October 31, 2023

biden's "border patrol" uses front-loader to lift razor wire at Rio Grande to allow invaders in

You're not gonna believe this.  You may have heard that Texas state troopers have rolled out "concertina wire" along our side of the river to discourage invaders from crossing, right?

So what did biden's White House handlers do?  They ordered laughably misnamed "Border Patrol" agents to CUT THE RAZOR WIRE and welcome the invaders in, so they can be flown to interior U.S. cities at taxpayer expense.

Texas responded by suing the biden regime in federal court to prevent the "Border Patrol" from cutting the wire.  And a federal judge has issued a temporary injunction granting that request.

So if that's not already unbelievable enough, here's the topper: yesterday the Border Patrol--well aware of the judge's injunction saying "You are not allowed to cut the wire"--drove a fucking FRONT-LOADER to the river and used its bucket to raise the wire, allowing 300 illegals to quickly run under the wire.  The "border patrol" promptly put 'em in buses and took em to the release point.

This is the textbook definition of lawlessness.  The regime quibbles that "We din' CUT duh wire, so we iz, like, TOTALLY complying with the law!"  It's as if, after a judge ordered an abusive husband not to have any contact with his battered wife, he hits her in the head with a bottle and then bleats "I didn't have contact with her, the rock did!"

biden and the Dems aren't just letting every illegal invader waltz into the U.S., they're actively blocking a border state from defending itself.

Sheer, brazen lawlessness.  And Democrats: your kids are seeing this and taking notes.  Since you voted this lawless rat-bastard in (and his moronic VP, and all the trannies and homosexuals and assorted wackos), you obviously wanted this.  Hope you're proud of yourselves.


How many liberals does it take to fix a problem?


biden/garland/mayorkas: "Duh border is, like, TOTALLY secure!!" Liars!

Mayorkas and biden: "Duh border is mo' secure den EVAH!"

Reality: Watch this, citizens.  Still believe their lie that "The border is, like, TOTALLY secure"?   The biden/garland regime is allowing EVERYONE to enter and remain in the U.S. forever.

But DO vote Democrat next year, cuz "DIEversity is our strength," right?


October 30, 2023

DIE-versity: the sales pitch, vs. the reality


Graph shows NOT just size of U.S. debt but also *how much faster it's increasing*

The graph below shows U.S. debt from just before 1988 to July 1 of 2021.  If you study it you'll see that in 1988 it took 12 years to add $3 TRILLION to the national debt.


On January 20, 2021--the day biden was installed as "preznit,"--the national debt was about $27 trillion.

Today the national debt is $33.6 TRILLION.  So it's risen by $6.6 TRILLION in less than three years.

For the math-phobic that's a little over $2.2 TRILLION per YEAR.  The federal government is now adding debt NINE TIMES FASTER than in 1988.

Is there a single rational person who believes this is sustainable?  And certainly this isn't just the fault of Democrats: congress keeps passing LAWS to give away more free shit to voters--i.e. to bribe voters to keep electing 'em.  A small handful of congress-critters try to rein in gruberment spending, but they're always defeated by the majority, who know that voters love free shit.

Democrat "elite" policy-maker:  "You dumb deplorable!  You can see that even though the debt has gone from $3 trillion to--something--nothing bad has happened to us.  So nothing ever will!  And you're deluded and stupid and dangerous to get people worried about dis!  We may have to arrest you for 'spreading disinformation'!  That'll teach ya!  See, we'll label anything you say that we don't like as disinformation."

October 29, 2023

biden regime borrowed half a TRILLION in just the first 3 weeks of this month

With all the chaos around the world today, few noticed that biden's Treasury Department quietly admitted that the federal deficit for fiscal year 2023 was $1.7 trillion--a staggering 23 percent higher than the previous year.

Democrat: "Whut?  Hey, dat don' mean nuffin'!  Prolly not even true!  Yeh, dat it!  Disinformation!"

Take a wild guess how much we had to pay just as interest on our $33.5 TRILLION federal debt in FY23.  $879 BILLION, which is $100 billion MORE than our entire defense budget.  And brace yourself, cuz it's about to get a LOT worse. 

Of course you don't believe any of what you just read, because you didn't read it in the NY Times or WaPo, nor see it on the alphabet networks.  The Media hasn't told you, and you can't be bothered to do the tiny bit of research yourself, cuz why would you if you didn't suspect a problem?

In FY23--which ended September 30th--biden's experts in the Treasury Department predicted federal revenue would be $5 trillion--cuz, see, duh economy wuz BOOMING, right?  Oh sure, some right-wing extremists posted hours of cell-phone video of prime real estate in downtown San Francisco showing only one store open in six entire city blocks, but dat prolly fake newz, eh?

Well turns out the economy wasn't "booming" quite like the experts thought, so the revenue forecasts were just a bit...optimistic:  Actual revenue was $4.4 trillion.  But hey, only off by $600 Billion, so close enough, right?

But the huge, economy-wrecking bomb was that the biden regime spent a staggering $6.1 trillion in FY23--$1.7 Trillion more than it took in.

Democrat: "Deez numbers don't mean nuffin!  All good, woke pipo know numberz jus' a "tool of white oppression" an' don' mean squat, cuz maff beez raaaacist!"

Government spending is 38 percent higher than before duh plandemic.  Given that, how could the biden regime have recently bragged that the deficit is $1 trillion lower than when Biden took office, eh?

That's because the government spent vast amounts in 2020 to keep Americans from starving and losing their homes after every small business was shut down ("locked down") by power-mad Dem governors.

That unprecedented spending in 2020 should have been a one-time emergency, but when it ended, the Biden regime replaced the vast "emergency spending" with the Democrats' social agenda, making $6-trillion budgets the new baseline.

Worse yet, the $1.7-trillion deficit in FY23 was really a $2-trillion deficit.  The regime claims it was cut by $300 billion because the Supreme Court ruled that biden’s "student loan forgiveness" scheme was unconstitutional.

So that helped, right?  Nah, the biden regime  simply re-labeled the "loan forgiveness" scheme under a different title, and is now spending more than the previous estimate!  So note well: the Supreme Court said "Unconstitutional."  The regime said "fuck you, we're gonna do it anyway."

See, Democrats say they're all about "duh rule of Law"!

But wait...if the biden regime "only" spent a mere $1.7 TRILLION more than it took in in taxes and fees, why did the Treasury borrow $500 billion (for Democrats, that's half a TRILLION dollars) in just the first three weeks of the current fiscal year, eh?

Wait, y'say you nevah heard about dat?

Of course you didn't, sparky.  Cuz duh Mainstream Media din' want you to know.  Cuz dat might do two things they don't want: a) spook the stock market; and b) cost the Dems a few million votes as a few Americans woke up!  Can't have either of those, right?

Here's duh reason for the unprecedented borrowing:  As federal "notes" ("T-bills") issued a decade ago to borrow money then come due today, the government doesn't have the money to pay 'em off, so it simply borrows more money to pay off ("roll over") the older debt.  Got it?

Problem is, since Porridgebrain was installed, interest rates have risen wildly as the Federal Reserve tried to reduce record inflation--ironically caused by the regime printing too much money.  So as new debt at roughly 5% interest replaced 2% notes from a decade earlier, interest costs are starting to explode, and are now $100 BILLION more than the entire defense budget.

And that was last FY.  In the coming FY the government will have to pay over a TRILLION dollars just in interest on the nation's $33.5 TRILLION debt.

If you quickly realized this is obviously unsustainable, congratulations:  you're smarter than most of the congress and the regime.  But instead of trying to cut spending, the biden regime is doubling down, promising ever more government spending, with trillion-dollar-plus deficits forever.  And finally the financial markets are starting to wake up to the fact that even if the regime magically stopped spending more than it took in, interest payments would keep rising due to higher interest rates.

If you know recent history, you may recall that we've seen this happen to other countries in the last 30 years, and it's ugly.  You think the gruberment will stop spending a trillion more than it takes in, just because other nations will no longer loan us money?  I want some of what you're smokin'!  Politicians won't do any such thing, ever!

Instead they'll simply print trillions of dollars of paper currency so they can keep handing it out to voters.  And what do ya think that'll do, eh?

We actually know: If just small, it causes inflation.  If huge, it causes hyperinflation, which utterly destroys the value of all savings.

