December 31, 2021

Harvard will scrap SAT and ACT scores for applicants--supposedly for just five years

If some malevolent entity was determined to destroy our society by imposing some new policy that the entity knew, beyond doubt, would have the intended, horrible result, what's the first thing the entity would do?

Answer: Eliminate any way of objectively measuring the effect of the new policy.  Because without any objective way to measure "better or worse," the only way Americans could grasp the effect of the entity's sabotage would be...memory.

The problem with that is NOT that no one has a good enough memory, but that since MOST Americans weren't up to speed on any given policy before it was changed, they have nothing to compare the new results to.  So they'll believe whatever the Mainstream Media tells 'em.

And you already know who the Media are working for, eh?

To paraphrase George Carlin, it ain't you.

So with that background, we note that Harvard--which with Yale essentially set American education policy--has announced it won't use EITHER SAT or ACT scores for the next five years.

Why do you think this might be significant?

Well, it's obvious that the reason for eliminating test scores in applicants is to allow Harvard to admit as many otherwise unqualified students as they feel will make the administrators feel "woke" enough.  But it's been pretty conclusively shown that when students who don't have the necessary academic background are admitted to Hahvahd, a huge percentage of them drop out.

Of course this won't hurt Hahvahd a bit.  And if Hahvahd was the only uni to order this policy it wouldn't even hurt the country.  The problem will be that every university will eventually will eventually adopt this policy, lest they be accused of raaacism.  And when that happens, the shift of 30 or 40 percent of admission slots from academically qualified to unqualified students will result in a similar reduction in STEM graduates each year, and more "DIEversity consultants."

If you don't think this will hurt the U.S., and you doubt this was and is known to the anti-American nuts who pushed for this change, you probably also think the covid virus acquired its lethality to humans totally naturally.

Just a few more points:  First, is there any adult with an IQ over 80 who thinks Hahvahd won't make this policy permanent after five years?  You're kidding, right?

Second: Surprisingly, Hahvahd wasn't the first university to junk the SAT and ACT for applicants.  That wokie prize goes to the University of California system, with 280,000 students and an annual budget of $42 BILLION.  So now we can expect competition to see which school can admit the highest percentage of academically unqualified applicants.

Equity, comrade.

Third: When students who lack the prep to graduate from Hahvahd start dropping out, how long do you think it will take the woke administrators to order an end to grades?

Oh, you think that's absurd?  Impossible?  Actually Hahvahd, Yale, Stanford and other top schools have already scrapped grades in many courses, so abolishing grades altogether will be an easy step.  Then everyone passes, and Equity will be re-established.

So as China turns out increasing numbers of engineers and scientists, the U.S. will turn out fewer.  And it's utterly predictable.

Leftist website spews utter lies to push pro-tranny agenda

The ghastly, anti-white, anti-family, pro-communist Buzzfeed employs a ghastly, anti-Christian, anti-family "culture writer" named Alessa Dominguez.  And recently Alessa penned a totally bullshit propaganda piece titled "The Culture Wars Aren’t Real."

Alyssa claims conservative opposition to a) men competing against women in sports; b) trannies being allowed by courts to be housed in womens' prisons; and c) teaching "critical race theory" in schools is just AWFUL.

And as you could have guessed from someone as supposedly open-minded and "tolerant" as Dominguez?  I'll bet you already guessed:  Her demand to get rid of this distressing conservative opposition to the obviously wonderful social DEMANDS of the Left is obviously...wait for "de-platform" all conservatives. 

Normally I wouldn't take the time to take on the deranged rants of yet another leftist "culture writer" (since there are so many), but Alessa's lies almost set a new standard.  Consider Allessa wailing about the Times of London running a story about "a hypothetical scenario in which a sex offender might choose to identify as a woman. That an imaginary notion was elevated into a news item speaks to the entrenched anti-transness of British media."

Except the scenario Alessa says is "hypothetical" was actually real: In the U.K. several tranny males (men pretending to be women) have DEMANDED to be housed in womens' prisons.  And at least three of these have assaulted female prisoners..

Leftist: "NOOOooo, dat not real!  Dat not happen!  You lie!  You go now!"

Sorry, snowflake, it's real.  But leftist propagandists like Dominguez can claim it's "a hypothetical scenario" knowing that not one American will look into it.  So she'll get away with the lie.

Then Dominguez unloaded on author J.K. Rowling, who drew fire from leftists for daring to say there are only two genders, and it's biological.  

Dominguez goes on, wailing that  "US media covered her tweet as a controversy that implied there might be a real threat posed by trans self-determination."  No, bitch, you can declare yourself to be a baboon, or a golden retriever or a watermelon, and no one will object.  The problem is when you nazi morons of the Left DEMAND that cunning men be allowed to compete against women.  And that cunning men be allowed to be housed in female prisons--and THEN have the gall to complain that the solution is to "de-platform" conservatives!

Another example:  Dominguez claims mainstream publications "took the bait, uncritically platforming first-person pieces by white mothers and white athletes airing concerns about maybe having to compete against trans girls. The misinformation spread by cis athletes about hormonal or strength differences was ultimately debunked.

Note that Buzzfeed published this after a male swimmer at U.Penn demanded to compete as female, and promptly began winning races by 30 or 40 seconds.  So contra to Dominguez's lie, this was not at all "hypothetical."  And what about Alessa's horse-shit claim that "misinformation spread by cis athletes about hormonal or strength differences was ultimately debunked"?

It was an interview by NPR of a gay "consultant" who had no scientific credentials at ALL, yet had been paid by the NCAA and Olympic committee to support the desire of those bodies to let men compete as women.  Here's a representative sample of the anti-female, pro-tranny bullshit Dominguez and NPR consider "science" and "debunking:"

And there is really a long journey of athletes with gender variations [i.e. men claiming to be women] that are facing increasing rulings that are often discriminatory and not based on science. And they should inspire us to consider the full complexity of interpretation of data and cherish our more treasured values, which I would say in science is evidence, and of course embrace inclusivity.

If you don't believe there's an organized effort, by organizations like the NCAA, the IOC, NPR, the Womens' Law Center and many other organizations to FORCE every high school and college in the U.S. to allow men to compete as women, even though that would essentially end the concept of "womens' sports," you really need to read the NPR interview, to see the level of bullshit being described as "science."  Unless you read it yourself you simply can't believe this level of utter crap could be published with a straight face.

Where things stand now regarding duh virus, duh CDC, testing and quarantining

Let's see if I’ve got this straight:
    People who have been triple-jabbed with a potentially deadly so-called vaccine--that doesn’t actually keep them from being infected-- wait in long lines for hours to get a test that's been known for almost two years to give lots of false positives.

They take the notoriously unreliable test to find out if they've caught the latest scariant--because its symptoms are so minimal that without the test 99% of 'em would never know they'd been infected.

If the test is positive, they're ordered to quarantine themselves for ten days, because...wait for it..."The Science is Settled!"

Wait, make that five days.  What study said five days?  Uh...none, but who needs studies when you have smaht CDC hobbits who can arbitrarily set any number they want, eh?

Remember, "The Science is Settled," comrade!

This quarantine keeps asymptomatic people who've been diagnosed positive--by the unreliable test!--from spreading the virus to other "fully vaccinated” people--who wouldn’t need to be kept away from them if the “vaccine” actually worked.

On the one-in-a-thousand chance that an infected person does get symptoms, they go wait in line at the emergency room--where too many people with no symptoms at all, but a positive test (thus "a case") are clogging the system trying to get tested AGAIN, keeping the cycle going ad infinitum.

And if a symptomatic person does have the misfortune to be admitted to the supposedly healing halls of the hospital, they won’t receive ANY of the treatments known to work (ivermectin, HCQ), but will instead be injected with remdesivir--pushed hard by Lord Fauci--which has a very good probability of killing them or leaving them permanently damaged.

