makes stock prices rise.  As part of that push, the future must always look faaaabulous...cuz if it didn't, people would expect scary times, and the stock market would drop.  

Ooohhh, can't have that, eh?  So now we get to the point of the anonymous "Federal Reserve officials" supposedly saying "Dis rate of hiring beez too strong!  We need fewer jobs!"

My guess is that the long-expected recession is just about here, meaning we'll start seeing a lot fewer jobs created.  But to keep the market up--and to help the Democrat regime win next year's elections--they need to make lower job-creation numbers look like good news.

The anonymous line from "Fed" officials is the perfect way to do that.

Here's another jewel, under the heading "August surprise:"

The August report often undercounts the number of new jobs created. Fewer businesses respond, at least immediately, to the government’s employment questionnaire since so many people are on vacation.

What the hell is that about?  It's laying the groundwork for Media excuses if the official report shows fewer jobs were created in August than the expected 170,000.

Finally (for tonight):  A month after the jobs report for the prior month, the number is always "revised" because...reasons.  And a few years ago I noticed an...interesting...pattern: when a Republican was president, the original number reported--always sneered at by the Media as weak--was revised upward.  But that revision never made the news cuz...the Media ignores "old news," eh?

By contrast, when Obozo or biden was in office, when the jobs the number first reported for the prior month--which the Media always said was great, no matter how awful--was revised, it was almost always revised downward.  But again, that revision never made the news cuz...old news, eh?

For example, analysts had expected that in June the economy would add 240,000 jobs. The number reported the first Friday in July was 209,000--a huge 13% below the estimate.  And then a month later that woefully bad number was revised downward to 185,000 jobs--a stunning 23% below the expected number.  It should have been reported as a total disaster--but I'll bet you the drink of your choice that you never heard a word about it.

SO...on August 4th the Labor Secretariat reported that in JULY 187,000 jobs were added.  So I predict that tomorrow, after the jobs number for August has been announced and reporters have stopped paying attention, biden's Bureau of Labor Statistics will quietly announce the revised figure for July.

I predict the revised figure will be 175,000.  But you won't see that figure in ANY Mainstream Media publication--because it would make biden and his faaaabulous economy--cutely named "bidenomics" by the fellating media--look like the train wreck it is.

Just for the record: 175,000 jobs is 25% fewer than the 235,000 economists said the economy had to add to keep unemployment from rising when Obozo was emperor.  Twenty-five percent lower.

But pay no attention to that, comrade:  Don't worry.  Ev'ryt'ing jus' fine.  See, dey got dat 235,000 usin' "maff," eh?  An' we lot smahtah now wif' biden an' harris, so we know maff beez raaacis'.  So don' worry, be happy!

An' be sure to buy some stock this week!  Cuz duh economy beez BOOMIN'! 

Posted to the blog at 10:10 pm eastern time. 

Source: MarketWatch

Violent thug destroys a teen girl's car in Portland. Oh wait, there's more...

My apologies for the pics below.  The mental case below is a thug with a very long rap sheet who terrorizes the Democrat-ruled shithole of Portland, Oregon.  Constantly arrested, but because the Soros-backed DA (Mike Schmidt) is a Democrat, the thug is almost always quickly released.  Revolving door, eh?

The thug's parents named him Eric Bowen, but you may have guessed that ol' Eric is also a tranny.  And because a majority of the people living in Oregon are insane liberals, the state not only allows trannies to change the sex shown on their birth certificate, but also officially, legally DECREES that the tranny is female.  So ol' Eric now goes by "Vivian Ginger-Rain Shemansky."  

I promise I'm not making this up.

So, long history of violent offenses but little punishment, cuz...Democrat shithole.  And to the surprise of no one with an IQ over 70, four days ago (August 27) the tranny was arrested again, charged with destroying a teenage girl's car and...well, we'll leave the rest of the charge for later.

After the teen parked her car she says she was "confronted" by a stranger.  She walked away, and when she returned to the car every window and light was smashed, and also...we'll leave the rest for later.

Authorities deemed the 8-year-old Ford a "bio-hazard" and it was declared a total loss.

Cops soon located the tranny, and the teen identified him as the stranger who "confronted" her.  The teen says that as she was identifying the tranny as the man who'd "confronted" her, he told cops the girl was "transphobic."

Ah, the golden excuse for any destructive behavior, eh?

A spokes-pyrsyn for the Portland cops says the tranny had two active arrest warrants at the time.  Since the tranny has a unique...appearance, apparently the cops weren't looking to enforce the warrants eh?

Okay, the "biohazard" part:  Not only did the crazy son of a bitch destroy the car, he also smeared feces all over the interior.  Crazy.

Now: the ACLU has already signed up to defend their precious, and he's not expected to do any jail time...cuz DA Schmidt is determined to destroy Portland.  But since Democrats demanded all the psychiatric hospitals be closed down years ago, when the DA refuses to jail him, what do ya think they'll do?

Release, yet again.  As always.  And indeed, he was released right after he was booked for destroying the teen's car.

In addition to the tranny's many convictions, he's often been arrested and charged, only to have corrupt DA Schmidt refuse to prosecute and drop all charges.  That happened as recently as two months ago, when Schmidt dropped charges of criminal mischief and disorderly conduct against his precious on the same day the tranny was arrested.

Back in October of 2012 the tranny was charged with felony rioting and other crimes but the case was dismissed by a judge.

But you are hereby ordered--by the biden machine and the Dems ruling Oregon--to continue to put up with this corrupt, destructive, amoral horseshit.  If you call these people crazy, or the DA corrupt, you can be arrested for "inciting an insurrection" or "attempting to overthrow the exercise of lawful power."

Of course this girl wasn't your daughter so you couldn't care less.  By the time you wake up it will be far too late.


August 30, 2023

Anything in this pic strike you as...odd?


Democrat: "No, not a thing.  Seems totally normal and routine to me."

And there you have it, right from the source of crazy unreality and depravity: The 260-pound man has DEMANDED that everyone agree with his delusion that he's a girl.

And he won.  The national sorority's rules for members originally said "women of good character."  But in the middle of the night the wokiez on the national board of Kappa Kappa Gamma quietly changed the language, adding '"...or identifying as female."

The national board pressured the local chapter at U of Wyoming to allow the tranny to join, because bleating that males can actually be "real" women is a key plank in the platform of the wokie Democrat party.  And to national, being "woke" was and is their highest priority. 

Now: Suppose instead of a sparsely populated flyover state like Wyoming, the same tranny demanded to join a sorority at, say, Wellesley--elite, wealthy, influential parents who donate to the Democrat party.  Does anyone really think the national board of KKG would have quietly changed the rules to allow the tranny to join in that case?

But not one member of the national board is from Wyoming, or has a daughter attending school there, so the national wokiez could change the rulez and then pressure the local chapter to let the tranny join without any personal sacrifice on their part.

It's exactly like the hypocritical wokiez who scream about "Globull Worming" while constantly flying to Europe in their private jets to attend film festivals or receive awards for being woke:  They demand you sacrifice, but they never do.  

