February 29, 2024

A tale of violent, cop-killing "American" leftist revolutionaries from the 1980s--and their son

Young Americans--anyone under 50--have no idea about how bloodthirsty the American Left is.  So I need to show ya.

Back in the 1980s one of the many leftist movements in the U.S. was called variously the Weathermen or the "Weather Underground."  Two of the main figures were were Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert.  They bombed the capitol--literally--and executed cops.

Charmers, eh?  But to them--and tens of thousands of spoiled snowflake college kids--they were absolutely right to do so.

In 1982 Boudin and Gilbert were arrested for their involvement for killing three men while robbing an armored car in New York State.  The charmless communists executed security guard Peter Paige and two police officers, including an African-American.

While on the run, Boudin and Gilbert had a son who they named "Chesa" for another communist comrade, Joanne Chesimard, who had fled to Cuba after executing another cop.

"Chesa," eh?  

After the pair were caught and jailed the son was raised by another leader of the Weather Underground, spoiled snowflake Bill Ayers--the guy who helped launch Obama's political career.

In November of 2020, leftist voters in San Francisco elected Chesa district attorney of their leftist cesspool, swayed by his promises to release known criminals and to simply refuse to prosecute crimes.  He even pushed the notoriously leftist city council ("board of supervisors") to decriminalize public urination, defecation and open drug use, claiming these acts did NOT warrant prosecuting.

Soon after that, San Fran turned into a literal shithole, with feces and used syringes on all the sidewalks.  Given his promise to release repeat criminals and to allow quality-of-life crimes to go unpunished, San Francisco descended into a paradise for criminals.  It got so bad that residents who parked on the street would leave their cars unlocked (and empty) so junkies and other thugs wouldn't smash a window.

But that's another story.

In June of 2022--just twenty months after he was elected--voters sick of his leftist shit voted to "recall" him.  (For young Americans, "recall" in the political sense means voters fired his worthless ass.)

But if you thought being fired--after totally revealing how disastrous the Left's policies are would end this sack of shit's career, you've never been to California: Last week "Chesa" was named executive director of Berkeley's new Criminal Law & Justice Center, with a mission of educating leftist attorneys to better empty our prisons.  Cuz to leftists, there should not be any penalty for crime--unless the crook steals something belonging to them, of course.

I haven't taken my time to check, but I'll bet the communists who run Berkeley have forced taxpayers to pay Chesa over $350,000 per year to rule his new leftist empire.  Any takers?

Now: the American Left was executing cops in the 1980s.  If you think they've gotten even a bit less bloodthirsty since then, you're too naive to breathe.  The Left's desire to kill and to rule is still as strong as ever.


Leaders are rare, often flawed. Tyrants are common, always corrupt and self-centered

February 28, 2024

A sample of crimes by illegals in the last month

A 19-year-old Honduran man, Angel Matias Castellanos-Orellana, has been arrested in a New Orleans suburb, accused of a series of violent crimes.  Police say Castellanos-Orellana was in the United States illegally.

Police said their investigation began on Tues., Feb. 20 when they were notified that a 14-year-old girl had been raped at knifepoint.

biden's chief of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, quickly issued a statement assuring residents that this rape had nothing whatsoever to do with the president ordering his agents to allow everyone on Earth to enter the U.S. and remain.  After assuring voters that the border was actually totally closed and secure, Mayorkas said good Americans should be grateful that the poor, oppressed "migrant" didn't kill his 14-year-old victim.

Then five days later police responded to reports of a stabbing.  Police say the same illegal alien accosted the victim at knifepoint and demanded his property.  Police say the illegal alien then stabbed the victim multiple times in his face and his back.  Police quickly arrested the illegal, who they said was "covered in blood" matching the victim's.

Mayorkas quickly assured voters that the claim that blood on the "immigrant" matched that of the victim proves nothing, because DNA isn't always reliable.  He added that even if the blood on the "asylum-seeker" was the victim's, it didn't prove the asylum-seeker was responsible for the attack, since he could have been trying to help the victim after the latter was stabbed by a different assailant.

The Archbishop of the New Orleans diocese then urged people to understand that the asylum-seeker could have been "triggered" by the fact that the victim had a car, whereas the asylum-seeker was still waiting to receive his promised car from the Department of Equity.

Mayorkas criticized Republicans for "pouncing" on "unfortunate immigrants" after the "tragic incident" in Athens, Georgia, and a second incident in Virginia in which another asylum-seeker from Venezuela raped another 14-year-old.  He assured voters that American men rape and stab at a much higher rate than "immigrants."

When a reporter pressed for a source for that claim, Mayorkas pointed to his head and said "I keep all those numbers up here."

Meanwhile in a state far away from Georgia...

On Feb. 8--just a few weeks ago--a mother was walking with her two-year-old son in high-income Prince George's county, Maryland, when two groups of illegal alien invaders began exchanging gunshots.  

Both the mother and son were hit by the gunfire.  Her son was killed.

Police have now charged 5 suspects with the murder, including 25-year-old Nilson Trejo-Granados.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed that Trejo-Granados is an unlawfully present Salvadoran national--i.e. an illegal alien invader.  But of course they don't say it like that because voters might wonder who the hell was allowing all these thugs to waltz into the country, eh?

NOW...let me show you what Democrat polices NOT just ordered by the biden regime but supported by stupid, corrupt Dem officials in Maryland, supported by tens of thousands of thoughtless, stupid Democrat voters, have wrought:

On Nov. 7, 2022--14 months before the fatal shooting--an immigration judge in New Jersey ordered the illegal alien deported.  But of course the biden regime and Maryland officials have decided dey don' hafta comply wif' no stinkin' court orders, cuz dey Democrats, man!

As a result of this refusal to obey the court order, the invader was still in Maryland, robbing at will.  On March 21, 2023, cops in Montgomery County arrested him and charged him with theft.

While he was jailed, ICE issued a "detainer" on the invader, to the county, asking them to detain him for pickup by ICE.  But since Maryland is a "sanctuary state," the county *refused to detain the thug,* releasing him in less than a week--despite his being arrested for theft.  

Catch-and-release.  A classic Dem catastrophe.  
On September 26, 2023, cops arrested the illegal yet again, again charging him with a different theft.

The next day ICE issued another "detainer" to the county.  But predictably, the county again refused to comply, releasing him on October 12.

SO...because biden, mayorkas, merrick garland and the Democrats opened the border and let this thug in, and then equally dumb Democrats who run the Peoples' Repubic of Maryland eagerly lapped up the left's "sanctuary" bullshit to prevent his deportation, the thug--who had been ordered deported back in November of 2022--was STILL in the U.S. 14 months later when he and his comrades opened fire on a mother and two-year-old child.

But according to EVERY Mainstream Media outlet, and the White House, and Dem leaders, there is absolutely no connection between their policies and the death of this child.

None.  Zero.  Nada.  

Just as there was no link to the death of the Georgia nursing student, or the rape of two 14-year-old girls, all by illegal aliens.

No.  Connection.  At all, citizen.


After murder of Georgia nursing student by illegal alien, police tell women "Not related to open border"

Following the murder of a 22-year-old Georgia nursing student by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela, police issued a statement warning women to avoid jogging within 2,000 miles of an open border, particularly our southern border that the U.S. shares with Mexico.

Police captain Dan Jackson told reporters, "Due to the nature of the situation, we urge women to avoid jogging by themselves within 2,000 miles of the southern border.  In fact, to ensure your safety, for the time being women should just avoid going outside by themselves."

Jackson said police are still trying to determine what is causing the spike in crime in Athens and around the country.  The police captain quickly discounted right-wing claims that this killing had anything to do with the millions of immigrants and oppressed asylum-seekers who are streaming into the country at the rate of 10,000 per day.

"We urge members of the public to rely on media reports reassuring them that this 'unfortunate encounter' had nothing at all to do with illegal immigration.  Instead Media experts say the problem is actually that American women think they can just leave their homes without putting themselves in danger.  All we know is that it's definitely NOT due to oppressed people who become 'undocumented Americans' by walking across our southern border."

As of press time, newly released police reports identified the alleged assailant in the Georgia murder as "white" and his occupation as "just looking for a better life."


February 27, 2024

"Solar panels" gon' save duh Erf, chirren! "Really! We're experts!"

Well, maybe not a total idiot, just gullible.  You heard the gruberment and the Mainstream Media bleating that solar panels gonna save duh Erf, jus' like dem windmills, eh?  So because you're too busy keeping your job to do research, you believe 'em.