And as of midnight tonight, when the CDC's July order banning the flawed PCR test takes effect, "cases" will plummet, and the Media will wildly applaud biden and the Dems for "shutting down the virus."

Did I miss anything?

December 29, 2021

Madcow absolutely, totally ASSURES viewers that the vaxxed can't POSSIBLY transmit duh virus

Rachael Madcow perfectly typifies the Dem elites approach to the virus:  They don't know jack about viral replication or mutation, or the actual workings of the immune system, BUT...they're happy to parrot propaganda written by others, pontificating with seeming utter certainty about things still wildly unknown.

There's nothing wrong with looking at what's known at the moment and advancing a hypothesis that turns out to be wrong.  Happens all the time.  The damage is when a media company--in this case MSNBC but true for all of 'em--encourages their talking heads to spout an early hypothesis as if it was absolute truth.

It's likely that Madcow's smug, smirking, seemingly totally certain assurance that "People who are vaccinated cannot pass the virus to anyone else" was accepted as absolute truth by her viewers--as she intended.   

Dems before the steal: "I'd NEVER take 'Trump's vaccine, cuz...Trump. After the steal: "Everyone MUST take the jab!!


Conversation with a Democrat about whether the vaxxes produce immunity

Conservative: "I don't get it.  In the past, for something to be called a 'vaccine' it had to produce immunity from a disease in the person who took it.  But these millions of breakthrough cases show that whatever Pfizer and Moderna and J&J have produced don't produce immunity, so how can they be considered 'vaccines'?"

Democrat: "That's because the vaccines DO produce absolute, *total* immunity."

Conservative: "That's so obviously false.  How can you say the vaxxes make people immune to covid?"

Democrat: "Didn't say covid.  I'm talking about the manufacturers--who are immune from all legal liability.  So if your 25-year-old marathon-running wife or husband has a heart attack a day after taking the jab, or your precious 5-year-old who's forced to take the jab to go to school, there's not a damn thing you can do about it.  I'd say that's total immunity."

   "And when the Supreme Court upholds mandatory vaccination for everyone, you can try to delay as long as you can, but when our faaabulous Sec. of Transportation--the dreeeamy Pete B--orders that no one can fly unless they have a vax passport, what will you do?

   "Ah, y'say you'll just stop flying?  Okay, but the regime will just increase the pressure until you submit.  First, to keep your job you'll be forced to take a weekly test--at your own expense.  A year of those will set you back about $5,000.  Your kids' school will make 'em wear a mask and won't let 'em talk to other kids because their dad isn't vaccinated.  And how do you think you can make the school stop that, when every other parent is convinced your kid--even though vaxxed--might have gotten the virus and so is a danger to their kid?

    "Still holding out?  Biden's next "executive order"--which has the force of law--will be to ORDER hospitals not to admit unvaxxed people.  'State of Emergency, overriding danger to others.'  So if your wife or kids get sick with, say, appendicitis, hospitals won't treat 'em.  And you won't be able to sue the hospital cuz they were following biden's EO, right?

    "Still holding out?  In that case you're clearly guilty of 'reckless endangerment' to others.  Because it's your first offense they'll just throw you in jail for, say, 90 days.  But if you appeal or complain, they'll double it with the stroke of a pen.  Anyone who tries to post your treatment on social media will have their account deleted.  We'll only have to do that a few times before others get the message.

    "Think you can't be jailed for exercising what you think is your right to refuse the jab?  Tell us...before January 6th of 2021 would you have believed 100 American citizens could be held in a DC jail for a full year, without charges being filed, and without trial?  Yeah, didn't think you would.  And yet 45 or so are still there, locked in a tiny cell for 23 hours a day.  And the Media haven't said a word.  Republicans in congress are silent.  It's like they don't exist.

    "How long do you think they could be jailed before anyone took action to get them released?  Two years?  Five years?  Ten years?   No.  No one will act, just as no one will act to free you.

    "Still holding out?  Sounds like you're an 'extremist.'  And there's no punishment too harsh for 'extremists,' eh comrade?   How about ten years in a supermax prison?  When you get out your oldest daughter will already be married.  Your wife will have gotten a divorce and remarried.  Every American will have had a booster shot every year.  But our compassionate Democrat-ruled government will still give you a chance to apologize and take the jab, as you should have back in 2021.  Sucks to be you, eh?" 

    "We win.  You lose.  We will always win.  You and those who think like you will always lose.  Because we have the power, and are not afraid to use it.  Ever.

bidenfail regime ORDERS all cars sold in U.S. to AVERAGE 55 mpg--just 4 years from now. Or you'll pay a new tax.

An unfailing defining trait of dictators is that they issue orders without being the least bit concerned about how those orders will affect ordinary citizens.

That may strike you as odd, but it's true.  They don't have to be concerned because the rulers don't need the approval of their subjects, so they can issue any arbitrary order they wish, and subjects will obey or be punished--fined, jailed, beaten, even executed.

Example: Last Monday bidenfail's EPA ORDERED that just four years from now all new cars sold in this suffering nation that are NOT electric must average 55 miles per gallon.

In case you're curious, new cars sold today average 24.9 miles per gallon, meaning at a single stroke the rulers have ordered that average gas mileage be more than doubled.

If you know anything about the laws of physics and thermodynamics you already realize that the only way to achieve this would be if the average new car was made of plastic and weighed a third of what you're driving now.

This RULE will literally cause 10,000 extra deaths per year as plastic boxes collapse in crashes--but of course that won't matter to your rulers because they'll still be whisked around in the same big Lincolns and Cadillacs you see now.  Their families will still be able to buy normal SUVs.

Wait, you say, how will that be possible if those cars don't get 55 mpg?

The key is that word "average:" buried deep in the new EPA RULES for car makers is a provision that big, heavy, safe cars can still be sold even if they only get 20 mpg--but the car maker will have to pay a "gas-guzzler tax" if its overall sales don't average the stated 55 mpg.

And of course like all taxes, this tax on "gas-guzzlers" is passed on to consumers, making all cars more expensive.  Which is the point.

Like all Democrats, the Biden regime considers oil and gasoline eeeevil, so good Democrat rulers must end their use (except for government officials and the elites, obviously).

The administration will say their new RULE will save you money on gas.  Which is true in exactly the same sense that ordering everyone to live in an 800-square-foot apartment cuts your utility bills compared to a 2,500 sq ft home.  

Don't want to live in a hive?  But look at all the money you'll save on utility bills, peasant!

So just as Biden's order stopping construction of the Keystone pipeline and stopping leasing drilling rights offshore has caused the cost of gas to almost double in less than 12 months, this is another move to make life more expensive for us, while the elites are essentially unaffected.   

Small electric cars are fine— as commuter cars and cars for single people or even small (emphasis on small) families.  But they don't do the job for large families.  

There isn’t a single piston-powered car that meets the 55 mpg standard.  Consider what that implies about the reason JoHo's EPA issued this new RULE.  It's to make non-electric cars so costly that people will be forced to switch.

Of course the carmakers are ready to give you full-size electric cars--but they're a bit more expensive.  Like the new GM Hummer EV--base price $112k.  But it's got great range, because it has twice the battery of any other EV.  Weighs 10,000 lbs (literally), and each tire is expected to cost $500.  But it can go as far between charges as a gasoline-powered Honda Civic!

The point of the new EPA RULE is to make the gas-powered cars you love today so expensive that they'll be unaffordable for most people.  Yet according to EPA bureaucrat Michael Regan, “We are setting robust and rigorous standards that will aggressively reduce the pollution that is harming people and our planet — *and save families money at the same time.”*

So your car payment jumps from $400 per month to $800 per MONTH for a small EV, but you'll save $200 per month on gas, eh?  Seems t' me that you're actually seeing a net *loss* of $200 per month, eh?

