April 30, 2024

Dems: "NO ONE is above the law. Well, unless you're a pro-Hamas protester, or a Dem"

Columbia U:  pro-Hamas protesters break windows to get inside a uni building.  Preznit of the U does nothing.  

Fascinating: Nancy Pelosi, Chuckie Schumer, Adam Schiff et al have been bleating "No one is above the law."  But now, mysteriously, all the students will get off without charges being filed.  The commie university certainly won't press charges.  So you Democrats still bleating "No one is above the law" now?

Nah, you're not.  Cuz in Democrat-run America that's horseshit.

Dem strategist James Carville rants 'If Repubs win you'll have no more rights!'

Democrat strategist James Carville has always been unhinged, but this short clip (17 seconds) summarizes the Democrat position perfectly: 

Carville: "If they get ahold there will be no government left, there'll be no rights left, you'll live in a theocracy, you'll end up Christian nationalists..."

Hey dipshit, do you think Americans have forgotten that Trump was president for four years and NONE of that happened?

You must think we're as dumb as your brain-dead fellow Democrats. 


April 28, 2024

"The rubes won't suspect a thing!"

Democrat leader: "For decades the U.S. population rose by a million people a year.  But now birthrates are falling.  Without a constantly increasing number of consumers and workers, we can't make money.  What can we do to fix this?"

Dem lackey: "You need more consumers and workers?  Here's an idea:  Let's import two million aliens every year!"

Dem #2: "Well we do love illegal aliens, but I don't think voters will like that, since they're worried about crime,  drugs, terrorists, diseases, illiteracy and the huge cost of feeding and housing 'em."

Dem lackey: "Don't worry, we'll just tell our media allies not to mention any of those problems.  And if word of our plan should leak we'll just tell voters it's just a 'right-wing scare story created by people who hate non-whites!'
   And ev'rybudy gon' believe that.  An' if a few don't we'll say 'We've only let in po' refugees seeking  Asylum!  Wimmens an' chirrens.  Po' persecuted trannies who wuz almost kilt ev'ry day!"

Democrat leader: "It's brilliant.  Stupid voters won't suspect a thing."

biden bleats "Under my proposal the rich will pay their fair share of taxes!" Well...

A couple of weeks ago biden glowered into the cameras (he glowers a lot) and bleated, "Under my proposal the rich will pay their fair share of taxes!"

That line was clearly crafted to win wild acclaim from the average voter.  How could any working stiff possibly not love "the rich will pay their fair share of taxes," eh?

Wait...biden's DOJ and IRS deliberately ignored Hunty biden's millions in unpaid taxes, deliberately not charging him with criminal tax evasion until the statute of limitations expired.

Think they'd do that for you, peasant?

So...what biden didn't say with his carefully-crafted speech was, "...except for my son, but that's because he not rich!  He jus' live in a $15,000 per MONTH rental overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Santa Barbara.  See?  Not rich, jus' a normal, hardworking American--jus' like you!"  


biden's Labor Department appears to be faking the numbers

For the past two years honest analysts have claimed the biden regime is faking numbers on the economy to make things look a lot better than they really are.  For example, almost every month the jobs report for the previous month says "Great!"  But then the next month--after the bullshit number has done its job convincing the rubes that all is swell, the job number for two months earlier is always revised downward--sometimes by 100,000 or so.

In fact a report from the Labor Department itself a few weeks ago found that the number of jobs claimed to have been "created" in 2023 under Porridgebrain was overstated by a staggering 460,000!
So with that said, someone else has found what appears to be proof that the Labor Department is just making up numbers to suit their political masters.

Every week the Labor Department announces the number of new applications for unemployment insurance, rounded to the nearest thousand, with a high number obviously being bad.  And for five of the last six weeks, they've reported exactly the same number: 212,000.

Considering that the U.S. has 160 million workers, and that seasonality, holidays, and economic vibrations drive the number of people fired ("laid off") each week, it's extremely odd for the number of new applications for unemployment insurance to vary by less than one-half of one percent (1,000 applications divided by 212,000) from week to week.

Just the number of applications incorrectly filled out every week should cause it to vary more than this.


April 27, 2024

Hey citizens, have you heard about the new "rulez" by the regime about Title IX?

Unless you pay close attention to national politics (spoiler: you don't), you may have missed the DECREE by biden's department of """Education/Indoctrination""" regarding Title IX.

It was really radical, so warranted LOTS of attention.  Yet the Media was unusually quiet about it.  Did you hear about it?  If so, do you know what it ordered?

For those of you who were off planet for the first two months of biden's reign, here's what happened:  On March 8, 2021--just SIX WEEKS after the corrupt vegetable was installed as prez--his handlers, following the wokie demands of the rat-bastard communists who run the Democrat party, handed Porridgebrain "Executive Order 14021, grandly titled "Guaranteeing an educational environment free from discrimination on the basis of sex---including sexual orientation or gender identity."

Being a good Democrat, Porridgebrain signed it.

Now, here's what the actual LAW, as amended in 1972, says:

"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance."

Got it?  But biden's EO said his regime would "interpret" that law as including "gender identity."

Note that the courts have ruled that Executive Orders "have the force of law" unless they contradict actual, y'know, LAWS.

When congress amended Title IX in 1972, does anyone believe they intended their amendment to include "gender identity" as a specially-protected class?

Take all the time ya need to answer that one, Democrats.

Of course they did NOT, since that concept had yet to be coined.  In 1972 sex meant the two obvious biological sexes, nothing more.

But the tranny mafia was determined to get their way (as leftists and Democrats always are).  Rat-bastard speaker Nancy Pelosi and her lackeys tried for four years to amend Title IX to include "gender identity" as a specially- protected class, but she never even brought it up for a floor vote, because congressional Democrats prized re-election more than the wokiez demands.

SO...biden's handlers first had him issue the Executive Order, then had him order the Dept. of """Education""" to issue RULEZ implementing that DECREE.

See how slick that is, citizen?  "We din' change no law!  We wud NEVAH do dat, cuz we obeys duh Constitution!  Yep yep yep!  We jus' issues a RULE an y'all haz ta obey it or we take money away from ya.  But we din' change a single law!  Nope nope nope!"

Are you cool with that?  Do you see how easily they subverted the Constitution to effectively change the law--while piously bleating that duh preznit wud NEVAH try to re-write duh LAW, eh?  Cuz duh Dems reeeeeally luvs duh Constitution, right?

