February 26, 2024

Rising Democrat star claims people who believe human rights come from God are dangerous Christian Nationalists!

A writer for Politico, Heidi Przybyla, was on leftist propaganda outfit MSNBC last week warning viewers about the Next New Scare Story being pushed by the Left: 

The rise of "Christian nationalism" in the Republican Party.

"Christian nationalism" blends two of the groups the Left most hates: Christians and "nationalists"--people who believe our insane gruberment should put Americans first.

So how does Heidi say "good Americans" can recognize one o' deez dangerous extremists, eh?  She cheerfully explains:

The thing that unites them as Christian nationalists--not Christians because Christian nationalists are very different--is that they believe that our rights as humans do NOT come from any Earthly authority--not from Congress or from the Supreme Court. [Or from your wunnerful prezzie, Heidi?]  Instead they believe our rights come from God."

Of course Heidi--like all leftists--believes "human rights" do NOT come from God, but from benevolent governments.  She and her comrades believe all rights come from agencies of the regime.  But she doesn't want to literally say that, because if she did, too many Americans would realize she was crazy as a bedbug.  So instead she casts her complaint in the negative:  "Those crazy 'Christian nationalists' believe rights come from God.  Have you ever heard anything so dumb??"

Then she finishes her argument with the topper:

"The problem with that is that the Christian nationalists--men--are determining what God is telling them."

Ahh, now it makes sense, eh?  Obviously (at least to Heidi and comrades) men can't be allowed to determine what God is telling them, eh?  Not at all, citizen!  Instead that crucial determination can only be made by...uhhh...by...  By whom, Heidi?  Do tell us.

Neither of her two male fellow panel members dared to ask, and she didn't volunteer, but the conclusion is obvious:  What God is saying to men can only be decided by a government official, of course!

And totally by coincidence, that regime official will inevitably declare that God told us He totally backs every policy of duh regime, without exception!

Wow, that's...amazing, eh?  What were the odds of that?

Heidi Pryzbyla is either unware of, or ignores the revolutionary idea by the Founders of the US--an idea that changed the world and made her luxurious life possible: that rights do NOT come from governments but come from God.

It's a revolutionary concept, eh?  But Heidi--a dedicated revolutionary of the Left--rejects that idea, because it contradicts the belief by the Left that all rights come from government--from which it necessarily follows that government has all the power.

Think Heidi is at the top of the selection list by the biden regime for the new post of Chief of the Disinformation Governance Board?



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