February 20, 2024

Dems who rule Minnesota passed a law encouraging minors to come to MN for sex-change

During the last legislative session wokie Minnesota lawmakers declared the state a "trans refuge" state, inviting children from around the country to travel to the state to get what wokiez cunningly call "gender-affirming care."

Honey your "gender" was assigned by God, and no matter how much butchery you undergo, you can't change it.  All you can do is make yourself a poster-child for duh wokie Democrats.

So again, duh wokie Democrats who rule Minnesota passed a LAW specifically intended to get minor children from all over the country to come to their woke state to get hormones and sex-change surgery.

The law also specifically allows the state to remove a child from his or her parents if one or both parents object to their under-age child getting started on the path to sex-change, or getting surgery.

Is that cool or what?  And as you guessed, state Democrats were absolutely ecstatic about the new law.  Another in the unbroken string of victories for the tranny mafia!

Not only that, but the Democrat law says the state has the absolute right to take a minor child away from parents who DON'T live in MN if the law in the kid's home state bars sex changes for minors--which the wokiez and tranny mafia cunningly call "gender-affirming health care."

Minnesota Democrats placed this bill near the top of their legislative agenda, and were over the moon when they managed to get the bill passed.  And of course the wokie governor immediately signed it into law.

The bill also makes it illegal for parents to help their kid "de-transition," even if the parents move out of Minnesota.  Pretty sure that part will be overturned, since if if you're no longer in the state, the gruberment has a hard time claiming you're still subject to its laws UNLESS it's a Dem-ruled state, in which case lib judges allow the state to pass any law wokie Dems want.

The utter, brazen hypocrisy of the wokie MN Democrats in this law is staggering: They claim Minnesota parents who flee their state to avoid the state taking away their MINOR child because the parents object to a sex-change can be prosecuted under the new MN law.  But at the same time they claim the law gives MN the absolute right to ignore custody laws of other states if a parent from another state takes their kid to MN for a sex-change.  That is, 'people who leave our state are still subject to our law, but the laws of your state don't apply to people who leave your state!'

Can't have it both ways, assholes.  Wait...I forgot:  Democrats demand double-standards every day, in all things.

To wrap up, consider this chilling piece of "gender-affirming health-care advice" from a sex-change surgeon on creating an artificial vagina for male-to-female trannies:

"The body considers the new incision to be a sort of wound, and it wants to 'heal' by closing it up.  Thus we start dilating very shortly after surgery.  So you’ll have to fight the body's tendency to close the incision by dilating quite a bit at first." pic.twitter.com/RTPBT4cqHS

Just "a sort of wound"?  Nah, minor person, it's a very real wound.  But don't fret: You want to change sex, so y'need to think of the "sort of wound" as only a minor inconvenience!  Trust us!  We're experts!
   Cuz you're making a really good decision by coming to Minnesota to get our faabulous state-approved "gender-affirming health care," young minor. 
   In fact we're working to get the state (well, taxpayers, actually) to pay for most or all of your "gender-affirming health care"!  Isn't that faaaabulous?



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