They demand you eat bugs while they continue to eat steak and lobster.  Fourteen wokie (Democrat-ruled) U.S. cities have joined a global pact demanding that by 2030 you'll only be able to buy three pieces of clothing per year, and no meat or dairy.  Seriously.  But do ya think they'll live by those same demands?  Not on your life.

Finally, for the "unintentional irony" file:  Did anyone notice the banner on the right side of the top pic?  It's for a campaign to talk about...wait for it..."mental health."  Which to Democrats means believing boys can turn into girls (and vice-versa) simply by declaring it so.

Wow.  Insanity.

August 29, 2023

NPR: The U.S. death rate from covid is 88 *times* higher than poor Haiti's. Why?

Leftists LOVE National Public Radio.  They believe everything NPR tells 'em--cuz NPR only spews leftist bullshit.

So with that said...according to NPR the impoverished nation of Haiti has one of the world's lowest death rates from duh Chyna virus.

As of the end of April, only 254 deaths were attributed to COVID-19 in Haiti over the course of the entire pandemic. That poor nation has a COVID-19 death rate of just 22 per million.

By stark contrast, the U.S. death rate for covid is 1,800 per million.  And in parts of Europe the fatality rate is supposedly approaching 3,000 deaths per million.

Leftists: "Dis can't be right!  Dis fake newz!  Cuz we haz great drugs like Remdesivir, and all duh great machines!  An' we all took duh vaccine.  So our death rate can't *possibly* be 88 times higher than Haiti's!"

Okay, Democrats, NPR is lying, eh?

Nah.  The secret is that they kept the six-foot "social distance" ordered by Sciency guys like Fauci.

Hahahahahaha!  Just kidding.  People in Haiti have always crowded together in markets and on buses.  Most people stopped wearing masks two years ago.

Concern about the pandemic is so minimal that when the World Health Organization offered Haiti a shipment of covid vaccine, the government rejected it.

So what's their secret?  NPR doesn't claim to know.  What we do know--at least according to NPR--is that Haiti hasn't yet administered a single COVID-19 vaccine.

Let me repeat that, in case you missed it:  The government of Haiti hasn't injected anyone with the allegedly "safe and effective" "vaccine."


Dr. Jacqueline Gautier is on the national technical advisory group on COVID-19 vaccination.  She's also the director of a hospital on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince.

She says the plandemic--ooohh, sorry: pandemic may have had less of an impact in Haiti because the average age there is 23.  She says it's well known that covid infections tend to be less severe in people under 50.

" that case why did our CDC approve duh jab for kids as young as six MONTHS?  And most schools DEMANDED that kids as young as 5 take the jab to go back to long-delayed in-person teaching.  Why do that if young people rarely got sick from the virus?"

Great question, citizen.  

It's also possible, she says, that a lot of people were infected by the virus but showed no symptoms, and thus acquired "natural immunity."

"Wait...Fauci repeatedly insisted that 'natural immunity' wasn't as good as duh jab.  And I simply can't believe he would have been wrong, cuz he IS science!"

She also says homes in Haiti tend to be open with plenty of ventilation, and that air flow can knock the pathogen out of the picture.

"Wait...all our mayors and governors DEMANDED that everyone stay inside, and that if we had to out, they ORDERED that we wear a mask.  Yet in Haiti the homes were open to the air?  Doesn't make sense."

As I say, NPR claims to be baffled by how Haiti has a covid death rate 88 times lower than the U.S.--a nation with every medical wonder--yet has never administered a single covid vaccination.  No "social-distancing" horseshit.  Barely wore masks.  Didn't lock down.

Wow, it's a real mystery, eh?  About the only differences were that we had Fauci and his favorite, heavily-promoted drug Remdesivir... and the "vaccine."

Haiti, by contrast, had none of those three.  Yet our "official" death rate was 88 times higher than poor Haiti.  Kinda makes ya wonder, eh?

And keep in mind, leftists: this story was from NPR, which is a leftist, pro-Democrat outfit.  You believe everything else they bleat.  If you believe 'em on this, how do you explain the U.S. death rate being 88 times higher?

Source: NPR

Tranny demands to join sorority. National orders it. Members sue. Judge RULES...can ya guess?

Unintended consequences of wokeness may be painful for people bitten by those consequences, but they point out the stupidity of the wokiez, so are fun to watch.

Kappa Kappa Gamma is a popular nationwide sorority, with chapters at most colleges.  For young Americans, until a couple of years ago everyone thought a "sorority" was an organization for...wait for it...women.

Hahahahaha!  Not in wokie-world, comrade.

A couple of years ago at the U of Wyoming a six-foot-two, 260-pound male pretending to be female *demanded* that he be allowed to join the Kappa chapter there.

Many of the girls in the local chapter were understandably appalled about that.  But wokie-ness being what it is, the president of the local sorority asked the sorority's *national* parent org what it should do.

Can ya guess what the woke "national" org RULED?

Sure ya can, citizen!  Since the MOST important thing to duh national org leaders wuz to show dey wuz "woke," dey quietly changed their rules so that even though sororities had always been organizations for women, now men claiming to be wimmins could join!

So duh Wyoming chapter was now ordered to allow duh tranny to join.  Since it was vital to make this look democratic rather than an ORDER from on high, the chapter held a vote on the question.  Needless to say, the pressure on each member to vote "correctly" was huge:  Anyone who voted no wuzn't "woke," eh?  Which to 95% of girls (and half of men) is duh mos' important thing.

So he was allowed to join.  End of story?  Not quite:  A LOT of the members of the Wyoming chapter were angered by the national org's ruling, and seven members sued the national org over its absurd RULING that a man pretending to be a female be allowed to join their sorority.

A few days ago a woke federal judge--Alan Johnson--ruled against the plaintiffs, ruling that since the *national* group was "private," it had the absolute right to define its rules for admission any way it wanted.

The wokie judge ruled that a private  organization could define terms any way it liked.  Of course the law could just as easily have supported the opposite ruling, since members of the local sorority had the reasonable expectation that "woman" would be defined in its historical context, rejecting the national org's radical (woke) re-definition.  

But in duh new 'Merica duh wokie judges haz duh absolute power to do whatever they want.   And unless that ruling is overturned by a higher court, it becomes "precedent," which almost always becomes de-facto law.

Duh wokie judge didn't try to say what a woman is, because the logic he used didn't require that he do that:  his RULING simply asserted the right of any "private organization" to do whatever it wanted.

"The University of Wyoming chapter voted to admit — and, more broadly, a sorority of hundreds of thousands approved" allowing the tranny to join, he said.  Except the claim that "a sorority of hundreds of thousands approved' is an utter lie.  Brazen.  But it *sounded so good.*

The wokie shithead noted that the term "woman" had never been defined in the non-profit’s bylaws.  So, see?  Dey wuz free to DEMAND that the local sorority admit the tranny.  Who would have thought that a sorority would need to define "woman," eh?

The lawsuit noted that the tranny is “sexually interested in women,” having a Tinder profile “through which he seeks to meet women.”

In 2021, when the tranny sought to join the local sorority, the "woke" national governing board changed their rules for membership so not just women but also "individuals who identify as women" would be allowed into the sorority.  Members were ordered to use "gender-neutral" language."