Of course if you're like most Americans you don't believe that.  So take a look at, say, Venezuela:  Until 1980 or so it had the highest per-person GNP in all of Latin America, but then because the socialist government started printing huge amounts of paper money, they got inflation of 10,000 percent per year.

That's not a typo.  Literally, 10,000 percent per year in some years.  Prices were tripling every month.

That wiped out all savings, because exponentially rising prices made saved money worthless in a single week.  A month's wages, a month later, would buy two eggs.  Not two hundred, or two dozen.  Two.  

Rising interest costs--rising exponentially--will eventually destroy the U.S. economy--and surprisingly quickly.

SO...with this as background, how do ya think the Treasury Department recently described the economy in its annual report, eh?

Why, as proof that "bidenomics" was absolutely faaaabulous, of course!  Dey say it "building the economy from the middle out and bottom up."

Seriously, they wrote that.

Since Biden took office the monthly mortgage payment on a median price home has more than doubled.  Forecasts are that it will cost the average family 25 percent more to heat their home this winter.  Rents are at record highs.  Credit-card debt--at staggering 18% interest rates--is at a record $1 trillion.  Great for banks, fatal for impoverished consumers.

But if you believe the regime, and their corrupt supporters in the Mainstream Media, the economy is absolutely BOOMING!  And those numbers you might have seen about the U.S. having to pay record high interest on the national debt?  Mere "disinformation," citizen.

"Trust us," say the Democrat-fellating Media propagandists.  "After all, we've never lied to you before, eh?"



October 28, 2023

Dem fixer--biden's "climate czar"--secretly met with CEO of EV maker wanting taxpayer money

In September of last year biden appointed long-time Democrat fixer John Podesta--Hilliary's campaign manager back in 2016--to head the biden/garland regime's "Office of Clean Energy Innovation."  Podesta's main task was to award $350 BILLION in taxpayer funds in loans and grants for so-called "green energy" projects.

Turns out White House logs show that way back in June, Podesta quietly met with the CEO and top execs of an electric vehicle maker called Rivian that relies heavily on taxpayer handouts and has lost well over ten billion dollars.

Surprisingly, since the White House and the Media love EVs, that meeting was never reported, and neither the biden regime nor the company responded to questions about it.  That tells you everything you need to know.

To understand what's up, consider that biden's and the Dems' much-touted bullshit LAW jokingly called the Inflation Reduction Act gave the regime $350 BILLION to fund so-called "green energy" projects.  And the guy who solely decides which companies will get those billions is...Podesta.  Which explains why Rivian and other failing green energy companies are eager to meet with him.  Gotta get their nose in the pipeline.

The scheme of "loaning" billions to Democrat party supporters was perfected by the nation's first black preznit--Hussein Obozo--who directed his department of "energy" to loan a few billion dollars to so-called "green energy companies."  In most cases those companies promptly went bankrupt.  In one case (Solyndra), days after the company got a half-BILLION-dollar "loan guarantee" from the Obozo regime, its execs gave themselves huge bonuses and a week later declared bankruptcy!  

And the Media shrugged.  "Nuffin' to see here, rubes!  All perfectly legal!"

Of course the Democrats know not a single American remembers any of that, so they're free to start the same scam again.  And have.

The Media will slobber over the massive grants and "loans" awarded by Podesta, assuring voters that they're "an investment in saving the planet from Global Warming," and Dem voters will swoon.  But in fact the loans and grants are just another example of corrupt government paying off people who fund their campaigns.

The Department of Energy's own Inspector General warned that the billions of dollars the IRA authorized to be spent on grants and loans for "green energy" projects was ripe for abuse.  She described it as "creating an unprecedented risk."

So is Rivian a great company to pour taxpayer dollars into?  The company was founded in 2009 and has not only never made a profit, it's lost billions:  An even billion in 2020, then went public in 2021.  Sucked up billions in the IPO and that year lost another $4.7 Billion.  Last year it lost a staggering $6.8 Billion.

The company's stock has dropped over 87% since its initial public offering in late 2021.  But it's really a great place to put taxpayer dollars, right?

While the company has yet to make a profit, it's gotten *very* good at raking in government subsidies from both the feds and states, including a $49 million tax credit from Illinois to build a factory estimated to create 1,000 jobs over 10 years (a cost of $49,000 per job!).  In 2021 moronic Georgia rulers gave the company an "incentive package" that could reach as high as $1.5 billion to build a plant in the state.

And of course all EV makers benefit from the absurd $7,500 government payment to everyone who buys a "qualified" electric vehicle.  Of course that's really using tax dollars from all Americans to subsidize EV makers.  But of course you knew that, right?

biden has often touted EV companies such as Rivian and "Proterra," which made electric buses.  biden said Proterra "really impressed me."  And with that endorsement, the company filed for bankruptcy in August.  But biden was "impressed," eh?  Keen.

So to review:  Democrats pass a LAW that orders the regime to hand out $350 BILLION in grants and loans for "green energy."  The decision on who gets those billions is given to a long-time Democrat fixer.  What could possibly go wrong, eh? 

You're being ruled by utterly corrupt, cunning rat-bastards. 



A little humor for your weekend

I realize there are lots of "good" democrats.  Maybe as many as half of 'em.  But this is funny.

October 27, 2023

biden's "National Security Advisor" bleats that all is well in Gaza--3 days later, Hamas invaded

Porridgebrain has a National Security Adviser--a reeely smaht guy named Jake Sullivan.

Jake has a really important job in the White House:  fellating the biden regime, praising every word and thought emanating from that cesspool.  See, Jake reel smaht.  Didja know he went to Yale?  Yep yep yep.  So you can see why duh people running duh biden/garland regime picked him, right?

So...around October 4th Jake wrote a 7,000-word article praising the incredible fabulousness of his "preznit."  And becuz he reel smaht, duh smaht "D.C. insider" magazine "Foreign Affairs" published it. And in that long article is this totally brilliant, prescient sentence: 

“The Middle East is quieter than it has been in decades.  President Joe Biden’s disciplined approach frees up resources for other global priorities, reduces the risk of new Middle Eastern conflicts, and ensures that U.S. interests are protected on a far more sustainable basis.”

“We have de-escalated crises in Gaza and restored direct diplomacy between the parties after years of its absence.”

See, it's that amazing ability to detect world-changing factors like "de-escalating crises in Gaza and restoring direct diplomacy" that makes Jake famous in foreign-policy circles--and gets him invited to all the A-list D.C. parties!

It's just an unfortunate coincidence that Jake's article praising his boss for "de-escalating crises in Gaza" wuz posted on-line just three days before Hamas (the terrorists who rule Gaza as effectively as biden and the Dems rule the U.S.) sent 1,500 armed thugs into Israel and killed 1,500 unarmed Israelis.

Or as socialist Muslim congresswhore Ilhan Omar said about the deadly attacks of September 11, 2001: "Some people did something."

Nice work, Jake.  We can see why you're a perfect fit for the biden regime.

Yet whatever happens, Sullivan--and all the members of the regime--always claim they’ve done a great job, no matter how utterly wrong their bleats and policies are, or how catastrophic their results.  Cuz the regime has its allies in the Mainstream Media flying air cover, meaning its grotesque failures (like Hamas invading Israel three days after Jake's article appeared) are never publicized.  We only learn about 'em because a handful of conservatives read Foreign Affairs magazine and put the article on the Net.

Each passing month brings more dismal news: record-high numbers of illegals flooding into the U.S, rising prices, record multi-Trillion-dollar deficits as far as the eye can see; high interest rates and so on.  But with every new piece of bad news there’s always someone in the White House and the Mainstream Media telling gullible voters that actually everything is *totally awesome.*

Example from Sullivan's article:

"The Biden administration understands the new realities of power. And that is why we will leave America stronger than we found it.”

Y'say the First Vegetable "understands the new realities of power," eh?  Nah, don't think either he or you do.  You know how to schmooze and get leftist reporters to print what you bleat, even though it's all horse shit.

Normal people read what you and the rest of the regime's lackeys write, and cringe.  The only point in listening to people like you, Jake--or anyone from the biden regime--is to know that the truth is the exact opposite of whatever you and they bleat.



