April 30, 2023

This tranny crap just keeps getting more and more bizarre

Recent study claimed to find that something like 25% of young Americans under 18 identified as tranny or homosexual.  That's...interesting.  For example, click here.


Your "elites" and politicians have decided that the rest of us must accept mental illness as normal.  Some of us are less than pleased with that decree.


Tranny wants to make it ILLEGAL to say or write that he's a male (kind of, anyway)

When conservatives warned that so-called "child protective services" had removed children from their parents because the parents wouldn't consent to the kid being "transitioned," no one believed it.  It was so outrageous that it couldn't possibly be true, eh?

When those outrageous, tyrannical actions were approved by corrupt judges in so-called "family-law courts," no one believed it.  It was so outrageous that it couldn't possibly be true, eh? 

In three European countries it's a CRIME to call a man pretending to be female "he."  But that could never happen here, right?  Because free speech and all, eh?

Well once again, reality is outrunning the warnings of people who watch events outside your arm's reach:  That bizarre spokestranny for Bud Light just posted a video saying he thinks it should be ILLEGAL to call him "he."  The Democrats haven't introduced that bill yet, but AOC is surely working on it even now.  And if it passed, biden would eagerly sign it.

Democrat:  "Dear, darling Dylan did NOT say that!  He supports freedom of speech, just like all Democrats!  You just made that up!  Our precious trans children would nevah try to criminalize something so fundamental as free speech!  Dis jus' FAKE NEWZ!"

Really?  See for yourselves:

Leftist bar owner: "We totally support free speech," but vows to eject anyone who "voices concerns" about Bud Light

If you're a conservative you've noticed how often liberals *claim* to be, like, *totally for free speech*!  But then they shout down any conservative who wants to speak.

Example 834,094: a bar in Bloomington, Indiana, has taken this utter liberal hypocrisy to a truly impressive level.  After the controversy over Bud Light hiring the tranny to represent their brand, the bar owner posted that it *totally supports free speech* so will throw out anyone who so much as "voices any concerns" about either that brand or the parent company.

The owner told Newsweek “I won’t tolerate hate speech."

But "We totally support free speech!  Yep yep yep!"

The hypocrisy is jarring but hardly surprising: it's the same on almost every college campus.  "We luvvs dat free speech SO MUCH that we'll throw you off campus, or out of our bar, if you say something we don't like!"

It's so easy:  liberals just declare any viewpoint they don't like to be "hateful."  So *naturally* those views can be banned, because they have declared that whatever they label as "hate speech" isn't allowed.

Here's what the bar owner posted on Fakebook:

“We're tired of all of the hate.  We are very open to debate and discussion, and it’s a shame we can’t have open conversations about this.  Unfortunately, due to all of the bigotry and hate that's surfaced around the Bud Light controversy, any patron wanting to voice their concerns about the issue will be immediately asked to leave.”

It doesn't take a PhD to spot the contradiction: “We are very open to debate and discussion," he bleats, but then "any patron wanting to voice their concerns about the issue will be immediately asked to leave."

Later the owner added “We do not and will not censor opinions."  That's another pious bleat intended to make him look like he's open-minded.  But this is another classic liberal con:  Everyone is totally entitled to their own opinion.  But if we don't agree with it, we won't let you express it.

No one argues that the bar doesn't have a right to a no-free-speech-here policy.  My point is the utter hypocrisy of banning anyone from criticizing the tranny ad campaign while in the very next sentence piously proclaiming they support free speech.

It's classic left/liberal behavior.



April 28, 2023

Interviewer posts vid asking New Yorkers what they think of Biden. Dems claim it's fake. You decide.

A conservative posted a video interview on Twatter, in which the interviewer asked New Yorkers what they thought about the vegetable occupying the oval office.  Most of the backgrounds were identifiably New York, and almost all the accents were definitely "New Yawk."

Then, predictable as the sunrise, the dipshit Democrat bots deluged the Twatter account with "Dis not true!  Everybuddy LOVE Dear Leader!  Dear Leader beez duh bestest preznit EVAH!  See, deez interviews were NOT with New Yawkas!  Dey all had southern accents, mean dey wuz hired by duh interviewer!  So dis FAKE!  Everybuddy LOVE Dear Leader!  Dear Leader way mo' popular den duh Orange Man!  So there!

Here's the whole thread so you can see how desperate the Dems are to get you to believe the interviews did NOT happen in New Yawk.


Biden's America: We'll force you to let your kids go tranny, force you to take the jab, force you to...


Oh, definitely.  There wasn't a single clue that to tell any voter he was corrupt! Well, unless you're a typical low-information Dem voter.  In that case you legitimately don't have a clue.  Thanks, Democrats!

April 27, 2023

Porridgebrain caught with card listing the exact questions to be asked by reporters, in order!


Yesterday your corrupt, senile preznit was in South Korea as the nations celebrate the 70th anniversary of their alliance.  At a joint press conference with South Korea's president, Porridgebrain took questions.

The first one was from LA Times "reporter" Courtney Subramanian.  Here's the quote:

“How are you squaring your domestic priorities — like reshoring semiconductors manufacturing — with alliance-based foreign policy?”

Later a sharp-eyed photographer found that he'd captured a "cheat sheet" paper in Porridgebrain's hand showing a pic of the "reporter," the name of her paper, the fact that she would be the first reporter called on to ask a question, and...wait, this can't be right, can it?

It was the exact question the reporter asked.  Printed out.  With her pic, so Vegetable would know which way to point.

Democrat and Mainstream Media:  "Wuh...wuh...wuh...Dis not new, or worth reporting!  ALL president's have always done dis!"

For young Americans: This is just one example of the fact that literally EVERYTHING in this corrupt Democrat administration is rigged.  Fixed.  Planned in every detail so the corrupt preznit will never be surprised by an question his team hasn't approved and prepared for.

Democrat shills: "NOOOoooo!!!  Dis totally normal!  Every president does dis!"

Peddle that lie somewhere else, scum.

But WAIT!  It gets better.  The LA Times lies that their reporter did NOT submit any questions in advance.  So back in Washington, in the "briefing room" an intrepid reporter asked biden's "press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, "The Times says their reporter didn't submit any questions in advance.  So can you tell us how that notecard with the exact question typed out got into the president's hand before the question was asked?" 

The press sec simply ignored the fact that the question was already typed on the card::  "It beez perfekly normal.fo' president to get briefed on what questions are expected..."   No, bitch, the notecard had the entire question WORD FOR WORD.  So for young Americans:  The media brazenly lies, the White House brazenly lies.  One imagines the lackeys at the White House mulling over whether to claim the photo was photoshopped (i.e. faked), but deciding to simply tell a different lie, counting on the fact that not one American in 100,000 would ever see the photo at the top, showing that the card did in fact contain the exact question, and the pic of the person biden's handlers had agreed he would call on to ask it.

Lies on top of lies, on top of lies.  Thanks, Democrats. 

April 25, 2023

When educated, successful men totally believe everything the regime and Media tell 'em, U.S. is toast

"Opinion polls" presume one can get a very close idea of what the population is thinking from a small sample, assuming it's a fairly weighted sample.  (Spoiler: the sample group is never fair, but read on.)

I was raised in the largest city of a flyover state, so the city was fairly small.  No revolutionaries, no anarchists, and the only drug (rare) was weed.  Transgenders were unknown.  As teens we could go anywhere without danger.  Murder was almost unheard of.

My small circle of friends all came from good homes, with two stable, non-druggie parents.  So yes, we were extremely lucky.  At the time we didn't realize it.