The national board had always claimed to be "a single-gender organization," but suddenly the board defined that as including "individuals who identify as women."  Perfectly woke.

The tranny said "I'm glad that people welcomed and not afraid they’ll be rejected. Things that shouldn’t matter [include] what their identity is or what their orientation is *or what the color of their skin is."*

Note how quickly and seamlessly the tranny grabbed the race rationale.

At a meeting held when the sorority was debating whether to allow the tranny to join, some members spoke up in favor of the tranny, dismissing the discomfort of other members, arguing that "our values are acceptance and kindness."

The tranny's female attorney celebrated the judge's ruling, saying the *allegations* against the tranny (??) were "cruel rumors that mirror exactly the type of rumors used to vilify and dehumanize members of the LGBTQIA+ community for generations. And they are baseless."

What "allegations"?  That the tranny was a 260-pound man?  Is that true, or is it a "cruel allegation"?

This is how far our society has fallen down the rabbit-hole under the rule of wokie Democrats.  Duh judges will claim a "private organization" is free to do anything it wants--unless, of course, what they want clashes with what the wokie communists want, in which case the ruling goes the other way.

Think a wokie judge would force an elite country club to admit a wealthy 260-pound drag queen if most of the members objected?

Summary: It's always a hoot to watch "wokiez" do stupid things just to signal their wunnerful virtue, not realizing they just ultimately shot themselves in the foot.  In this case the national board saw a chance to virtue-signal without hurting themselves, since the student members they were sacrificing were in the least-populated state in the country, so the chances were that no one outside Wyoming would ever even learn about it, let alone disagree with the "woke" ruling.

But wait...wouldn't this "woke" ruling--now the *rule* of the national governing board-- eventually require that a sorority that had one of the daughters or nieces of a board member as a member admit a tranny?

Well the odds are really low.  Plus, if it ever did happen, the future board could always reverse their RULING, eh?  At which time the Media would spin it as a very logical ruling, taken to honor the long-standing idea that sororities were for women, period.

But for now, the ruling helps the Dems virtue-signal, which is what was most important to them.  "Mission accomplished." 


August 28, 2023

Two VASTLY different views of this country. Which do ya think will give a better result?

Two wives of presidents, two opposing views about how each feels about this country.

Leftists, Democrats and communists support Mooch's view: "I've never been proud of this country!"  (For young Americans: yes, Mooch actually said this, on television.)

Normal Americans love Melania's view: "I became a U.S. citizen because I love this country!"  (For young Americans: you probably never saw or heard this clip, because the Mainstream Media hated airing anything positive about either Melania or Donald.)

Care to hazard a guess as to which viewpoint produces a FAR better result?


biden regime warns dat duh Chyna virus is comin' back--so mask up, right?

Hey, citizen!  Have you heard?  Duh biden regime has warned ya that duh Chyna virus is coming back!

SO...wokie companies and states are starting to order everyone to mask again, cuz dat wuz SO effective against duh Chyna virus--which, by the way,  biden absolutely assures us did NOT come from a lab in Wuhan, China.  And you should believe him cuz he's a Democrat preznit. 

See, you can only believe something if a Dem says it. cuz Democrat preznits are honest, uncorrupt.  Not like dat bad ol' Orange Man!

Anyway, below is a great clip from a gal who always does great commentary.  She's really enthusiastic about the return of mask mandates, so...enjoy!


August 27, 2023

In 2020 man who jokingly compared covid hysteria to zombie apocalypse was arrested for "terrorizing"

If you still think you have free speech in the U.S, or if you think cops are your friends (though certainly many cops seem pretty reasonable), read on:

In March of 2020, with Fauci-fanned hysteria about covid reaching the high it would maintain for almost three years, a Louisiana resident (Waylon Bailey) made a post on Fakebook jokingly comparing COVID-19 to the "zombie apocalypse" in the movie "World War Z."

The post stated that the sheriff’s office had  ordered deputies to “shoot on sight” anyone infected with the virus.  To be clear to snowflakes and Dem morons, "zombie apocalypse" is a MOVIE.  As in, unreal.

Hours later local police arrested Bailey for “terrorizing.”  According to court records Bailey said that as he was being handcuffed a deputy told him "the next thing [you] put on Facebook should be not to fuck with the police.”

Bailey eventually sued.  In classic leftist fashion the first judge RULED that the police department had NOT violated his First and Fourth amendment rights.

Being a determined fellow, Bailey appealed that ruling to the Fifth Circuit.  And two days ago--three YEARS after he was arrested--that court reversed the lower court's ruling, agreeing that the joking comparison was protected speech under the First Amendment.

So eventually--after three years and untold thousands of dollars in attorney's fees--the right of free speech was affirmed.  But if the guy hadn't had enough money to appeal, the case would have "set a precedent," meaning anyone could be arrested for joking in that manner.

Good on ya, Waylon!


August 26, 2023

Scientists finally find the real cause of Globull Worming

August 25, 2023

Criticizing GOP candidates, Psaki claims "No one supports abortion up until birth." Really?

Democrat pols and advisors lie as easily as they breathe.

After the GOP debate on Wednesday, the Dems were eager to tear into the candidates, some of whom had criticized Democrats for advocating abortion up to birth.

Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki claimed to be offended, tweeting “No one supports abortion up until birth.”

Really?  Obozo favored abortion up to birth, and even voted against an Illinois law that would have required care for babies who survived late-term abortion.

Numerous Dem governors have spoken in favor of no limits.  Seven states and D.C. have specific laws saying abortions are legal up to birth.  (New Hampshire, New Jersey, Minnesota, Colorado, New Mexico, Oregon, Alaska and D.C.)
Psaki is deliberately lying, because the leaders of the Democrat party are beginning to realize that contra to the lies of the Mainstream Media, a majority of voters oppose legalizing abortions up to the moment of birth.

Interestingly, not a single Democrat or Media figure contradicted Psaki's lie--because they want voters to believe that they never advocated what they clearly *have* pushed.  They know the Media will never call 'em out on lies that benefit the Democrat party, and 99% of Americans are too busy to do the research.


Rock legend Carlos Santana joins many others opining that tranny crap is nuts. Left goes crazy.

Carlos Santana is a rock legend.  Recently he paused between songs at a performance to say the tranny insanity had gone way too far.  He said "Whatever you do in the bedroom is fine, BUT..."

The Left went totally batshit crazy.  You won't believe how many pro-tranny libs were totally outraged at one of their musical legends expressing an opinion they didn't like!  Click here, and read the comments.  The comments by the leftist, pro-tranny "former fans" tell you everything you need to know about the Left and the pro-tranny movement.

August 23, 2023

More on the total corruption of the Hunty "investigation," Weiss, the DOJ and the biden regime

Evidence of total corruption at the top of the laughably-misnamed Department of "Justice" just keep piling up, even being reported by the biden-fellating NYTimes and WaPo.  But it's thoroughly ignored by the alphabet networks and cable "newz" cuz...well, why do you think that is?

The U.S. attorney for Delaware, David Weiss, supposedly "investigated" the Hunty biden case.  He dragged his feet for four years, in order to let the statute of limitations expire on Hunty's failure to file and report millions in bribes.