50-year-old man claims to be a 13-year-old girl, demands to compete against 13-year-old girls

We told ya trannies were crazy, but of course you knew better, eh?  But til now the complaint about trannies has been that men, by simply claiming to be female, must be allowed to compete in sports against girls who are roughly their own age.

Well brace yourselves, cuz now--because virtually all "wokie" western societies have indulged these freaks--we have a 50-year-old man not just demanding to be considered a girl because he says so, but claiming to be a 13-year-old girl, and demanding to be allowed to compete against real 13-year-old girls.  

And if you didn't already guess, also demanding to be allowed to use the girls' dressing room (of course!).

And to add to the outrage, the wokie bastards running the swim meet agreed!  

In this case the 50-year-old male demanded to compete against 13-to-14-year-old girls in a meet in Toronto, Canada.  And of course the wokiez running the charade allowed him to use the girls' dressing room.

50-year-old professor who claims to be a 13-year-old girl.  It's so convincing!

But wait!  It gets even crazier (if you can believe it).

The 50-year-old male turns out to be a professor at Toronto’s York University where his "research areas" include "children and youth."  Seriously.

What kind of fucked-up university admini-shit would hire such a fucked-up professor, eh?

ALL of 'em would.  Cuz they all drink the same insane kool-aid.

And it gets even better: When a conservative reporter learned about this outrage and asked the wokiez running the swim meet if it was true, the wokiez initially denied it.  Cuz they knew it would cause people to wonder how they were able to keep their "jobs," eh?

But after a reporter (Rebel News) showed the wokie officials the evidence, they finally admitted the 50-year-old did in fact compete against 13-year-old girls.  And the wokiez didn't seem to show the slightest twinge of embarrassment at lying earlier.  Cuz dat whut wokiez do: Lie for a living. 



Regime borrowed a TRILLION dollars in Q3...but will have to borrow $1.5 TRILLION in this quarter

Suppose you learned that the biden regime had been forced to borrow a TRILLION dollars just in the third quarter of this year to cover what the gruberment ORDERED  to be spent.

I know my Democrat friends can't do math (at least when it doesn't help their cause), but at that rate what would the regime's total borrowing be for the year?

Take your time.  Feel free to use a calculator if you need to.  And of course you do, cuz if you a Democrat, maff ain't your strong suit, right?

Sarc off: It's four TRILLION per YEAR.  Which means our total national debt would *double* from its current $33 Trillion in just eight years.

Democrat: "SO???  Whut's yo' point?  Dis not beez a problem, cuz...reasons!"

Oh you bet, sparky.  Now consider this report from MarketWatch that claims that in the *current quarter* (4th) the regime will have to borrow NOT a trillion dollars, but a bit more: $1.5 trillion.  And that's in both this quarter and Q1 of next year.

Now, if you're not used to dealing in trillions of borrowed dollars, you have no idea what this actually means.  So to put it on a scale normal folks can understand: Suppose you and your wife (or if you're a college student, your parents) work hard, but you spend more than your combined income.  So to cover your excess spending you charge the difference to your credit-cards.  In other words, you borrow the difference.

Now: Suppose last quarter you charged (i.e. borrowed), say, $10,000 on your credit-cards.  But this quarter either your expenses went up (inflation?) or your income dropped (layoffs?), so to keep your spending at current levels you'll have to charge (borrow) $15,000 on the credit-cards.  

Would you find that trend reassuring, or not?

Democrat and Mainstream Media: "HEY, ev'ryt'ing totally fine, citizen!  Deez numberz jus' numberz!  Dey don' mean nuffin'!  Duh national debt jus' some random number dat don' mean nuffin'!"

Sure, sparky.  Don't mean nuffin'.

Now: If you're a young American you've never heard about a thing called "The Great Tulip Mania."  Dat cuz it happen' way long ago, an' duh skoolz don' teach nuffin' bout history, cuz dey use class time to teach duh wonderz of goin' tranny.  SO...I'll teach ya.

Google "tulip mania."  In the early 1600s in Holland, people went nuts over...tulips.  People began paying huge amounts for bulbs that had been cultivated to produce new colors or color patterns.  Things took off around 1634. Eventually gullible people were paying ten times the yearly income of a skilled craftsman for trendy new bulbs.

Three years later it all collapsed, virtually overnight.

Now: Read the Wiki article carefully.  Notice how the authors repeatedly say "Dis' had no effect on duh Dutch economy."  

Sure.  Twenty years ago Wiki didn't say dat.  But becuz Wiki is run by communists (I know, you can't believe that.  Eventually you will), NOW they want you to believe that trillion-dollar annual deficits are "NO problem whatsoever, comrade!  Yew can borrow four trillion bucks a YEAR forever, with no bad effects!  Trust us!"

Starting to get it yet?

Nah, you almost certainly don't.  So duh corrupt regime, and congress, will continue to spend four TRILLION per YEAR *more* than duh regime taketh in, and will be forced to borrow the rest if they wanna keep spending the money they're ORDERED to be spent.

"But don't worry, comrade!  Regime and Media say dis all jus' fine!"

I think half the public is good.  The other half are either stupid or evil demons.  But in any case if you believe what the demons bleat, you're SO fucking stupid that you deserve what's coming.

And make no mistake: It's coming.  It's theoretically possible to both delay and slightly soften the harsh punishment that infinite borrowing will exact on our nation, but only if we cut spending back to what the gruberment takes in.

Sadly, that will never happen.  There are too many corrupt RINOs who vote to keep spending at astronomical levels, so they can get re-elected year after year.  You could vote them out, except...elections are now routinely stolen, and no court cares to look.


And for the record: I'm a totally happy camper.  Have a great life.  But it's because I don't have kids.  If I did, I'd be fighting like crazy to stop this monstrous gruberment so my kids and grandkids wouldn't suffer from what looks to be a certain reckoning.  But hey, don't worry!  Dis prolly just the delusions of some guy who can compute "natural logs" in his head.  (No, I don't do that at parties.)



Unprecedented *ruling* by the judge in the Sam Bankman-Fried trial shows fix is in

For those who don't pay attention to things outside their reach, the trial of crypto fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried is still going on.  And yesterday SBF took the stand.

For young Americans: Guilty perps almost never testify in their own defense, because that allows the prosecution to do what's called a "cross-examination," in which the prosecution gets to ask all sorts of devastating questions.  And since the perp volunteered to testify, they can no longer refuse to answer under the protection of the 5th Amendment.

SO...his decision to testify is *extremely* unusual.  And normally his extremely high-paid attorneys wouldn't let him do dat.  And yet...they did.

If you're starting to smell a rat, congratulations.  Because there was something else incredibly unusual about his testimony--and his cross-examination:  the judge didn't let the jury hear ANY of it.

That's right: the judge dismissed the jury, and allowed a "practice run" in which the prosecution played all their cards, which allowed SBF's attorneys to hear everything...and craft evasions to all of it.

If you think that's *totally* unprecedented, congratulations.

Even more astonishing was that the prosecution went along with the obvious charade, agreeing to it.

If you think this is SO bizarre that it proves the fix is in, you're right.

The biden/garland regime can't sentence SBF to anything serious, cuz if it does his attorneys will expose all the totally illegal "donations" his firm made to the Dem party, by name and amount.  And they'll have the bank records to prove it.

So the remedy is to only find him guilty of "failure to file a required report," the sentence for which is 90 days and a $1,000 fine.  He serves 90 days and all is forgotten.

That means the prosecution--with the judge's cooperation--has to blow the case.  Which is exactly what you're seeing.

And of course when SBF is only found guilty of the equivalent of illegal parking, the prosecution won't appeal, since they know the garland regime won't support them--cuz the fix is in.

The top priority of garland's DO"J" is protecting the biden regime.  So back to the article:

As the prosecution called its last witness on Wednesday, the defense filed a motion proposing to have SBF take the stand.  Judge Lewis Kaplan said he "wasn't convinced that the proposed topics for Bankman-Fried's testimony had sufficient cause to be argued in front of the jury."

Didja get that?  So instead of having SBF undergo devastating cross-ex before the jury, Kaplan *ruled* that SBF would testify in an unprecedented "dry-run," without the jury present.  This would allow the defense to hear every bit of the prosecution's cross-exam, and to craft a script for SBF that would parry all the questions.