We all graduated from college, most with "useful" degrees, and are of us all successful.  Upper middle-class.  All my friends' kids are successful, and grandchildren poised to be so.  No drug addicts, no psychopaths.  Most are still on their first marriage.

Definitely American-dream stuff.

Recently, half a century after highschool, during the lockdown for duh Chyna virus, we managed to re-connect via Zoom.  And chatting with my old friends has been...eye-opening, to say the least.

All but one are Democrats and liberals.  All but one have no complaints that they're willing to voice about what the biden and obama regimes have done to the country.  As far as they're concerned, things are, if not perfectly fine, at least far closer to perfect than if Orange Man were still president.

I'm incredulous:  (1): Are you not aware of the scores of..."anomalies" about the 2020 election? 

 "The 2020 election was the most honest in history.  The media said so.  Any stories to the contrary are just conspiracy stories pushed by goofy right-wingers."

(2): Did any of you object when biden ORDERED every American working for a company with 100 or more employees to take the experimental, ineffective covid "vaccine" or be fired?

"No, we were eager to take it.  The CDC and Fauci said the virus was terribly lethal to humans, and that people who were vaccinated couldn't transmit the virus.  Obviously we didn't want to give the virus to the wife or kids so we were happy to take the vaccine.  So it's GOOD that biden ordered everyone to take vaccine.  It's safe, and effective.  It was probably dangerous when Trump was president, but the biden administration solved the problems, so now it's safe."

(3): So were y'all eager to get your two-year-old grandchild jabbed too?  Didn't you know that the chances of a child under 15 dying from covid was 0.0001 percent?

"Never heard that.  Fauci said kids needed to be vaccinated, so we did as he said.  He's the head of a big division of the NIH, so he would never lie."

(4): So I guess you believe the Russians blew up their own North Sea gas pipelines too, right?

"Of course.  President Biden said so.  Why would he lie?"

(5): Ah.  So when every Mainstream Media outlet said the Chyna virus could not possibly have been modified in a Chinese lab to make the harmless bat virus lethal to humans, you believed that too, right?

"Of course.  The Media said Fauci was the top viral researcher and scientist in the United States, and he said the virus could not possibly have been modified in a Chinese lab.  Surely you don't claim to know something the top researcher in the U.S. doesn't, do ya?  That's impossible.  Hes the head of a major government agency, which means he's really smart, and would never lie.  You're just an ordinary guy.  Why should anyone believe you over a top researcher like Fauci?  Fauci wouldn't lie."

(6): How about our open southern border?  Surely you've seen dozens of videos of hundreds of people illegally crossing the river into the U.S.  Are you okay with that?

"I watch MSNBC and CNN, and haven't seen any such videos.  I think you're just making that up.  The notion of  'open borders' is just a scare story.  Russian disinformation.  The president's hand-picked head of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, has been on TV dozens of times assuring Americans that the southern border is totally secure!  If that wasn't true, our Media would never have let him get away with saying that!  So there ya go."

(7): Ah.  Okay, what do you think about all the fentanyl being smuggled into the U.S. by illegals?

"That's just a 'right-wing scare story' created by people who hate immigrants.  If fentanyl coming across the border was a real problem the Media would tell us.  Cuz they're in the business of 'news,' eh?  If something so dangerous was really happening, obviously the Media would tell us."

(8): Ah.  What do you think about inflation?

"Not a problem.  Prices go up, but not because of any government policies."

(9): So do you think the "velocity theory of money" isn't valid?

"Never heard of it.  The only thing they taught us in college was Keynesianism."

(10): Okay.  Do you think it was a good idea for Biden to sell half of our strategic petroleum reserve?

"That's Russian disinformation.  If the administration had done that, the Media would have mentioned it.  They didn't, so it didn't happen.  And even if it had, the Media say the U.S. doesn't need oil, gas or coal, because most of our energy needs are being supplied by clean wind, solar and hydroelectricity.  And that's good, because fossil fuels cause Global Warming climate change.  The administration says all scientists agree that Global Warming climate change is the most dire problem we've ever faced.  They call it an 'existential problem'."  And the Media agree.  So getting rid of "fossil fuels" is good.

(11): Ah.  What have you heard about a drug called ivermectin?

"Not approved for human use.  Our FDA said it's only approved to kill worms in horses and cows.  Definitely not approved for human use!  Some loonies claimed it would cure covid.  Can you imagine?  Very dangerous.  Only crazy people think it's safe for humans!"

(12): Ah.  So if I told you that not only had it been approved by your FDA, but they approved it for human use way back in 1983, and that it's been taken by literally a billion people since then, and that your faaabulous CDC actually published what it says is the recommended dose for humans, what would you think?

"Russian disinformation.'"  [Spoiler: all of the above is totally true.]

(13): Ah.  Have you heard anything about hundreds of young, fit athletes dropping dead in the middle of a televised soccer game? 

"That's another scare story.  Sadly, fit young people have always dropped dead at all ages.  This isn't new or alarming.  No more people are dying young now than at any time before.  We know that because if that were true, the CDC would have investigated to find the cause."

Uh...sure.  The CDC.  Yeah.  Cuz since the CDC had a HUGE role in claiming covid was far more deadly than the flu, and that the only way to avoid dying was to take the jab, they could certainly be trusted to determine whether the jab was causing stringy blood clots two feet long, pulled from arteries of people being embalmed, right?  (14): Do you think clots like that are normal?

"Experts say long, stringy blood clots are very common in the blood vessels after death. Besides, embalmers aren't doctors, so how can anyone trust them to recognize whether a given blood clot was normal?   They just don't have enough experience to know whether something is unusual.  In fact experts have found that such clots are more likely cause by Covid, not the vaccine.  So being vaccinated reduces your chance of getting blood clots!"

(15): Have you heard a story about emails and pic found on a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden?

"Ah yes.  That was very quickly proven to be Russian disinformation.  In fact the NY Times and Washington Post both reported knowing that within a day of that fake story breaking.  Six weeks before the election the FBI warned Facebook and pre-Musk Twitter that they expected a piece of Russian disinformation to drop before the election, probably about a biden family member, and warning the social media companies to prevent the story from "trending."  Every U.S. intel agency said it was Russian disinformation.  In fact 51 former U.S. intel officers signed a letter saying so.  In fact we only heard about the laptop because of the letter debunking that story.  So rumors about the son of our totally honest president taking bribes from Chyna are "Russian disinformation."

(16):  Ah.  So if I told you that six months after the 2020 election the Washington Post--which had initially, instantly, with no research simply parroted the FBI claims that the laptop was fake--finally hired experts to check the hidden codes that authenticate emails, and confirmed all the emails were authentic, what would you say?

"Obviously Russian disinformation. "

I could go on and on, but you get the picture.  My friends are all intelligent, educated guys, but they believe everything the regime and the Mainstream Media tell them.  From what I can gather, they get all their information from the Mainstream Media, with no contradicting inputs.  In that case, believing what you hear and read is understandable.  And it doesn't occur to them to think the regime or the Democrat party might lie, or that the Mainstream Media might be lying to help the Democrats.

To these intelligent, educated, successful men any story that contradicts whatever the biden/harris regime or the Media says must--by definition--be "Russian disinformation."  It's an unbreakable defense to wave away any contradictory information without examining it.

I've tried pointing out that when the only "newz" one gets is from the Mainstream Media, you can't be surprised if that source shades the truth--or even outright lies.  They are convinced--if only unconsciously--that if BOTH the regime and the Mainstream Media say something, it must be true.  It follows that anything that contradicts those so-called "truths" must be a lie--likely "Russian disinformation."