After all, have either the regime or the Media ever lied to you before?

When the biden regime sold off half the oil in your Strategic Reserve, he promised they'd re-fill it IF...

With the help of the Lying Mainstream Media, the utterly corrupt biden crime regime can lie to you every single day, and you believe it--not because you're stupid, but because you have no information that can show you they're lying.

Think on that for a minute.

Okay, if you're like most Americans that didn't clarify things a bit, eh?  So let's see if we can figure out why.

On second though, that would take way too long--and you wouldn't believe it anyway.  So here's an example: over a year or so before the 2022 mid-term elections biden and his handlers sold off fully HALF of all the oil in the nation's "Strategic Petroleum Reserve."  They did that to add an extra one MILLION barrels per DAY to world markets, knowing that would drop the price of oil (due to a thing Democrats don't believe, called the twin laws of supply and demand.

They did that because in 2022 the price of gasoline was touching five dollars a gallon, and voters were starting to bitch about it.  By dropping the price of oil, that drops the price of gasoline, eh?  (For young Americans:  gasoline, diesel and jet fuel are all made from "crude oil.")

Now: the lie from the biden regime was "Next time the price of oil drops to $72 per barrel, we'll buy oil to refill what we sold off!  And we'll make a huge profit fo' duh Merican pipo!  Cuz weez smaht!"

So...did they do that?  Well, biden's Energy Department--headed by the corrupt, incompetent stooge Jennifer Granholm--sure announced plans to buy crude oil a couple of times...but didn't actual buy any.  So why announce it?  Cuz dey wanted voters to think the regime was about to do what they'd promised when they sold off all that oil.  But they didn't buy any oil--and of course never intended to.

So whut dis?

It's the price of oil for the past year.  As you see, it stayed around $70 for a month in June of last year, and hit $70 again in December of last year.  So if they'd been telling you the truth, there's their chance to refill the SPR.  But of course they never bought a single barrel.

Democrat: "But...but...but...dat not a lie!  Dey reeeeally intended to do whut dey sed!  Reeeally!  It's just that some emergency came along that prevented 'em from doing dat!"

Oh, absolutely, cupcake.

February 26, 2024

Rising Democrat star claims people who believe human rights come from God are dangerous Christian Nationalists!

A writer for Politico, Heidi Przybyla, was on leftist propaganda outfit MSNBC last week warning viewers about the Next New Scare Story being pushed by the Left: 

The rise of "Christian nationalism" in the Republican Party.

"Christian nationalism" blends two of the groups the Left most hates: Christians and "nationalists"--people who believe our insane gruberment should put Americans first.

So how does Heidi say "good Americans" can recognize one o' deez dangerous extremists, eh?  She cheerfully explains:

The thing that unites them as Christian nationalists--not Christians because Christian nationalists are very different--is that they believe that our rights as humans do NOT come from any Earthly authority--not from Congress or from the Supreme Court. [Or from your wunnerful prezzie, Heidi?]  Instead they believe our rights come from God."

Of course Heidi--like all leftists--believes "human rights" do NOT come from God, but from benevolent governments.  She and her comrades believe all rights come from agencies of the regime.  But she doesn't want to literally say that, because if she did, too many Americans would realize she was crazy as a bedbug.  So instead she casts her complaint in the negative:  "Those crazy 'Christian nationalists' believe rights come from God.  Have you ever heard anything so dumb??"

Then she finishes her argument with the topper:

"The problem with that is that the Christian nationalists--men--are determining what God is telling them."

Ahh, now it makes sense, eh?  Obviously (at least to Heidi and comrades) men can't be allowed to determine what God is telling them, eh?  Not at all, citizen!  Instead that crucial determination can only be made by...uhhh...by...  By whom, Heidi?  Do tell us.

Neither of her two male fellow panel members dared to ask, and she didn't volunteer, but the conclusion is obvious:  What God is saying to men can only be decided by a government official, of course!

And totally by coincidence, that regime official will inevitably declare that God told us He totally backs every policy of duh regime, without exception!

Wow, that's...amazing, eh?  What were the odds of that?

Heidi Pryzbyla is either unware of, or ignores the revolutionary idea by the Founders of the US--an idea that changed the world and made her luxurious life possible: that rights do NOT come from governments but come from God.

It's a revolutionary concept, eh?  But Heidi--a dedicated revolutionary of the Left--rejects that idea, because it contradicts the belief by the Left that all rights come from government--from which it necessarily follows that government has all the power.

Think Heidi is at the top of the selection list by the biden regime for the new post of Chief of the Disinformation Governance Board?


Democrat and conservative have a brief dialog about the murder of the nursing student

Re the murder of the 22-year-old nursing student by the illegal alien invader, released into the interior of the U.S. by the utterly corrupt, anti-American biden regime, we have the following dialog:

Democrat: "This is NOT an immigration problem.  It's a societal problem."

Conservative:  "Which society?"

Democrat: "American society, obviously."

Conservative: "Wait, the killer didn't grow up in America.  He grew up in Venezuela.  So are you saying it's actually a problem with Venezuela's society, and we should try and keep those societal problems from infecting our society?"

Democrat: "Fuck you, racist."

Media: "Dis unfortunate incident is NOT the result of ouah wunnerful Democrat policies!  Nope nope nope!  Absolutely not!  Instead it's entirely due to "toxic masculinity."  So if dis po' skeered asylum-seeker hadn't killed her, some American male would have!  Yep yep yep!  Absolutely certain.  We have spoken!"

Mainstream Media can burn in hell.

AP, like every Media outlet, deliberately didn't tell readers killer of Georgia nursing student was an illegal alien

The suspect, as José Antonio Ibarra, is a criminal illegal alien from Venezuela who was released into the U.S. by the biden regime after entering the country illegally in Sept. of 2022. 

But don't worry your pretty head about that, citizen, cuz duh regime had a reeeeally gud reason fo' releasing duh illegal alien invader: "We din' have nowhere to detain him!  Reeeally!  So it wudn't our fault!  Reeeally!"

Hey assholes, didja ever think that maybe instead of releasing him into the U.S. you should have kicked his criminal ass back to Venezuela?  Of course not, cuz you're all corrupt and working for the cartels.

Of course if you're an American who gets all your "newz" from duh Mainstream Media--which you do--you'd never know the accused murderer was an illegal alien.

The AP story implied the murder of the nursing student was just another example of toxic masculinity rather than an illegal alien killer preying on American girls.

Many readers were outraged that the AP hid the killer's illegal status--a fact which would presumably cause many voters to reject the Democrats' open-border policy.  Some comments: 

“The AP conveniently hides the fact that the murderer was an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT from Venezuela and frames this into a toxic masculinity problem."

"Biden’s open borders, aided by support from the corrupt Mainstream Media, have made women victims."

"She was murdered by an illegal alien from Venezuela.  This was completely preventable."

"The Mainstream Media are nothing but regime propagandists."

"The AP doesn't tell you the suspect is an illegal alien b/c they support the Democrats in every way."

If you think the omission of the killer's illegal status is just an oversight, consider how the AP, CNN, The Daily Beast and the New York Times concealed the status of the man convicted of killing jogger Mollie Tibbetts several years ago.

CNN: “Farm worker found guilty of killing University of Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts.”

AP: “Farm laborer convicted in 2018 stabbing death of Iowa runner.”

Leftist cesspool the Daily Beast: “Iowa Farmworker Found Guilty of Murdering Mollie Tibbetts.”

Not ONE of the headlines or stories mentioned that the killer was an illegal alien invader--because they don't want Americans to know.  Because if Americans knew the true cost of biden's open-border decree--which every good Democrat eagerly supports--the Dems would lose lots of votes.

CNN reported there was "little evidence" linking illegal immigration and crime after Ibarra was charged in connection with the murder.

Well, little connection except that he only had the chance to murder the nursing student because the corrupt, moronic biden and his moronic, corrupt Dem congress-creeps DECREED that he be allowed to enter and remain.  And then the corruptocrats in New York arrested him but refused, as always, to honor a "detainer" and turn him over to ICE for deportation.

Of course the regime wouldn't have deported him, but...

Yesterday officials confirmed that Ibarra had entered the U.S. illegally near El Paso in September 2022 and was immediately released to travel anywhere in the U.S, allegedly because the regime didn't have any more "detention space" available.  This has been contradicted by other sources--and if confirmed it means the regime lied again to cover for their own fuckup that cost this poor girl her LIFE.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) also confirmed that the suspect was arrested last year in New York City, but released.