As their client took the stand, Bankman-Fried was smooth under the gentle, guiding questions of his own lawyers.  As his current attorneys have said in court filings, Bankman-Fried was blaming any wrongs on advice from previous FTX lawyers.

After his smooth direct examination, SBF's Stanford law professor father gave him a grin and a thumbs up.

But on cross-examination Assistant U.S. Attorney Danielle Sassoon asked him a series of questions that exposed his lies.  Had he discussed with FTX's attorneys the legality of moving customer funds--without telling investors--to his wholly-controlled sister firm Alameda Research?

Bankman-Fried answered in his signature format, a series of misdirections, "yups," and stammers that previous interviewers have described as a "word salad" approach. While that worked well with naive reporters, the judge noted that SBF had an "interesting way of answering questions."  Yeah, well...

Sassoon noted that FTX had set text messages between employees to automatically delete after a short time, which seemed inconsistent with a document retention policy that the defense couldn't even produce.

In one tense moment, Sassoon pulled up a payment agreement between FTX and its trading firm, Alameda Research, and asked Bankman-Fried to find the section that he interpreted as allowing him to use FTX customer funds as he wished.  After a long pause SBF admitted that he had not done a "careful read" of the document.

After the cross-examination ended, the judge said he would decide whether to allow the testimony in front of the jury on Friday morning.

This entire charade of having the defendant testify without the jury present is SO rare, as it obviously reveals every question the so-called prosecution will ask.  And yet the gruberment went along with it.

The fix is in, folks.  It's so obvious.  And if the eventual finding is guilty of illegal parking, the garland regime will NOT appeal.  You just watch.  Again, the fix is in, to prevent SBF from revealing all the $100 MILLION his corrupt firm donated to biden and the Democrats.




ABC headline: "[Maine shooter] consumed 'conspiratorial' content online"

If you were the biden regime and wanted to shift everyone's attention away from your crimes to something else, a mass shooting would do it.  Especially if the Media tell the public the killer was an avid believer in classic "right-wing extremist" theories, eh?  So here's ABC:

Information provided to law enforcement shows that Robert Card appears to have "interacted with conspiratorial content" online.

Topics he engaged with included concerns about a financial crisis/stock market, LGBTQ+ issues, gun rights and commentary about Democratic public officials, including President Joe Biden.

That allegation could not possibly be more "on the nose" to get voters to believe the guy was a classic "domestic violent extremist," eh?  How...convenient for the regime, right?

Law enforcement has not determined the motive, but they are looking into several aspects of the suspect's life, including his writings and history of mental health problems.

That's the entire ABC article.  SOooo on-the-nose, eh?  Especially when you add (from other Media stories) that Maine is "2A-friendly."  See, citizen, duh problem isn't schizophrenics!  Ohhh no!  It's gunz!  So obviously duh gruberment needs to take all dem dangerous gunz away frum duh pipo so no one can use gunz like dis!  

See, duh Democrat/biden/garland regime wants you to believe crooks and thugs will turn in their gunz, jus' like ev'ryone else!  Cuz crooks and thugs obey all laws, right?


Repeat after me, proles: "Duh problem isn't schizophrenia, it's dat pipo haz gunz!"

October 26, 2023

14 states sue oil companies for billions. Here's a solution: give the morons what they demand!

Here are the states that have spent tax dollars to sue oil companies for supposedly lying to the public by claiming that CO2 is NOT causing the planet to warm dangerously (formerly "Global Warming," but now cunningly changed to "climate change"):  California, Oregon, Colorado, Minnesota, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, South Carolina, and Hawaii.

First, the planet is NOT warming.  Second, if it's not warming, it certainly isn't "warming dangerously."

Third: the huge, emotional panic over Global Warming is being pushed by communists, eagerly aided by the morons who serve as editors of *every* mainstream media outlet.  Those morons are emphatically NOT scientists--most wouldn't know the difference between carbon dioxide and methane, let alone the relative effect of each.  

They don't know how ocean temperature affects gas solubility, let alone how that affects atmospheric CO2.

They don't know that ice cores in Antarctica going back 800,000 years have proven that instead of global temperatures changing *after* CO2 changes, temperature changes actually *lead* CO2.  (For those who don't understand the significance of that: If event "B" happens *after* "A," we can be confident that B does NOT *cause* A.)

I could go on and on, but hopefully you get the idea: everyone pushing the bullshit idea of carbon fuels causing the planet to warm has an agenda:  for scientists, it's to get lucrative government grant money.  For editors and mainstream media buffoons it's to sell papers or get more viewers.  

For Marxists (for young Americans that's another term for communists) the goal is to destroy capitalist economies, making communism look more attractive to starving people.

SO...with that background, here's an idea: suppose instead of spending millions to defend the lawsuits filed by the 14 states listed above, the oil companies said "We surrender--and to show our sincerity, starting today we will no longer sell any of our products in your state--including jet fuel."

The Leftists who've pushed these bullshit lawsuits will cheer wildly--for about a day.  Then one or two of their residents will wake the fuck up and realize what their "elite" gruberment fucks just did.

The biden regime would immediately issue an "executive order" COMMANDING oil companies to resume sales in the states that had sued the oil companies.  That should be amusing, eh?

As everyone knows, children have goofy ideas.  "Money grows on trees!"  "Eating candy is good for you!"  "Private property is evil!"  They have these ideas because they don't know jack.  Adults think the kids are cute for having the goofy ideas--and they are cute.

Problem is when uneducated *adult children*--like editors and producers of TV "newz"--buy into moronic misconceptions in order to gain viewers and sell more papers--and when corrupt politicians glom onto those ideas to win elections.

SO...imagine the screams from residents of those 14 states when they realize they can no longer buy gasoline, or heating oil.  Oooohhh.

What will airlines do when they can't re-fuel at LAX or SFO after a long flight?  Sure: cut out the long flights.  So they'd be forced to shuttle passengers to, say, Las Vegas where they'd change planes to go further.  Hmmm...

No airline could fly to or from Hawaii, since no jet fuel would be available there.  What would that do to the tourism business there, eh?

Starting to get it yet?

Children are cute and amusing in their naivete.  Adults not so much, especially when they're in positions of power.  Their *demands*--arising from their total lack of scientific education--can fuck up your society really fast.  Even more appalling is their *total certainty* that, despite having no scientific education, they're totally right!

When children become too obnoxious, they get spanked to learn the error of their ways.  By contrast, we can't fire moronic editors.  In fact we can no longer even vote out moronic politicians.  So it's time to get serious: give the grown children of the 14 states what they claim to want, and see if they decide to throw out their Democrat leaders!



October 25, 2023

Fake "world emergencies"


Sign of the times: New York has a new government agency: the "OCM." Can u guess?

Let's start with the assumption that you're a good person--and if you're reading this, that's a safe bet.  In that case you have no idea how utterly fucked the biden regime and Democrat-ruled shithole states are.  So here's example number infinity:

Like many other Democrat-ruled states, New York legalized marijuana.  Fair enough.  And it then set up a huge bureaucracy to license--and tax--pot shops.  That bureaucracy is the state "Office of Cannabis Management" (OCM).

Say, wonder how many people this small empire employs, eh?  What's its budget?  Tens of millions per year?  You bet.  And good luck getting a straight answer.

Now: because the State has a huge vested interest in reaping millions in taxes from the thousands of licensed pot-selling businesses in the state, it wants to reassure consumers that any rumors you may have heard about pot being laced with fentanyl are, like *totally bogus,* dude!

So a pot-head website called High Times says the agency just released a short paper titled “Cannabis and Fentanyl: Facts and Unknowns,” which it claims will "demystify the facts and myths" that fentanyl may be contaminating pot.

See, rumors beez goin' round dat pure, totally regulated, harmless weed beez laced wif fentanyl.  State bureaucrats in the OCM--again, the official state Office of Cannibis Management!--want you to be totally reassured that pot from state-licensed store is NOT dangerous, cuz duh OCM inspects all dem licensed sellers so yew don' gotta worry about dat IF dey buys duh pot from duh State, eh?

The bureaucrats at the OCM said there are not yet any reliable methods for testing for the presence of fentanyl on cannabis flowers. Dey admit that you can test for fentanyl in stuff like “heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, MDMA, and pressed pills,” dey claims dey ain't no way to test for fentanyl in pot.