By contrast, they totally believe the Democrat Narrative--endlessly echoed by the Media for four years--that the only reason Trump won in 2016 was because he "colluded with Russia" to steal the 2016 election from Hilliary.  But if you ask 'em why Putin would help elect the pro-military Trump instead of the utterly corrupt, anti-military, pro-socialist Hilliary, no answer.

Again, my friends are all intelligent, college-educated Americans.  But like most Americans, if both the government and the Media say something, they believe it.  Totally predictable and understandable.

And it's equally understandable that they don't believe my sources.  ("How can you claim you're right and Fauci is lying?).  So one would expect they'd be eager to examine the claims they dispute, to find the alleged errors.  But they don't seem to want to consider anything that contradicts their worldview.  Anything that contradicts the Media is simply dismissed as "disinformation."

And I totally understand that: to even consider that "your" government may be lying to you about dozens of major things--and in a way that will cause you great harm--is EXTREMELY distressing.  (Examples: "The government can print as much money as it likes, without increasing inflation."  "Open borders are good for our society!"  "Trans women ARE women."  "Safe, and effective!")

They believe all the Narratives.

Obviously not all beliefs in things that aren't true are harmful:  Parents tell their kids about the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, the Easter bunny.  Harmless.  But some false beliefs set the believer up for very unpleasant outcomes.  If a majority of Americans believe things that are both erroneous AND harmful, our nation is almost certainly near its end--and deserves to be.

If my smart, well-educated, successful friends totally believe the Media's and regime's lies, it seems unlikely that Americans who lack the intelligence, education and access to information sources not controlled by the government or Mainstream Media, could have a better handle on what's happening. 

So...if you wanna have some fun, print the 16 questions/issues above, and ask friends or parents those questions, and either record or write down their answers.  Chances are good that over 80% of the answers you get will match the ones given by my friends.

Democrat: "SEE?!  Dat means our answers are true, and your claims are false!"

biden says "America can be defined in a single word," then can't come up with a real word

Two days after leftist shill site says 70% don't want Porridge to run, he announces; Media cheers

Two days ago the leftist website "Mediaite" ran this headline:

70 Percent Think Biden Shouldn’t Run Again

The story used a poll out Sunday from NBC News.  But wait!  Didn't we just see a poll from the Wall Street Journal showing Trump supposedly losing to biden by three percent?  And according to dat poll, the Great Hope fo' da GOP, DeSantis, only beating the sainted biden by three percent?

Why yes, yes we did.  And yet poll after poll shows Trump leading DeSantis by somewhere between 20 and 30 percent.  Does any of this make sense?

Sure it does: You show DeSantis supposedly "winning" a head-to-head against the sainted biden to make more conservative voters believe DeSantis is the only candidate who can beat biden.  So the conservative vote splits.  Trump still takes the nomination, but half of GOP voters stay home because they're never-Trumpers, and the Dems win again.

Oh, and an hour ago biden announced he IS running for re-election next year.  But as I've predicted, later this year his doctors will announce he's got a grave medical condition that will prevent him from serving, and he'll "sadly, regretfully" withdraw--giving the Dems a huge sympathy boost.  He'll claim he wanted to stay in the race because he would have soundly defeated Trump, and the Lying Mainstream Media will agree.  The headline above will be conveniently forgotten, making the charade look very authentic.

This whole charade is so obvious a child could predict it.

How the tranny mafia keeps winning

You may not think the tranny mafia is winning.  That's because the Mainstream Media keeps hiding the truth from ya.

Here's how the tranny mafia is winning:  Last fall the most hugely Democrat, "wokie" district in Montana elected the state's first tranny representative--the cutely-fake-name "Zooey Zephyr."  So when the legislature was debating a bill to prevent children under 18 from getting sex-change procedures in the state, the tranny screamed bloody murder at the other reps, literally saying they had "blood on their hands." 

Now the legislators had a dilemma:  Should they let the tranny continue to scream, creating hours and hours of fawning, slobbering coverage from the pro-trans, anti-American, anti-reason Media, or do they say "no mas"?

As you quickly saw, it was a no-win situation for the Republicans.  Either way they go, the tranny mafia can claim they're persecuted--oppressed!  Even though the bill would only apply to CHILDREN UNDER 18.

See how that works?

Now let's see how Wikipedia played this (since all Wiki entries are made by the Leftist destroyers who run that cesspool).  You already guessed:  Play the victim:

"The Montana Freedom Caucus issued a statement misgendering Zephyr."

 Oh NO!  "Dey mis-gendered them!"  

These people are mentally ill.  Hey, free country, right?  So if someone wants to claim they're Napoleon or Cleopatra, knock yourself out.  But if someone claiming to be Napoleon demanded that you obey them, and agree that they ARE Napoleon, would you obey?  Of course not.

But that's where American society is today--at least as dictated by the biden regime and their Mainstream Media supporters.

But hey, I don't have kids, so if the regime's orders prevail, it won't affect me.  But if you have kids...


April 24, 2023

NY Times claims Dems support Biden running in 2024. Nevertheless, he won't be their nominee

If you're under age 40 or so, you may not have heard of Joseph Goebbels.  He was Adolf Hitler's minister of propaganda, and his contribution to politics is that he's reported to have coined a principle for all politicians.  Translated from the German it's more or less:
    “Never tell a small lie.  But if you tell a huge lie, people will believe it, because it's so audacious."

Today The New York Times wrote that “Joe Biden” is about to announce that he's running for re-election in 2024.  The Times ran it under the header "How Democrats Learned to Cast Aside Reservations and Embrace Biden 2024"

So the Times claims "Democrats have cast aside reservations," eh?   Really?

Biden may well announce that he's running, but he won't be the Democrat candidate in 2024.  And that's been the plan for well over a year now.

The Dems will gently get rid of him for two reasons.  One is simply his age:  Biden is 80, and will be 82 on election day of 2024.  The second-oldest president at the end of his term was Ronald Reagan, at 77--and Reagan was twice the man biden is.  And you say the Dems want to run Porridgebrain again?  Not even close.

Instead they'll nominate photogenic (at least the brain-dead soccer moms who carry the Democrat party think so) corruptocrat Gavin Newsome.

As you'll see, being a known corruptocrat is actually a resume-enhancer for Democrat pols, because it means the wealthy know they can bribe you to increase their wealth.  Men who can't be bribed are of no use to the elites.

The second reason may be more serious: it's that the evidence that Porridgebrain and his family have been taking millions in bribes from China and other foreign interests is becoming harder to ignore, thanks to the razor-thin GOP majority in the House.

The evidence was there all along, but the Democrat party was able to block any government investigation while Trump was president--mainly by impeaching Trump twice.  And of course the Mainstream Media would never investigate any Democrat president.  So here we are.

This is exactly what you get when all you do is tell lies, always, about everything.  Joe Biden’s crimes have finally caught up with him. He sold out this country to China.

But no matter what evidence surfaces of real high crimes and misdemeanors, Biden will never be impeached, because the GOP knows the senate will never vote to remove him, since that requires a two-thirds majority in the senate.  And unlike Republicans, Democrats NEVER break ranks.

Instead, around the end of this year the White House physician will report that Joe has some medical condition that would prevent him from serving for four more years.

The coalition of rogues and frauds that backed Porridge--the permanent bureaucracy known as the Deep State--was determined to do anything to prevent Donald Trump from winning in 2020,  They managed to use their control of the Media, and social-media censorship, to hide biden's corruption from enough of the American public to win. 

(They were also determined to do anything needed to make sure Trump wouldn't be allowed to run again in 2024.  That was the entire purpose of the scores of undercover FBI agents who led the protest on January 6th.  You don't believe that, because you believe the FBI isn't corrupt.)