His intention was to let Hunter Biden off *without any charges at all*--including failure to pay $2.8 million in federal income tax, and lying on a federal gun-purchase form, which is usually a felony.

Weiss only reversed course because he and all the other insiders knew two senior IRS whistleblowers were about testify to Congress about Weiss's corrupt bungling of the supposed "investigation."  

Knowing what the IRS whistleblowers were going to testify to pressured Weiss to reluctantly charge Hunty with two crimes that would normally be jailable felonies: Willfully failing to pay taxes on $2.8 million in income; and lying on the federal firearm form.

Any ordinary American would be charged with felonies for both, but the corrupt Weiss chose to only charge Hunty with misdemeanors.

More corrupt yet, Weiss offered Hunty an outrageously lenient "plea deal" in which Hunty would get no actual penalty for either crime--just probation.  And if that doesn't anger you enough, the big payoff is still to come: Weiss agreed that Hunty wouldn't be charged for ANY other crimes, whether known or unknown at this time.  

Even more outrageous, Weiss ordered those corrupt terms to be buried in the plea deal for the gun charge, under an arcane twist called a "diversion agreement" that by federal code judges are not allowed to modify!  Wow.

This came out because the judge in the case didn't take Weiss's word for the terms of the outrageous plea deal but actually bothered to read it!  She spotted the trick of the total immunity offer and was angered by the ploy.  So in *open court* she asked Weiss's prosecutors (by coincidence a corruptocrat named Wise) if they meant to give Hunty total immunity.

Prosecutors never expected this, so were caught off-guard.  If they admitted what the wording in the diversion agreement said, they'd be confirming the total corruption of this entire deal, which would cost biden and the Dems votes.  So they scrambled to find a way to get the Media to believe the clear wording of the official court filing did NOT mean what it clearly said.

One can only imagine the mad scramble to avoid being tagged as utterly corrupt!

What they came up with was "Well, we're *still investigating other things* (like Hunty's failure to register as a foreign agent under FARA) so we *certainly* weren't offering immunity for *that*"

Now Hunty's lawyers were outraged, since the fix had clearly been to give Hunty total immunity.  So they turned down the deal--and have now threatened to call daddy Joe as a witness in the case--something they say would "trigger a constitutional crisis."  That's horseshit, and the threat is a total bluff, but pressures Weiss to find a way to honor the original, full and total immunity deal.

To increase the pressure on Weiss, the leftist rag Politico reports that Hunty's lawyers have leaked documents proving that prosecutors did in fact promise Hunty full immunity from all possible crimes that he might have committed in the past, and tried to sneak that in to the plea deal without alerting the judge to this fact.

Which means that unless Hunty's lawyers are lying, they've now proven that Weiss's prosecutors lied to the judge when they claimed, in response to her direct question, that they were NOT granting Hunter Biden immunity for any other crimes than the two tax evasion cases and normal felony of lying on a federal gun form.

These docs show that U.S. Attorney Weiss was doing exactly what everyone pretty much knew he was doing: finding a way to let Hunty off with no punishment.  He devised a clever split- agreement, with the kaboom in the part that the judge was not allowed to modify, and thus would presumably not bother reading.

On May 18 (per Politico) another of Hunty's lawyers sent two Delaware prosecutors the first draft of a proposed deal, structured so it wouldn't need a judge's sign-off and wouldn't require a guilty plea from Biden.

As part of the deal Hunty would admit he "was late filing his taxes" for 2017 and 2018, and that he owned a gun while he was using drugs. He would promise to pay any taxes he still owed, to pay his taxes on time for the next five years, and to never own a gun again. The deal would be made public, and it would also cover three corporate entities affiliated with him.

If he complied thru January 2025, the DOJ  promised not to prosecute him for anything they'd investigated thus far. The exact words:
>> "The Department of Justice agrees not to criminally prosecute Robert Hunter Biden and the affiliated businesses (namely: Owasco P.C.; Owasco LLC; and Skaneateles LLC) for any federal crimes arising from the conduct generally described in the attached Statement of Facts (Attachment A); *or for any other federal crimes relating to matters investigated by the United States."*>>

In other words, no prosecution and no need to plead guilty *at all.*  Garland's corrupt DOJ--acting via Weiss--would simply drop all charges in return for Hunty agreeing to stay clean until Jan of 2025.  (The $2.8 million in back taxes was quietly paid for Hunty by a Hollywood attorney about a year ago.)

Weiss' prosecutors seemed to have no objections.  That evening Weiss associate Lesley Wolf sent the Biden team a list of must-haves for a potential deal, noting that many of them were already in the first draft.

The New York Times story makes clear that Weiss was prepared to sign exactly this deal--until they learned the two IRS whistleblowers would testify.  This knowledge pressured Weiss to decide to require a face-saving "guilty" plea on misdemeanors--a decision that eventually blew everything up. Because a guilty plea would require a judge to approve it, and an attentive and honest judge would immediately see that the deal was corrupt.

Let's take another look at the threat by Hunty's lawyers to call daddy-Joe as a witness if Weiss didn't find a way to reverse course and give Hunty the total immunity.  Why would Hunty's lawyers think that would convince Weiss to reverse?

What could Joe Biden possibly have to say in Hunty's defense on either the tax charge or the federal form charge?  For a witness to testify, he must have information relevant to the case.  Joe can't say anything relevant to either charge.

I don't see anything *directly* worrisome to Weiss about the lawyers' threat to call Joe.  Rather, I think it's a way to remind Weiss that daddy-Joe wants Hunty to get the unlimited immunity.

The fact that Weiss tried to give Hunty total immunity and to drop all charges in this case--and to try to hide it from the court--is more than enough to get Weiss thrown off the case.  But instead the corrupt Merrick Garland has named Weiss as "special counsel."

This is beyond belief: Weiss has shown that he's corrupt, and in addition, the "special counsel" statute states that such counsels can't be part of the government, to avoid political pressure.  Garland surely knew this (or if he's that dumb, he knows it now), yet he hasn't rescinded the appointment.  How this can go unchallenged is beyond belief.

Two words:  Banana republic.


Two months before the election of 2020 a woman mailed poison to Trump. You never heard about it.

Easy question for Democrats:  If you lived in a free country, would the government censor the news?

Because you once lived in a free country, you believe the government doesn't censor the news.  But in reality you have no idea how totally the Mainstream Media cooperates with the Deep State to control what you're allowed to see and hear as "newz."   They haven't yet succeeded in totally stopping what they don't want you to know from leaking out, but less than one percent of Americans take the time to find out what's really happening. 

Think that's just a wild "conspiracy story"?  Here's an example from last week: In September of 2020--just two months before the presidential election--a French-Canadian woman who had repeatedly posted threats to shoot President Trump, mailed a letter containing the deadly poison Ricin to the president.   

She'd also tweeted that someone should "shoot Trump in the face."  Literally.  It's on the record.

In the letter containing the poison she wrote, "If it doesn’t work, I’ll find better recipe for another poison, or I might use my gun when I’ll be able to come."

Shortly afterward she was arrested when entering the U.S. by car--carrying a handgun and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.

Of course you heard about that back in September of 2020, two months before the ghastly steal that saddled us with your brilliant preznit corrupt Joe, right?