CNN repeatedly discounted any connection between the suspect's immigration status and the murder:

>>"Ibarra's status as an undocumented Venezuelan migrant *is now being touted by several state and national GOP leaders to support their calls for tighter border security*-- though there is little evidence indicating a connection between immigration and crime," the outlet reported.>>

Wow, "touted" by GOP leaders," eh?  Hard to imagine a more sneering dismissal.  See, CNN will say absolutely anything to support open borders--because that's what the Democrats are forcing on our nation and its overtaxed, micro-managed people.

The GOP needs to make this murdering monster the poster boy for the Dems' open-borders policy.

THANKS, Democrats!  Although you didn't kill her, you supported the policy that allowed her killer to end her young life. 

Democrats:  "NOooo, duh problem isn't 'undocumented asylum seekers'!  It's 'toxic masculinity'!  But we MUST let the men into the U.S as well as the women and po,' po; chirren, cuz if we didn't it would be sexist!  Or something."

Billy Bob Clinton claimed illegal invasion was a disaster, vowed to tighten border; Dems swooned

Check out this Democrat named Bill Clinton, from one of his State of the Union speeches.  He's saying how dangerous and costly it is that the U.S. is being overrun by illegal aliens, and that he's worried about it and is greatly increasing deportations.

Wait...WHAT??  When Trump suggests exactly the same thing, the Democrats go fucking NUTS!  Screaming, wailing "You's a raaaacist!  You's inhumane!"  Yet when Billy Bob "Slick Willy" Clinton said the same thing, all duh Democrats nodded and murmured dere total approval!  "Dis man great," they slobbered.  "He brilliant!  Lookin' out fo' duh American pipo.  Puttin' America first!"

So what do ya think has changed, eh?  The invasion is far worse today than in 1996.  The costs of feeding, housing and giving free medical to the invaders are all astronomically higher today, including costs to two big northern cities (NYC, Chitcongo).  But for some reason duh Democrats are still screamin' and wailin' at how AWFUL Trump's policies are, while ignoring their own faaabulous prezzie from 1996.

Something accounts for this, explains this.  When you figure it out, you'll be a lot more informed than you are now.

I'd send this to my brilliant liberal-Democrat attorney sister but she'd simply ignore it.  Cuz "Orange man bad!  'Temporarily-undocumented Americans' guud!  And mo' beez bettah!"

February 24, 2024

Seattle gays declare "homosexual intifada" to show support for Gaza

It's becoming harder to parody the Left.

In Seattle the same snowflakes who staff Antifa have decided to assemble a group calling themselves "Queers for Palestine."  And in the apparent belief that the Muslims of Hamas will suddenly stop executing gays who help them, the Antifa retreads have declared a "homosexual intifada."

Some young Americans may not know that the term "intifada" is arabic for an uprising.

At another pro-Hamas/anti-Israel march and rally that took over the streets of Seattle, members of this new group posted signs all over around downtown Seattle--including a new flyer showing two men, faces covered in the classic keffiyeh embracing in a kiss. The graphic reads "Homosexual intifada."

The Mainstream media have carefully avoided telling Americans that Islam considers homosexuality a deadly sin, punishable by death.  Thus the young "revolutionaries" of Antifa (now re-cast as homo revolutionaries) may not know this.

Of course Leftists are totally resistant to learning, so the only way to teach 'em the truth is for the biden regime to send 'em to Gaza to help duh po' oppressed Palis.  Then we'll get a chance to compare our educational methods to those of Islam.

Interestingly, Israel is the only Middle East country with constitutional, employment, and other rights for LGBT in law.  So ironically, gay Palestinians often flee to Israel for to avoid being killed.

One wonders how many members of "homosexual intifada" will be executed before the rest learn that Islam doesn't like 'em.  Of course they could have learned from those of us with more education, but that wouldn't be nearly as memorable as being there and getting the education in person.


6 members of a Dem DC jury order conservative humorist to pay scammer PhD a million dollars

The "leaders" of the Democrat party claim
   a) that the Erf is warming at a rate that is both unusual and dangerous;
   b) that this dangerous and unprecedented warming is being caused by duh dread poison gas carbon dioxide.  (That's sarcasm: as every grade-school student should know, humans exhale CO2, and plants love it.  The idea that CO2 is a "pollutant," as the Deep-Staters claim, is utter horseshit.  But unfortunately, they run the entire damn government.)
   c) that most of the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere is due to burning carbon-based fuel--like gasoline, oil and coal; and
   d) that most of the blame for this falls on Americans, since we use more carbon fuel per person than residents of any other nation.

Any of that sound familiar?  The only problem is, only one statement above is true, which is that Americans use more carbon fuel *per person* than residents of other nations.

And therein lies the entire reason for the push to "stop global warming:" cuz the communists have found they can use that claim to enable the Democrats and snowflakes to destroy the U.S. economy.

Naturally you don't believe a word of the above, cuz you rely on the Mainstream Media, the biden regime and the utterly, hopelessly, irredeemably corrupt United Nations to tell you what they want you to believe.  You don't do any research at all.

C'mon, folks: you well know that's true.  Not one person in 10,000 ever researches the Media's and regime's claims, and you know it!  And unless you DO your own research you'll believe whatever the Media and the regime tell ya, because you believe they tell you the truth.  Cuz "Why would dey lie, eh?"

Well, there IS an election coming up in November that will decide the future, but surely that's not a reason for 'em to LIE, eh?  So right now I'd like to show you how they've been lying to ya about just one topic--for almost 4 decades now.

Everyone believes--naively--that PhDs are honest.  Certainly most are, but not all.  And way back in 1999 a cunning PhD named Michael Mann created a graph for a paper that showed (so he claimed) that global temperatures started rising sharply starting in 1895.  

The idea of global warming due to CO2 had been posited around a decade before Mann's graph, and Mann found it convincing.  His graph used the width of tree rings as a proxy for recent temperatures in areas far from measuring stations.  The idea is that trees grow a bit better in warmer temperatures, so since each ring is a year, the theory is that wider rings equals warmer temperature.

His graph showed a relatively scary increase in world temps starting about 1895 and continuing to 2000.  This increase was so pronounced that the Mainstream Media immediately began describing it as looking like the blade of a hockey stick.

Then in 2001 a vaunted U.N. "panel" called the "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change" published a version of Mann's graph in its "climate assessment.  And instantly, Mann became a star. 

And like most people, he loved that, and would fight like hell to discredit anyone who claimed he'd committed scientific malpractice.  Cuz he beez a PhD, and certain personality types claim dey don' make no mistakes, eh?  When a PhD sez sumpin's true, dey say yew not allowed to challenge it!

[For the sarcasm-impaired, those last two sentences are utter horseshit.  Except Mann believes he and other PhDs who agree with him about Global Worming can't be criticized.  Read on.]

The problem with using tree ring width as a proxy for temperature is that tree growth is also highly affected by rainfall, and there's no reliable way of telling how much rain any given location got in a year.  That alone should have sunk the paper.  But Mann was cunning and connected, as we'll show.  And he didn't need to defend the many flaws in his graph, because other prominent PhDs--the Global Worming pushers--were doing that for him.  

A second problem was that scientists and critics who went through Mann's paper found that he'd only had access to something like 39 modern tree-ring width measurements.  (That's from memory so may not be exact.)  With such a small sample there's not a lot of predictive power, even aside from the rainfall question.

The third problem is equally huge: critics say that instead of using every tree-ring sample he had, Mann only used a smaller sub-set--something like 22 samples (again from memory from 20 years ago).  

This is a well-known type of "bad science" called "cherry-picking the data."  In good science you have to have a really sound reason for excluding ANY data.  Using just some data and ignoring others is bad science, since pursuit of the result you want could affect your choice of which data to use.  The paper doesn't explain why Mann used just some of the data but not others.  

Cherry-picking the data.  Seriously bad science.

The fourth problem is that Mann's graphs claim global temps rising starting around 1895.  But the amount of CO2 being emitted by humans back then was miniscule.  If, as he claims, temps were rising in 1895, the cause was NOT CO2.  So what was it?  He doesn't bother to try to explain.  That alone would be enough to debunk his conclusions.

The fifth problem is that from about 900 to 1300 A.D. average temperatures in northern Europe and Greenland were unusually warm, and in fact were warm enough to allow colonists to grow grapes--in Greenland!  It's called the "Medieval Warm Period," and it's been discussed in thousands of papers on climate.