That's all background.  Now the lying communist rat-bastards who run a pro-Democrat, pro-tranny website called The Hill have just run what for them is a standard pack of lies about the Democrat machine's new "rules"--decrees--about Title IX.

The new rulez sez every K-12 school, college, university and museum (?) is hereby ORDERED to allow men to use women's locker rooms, and to play on womens' teams.

Florida governor Ron DeSantis saw that the regime's new RULEZ didn't square with the actual language of the amended law, and called 'em out on it, saying Florida "will not comply" with new DECREE, since the actual, y'know, LAW doesn't say what the biden regime says it says.

Last week the biden regime's lackeys unveiled what The Hill calls "a final set of changes to Title IX."  Notice how that sounds like the law changed.  But it didn't.

The regime says the "changes" "add protections for transgender students to the federal civil rights law on sex-based discrimination."  "Changes" makes you think the law changed.  It didn't.  The changes were a DECREE from biden and friends.

biden's "Education Secretary," Miguel Cardona, said “These final regulations build on the legacy of Title IX by clarifying that all our nation’s students can access schools that are safe, welcoming, and respect their rights.”

"Build on the legacy of Title IX," y'say?  That phrase was crafted by lawyers, to make the rubes think the law had been changed.  It hadn't.

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation’s largest LGBTQ advocacy group, wailed that Florida’s "laws and policies targeting basic freedoms and rights pose significant risk to the health and safety of many."

Really?  Tell us, wokiez, What "laws and policies" does Florida have that you claim target "basic freedoms and rights."  Oh, dat right: You fools think men can actually become women simply by declaring they are.

The "press secretary" for the HRC said "politicians in Florida, Louisiana, Oklahoma and elsewhere are leaping to oppose crucial protections for students.”

"Crucial protections for students?  Y'mean like forcing schools to allow boys use girls locker rooms and bathrooms?  Is that what you claim is "protections for students"?

This nonsense is the most obvious lie, utter projection.  The tranny mafia is forcing schools to allow boys into girls dressing rooms, but somehow claims conservatives are the ones "opposing crucial protections for students."  It's insane.

“These MAGA politicians are choosing theatrics and hateful rhetoric over protecting and furthering the needs of their state’s students,” said the press secretary.  “Refusing to comply with Title IX could have damaging consequences for schools, including significant loss in funding on the order of hundreds of millions of dollars."

"Refusing to comply with Title IX."  Wow.  Actually Florida IS complying with both the letter and intent of that law.

Another wokie bleated that DeSantis “cannot ignore federal protections designed to safeguard students and families, including LGBTQ students, survivors of sexual assault and harassment, and pregnant students.”

Treating boys as boys safeguards all students.  And for the wokiez to throw in the claim that the regime's DECREE somehow safeguards "pregnant students" seems to be invented out of thin air.

"We will continue to work with parents across the state to foster an environment where every student can learn and thrive,” it bleated.

A spokesbleater for the Department of Education wrote that its Department crafted the new DECREE (rulez) "to give complete effect to the Title IX statutory guarantee that no person experiences sex discrimination in federally funded education.”

Hey, spokesbleater:  Did congress amend the law to include "or gender identity"?  No, they didn't.  So you dweebs have unilaterally decided the law doesn't mean what it clearly says.  You just made up the part about "or gender identity" and believe a corrupt leftist judge will support you in this.

“All schools receiving any kind of federal funds *must comply with these final regulations,*" said the spokesbleater.

"Must comply with these...um...'final regulations," eh?  One more time: Did congress amend the law to include trannies?  If they didn't, do you have even a scintilla of evidence that even though the law *as written* never mentions "gender identity," you claim that's what congress actually *meant* when they amended it in 1972?

If congress never amended the law to SAY what you claim, and never intended that result, by what perverse logic do you think it can legally be re-interpreted to that effect today?

And yet the regime is now bleating that "All schools must comply with these final...RULEZ."

"Dat hazn't happened, so it can't." Can anyone spot the flaw in that "reasoning"?

There's a psychological thing you should know about, called "normalcy bias."  It's the belief that broadly speaking, every day is much like the days before it, so we don't expect things to change much--and we act accordingly.

That's rational.  Problem is, it causes many people to ignore even the most screamingly obvious signs that things are about to go sideways really badly.  Most people absolutely sneer at smarter people warning about some obvious catastrophe about to hit.  But the hand-wavers never bother trying to rebut the facts cited by the others, instead just doing the equivalent of "That hasn't ever happened before, so it...um...can't."

The fallacy of that "reasoning" shouldn't require explaining.  It's the kind of thinking that allowed WW1 and 2, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, to surprise almost everyone.  Same for Hamas attacking Israel on 7 October.

Now: For over a decade China has been engaged in arguably the greatest military buildup in history.  China's army (the "People’s Liberation Army") has built vast underground complexes, modernized air defenses and built the world’s largest navy.  And it boasts the largest ballistic missile force in the world.

China has dropped references to the "peaceful reunification with Taiwan."  Leftists want you to believe this means China has lost interest in that long-sought goal.  Realists realize that's horseshit.  They've stopped saying "peaceful reunification" so the world doesn't see what utter liars they are when they invade.

Anyone who studies history sees that national leaders sometimes do irrational things, which often slide into disaster.

A huge factor bearing on future conflict is the belief by our opponents that while the U.S. postures and threatens (biden's "don't" and obozo's "red line" in Syria, both ignored), it's almost certain that they're convinced no Democrat president of the U.S. would ever retaliate for literally any provocation.

Unless you're a student of military history, you probably don't realize how dangerous that is, and what it implies:  That belief means adversaries have totally discounted the possibility of U.S. action if they attack--which hugely increases the chances of such attacks.

Unless you're a veteran or have a child in the military, you have no idea what awful shape our armed forces are in.  After the biden regime ordered the services to use "preferred pronouns and threatened service members if they so much as "liked" a post on a conservative social media account, enlistment is way down.  Not one branch is meeting its recruiting goals.  Re-enlistment of active-duty troops is also way down, even with the military offering huge bonuses.  

In many branches less than a third of combat resources (mainly aircraft and ships) are actually combat-ready.  Even in embattled Ukraine, young men are choosing to flee the country to avoid being drafted--just as Americans fled to Canada during the Vietnam war.