No, you didn't hear a word about it until just now.

Democrat: "Dat's becuz dis be fake newz, dummy!  If dis had been reel it woulda made headlines, and she would have been charged and gone to trial two years ago!  But yew nevah herd nuffin' like dat, which proves it beez fake newz, bein' pushed by duh right-wing Trumpies to generate sympathy fo' dere orange leader!"

Classic.  You sure about that, sparky?

In January of this year, the would-be presidential assassin pleaded guilty.  So surely you MUST have heard about that, right?

No, you didn't.  And you damn sure should wonder why.  It's because the Mainstream Media hoped the whole thing would vanish without any American every knowing--because since she pleaded guilty there wouldn't be a trial, so no attention, eh?  Well last Thursday the would-be assassin was sentenced to 22 years in prison.  So surely you heard about that, right?

So did ya?  No, again, you didn't.

So she pleaded guilty to mailing a deadly poison to President Trump two months before the 2020 election, after repeatedly threatening the president.   But dis happen in duh far-away land called "D.C," so duh Mainstream Media could pretend dey din' know nuffin' 'bout it.

The woman is Pascale Cecile Veronique Ferrier, and the plea deal and sentence took place in Washington, D.C.--meaning every media outlet knows about this.  They knew about it way back in January when she pled guilty to the charge.  But did you ever hear a word about any of this?

You did NOT.  The Left's control is that tight.  Google her name.  See for yourself.

Why did the Mainstream Media totally ignore this back in 2020, just two months before the election?  Imagine how HUGE the headlines would be if a conservative mailed a letter containing poison to Porridgebrain (a.k.a. FJB), and urged people to shoot biden in the face, eh?  The NYT and WaPo would be reporting that in six-inch-high headlines!

But in this case?  Total blackout.  You might well ask yourself why the huge difference, eh?

Of course you won't.  Most of you will just shrug.  In fact many Democrats will cheer.  Most conservatives will never hear about this.  You hadn't.  And I rest my case.


August 22, 2023

Hilliary sits down for an interview, and it's a good one

August 21, 2023

Mainstream Media: "Duh economy beez booming, citizen! bidenomics is faaaabulous!"

I'll bet you the drink of your choice that most Americans have never heard of a thing called "Household Pulse Surveys (HPS).  Those are done regularly by the Census Bureau, asking respondents about their family's spending and debt, employment, anxiety, and the effects of natural disasters.

One of the most important questions asks Americans if they're having trouble paying for normal household expenses.  

In January 2021, the last month before biden was installed, the survey estimated that 80.53 million Americans found it “somewhat” or “very” difficult to pay normal household expenses.

According to the most recent HPS survey, conducted just last month (July 2023), that number is now 86.92 million, an increase of more than 6 million.

Democrat: "Dat not true!!  Dat 'fake newz'!!  Disinformation from right-wing extremists!"

Dude, the Census Bureau isn't a right-wing org.  It's run by the same leftist Deep-State assholes who run the entire government.

Democrat: [huffily]  "In that case the so-called study is flawed some way!  It don't mean nuffin'.  Cuz duh NY Times and WaPo and MSNBC and CNN and the alphabet nets say duh economy beez BOOMING!  So we order you to ignore dis silly, flawed 'study'."

Classic Democrat defense: "You must ignore anything we tell you to ignore!"

And there, folks, is why you've never heard of the HPS before: When Trump was in office it showed things getting better, but now the exact same survey they've always used shows things are getting worse, and in both cases the Mainstream Media didn't--and doesn't--want you to know.

The next telling finding in the HPS is that just over half of those who reported having trouble paying normal bills were in the $50,000 to $150,000 income brackets--people considered solidly “middle class.”  So a good question is why.  Since the officially-reported unemployment is supposedly low, the trouble would seem to be rising costs, due to inflation.

Wait, the Mainstream Media constantly tells ya inflation is "no longer a concern" due to duh wonderz of bidenomics, eh?

The HPS survey data further suggests that Americans having trouble paying their bills are putting bills on high-interest credit cards or taking out personal loans.  Both will cost Americans more to repay, putting borrowers further in the hole, just delaying it.  For example, newer credit cards are charging 18% interest!  Are you kidding??

In July of 2022 the HPS survey showed an estimated 74.89 million Americans relied on “credit cards or loans” to pay normal bills.”  But in the month just ended (July 2023) this number had soared to 85.46 million--an increase of 14%.

For those of you who don't work with numbers every day, for this category to increase this much in one year is a disaster.  If those surveyed can't cover expenses now, how do ya think they'll be able to pay future expenses PLUS the interest on the cards or loans?  Can't happen without cutting expenses.

And sure enough, the credit card delinquency rate has increased in each of the past seven quarters.  (Porridgebrain has only been preznit for a bit over 10 quarters, and it took him a quarter or two for his and the Dems' policies to start destroying the economy.)  Auto loan delinquencies are also above pre-biden levels.

57 percent of Americans say they can’t afford to cover an unexpected expense of $1,000.  Fortunately obozo got millions of Americans to sign up for obozocare, meaning health emergencies will be paid for by someone else.  Oh wait, the insured must pay a deductible of $5,000 or so for most plans.  And 57 percent of American families say they can't do that.  So who pays that?

Every Mainstream Media outlet tells you the economy is booming--a golden age of prosperity, eh?  But carefully hidden surveys that contradict that bullshit--like the HPS--tell a far different story.

Democrat: "But the stock market is near a record high!  So neener neener neener!  You just a stupid doody-head!"

If unemployment is close to all-time lows--as the Labor Department claims--the inference is that massive layoffs--firings, job losses--aren't the cause.  But then what IS causing these problems?  Inflation, caused by the biden regime spending trillions in borrowed money, effectively printing huge amounts of money.  Econ-101 says if you print more money, you get inflation, because more money is chasing the same output of goods, effectively bidding the price up.

Republicans are certainly part of the problem, because they went along with biden policies, agreeing to massive and unnecessary Covid spending programs such as sending checks to millions of Americans who never lost their jobs during the pandemic.  And they failed to reform wasteful entitlement programs in 2017 and 2018, when they last had control of Congress and the White House.  And the trillions of dollars in wasteful spending allowed hundreds of billions in pure fraud, like the vaunted "Paycheck Protection Program."  The stories of fraud there are sickening.

But take something everyone who doesn't live in a big Dem city understands: People in small towns have to drive, and buy gasoline.  The average price of unleaded gas is 53% higher than when Biden first took office.  The price of a gallon of milk increased by 23 percent from 2020 to the end of 2022.  All food, on average, costs 14% more than when biden was installed.

Higher prices, struggling families, more outrageously costly credit-card debt, higher delinquencies on both credit-card and auto loans.  That’s what “bidenomics” really looks like.  But duh economy beez booming, eh?

August 20, 2023

"Optimism" vs. "wishful thinking"

Many people confuse wishful thinking with optimism.  They're similar but not at all the same.

If you've analyzed a problem correctly, engineered correctly and built to plan, it's perfectly reasonable to hope whatever it is works--to be optimistic.  Entirely reasonable.