Most experts believe the average temperature in the north Atlantic region was a whopping 1 degree C above the current average.  Problem is, Mann's graphs don't show any such warming.  Why not?  The absence of the higher temp in ANY of the "proxies" he uses to estimate temperature suggest that the ones he uses--which include northern Europe--might not be very reliable indicators of temperature, since it's a matter of record that settlers in Greenland grew grapes for well over 100 years.


SO...given the many valid criticisms of Mann's paper, many critics considered the paper to be fatally flawed...useless.  In the vernacular, garbage.  And it's those criticisms that Canadian columnist and humorist Mark Steyn drew on to describe PhD Mann as a fraud.  Co-defendant Rand Simburg wrote “Mann could be said to be the Jerry Sandusky of climate science, except that instead of molesting children he has molested and tortured data.” 

WELL!!!  One thing I've learned about PhDs: many have egos the size of Delaware.  And some are so prickly that they'll sue at the drop of a handkerchief.  And sure enough, Mann sued Steyn and Simburg for "defamation."  But you've just read the major flaws in his paper above.  So where's the alleged defamation.  Instead it would appear that Mann is either guilty of fraud or is simply incompetent.

In any event, a moronic, uneducated six-person jury in DC--conservative-haters--voted that Simberg and Steyn had made false statements about the pudgy, prissy, cunning PhD, and awarded Mann "compensatory damages" of...wait for it...one dollar--meaning the jury found that the asshole PhD's career was NOT harmed by the writings of the conservative humorists.

But DC juries are in another world, and the six ordered that Steyn pay punitive damages of ONE MILLION dollars.  (Simberg was ordered to pay $1,000.)  The jury decided that the pair made their statements with “malice, spite, ill will, vengeance or deliberate intent to harm.”

As far as I can determine, the statements made by both writers were absolutely correct. The DC jury was stupid, uneducated and easily led by fiery liberal attorneys.  (The award is much like the one corrupt leftist tyrant Arthur Engoron ordered Trump to pay: $355 MILLION, though no one was damaged, nor did anyone claim to the state that they were damaged.)

Leftists were elated by the DC jury's verdict.  Kate Cell, "senior climate campaign manager" for the Union of Concerned Scientists (a totally leftist outfit) said “I hope people think twice before they lie and defame scientists.  We're far outside the bounds of civil conversation about the facts that I hope this verdict can help us find our way back."

Yes, Kate, if you and your communist comrades would stop lying about Global Warming we could, as you so soothingly put it, "find our way back."  But of course you won't, because you've staked all your credibility your claim that CO2 causes Global Worming.  You're so sure you're right that you refuse to even consider the flaws in your reasoning and your misunderstanding of what the data shows.

For example:  Some parts of Antarctica have ice sheets over three miles thick.  Both the U.S. and the former USSR sent teams to Antarctica to drill to the bottom of those sheets and retrieve "ice cores," which tell us the amount of CO2 in the air as long as 800,000 years ago.

Every year snow falls in Antarctica, and after the snow falls it's covered with a thin layer of dust.  By carefully counting the dust layers starting from the top you can tell how many years ago that layer of snow fell.  Then by analyzing the content of air bubbles trapped in the snow (now ice) you can measure the percentage of CO2 in the air each year for the last 800,000 years.

Is that amazing or what?

The same cores also tell us about the local temperature every year.

Now: no one I know wants to count 18,000 feet of thin layers of dust and snow, so to get a quick read they measured the length of, say, 200 layers (i.e. 200 years) in a part of the core.  Then they assumed--again intially, to get a quick result--that the number of "years per foot" stayed constant.  (Spoiler: it isn't constant.)  Got it?

And with that, a dozen research papers reported that when the ice cores showed the percentage of atmospheric CO2 rose, then around 200 years later the temperature in Antarctica also rose.

If that were true it would mean changes in CO2 could be causing Global Worming, exactly as the communists at the U.N. and the Media and NOAA and NASA had predicted, eh?

"Could be causing" because as every high school graduate should know, "Correlation does not imply ________."

If you don't know what goes in the blank above, don't feel bad.  Your school just didn't teach you what you need to know to have a basic understanding of science.  That's not meant to be a dig; I couldn't tell you a single song by Taylor Swift.  Couldn't tell you the name of a single fashion designer today.  So don't feel bad: your specialty just isn't science.

So there ya go, citizen: the Antarctic ice cores seemed to prove that Global Worming was indeed caused by CO2!  Yay!  See?  Duh Left just knew they were right yet again.  What's dat dey say?  "Follow the Science!"  Uh-huh.

Except (wait for it): later when they went back and counted the dust and snow layers ("varves") more carefully they found that instead of temperature rising 200 years after CO2 rose, it turned out temperatures rose first, and 200 or so years later CO2 increased.

Think about that for a bit.  If, instead of CO2  leading temperature changes by 200 years, CO2 actually lags temperature change, how can CO2 possibly be causing temps to change, eh?

The logic there should be really clear.  If it's not crystal clear, the Democrat party is definitely right for you.

It's hard to overstate the effect Mann's hockey stick graph had on what the Media quickly began calling the "settled scientific truth" about Global Worming (which, amusingly for a "settled science", was quickly re-named "climate change").  Almost everyone knew the shape of a hockey stick, which made the otherwise confusing graphs easy to understand.

The plot was given star billing in the IPCC's Third Assessment Report, where it appeared four times.  The "hockey stick" plot made Mann a climate super-star.

But the plot drew criticism from its first appearance. In response, Mann tried to suppress all criticism of his bit of stardom, and any discussion that questioned its scientific validity. A rival reconstruction by fellow paleo-climatologist Keith Briffa, for example, derived from tree ring data obtained from northern Canada and Siberia, showed a noticeable decline in temperatures over the latter part of the 20th century – opening up a divergence with the instrumental record.

If tree rings suggested declining temperatures when temperatures were actually rising, then how could climate scientists put any confidence in tree rings as indicators of global temperatures?

Briffa then wrote a paper for a journal called "Science" comparing the two clashing temperature reconstructions.  Then in 2009, emails leaked from Mann's allies in the U.K. show Mann had contacted the editor of Science to try to get the journal not to publish Briffa's paper.  Mann later wrote to one of his co-authors “Better that nothing appear, than something unacceptable to us,”  

There's the true spirit of Science there, eh?  Nah, it's "Don't publish anything I don't like!"

Mann's star status had won him the post of lead author for the chapter of the IPCC Third Report that featured his graphs.  Since Briffa's results directly contradicted Mann's, the latter was determined to discredit Briffa’s paper.

To do this, Mann and his team made another "bad science" move: He explained to colleagues that his team had simply eliminated data from their rival's graph "that could serve as a potential distraction/detraction,” thus hiding the temperature decline shown by Briffa’s data.

Mann also used actual, measured temperature data to make the proxy curves look better, which Mann had done previously in a paper submitted to another scientific journal.

There was a more fundamental problem with the construction of the hockey stick.  Using a portion of Mann’s computer code that converted tree-ring data to an estimated temperature, Canadians Steve McIntyre--a critic with a strong grounding in mathematics, and environmental economist Ross McKitrick found that running Mann's program on random data produced hockey stick shapes 99 percent of the time.  In other words, Mann's computer algorithm was garbage.

Mann included in his proxy data set a series of bristlecone and foxtail pines from the western United States that had been selected by researcher Donald Graybill.  To get the hockey stick from the data, Mann needed Graybill’s tree ring data. Did Mann know what he was doing? Inside his directory of North American proxy data was a folder Mann had labelled "BACK TO_1400-censored," which contained all the North American data except all sixteen of the Graybill series.

When the numbers from the "censored" folder were run--omitting Graybill's 16 pines--the scary blade of the hockey stick vanished.

And as noted earlier, in Mann's graph the Medieval Warm Period had also vanished.

The Medieval Warm Period presented a huge problem to the Global Wormies:  As noted earlier, it suggested that for almost 300 years the northern hemisphere was a stunning one degree C warmer than normal, implying that 700 years before industry and CO2 emissions, the climate warmed and cooled far more than previously thought.

Second, a key premise of the alleged "grave threat" of GW was that once the climate warmed, it wouldn't cool again.  Instead you'd get a kind of "runaway" with the temp getting hotter and hotter.  The MWP showed that "runaway" theory was clearly wrong.

In preparing the U.N's Third Assessment Report, climate scientist John Christy recalled  pushing the report to include the results of a 1998 paper of ice cores from Greenland that clearly showed a 500-year period of warmer temperatures than the present, centered about 900 AD--essentially confirming the MWP.  Those results clearly suggested that Mann's omission of the MWP in his now world-famous hockey stick was incorrect, calling all his conclusions into question.

