February 20, 2024

"Just give up your guns, bro!"

Every time there's a shooting, the piteous whining by the Left resumes (actually it never stops): 

"Just give up your guns, bro!  How many more kids do we have to ki-- How many more kids have to die?  Just give up your guns, bro!"

This happens because Democrats know this works.  They know stupid, uninformed voters will blame shooting deaths NOT on the shooters, but on the existence of the weapon used.  It makes as much sense as blaming cars for drunk driving deaths.  Not one of my guns has left the house in the middle of the night and killed someone.

If you buy the Democrat/Leftist/socialist logic that guns are the problem (spoiler: fully half of the American public DOES buy it, because they're stupid and emotional), soon you reach the insanity of formerly Great (!) Britain, which has prosecuted a homeowner from defending himself with a CANE against armed robbers in his own home.  Seriously.  "Assault with a deadly weapon."

Moronic U.K. politicians actually offered a service to grind the points off your kitchen knives so they can't be used to stab.  Rational people think "MY damn knives are not the problem--as you dumb bastards WELL know.  The problem is those utterly amoral african immigrants who are stabbing everyone within reach, on the street, in broad daylight--because they know they won't be prosecuted."

"Go fuck yourselves with your insane blather about MY knives, stupid liberal pols.  Instead why not try arresting and prosecuting the actual, y'know, KILLERS.  Either execute 'em--my choice--or imprison 'em for 30 years or so.  You'll be amazed how fast the others will get the message.  And if they're slow, execute a few more."

Moronic, pencil-neck liberal U.K. pols have purchased and emplaced hundreds of steel bins where law-abiding citizens are encouraged to drop off their deadly knives.  Is this a hoot or what?  Cuz the problem (for the slow-witted) is NOT law-abiding Brits, but killer thugs, eh?  And if you think the thugs are gonna drop their weapons in the bins...   

Hey, I don't live in either London or New York or Chitcongo or Philly or Baltimore or DC or Atlanta, so if Democrats wanna continue to let killers out the same day they're "inconvenienced" by being arrested (before release), fine.  Your problem, not mine.

I just hate to see innocent people suffer for the decisions of corrupt politicians--especially DA's who have won their elections thanks to a million bucks contributed by Satan's assistant, George Soros.


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