By contrast, wishful thinking is closing your eyes and hoping something works when you have no reasonable basis for thinking it will.  Example: "Half of the top pyrsyns in the biden gruberment are gay or tranny or demonstrable morons.  But their policies will have faaabulous results, cuz...good intentions."

The key to understanding wishful thinking is the term "wishing."  When a majority of the people on a committee--or running a government--are wishers instead of competent, the result is almost always disaster.

Is anyone awake out there?

Most people are nice enough, but totally uninterested in anything outside their immediate reach.  If it's not family or job or where they shop, they don't care about it.  That's true for all societies.

Most Americans fall into two types: The first is what I call "core Democrats"--the True Believers, the base.  They don't question Democrat policies or politics.  Whatever a Democrat president and congress do is fine with them.  They trust the Dem leaders and thus don't worry about whatever the government does.  

If they were shown a video of a Chinese official handing Hunty (duh preznit's son) a stack of hundred-dollar bills, and Hunty giving half to Joe, core Dems wouldn't think anything was wrong.  That's what I mean by clueless.

The other broad group of Americans is conservatives:  If they had time to do research to find out what the gruberment was doing, they'd care.  Problem is, it takes all their time to raise their kids and put food on the table.  They don't have time to do the time-consuming research.  So since most get their "newz" from the leftist Mainstream Media--always reassuring bullshit--they don't realize how fast things are deteriorating.

Almost no one realizes that what we're watching is the deliberate destruction of the USA by the Democrat party.  Most of the American public doesn't notice--Democrats because they don't care to look, and conservatives because they're too busy trying to survive.

So virtually no one notices.  The Mainstream Media keeps telling Americans everything is just peachy, so that's what they believe.  It's understandable.  After all, they've never lied to you before, eh?

A few see what's happening, and are trying--without success--to stop the destruction.  But one day it will no longer be possible for the Mainstream Media to hide it: the sheep will wake up and realize that the freedoms and prosperity they once had are both gone, and they won’t know where those went, let alone what took them away.

Of course at that point it will be too late--and at that point nothing anyone can do will put things back the way they were before.

Of course you think this is just a totally unfounded scare story.  I rest my case.

August 19, 2023

Stock of company slobberingly pushed by CNBC loses 98% of its value since end of 2021

If you've never done it, starting a company is like putting $100,000 and three years of your life on one number on the roulette wheel: No matter how good you are or how hard you work, most of the time it fails.  

If your a tech company the technology can leapfrog over what you're doing (thumb drives vs. CDs, anyone), or a RULE by some corrupt gruberment bureaucrat can double your costs.
Regardless, failing is hard as hell, and it hurts.  And if you've been there, it hurts to watch a well-run company doing good things fail for reasons out of the founder's control.

With that said, consider something a lot different: When the corrupt Mainstream Media gets paid to fawn over a company that's clearly headed for bankruptcy, I absolutely love watching lemmings and sheep jump on that stock (because it was pushed by the shills in the Media) and then watching it collapse--as anyone could have predicted.

In this case the company is called WeWork.  Its business plan was to lease entire floors of buildings, divide 'em into ten-foot cubicles, put in internet and phone lines and lease each cubicle to startup companies.  

And in a booming economy, it worked:  On April 9th of 2021--just ten weeks into the BOOMING biden economy (which continued to boom on inertia, before many of the regime's orders had kicked in)--the company's stock was almost $13 a share.  Five years ago one bank valued the company's "market cap" at $47 Billion.  Wow!  Say, anyone recall who was president five years ago?

So with the faaabulous Democrat-run economy under Porridgebrain, WeWork absolutely BOOMED, right?  You bet, citizen!  Just like all U.S. companies.

Oh 2022 it lost $2.3 billion.  And in the first half of this year it lost another $700 million.  It has $2.91 billion in long-term debt, and as of two months ago it had $205 million in cash and equivalents.

(Spoiler: the cash isn't enough to make the debt payments.)

(Wonder what banks will lose money when WeWork defaults on its loans, eh?  Think Janet Yellen will bail 'em out, in amounts FAR over the $250,000 limit for us ordinary people, as she did for Silicon Valley Bank?)

In 2019 the privately-held company tried and failed to go public, which would have netted its founders a fortune.  And next year when duh Chyna virus plandemic hit, with duh lockdowns ordered by Dem governors, many of WeWork's clients stopped leasing their cubicles.

Nevertheless, in 2021--with bidenomics just starting to BOOM--a "special purpose acquisition company" took WeWork public, hoping to cash in on eager investors (fired up by the likes of CNBC and MarketWatch).

How'd that work out?  Since the end of 2021, the stock has lost 98% of its value, closing yesterday at 14 cents.

Shares had been under $1 since late March, and since NYSE rules require companies to trade over $1 to keep their listing, the company was desperate to do *something.*

So it's doing a "reverse stock split," where shareholders get one share of new stock for 40 existing shares.  Based only on math, that should take the share price to $5.60.  We'll see.

Even if it continues to be listed, WeWork is in dire straits. Last week the company said that its mounting losses and dwindling cash "raise substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern."  Gee, ya think?

"Pay no attention to the naysayers!  The economy is BOOMING, citizen!"


Judge DECREES that a Texas law requiring applicants for mail-in ballots prove identity violates civil rights

Merrick Garland is a communist who should be tried for treason and (if convicted) hanged on television.  Here's this son of a bitch's latest victory for massive Democrat election fraud:

Mail-in ballots are a total invitation to massive vote fraud.  Obviously no state should send mail-in ballots to every address on file because many voters have moved.  And voters whose ballots are stolen from their mailbox never realize they should have gotten one, and when they show up to vote in person, they're told they already voted.   

But here's a FAR greater fraud: in states that require voters to apply for a mail-in ballot, hordes of paid fraudsters fill out applications in the name of someone they think is registered to vote, but with the fraudster's address.  So how can "election officials" (always Democrats) determine whether the person applying for the ballot--claiming to be entitled to vote--really is?

Since the person is never seen by the "election officials," photo ID obviously doesn't help (even in those few states the Democrats have allowed to require it to vote).

To reduce this type of vote fraud, in 2021 the Texas legislature passed a law that applications for mail-in ballots had to verify the applicant's identity, either by matching a Texas driver's license number--or for those without a driver's license just a DPS ID, which the agency issues for free--or the last 4 digits of a Social Security number on file for the applicant.

In theory the fraudsters wouldn't have those pieces of information.

A pro-Democrat group sued, claiming this resulted legal voters having their applications for a mail-in ballot being rejected.  Law in the U.S. being what it is today, the group didn't even have to pay attorneys to work on the lawsuit, because the corrupt DOJ did all the legal work FOR them.  Yay Democrats!

Now Garland's unbelievably corrupt DOJ is crowing that they got a judge to rule that the Texas law attempting to reduce vote fraud "violates the Civil Rights Act."  And the DECREE came in a motion for "summary judgment," meaning it didn't even go to trial.

The ruling is horseshit, from top to bottom.  But now it's de-facto law.  Eat shit and die, Garland-- you vote-fraud-loving son of a bitch.