Thus when the NY Post published the story of Hunter Biden's laptop three weeks before the 2020 election, the Media rushed to dismiss the story as "Russian disinformation."  Millions of Americans believed the Narrative--because the contents were so obviously incriminating.  But the Washington Post and NY Times kept telling us it was "Russian disinformation," and they'd never lie, right?

The story was so shocking that voters literally couldn't believe it was true.  So they simply believed the Narrative of "Russian disinformation."  Even after the WaPo, a year later, finally admitted that yes, the story was accurate, most Americans didn't believe it.  Couldn't.

Even to this day.  So all the Mainstream Media has to do now is simply say nothing more, and the story will die.

But in 2022 the Republicans managed to eek out a thin majority in the House (though it's getting thinner), and now a tiny faction of that party is trying to expose the vast network of lies the Democrats have inflicted on this poor nation for years.

One recent example is the letter signed by fifty-one  retired members of the intel community who swore that the laptop story "had all the earmarks of a Russian disinfo operation."  So that must be accurate, eh?

But now the person who drafted that cunning Fable--former CIA director Mike Morell just testified under oath to the House Judiciary Committee that he a) was asked by biden flunky Tony Blinken to draft such a letter; and b) that he invited the other fifty to sign the letter.

It's worth noting that biden appointed Tony Blinken Secretary of State.

Want another lie?  You don't, but reality doesn't care.

An IRS whistleblower (as yet unnamed) has told the Inspector General that both the IRS and the DOJ were mishandling every case sparked by the emails on Hunter’s laptop.  The whistleblower claimed a “high government official”--now revealed to be biden's Attorney General Merrick Garland--has been helping cover up the crimes revealed by the laptop's emails.

Of course no American over the age of 14 believes any members of the biden family will ever even be charged for their many crimes, let alone prosecuted.  We've lived to long to believe justice ever catches up with the "elites."

But the problem is that the Democrats know more and more damning revelations are just waiting to surface.  And while they know their Media allies will suppress most of those revelations, why take the chance?  So they'll take biden out and have an open primary--which Newsome has already won.

Oh, sorry, did I leak that too soon?  My bad.

You DO know Hilliary stole the 2016 nomination from Bernie Sanders, right?

Nah, you don't.  Because if that had happened, the Mainstream Media would surely have told you, right?


Since they didn't, you don't believe it happened.

So in an absolutely masterful, brilliant ploy the Democrat party will neatly ease Porridgebrain out before the end of this year.  The joyous article in the Times that begins "Mr. Biden has all but cleared the field despite concerns about his age" is nothing but a Narrative:  a reassuring, soothing story to prevent Porridge from being seen as a lame duck 18 months earlier than usual.

The normally-perceptive Jim Kunstler, who agrees that biden won't be the Democrat nominee, regardless of what he says this week, ends his piece by saying the Democrats "have lost control of the narrative."

No, they haven't.  They're still in control of it.

They always control The Narrative.  It's what they do best.

H/T James Kunstler


Minnesota Democrats control govt, pass pro-tranny bills with strict party-line vote; Media swoons

Last Thursday Democrats in the Dem-controlled Minnesota House passed HF146, on a straight party-line vote.  That bill encourages minor children to get sex-change operations in Minnesota, regardless of parental opposition.

Then the next day, in a move of astonishing speed and coordination, the state's Democrat-controlled senate passed the same bill--again on a straight party-line vote.  The Democrat governor is expected to sign it into law, to great cheers and fanfare from the Mainstream Media and the tranny mafia.  "Cuz dis law is, like, *totally* needed to protek duh chirrens!," they'll scream.

Oh wait, there's more:  Last fall an 80%-Democrat House district in the Minneapolis suburbs elected the state's first tranny representative, with 80% of the vote.  The tranny assumed office on January 3rd of this year, and immediately introduced the bill that just passed both chambers of the legislature.

"Cuz dis bill proteks duh chirren," right?

No doubt the Dem voters of that district are hailing this as a big victory, and just what they had in mind when they elected the tranny. 

Leigh Finke, first tranny rep in MN history

So here's the problem:  Like many states, Minnesota has a different LAW, giving the state the power to take kids away from their parents if someone claims the kids are being abused.  The charge doesn't have to be proven for state social welfare bureaucrats to remove the child.

Critics say the way HF146 is written, the new LAW could be used by pro-tranny Democrat bureaucrats (redundancy alert) to take a child away from parents if teachers convinced the child that "transitioning" would solve all their problems, and the parent refused to consent.

Wow, who could have foreseen THAT, eh?

Democrats: "Dat ridiculous!  Dat not possible!  You jus' a right-wing conspiracy nut!  Next you'll be telling us the state can force you to get your 6-month-old vaccinated!  You'll be telling us the government will order you fired if you refuse to take the *safe, effective* covid 'vaccine.'  That's ridiculous!"

"Next you'll be claiming that crazy story about a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden was true!"

Sure, what were we thinking, eh?

And here's the hoot:  Every Mainstream Media outlet wrote this story as "this new law protects transgender *people*"  They did that to make naive readers and viewers think laws passed by other states making it illegal for children under 18 to get sex-change operations, cross-sex hormones or puberty blockers applied to adults as well.  That was totally, utterly false.  But by using the phrase "protecting transgender *people*" the casual reader misses that HUGE distinction.

Nashville officials say FBI won't release shooter’s manifesto because it's a “blueprint for total destruction”Nashville officials say FBI won't release shooter’s manifesto because it's a “blueprint for total destruction”

subhead:  Officials who've read it describe contents as “astronomically dangerous.”

A month ago a female identifying as male killed six at an elementary school.  At the home of the shooter police found what was quickly called a "manifesto" that apparently contained insights into her motive.

The document was quickly seized by the FBI, which ordered local cops not to release any of its contents.

The pretext for the FBI's seizing of the manifesto was that they'd use their faaaabulous skills to "analyze" it.

I'm not sure how the FBI has any authority to do that, since the murders are a *state crime*, not federal.  But of course in biden's America the regime simply laughs at silly "laws."  Only "peasants and peons" must obey laws.  The regime can do anything it wants.

SO...a month after the murders, the FBI is still refusing to release any of the writings seized from the shooter's home.  Those included twenty journals, five laptops and seven cellphones.

A Nashville council member confirmed that the FBI has *ruled* that the manifesto would not be released any time soon.

“I was told that her manifesto was a blueprint on total destruction," she said.

Because murder is a state crime, *supposedly* the Nashville police department is 'handling" the investigation.  But when asked about the manifesto the police deferred to the FBI.  Clearly the FBI has ordered the cops to shut up.

But because *officially* the cops are in charge, when the Post contacted the FBI it deferred to the Nashville cops.

Clever how they do that, eh?  Like trying to get a straight answer from a government agency: its lackeys say "Dis not our job!  You gots ta contact dis uddah agency!"  And the other agency points right back.  Infinite loop.

A police spokesperson said all material related to the case is still “under analysis by the FBI."

A former police officer says he believes the biden regime is worried that releasing the manifesto could cause Americans to be less supportive of public school teachers and counselors pushing children to "transition."

“I think what the FBI is really concerned about is a backlash against that protected class of people,” he said.

Well no wonder then!  The regime can't allow THAT, eh?

Source: NY Post


April 23, 2023

FBI failed to disclose it had an informant in the Proud Boys--who gave privileged attorney-client info to government

Edited from "A Spill of FBI Secrets"
  By Julie Kelly at American Greatness
  March 14, 2023

The FBI and far too many liberal federal judges are conspiring to send defendants they don't like to prison, via rigged trials.