Of course at the end of the 5-year battery life the EV's re-sale value will drop by $10,000 to $25,000, depending on size.  So an extra cost of $2,000 to $5,000 per year.  Gosh, do ya think the EPA has factored that into your "savings"?

The EPA said it expects its new rule to “unlock” over a TRILLION dollars in "net benefits."  Since you'll be paying a LOT more for transportation, those benefits must really be something, eh?  And here ya go:  They say it'll be by reducing "climate  change" and "improving public health,"

And they also claim the new, unreachable fuel-economy RULE will save between $413 billion and $947 billion through 2050 on fuel costs!  And that over the lifetime of the average 2026 vehicle, EPA estimates that the fuel savings will exceed the initial increase in vehicle costs by more than $1,000 for consumers!  Isn't that faaabulous, citizen!

Okay, I made up those numbers.  So did the EPA, and both sets are meaningless.  If I claim leaving fuel economy standards alone--just for Americans, mind you--would cause "climate change" damage of a TRILLION dollars, it makes the case for raising the standards.  But it's all speculation.  Horse shit.  They're just pulling these numbers out of their ass.

Hint: The new EPA rule is NOT about "saving you money on gas.”  It's total smokescreen, to make people who can't do math think they'll save money by buying electric.  And rich elites will be happy to pay an extra $5,000 tax on their SUV if they think it'll save the planet.

The EPA rule will reduce just one thing:  The number of piston-engine cars on the road.

Which is the entire point of the thing.

After Russia and China announce hypersonic missiles, Pentagon announces U.S. countermeasure: pronouns

Four days ago--and just five weeks after Russia announced a new hypersonic missile--the U.S. Air Force released its countermeasure:

Yep, the Pentagon issued a press release announcing an update to its writing guide, on how to announce the writer's pronouns in the signature block of memos, letters and emails.

Our intel sources report that on hearing the news both Putin and president Xi were almost speechless.  Putin reportedly said "We don't have anything even close to this level of wokeness."

Under-secretary of the Air Force Gina Ortiz-Jones (they/them) gushed, “An inclusive force is a mission-ready force"--a claim that brought smiles to the faces of reporters for Russia Today and the China Daily.  

No one bothered to ask what mission Ortiz-Jones meant the "inclusive force" was ready to accomplish.

Ortiz-Jones continued, "I’m thankful to the LGBTQ Initiatives Team for helping us realize this opportunity to be a more inclusive force.”  

The LGBTQ Initiatives Team--which insiders call "the LIT"--is part of the Pentagon's "Barrier Analysis Working Group."  It's one of the latest "initiatives" to "address barriers to service and promote a more inclusive culture."  Because according to our Secretary of Defense and the entire JoHo regime, embracing LGBTQ mandates is the most important thing our armed forces can do.  Much more "woke" than icky military stuff.

The "co-leader" of the "LIT Transgender Policy Team," Lt. Col Bree Fram, said “The change request (?) was "driven by awareness of a restrictive policy that was being used against transgender airmen who were authentically representing themselves."

The "restrictive policy" Colonel Bree is referring to is that under the icky, anti-tranny old rules, it wasn't thought necessary for letter writers to put their preferred pronouns in their signature block.

Can you IMAGINE?  How un-woke!  This made it possible for other service members to use the wrong pronouns when replying.

Wait...what's the implied sex or gender of the word "you"?  How about "your"?  Yeah, dat's what I thought.
But no matter that there was NO problem with actually addressing someone as "captain" or "colonel," the real damage was that a responder might not *realize* that the person they were responding to was actually a tranny.

As Colonel Bree put it, "many individuals were often confused as being a different gender in their communications.”  I'd say that's a reason to invoke DEFCON-3 status.

The press release went on to say that "This effort was led by the LIT, with support from the Pacific Islander/Asian American Community Team, and the Women’s Initiatives Team, other teams of the DAFBAWG."

Ah, the DAFBAWG.  That's an important acronym for wokie insiders.  "Department of the Air Force Barrier Analysis Working Group."

"Master Sgt. Jamie Hash, the other LIT Transgender Policy Team co-lead, explained that the explicit permission to use pronouns--*a practice now common in the civilian sector*--gets the DAF further down the road of explicitly acknowledging the existence and dignity of non-binary military members and civilians. This change eliminates confusion for people with non-Anglo/Western or gender-neutral names."

Note the use of "...a practice now common in the civilian sector."  Cuz it's important that our military adopt practices "common in the civilian sector," since that's where all the war-winning innovations are found.

Like putting the writer's preferred pronouns in the signature block.

I wonder how many millions of dollars in the so-called "defense budget" the wokies have forced to be spent on salaries and retirement for the thousands of "diversity specialists" the wokies have forced our armed forces to accept.

Wait, could this all be part of a huge psy-op to make our enemies think we're not serious about being able to defend ourselves?

You wish.


House passes a bill ordering establishment of a new government office tasked with banning "Islamophobia." Seriously

Led by the anti-American Muslim supremacist Ilhan Omar, the Democrat-controlled House has passed a bill she authored (H.R. 5665) that orders the State Department to establish an OFFICE charged with finding and eradicating blasphemy against Islam. 

Every Democrat congresswhore voted FOR the bill.  Not a single Republican voted for it.

What does that tell you?

(Low-info Dem supporter:  "It's obvious: Republicans are Islamophobic!  They're all h8ters!  They don't even support trans teachers in elementary schools, or teaching CRT!")

One of immediate reactions educated Americans have to this Democrat-rammed bill is that if it's passed by the Democrat-controlled senate and signed by Porridgebrain, it would become a LAW "respecting the establishment of a religion": Islam.  

For young Americans who've never been taught a single thing about the Constitution (once revered as the...what?), congress is specifically prohibited from passing any law "favoring the establishment of religion."

Bonus points if you know where in the Constitution that BAN is explicitly stated.

Omar's anti-blasphemy-against-Islam law further requires the new office to be responsible for determining if anything said or published constitutes “instances of propaganda” or “promotes racial hatred or incite acts of violence against Muslim people.”  

Wait...who gets to define "propaganda?"  Would the new office consider it "propaganda" if a blogger were to post a description of, say, the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 on NYC and the Pentagon?

You may note that the term ‘Islamophobia’ is never defined in the text of Omar's bill.  Think there's a reason for that?

Also, words such as ‘hatred’ and ‘propaganda’ are obviously subjective, so whoever is appointed to head the newly created office will be issuing binding RULES on whether any given statement qualifies as either "hatred" or "anti-Islamic propaganda."

This is a great chance to show Americans several things:
1. Crazy Democrats introduce crazy bills...and some of those become laws.  Just because a Democrat majority passed a law doesn't make it reasonable or good--let alone Constitutional.

2. The courts are supposed to be the nation's safety net, by overturning unconstitutional acts by demigogues and tyrants.  Outrageously, the courts are dominated by leftists and refuse to do the damn job.  So the safety net isn't working.

3.  Democrat politicians insist that Americans not be allowed to say absolutely true things about Islamic terrorism--despite the clear Constitutional guarantee that congress can't abridge the right of freedom of speech.  In other words, Dems don't give a damn about the Constitution.  That seems quite clearly to be treason, and an executable offense.

Click here to read the text of Omar's bill--which EVERY Democrat congresswhore voted for!

December 28, 2021

When rulers impose increasingly harsh rules, if they do it incrememtally, almost no one notices

There's a well-known principle in human psychology and behavior:  If a person's environment or rules imposed on them change slowly enough, years later everyone forgets how much things have changed. 

This is particularly noticeable when rulers impose gradually harsher conditions on their subjects.

And of course if schools or society doesn't teach kids history, young people automatically assume things are more or less the same as they've always been in terms of increasingly punitive condtions imposed by rulers.  How could they know otherwise?