Because Mann was such a star, the critical Greenland paper wasn't included in the Report.

Mann went further in a 2008 paper that presented a 2,000-year temperature reconstruction. The reconstruction, by Finnish geologist Mia Tiljander, was derived from sediments from a lake in Iceland. But Mann’s reconstruction inverted Tiljanders proxies, so warming became cooling and vice-versa. According to one of Tiljander’s co-authors, the Medieval Warm Period was shown upside-down.

Saarnisto wrote “It has now been turned upside down twice in Science, and I doubt if that can be a mistake.”  He added that Mann and company were “skeptical about this Medieval Warm Period and have tried to hide it to some extent.”

In major court cases experts (and non-experts, for that matter) write "amicus briefs" all the time.  For the defamation trial in DC, climate scientist Judith Curry wrote 39 pages cataloguing the many manipulations of data needed to get the famous hockey-stick shape, and quoted severe criticisms of Mann's analysis.  She concluded that it was reasonable to have referred to the hockey stick in 2012 as “fraudulent” since “aspects of it are deceptive and misleading.”

DC Judge Alfred S. Irving refused to include Curry’s report in the case file, ruling it inadmissible.

Amazing how all the lights seem to turn green for the connected climate "star," eh?  It's almost like the result has been predetermined.

The trial closed with Mann’s attorney making a blatant appeal to jurors’ political prejudices.  He urged them to award huge punitive damages "so that no one will dare engage in climate denialism again.”

Attorney John Hinderaker wrote “In 41 years of trying cases before juries I have never heard such an outrageously improper appeal.”

Thomas Jefferson wrote that "Errors cease to be dangerous when one is permitted freely to contradict them."


EV-maker loses $5.4 BILLION last year; stock price is off 92%, but Bezos...so everyone...

Classic case study of either "tulip bubble" or "emperor's new clothes"

You believe whatever the biden regime and the Media tell you--and that's understandable.  After all, you have no reason to doubt what they say, right?  What *possible* reason would they have to lie to voters, right?

Oh sure, there's an election this fall, but that's no reason for 'em to *lie* to ya, is it?  Of course not, citizen!

With that in mind, I wanna show you yet another of the thousands of examples of the extraordinary lengths to which smart people are influenced by people they trust, even though just a moment of thought would show that the so-called "smaht pipo" either aren't playing straight (i.e. have a hidden agenda) or are just investing because some big player did.

The play is a startup maker of an electric truck, an electric van and one car:  Rivian.

Now, every good democrat knows that EVs are the wave of the future, eh?  For awhile any company that announced it was gonna build EVs could sell out an IPO.  And sure enough, fortunes were made, and journalists were *very* impressed.

Ford Motor invested $1.2 billion early, planning to build the new design at one of its factories.  That plan was quickly shelved.

Amazon--owned by the world's richest man, Bezos--bought over ten percent of the company--and then in October of 2019--two years before Rivian went public--Amazon (conveniently, as Rivian's major shareholder) announced plans to BUY 100,000 Rivian vans to deliver purchases to Amazon customers.

Now, when the world's richest man announces his company has bought a huge stake in a company that hasn't yet gone public--and immediately announces plans to buy 100,000 of that company's costly vehicles, ya think every big investor took notice?  Of course.

Two years later--November of 2021--Rivian had its IPO, at $78.  Within a DAY it had surged to $130, which indicates a buying frenzy.  (Tulip mania, anyone?)  All the big names were sure Rivian would be the next Tesla.

But then a bitch called Reality made an appearance.

The company lost billions every year: over $5.4 BILLION last year alone.  Has never even come close to making a profit.

It announced that it expects to build the same number of vehicles this year as last.  But after laying off 18% of its workforce, and investing in certain production-line improvements it expects to only lose $2.7 billion this year, which is half of what it lost last year.  So at that rate it would be profitable...real soon.

The most recent news, and the announcement that the company will lay off another 6% of its workforce pushed Rivian shares down more than 15.6% in after-hours trading.  The stock closed at $10 or so.

So what happened next?  The world's richest man ordered his company to increase its holdings to 158 million shares, making it by far the largest shareholder.  Investment giant BlackRock and mutual fund giant T Rowe Price have both increased their stakes.

Tulip.  Mania.

Now: As should be obvious, Amazon/Bezos got in way before the IPO, so are still showing a profit.  Amazon has no incentive to sell its stake.  So other normally-canny investors see Bezos and think, "He must know something we don't."  Makes sense, eh?

And now we get to "the emperor's new clothes," in which all the "adults" see that the emperor is naked, but having been told that only smaht, sophisticated citizens can SEE the magic garments, no one wants to state what seems way obvious.  Finally a child--clearly unworried about not being thought smart or sophisticated--states the obvious.

Now: the beauty of a free market is that people are free to invest in whatever they wish.  Problem is, we no longer have a free market.  Instead, the gruberment--the biden regime--tilts the scales to favor certain companies over others.

Imagine what would happen to the price of Rivian stock if the Postal Service announced plans to buy the company's entire van production for the next three years.  Or the Defense Department, which is eagerly pursuing the EV craze.

So Rivian could still conceivably turn the corner and become "the next Tesla."  Based on the hard, unforgiving numbers that seems highly unlikely.  But all the investors look at the big dogs and think..."They must know something."

Tulip mania.

biden's Secretary of State issued decree to employees: "Do NOT use the following words!"

Because you're an intelligent American, then unless you're living off the grid it follows that you must be well-informed, right?  Cuz you've got 50 "newz" channels--the broadcast networks and cable nets--telling you what's important, right?

Well, maybe just "what they think is important," eh?  But surely those are the same, right?

Hahahahahahaha!  Too funny!

Okay, so being "informed," you undoubtedly heard about the memo issued by Porridgebrain's faaabulous Secretary of State, the incomparably incompetent Antony Blinken, ordering all employees of that utter waste of money to stop using certain phrases.

Democrat: "Dis perfekly normal, deplorable!  We are an enlightened society, so we want to use language that avoids offending citizens who hate the cisgender, hetero, raaacist, binary patriarchy!  See?  It's "enlightened."  Sophisticated, just like the honorable Secretary Blinken and his staff." 

Oh, absolutely, excellency.  So let's see some of the phrases the honorable Secretary banned, after his DEI staff deemed them offensive, shall we?

Wow.  So let me see if I've got this straight.  Woops, are we still allowed to use the word "straight"?  Cuz snowflakes say the word "straight" makes 'em feel "unsafe," right?  In any event, the banned words include everything in the pic above, and a lot more.

And if you've got any experience with companies or gruberment agencies, you know that violating the decrees of the boss, no matter how utterly stupid, are "career-ending moves," eh?

So think on this for a minute: Duh State Department is supposed to represent the U.S. overseas.  Can you imagine what citizens of some other nation will think when our ambassador issues a press release using some clumsy, unrecognizable term for "ladies," "gentlemen," "mother" and "father"?  

Now to my Democrat siblings: You think this is much ado about nuffin', eh?  Tempest in a teapot.  Let me show you why it's actually important: Suppose you're one of the leaders of the government of a "non-aligned nation."  Who would you choose to align with: a nation whose deranged snowflake rulers demand an end to the terms "mother" and "father," or a nation that is unabashedly binary, supports the nuclear family and doesn't bow to wokie bullshit?

Which nation would you think would prevail in the event of war?  Which nation's leaders would be more likely to curl into a ball of useless, quivering jelly when threatened?  Cuz they clearly did that when ordering the above words banned to avoid offending the one percent of that population who are snowflakes, eh?

Think about that.  If it takes you more than 30 seconds to find the answer, you can't be educated.   

If you're a Democrat you don't understand a word of any of the above.  It's okay.  Really.

February 23, 2024

Democrats: "Dat fine of $355 MILLION levied on Trump wuz TOTALLY reasonable!"

If you're vaguely well-informed you'll have heard that a week ago, at the behest of the utterly corrupt attorney-general of New York--Letitia James--an insane judge in New York City--Arthur Engoron--fined Donald Trump $355 million.

Wow.  So do any of you know what alleged crime that astonishingly huge fine was levied for?

Take your time.  You're all well-informed adults, right?

If you're not sure, do an online search for "+network news +trump engoron fine."  Recall that the Lying Mainstream Media are all virulently anti-Trump, so you'd think if there was a crime there, they'd be positively slobbering to tell you every detail, eh?  Dey wanna make Trump look eeeebil, eh?