If that sounds like hyperbole, you have no idea what's going on.

The biden regime and the Deep State have identified many enemies.  One of these is a group called the Proud Boys.  According to the gruberment the Proud Boys are domestic violent extremists.  And transphobes.  And homophobes.  And xenophobes.  And [fill in the blank].  Some have been jailed since March of 2021--without bail being allowed.  That's a violation of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

[FBI:  "That's no longer governing, and Merrick Garland told us we didn't have to worry about it anymore."]

Five members of the group are currently on trial for "seditious conspiracy."  So:  a) there's a trial going on right now; b) the FBI has a "confidential human source" --which is baffle-gab ("bureau-babble"; gobble-speak) for "informant"--that's a member of the Proud Boys; c) the government never revealed this; and d) that the informant--being in insider within the group of defendants--has been relaying communications between the defendants and their attorneys to the FBI.

WHOA!  Stop the fuck right there.  

If you're a young American or a Democrat (the two groups are equally clueless as to the actual founding principles of this nation), you may not know that one of the principles is called "attorney-client privilege."

What that means is that communications between a defendant and his attorney are supposed to be secret.  The gruberment can't wiretap 'em or force them to be disclosed, period.  And yet in this case, they've BEEN disclosed.

BY LAW (I know, the Dems and the FBI and the Deep State couldn't care less about the actual LAW), the government was obligated to pull the informant.  But they didn't, because that would have alerted the defendants' attorneys to the fact that everything their clients said was known to prosecutors.  The defendants would have had a public-relations win.

Ooooohh, can't allow THAT, eh?

Nicole Miller is one of the lead FBI investigators assigned to the Proud Boys case.  Defense attorneys found emails to and from Miller proving she had access to emails between the defendants and their attorneys.  

On March 8, with Miller on the witness stand, under oath, defense attorney Nicholas Smith surprised Miller by confronting her with messages the Justice Department had tried to hide.  Smith asked Miller if the FBI had "monitored" attorney-client communications between one defendant and his attorney in 2021.

Smith asked whether Miller and another agent had discussed the content of emails exchanged between defendant Zachary Rehl and his former attorney.  Apparently caught off-guard, Miller responded “It appears so.”

This admission should have caused the judge to dismiss all charges and sanction the FBI for misconduct.  It should have been a game-changing, career-ending moment for every FBI thug involved.
Smith then read one of Miller’s texts to her fellow FBI members: “I need to find other emails, but this one email definitely indicates that they want to go to trial, But don’t freak out, Jason and Luke.”

Smith turned to Miller. “Now, ‘Jason,’ refers to the lead prosecutor in this case, Jason McCullough, correct?”

But jurors never heard Miller's answer. After prosecutors loudly objected, corrupt judge Timothy Kelly abruptly dismissed the jury, telling jurors he wanted to "press pause, as we sometimes do when an objection hits.”

"Pause" indeed, you tyrannical thugs.

The next day, with the jury not present, the judge held hearing with both sides to determine how to keep from dismissing charges after the defense team revealed FBI messages indicating FBI agents had a) doctored internal reports; b) destroyed evidence, and c) tipped off prosecutors about defense strategy on the government’s highest-profile January 6 case.

Prior to taking the witness stand Miller had compiled a spreadsheet listing internal FBI messages related to her work on the case. The spreadsheet contained just 25 rows of messages.  Odd.

But then the defense discovered roughly 12,000 rows that were hidden behind a tab.

Ooohhh, dat jus' an aksident, citizen!  We nevah intended to hide doze 12,000 rows of messages, really!  And no one evah noticed that we only had 12 rows of messages in a case that's spanned two years.  I mean, we had better things to do, eh?

One of those hidden messages referenced editing a report on a confidential human source, commonly known as an informant: “You need to go into that report and edit out that I was present,” one agent texted Miller. She complied.

Another unidentified agent told Miller an FBI supervisor instructed the agent to destroy “338 items of evidence.”

In perhaps the most shocking revelations, Miller and another agent discussed emails between Rehl and his then-attorney, Jonathan Moseley. “Found an email thread with Rehl and his attorney, Moseley. The attorney raised some interesting points.”

How would the agent have known what points Rehl's attorney raised, eh?

“Hopefully all related to him pleading out,” Miller replied.

You need to read that again: Miller wants the defendants to plead guilty rather than go to trial.  Sounds like the FBI doesn't wanna be questioned about...anything.  So they'll threaten defendants and their families to force the defendants to plead guilty.  Hmmm...

Rather than dismiss all charges because the FBI was intercepting attorney-client communications protected by the Constitution, the corrupt judge instead gave prosecutors a chance to concoct a face-saving strategy—which they quickly did.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Joyelyn Ballatine told the judge that in turning over required information to the defense team, prosecutors may have "accidently spilled" classified information.”  She asked the corrupt judge to force the defense to return all copies of the spreadsheet to allow the gruberment to review all the messages for allegedly “classified” material.

Ballatine claimed one agent communicating with Miller “works on a squad that does covert activity that is classified.”  

Ballantine claimed the 338 items of destroyed evidence might “impact a classified equity.”  She didn't explain what that meant, and no one asked, for fear of looking uninformed.

The attorney for another defendant complained to the judge that "I think Mr. Smith’s ‘gotcha’ moment yesterday was ruined.  He had every right to get destroy [Miller's] testimony on the stand, but suddenly the trial was stopped.”

The corrupt judge rejected defense arguments, and ordered the defense to return all copies of the damning spreadsheet, ordering that it not be reviewed, copied, or shared.

The next day the "Justice Department" told the judge that 80 rows in the original spreadsheet had been removed after prosecutors determined the messages were “either classified *or sensitive.*”

"Sensitive," y'say?  As in "shows deliberate wrongdoing by prosecutors, violation of rights, lying, et cetera.  Yeah, dat do sound "sensitive."

Oh, and the 338 items of destroyed evidence? Prosecutors insisted, without providing any evidence, that the message referred to the routine “disposal” of evidence in a 20-year old case that had been closed.

But no attempt to explain what case they referred to.

But the hidden bombshell here is in the government’s explanation as to why FBI agents were intercepting email correspondence between a defendant and his attorney, then sharing that intelligence with prosecutors handling the case:

According to the Justice Department, prisoners—including defendants not convicted of any crime, as is the case with the Proud Boys now on trial—are NOT entitled to protected communications with their lawyers.

The gruberment claims that since all emails and phone calls are conducted via a government-owned computer system, prisoners must agree to terms of use, including an acknowledgement that attorney-client discussions would be monitored.

Seriously.  The biden regime claims prisoners waive the attorney-client privilege (and by the same logic, the spousal privilege and the priest-confessor privilege) if they use the government-operated email system to communicate with their attorneys.”

Interesting.  Stasi-level stuff.  The KGB is taking notes.

Prosecutors demanded that all testimony from the cross-examination of agent Miller--which the judge cunningly interrupted at the crucial moment--be stricken.

As expected, the corrupt judge ruled for the gruberment  on every point. He sniffed that the defense objections about the FBI intercepts of the attorney-client communications are “much ado about nothing.”

For decades we had a fairly decent justice system.  Now we don't.  It's that simple.



You have no idea what you're up against: biden regime issue rules requiring males to be allowed in girls' facilities

You've all been propagandized by the biden/harris/Democrat regime and their Media allies to believe trannies are "cute," inoffensive.  Harmless. 