China has no such problems.  "Preferred pronouns" are a curious joke.  Is it any wonder that China's leaders have concluded the U.S. is degenerate?  

Young people--and particularly Americans--have no idea how near a thing World War Two was.  Western politicians stubbornly refused to see the clear signs of war, and refused to prepare in any way until it was almost too late.

Today, with the threat of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, does anyone believe western pols will be more willing to confront Chinese aggression?  It seems highly unlikely the U.S. would.  Everything we see about Americans today suggests that most would prefer to hide in their homes and hope for the best.

History seems to show that doesn't work out very well.  But Democrats and Leftists seem to feel it's a better plan.  We'll see.

biden's attorney-general (supposedly the nation's top "law enforcement officer") bleats

CNN: "fertility rate" in the U.S. has fallen to the lowest in a century." Here's what they don't say...

Not one American in 5,000 is even remotely proficient with math--mainly because the schools stopped teaching serious math around 1970, after the communists who ran (and continue to run) the "college of education" at Hahvahd and Yale bleated that now that every kid in the U.S. had a calculator, there was no longer a need to teach maff.  An' besides, maff beez raaaacis!"

We need that background because unless you're proficient with maff you won't understand the significance of what you're about to read:

The fertility rate in the United States is now the lowest it’s been in more than a century.

Of course leftists are delighted.  "Duh Erf's got way too many pipo!  So duh U.S. needs to lead by example!  We needs ta stop havin' dem kids!"

Oh, you bet, sparky.  Cuz Africans and Muslims and Chinese totally take their cues from what Americans do, right?

What utter horseshit.  They'll keep having lotsa kids, as usual.  And Democrat pols will keep allowing 2.5 million illegal invaders into the U.S. every year.

The U.S. birthrate has been falling for decades.  Or as the cunning leftists at CNN phrase it, "trending down."  Cuz the term "falling" might alarm a few voters, but "trending down" is SO gentle that it doesn't alarm anyone, eh?

Now: the key metric for having kids is called the "total fertility rate" (TFR). In theory if women have an average of 2.08 children, the population will stay constant.  Having 2.08 kids is called the "replacement rate," and it's slightly greater than 2.0 because a small number of children die before having children themselves.

If Americans were having way more kids than the "replacement rate"--the number of births that keeps the population steady--then lower birthrates might be desirable.  So...for young Americans and Democrats: are births in the entire U.S. population above or below the replacement rate?

First, that information is almost impossible to find.  Seriously.  The CNN article--supposedly about birthrates--never mentions it.  And if you think that's an accident you're too naive to breathe.

If you search for "TFR" you'll find an avalanche of figures, but 99% are given as "35 births per thousand" or some such.  Useless.

Of course six government agencies know the TFR of every race in the U.S. to three damn decimal places.  They just don't want you to know it--because it would change your worldview in a way the Democrats don't like.  For one thing it would trigger a huge backlash against the biden regime for continuing to keep the southern border wide open.

The closest most of you will ever get to finding the truth is that the "overall U.S. TFR is now 1.7 births per female." But crucially, that statistic doesn't list TFR by race.  That's not an accident.

If you dig deeper you'll find that the TFR for blacks and Hispanics are both higher than 2.08--meaning those populations are increasing, even before considering illegals being welcomed into the U.S. by the Democrats of the biden regime.

Average American: "Wait...how can the TFR for the entire U.S. population possibly be 1.7 if black and Hispanic women are having (on average) more than 2.08 kids each?"

Ooohh, good catch, sparky.  Very few people catch that.  Think about that for a minute.

If you guessed that the TFR for whites is now FAR below the replacement rate, congratulations.  

So the next logical question is "How far below replacement is the "total fertility rate" for whites?"

Good luck finding that number.  You'll have to wade thru hundreds of articles that leftist Google lists as "hits" for "TFR" before you'll finally find it.  And as of last year it's 1.54.  And it's dropped since then.

Average American: "Wait...if the "replacement rate" is 2.08, wouldn't 1.54 mean the number of whites in the U.S. is...uh...falling?"

Gruberment propagandist: "What makes you think that, citizen?  You clearly don't understand maff.  You've probably been reading "right-wing violent domestic extremist" sites like the UPenn Wharton Business School, and you think their numbers are right.  But those numbers don't mean what you think they mean!  See, we know you don't know how numbers work, but we do know, cuz we smaht.  Got it?"

No, government liar, the numbers from UPenn's Wharton Business School are totally accurate.  You're the one who's lying and hiding the numbers--to protect Democrats like the corrupt vegetable and his supporters who are keeping the southern border wide open.

Now here's the hoot:  Tens of millions of people have a kind of momentum, like an avalanche, or a drifting 200,000-ton container-ship.  It's damn near impossible to alter the course of either.  And in this case, the huge gap between the TFR of whites in the U.S. and the "replacement rate" would take a century or so to reverse even if we wanted to.

Here's a peer-reviewed paper published by your gruberment 21 years ago (2003) that's as close to reality as you'll find: 

By 1990 less-educated blacks [had] the highest fertility (TFR = 2.2–2.4), educated whites and blacks [had] the lowest fertility (TFR = 1.6–1.8).

That paper was from wokies who were trying to push the theory that ALL differences in TFR were due solely to "educational achievement," so reeeally dere wudn't nuffin to be concern 'bout, citizen, cuz as soon as "educational differences" vanished, the TFRs would "converge."

Can you say "Reasoning to the reassuring result you wanted"?  Yeah, thought you could.

And that paper was from 21 years ago.  Today the latest TFR I've found for whites--as of two years ago--is 1.54.  And based on the trend line it's almost certainly under 1.48 today.

Of course the Left is delighted--as are all my liberal friend and siblings.  "Dere's too many pipo on Erf," they bleat.  For the sake of argument let's assume that's true.  But of course what you're getting from the unforgiving trends is NOT fewer people on Earth, but fewer white people.  

Again, the Left is delighted: "See, whites use way mo' of duh Erf's precious resources den uddah pipo, so it reeeally gud to have fewer whites!"

In that case you Leftists have gotten your wish.  Like trying to stop a massive ship, the numbers of people who comprise the TFR are so massive that it would take over a century to reverse them.  So if you loved the country you grew up in, say goodbye to it, cuz it's already "majority-minority."  