And yet while you'll scores of pieces on the network news about the fine, you'll find almost nothing on the networks about the alleged crime.  Plenty of stuff in the Wall Street Journal, but damn little explanation of the alleged crime on the networks.

That's because the so-called "crime"--the one that supposedly warranted a fine of $355 million--was a nothing.  When Trump applied to banks for loans, he reported the value of his real-estate assets in New York City at the most optimistic level. 

The banks don't just naively take a loan applicant's valuation at face value.  They verify.  And they made the loans, and every dollar was repaid.  No one lost a dollar.  No entity was damaged.  The banks didn't complain that they were defrauded in any way.

Historically, to incur a huge fine there has to be huge damage.  But in this case no one was damaged.  Instead the case hinged on black female A-G Letitia James wailing that Trump had over-valued his properties.  But again, where was the damage?  Did a lender lose a single dollar?  No.  Plus banks have their own appraisers who go over every claimed asset to ensure it exists, and to evaluate its market value.

The banks didn't see any problem.  But Letitia and Arthur did--and assessed the record personal fine.

Now: the 8th Amendment to the Constitution says the federal gruberment can't levy "excessive fines."  Does $355 million strike you as outrageously excessive for a case with no damages?

If a fine of $355 MILLION does NOT strike you as excessive, given the lack of ANY claimed damages, you're clearly a moron and shouldn't be either voting or having children.

But wait, it gets worse!  The ghastly, corrupt DECREE by the insane leftist Engoron included the DEMAND that if Trump had the gall to appeal the fine, Engoron DECREED that he would have to post the ENTIRE amount of the fine as a bond.  And Letitia James has now smirked that if he didn't do so, she would seize his properties in NYC.

This is communism.  Totalitarianism.  Engoron and James are violating the Constitution--but of course all Democrats have long-since trashed that document--which was once called "the supreme law of the land."

Now: Democrats (like my attorney sister) merely shrug and smirk: "Dis ruling only apply to Trump, not to ordinary Americans.  See, it beez reasonable for us faaabulous Democrats to doo anyt'ing we want to destroy Trump cuz he so baaaaad!  But we'd nevah doo anyt'ing like dis to regular folks!  TRUST US!"

No.  Not only no, but hell no.  Because once you trash the Constitution for one person, its protections vanish.  Then only the "connected" elites are protected--and not by that document,  but by their connections.

Of course you Democrats WANT that.  Have the courage to admit it!  You want to be able to control how the Laws are applied--who shall be prosecuted and who shall be deemed to be above prosecution--because that gives you massive power.  It allows you to weaponize the gruberment against your political opponents, and to shield your friends--which is exactly what we're seeing now.  And you aren't worried that what you've unleashed will evah be used against YOU, cuz you beez "elites," "connected."  (And you're certainly right about that.)

When I was young there was a phrase "The ends justify the means."  If you're a college-age American, your parents will usually be in their 40s or 50s.  Ask 'em if they've heard the phrase, and what they think it means. If they're not sure, you'll realize how totally the society has changed since I was young.

The phrase is "sophistry"--in this case a sarcastic claim that as long as one is trying to achieve a really important goal [define, please], any means to achieve that goal is justified.  A moment's thought should convince you of the flaw in that reasoning.

If you don't see the problem there, you're a perfect Democrat, so off ya go, citizen.

Again, for young Americans: ask your parents.  See if they know the phrase, and if they take it literally.  Because Democrats do.  And that's not hyperbole: the Dems have a slogan they shorten (for good reason!) to "BAMN."  Ever seen that?

It stands for "By any means necessary."  That should chill you, because it means exactly what it says:  If the Democrats wanna do something they feel is "big," they totally believe they're justified in using ANY means to achieve that goal.    

Startin' to see the trap yet?  If not...

Normally I'd stop there, but this morning I'm feeling more inclined to explain the obvious: If "great goals" justify the use of any means to achieve those goals, what (if anything) is "off the table," eh?

Regular Democrat voters won't have any idea what's being asked--and if you told 'em what that question was asking, they'd deny the "BAMN" claim.  But if you ask the "progressives" of the Democrat party you'll find they mean exactly what they say: ANY means are justified to achieve a hotly desired goal.

So...do you believe "the ends justify the means" is a good way to run a country?

February 22, 2024

Didja ever notice...


February 21, 2024

James biden to testify before House Thursday

In 1913 the 16th Amendment was ratified, giving the federal government the power to tax all income.   Shortly thereafter congress passed a "revenue act" ordering that every U.S. citizen who received "income" would now be forced to pay a portion of that income to the gruberment--an "income tax." 

Initially the percentage Americans had to pay hovered around one or two percent of a person's income for every year.  Skeptics worried that congress had given the IRS the power to increase the tax rate, but the bureaucrats assured everyone that the percentages wouldn't increase.

Hahahahahahahaha!  Within just a couple of years after congress passed that law, the percentages started climbing, eventually reaching a staggering 95% of income for the highest earners.  Seriously.  Look it up.

"Wait...I thought you bastards promised the rate of this brand-new tax on income would nevah increase!  I think you lied to us!"

Yep, they did.  Today most Americans would consider lying by congress quite normal, but back in 1916 that was a real shock!

In any event: Like other wealthy, powerful families, the biden crime family has long hired tax advisors to show them how to minimize their taxes.  Dat's perfectly legal, citizens!  Take advantage of every loophole and deduction expressly written into the tax laws.  You bet.

Along the way the family discovered that if you wanted to avoid paying tax on huge payments--for now let's call 'em "bribes"--just claim that all such amounts being paid to you were "loan repayments."  So NOT income, and definitely not a bribe.

(For young Americans: If you loan someone $20,000 and they repay that amount later, the repayment isn't considered income.  Cool, eh?)

Now let's see how the biden family funneled millions of dollars to your preznit, "uncle Joe"--in a way that allowed him to avoid paying a nickel in taxes on those amounts.

Way back in 2017 a small hospital operator in Pennsylvania had the idea of building a "rural health care empire"--with the help of a very well connected Philadelphia-area consultant.  The consultant had no experience at all running hospitals and knew nothing about health care but he did understand the federal government and had ties to labor unions.

And most important, he was the brother of Obama's VP, Joe Biden.

Well...a year into the plan, the budding health-care empire--Americore--had bought several small clinics and was deep in debt.  James Biden's advice was to pay him hundreds of thousands of dollars, which both James biden and the company agreed to call "loans."  Desperate to stay in business, the company agreed.
The chair of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer, has said the committee has copies of bank "wire transfers" showing that James Biden received $600, 000 from Americore--all of which were treated as loans. 

Example: on March 1, 2018, Americore wired $200,000 to the personal account of James and Sara Biden.  Supposedly this was NOT income to James and Sara biden, but was "a loan" from the company.

Then on the very same day the $200,000 wire from the struggling health-care empire arrived in James Biden's personal account, he wrote a $200, 000 check from this same bank account to his brother Joe.

The "memo" line of that check says "loan repayment."
Now: Some people will loan $200,000 to a sibling with no documentation.  But most people don't have $200,000 in cash lying around, so if there had actually been a loan from Joe biden to his brother, there should be a corresponding check from Joe to his brother for that amount, eh?  And the check would show the date it was deposited in James biden's bank account.

So even if the biden crime family claims they never bothered documenting the alleged loan, the check would have cleared Joe's account and been deposited in brother James's account.  So it should be easy to show whether there really was a $200,000 loan from Joe to James.  Should be easy.

But if there was no loan, then both Joe and James biden have committed income tax fraud, to enable the current president to hide $200,000 of illicit income--a bribe.  The memo line stating "loan repayment" is prima facie evidence of intent to commit fraud.
Is there a single American with an IQ over 80 who believes Joe really loaned $200,000 to his brother?  

There's a huge difference between failing to pay taxes on income, and conspiring to disguise income as a loan repayment.  It's even more serious when that huge amount has no other plausible explanation.

It should also be obvious that if there was no loan, and both Joe and James knew there was never a loan, then how do they explain the $200,000 payment?  The only plausible answer is that James was funneling a bribe to Joe, pure and simple.

Now: Any bets on whether the House committee will ask James biden if he has proof that he deposited a $200,000 check from his brother?  Because neither his nor Joe's bank will be able to find any record of such a check on Joe's account, nor of a deposit in his brother's account.  

Oh, we also see other checks written from Hunty biden's shell companies to several biden family members--including the president--in which the memo line reads "loan repayment."  And the same reasoning applies: Where are the checks and deposits showing the alleged loans to Hunty's companies from the recipients of the alleged "loan repayments"?