Oh wait...dey din' zackly say dat.  Dey sed ain't no way to test it on duh "cannibis flower."  But do pipo smoke duh flower?  Nah, dey smoke duh ground-up flower.  Wanna bet you can't detect fentanyl in dat?

So here come duh Word from duh OCM: “There have been zero verified incidents of fentanyl ‘contamination’ in cannabis. [BUT] There is no guarantee that any UNregulated cannabis product is free from contaminants or harmful ingredients.”

Didja get that?

If you didn't, the OCM explains that weed you buy on "the unregulated market may contain contaminants."

In case you still didn't get it, the OCM ends the report by recommending that you only buy pot from licensed (i.e. taxed) sellers.  

Now, for those who've never run a business and don't know jack about it (including taxes): the State only licenses fixed stores--so-called "brick-and-mortar" stores that they can inspect and fine for any violation of the innumerable state laws.  Having an actual store costs a *huge* amount.  Same for paying to fill out all the reports and pay taxes to the State.

So who can sell pot for less: illegal sellers, or state-licensed sellers?

So yeah, the state will get tax revenue from licensed pot shops.  But the unlicensed market will thrive due to the ability to sell at far lower prices.

Meanwhile I'd be *stunned* if the head of the "Office of Cannibis Management" is being paid less than $150,000 a year--and isn't a Democrat, and isn't related to either the corrupt Kathy Hochul or the equally corrupt head of the state senate.  One of the two, for sure.

And what can you count on seeing next, eh?  Sure: big-ass billboards, paid for by the OCM, touting the faaaabulous benefits of buying your weed from state-licensed stores.  So just like the Lottery:  billboards everywhere pushing people to buy weed.

Starting to get it yet?



October 23, 2023

Young American: "This can't be true! Cuz if it was true, duh Media would have told us!"


biden regime asks for $14 BILLION to import more illegal aliens to U.S. cities

The moronic, corrupt sons of whores running the biden regime have just asked for $106 BILLION for...well, they claim it's for "border security."  I know you'll be surprised to learn that that's utter horse shit.

biden’s handlers have asked their corrupt allies in congress to introduce a pre-drafted bill demanding $14 billion specifically to pay for busing illegal invaders (which the regime cunningly calls "migrants") from boarding points in southern Mehico to the U.S. border--and then further into U.S. cities and towns mainly in Republican states, to saddle them with the costs.

biden's cunning handlers have claimed this huge spending request is for “border security.”  This of course is a brazen lie, as none of the money would be used to limit the number of illegal aliens the regime intends to keep welcoming into the U.S.

Typical Democrat voter: "Dis FAKE NEWZ!  Deyz only a few po' 'refugees' comin' in, mos'ly duh po' transgenders an' gays who beez persecuted in dere home countries!  Yeh, dat it!"

Really?  Actually in just September alone the biden regime welcomed more than 300,000 illegals into the U.S.  For all of 2023 (so far) the total is at least 2.5 million illegals, *not including legal immigrants and temporary workers.*

The $14 BILLION is buried in a much larger $106 billion spending bill, apparently intended to cover money to be given to Democrat-run cities through the 2024 presidential campaign to make it harder for voters to recognize the staggering costs of supporting the illegals.

So who benefits from the regime flooding the U.S. with illegal aliens?  As far as can be determined, employers and landlords benefit--the first from people willing to work, the second because illegals need housing, and the regime pays landlords directly to provide it.

Of course Dems think this is just a "right-wing conspiracy story."  So for skeptics, here's the Washington Post:

The request includes more than $6 billion for “border operations,” including $4.4 billion for Homeland Security, and $3.1 billion for additional border patrol agents, asylum officers, and processing personnel. The request also includes $1.4 billion for state and local governments to help them with shelter and services for migrants.

Hint: $4.4 B + 3.1 B + 1.4 B = $8.9 Billion, not six billion.  But hey, Post reporters and editors can't do basic math.

The "funding request" provides ZERO actual border security while providing more money to "process and release" more illegals--which is the regime's real goal.

In August, Breitbart News reported on the details of the White House’s request for $4.4 billion in claimed “border security” funding:

$800 million to fund "new migrant pathways" from Colombia, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Ecuador into U.S. communities. It will create so-called “Safe Mobility Offices” that will give illegals from Africa, "Europe" and Asia a safer, cheaper route to get to the U.S.
    The request also asks for an extra $714 million for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, which was created to deport illegal migrants. But the request also asks for permission to *move funding around in the agency*—so funds can be used to pay for housing illegals.
   The program would also provide illegals with free legal advice on how to evade the immigration laws that were passed to reduce the number of illegal migrants.

The request also asks for an additional $600 million for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which funds many of the transportation networks and shelters that migrants use as they make their way to New York, Chicago and other cities.  So again, no added "border security" from over half a BILLION dollars in new spending, eh?

In September a Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 54% of Americans said importing massive numbers of illegal immigrants--over 5 million since biden was installed--is making life harder for American citizens.  But of course biden and his handlers couldn't care less, since they don't need to win a majority of legal votes to retain power. 

October 21, 2023

Recall when the f'n Democrats in Minneapolis actually gave Geo Floyd a gold casket funeral procession?

 And f'n bidenfail just gave a HUGE tribute to this worthless thug!

How the Media sees Trump vs. f'n biden


Early signs of "fascism"


October 20, 2023

Wokie bureaucrats in Democrat-ruled state refuse to re-start proficiency tests for graduation

Duh wokie "educrats" who rule Oregon's public "skoolz" haz RULED that there's no need for their students to prove they're proficient in either reading, writing, math, understanding our government--*anything*--to graduate from that state's public high schools--at least not until 2029.

This DECREE was from the morons who rule the state's Board of Education, and there wasn't a single dissenting vote.

The DECREE extended a "pause" that began three years ago on the what the wokiez called a "controversial" graduation requirement that students had to pass basic proficiency tests.

See, dat hurt duh illegals an' duh uddah minorities, an' it jus' not rite to *force* dem po' darlins to be proficient in the basic skills we exspeck erryone ta haz, rite?

But leaders at the Oregon Department of Education and members of the state school board said requiring all students to pass one of several standardized tests wuz jus' aksin way too much of "historically marginalized students."  Duh woke edjakaysun bureaucrats sed makin' em take "tests" was "a misuse of state tests."

Dey sed makin' duh "marginalized students" bee proficient made 'em hafta study too hard in dere seenyor year, which (brace yo'sef) kept 'em from takin' a "elective" like how to figger out what gender yo is.

Duh wokiez sed dey wudnt no "evidence the extra academic work helped them in the workplace or at college."  Cuz mos' all dem kidz gonna go t' college, right?

Duh wokiez made sure to tell taxpayers dat students would still *take* the tests--which state law sez, so dat very nice of duh wokiez, eh?  But the test results just won’t be used for anything!  See, dat keep duh taxpayers frum seein' wheddah duh skoolz iz doin' their job, eh?  

Dis also let duh wokie edjakayshun bureaucrats give a huge "F U" to duh lawmakers, cuz duh wokiez din' like tests!  Din' wanna worry bout low test scores maybe makin' taxpayers vote against mo' cash fo' teachers...an wokie bureaucrats!

Dis way duh teachers' union an duh state officials don' hafta worry bout nuffin!

Now here's where things get really wacky: A member of the state board of ed bleated “We haven’t suspended any sort of assessments.”

Dat wuz state board member Vicky López Sánchez, a dean at Portland Community College.  “The only thing we are suspending is the inappropriate use of how those assessments were being used.  I think that really is in the best interest of Oregon students.”

You bet, Vicky!  Cuz it beez "inappropriate" to find out if duh skoolz beez doin dere job-- which we thought was turnin' out kidz who were at least minimally proficient in reading and math, if nothing else.  But now you've DECREED that using the "proficiency tests" to determine...proficiency...is "inappropriate."

We can definitely see how you're well qualified to be a dean at a community college in a Democrat-ruled state, cupcake!

When the Chyna virus--the plandemic--allowed schools to close for a year or two, Gov. Kate Brown signed a bill suspending the proficiency requirement.  Then a year ago, after what the leftists called a "broad outreach to families, educators, students and employers, with a particular focus on people of color," the state Department of Education recommended ending the requirement to show mastery of reading, writing and math.