Of course on some (probably unconscious) level many Americans feel a tiny twinge of uneasiness about that endlessly-repeated mantra.  Maybe you've seen one of the dozens of videos of screaming trannies throwing things at straights.  Or you have a vague recollection of something about Nashville, or killings by folks in other cities claiming to be "non-binary" or similar.  But you don't want to say anything for fear of being accused of "transphobia."

So if you're like most Democrats you just shrug and agree with the propaganda; they're cute and harmless, eh?  It's a harmless quirk, like purple hair or neck tattoos or smoking meth.  And as to the government forcing schools to allow males to compete against girls in sports, and use girls' lockerrooms?  Why, that's just a right-wing scare story, citizen!  You can't possibly believe that!

If that describes you, you have no idea what you're up against.  And what your kids are up against.

If it wasn't immediately obvious, the demon in the video below is a male pretending to be female.  Hey, free country, so you bet.  If you wanna pretend you're a fairy princess or a lampshade or an octopus, knock yourself out.

But the demon wasn't satisfied to merely pretend to be female--and to DEMAND that the rest of us agree that it IS female, and to allow it to use girls' bathrooms and lockerrooms.  OH no!  In the vid above, duh demon got up on its hind legs and screamed "If you try to stop me or any other tranny from using the womens' bathroom it will be the last mistake you'll ever make."

The demon goes on to urge all trannies to buy guns and learn how to use them "efficiently."  Again, free country, Second Amendment.  But in light of the quote above in red, that was and is an unequivocal threat.  And you really, seriously need to watch the vid above to the last two seconds, when the demon says "...protect their kids" to understand the depths of the tranny's depravity.  It's chilling.

Twatter locked my account for a day for using the word "tranny" in a tweet.  "Hate speech," bleated the leftists who even now run that platform.   But for some reason this demon's account was still on Twatter as of 30 minutes ago, even after it made the direct threat.

Now obviously Musk doesn't make these decisions.  Instead they're made by the demons who still work there, having cunningly hidden their true colors to avoid being fired.  But the point is, you have no idea what you're up against.

For example, did you know that just six weeks after biden was installed, his handlers had him sign an "Executive Order" that has now resulted in ORDERING that all schools allow trannies to use girls' bathrooms and lockerrooms, and to compete against girls in sports?  Oh, you didn't know that? 

Oh come on, Democrats, call my bluff!  You KNOW you wanna argue that this could not POSSIBLY be real.  C'mon, step right up, cupcakes.  The executive order is 14021, issued March 8, 2021--just six weeks after the corruptocrat was installed.

Go ahead, Democrats:  click the link (goes to the Federal Register) and read for yourselves.  But after you've read the truth, don't blame yourselves for never having heard of this, cuz the Mainstream Media didn't want you to know.  Of course the "elites" all knew what biden was ordering, but since it was cunningly camouflaged under a bunch of homilies, you didn't pick up on it.   You weren't supposed to.

Titled "Guaranteeing an Educational Environment Free from Discrimination on the Basis of Sex, Including Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity," the EO ordered the Education Department to "study" "expanding the specially-protected classes specified in title IX to include gender identity."

"It is the policy of my Administration that all students should be guaranteed an educational environment free from discrimination on the basis of sex, including discrimination...on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity."

See, the phrase "free from discrimination" evokes strong support.  Problem is, Title IX is part of an actual LAW.  Biden's handlers want to change that law, but they failed to achieve that when they controlled both chambers of congress.  So biden's handlers (and probably biden too) now seek to change the effect of that LAW by means of an Executive Order.

That Order directs the Secretary of Education to consider suspending, revising, or rescinding the existing Title IX regulations--signaling that new guidance in this area is likely forthcoming.

So the EO was issued March 8, 2021.  Because biden's handlers didn't wanna spend political capital too soon, they didn't push the matter, allowing time to pass so people would forget.  But biden's corrupt Sec of Education (Miguel Cardona) was quietly working on this, and over a year later Cardona's agency spewed a 700-page pile of gobble-speak that will now permit males to use female restrooms and lockerrooms, and to compete against girls in sports--as I said.

NBC "newz," June 23, 2022:
"Biden admin proposes sweeping changes to Title IX to undo Trump-era rules"

The Biden administration proposed sweeping changes Thursday to federal rules under Title IX that would *extend Title IX’s prohibition on discrimination based on sex to sexual orientation and gender identity, giving landmark protections to transgender students.

The current Title IX regulation does not address the rights of transgender students. 

Yeah, cuz Title IX is a LAW.  By using an executive ORDER to ORDER his Department of Education to "review" the meaning and effect of Title IX, the biden/harris/Dem regime has effectively changed a valid U.S. LAW.  For Democrats and young Americans, presidents aren't supposed to be able to do that.  But by cunningly combining an EO to his Education department, and waiting 15 months, he's now done that.

If you didn't read the 700-page pile of bafflegab, here's biden's corrupt education secretary Miguel Cardona: "Our proposed changes would ... make clear those protections include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity."

Click here to see the deliberately bulky, obtuse 700-page firehose of bullshit bureau-babble from biden's Dept of Education.  

Buried in that firehose of bureaucratic crap is this: 

The Department therefore proposes that the current regulations [note: not law; cunning] should be amended to provide greater clarity regarding the scope of sex discrimination, including recipients’ obligations not to discriminate based on sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, and gender identity."

The entire reason for this 700-page shitstorm is in the last two words above--which appear another 111 times in the pile.  And notice where they put those two words: at the very end of a paragraph of word salad intended to get people to stop reading, because after listing things like "sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy..." naive readers believe the rest of the paragraph is trivial "boilerplate."  

See, rational people would expect any MAJOR changes to policy would be up front, right?  But tyrants, con-men and Democrats hide the huge changes--the stuff that would make lots of rational voters revolt--under TONS of baffle-gab, gobble-speak and homilies that everyone finds unexceptional.  That's intentional.

Later the document says any organization receiving federal money is prohibited from preventing a student "from participating in an education program or activity consistent with their gender identity."

The key phrase here is "or activity."  Say, where's that term defined, eh?  Oh, it's not--which is intentional, which allows the regime to say it means anything the regime wants.  Cuz once the rule change has been adopted, too late, peasants.  "We published the notice and gave you the usual ten days to comment, so you can't complain, peasant!"

The word "activity" is the point of the entire 700-page exercise--cuz "activity" unquestionably includes school sports, eh?

Of course the tranny mafia love this:  Once again they've conned the rubes, eh?  As they see it, they're smart and cunning, you're stupid, so all's fair.  But if you're a "normie"--and especially if you have daughters or granddaughters you love--you should be starting to see how you've been conned.  Duped.

Nah, if you're a Democrat you don't believe any of this.  And you won't click on the links that prove it, cuz you simply don't want to know.  And I can't blame ya.  If I'd been so utterly, thoroughly duped I'd have a hell of a strong aversion to learning about it too.

He doesn't try to silence opponents, he just gets them into the light and lets them reveal their agenda


I get that lots of "never-Trump" "conservatives" don't like him.  So there ya go, sparky: vote for the Democrats.  And revel in what you get: 
  • every damn public school system in Dem-ruled states pushing your kids and grandkids to "transition"--while refusing to inform the parents!
  • Forcing taxpayers to pay "universal basic income" to those who prefer not to work
  • Forcing military to go "woke," ineffective; forcing soldiers to use "preferred pronouns"
  • open borders, allowing in five MILLION illegal invaders in just over two years
  • flying those illegals to U.S. cities far from the border, at 3am--often without notifying the states on the receiving end;
  • demanding an end to the use of abundant, affordable energy;
  • forcing Americans as young as SIX MONTHS OLD to take the jab (still, to go to skool)
  • printing trillions of dollars to give supporters cash, triggering inflation, then claiming "dat not possible!"
  • FORCING (by Executive Order) schools to allow males to compete against your daughters in sports;
  • Selling off half of America's Strategic Petroleum Reserve, much to foreign nations;
  • taking tens of millions of dollars in bribes from China and other foreign interests (and yes, we have copies of the damn BANK WIRE TRANFERS);
  • asking a former CIA chief to draft a lying letter--signed by 51 spooks--claiming the Hunter laptop story was "Russian disinformation" when they all knew it was NOT.
Lots more but you get the drift.  Thanks, Democrats.

