February 26, 2024

Billy Bob Clinton claimed illegal invasion was a disaster, vowed to tighten border; Dems swooned

Check out this Democrat named Bill Clinton, from one of his State of the Union speeches.  He's saying how dangerous and costly it is that the U.S. is being overrun by illegal aliens, and that he's worried about it and is greatly increasing deportations.

Wait...WHAT??  When Trump suggests exactly the same thing, the Democrats go fucking NUTS!  Screaming, wailing "You's a raaaacist!  You's inhumane!"  Yet when Billy Bob "Slick Willy" Clinton said the same thing, all duh Democrats nodded and murmured dere total approval!  "Dis man great," they slobbered.  "He brilliant!  Lookin' out fo' duh American pipo.  Puttin' America first!"

So what do ya think has changed, eh?  The invasion is far worse today than in 1996.  The costs of feeding, housing and giving free medical to the invaders are all astronomically higher today, including costs to two big northern cities (NYC, Chitcongo).  But for some reason duh Democrats are still screamin' and wailin' at how AWFUL Trump's policies are, while ignoring their own faaabulous prezzie from 1996.

Something accounts for this, explains this.  When you figure it out, you'll be a lot more informed than you are now.

I'd send this to my brilliant liberal-Democrat attorney sister but she'd simply ignore it.  Cuz "Orange man bad!  'Temporarily-undocumented Americans' guud!  And mo' beez bettah!"


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