State lawmakers have not acted on that recommendation, but of course lawmakers never buck the teacher mafia if they wanna win re-election, so the department asked the state board to not require proficiency "through at least the 2027-28 school year."

One of 435 "assistant superintendents" for the state board of ed--this one in charge of "research and data"--told the state board “The tests didn't work.  They were designed to protect student interests. We have no evidence that they did that.”

Sorry, sparky: "Designed to protect student interests" is horseshit.  Word salad.  The tests were designed to see if the tax-gobbling schools were doing their damn job.  They aren't, so instead of figuring out how to teach, the educrats took the much easier route: scrap the tool that told whether the schools were really teaching or just fucking around.

The board's report also claimed student success in college relies more heavily on other factors than writing or math skills.  I'm gonna call bullshit on that, cuz pipo who haven't mastered those skills aren't likely to master college either.

Suspending the requirement at least until the class of 2029 gives the state board time to invent more excuses for why it's *unfair* to require proficiency in reading and math.

Commenters noted that ending proficiency requirements “risks leading Oregonians to believe that our state is lowering expectations to hide disparities in outcomes.”  Gee, ya think?



Zuck's "search engine" for Threads censors results by...just not showing any for "sensitive terms"

Americans have already forgotten, but before Elon Musk bought Twitter the FBI had insisted that the communists who then ran Twitter should delete any user post the FBI and the biden/garland/mayorkas regime didn't like.

Then Elon Musk spent about $44 BILLION to purchase Twitter--and promised that it would no longer bow to FBI censorship demands.

See, if people can freely exchange ideas and experiences, it threatens a totalitarian regime.

Musk's commitment to free speech angered the biden/garland/mayorkas Regime, which responded by trying to find a way to destroy the upstart.  So back in July Zuckerberg's "Meta" rolled out a clone of Twitter called "Threads."

It had a search function.  But users soon discovered that search function refused to show posts about Covid that didn't parrot the regime party line, such as those warning that the so-called "vaccine" was dangerous and ineffective.  

That's not paranoia: Users searching for terms that were known to produce hits saw either a blank screen or were re-directed to a CDC propaganda page.

In other words, "We refuse to show you anything we don't want you to see, cuz...reasons.  And it's merely coincidence that the biden regime doesn't want you to see any of these terms either!"  

Meta has confirmed that Threads blocks searches for words that could bring up “sensitive” posts ("sensitive" according to...?) but says this is just temporary, and that "real soon now" the platform would start to return results for keywords like "covid"--but only after the company was "confident in the quality of the results.”

Wonder what mischief that involves, eh?

When a Meta exec was asked when this might happen, he promised to "look into the timeline" for unblocking the banned search terms but refused to say when it might happen.  Instead he dodged in a way all too familiar to regime watchers:

"Weeks or months, let me look into it and circle back. The reality is that we have lots of important work to do," he said.

SO...bottom line is that the regime has learned that instead of pressuring social media companies like Fakebook and Instagram to delete just posts the regime doesn't like, the clever way is to simply have your so-called "search engine" refuse to provide *any* results for terms that might expose regime lies.

Clever, eh?  See, the Democrat regime doesn't trust you to think for yourself.  Control what you can see, and they can control what you think and believe.



FDA finds "safety signal" regarding seizures in kids 2 to 4 who took the covid "vaccine"

People like "safety," eh?  So if most people saw a headline reading "safety signal" they'd think it was reassuring...a good thing.

Keep that in mind as you read the piece below.

"The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has revealed that a *safety signal* has been detected" regarding the ineffective "vaccine" for duh Chyna virus.

Ah..."safety signal."  Dat good, right?  Signals ev'ryt'ing reel *safe,* right?

Uh...no.  What the FDA cunningly, deliberately calls a "safety signal" actually means data suggesting that the so-called Covid "vaccine" may be linked to *seizures in toddlers who've taken the jab.

Wait...haven't the biden/garland/mayorkas regime and Lord Fauci--a.k.a. "Mister Science"--been telling us since his installation that duh "vaccine" wuz, like, *totally* safe?

Why yes, yes they have.  So dis "safety signal" mus' jus' be provin' whut dey been sayin,' eh?

Uh...no.  Instead just the opposite: The study shows that seizures/convulsions “met the statistical threshold for a signal” in children aged 2 to 4 following receipt of a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

Wait...no understand: Dey say "met the statistical threshold for a signal."  Is that good or bad?  Do ya think the average 8th-grade student (average IQ of Americans) would know what that phrase actually means?

Researchers found 72 cases of kids who'd taken the jab suffering seizures or convulsions within seven days of an mRNA injection. Most happened within three days of taking the jab.

Now, if we assume half a million kids age 2 to 4 were taken in by their parents to get the jab, 72 seizures is a low percentage.  Problem is, covid had almost no adverse effect on people under 30 or so.  So comparing risk to benefit, the FDA and CDC shouldn't have been encouraging parents to get their 2-to-4-year-olds vaccinated.

Also, instead of admitting that their *demand* was ill-conceived, they've now disguised the discovery so that most Americans have no idea that the "experts" demanded that you put your kid at greater risk than if they hadn't gotten the jab.

Exactly what you'd expect from the Dem regime, eh?  "Protect the regime at all costs." 



October 19, 2023

Two identical tweets: One gets the tweeter 7 months in prison, the other isn't even charged

SO, if you were educated in the U.S, one of the things you were taught--and believed--is that "All people are equal under the law," right?

At least that's what the Founders of this once-great nation believed, eh?

Except over the last 30 years or so--if you've been paying attention--you've seen countless examples of "ordinary people" being sentenced to prison for doing things that members of "specially-protected classes" aren't even charged for.  Example: the arson, rioting and looting by black mobs during the BLM riots after a life-long drug dealer died of a drug overdose in Minneapolis.

Here's another:  WAY back before the 2016 presidential election, someone posted the spoof below on Twatter, telling people they could avoid long lines by voting for Hilliary by texting their vote.  Of course you'd have to be a total moron to believe that, but...well, there ya go.

The man who posted this obvious satire was charged with the clearly bullshit (i.e. fabricated) "crime" of "election interference."  At his trial he defended on the grounds of "free speech," which before the Democrats took over all levels of gruberment was guaranteed by the First Amendment.

A corrupt Dem judge sentenced the poster to seven months in prison.

Now: Just days before the same election, a Democrat tweeted what you see below:

Now, do you think this Democrat was prosecuted for exactly the same "election interference" charge as the conservative male?

Hahahahahahahaha!  Not on your life!  Cuz under the Democrat rule NO LONGER is everyone EQUAL under the law.  Instead there are two sets of laws:  If you're a Democrat, and taking a position approved by The Party, you can get away with anything.

By contrast, if you do something the Democrat party opposes, you get thrown in prison for EXACTLY the same "offense."

Read 'em and weep, citizen.  The corrupt Democrat "leaders" are your mortal enemy.  

Before he was "elected," Obozo on video explaining how to destroy the U.S.

Here's what appears to be the Democrat/liberal/socialist strategy, explained by the Muslim communist former president, Barack Hussein Obozo.

If this isn't authentic it's one hell of a fine fake.  If you're a Democrat and think this is fake, let me know.


October 18, 2023

Pipo busted wif five pounds of fentanyl; Mainstream Media yawns

Five "people" masquerading as humans were busted in one of the Carolinas for dealing fentanyl.  They were caught with five pounds of it.

Democrat:  "Five pounds?  Dat nuffin'!  Why you upset 'bout dis, dog?  Five pounds beez nuffin'!"

Okay, "dog," dat cuz you a moron, and a biden butt-boy who like duh fentanyl whut beez smuggled into duh country you hate by duh illegal alien invaderz.

Democrat:  "Whut?"

Got any idea how many Americans five pounds of fentanyl could kill?

Democrat:  "Whut?"

Me: Got any idea how much fentanyl will kill a person?

Democrat:  "Uhhhh...we don' worry 'bout dat, cuz we know duh cops all have duh Narcan, which fix yew right up if yew gets duh overdose of anyt'ing."

Me:  Nice dodge, dumb-ass.  The answer is...two milligrams.

Democrat:  "SO?????"

Me:  So if you divided those paltry five pounds equally, how many dumbshits could it kill?

Democrat:  "Uhhh...none!  Cuz duh cops all haz duh magic Narcan which fix yew right up if..."