Click on this link and read the DOJ's brag.  In particular, note the second sentence:

The court found that parts of S.B.-1 require officials to reject mail-in ballot applications and mail-in ballots based on errors or omissions that are not material in determining whether voters are qualified under Texas law to vote or cast a mail ballot.

"Not material" is a brazen lie.  The entire issue here is, will the fucking Democrats running the federal gruberment allow states to ensure that an application for a mail-in ballot is really from the person claiming to be the applicant?

That's what the Texas law was trying to do--and what the Garland/biden regime is OUTLAWING with this DECREE.

The DOJ press release repeatedly says failing to comply with the state law requiring authentication is a "minor error or omission."  But again, the entire point of the Texas law was to ensure that an application for a mail-in ballot is from someone legally entitled to vote (and registered).  So failing to provide that proof is NOT a "minor error or omission" as the DOJ claims.  It's a lie.

If the judge's RULING had offered another foolproof method of establishing authenticity that would have satisfied the DOJ I might have believed in the regime's good intentions.  But the judge (cunningly) didn't do that--because the DOJ doesn't wan* to offer a workable remedy to legislators.  

And no matter how the Texas legislature amends the law to try to find some other way to prevent this type of massive vote fraud, the DOJ will sue again...and again, using their infinite, taxpayer-funded resources.

Texas should appeal this all the way to the SC if needed.  Problem is, the pro-illegal mafia in the state is so powerful that few legislators are willing to buck 'em, so the state may decide not to appeal.

This summary-judgment DECREE is entirely on biden and Garland. Thanks to the Democrats, Texas is likely to tip to the Dems in 2024.

I've never been so glad that I don't have any children.  But if you do, you may want to do something before it's too late--if it's not already.

August 18, 2023

Ramaswamy has some great ideas

Vivek Ramaswamy doesn't have much chance to be president, but he's a sound thinker.  Here are his ten points for making the U.S. better:

1. God is real.
2. Our Constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history.
3. Capitalism lifts people up from poverty.
4. Reverse racism is still racism.
5. An open border is no border.
6. Parents have the right to determine what their children are taught.
7. The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.
8. Human flourishing requires fossil fuels.
9. There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four.
10. There are just two genders.

Hey leftists/communists/socialists/Democrats: I'd love to debate any of you on the above points.

August 17, 2023

House passes bill barring males from competing against girls in sports; Dem tranny activists scream

On April 20 of this year the House passed a bill titled the "Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act" (H.R. 734).  If passed by the senate and signed by your utterly corrupt "preznit," the bill would prohibit males from competing against girls in sports.

Seems totally reasonable and fair, eh?  Yet not a *single* Democrat in the House voted for it.  Think about that for a minute. 

Dems claim to be pro-women, but when it comes down to a choice, they happily sacrifice your daughters in favor of trannies.  That shows you where their true loyalty is.

Three days *before* the bill passed, the biden regime fired a warning shot, announcing that it "strongly opposes" the bill:

Office of the President, April 17, 2023
The Administration strongly opposes House passage of H.R. 734.

For students, participating in sports and being part of a team is an important part of growing up, staying engaged in school, and learning leadership and life skills.  H.R. 734 would deny access to sports for many families by establishing an absolute ban on transgender students—even those as young as elementary schoolers—playing on a team consistent with their gender identity.

Lying rat-bastards.  As anyone who can read can easily see, the bill does NOT "deny access to sports."  It just says males have to play sports on the guys' team.  That is clearly NOT "denying access to sports."
   And note how the cunning propagandists throw in the irrelevant word "families," knowing most people have warm-fuzzy feelings about that word.   Finally, note how instead of phrasing it as "would ban males from competing against females in sports," the clever bastards disguise the effect as not allowing someone to play on a team "consistent with their gender identity."  Nice disguise, eh?

Schools, coaches, and athletic associations around the country are already working with families to develop participation rules that are fair and that take into account particular sports, grade levels, and levels of competition.

Irrelevant horseshit.  So "schools, coaches" etc are "working with families" (that warm fuzzy association again) to "develop participation rules" taking lots of word-salad bullshit into account, eh? Yeah, they could "take into account" the inflation rate and CO2 levels, but those are irrelevant to this analysis--as are "grade levels and levels of competition."  It's a distraction.  

The single issue is, Dems *demand* that biological males be allowed to compete against biological females in sports.  It's clearly unfair, but Dems are only interested in "fairness" when it benefits them.  So in this case, they ignore the obvious unfairness to advance the tranny cause.

As a national ban that does not account for competitiveness or grade level, H.R. 734 targets people for who they are and therefore is discriminatory.

To understand what the biden regime is trying to fast-ball by ya with that so-called "reasoning," consider this statement: "Laws against adult men having sex with children target people for who they are, and therefore are discriminatory."  Rational people immediately recognize this as clearly flawed reasoning.

Politicians should not dictate a one-size-fits-all requirement that forces coaches to remove kids from their teams.

Wow: "...forces coaches to remove kids from their teams."  How about if we just don't allow males to join girls' teams in the first place, eh?

At a time when transgender youth already face a nationwide mental health crisis, with half of transgender youth in a recent survey saying they have seriously considered suicide, a national law that further stigmatizes these children is completely unnecessary, hurts families and students, and would only put students at greater risk.

Ah, got it:  If a group politically-favored by Democrats bleats "If you don't agree to our demands we may seriously consider suicide," that's supposed to get us to surrender, eh?  Good to see what passes for Dem logic.

Discrimination has no place in our nation’s schools or on our playing fields.

Translation: "We Dems don't care if your daughters can no longer win because males take first place, cuz our agenda of fucking up the country to please trannies is much more important to us.  So if your 14-year-old, 110-pound daughter playing field hockey suffers a  concussion or broken leg from being clocked by a 200-pound male claiming to be a 'girl,' tough.  Not our problem.  If she was worried about that, she shouldn't have been playing!"

Now here's the classic Dem bullshit mislead in the summary:

Instead of addressing the pressing issues that families and students face today, such as raising teacher pay, keeping guns out of schools, addressing the mental health crisis our youth face, and helping students learn and recover academically from unprecedented disruptions [you mean the lockdowns ORDERED by your Dem governors?], congressional Republicans have instead chosen to prioritize policies that discriminate against children.

SO seductive!  Mention four things the bill has nothing to do with, and criticize the bill for NOT addressing those things.  Classic.  And  "...have chosen to prioritize policies that discriminate against chirren," eh?  Wait...your insane DEMAND that males be allowed to compete against girls discriminates against biological girls, by forcing them to compete against stronger, heavier males.  But you simply ignore *that* discrimination, while screaming that fairness to girls is...ooohh, "discrimination."  Got it.   And finally:

If the President were presented with H.R. 734 he would veto it.

End of White House propaganda piece.

Now: because the Democrats control the senate, that chamber obviously won't pass this bill.  But it's still worth doing, because it puts the Democrats on the record as opposing fairness for girls in sports.  And every GOP senate candidate should start drafting campaign ads NOW for November of 2024 pointing out the shit-eating, anti-female Dem incumbents who voted against this bill to protect girls in sports.

Source. White House pro-tranny activists.

