February 17, 2024

"Two sets of laws, citizen"--example 5,834,965.

The Founders had the novel idea that "Everyone is equal under the law."  Ring any bells with any of ya?

But today, under Democrat rule, that's no longer true: Double-standards are the rule.  Two sets of laws.  Democrats can get away with anything, while Democrat judges and DA's ruthlessly prosecute any Repub who violates the smallest letter of the law.

To take just one example:  All of you--every one of you--have forgotten that in 2016, after Trump won, the Democrats tried everything to overturn the results of that election--and not a single person was charged with anything.  Hmmm....  Here's a summary:

Following the 2016 election of Donald Trump, Democrats rolled out rumors of reports--supposedly from the CIA--that Russia had either colluded to help elect Mr Trump, or had somehow hacked into our voting systems, possibly even (gasp!) changing vote totals!

Much later this would be discovered to be horseshit, but before that was found, as this tale spread before the day electors were to meet to cast their votes to certify the election results, 79 presidential electors--most of them Democrats--asked James Clapper, director of national intelligence, to authorize a classified briefing on the claims that Russia had somehow influenced the election.

Clapper declined, presumably since (as we now know) that would have revealed that the allegations were false.   So with that avenue closed off, a dozen Dem organizations began pushing to get the electors to NOT cast their states' electoral votes to certify Trump's election.  Actors like Martin Sheen released videos urging Republican electors to refuse to cast their votes for the man who won their states.  

Election interference?  Nah, bro.

The group behind the actors' video--cunningly misnamed "Unite for America"—then began sending personalized versions of the video to Republican electors, in which Mr Sheen and more than a dozen others called them out by name.  

Called 'em out by name?  Implied threat?  Election interference?  Nah, bro.

As the day to cast the electoral votes approached, some of the so-called "appeals to electors" turned threatening.  Electors around the country reported being targeted by death threats, harassing phone calls and reams of hate mail.

Direct threats, y'say?  Election interference?  Nah.

In Pennsylvania the situation became so threatening that about 20 electors were reportedly assigned plainclothes state police troopers for protection.

But when Trump asked Georgia officials to re-check their reported results for fraud, suddenly that's a big crime, eh?  "91 indictments," as the WaPo and NY Times keep bleating.

Two sets of laws, citizen.  When Democrats urge electors NOT to cast their vote for the person who won their state--overturning the election results--not a single person is even charged.  But just four years later when the Republican president asks a state to check for fraud...none of you remember the different standard--different set of laws applied--from four years earlier.

Of course that's not entirely your fault.  You're way too busy raising your kids and trying to pay the mortgage or rent and put food on the table.  You rely on the Media to tell you about these brazen double-standards four years apart.  That's understandable, and what they should be doing, to keep things honest.  

Problem is you can no longer rely on the Lying Mainstream Media to tell you the truth about anything.  They abandoned that role decades ago to totally support the Democrat party.  Cuz duh Media beez "elite," right?

Enjoy your Democrat rulers, cuz with the help of the Media and fraud they'll be running "your" government forever.  Especially with the help of 11 million new Democrat voters imported by biden and his lackeys from around the world.


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