Wait...I hear my siblings bleating that this is a "right-wing scare story."  Nope.  Two years ago whites became less than half the population of the U.S.  And thanks to massive illegal invasion courtesy of the biden regime and all its supporters, and the higher TFRs of minorities, that percentage is dropping every day.

Average American:  "Dis can't possibly be true!  If TFR is as crucial as you claim, then if the TFR for white was so much lower than for other races, the Media would have said something!  Since they haven't, you must by lying!"

Hahahahahahahahaha!  Love it!  "If X was important, duh Media wud have tol' us!"

Sure, sparky.

I suspect not one of you ever even heard the term "TFR" before ten minutes ago.  Yet that's a HUGE telltale for your kids' future.  Think there's a reason you never heard of this crucial term before?

[Crickets.  Liberals' brains processing.  Smoke pouring from the ears of the ones who have even a basic grasp of maff, and trend lines.]

Now if you're an adult--rational or otherwise-- obviously you get to make whatever decisions you want about your own life.  (Well, except when the Dem regime orders you to take an experimental injection, or anything else.)  But what adults rarely realize is that the decisions you make today force your children to live with the consequences of those decisions.  

That's such a new concept to most of you that I'll pause for a moment to let you process it.

Today--as every day for the last 50 years, regardless of which party has the presidency--Democrats, socialists, Leftists and communists are making decisions, passing laws and "rules," giving orders that are sentencing every American to a future most of you won't recognize.

Democrats, the Left, communists and socialists will love it.  "We won!" they'll crow.  The rich won't care, since they'll continue to live on their huge plantations (like Obozo's $14-million estate on Martha's Vineyard) and in their gated communities with armed guards.

But if you're a middle-class, hard-working American, you almost certainly won't like it.

So what happens then, eh?

If you're a smart, fit, hard-working guy or gal, would you want to have kids when the Left exalts and protects the thugs and druggies and crazies, and makes you and your kids pay to support 'em?

Leftists: "Sure dey wud!  Duh deplorables haz always been duh ones who haz duh chirren an' pays duh taxes, so dey still gonna do dat even if we tax the hell out of 'em to support ouah voters!"


Source for "record low birthrate"


April 26, 2024

biden regime's "U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services" opens three offices in Muslim nations. Why?

Three days ago the director of biden's "Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)--a connected bureaucrat named "Ur M. Jaddou"--announced that his agency is using your tax dollars to open offices in three Muslim nations: Doha, Qatar and Turkey.

You may well wonder why, eh?  Well, unless you're a Democrat voter, in which case you don't even bother thinking about it--cuz you believe everything the biden regime does is absolutely faaaabulous, eh?

Director "Ur M. Jaddou" explains that the purpose is to "increase capacity for refugee processing, strengthen strategic partnerships, and facilitate interagency cooperation." 

That's all bureaubabble.  Baffle-gab, designed to hide the real reason: It's to import more Muslims to the U.S. without making 'em trek through Mehico, as most have to do now.  See, citizen?  Much more "efficient" at importing the people who are determined to take over the U.S.   Here's "Ur M. Jaddou" spouting more horseshit:

"Opening these field offices establishes a USCIS presence and expertise in critical locations in the Middle East and is part of our commitment to the Biden-Harris administration's efforts to facilitate safe, lawful, and orderly migration and family reunification. Our presence in Qatar and Turkey expands USCIS' footprint outside the United States, supports our humanitarian mission, and strengthens the integrity of the U.S. immigration system." 

Ah..."our commitment to the biden-harris administration's efforts to facilitate...[Muslim] migration."  "Strengthens the integrity of the U.S. immigration system," eh?  Utter horseshit.  Baffle-gab.  It serves the same purpose as a squid squirting clouds of black ink to hide itself.  But two-thirds of Americans believe it because they're naive.   

Democrat:  "No no no!  What Ur M. Jaddou say beez absolutely true, cuz our preznit would nevah let his agency heads lie!  Duh preznit beez committed to duh troof!  After all, he tol' us "If you take the vaccine you CANNOT GET or transmit covid!"  An'  "We have a pandemic of duh unvaccinated!"  An' all doze things were, like, totally true, right?


biden's greatest accomplishment


April 25, 2024

biden advisor admits the regime secretly sent long-range missiles to Ukraine, and planning more

As every American over 70 surely remembers, in 1962 the Kennedy regime had a confrontation with the USSR over the Soviets sending long-range missiles to Cuba.  Kennedy refused to tolerate that.  Ring any bells?

Now:  Last year the biden regime was considering giving F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, but conservatives were worried that Russia would view that as a much more aggressive act than just shipping artillery shells.  But just a few months ago--with that controversy and those concerns forgotten--biden gave 'em F-16s, and no one in the media said a word.

Last week--with no headlines of fanfare--we learned that six weeks ago the biden regime quietly shipped missiles with a 180-mile range to Ukraine.  (For young Americans and Democrats:  Ukraine shares a long border with Russia.)

Seriously.  During a briefing last week, biden "national security adviser" Jake Sullivan confirmed that a “significant number” of those missiles had been given to Ukraine, and that there were plans to give them more.  He refused to say how many missiles were in the initial shipment.

Biden told his team to include the long-range ATACMS in this funding package, but to do so secretly "to maintain operational security and the element of surprise for Ukraine."

Now, the significance of this move is that it shows how cunning the regime is, in that they escalate things a bit at a time, pausing just long enough for voters' anger or concern to abate before taking the next step.  For young Americans, that's how WW1 started, and also how we got involved in VietNam.  But hey, who bothers studying history anymore, eh?  No need, since the people running your government are such strategic thinkers, eh? 

Source 1: Leftist Reuters

Source 2: Leftist CNN

Source 3: Left-wing Politico 

How many source do you damn dumb Democrats need before you start to believe you're are being screwed by the biden regime?


April 23, 2024

Australian court orders X (twatter) to remove video of Muslim stabbing priest at the altar of Sydney church

Last week in Sydney, Australia, a Muslim thug waltzed into a church, strutted up to the altar where a priest was conducting the service, live-streamed, and stabbed him multiple times.

The attack was all captured on high-quality video.

Now, in the manner we've all learned to recognize, a federal judge in Australia has ordered X (twatter) to delete every post containing videos of that stabbing.

