February 26, 2024

Democrat and conservative have a brief dialog about the murder of the nursing student

Re the murder of the 22-year-old nursing student by the illegal alien invader, released into the interior of the U.S. by the utterly corrupt, anti-American biden regime, we have the following dialog:

Democrat: "This is NOT an immigration problem.  It's a societal problem."

Conservative:  "Which society?"

Democrat: "American society, obviously."

Conservative: "Wait, the killer didn't grow up in America.  He grew up in Venezuela.  So are you saying it's actually a problem with Venezuela's society, and we should try and keep those societal problems from infecting our society?"

Democrat: "Fuck you, racist."

Media: "Dis unfortunate incident is NOT the result of ouah wunnerful Democrat policies!  Nope nope nope!  Absolutely not!  Instead it's entirely due to "toxic masculinity."  So if dis po' skeered asylum-seeker hadn't killed her, some American male would have!  Yep yep yep!  Absolutely certain.  We have spoken!"

Mainstream Media can burn in hell.


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