So with this in mind, take a look at the evolution of the federal income tax, as shown below.  (No idea why this stopped in 2014; probably worse now, even after Trump's tax cuts!)  The top tax rate has gone from 7% in 1913 to almost 40% in 2014--and back in 1913 that whopping 7% rate didn't kick in until an American had an income of over $11 MILLION in today's dollars.  By contrast, in 2014 the nearly-40% tax kicks in at an income of $457,600.

But bad as those numbers are--and they should make every American sick--the "tell" is the last line: In 1913 the federal tax code consisted of 400 pages of tiny print.  Today the tax code fills 74,000 pages--still in that same small print.  People make seven-figure incomes advising the wealthy on how to take advantage of the tens of thousands of deductions corrupt congresswhores have slipped into the tax code to help them and their friends.  Hmmmm... 

How did we let this happen?  Simple: the bad people made the changes SLOWLY enough that barely 1/100th of one percent of Americans even noticed.  And the lying Mainstream Media--which should have been covering this, and blasting the corruptocrats--cheered every move by congress to take more money from working Americans and give it to...them, so they could bribe dumb Americans to vote for those same corruptocrats.

The Founding Fathers would be disgusted at how their magnificent creation has been corrupted, corroded, infected.  Destroyed.  It must surely rank was one of the greatest tragedies in all history.


December 24, 2021

Canadian court rules teachers don't have to take a math proficienc test, cuz judge agrees math is raaacist

The U.S. isn’t the only country where leftists are trying to destroy the education system.  

Students in Ontario scored below-average in math, so in an effort to improve those scores the provincial education system implemented a requirement that teachers demonstrate proficiency in math--a "Maths [sic] Proficiency Test."

Not surprisingly, leftists immediately sued, claiming that requiring teachers to pass a math proficiency test was raaaacist.

If a teacher failed the test, the education system allowed them to keep taking the test as many times as needed until they finally passed, so it's hard to imagine how requiring the test would harm a candidate, but the court ruled that simply requiring them to pass a proficiency test was racist.

So last Friday the superior court of Ontario, Canada, RULED that requiring teachers to pass the MPT was unconstitutional--claiming that it was unfair to non-white teacher candidates.

The logic was classic:  More blacks than whites failed the test, by a huge margin.  And according to the wokie nuts running Canada, anything that affects blacks more than whites--a "disparate impact"--must be raaacist and must therefore be banned.  In the name of "equity," of course.

Not surprisingly, every study finds there's a significant relationship between a teacher's licensure test scores and student achievement.  But no matter:  Ontario's students will be penalized with 20% of teachers not being proficient in math.  Academic standards be damned.

Given court decisions like this one, one wonders how long it will be before public schools do away with grades altogether, after some judge rules that requiring students to pass a test to graduate is racist.

A society that has succumbed to moonbattery--as both ours and Canada's have--cannot compete with a society that has not.  People who aren't math-proficient are unlikely to find anything unusual in a report that dozens of precincts in an election tallied more votes than the number of eligible voters in that precinct.

Weakness, incompetence and stupidity inevitably invite aggression from other nations.  Unfortunately by then it won't help to say "We told you this would happen."

Wonder if the Chinese will recognize all 28 wokie pronouns?

December 23, 2021

Fear sells. "The new variant is spreading incredibly fast--so fast we didn't have time to order tests!"

Your Democrat rulers are destroying freedom faster than I can post the examples.  If we had an honest, unbiased Mainstream Media that reported truth instead of sucking up to the regime, all this would end in three days.  But we don't, so the destruction continues.

Latest example: the regime's response to the scary "omicron variant."

The variant turns out to be about as dangerous as the common cold.  But you would NEVER know that by listening to the coverage by the Lying Mainstream Media.  Their focus is on the one aspect that will help the regime continue to crush ordinary Americans:  "

"It's far more contagious than delta!!!"  

But why would that be a scary concern if it's no more lethal than a cold?

Simple:  Americans equate positive tests with “cases.” And most Americans equate “cases” with “hospitalized.” So the reaction to huge increases in positive tests becomes “OMG, with all these new *cases* the hospitals will run out of ICU beds, and then grandmother will DIE! cuz no treatment rooms!”

Fear.  It sells newspapers, brings eyeballs to "news" shows and interviews.  And as intended, fear is spikes higher than positive covid tests.

Scared people will support ANYTHING--lockdowns, killing the economy, even firing NURSES because they won’t take the jab. (That’s astonishingly stupid, yet it’s already happened.) Firing defense workers for the same reason. Kicking troops out of the armed forces, same reason.

Yes, those policies are insane. Yet not a single Mainstream reporter has pointed out that a) the much-overhyped omicron scarient is FAR less lethal, and b) most cases are asymptomatic and never go to the hospital.  Look at the graphs (if you can find 'em, only on blogs, taken from government agencies that BURY those graphs so most people can't find 'em).  As “cases” go exponential, hospitalizations have stayed flat. 

The scam would be easy to grasp, IF ONLY a mainstream reporter would tell ’em (and the editor not spike that part).

The blatant fearmongering by government and their media supporters is so obvious that it looks like a bad movie plot. And yet we’re living it, thanks to corrupt, powermad Democrats running every level of the federal government.

And the fear leads to this:  a leftist who thinks anyone who refuses to take the vax should be SHOT.

Thanks, Democrats!

December 22, 2021

NY Times: "Teachers should tolerate bullying towards unvaxxed children" They actually published that

Further to my previous post, in which twatter user Lars demanded that anyone who refused the jab should be killed (yes, he really said that), consider the "opinion piece" below, published by the NY Times.

Just a few years ago the Left was wailing that "bullying" kids was the worst thing evah, and Must Not Be Tolerated A Moment Longer!!!!

Wow, how times have changed, eh?  Cuz now the Times is urging teachers to tolerate bullying of children!

Not just toward any children, of course--just the ones who deserve to be bullied.  And of course you already know which children the Times says should be bullied:

Can you even begin to imagine the SCREAMS of outrage from the Left if any Republican suggested teachers should "tolerate" a child being bullied by classmates for ANY reason?

Example number infinity of the double-standards of the Left:  "All manner of thing are awful if YOU do them, but not only fine if WE do 'em, but actually should be praised!  Cuz...reasons.

Oh, and for any liberal who sniffs and haughtily points out that this is NOT a position endorsed by either the Times or the Democrat party or the Left, cuz as anyone can see, it's clearly labeled "Opinion" right at the top."
Yeah, we saw that.  But unless you're new on the planet you've noticed that the Times NEVER prints "opinion pieces" they don't agree with.  Never.

Goofy, fascist, snowflake: "Unvaxxed who won't take the shot should be...shot." Think he's kidding?

When I first saw the twat below I thought it was satire.  Then I looked up the author, and he seems to be serious.  "Unvaccinated need to be rounded up and lined up in front of open trenches."  

Well Lars, do make sure you come try that in person instead of sending your hired thugs, cuz you shouldn't be deprived of the...full experience...of personally getting take part in what you've proposed, eh?.

I would have said this is un-f***ing-believable, even for today's Democrats--except it's all too common.

Democrat energy policy, coming soon

Democrats say they want to end gas- and diesel-fueled cars.  Think that's hyperbole?  The Dems who rule California have already passed a law banning the sale of such vehicles just 13 years from now.

They say "we" must do this to save the planet from "global warming."  When pressed, they say it's being caused by the dread pollutant carbon dioxide, emitted by piston-engined cars and trucks.

Which leads us to the photo below:  It's not a photoshop.  Clever people will recognize this as a government "rescue car" pulling a trailer carrying a gas or diesel-powered generator that will re-charge the gray electric car that has a dead battery.  And in a mere 90 minutes the dead car will have enough juice to get home.  Maybe.