The ORDER was issued after a worthless piece of shit government "official" named Julie Inman Grant, wearing the skin-suit of "the eSafety commissioner" went to court seeking an emergency injunction.

Ol' Julie asked the judge to order both X and Meta to remove posts containing the video.  See, ol' communist Julie didn't wail that the video would portray a Muslim walking up to a priest and stabbing him.  Oh no, cuz that bullshit has gotten really old.

Instead, Julie bleated that the material depicted “gratuitous or offensive violence with a high degree of impact or detail.”

Roll that around for a minute: if that's the new standard then NO video of ANY horrible attack by a Muslim (or other protected group) can be shown on the internet.  See, in Australia--as here--the gruberment can yank a broadcaster's license at will.  The internet once offered a way around the government/Media censorship.  But now the gruberment has taken over what you can post on the Net--exactly as it has here.  

(For young Americans: the FBI pressured Fakebook and pre-Musk Twatter to delete any posts the FBI and the biden regime didn't like.  And the two companies saluted smartly and did as ordered.  Free speech?  Nah.)

A leftist U.K. paper described the video as being of "the alleged stabbing" of bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel.  Nothing "alleged" about it, sparky.  But the Left loves Islam and hates Christianity, so "alleged" was totally predictable.

When the regime controls what people and companies can say on the net, you don't have freedom of speech, regardless of what you may think.



Socialists in the home of the EU headquarters shut down conservative conference

Freedom is rarely lost all at once, but rather by a series of small nibbles.

Of course if you get all your "newz" from the Mainstream Media you think this is just nonsense.

I'm referring to how the leftist tyrants who rule Belgium essentially shut down a conference on Conservatism that took place in Brussels last week.

Americans think "Belgium?  Dat beez in Europe, so mean nuffin' to us, right?

Be it ever thus.  Democrats:  "Dis far away, nudder country, so haz nuffin to do wif' us here." Yeah, you bet, sparky.  

The first hint that the Left was going to shut down the conference was when the socialist mayor of Brussels, Philippe Close, pressured the manager of the venue booked for the conference to cancel the booking just days before the event was scheduled.  

Of course there was a crappy, illogical excuse, as there always is.  Amazingly, the organizers were able to find another venue, the Sofitel Hotel.  But then just one day before the conference, the hotel canceled that booking too, claiming guests staying at the hotel had said they'd never stay there again if the conference was permitted.

So again amazingly, at the last moment organizers found a third venue, owned by a Belgian-Tunisian businessman.

The conference started at 9 a.m.  And before noon local police had surrounded the building, this time on the orders of another socialist, Emir Kir, mayor of the local "district."

If you're beginning to realize that socialists hate for opponents to be allowed free speech, you're right.  The police attempted to enter the building to drag the attendees out, but seeing many cameras trained on them they retreated.  The conference continued, but police prohibited anyone from entering.

For awhile the socialist regime's cops even blocked the caterers, apparently trying to shut the thing down by starving the participants.  The venue’s courageous owner and his wife received threats.

After a couple of hours Belgium’s prime minister, Alexander de Croo, made a statement in which he called the mayors’ action against the Conservative conference “unacceptable” and “unconstitutional.”  But de Croo’s statement didn’t change anything, as the cops continued to prevent people who wanted to join the conference from entering.

"Free speech?  Nah, nevah heard of it."

The cops argued—correctly—that regardless of what the prime minister said, it was just his personal opinion, NOT an "administrative decision."  So nothing changed.

Finally, hours after the conference ended, Belgium's "administrative court" ruled that the order to the cops to prevent anyone from entering was "invalid."   But of course by then it was too late--much like proving massive vote fraud in the 2020 election, eh?  "Sorry, too late."

This almost unnoticed incident illustrates how the Left is winning every confrontation in the West today, namely that no principle piously proclaimed by the Left as sacred is really sacred: Freedom of speech, freedom of  assembly, rights of private property--all the rules to which EU elites constantly pay lip service—are ignored when it comes to fighting conservatives.

Of course if a conservative government were to shut down a conference of liberals, socialists, environmentalists, LGBT activists, or other left-wing groups, protests would have undoubtedly exploded throughout Europe

For those of us who remember Soviet totalitarianism it was déjà vu. Three things in particular were familiar.  First, men with guns were ordered to shut down an event the ruling socialists didn't like.  Even though this was clearly illegal, the cops didn't care: they had their orders and obeyed them.  Arguing with them about freedom, or the illegality of their orders, was useless.

Some would-be participants described the sense of helplessness they felt when the cops refused to allow them to enter the building to attend the conference. They had naively believed this was impossible in "sophisticated" Europe!  Then suddenly the impossible happened.

The second type of déjà vu was seeing how the mainstream media reported events, describing the conference as “far right,” “fascist,” etc.  This shows how hard the media work to control how the populace views events.  People who believe the Media have no hope of avoiding their conditioning.

The third type of déjà vu had to do with how a totalitarian system--even though claiming to be all about freedom--instantly takes freedom away when it doesn't like something.

Now: as noted above, this happened in Belgium--headquarters of the vaunted EU--an organization the U.S. Left dearly loves.  And because the Mainstream Media love the EU, no negative publicity about that body is allowed.  So the average American never heard a word about the cops trying to shut down the conservative conference.

And if anyone did hear, the approved Dem bleat is "We not doze folks in duh EU so you shouldn't pay any attention to whut happens there!  See, dis could nevah happen here!"

Oh, absolutely, sparky.  You bet.  Ain't nuffin we kin learn from what happens over there, eh?  Rise of Hitler, rise of Stalin, appeasement.  Nah, nuffin ta see here, folks.



Maine passes law taking the U.S. a step closer to electing president by winner of the national popular

In my previous post I told you about how fast and completely the Democrats were trashing the Constitution.  Of course you just shrug, cuz that was just about allowing duh po' widdle boys who claim to be girls to use girls' locker rooms.  Of course it was far more than that but you don't care.  But here comes another wound you may care more about:

If you know fuck-all about the Constitution you know it explicitly lays out how we are to elect the president and VP--called the "electoral college."  The Founders hammered out this method instead of by the winner of the total national vote because they knew that if we elected presidents by the winner of the national vote, all presidents would come from the most populous states.  

Democrats: "SO???  Dat totally guuud!  An' it jus' coincidence dat we rule all duh big cities an' all but two of duh big-population states!  So naturally we support this!"