April 22, 2023

The tranny shooter in Nashville left a manifesto. It's been a month. Why hasn't it been released?

If you pay attention to events outside your town... Oh wait, most of you don't.  You struggle to raise your kids or study for finals or hold down a job or keep food on the table, so you don't have the time or energy to keep track of everything that's going on.  And yeah, that takes a LOT of time!

In any case, those of you with long memories may recall that late last month in Nashville a female wanting to be male shot her way into a Christian elementary school and killed six people, including three 9-year-old students.

The afternoon of the shooting the police chief said she'd left a "manifesto," which they'd recovered, and added that it could shed light on her motive.

It's now been a month, but we haven't heard a single word about the contents of the manifesto.  Why?

The answer is that the FBI seized it, and has ordered the two local cops who saw it not to comment on it. But why?

The answer to that is: the biden regime's obsession to push the wonders of trannyism on the public.

As Pete Hegseth put it, if the killer had been a white nationalist or a pro-life activist or a Trump supporter, and had left behind a "manifesto" that would infuriate Americans, the FBI would have  released it immediately,  He said people who had seen the shooter's manifesto described it as "dark." 

The only plausible reason the biden/harris/Democrat regime doesn't want you to see it is that it paints trannies in a bad light.  Whoa, can't have THAT, eh citizen?.

If you don't think "gay pride" events specifically seek children, take a look.

"It is with a heavy heart that the pride alliance of the Treasure Coast has to announce that this weekend’s Pridefest will now be a 21 and older event.”

Yes, organizers of a gay pride event in Florida said they were sad that a recent law would bar those under 21 from attending one of their drag events.

The event will still be held, but now limited to 21 and over--and they've got the sadz.  But why--unless they wanted kids to attend?

The organizers made the change to "21 and over" for that event because Florida's governor is expected to sign a bill just passed by the legislature to prevent children from attending drag shows, according to a report from a local TV station.  The “Protection of Children Act,” passed by both the state House and Senate, makes it illegal for businesses or individuals to intentionally permit a child to attend an adult live performance.

Now:  Leftists are masters of using the law to destroy opponents, so here's what I predict:  They'll intentionally allow dozens of 20-year-olds to attend, and one or two 18-year-olds.  They'll quietly tip off gay allies in city hall and on the police force, claiming lots of ten-year-olds will be there.  And with that, cops will raid the performance.

Since the organizers will expect the raid, dozens of video cameras will be around the perimeter of the room.  When the cops enter, shills in the audience will begin screaming, running around in circles and throwing water balloons.  Cops will eventually cuff and remove those who are resisting.  The footage will make national broadcast news.

Then the lawsuits will start, claiming violations of 1A rights, excessive use of force, and that the "Protection of Children Act is unconstitutional.

I'm not worried about giving 'em this idea because no one reads this blog, but wanted to get my prediction down.


Cali educrats issue list of recommended "updated" books for grades 9-12; nothing written before 2016

The "education bureaucracy" in the "wokie" states is busy destroying kids, while in conservative states they still study the classics.

The woke bureaucrats at the California Department of Education have issued a list of recommended new books, recommended to state schools.  The list below is all they've issued; no list of recommended standard books or classics seems to be available.

The California bureaucrats' book list for grades 9 thru 12 contains NO books written before 2016 (no classics), but recommends books by Michelle Obama, racist Ibram Kendi, and black former talk-show host Trevor Noah. So all three by black authors.

The list for grades 9 thru 12 in Florida includes Crime & Punishment, Hamlet, Dante's Inferno, 1984 and Animal Farm. 

Wonder which group of students will be better prepared for life?


Two teens--14 and 17--steal car, crash into a family, killing a 6-month-old child. But it's Chicago, so...

In Chitcongo last Sunday two teens, ages 14 and 17, did what teens all over America do on Sundays:  they stole a car and went tearing thru the streets at high speed.

Just like kids everywhere, eh?  Hey, kids will be kids, eh?

Unfortunately their joyride was cut short--when they crashed into a small pickup truck driven by a mother and three children.  One of the children--age 6 months--was killed, the other two and the mother hospitalized.

Now, in a civilized society the two thieves would be given significant prison sentences.  But in Chitcongo the two po' car-stealin, baby-killin' kidz have already been released without posting bail.  And two or three years from now--if the case indeed ever goes to trial, which is highly unlikely--the Cook County DA--the notoriously corupt Kim Foxx--will reduce what should rightfully be a manslaughter or negligent homicide charge down to 'failure to yield right-of-way" or "unauthorized use of a vehicle" or some other meaningless, no-penalty charge--and the car-stealing child-killers will walk free.

And at that point the dozen or so good people remaining in that Democrat-ruled shithole--unable to recall the case from years earlier--will shrug and say "Whut?"

And a minute ago I find that, as if on cue, both perps have been charged with "criminal trespass to a vehicle," just a misdemeanor.  (Damn I'm good!)  And if you think there will be any punishment for "criminal trespass" you're too naive to breathe.

More predictions: 1) You will never learn the names of the thieves/killers; and 2) nor will you ever learn their race.  Which of course will tell you that the thieves weren't white, since if they had been, that fact would have been endlessly bleated by every Mainstream Media outlet in minutes.

What a society tolerates, it gets more of.  So the Powers that run Chitcongo will see to it that the perps aren't punished, since that might send a message to *other* would-be car thieves.

Hey, can't have *that,* right?



Trump-hating Associated Press poll finds 53% of Democrats don't want biden to run. But dey'll vote fer him.

You may have seen a recent story touting poll results showing that while Trump would reportedly LOSE to biden by three points, DeSantis would reportedly DEFEAT biden by three.

SEE, citizen?  You Republicans would be *dumb* to nominate Trump, cuz he'd LOSE!  Got it?

So take a look at this AP headline:

Biden splits Dems for 2024 but most would back him: AP poll

"Splits," eh?  So did the AP find that maybe 20 percent of Dems have a minor reservation or two about him in 2024?  

Well, something like that.  Actually the AP poll found that just 47% of Democrats said they wanted bidumb to run, up  from just 37% who said that in January.  But nevertheless, the AP claims a large majority say they’d be likely to support him if he's the Dem nominee.

Let's try to parse that: Only 47% of *Democrats* want biden to run, which suggests respondents either don't think he's done a good job, or think he's too old for a second term. And yet the AP claims "a large majority say" they'd vote for him?  Hmmm... Sounds schizophrenic, but totally unsurprising.  Dems would vote for a Chinese agent if he was their party's nominee.


And speaking of a lack of awareness: the same AP poll also found that about half of Democrats *thought the economy was doing fine.*

  • 50,000 layoffs in big tech companies?  Didn't hear about dat.
  • Home sales down 22% compared to a year ago?   Nah, doesn't ring any bells.
  • Inflation and mortage interest rates high?   Say whut?
  • Another huge wave of illegals due to hit on May 11th, after the biden regime ordered an end to Title 42?  Never heard of "Title 42" so don't care.