But Dem politicians and strategists see this pic as the faaabulous future they have planned for you.


"Give me liberty or give me death! Well, unless there's a scary virus with a 99.8% survival rate...


Two-minute video of dozens of athletes and other young people dropping dead or unconscious. It's a mystery!

Click on this link to watch a two-minute vid of dozens and dozens of athletes and others suddenly going unconscious and dropping like a rock, for no visible reason.

It's bizarre.  They're from a huge range of countries, had no known disease, weren't poisoned.  Had only one thing in common.

Of course you already know.  But half of the nation won't admit they know.  And I don't care that they won't admit it.  You can't fix stupid.

Typical Democrat: 

"Dis not real!  You lie!  Dis all staged to fool duh peepo!  Fake headlines!  Besides, ev'ryone know young, fit athletes die alla time!  Lotsa 30-year old peepo drop dead ever day!  Dis vid don' prove nuttin'!  You jus' conspiracy freaks, don't trust duh experts like Lord Fauci!"

 H/T Citizen Free Press

How can employees of the executive branch be exempt from bidenfail's ORDER to take the jab?

YOU must take the jab, citizen.  But UNLIKE you, certain Americans are "exempt."  Yeah, we can understand congress and the judiciary, cuz the Constitutions says they're co-equal powers, but what about all those other exempt groups, eh?  The White House staff, and employees of the CDC, FDA, NIH and so on are sure as hell employed by the EXECUTIVE BRANCH, so that co-equal excuse doesn't apply.

And yet they're exempt from JoeHo's ORDER to us ordinary Americans.

You might want to ask your congresscreep to DEMAND an explanation from porridgebrain.  This is bullshit, and you know it, and they know it.

Imagine the screams of outrage from the Dems and Left if Trump had pulled this crap.


December 21, 2021

Sometimes a picture is worth...well it's an easy way to make a point


The constant bleat from Fauci, biden et al is that well, duh vax may not keep you from getting duh virus...and it it may not keep you from transmitting duh virus to others...but if you do get duh virus you won't get as sick, and definitely won't die.

Well, maybe a FEW vaxxed people will, but not many, and they won't be nearly as dead as if they hadn't gotten the vax.  Or something.

Wait, let's go back to that bit about "People who get the jab won't get as sick."

How do they KNOW that?  Seriously, I'd like to see some actual scientific papers on how they compared degrees of sickness between vaxxed and unvaxxed.  Cuz frankly, you government hacks have lied or been wrong SO OFTEN that lots of us don't believe anything you say.

And it also strikes me as interesting that no reporter has even now asked any CDC official about the huge success of inexpensive, readily-available ivermectin pills in Uttar Pradesh, India.  STILL, to this day, not a single question.  Guess you "journolists" are too busy cashing your checks, eh?

"Something approaching evil is on the move..."

The thoughts below are from a commenter on another blog.  Not sure how I feel about it, but interesting.

Something approaching evil is on the move

It hates you
It hates your children
It hates your success
It hates that you have a comfortable home
It hates your happiness
It hates that you use energy, which it wants for itself

It wants you servile
It wants you broken
It want you obedient
It wants you dead

You’d better choose a side

Two years ago I would have called these claims absurd.  Impossible.  But after 22 months of increasing government oppression--including ordering virtually all American workers to take the jab or be fired, and the imposition of the absurd "vax passport," these claims are beginning to seem plausible.

Eight headlines on CNN that show one government "expert" contradicting the one from two days earlier.

Further to the point of CNN's Chris Cillizza's encounter with cognitive dissonance (previous post here), here are eight headlines from his own damn network with one government "expert" contradicting the one two days earlier.  From "Vaxxed means you can't get it" to "Why vaccinated people dying from covid DOESN'T mean the vaccines are ineffective" !  All on Cillizza's own network.  And this is just a tiny sample.

 SO, Chris:  Still unclear on why you thought the vax was an actual "vaccine" instead of a tool to divide, oppress and extend government power?

CNN "fact checker" begins to experience "cognitive dissonance" as he starts to realize the Party Line was, um....

Chris Cillizza works at CNN, supposedly as a "fact checker."  He's about as good at this as the "fact checkers" for Fakebook and Twatter-- which is to say, "Facts are whatever we say they are, today."

Chris has faithfully toed the Party Line about "You MUST get vaxxed, and a booster!" from day one.  But yesterday it finally began to dawn on Chris that just maybe the vaccines didn't actually prevent the vaxxed from getting duh Chyna virus after all!  Even more shocking, he began to suspect that just maybe vaxxed people could still transmit duh virus to others!

See, Chris gets paid to "check facts," and he seems to have realized that there were a few hundred facts out there that he's been...overlooking.  Here are his words:
I've been thinking a lot about why the latest surge has hit me so hard and I think it's because I have been fooling myself -- to some extent -- for the last 18 months

I told myself that the reason to get vaccinated (and boosted) was a) to avoid serious illness if I got Covid and b) to keep myself from passing the virus along to my mom (and other more vulnerable people)

That was what all the experts said the vaccine did. It lessened our chances of severe infection, hospitalization and death.

Uh, Chris?  You might wanna do some actual, y'know, fact checking on that, because until September 1st of this year the CDC said a "vaccine" was something that "prevented people from catching a disease."  But when critics began to point out the huge number of "breakthrough cases" of the virus in vaxxed people, the CDC very quietly--even stealthily--changed the definition of a "vaccine."

So by the original, long-accepted definition, Fauci and the CDC and FDA were implicitly claiming the vax would keep you from getting the virus.  Not just "lessened our chances of severe infection."

But, deep down, I think I believed that being vaccinated (and boosted) would keep me from getting Covid-19 AT ALL.

Why? Not sure, honestly. But I spent the better part of a year waiting for a vaccine and doing everything I could to keep my family from getting the virus. It's hard to just turn that switch off.

I think that's why yesterday -- when it felt like every person I knew was either being diagnosed with Covid or had been exposed to it -- hit me so hard.

Because the reality is -- and has always been even if I didn't realize it -- that the vaccines don't, really, prevent you from getting the virus. Or, at least, they don't guarantee it won't happen.

He writes "Deep down, I think I believed that being vaccinated and boosted would keep me from getting Covid AT ALL."  But he says he's not sure why he believed that.  Gosh, Chrissy, evidently you never saw any of the dozens of times porridge-brain jabbed his finger at the cameras and growled "If you get the vaccine you can't get Covid."  I'm sure your own employer has footage of every time biden said it, but if they've deleted those I'd be happy to send you copies.  If you'd care to do any actual, y'know, "fact checking."

As many of you have probably already guessed, Chris's narrative shows him to be experiencing an unsettling, disorienting psychological process called "cognitive dissonance:"  It's when someone experiences something that contradicts a belief they've strongly held for awhile.  It's been compared to a mild state of shock.

In this case Chris claims he's "not sure" why he believed the vax would keep him (and everyone else) from getting the virus, but he actually does know--because he watched porridge-brain jab his finger and growl "If you get the vaccine you can't get Covid!"  And being a good Democrat, naturally he'd believe claims by the head of his Party.

Now the fun begins:  What do you think the odds are that Chris will realize the leaders of his party, and their agents (Fauci, Walensky, Francis Collins et al) are running a huge scam, and will suddenly go with the "new" experience?  Or will he defy his new information and stay with his role as a loyal apparatchik for the Dem party?

Anyone wanna bet?

H/T Ace of Spades.

Ooops! one office of CDC accidently admits cloth masks not even remotely effective against Chyna virus.

One of the problems with huge agencies pushing a scam is that often one office in the agency accidently lets the truth slip out without even realizing it.