The electoral college method was designed to prevent this, because even though the big states still have far more electoral votes, all states have two senators.  So the EC does a tiny bit to allow less-populated states to occasionally play a role in electing the president.

So it's no surprise that the Dems want to abolish the electoral college and instead elect the president by the winner of the national popular vote, since that would guarantee that virtually all presidents would be from the big Dem-ruled states, giving them more power.  

SO...for decades the Dems have demanded the electoral college method by abolished.  But this has never gotten far because of another safeguard in the Constitution: for an amendment to pass, it must be "ratified" by two-thirds of the states.  And logically, no small state would vote to cut their throat, eh?

Oh wait...small states ruled by Dems already have.  The Democrats are within a hairs-breadth of abolishing the electoral college, and yet you've never heard about it--because the Lying Democrat-run Mainstream Media does NOT want you to know that the Dems are within a year or so of replacing that method by the winner of the national popular vote.

Stop right here and try to recall if you ever heard about any of this before this moment.  If you haven't (and 99.5% of you haven't), it shows you how totally the Democrats control the Lying Mainstream Media.

So...back in 2006 two Democrat "strategists" found a way to abolish the Electoral College without having to bother with trying to amend the Constitution.

Let the cunning rapacity of that sink in for a moment: obviously the bastards knew the EC is explicitly specified in the Constitution, and that it would be essentially impossible to get small states to ratify an amendment abolishing the EC since that would cut their own throats.  But they found a way to abolish the electoral college without having to amend the Constitution. 

The cunning plan relied on the fact that the Constitution specifically allows states to form "interstate compacts" for any purpose (presumably a *legal* purpose, though the Constitution is silent on that point, since the Founders never imagined states would form a compact to do anything NOT allowed by law, eh?)  Once such a "compact" is approved by congress, it has the effect of law.

The cunning Dem strategists realized that nothing in the Constitution require a state's "electors" to cast their electoral votes for the candidate who won their state's vote.  (That's the twist used by Hillary supporters in 2016 to try to get "electors" to cast their vote for Hilliary even if their state voted for Trump.  Yet Hilliary and the Dems were never charged with "election interference," eh?  Funny how that works.)

So 18 years ago (2006) the two cunning rat-bastards created a thing called the "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact."  It provides that states that join the compact (by passing a state law to do so) agree that when states with a total of 270 electoral votes have passed such laws, all members of the "compact" agree to order their electors to vote for the winner of the national popular vote--even though their state voted for the other party!  The Democrats call this "defending our precious democracy"!

Now, this is so outrageous that many normal Americans think it has to be horseshit--a "right-wing violent extremist conspiracy story."  It's just too "on the nose" to be true, eh?

If that's what you think, look it up yourself, you ignorant POS.  Not only is it real, the bastards have now gotten 17 states, with 209 electoral votes, to agree to join it.  So they only need states with 61 more EVs to join for the Democrats to win every presidential election forever.  

Here's the quote from the compact's own damn webpage:

The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.  It has been enacted into law by 17 states and DC with 209 electoral votes (Status in the states). It needs an additional 61 electoral votes to go into effect.  
   Take Action Now – Tell Your Legislators to Pass National Popular Vote!

If you think that's a fake, here's the Wiki page.

This massive assault on the Constitution has been happening right under your nose for 18 YEARS, and yet you've never heard a word about it, eh?  Now how do ya suppose such a *massive assault on the "supreme law of the land" can have been going on for 18 years without you hearing a word about it until now?

Answer: the Mainstream Media hasn't wanted you to know.  Obviously they know all about it, and totally support it.  But neither the Media nor Democrat strategists want you to know--until the moment the rat-bastards get states representing 61 more electoral votes to pass a law joining the "compact."

And if being just 61 votes short of going into effect doesn't alarm ya, consider that lawmakers in Dem-ruled states with another 79 electoral votes have passed bills to join the thing, but the bills haven't been signed into law by the governor.  Thus if those states elect a Democrat as governor, and their legislature stays Democrat, those states will join the compact--which would instantly create a Constitutional crisis.

So here's a slobbering story by some dipshit foreigner at ABC who wants the electoral college to be abolished:

Maine just passed a law bringing the U.S. closer to electing presidents by the winner of the national popular vote.

Earlier this week Maine governor Janet Mills allowed a bill to become law that would take effect once the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is able to gather pledges for at least 270 electoral votes -- the number of delegate votes needed to elect a president.

Seventeen states, with a total of 209 electoral votes, have now voted to join the compact, which would abolish the electoral-college method of electing presidents, without having to amend the Constitution.  The compact would automatically take effect when states with a total of 270 electoral-college votes pass a law to join it.
Democrats argue that under the current system not every vote is equal, and claim the compact will make elections fair by giving every vote equal weight regardless of where a voter lives.

The NPVIC's website says

"Under the current system a small number of votes in a small number of states regularly decides the Presidency. All-or-nothing payoffs fuel doubt, controversy over real or imagined irregularities, hair-splitting post-election litigation...and unrest."

Now, I've been warning y'all about this for years, but of course... And normal Americans (i.e. not Democrats) believe it's absurd to think that the Supreme Court would allow the electoral college to be abolished without a Constitutional amendment.  But a few of you may recall that when Texas sued Pennsylvania for violating their own election laws in the 2020 election (after the Dems stole the presidency), the Supreme Court dismissed that lawsuit, in an unsigned one-page opinion--without offering a single bit of legal reasoning.

They simply didn't want to risk stopping everything to investigate claims of election fraud, almost certainly reasoning that allowing the Democrat Party to get away with the steal was less risky than throwing the election into limbo for three months.

If you think that won't happen again, you're too damn dumb to breathe.

Source for the utterly pro-Democrat ABC story

biden regime RULE re-defining "sex" in Title IX to mean "or gender identity" is unconstitutional

Unless you pay close attention to the lies and abuses by the biden regime--apparently with the support of most Democrat voters--you have no idea what's happening, and how fast the Democrats are trashing the Constitution.

That magnificently-crafted document--which the Founders called "the supreme law of the land"--says the preznit canNOT make laws.  Got it?  Do I have to cite the clause in the document, since none of you seem to know jack-shit about this particular provision?  

So again: the preznit is NOT allowed to make laws.  Or amend laws.  Or ignore laws.