August 16, 2023

Trannies force a lesbian-only dating event to be cancelled after organizer says "lesbians only"

Once a week for the past four years, a woman in London has held a "speed-dating event" for lesbians.  But after a deranged man pretending to be a woman showed up at one of those events last year, and proceeded to do the usual tranny thing of being an obnoxious asshole, organizer Jenny Watson decided to limit the event to biological females.

(For the benefit of our moronic new Supreme Court "justice" Kattanji Brown-Jackson, lesbians are "women."  Of course this doesn't help you since you said you don't know what a "woman" is.  Oh well...) soon as the word got out that the organizer would only allow "authentic" women to attend, the tranny mafia pounced, and got a tranny faggot staffer for the owner of the venue to tell Watson to look elsewhere.

“Transgender individuals deserve respect," says Watson, "but men pretending to be women aren't really lesbians.”  And last week she posted on her website “If you are male, please refrain from coming to the events, you are not a lesbian.”  Polite.

But as you could have guessed, her polite statement that people with penises cannot, in fact, be lesbians enraged local LGBTQ+ activists, who reported the event to the local government council for being transphobic.

See, in the U.K and Canada the dictatorial gruberment can fine and jail citizens for saying a critical word about trannies or gays or any other "specially-protected group."

No word from the "local government council" (like communist block-minders) yet, but Watson said that the owner of the pub where she's held the event for over four years has told her to look elsewhere.

Of course with the tranny mafia now circling like vultures, the chances of Watson being able to host her group *anywhere* in the U.K. are almost zero.

Now: You'd think organizations that claim to defend "women's rights" would support the right of lesbians--authentic women--to hold lesbian-only events, eh?  And yet there hasn't been a single word of support from any of those hypocritical bitches.  Why not?

Because the so-called "women's rights" orgs are really pro-tranny, even when the trannies are methodically destroying women's rights.

Surprising?  Not if you've been paying attention.  You'd think a clever reporter would ask these orgs why they're not supporting women.  It would be delicious to watch their heads explode.


Is the death *rate* higher today than pre-covid? If so, why? And why no investigations?

"USAToday" has been a total propaganda outlet for the biden regime since even before Porridgebrain was installed.  Thus I was surprised to see an opinion piece in that rag that was contra to the regime's Narrative.  It's titled  "More young Americans are dying, and not from COVID. Why aren't we searching for answers?"  by Dr. Pierre Kory and Mary Beth Pfeiffer.  (I've extensively edited it below.)

Life insurance companies are reporting that a higher percentage of people are dying today than in the years before covid hit.  More significantly, while the Chyna virus killed mostly older Americans, these new deaths are killing people under 50.

The Mainstream Media has totally ignored this, because if most Americans don't know it's happening, there's no push for the regime to investigate. And sure enough, the regime isn't:  It's totally uninterested--not even enough to determine whether the reportedly unusually high deaths among young people are true.

Because biden *ordered* virtually all Americans to take the ineffective, experimental jab, it's no surprise that the regime wouldn't want to investigate claims that the jab might be causing excess deaths among young Americans.  And we've learned that the CDC--the agency officially charged with monitoring deaths and causes--is totally political.  That is, they lie to protect the biden regime.

But life insurance companies have no reason to lie about deaths.  So if they claim younger Americans are dying at a greater rate than normal, that should set off alarms.

To understand how death rates are compared, you need to know that insurance companies are comparing the *rate* (percentage) of deaths today to the percentage *before covid.* That's the "expected rate," and unless something odd is going on, death rates today should be essentially identical to the pre-virus baseline.  But they're not.

Companies say that in the last quarter of 2022, the death *rate* among those 35 to 44 years old was a stunning 34% higher than the pre-covid rate.  This trend also shows up in other working-age groups.

And it's not just one company:  The "Society of Actuaries" reports the same thing.

The FDA approved the Pfizer "vaccine" for emergency use" in December of 2020.  By February of 2021 millions of Americans had taken the jab.
By the fall of 2021--as deaths from covid dropped sharply--the death rate among those 35 to 44 was *twice the pre-covid rate.*  In two other prime working-age groups the death rate was 79% higher than pre-covid.  These are staggering numbers.

If you paid attention you may recall that the CEO of a large life insurance company said in the third quarter of 2021 his company saw a 40% increase in death rates in those ages 18 to 64--which would be consistent with other reports later of *twice the pre-covid rate,* since people under 30 almost never died from covid.

During a press conference in January of 2022 OneAmerica CEO Scott Davison said “We're seeing the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business–and not just at OneAmerica.  “The data is consistent across every player in our business.”

Admittedly some of these excess deaths were still due to covid.  But what percentage?  We don't know--and if the CDC knows, they're not saying.  How many people died within a month or six weeks after taking the jab?  Again the CDC may know, but isn't saying.  The only source civilians have is the woeful VAERS system, which was voluntary and estimated to under-report deaths by factors of 20 to 100, depending on the study.

In any case, by the 4th quarter of 2022--with most Americans having taken the vaccine--the death rate had fallen to "just" 34% higher.  So it's possible that the rate *doubling* in the end of 2021 was largely due to immediate adverse reactions to the vax, while the 34% higher rate by Q4 of 2022 was due to long-term effects.

We don't know.  The regime could easily investigate, but refuses to.  All we know is that deaths in Q4 of last year were a staggering 34% above the baseline (pre-covid) rate.

And this isn’t just happening in the U.S, but in every country that has a huge percentage of vaxxed people.  In Australia in 2022--with the number of covid deaths sharply down--12% more people died than expected.  A third of those were not attributable to COVID.  It's a huge anomaly.

What's causing this wave of excess deaths?  USAtoday claims it's "global warming," or maybe lockdowns caused people to delay health care.  But a figure known to life insurance companies--but ignored by the CDC--may shed some light on the cause:

Companies that offer group life insurance have to tell insurers how many of their employees are in blue-collar versus white-collar jobs, since the latter are slightly safer.  But data from insurers for the fall of 2021 show a surprise: excess death rates among white-collar workers--those whose education, income and access to health care would predict better health outcomes--were actually higher than for blue-collar workers.   And the ratio of excess death *rates* in the two groups was 19% to 14%--a statistically signficant difference.

What could account for this totally unexpected reversal?

We would expect that having more income (on average), a higher percentage of white-collar workers would have taken the jab.  I can't find any figures on this from the CDC, but it shouldn't be hard to survey 1,000 or so of each group to find out if this is indeed the case.  

If a greater percentage of white-collar workers took the jab by, say, April of 2021, that would suggest that the jab is causing the excess deaths.

An honest government would direct its health agencies to examine data from insurance companies to either confirm or reject these claims.  But the biden regime isn't doing that.

You may well wonder why.


When Hilliary and the DNC demanded electors vote for her in states won by T, was she indicted?

Yep.  Just like no prosecutor even THOUGHT about indicting crooked Hilliary or the DNC for urging electors of a state Trump won to vote for her instead of Trump!
Two sets of laws, comrade.  Dat beez right dere in duh Konstitution!  It beez duh core principle laid out by duh Founding Pyrsyns!  "Members of one party haz one set of easy rulz, everyone else haz far harsher rulz."  It beez right dere in Article 2, Section 3!"

In bidenworld, wearing a red baseball cap is hazardous to your health