Latest example: One office in the vast bureaucracy that is the CDC wanted to warn Americans about the health dangers of smoke from forest fires.  So they assembled a collection of pics of smoke particles and some other microscopic things, like a red blood cell.  And a bacterium.  The text warned that "cloth masks that are used to slow the spread of Covid, offer little protection against wildfire smoke.  They do NOT catch small particles found in smoke..."

But WAIT...what's that particle on the far left, to the left of the bacterium?  Hard to read the caption unless you blow up the original, but it's obviously FAR smaller than a smoke particle.  And the text said masks don't stop smoke particles.  So whatever it is, it would have no trouble getting thru a mask that won't stop smoke particles, right?

And it turns out to be...a coronavirus.

So thanks for admitting what those of us who know about micrometers and nanometers have been saying since the first days of the plandemic:  Masks do NOT work.

Typical Democrat: "You lie!  Dis not true!  Lord Fauci say mus' wear mask all time, cuz mask keep duh peepo safe from duh virus!  Lord Fauci nevah lie!  So YOU lie!  Dis pic not true!  You go now!"


Latest regime/Media scare tactic: "OMG, we're about to be hit with a 'viral blizzard!!!' "

Tucker Carlson is the best political analyst in the business.  Yesterday he noticed that the Usual Suspects have just coined a new scary term: "Viral blizzard!"  Watch the first 5 minutes of last night's show to see half a dozen 3-second video bites of talking heads on the Mainstream networks screaming this new scare phrase, designed to make Americans panic all over again.

"Viral blizzard" refers to the scary new "omicron variant" of duh Chyna virus.  All info so far is that this variant isn't nearly as lethal, but you'll never hear that from the Mainstream Media, cuz that wouldn't serve their purposes.

They want everyone to panic, so everyone will obey the orders of the Democrat party.

Note that as of today not a single American has died of omicron.  Yet if you get your news from the Mainstream Media you're convinced there's a "viral blizzard."  Of course you don't know exactly what that phrase means, but it's uttered in such somber, grave tones that you're sure it must be deadly.

Again, not a single American has died of omicron.  In fact, as far as can be determined, only one person in the entire world is known to have died from it.  The Media are trying to scare you, so you'll obey the orders of the biden*harris regime.  Which include getting booster shots every six months.  Fascist governments of other countries have already stated that "vaccine passports" won't be valid unless residents have gotten the booster shot, and biden has growled that Americans should get it, so it's only a matter of a couple of weeks before the same "vax pass revocation" will be policy here too.

You're all being played.  Yet half the country still believes a) vaxxed people can't get duh virus; and b) vaxxed don't spread the virus--only the unvaxxed can spread it; and c) the vax is, like, TOTALLY safe!

All three of those statements are false.


December 20, 2021

Leftists: "Health care is a basic human right!" "Except for the vaxxed, of course. In that case, no treatment for YOU!"

WAIT, until ten minutes ago the Left was CONSTANTLY screaming at us that "Health care is a basic human right!" eh?  Wow, that didn't last long!

Video of porridge-brain, Fauci, Walensky, Gates and other so-called "experts" spouting lies about duh wunnerful jab

 Click here for the vid (below is just a screenshot of porridge-brain).

Highlights:  Fauci: "They're really really good against variants!" 

And HEY, you need to believe 'em, cuz have they ever lied to you before?

When duh Chyna virus spikes, who gets blamed?

When covid spikes in red states, the Mainstream Media always blames mask-skeptical, vaccine-hesitant conservatives.

But when covid spikes in blue states (wait...dat not possible!), the Media unexpected spell of cold weather.  Wait, no...WARM weather.  Wait, which one is the right answer?  Okay, it's...God's fault.  

Wait...Dems don't believe in God.  Okay, it must be due to all dem conservatives absolutely flocking to New Yawk Seedy cuz of all duh faaabulous kultcha.  Yeh, dat's it.  New Yawk woulda not had no Chyna virus cases atall excep' fo' dem dumb conservatives who bees infectin' duh vaxxed peepo in New Yawk!

Yeh, dat's it!

And the REAL hoot is how many Democrats actually believe this shit.  Thanks, Media!


DC mayor ORDERS all residents who take home test for HIV to report duh results to duh DC Gestapo! Wait....

Muriel Bowser is the mayor of Washington DC.  She has now stamped her fat hooves and ORDERED all DC residents to report their HIV status to "DC metro Health Gestapo."

Oh wait...the Left would NEVER put up with THAT order, eh?  The gay mafia would sue her so fast it'd make your head spin.  So what she really did was ORDER residents who take a home test for duh Chyna virus to report their results to DC Metro Health Gestapo.

Oh yes, that's MUCH better, citizen!  G_d forbid any pol or gruberment bureaucrat would ever order gays to report their HIV status, but when it comes to duh Chyna virus, ev'ryting bees different!  Dis virus KILLS 0.01 percent of da peepo who get it, so we jus' havta ORDER everyone to report dere status, right?  An' if yo' don't, we t'row you in da prison wif' doze "insurrectionists" who done tried to overt'row our Dear Leader back in January!

I am truly surprised that Americans have put up with people like Bowser and her ilk, and orders like this, for 18 months now.  Maybe I could see a rationale for this crap if states like Florida had the highest caseloads, and the Dem-ruled, must-show-vax-passport to stick your head outside states--the shithole Democrat-ruled states like NY and Cali and New Jersey--had microscopic cases, but DAT AIN'T WHAT WE'RE SEEING, eh?

Fauci lies.  Rochelle Walensky lies.  The dimwit who's retiring as head of the NIH--Francis something--lies.  Not a single one know fuck-all about what they're doing, as evidenced by their many MANY contradictory ORDERS.

F 'em.  Oh, and that nasty, stupid piece of crap Muriel Bowser too.

California pols pushed "Prop 47" to avoid having to build more prison space. It worked just like you'd have thought

Back in 2014, inmates in California prisons got together with cunning leftist lawfare experts and sued the state for "overcrowded prisons."  As you already guessed, a corrupt federal judge ruled for the convicts and ORDERED the state to reduce "overcrowding."

This left the state's Democrat politicians with two choices:  They could build more prisons, or simply release inmates early.

If you're over 25 or so, you won't be surprised to learn that the corrupt pols chose Plan B.  Some pols simply wanted criminals to do even more damage to the lives of peaceful citizens than they already had, while others simply wanted to spend tax dollars on stuff that would put more money into their campaigns instead of on building more prisons.

Some pols realized that refusing to build more prisons would mean that to avoid more overcrowding, the state would have to reduce the number of newly-sentenced convicts to no more than the number released every year.  But with a growing population--especially the exploding number of illegal aliens in the drug and theft business--that meant they could only sentence a fraction of known, convicted offenders to prison.

So the cunning pols quickly introduced a state referendum, "Proposition 47"-- cleverly titled the "Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act."  

Nice title, eh?  I mean, who wouldn't vote for "Safe Neighborhoods and Schools," right?

Unfortunately for Cali's citizens, not a single word in Prop 47 was designed to actually reduce crime.  Instead, the act simply increased the level of theft or violence a thug could commit before it would result in a prison sentence.

For example, drug use was no longer punishable by jail time.  Same with theft of property valued at less than $950, or breaking into a car.  

Of course the huge pool of muggers, thieves, robbers and druggies in the state LOVED the proposition, and the *reported* vote showed 58% of Californians voted for the proposition.  My guess is that not one percent of those voters actually read the text of the act.  Instead, all the druggies and thieves eagerly voted yes, and the rest of the population relied on ads and propaganda from Lying Mainstream Media outlets to tell them that the measure would make them safer, when of course the exact opposite was true.

Such is the state of today's biden*harris*, Democrat-ruled America.

Prop 47 also allowed anyone already in in prison to petition for early release.  Not surprisingly, almost every prisoner did just that, with the result that about 10,000 state prisoners were released by the state, and thousands more from city and county jails.

An additional 15,000 were expected to be released as the state closed five correctional facilities.  Save lotsa money, see.