But as with EVERYTHING Democrat leaders see as preventing them from getting what they want, the cunning rat-bastards have found a "workaround"--a way to change the law without having to bother trying to get congress to do it.

Two years ago biden's handlers handed him an "executive order" to sign.  That EO DECREED that his regime would "interpret" Title IX of the Civil Rights Act's protection against discrimination on the basis of "sex" as meaning that every "educational institution" in the U.S.--including universities, museums and libraries!--were now ordered to pretend that males claiming to be females were real women.

Let the outrageous absurdity of that sink in for a minute.

Four days ago the corrupt, power-mad lackeys of biden's department of "Education" issued their "Final Rule" implementing that DECREE.  That "Rule" fills a staggering 1,577 pages, which the lackeys hoped would bury the infuriating core of the thing--which I've stated above--in enough word-fog that no one would be able to find the smoking gun.

Yes, they really think we're that stupid.

Now: it should be obvious by now that trannies are totally mentally ill--as are their supporters.  And it's an outrage for the Democrats to ORDER that males be allowed in girls' dressing rooms--which is EXACTLY what this rule orders.  But ironically that's not the most fatal effect of this DECREE.

Here's the fatal part:  biden's handlers are smirking that "We din' change no law!  We would nevah do sumpin' like dat, cuz we looooves duh law!  See, all we did was have ouah wunnerful preznit issue an 'Executive Order,' see?  Dat totally legal!  Not change law!  Den he ask duh DOEd to issue a RULE to enforce duh Executive Order.  See?  Not change law!  Nope nope nope!"

Apparently biden's handlers think that "reasoning" is legally sound, since they did it.

But least a couple of biden's gruberment attorneys know this DECREE has the same effect as amending a law, which preznits are NOT allowed to do.  That makes both the EO and this rule unconstitutional, and immediately impeachable.  (More on that below.)

So IF the Supreme Court allows this to stand, it will mean that any Democrat preznit can effectively make or change or ignore any law his party wants. 

Starting to get it yet?  (Spoiler: not one out of 10,000 Americans understands what's happened here.)

Democrats and their tranny mafia allies bleat "We din' change no law!  Dat beez nonsense!  Dis beez a guuud rule!  Uncle Joe not change law!  Yew jus' mad cuz we snookered yew yet again, as we always do!  We always smahtah den yew."

And the Mainstream Media will either cheer or say nothing critical of the regime for doing this--cuz they looove trannies, and the Democrat party.  And even though they know this cunning way of enabling a president to change a law could be used against them someday, they also know no Republican president would ever try it--because the Media would immediately scream that any decree he issued to change a law would be grounds for impeachment.  

Besides, Republican presidents still consider the Constitution to be the supreme law of the land, and would never consider such a brazen end-run around it. 

So why won't congress impeach biden for this?

Answers: First, even if the House did (and they won't), Democrats who control the senate won't remove him.  And second:  Cackles Harris.

April 22, 2024

biden's handlers' policy of "managed violence"--a.k.a. appeasement: how's that working?

biden has always been a dummy--a classic, stupid pol: glad-hander, storyteller, bullshit artist.  It's totally common.  And Democrats love it.

Being stupid, and never having served in the military nor studied military history, he doesn't understand war.  Specifically, he and his moronic handlers seem to be happy to tolerate a "low level" of killing by terrorist states.

What he (and his handlers) clearly don't understand is that tolerating a "low level" of attacks solves nothing.

If you don't understand why tolerating "low level" attacks is a problem, consider how different the world would look today if, after four years of WW2, instead of the U.S. and allies forcing both Germany and Japan to surrender unconditionally, the U.S. president had pushed for a "proportional response" and a ceasefire.
Instead biden's handlers apparently see terrorism as a totally reasonable response by "oppressed people"--in this case Iran and its proxies.  Given that viewpoint it would be unreasonable for the U.S. to say "If you do that again you'll be killed."

The "strategy" of tolerating endless "low-level" attacks by terrorist states arises from a handful of dumb but seductive assumptions by Dems: that all societies are equal; that "we must understand the 'root causes' that force deez po' oppressed pipo to do dis;" that there's no way to get a nation to STOP supporting terrorist attacks; and that in fact "equity" demands that we put up with the attacks.

The result is the demand by the Democrats that superior western technology be restrained, while allowing nations or non-state entities that lack advanced tech to attack as they please using "old" tech.

Of course if you're a Democrat you don't believe any of that.  Yeah, I get it.  Democrats believe there is NO link between the mullahs of Iran and the men ruling Hamas.

Really?  You Democrats seriously believe that?

Apparently biden's handlers either believe it or pretend to.  As a result, the biden regime lifts economic sanctions on Iran, allowing that country to sell billions of dollars worth of oil.

Think that might be a signal to the mullahs--which they pass on to their protege Hamas?

When the biden regime fails to respond to 170  attacks on U.S. installations in the mid-east by Iranian-backed terrorists in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon, think that might be a signal to the mullahs?  But as biden's handlers see it, we simply cannot wipe out missile sites in those nations--with whatever casualty count that might entail--cuz...um...uh... America “can take the hit.”  "A few dozen dead U.S. troops is a small price to pay for not escalating things," eh?

That's called appeasement, and for well over a century history shows that appeasement only assures more hits.

If you wanna stop those hits, you tell Iran--openly, for all the world to see--"If there's one more attack from you or your proxies, you die."  And then if they ignore that warning, you do what you told them--massively.

For young Americans--who have never been taught any accurate history:  In WW2 Japan's military had a long tradition of "death before surrender."  And had U.S. and allied troops been forced to invade Japan to force them to surrender to end WW2, the consensus was that that would have cost 250,000 allied casualties, and at least that many Japanese--mostly civilians.  

What happened instead?  Parents, ask your highschoolers if they know.

The U.S. dropped two atomic bombs, three days apart.  Those bombs were so devastating that after the second one the emperor's cabinet was able to overcome the generals and Japan immediately surrendered.

That's how you end a war--and prevent an endless series of guerilla attacks afterwards.  And since then Japan has been a model nation.

Think the biden regime would take such decisive action today?

Of course not.  The Democrat handlers have decided that endless terror attacks are acceptable.  A dozen dead U.S. troops mean nothing to the regime, so there's no need for a "disproportionate response" to establish the iron-clad rule that terror attacks won't be tolerated.

