February 27, 2024

When the biden regime sold off half the oil in your Strategic Reserve, he promised they'd re-fill it IF...

With the help of the Lying Mainstream Media, the utterly corrupt biden crime regime can lie to you every single day, and you believe it--not because you're stupid, but because you have no information that can show you they're lying.

Think on that for a minute.

Okay, if you're like most Americans that didn't clarify things a bit, eh?  So let's see if we can figure out why.

On second though, that would take way too long--and you wouldn't believe it anyway.  So here's an example: over a year or so before the 2022 mid-term elections biden and his handlers sold off fully HALF of all the oil in the nation's "Strategic Petroleum Reserve."  They did that to add an extra one MILLION barrels per DAY to world markets, knowing that would drop the price of oil (due to a thing Democrats don't believe, called the twin laws of supply and demand.

They did that because in 2022 the price of gasoline was touching five dollars a gallon, and voters were starting to bitch about it.  By dropping the price of oil, that drops the price of gasoline, eh?  (For young Americans:  gasoline, diesel and jet fuel are all made from "crude oil.")

Now: the lie from the biden regime was "Next time the price of oil drops to $72 per barrel, we'll buy oil to refill what we sold off!  And we'll make a huge profit fo' duh Merican pipo!  Cuz weez smaht!"

So...did they do that?  Well, biden's Energy Department--headed by the corrupt, incompetent stooge Jennifer Granholm--sure announced plans to buy crude oil a couple of times...but didn't actual buy any.  So why announce it?  Cuz dey wanted voters to think the regime was about to do what they'd promised when they sold off all that oil.  But they didn't buy any oil--and of course never intended to.

So whut dis?

It's the price of oil for the past year.  As you see, it stayed around $70 for a month in June of last year, and hit $70 again in December of last year.  So if they'd been telling you the truth, there's their chance to refill the SPR.  But of course they never bought a single barrel.

Democrat: "But...but...but...dat not a lie!  Dey reeeeally intended to do whut dey sed!  Reeeally!  It's just that some emergency came along that prevented 'em from doing dat!"

Oh, absolutely, cupcake.


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