Drugs and gangs being as profitable as they are, I suspect 90% of the thugs who were released before they'd served their sentences went right back to their old habits--which were now more profitable because you could steal up to $950 without any fear of prosecution.

But wait!  It gets worse.

Facing a flood of at least 25,000 newly-released crooks, voters in LA and San Francisco elected district attorneys backed by George Soros.  In SF it was Chese Boudin, son of two convicted Weather Underground bombers who served time for murdering two police officers.  In LA it was George Gascon, born in communist Havana, Cuba.

Rather than prosecute criminals, both men announced they wouldn't even prosecute a host of crimes.  Of course the laws defining those crimes were still on the books, but both prosecutors issued their diktats anyway.  Because really, does a progressive society actually *need* to enforce silly laws?

No doubt many of you will be surprised to learn that a person raised by people determined to destroy our society isn't particularly interested in defending it.  Both Boudin and Gascon, like many other leftist DAs in other cities, have simply stopped prosecuting criminals from favored classes.

Now you might think these insane changes--Prop 47, releasing thugs and refusing to prosecute a host of crimes--would result in an explosion of crime.  But surprisingly...

Just kidding.  The changes had exactly the result anyone with an IQ above a turnip could easily have predicted.  It was clear to anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of human nature (something clearly beyond the understanding of Democrats): Drug use in California has skyrocketed.  Drugged-out junkies cover the floors of BART train stations.  San Francisco collects half a million used syringes from gutters and sidewalks each year.  Prop 47 has at least made junkies happier.

With the passage of Prop 47 theft has become big business in California.  Even before Prop 47 passed, the average shoplifter was only caught once for every 48 thefts.  Now gangs of looters walk into upscale stores any time of day, smash display cases, grab as much as they can carry and run out.  Virtually all stores order employees not to try to stop the smug, brazen thieves.  

And here's the kicker:  Because store managers know the DA's won't prosecute thieves even when surveillance cameras have high-resolution photos of the perps, many stores don't even bother reporting the thefts to the cops.

Whether the thieves are gangs or druggies strung out on heroin or fentanyl, they’re clearly smarter than Californians who voted for Prop 47.

Knowing that California DA's won't prosecute low-level criminals anyway, police have stopped arresting all but the most violent criminals.  Ironically, the decline in the number of reported crimes and arrests has allowed cunning Democrat pols to claim crime is actually down, even though everyone with an IQ over 70 knows that's a lie.  

Why would cops bother catching a crook only to see the crook released with what amounts to a traffic ticket?  Why not just avoid the pointless work?

The scary thing is, surely at least a few of the morally-bankrupt liberal Democrats who've ruled the state legislature for 50 years had to realize this was exactly what would happen when they put Prop 47 up for a vote.  But they did it anyway.

H/T John Green at American Thinker

Insane, tyrannical judge sentences female coffee shop owner to 90 days in jail for staying open

Wanna see what total misery unhinged, dictatorial, autocratic Democrat assholes are already inflicting on ordinary citizens for violating insane lockdown orders by dictatorial Democrat governors?

Actually you don't, cuz unless you're a Democrat it'll make your blood-pressure go up.  But you need to see what they're doing.

Like the governors of virtually all Democrat-ruled states, when da Chyna virus hit, the demented governor of Minnesota (Tim Walz) ordered all restaurants closed.  One owner of a coffee shop defied that order.

Now a shit-head, autocrat judge has sentenced that owner to 90 days in jail, and a $1,000 fine.

That's crazy enough, but even crazier is the arrogant way the judge berated the owner, sentencing her to far more jail time than the idiot prosecutor recommended.

All the charges against the owner were misdemeanors.  Normally a misdemeanor is like speeding or littering--doesn't warrant jail time.  But this judge said he wanted to "teach her a lesson."

The verdict of guilty was straightforward.  The city prosecutor recommended 10 days in jail and a $500 fine – AND the added, gratuitous thumb in the eye of ordering the owner not to hold a farewell celebration that local supporters had planned for her.  (What conceivable legal authority allows THAT ORDER?)

The prosecutor told the judge that the owner believes the law does not apply to her and was an ongoing public safety risk, she said.  She objected to the prosecutor's claim that she was a public safety risk.

The judge told the owner “You were a public risk because you kept your business open.”  He said the owner "took advantage of the COVID-19 restaurant shutdowns by being the only store open." “You just wanted to make money during a global pandemic,” he sneered.

The clearly angry judge told the restaurant owner he was going to teach her a lesson. “You don’t want to recognize our law.  I will send a message to the community that executive orders are law.”  He then sentenced the owner to the 90 days in jail--80 days MORE than the city prosecutor had recommended--, and fined her $1,000.

When Hanson asked for a more detailed explanation of  the sentencing the judge said “You’re your own counsel, so figure it out.”

Hanson has yet to be tried for the remaining three misdemeanors, two additional counts of violating emergency orders, and one count of public nuisance. Hanson could spend up to nine months in jail and be fined an additional $3,000 for those charges.

As Hanson was led away by deputies following the sentencing, she raised her hand and stated, “Liberty and freedom.”

The case is Melissa Hanson v. the State of Minnesota, No. 24-CR-21-137 in Freeborn County District Court, Minnesota. 

There's only one remedy for this sort of judicial tyranny.  The Founders knew it.  We've forgotten it.

"Me? Take a 'cognitive ability' test? Why would I wanna do that?"


"Liberal accountability"


Leftist racist tries to re-write history, gets called out in the Washington Post

Morons on the Left are praised and rewarded for re-writing history to support a Leftist agenda.  Case in point:  the rantings of racist Nikole Hannah-Jones, who led the NY Times' "1619 Project" claiming that the U.S. was actually founded in 1619 instead of 1776.  More recently she's claimed that the Revolutionary War was actually started after slave-owning colonists were angered by a British offer to free blacks who fled and joined British forces.

Now columnist George Will has taken on Hannah-Jones in the pages of the WaPo.  Will is something of a historian, and quickly saw that Hannah-Jones's had simply ignored the clear historical record.  That is, she'd re-written history:

So, Hanna-Jones claims the war of independence began in November of 1775, after the British offered freedom to Blacks who fled slavery and joined British forces.  If any of you learned about the war of independence in school, do you recall reading about the battles of Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill?  Would you say that those battles meant the war was on by the first one?

While the Brits did indeed make the clever offer in November of 1775 to free slaves who would join their ranks, propagandist Hannah-Jones overlooks many punitive acts and lethal fights that occurred before that date: 

So by November of 1775--the date Hannah-Jones claims started the Revolutionary War--that war was already well underway--something that even a cursory fact-checking attempt would have shown.

But if her claim that our war of independence was caused by that clever British offer could so easily be shown false, why would she make that claim?

My guess is she didn't know the actual chronology, and made no effort to learn it, since actual history shows her claim to be utterly false.

But having watched communists write propaganda for decades, there's another equally plausible possibility:  She did research the history but chose to ignore it, confident no one would call her on it.

Propagandists like Hannah-Jones know they can get away with brazenly, totally re-writing history to their advantage because no one in the Mainstream Media will call them on it, and few Americans actually know the history the Left is lying about.

(For the benefit of young readers and Democrats not familiar with logic:  For event A to rationally be claimed as causing event B, event A had to happen before event B.  But in this case the British offer was only made after the war had been underway for seven months.)

H/T Legal Insurrection.

Dems' "social infrastructure" bribe is SUCH a great deal, eh? Free money for everyone!

Say, citizen, that massive, $3 TRILLION "social infrastructure bill" is really great, eh?

It's got everything a good Democrat wants: free stuff, billions for "green new deal" programs, billions for Democrat-ruled cities disguised as "housing for da homeless" and so on.