Me:  I don't think it's possible to educate you.  One pound is 453.6 grams, which is 453,600 milligrams.  Divide that by two mg for a lethal dose, and you get just over 225,000 bodies.  But of course a) you don't understand math; b) you wouldn't believe me if I showed you; and c) you'd rather get high and take the risk.

Some things are worth dying for.  Gettin' high isn't one of 'em.  If you're willing to risk dying to get high, I'm starting to not care.

What I do care about is that the corrupt biden/garland/mayorkas regime has deliberately allowed tons of this deadly drug to be walked into this country across our totally open southern border.  So if someone you know dies of a fentanyl overdose...do NOT blame the corrupt regime!  It not dere fault!


October 16, 2023

biden/garland regime ORDERS banks to loan money to illegal invaders or be prosecuted

Every day I think the biden/garland regime couldn't get any more outrageous, any more tyrannical.  And then--of course--they do.

Latest example: garland's DOJ and a corrupt federal agency called the "Consumer Financial Protection Bureau" (CFPB) have warned U.S. banks and other financial institutions that they will be prosecuted if they refuse to loan money or give credit cards to illegal immigrants *based on their immigration status.*

Garland's lying, corrupt Department of "Justice" says this would be "unlawful."

One tiny problem: There's NO law forcing banks to either loan money or give credit cards to illegals.  None.  It's a total, brazen *lie.*

The two biden agencies claim that their *demand* that banks give illegal alien invaders loans is backed by a law called the "Equal Credit Opportunity Act," which "protects credit applicants from discrimination based on such characteristics as race, religion, sexual orientation, and national origin."

Say, do ya see anything in there about "and illegal immigrant status"?

No, I don't either.  It's not there.  And congress [spit!] never put it there, and never even *imagined* a U.S. president's lackeys would *order* banks to loan money to illegal aliens.  It's not in the law and was *never contemplated when that "law" was passed.

What the DOJ and Consumer bullshit agency have done is simply *claim* that the "Equal Credit Opportunity Act" applies to illegal alien invaders.

Isn't that cool?  See, the biden/garland regime beez smaht:  They claim written laws don't mean what they say, but mean whatevah the regime *claims they mean.*

If you're a Democrat or young American, you have no idea how destructive that concept is.  What it means is, "Laws don't mean what the words say, but instead mean whatevah we *claim* they mean."  That makes the entire concept of written laws meaningless.  In other words, neither citizens nor congress can know the impact of a law until the Dem regime says what it thinks that law really means.

To say this is destructive is putting it mildly.

I'm sorry, but...fuck these bastards.  The courts should have an easy time rejecting this totally bullshit claim.  But they won't--because the judges want to be promoted to a higher court.  And that can't happen if a judge opposes the ruling party.

Starting to understand how it works yet?



October 15, 2023

Summary of covid, and the U.S. regime's response

When the Chyna virus hit Wuhan, China--a city with more people than New York City (over 11 MILLION), the Mainstream Media was flooded with video of Chinese cops forcibly dragging people out of their homes and throwing 'em into vans.  

The morgues were overflowing with bodies.  This understandably caused U.S. doctors to believe the virus was extremely deadly, and that there was no cure.

So the top "health experts" in the U.S. government instantly decided that everyone should stop going out and instead stay home-- "lockdown."  Okay, kinda made sense, cuz if you didn't come in contact with anyone who had the virus, it'd be much harder to get it, eh?

But then something weird happened: a handful of docs overseas reported fast cures from a long-known, safe, cheap drug called HCQ.  President Trump even mentioned it in a one of the *daily* press conferences on the situation.  I read the studies, and they were solid.

The weird part was that U.S. "medical experts" *instantly* DECLARED that HCQ didn't help.  Well maybe it did, maybe it didn't, but the huge alarm was that *they had no fucking idea.*  They hadn't had time to do any studies themselves, and yet they DECLARED it didn't help.

Odd.  Very, very odd.  Almost like they were reading from a script or something.

Only later did we learn that the ineffective mRNA "vaccine" had already been patented, and was in the works for massive rollout, creating $100 BILLION in profits for Big Pharma companies (mainly Pfizer and Moderna).  

Still later a tiny number of Americans discovered that the only way the virtually untested "vaccine" could be cleared for use was thru a thing called "emergency use authorization."  The only way that was legal was if there was *no other known treatment for the disease.*

Starting to see how you've been played yet?

Now: The federal government doesn't control licensing of doctors.  That's left to the states.  And totally ignorant Democrat governors DECLARED that they would cancel the medical license of any doctor who prescribed HCQ for covid.  And they'd yank the license of any pharmacist who *filled* such a prescription--even though HCQ had been approved by the FDA for human use back in 1940!

Facing these lethal threats from governors, doctors meekly obeyed.  And due to the states threatening docs, it's likely that 250,000 Americans who could have been saved died needlessly.

Dr Robert Malone is one of the few doctors who was and is willing to stand up to the regime and fauci.  He recently penned a piece on the results of a "literature search" he did on a government website called "Pubmed."  That's a site that publishes peer-reviewed research.

Malone found 6,000 peer-reviewed studies on "vaccine hesitancy"--and how the people who RULE you could overcome your "hesitancy" and get you to take the ineffective "vax."

Most focused on what groups of people were most "hesitant" to let the gruberment inject 'em with a risky, ineffective jab.  Their conclusion was that what was needed was a huge propaganda offensive, to entice or convince Americans to take the jab.

This became a monumental worldwide effort by all tyrant governments to convince their citizens that the vax was "safe and effective," even though neither of those things was true.

What *is* true is that the risk of dying from the jab is very low.  But for all but a few people--the elderly and those in poor health-- the risks of dying from the jab are greater than the risk of dying from duh Chyna virus.

The biden/garland/mayorkas regime didn't want you to know that.  And as more Americans started to understand that truth, the regime responded just as you would expect of a totalitarian regime: bidenfail had his *labor department* ORDER everyone who worked for a company with 100 or more employees to take the jab or be fired.

Of course all liberals/Democrats had eagerly taken the jab the moment it was cleared for use.  This ORDER snared most conservatives who'd resisted taking the jab, since being fired would essentially result in your family starving and losing their home.  (If you're a young American you may not see that right away.  Think about how that would happen.)

The key here was that all governments ignored a principle called "informed consent," in which they honestly tell you the risks and benefits, and let you choose.  But they didn't: In fact with the help of the corrupt, Democrat-loving teachers' unions, they were able to get school systems to ORDER that your kids could only go back to school if they'd taken the jab.

This despite ALL (I say again: ALL) evidence showing that people under 25 almost *never* died from covid.  Yet these rat-bastards were demanding that your 5-year-old take the jab.

One of the ways the studies recommended to entice people to have their 5-year-olds take the jab was to label any claim of vax deaths as "misinformation."  So when thousands of fit young athletes started to drop dead of heart attacks on camera, the CDC claimed they never investigated the cause of death.

And for once, they're probably telling the truth.

They knew, because they could get access to the dead person's medical records.  You and other non-gruberment people couldn't.  Think about the implications of that.

The regime could NOT admit that what it had ORDERED killed American kids.  So the CDC stubbornly insisted they'd never investigated the phenomenon of thousands of fit young people "dying suddenly."

See, all those video clips you've seen of TV newsreaders collapsing (dying on-camera)?  Regime say dey all fake!  All fake!  Or if you don't buy dat, dey try again: "Dis always been happening, fo' all time you been alive!  You jus' nevah saw it befo'!  Yeh, dat it!"

Starting to see how they've lied to ya yet?

"Sure, Joe, I remember bein' ten years old and seeing newsreaders collapsing on camera!  You bet!  I beez good Democrat!  I believe whutevah your pipo tell me ta believe!  Cuz I know you always tell us duh troof!"

NOW:  There are a few honest people in the CDC, and they could come forward and say "We made a mistake.  We thought the vax was safe and effective, cuz that was what the companies who made the vax said their trials showed.  We had no way of knowing if that data was fake.  And we really thought there wasn't any other way to save people.  So please forgive us for not telling you the truth."


Yeah, that'll happen, right?  No, of course it won't.  One of the fundamental principles of tyrants is: "Never admit you made a mistake!"