Of course you already know.  But if you're a Democrat you just don't wanna know, since admitting those facts shows your faaabulous preznit isn't just senile but is also utterly, totally corrupt.

As Obozo said: "Elections have consequences." And stolen elections have really severe consequences.  

Oh, and there's a final act: Shortly after the failing health-care company wired the $200,000 to James biden, it filed for bankruptcy, causing havoc in rural communities where the company was the only health-care option in town.


February 20, 2024

US (i.e. corrupt joe) proposes UN resolution calling for Israel to halt military operations

The U.S. has proposed a resolution in the UN security council calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, and for Israel not to undertake a planned offensive on Rafah in southern Gaza.

The draft resolution is the first time the US has officially pushed for a ceasefire in Gaza.  It would leave about 50 Israeli hostages still held by Hamas, and Israel would no longer have any leverage to force their release.

The US resolution in the Security Council will proceed in parallel with a resolution in the General Assembly.  It represents a significant change in position for the biden regime.

Most members of the UN are virulently anti-Israel.  In the Security Council, Russia and China usually vote against Israel.  In the past the United States has usually vetoed Security Council resolutions that were anti-Israel, but the biden regime seems to be bowing to pressure for a ceasefire from Hamas supporters in the U.S, in part because Democrats need Muslim votes in November.

The regime has calculated that pushing a ceasefire thru the UN will win 'em more votes in November than they'll lose.


Scene from a Democrat fundraiser

Fellow Democrats, we can no longer turn a blind eye to the plight of tens of thousands of citizens of Africa as they suffer from malnutrition.  As the short, one-minute video below, from the capital city of an unnamed nation shows, these sufferers are so weak that they don't have enough energy to lie down on the sidewalk to sleep, but instead fall asleep standing up!

They're starving because rich capitalists have bought up all their farmland and are building solar-electric farms there.  But although this is a wonderful idea that we should do more of here, people in Africa can't eat electricity, so we need laws to make this illegal.

We can't allow these people to continue starving!  Won't you give a few dollars to let us feed these poor, starving people?  And let's pressure our Democrat-controlled senate to send a paltry ten billion or so to feed them!  It's the least we can do as good, compassionate liberals. 

Ah, I see there's a question.  Yes?

Audience member: "Isn't this video of Kensington Avenue in Philadelphia?" 

Democrat: "Oh that's not possible, citizen.  Our compassionate president and his advisors would never allow that here.  I was told this is Rwanda.  Or maybe Nigeria.  But definitely NOT Philadelphia."

Audience member: "I lived in Philly and recognize a couple of the buildings.  It's definitely Kensington Avenue."

Democrat: "That's simply unpossible.  You're just trying to make our great president and VP look bad.  In fact I think you're one of those Trump folks, the people Trump buses in to disrupt Democrat gatherings or to make his rallies appear to be popular.  I'm sure it's Africa.  Karine Jean-Pierre said so."

"Just give up your guns, bro!"

Every time there's a shooting, the piteous whining by the Left resumes (actually it never stops): 

"Just give up your guns, bro!  How many more kids do we have to ki-- How many more kids have to die?  Just give up your guns, bro!"

This happens because Democrats know this works.  They know stupid, uninformed voters will blame shooting deaths NOT on the shooters, but on the existence of the weapon used.  It makes as much sense as blaming cars for drunk driving deaths.  Not one of my guns has left the house in the middle of the night and killed someone.

If you buy the Democrat/Leftist/socialist logic that guns are the problem (spoiler: fully half of the American public DOES buy it, because they're stupid and emotional), soon you reach the insanity of formerly Great (!) Britain, which has prosecuted a homeowner from defending himself with a CANE against armed robbers in his own home.  Seriously.  "Assault with a deadly weapon."

Moronic U.K. politicians actually offered a service to grind the points off your kitchen knives so they can't be used to stab.  Rational people think "MY damn knives are not the problem--as you dumb bastards WELL know.  The problem is those utterly amoral african immigrants who are stabbing everyone within reach, on the street, in broad daylight--because they know they won't be prosecuted."

"Go fuck yourselves with your insane blather about MY knives, stupid liberal pols.  Instead why not try arresting and prosecuting the actual, y'know, KILLERS.  Either execute 'em--my choice--or imprison 'em for 30 years or so.  You'll be amazed how fast the others will get the message.  And if they're slow, execute a few more."

Moronic, pencil-neck liberal U.K. pols have purchased and emplaced hundreds of steel bins where law-abiding citizens are encouraged to drop off their deadly knives.  Is this a hoot or what?  Cuz the problem (for the slow-witted) is NOT law-abiding Brits, but killer thugs, eh?  And if you think the thugs are gonna drop their weapons in the bins...   

Hey, I don't live in either London or New York or Chitcongo or Philly or Baltimore or DC or Atlanta, so if Democrats wanna continue to let killers out the same day they're "inconvenienced" by being arrested (before release), fine.  Your problem, not mine.

I just hate to see innocent people suffer for the decisions of corrupt politicians--especially DA's who have won their elections thanks to a million bucks contributed by Satan's assistant, George Soros.

Dems who rule Minnesota passed a law encouraging minors to come to MN for sex-change

During the last legislative session wokie Minnesota lawmakers declared the state a "trans refuge" state, inviting children from around the country to travel to the state to get what wokiez cunningly call "gender-affirming care."

Honey your "gender" was assigned by God, and no matter how much butchery you undergo, you can't change it.  All you can do is make yourself a poster-child for duh wokie Democrats.

So again, duh wokie Democrats who rule Minnesota passed a LAW specifically intended to get minor children from all over the country to come to their woke state to get hormones and sex-change surgery.

The law also specifically allows the state to remove a child from his or her parents if one or both parents object to their under-age child getting started on the path to sex-change, or getting surgery.

Is that cool or what?  And as you guessed, state Democrats were absolutely ecstatic about the new law.  Another in the unbroken string of victories for the tranny mafia!

Not only that, but the Democrat law says the state has the absolute right to take a minor child away from parents who DON'T live in MN if the law in the kid's home state bars sex changes for minors--which the wokiez and tranny mafia cunningly call "gender-affirming health care."

Minnesota Democrats placed this bill near the top of their legislative agenda, and were over the moon when they managed to get the bill passed.  And of course the wokie governor immediately signed it into law.

The bill also makes it illegal for parents to help their kid "de-transition," even if the parents move out of Minnesota.  Pretty sure that part will be overturned, since if if you're no longer in the state, the gruberment has a hard time claiming you're still subject to its laws UNLESS it's a Dem-ruled state, in which case lib judges allow the state to pass any law wokie Dems want.

The utter, brazen hypocrisy of the wokie MN Democrats in this law is staggering: They claim Minnesota parents who flee their state to avoid the state taking away their MINOR child because the parents object to a sex-change can be prosecuted under the new MN law.  But at the same time they claim the law gives MN the absolute right to ignore custody laws of other states if a parent from another state takes their kid to MN for a sex-change.  That is, 'people who leave our state are still subject to our law, but the laws of your state don't apply to people who leave your state!'

Can't have it both ways, assholes.  Wait...I forgot:  Democrats demand double-standards every day, in all things.

To wrap up, consider this chilling piece of "gender-affirming health-care advice" from a sex-change surgeon on creating an artificial vagina for male-to-female trannies:

"The body considers the new incision to be a sort of wound, and it wants to 'heal' by closing it up.  Thus we start dilating very shortly after surgery.  So you’ll have to fight the body's tendency to close the incision by dilating quite a bit at first." pic.twitter.com/RTPBT4cqHS

Just "a sort of wound"?  Nah, minor person, it's a very real wound.  But don't fret: You want to change sex, so y'need to think of the "sort of wound" as only a minor inconvenience!  Trust us!  We're experts!
   Cuz you're making a really good decision by coming to Minnesota to get our faabulous state-approved "gender-affirming health care," young minor. 
   In fact we're working to get the state (well, taxpayers, actually) to pay for most or all of your "gender-affirming health care"!  Isn't that faaaabulous?


February 18, 2024

Tens of thousands of job cuts announced can only mean one thing: Duh Economy beez BOOMING!

CNBC (I know, utter shills for the Dems) reports "Nike, Mattel, PayPal, Cisco, Levi Strauss and UPS are just a few of the companies that have announced layoffs in recent weeks."

"Five of the nation's largest banks, including Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs, eliminated over 20,000 jobs in 2023." 