Worried that going this much farther into debt will cause inflation?  Don't worry, citizen, cuz Dem leaders have assured you that the largest expansion of the welfare state since Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" is actually DEflationary! And you can trust Democrat pols, cuz...reasons.

Democrat congresscreeps no longer need to worry about how to explain to voters that printing trillions of dollars in new money for a leftist wishlist really, REALLY won't worsen skyrocketing prices in grocery stores across the country, because the Media is doing that work for 'em. 

They also no longer have to worry about trying to explain why they voted to include massive tax cuts for the wealthy in the faaabulous "social infrastructure" bill, cuz voters have no idea that the bill does that, and the Mainstream Media won't tell 'em.  Plus, people like Pelosi and Schumer have repeatedly bleated that if this bill doesn't pass, it will mean the end of the world due to Global Warming, so how can anyone object to the thing, eh?


When a city beats its previous murder record by sixty percent, what does it tell you?

Louisville, Kentucky

Homicides in 2021: At least 179.

Previous record: 111 

Democrats: "Dis all Trump's fault!  Or maybe Global Warming!  Or duh Chyna virus!  Yeh, dat's it!"

When a city has just one or two more murders than the previous record, that's not necessarily a sign of serious trouble.  But when a city has SIXTY PERCENT more murders in a year than the prior record, that should tell you something.

Now you can argue about what it's telling us.  But you'd be fools to ignore it.

Democrats:  "This is just an anomaly, like the smash-and-grab mobs in San Francisco.  Means nothing.  Nothing to be concerned about.  Everything's fine, normal.  Probably a computer error.  Yeh, dat's it!  Nothing to see here, citizens."


January 20th, 2021

January 20th, 2021:  Democrat celebration day

The press went back to sleep
after four years of moral outrage
congratulating themselves for getting rid of Trump.

They could finally relax, and go back to
giving loving tongue baths to regime apparatchiks
by asking pre-screened softball questions
and complimenting the rulers on how well they're ruling.

Now eleven months later
when everything has gone to hell
--utterly predictably--
the question on every "journalist's" lips is:
How can we help Dear Leader pass his 3-trillion-dollar voter bribe
to keep the Republicans from winning seats in the midterm elections?

Democrat-ruled NYC council bans use of natural gas in new construction, punishing residents. Council: "Huh?"

You already know you're being ruled by corrupt idiots, but you rarely see such a clear example as what happened last week in New York City.

The leftist/socialist morons on the city council passed a city ordinance banning the use of natural gas in most new construction.  Their new RULE forces all future construction to use electricity for stoves, heating buildings and water heaters.

They did that because they claim banning gas will "substantially slash greenhouse-gas emissions" that they think are causing global warming.  Since leftists totally believe that CO2 is causing the planet to warm, this allows the council members to signal their virtue to their base.  "We CARE about the Earth, so keep electing us!"

The council members have no idea what their dumb-ass vote will really do.  They relied on a report from a corrupt leftist "think-tank," so there's no need for them to actually understand any of the icky *numbers* or actual science here.  It's all about virtue-signalling and *feeewings.*  So let me explain how this astonishingly dumb RULE will hurt residents of NYC--most of whom will richly deserve it for electing the communist Democrats in the first place.

The ban will trigger several problems, all of which will be painful for city residents.  First, the energy supplied by natural gas will have to be replaced by electricity.  And where does that electricity come from?  In NYC it's 29% nuclear, 11% hydroelectric, and the rest--60%--from either...natural gas or coal.

Dumb-as-a-rock city council member: "SEE, we can replace icky, planet-killing gas with wonderful nuclear and hydro!  We'll be saving the planet!  Yay me!"

Uh, no.  In case you haven't noticed, all the useful hydro sites within 600 miles of NYC are already dammed and being used.  No more expansion there.  And if you think the leftist enviroweenies will allow any more nukes to be built, you're nuts.  In fact the leftists are forcing nuclear powerplants to be shut down, claiming they're unsafe.

So if NYC can't get any more electricity from nuclear or hydro, where do the council morons think the extra electricity will come from to replace the energy currently supplied by natural gas, eh?  

"Um...uh...Think-tank guys say don't worry about that!  Think-tank say electricity reduce deadly CO2 emissions, save planet, get us reelected, so that's the overriding goal!  Cuz we CARE about the planet!"

Actually the heating energy from directly burning gas on-site will be replaced by burning gas 80 miles away to make electricity.  So no reduction in CO2 at all.

In fact, the new order will end up producing MORE CO2.  Dem council member: "You lie!  We smaht, you not smaht!  We have think-tank!  You no have think-tank.  They smaht!"

Really, sparky?  Consider this: when you burn gas on-site to, say, heat a building, most of the energy in the gas is used to heat the building.  But despite the best engineering, when gas is used to generate electricity, only about 40% of the energy in the gas turns into electrical energy.  Another ten percent of the energy is lost transmitting the electricity from the generating plant to the user.

Dem council member: "Wait...we'll use SOLAR!  Yeh, dat's it!  So there!  We smaht!"

Really?  NY has lots of cloudy days, when solar doesn't produce much energy.  So how do you plan to heat those buildings and get hot water when it's cloudy, eh?

Dem: "Think-tank will tell us!  Cuz dey mus' know all 'bout cloudy days."

Really?  Well when they tell you the solution, do post it on the internet, cuz we're all waiting to hear it.

Finally: While it's possible to heat homes and buildings with electric "heat pumps" with decent efficiency, those devices can't produce the temperatures needed for stoves or hot water.  The only way to get those high temps is "resistance heating."  When you do that, the cost per "megajoule" (a standard unit of heat) of heat is about $38 for electricity, compared to $19 or so for gas.  So when it comes to heat for cooking or hot water, electricity is twice as expensive per MJ.

This is why the cunning rat-bastard commies of the city council specifically exempted hospitals, commercial kitchens and laundromats from their ORDER, since those places use so much heat, so their energy costs would essentially double.

So guess who *won't* be exempt:  People who build office buildings or new homes.  So for new homes or commercial buildings, take your monthly gas bill, double it and add it to your electricity bill.  In other words, you'll be paying a lot more for the same result.

Neat, eh?

Think the rat-bastards knew this?  Who knows, but you can be sure that if they did, they didn't care.  Cuz "We CARE about saving the planet from dat AWFUL CO2, citizen!"

Here's how well the spinmeisters cover for each other: When CNBC--a leftist shithole--reported this story, they didn't say a word about the effect on energy costs.  Quite the contrary, they said "Residents who currently have gas stoves and heaters in their homes will not be impacted unless they relocate to a new building."

Really?  Consider this: If the demand for electricity goes way up (to replace gas), with no new sources of electricity, what do you think that will do to the *price* of electricity?

Council member: "Huh?  Wha..?  Dere wouldn't be no change, dummy!  Stuff costs what it costs, don' mattah if yew use a lot or a li'l.  Gosh, yew engineers are so dumb!"

Ah, I see.  Obviously you've never heard about "the law of supply and demand."

But CNBC assures us that forcing electricity use to increase significantly won't cause any shortages, because...wait for it...Dem pols have passed a LAW making this unpossible.

That's right.  CNBC *assures* NYC residents that "Today’s ban will likely push forward a New York state *requirement* to obtain 70% of its electricity from renewable sources like solar, wind and water power by 2030."

Hmm... today the city gets 29% of its electricity from nuclear, 11% from hydro, for a total of 40%.  The pols wanna increase the percentage of electricity from what CNBC calls "renewable sources" to 70% in just 8 years--with no new hydro sources being available.  That means getting TWICE as much from nuclear plants.  (And just for the record, nuclear fuel isn't "renewable energy.")

But the greenies are shutting down those plants, and blocking anyone from building new ones.  So how the hell do you think that's gonna work, eh?

This is what you're up against, folks: morons, bleating and issuing orders.