February 24, 2024

biden's Secretary of State issued decree to employees: "Do NOT use the following words!"

Because you're an intelligent American, then unless you're living off the grid it follows that you must be well-informed, right?  Cuz you've got 50 "newz" channels--the broadcast networks and cable nets--telling you what's important, right?

Well, maybe just "what they think is important," eh?  But surely those are the same, right?

Hahahahahahaha!  Too funny!

Okay, so being "informed," you undoubtedly heard about the memo issued by Porridgebrain's faaabulous Secretary of State, the incomparably incompetent Antony Blinken, ordering all employees of that utter waste of money to stop using certain phrases.

Democrat: "Dis perfekly normal, deplorable!  We are an enlightened society, so we want to use language that avoids offending citizens who hate the cisgender, hetero, raaacist, binary patriarchy!  See?  It's "enlightened."  Sophisticated, just like the honorable Secretary Blinken and his staff." 

Oh, absolutely, excellency.  So let's see some of the phrases the honorable Secretary banned, after his DEI staff deemed them offensive, shall we?

Wow.  So let me see if I've got this straight.  Woops, are we still allowed to use the word "straight"?  Cuz snowflakes say the word "straight" makes 'em feel "unsafe," right?  In any event, the banned words include everything in the pic above, and a lot more.

And if you've got any experience with companies or gruberment agencies, you know that violating the decrees of the boss, no matter how utterly stupid, are "career-ending moves," eh?

So think on this for a minute: Duh State Department is supposed to represent the U.S. overseas.  Can you imagine what citizens of some other nation will think when our ambassador issues a press release using some clumsy, unrecognizable term for "ladies," "gentlemen," "mother" and "father"?  

Now to my Democrat siblings: You think this is much ado about nuffin', eh?  Tempest in a teapot.  Let me show you why it's actually important: Suppose you're one of the leaders of the government of a "non-aligned nation."  Who would you choose to align with: a nation whose deranged snowflake rulers demand an end to the terms "mother" and "father," or a nation that is unabashedly binary, supports the nuclear family and doesn't bow to wokie bullshit?

Which nation would you think would prevail in the event of war?  Which nation's leaders would be more likely to curl into a ball of useless, quivering jelly when threatened?  Cuz they clearly did that when ordering the above words banned to avoid offending the one percent of that population who are snowflakes, eh?

Think about that.  If it takes you more than 30 seconds to find the answer, you can't be educated.   

If you're a Democrat you don't understand a word of any of the above.  It's okay.  Really.


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