See, admitting a mistake can get you executed by some poor sumbitch who lost his mom or dad or kid needlessly.  Far safer to just bluff it through!  "We always right!  You bettah lissen to us and obey!

Oh, and take your "booster" for the "newest variant" scheduled to hit next month!  Get your kidz vaccinated!  Cuz duh vax beez "safe and effective!"  Keep repeating that: "Safe.  And effective!"  Cuz Lord Fauci and Dear Leader biden done tol' ya dat if ya take duh vaccine ya can NOT get Covid!  Remember that?  Sure ya do!



October 14, 2023

Think you have freedom of speech? Regime orders employees to use fake pronouns or be fired

In Europe and the U.K. people have been jailed for referring to snowflakes with accurate pronouns.  The tyrannical pro-tranny governments get away with this by calling this "hate speech."

I told you this would soon make it to the U.S, but of course you didn't believe it, cuz here in the U.S. the Constitution says Americans have "freedom of speech," eh?

But of course the biden/garland/mayorkas regime routinely violates the Constitution.  And last Friday they did it again:   

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has ORDERED that its 80,000 employees must use whatever pronouns trannies demand.  

So what if you instead use scientifically accurate pronouns the tranny doesn't like?

The regime's official ORDER says you *can be fired.*

Democrat:  "What are you whining about?  Duh regime not throwin' you in jail, right?  So shut up!"

Of course!  What was I thinking?  The regime is *merely* taking away you livelihood, your income.  It's nothing, eh?

SO...the regime is now ORDERING all HHS employees to use pronouns contrary to biological reality, to suck up to the powerful tranny mafia.   

The official decree is that anyone who resists will make trannies "feel unsafe.”

Tranny "Admiral" Richard ‘call me Rachel’ Levine introduced the ORDER, making the trashing of the First Amendment official.  In a "you couldn't make this up" twist, Richard is "Assistant Secretary for Health."  And the nation's first tranny four-star freakin' admiral.  China and Russia must be laughing themselves sick.

A WOMAN?  Nothing says "mental health" like having a tranny head the "Health" division of HHS


Interestingly, not a single Mainstream Media outlet mentioned this total evisceration of the First Amendment.  The only mention was in religious publications.  

Now try to imagine the outrage in the Media if Trump had ORDERED federal employees to use words that weren't scientifically accurate or be fired.  Think the Media would report THAT?



Know what your government spend two BILLION a DAY on? Hint: not Ukraine

Many Americans are understandably upset that the biden/garland/mayorkas regime has given $300 BILLION or so to the slightly skanky government of Ukraine to help those poor folks fight Russian troops to a standoff.  Works out to be just under a billion dollars a DAY.  I get it.

But what not a single Democrat voter in the country knows is that "your" gruberment spends almost TWO BILLION dollars every DAY on something that does even less for us.  Got any idea?

It's the interest we paid this FY on the massive ($33 TRILLION) national debt.

The actual number is $711 BILLION.  Divide that by 365 days in a year and you should get about $1.95 BILLION per DAY.

Now:  We can't undo the past, in which corrupt congresswhores passed laws--signed by presidents of both parties--obligating the gruberment to spend up to $1.7 TRILLION dollars more than the gruberment takes in, in ONE year!  That's water under the bridge.  But what we should do is cut our current and future spending back to what the government takes in, so that the debt doesn't increase any MORE.

But of course the congresswhores refuse to do that.  Absolutely, categorically, unequivocally refuse.

They should all be executed, because their refusal to be adults is killing this country, just as surely as if they injected everyone with fentanyl. 

Then with an entirely new congress, committed to be responsible adults, we 

  • stop all foreign aid;
  • totally close the border and deport all illegal alien invaders (cuz we're having to pay billions per DAY to feed 'em, house 'em, give 'em free medical and so on);
  • eliminate all grifting federal agencies, like the "tea board."  We don't need 'em;
  • eliminate the Department of Education.  States handle education very well, thanks, and don't need the feds at all.  Their employees need to get useful jobs;
  • eliminate the useless Department of Energy; put nuclear weapons back under the military;
  • eliminate subsidies for ethanol production.  If greenies want to use ethanol in fuel, let 'em pay the actual price, not force taxpayers to subsidize 'em.
  • prosecute medicare, medicaid and Social Security fraud (including "disability" fraud) with *serious* prison time;
  • eliminate pensions for congress and all other elected officials;
  • cap the total budget for all White House advisors, "czars" and assorted grifters at half its current level.  There's no shortage of smart Americans willing to offer advice, and they can't possibly be any worse than the grifters that taxpayers are now supporting;
  • eliminate 90i% of the grant money for NIH, which routinely gives us useless shit like grants to study whether using meth causes Peruvian trannies to practice unsafe sex, and similar;
  • abolish the U.S. "Agency for International Development," which is one of the more corrupt gruberment schemes;
  • stop all funding of the United Nations; they're literally useless--a hive of grifters;
This is just the beginning of the list.  The Repubs should add to this, and promise to push a law to do it all.  That might get people to vote to give the GOP majorities, so if we elect a GOP president we can get all this done in a week.

October 13, 2023

240,000 "tech sector" employees world-wide have been laid off this year

Hey citizen!  Have you been buying stocks with all the money you've saved by lower food, gas and electricity prices since bidenomics kicked in? 

No?  Gosh, that's odd.  Cuz duh economy beez BOOMING!  See, in 2022 the economy was still reeling from duh Chyna virus, so tech companies laid off 154,000 employees.  Gotta adjust to duh times, right?

But this year, wif' duh Chyna virus a distant memory, duh economy haz picked up HUGELY!  In fact since the start of this year tech companies have hired 240,000 people!  It's great!

Oh wait...looks like my internet provider hiccuped.  That "240,000 new hires" is actually 240,000 layoffs since January 1st.  My bad!

And actually that's 240,000 global technology-sector employees laid off, so the U.S. picture is better.  So that's better news than if all were U.S.


biden's "National Security Advisor" say "Duh mid-east beez vewy peaceful"--3 days before Hamas attacked

"Jake Sullivan" is Porridgebrain's vaunted National Security Advisor.  Dat cuz like all regime appointees, he reel smaht.  Hahvahd grad, see?  An' all duh "intelligence agencies" report everything to him.

SO...literally three days before Hamas invaded southern Israel, "security advisor" Jake said this:  

"The middle-east is quieter today than it's been in decades."

So three days later...boom.

This, citizens, is what passes for "competence" in the biden/garland/mayorkas regime.

Oh, I'm sensing that some of my readers totally believe Jake nevah said dat.  Cuz he smaht, right?  Hahvahd grad.  Agencies with a collective budget of $40 BILLION report to him, eh?  Well, here ya go.  See for yourself, Democrats.



Another day, another muslim kills a French teacher. Media don't even print the killer's name

In France yesterday a "man of Chechen origin" entered an elementary schools, fatally stabbed a teacher and severely wounded two other adults.

You're not French, and almost certainly don't have relatives who live there, so why should you care about this, eh?

Because it happens *every single day* in Europe.  Muslims and other immigrants are killing dozens a week, and the European media refuse to identify the perps, which prevents you from understanding what's happening.

And yes, that's intentional.

The Mainstream Media does the same thing here, both with Muzz and blacks.  If a killer is white, that leads the story.  If either muzz or black, the story never mentions that.  

Hmmm, why would that be, eh?

Simple: the Media wants you to support the Democrat regime.  If they told you the truth, you'd be FAR less likely to vote Dem, cuz you'd grasp that the Dem regime doesn't give a damn about you--which is exactly the same as in Europe, where political RULERS are determined to import millions of Africans and Muzz, regardless of how many native Europeans are killed.

Hard to believe, eh?  Just like here in the U.S.: the biden/garland/mayorkas regime is hell-bent on importing unlimited millions of illegals to the U.S., and couldn't care less if you think that's a bad thing.

The huge question is, WHY is the gruberment so determined to do that?

Two answers:  Virtue signaling (wins Dem votes), and bribes.

If you have kids, you need to know what the Dems have sentenced your kids to: the same thing European leaders have sentenced the kids of Europeans to (who aren't the same as the kids of the leaders, who are always protected).

SO...a teacher was stabbed to death in France.  You think that isn't relevant to you, cuz you aren't in France.  But the same mechanism is already in the U.S.  You just never see it, cuz the Media doesn't report it.