"Last month U.S. companies announced 82,307 job cuts."

biden regime: "Dis all very good news, citizen!  It jus' like we been tellin' ya: duh economy beez BOOMING!  Deez 'adjustments in staffing' ('adjustments,' not "job cuts," got it?) are exactly what the planners at the Federal Reserve said was needed--what our precious democracy needed in order to achieve our promised reductions in carbon emissions that will save all life on Earth from extinction due to Global Bullshit, and mumble mumble other bullshit!"

"See, citizen?  At this rate we'll have record low unemployment AND lower prices for everything by the end of the year!  Isn't that GREAT?  So be sure to vote Dem in November to get more of this fabulous economy!

"Remember, citizen: The border is, like, totally secure.  Inflation has been stopped,  The economy is booming!  The new vaccines are, like, totally safe and effective!  Your president is totally sharp and competent.  Trump, by contrast, is old, and should be convicted on all counts and shouldn't be allowed to be on the ballot in November.  

"Letting children choose to change their  'gender' at age five--which all good Americans recognize as 'gender-affirming health-care'--is compassionate and reasonable, and no good American could possibly object.  Any military member who doesn't use 'preferred pronouns' needs to be removed from the service.  China is your friend.  Oil and gas are evil!  Buying an electric car shows you're a good citizen!  War is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength."


February 17, 2024

Another Dem "first:" First president legally declared to be incompetent to stand trial

Wow, first president to be declared legally incompetent to stand trial.  Sure glad that doesn't affect him in any other ways, eh?

But seriously: Elections have consequences.  And when one political party is so desperate to gain power by any means that it commits massive fraud, the resulting "election" has very bad consequences--which is what you've been seeing for the last three years.

Thanks, dead voters!  Thanks, double-voters!  Thanks, ballot-stealers!  Couldn't have done it without ya.

"Say, citizen, y'know what you may have heard about dat vaccine? Um...well...um..."

Democrats believe the gruberment tells 'em the truth, and that conservatives and Republicans lie.

So...how many thousands of times did you hear Fauci and biden and Birx and that incompetent head of the CDC (brunette, appointed despite a lackluster record), and that dipshit governor of New York--Andrew Cuomo--tell you "Duh vax is both safe and effective," eh?

"Safe!  And effective, citizen!"

Again, how many times did you hear that repeated by every talking head, eh?

When independent investigators said "It's neither safe nor effective," what did you do?  You sneered that the only people to be trusted were regime lackeys, including Porridgebrain himself--who almost certainly doesn't even know the difference between a bacterium and a virus.

Well a couple of days ago someone with lots of skill and inspiration released a great compilation of headlines from both those oh-so-honest Mainstream Media papers as well as scientific and technical journals on how effective duh "experts" claimed the vax was.  Starts out at 100%, but then...um... 


Of course now you can't find a single gruberment official who'll admit they EVER said the vax was effective!  

"You just misunderstood, deplorable!  See, we gave you complex, sophisticated, nuanced analysis, and you just didn't understand the Science, see?  So we're innocent of all wrongdoing, and if you or a loved one got Covid after getting the vaccine, well, we warned you there might be a tiny handful of 'breakthrough cases,' remember?  You have to be reel smaht to understand 'nuance,' and you clearly weren't since you didn't graduate from Hahvahd.  So it's your fault."

"But we're absolutely, totally certain that since you DID take the vaccine, you didn't get nearly as sick as you would have if you hadn't taken the faaabulous vaccine!  What?  Of COURSE we've done controlled studies on that!  Otherwise we couldn't make the claim!  We're absolutely sure!  Well, until studies come out saying we may have made a tiny error.  But it's still not our fault." 


"Two sets of laws, citizen"--example 5,834,965.

The Founders had the novel idea that "Everyone is equal under the law."  Ring any bells with any of ya?

But today, under Democrat rule, that's no longer true: Double-standards are the rule.  Two sets of laws.  Democrats can get away with anything, while Democrat judges and DA's ruthlessly prosecute any Repub who violates the smallest letter of the law.

To take just one example:  All of you--every one of you--have forgotten that in 2016, after Trump won, the Democrats tried everything to overturn the results of that election--and not a single person was charged with anything.  Hmmm....  Here's a summary:

Following the 2016 election of Donald Trump, Democrats rolled out rumors of reports--supposedly from the CIA--that Russia had either colluded to help elect Mr Trump, or had somehow hacked into our voting systems, possibly even (gasp!) changing vote totals!

Much later this would be discovered to be horseshit, but before that was found, as this tale spread before the day electors were to meet to cast their votes to certify the election results, 79 presidential electors--most of them Democrats--asked James Clapper, director of national intelligence, to authorize a classified briefing on the claims that Russia had somehow influenced the election.

Clapper declined, presumably since (as we now know) that would have revealed that the allegations were false.   So with that avenue closed off, a dozen Dem organizations began pushing to get the electors to NOT cast their states' electoral votes to certify Trump's election.  Actors like Martin Sheen released videos urging Republican electors to refuse to cast their votes for the man who won their states.  

Election interference?  Nah, bro.

The group behind the actors' video--cunningly misnamed "Unite for America"—then began sending personalized versions of the video to Republican electors, in which Mr Sheen and more than a dozen others called them out by name.  

Called 'em out by name?  Implied threat?  Election interference?  Nah, bro.

As the day to cast the electoral votes approached, some of the so-called "appeals to electors" turned threatening.  Electors around the country reported being targeted by death threats, harassing phone calls and reams of hate mail.

Direct threats, y'say?  Election interference?  Nah.

In Pennsylvania the situation became so threatening that about 20 electors were reportedly assigned plainclothes state police troopers for protection.

But when Trump asked Georgia officials to re-check their reported results for fraud, suddenly that's a big crime, eh?  "91 indictments," as the WaPo and NY Times keep bleating.

Two sets of laws, citizen.  When Democrats urge electors NOT to cast their vote for the person who won their state--overturning the election results--not a single person is even charged.  But just four years later when the Republican president asks a state to check for fraud...none of you remember the different standard--different set of laws applied--from four years earlier.

Of course that's not entirely your fault.  You're way too busy raising your kids and trying to pay the mortgage or rent and put food on the table.  You rely on the Media to tell you about these brazen double-standards four years apart.  That's understandable, and what they should be doing, to keep things honest.  

Problem is you can no longer rely on the Lying Mainstream Media to tell you the truth about anything.  They abandoned that role decades ago to totally support the Democrat party.  Cuz duh Media beez "elite," right?

Enjoy your Democrat rulers, cuz with the help of the Media and fraud they'll be running "your" government forever.  Especially with the help of 11 million new Democrat voters imported by biden and his lackeys from around the world.

February 16, 2024

Hidden media: "Wholesale prices post biggest increase in five months"

Of course "hidden media" aren't literally hidden, but the only people who see those stories are people "in the biz."  And since you almost certainly aren't, then for all practical purposes, most Americans don't believe it happened.  In this case...

Wholesale costs rose in January at the fastest pace in five months, possibly another sign that inflation won’t slow toward the Federal Reserve’s 2% target as fast as hoped.
   The producer-price index rose 0.3% last month, a considerably stronger increase than the 0.1% forecast from economists polled by the Wall Street Journal.

Democrat: "Why dis newz?  Duh experts only missed duh thing by two-tenths of a percent, right?  Why dis newz?"

Let me try to explain: The "producer price index" is a measure of how much prices by manufacturers have risen or stayed constant.  Cuz if prices charged by manufacturers rise, what do you think will happen to retain prices, eh?

Democrat: "Nuffin'.  Duh one haz nuffin to do  wif' duh uddah."

Sure, Jan.  

Really, don't worry about it.  Duh White House an' duh Media assure you inflation is, like, totally under control, just like they tell us the border is, eh?  "Totally under control!"  And neither the regime nor the Media would ever lie to ya, right?

Democrat: "On Morning Joe an' Duh View dey sed inflation wuz falling, which means prices iz goin' down, right?  Dat SO cool, eh?  All cuz of duh brilliant policies by our preznit an' duh Dems, which beez SO much bettah den doze stupid Trump policies!"

You bet, sparky.

Just to review here: You watch network newz, right?  So you're well-informed about stuff, right?  Did you hear about this?

Unless you're in the biz, you didn't.  Cuz duh Mainstream Media didn't tell ya.  And why do ya think that is, eh?

"Too arcane," say the editors at all the alphabets.  "Pipo mo' interested in Megan Markle, Taylor Swift, and who won on "Dancing with the Stars."  Pipo don' unnerstan arcane stuff like 'price indexes.'"

And there ya go, sparky.