When people are this stunningly unaware, we can't be surprised if they support the corruptocrats.

So hey, economy sounds great to me!  At least that's what CNBC and MSNBC and NBC and ABC and CBS and CNN always say, so it must be true, right?


ICE to ditch ankle-bracelets, will track illegal aliens released into U.S. using a... removable wristband??

Subhead:  Civil rights groups demanded the biden regime destigmatize "enforcement" by using "less obtrusive" "monitors"

The biden regime is trying to appease supporters of "non-citizens" [actually just "illegal aliens"] by replacing GPS ankle-bracelets with a less-visible wristband to track "non-citizens" [actually only "illegal aliens"] released into the interior of the U.S.

ICE chief Tae Johnson confirmed that to congress Tuesday.  “After backlash from civil rights organizations, ICE is changing into a more humane way of monitoring noncitizens [i.e. "illegal aliens," except the biden regime has ordered that term abolished]."

Supporters of illegal immigration whined that the GPS ankle monitors formerly used made Americans believe the "noncitizens" [actually just "illegal aliens"] were somehow criminals, as if they had broken a law or something.  Tae Johnson said it was important that Americans not think that.

So to make the illegals feel better, ICE has announced that they'll begin replacing ankle bracelets with a "tracking wristband or watch" soon.”

On Tuesday acting ICE chief Tae Johnson confirmed to Congress Tuesday that the agency will begin using the new technology just before an expected surge in "non-citizens" [actually just "illegal aliens"] at the southern border after May 11.  That's when the biden regime has ordered that a Trump-era expulsion order known as Title 42 be ended.

ICE was originally looking at a non-removable wristband, but pro-illegal organizations warned that this was also unacceptable, so the agency will likely go to a removable wristband.  Because this might also prompt complaints, designers are also working on possibly disguising the wristbands by making them part of a watch.  The target price for the watch/locator is around $2,500, although the final price depends on which Democrat senator's brother gets the contract.

A DHS spokesman said "Our number one priority is that these undocumented Americans not feel inconvenienced or stigmatized in any way.  It's our job to give them everything they need to put them on the path to citizenship as soon as possible."

A few xenophobic critics claim that since the new wristbands or watches can be taken off, they can't really help the biden regime locate the wearer.  "How would ICE know if the [undocumented American] had given the watch to a friend," said one.  

When asked about this problem the ICE spokesman smiled and replied "They would never do that, because it's against the rules.  They know they can only become citizens if they obey our rules.  And that if we caught them giving the locator to a friend they'd be ordered to a hearing.  

"Of course since the immigration courts are full this would likely happen around the year 2032.  Why, is that a problem?



Your totally serious Democrat congress-critters at work

Democrats in congress are totally un-serious.  So while they eagerly support allowing unlimited invasion into the U.S. across our southern "border," and supported forcing Americans to take the ineffective, experimental covid jab, and support mandatory "die-versity training sessions," and oppose the use of affordable, efficient, reliable carbon fuels, they can be counted on to support the important stuff.

Like demanding that Petey Buttigeig spend millions of taxpayer dollars to buy...wait for it..."female crash-test dummies.


The pic below is of a Democrat congress-cretin (Rosa DeLauro) from the totally Dem-ruled northeastern state of Connecticut.  Rosa is the voice for female crash-test dummies, and Petey is all for it.  Cuz dat SOoo "wokie," eh?

After Republicans pass bill barring men from competing against women in sports, Dems scream

Two days ago the House passed a Republican bill barring males pretending to be girls from competing against real girls in sports.

Of course Politico didn't report it that way, instead describing it as "restricting transgender students from playing on women’s sports teams."  Cuz that disguises the reality that the biden regime has issued an Executive Order forcing schools to allow men to compete against real girls in sports.

Rational adults instantly recognize as unfair...thus insane.

Politico wrote that immediately after the bill passed, several Democrat groups slammed the bill as "a political attack under the guise of protecting women’s sports."

See, Dems claim allowing trannies to compete against real girls is like, TOTALLY fair!  Cuz if you buy that bullshit--and ONLY if you buy that--you'll agree with the Dems that barring trannies from doing that is "a political attack" merely "disguised as protecting womens' sports."

So here's the classic Dem response, by the chair of the Democrat Womens' Caucus, Lois Frankel.  You'd *think* a female (although biden's latest SC "justice" says you can't really know if you're not a biologist) wouldn't want to *force* girls to have to compete against men, eh?  But instead Lois is a loyal Democrat who--like all loyal Dem pols--would rather support the tranny mafia than real girls:

“We will not let anti-LGBTQI+ Republicans...use ‘protecting women’ as an excuse to attack trans youth.”

Didja get that?  According to the damn chair of the  Dem Womens' Caucus, barring men from competing against girls is NOT "protecting women" but is just "an excuse to attack trans youth."

This is a total, brazen inversion of the truth.  Nothing in the proposed bill prevents male trannies from playing sports in school--on mens' teams.  They have the same rights as every other male.  But of course the Dems and tranny mafia aren't satisfied with that, demanding special "rights" that the Dems have simply invented.

See, Dems are allowed to invent "rights" if they want, cuz...reasons.  And if those invented "rights" hurt real women, Dems just shrug: "Trans women ARE women," they bleat.  "And if you don't bow to that, they accuse you of "being unfair to women!"  

As I said: a total, brazen inversion of the truth.

Source: the leftist rag Politico 


Snarky leftists use Twitter to post that "Twitter doesn't *really* allow freedom of speech!" Wait...

You have no idea of how angry the gays and trannies and communists are that Musk bought Twitter.  They're furious because they had a platform that TOTALLY supported their corrupt, satanic policies and worldview, and deleted any counter-arguments.  So of course the Left flooded all companies screeching that they MUST stop advertising on Twitter.

And it worked:  hundreds of large companies stopped advertising on Twitter, costing the company millions of dollars.

With that background, here's how Musk responded:
@elonmusk tweeted: "If that means we lose advertising dollars, so be it. But freedom of speech is paramount."

Now here's how a homosexual Leftist (Luke Zaleski) responded *on Twitter*:

Elon paid $44 billion to dominate your attention and determine what you see. He knows he can manipulate his personal platform to be in a position powerful enough to crown kings, pick presidents and help produce whatever personal or political outcome he wants.
Zaleski's bio says he's "former Research Director for GQ Magazine and head of fact-checking for ‘The Resistance’  So total Leftist, Trump-hater, anti-straight, anti-Christian.  Ant the hoot is that the piece of shit claims (see his tweet above) that Elon bought Twitter "do determine what you see," but then uses Twitter to post an anti-Musk bleat--which Twitter lets him publish! 
Here's another bleat from Zaleski:
"Before Elon free speech was free. Now Elon is literally stealing it and charging you. Pretending he’s saving free speech is like the NFL pretending it’s saving ambulation.
For Leftists and others who may not have gotten it:  the fact that he was allowed to post all his bleats totally negates his point!  It's delicious--and even better that he's too much of a hater to realize it! 

Translation: “I bought this company for far more than it was worth creating a massive debt for myself, pay me so I can pretend I’m not a monumentally terrible business man.”

Twitter user Rita Bourque added "Right wing misinformation flows freely here"

Yet another: "It's not freedom of speech. It's just nasty people in a basement. And fascism."

And yet somehow you were able to post your bleat on the very forum you accused of not allowing free speech, eh?  Starting to see the flaw in what passes for "reasoning" in tiny organ that passes for your brain?  Nah, you don't.  Like all Leftists, reasoning is beyond your abilities.

After the Left lost control of "their" former platform, they're now trying to destroy it.  Totally predictable.