Instead biden's handlers have a policy of "managed violence."

Most of you probably don't know what prompted Iran's leaders to launch roughly 300 drones and missiles at Israel ten days ago.  It was a strike by Israel on Iran's embassy in Syria that killed one of the planners of the October 7th attack by Hamas that killed 1,250 Israelis.

To put that number into perspective, since the U.S. as 34 times Israel's population, so to have the same effect here an attack would have to kill 35,000 people.
So Israel sought to kill one of the planners.  A reasonable response would have been for Iran to take out an Israeli embassy in some other nation.  But that wouldn't have killed enough people--would have been too reasonable.  So instead Iran launched over 300 missiles and drones at Israeli cities--clearly intended to kill civilians.

Because a combination of luck and great defense prevented any casualties, biden's handlers had him tell Israel "Do not retaliate."

Israel defied biden's handlers, but its retaliation was clearly just symbolic--reportedly just three missiles, targeting defenses around a major Iranian nuclear facility.

If the leaders of Iran were rational, they'd get the message--which is, "Don't do that again."  But does anyone think they did?

Really, Democrats, let's hear your take on that.

Would the Middle East be a lot safer if Hamas and Iran decided to forego terror attacks?  Seems overwhelmingly likely.  But as long as we put up with 'em, we'll keep seeing 'em.  In essence the U.S. has signaled to Iran and other terror states that we'll put up with attacks forever--as long as they're just "low-level."

"Low-level."  Very few Americans know that before Russia invaded Ukraine biden said the U.S. would not respond to what he called a “minor incursion.”  That was a clear green light to invade, as long as a Russian invasion was just a "minor incursion."

No reporter dared to ask biden or his handlers or his incompetent Secretary of State how they defined "minor."  And now that "minor incursion has cost roughly 200,000 lives per side, and closing in on half a trillion in destruction, not to mention $300 BILLION in direct U.S. cash and arms to Ukraine.

"Managed violence," eh?  "Less expensive than the lethal 'Don't do this again or you'll die' lesson," the Dems say.  And of course accompanied by the cunning propaganda “both sides are equally at fault,” and "root causes."

If the biden/harris/garland/mayorkas regime had been in power during WW2, what would the world look like today?  biden's handlers would never have invaded Berlin, or dropped the atomic bombs that made invading Japan unnecessary.  His handlers don't seem to know history and are incompetent, and their policies ensure endless war.  

But don't worry, it's all just "low-level" war.  Of course a few million Ukrainians might disagree.

H/T Victor Davis Hanson

April 21, 2024

"your" congress votes $61 BILLION for Ukraine. And this is gonna defeat Putin. Really!

Well I see that after all the posturing and hot air, your corrupt, worthless congress voted to give Ukraine another $61 BILLION.  Shortly thereafter biden got his ten percent.

Just kidding--those $100 bills aren't even out of the washer yet, and it'll take another hour to dry 'em.

In 1945 and 1963 an author predicted what we're seeing today

Every young American should be familiar with C.S. Lewis, who wrote half a dozen inspiring books like "The Chronicles of Narnia."  (Hugely popular but hated by the "sophisticated" Media.)

Shortly before the end of WW2 Lewis wrote The Screwtape Letters--a series of missives supposedly written by a "senior devil"--Screwtape--to his protégé Wormwood, telling him how to corrupt humans.

In 1963, shortly before Lewis died, he updated the Screwtape Letters to directly criticize the social trends he was seeing in the early 1960s.  And of course since then those fatal flaws have gone from mere whispers on college campuses 60 years ago to become the principles of the Democrat party of today--as intended.

In that update (full text here)–senior devil Screwtape describes how the normally benign term "democracy" could be used to destroy excellence, first in education, then in society at large.  That was to be done by pushing total equality not just of opportunity but of outcomes, regardless of effort.  As you could easily guess, slackers and morons LOVED this scheme, in which everyone stayed "totally equal” in outcome.
Screwtape tells his subordinate devils “Democracy is the term to use to lead them by the nose.  The most basic principle of the new education system must be that loafers and slackers must not be made to feel inferior to intelligent, hardworking students, because that would be ‘undemocratic.’”

Screwtape orders "Entrance examinations for universities must be made so easy that everyone can be admitted."  And then urges “University exams must be framed so that nearly all the students get good marks."

And of course that's what we see today, as progressive demagogues like Bernie Sanders insist that everyone should go to college "so we have the best-educated workforce in the world”–-willfully ignoring that a sham education has no value.

“Students qualified to proceed to a higher class may be artificially held back, because other students might get a trauma by being left behind.”

And sure enough, the wokiez who run most public schools are now eliminating gifted programs because they're afraid slackers and kids who don't give a damn about learning will have their feelings hurt.  And in California cunning leftists are already charging consulting fees of $5,000 per HOUR to tell school boards how to do this.

And what do liberal media outlets have to say about this?  Not a word of criticism--because criticizing any wokie program will get you fired.

It should come as no surprise to anyone with a functioning brain that a nation of dunces is far easier to rule.  As Screwtape explains: 

“Pure democracy leads to a nation without great men, a nation mainly of sub-literates, full of the cocksureness which flattery breeds on ignorance, and quick to snarl or whimper at the first sign of criticism."

Sound familiar? 

“We must encourage this behaviour, the manners, which arises naturally from 'pure democracy,' because these are the things which will ultimately destroy democracy.”

Finally Lewis notes that one of the key tactics of the devils is to re-define words so they now mean the opposite of their historic meaning--like moronic reporters (all Democrats) who describe mob violence as “peaceful protests."

Another example: For millenia, "democracy" meant letting citizens choose their rulers by vote.  But today the Democrat party claims that keeping Trump or Kennedy off state ballots is "defending our precious democracy."  Really?  And the Media print that utter horseshit without a word of criticism, leading dull people to think that NOT letting citizens choose their leader is actually...democracy.  

Re-defining words.

Yet another example: the NY Times style book hath DECREED that whenever "journalists" write stories about males claiming to be female, the writer must use female pronouns "she" and "her" when referring to the wokie nutter.  That cunning tactic gets weak-minded people to believe the absurd lie that men can actually become women by simply claiming to be so.

Changing the meaning of words.  Brilliant.




One-minute vid compilation exposes New York attorney-general as a brazen liar

For young Americans: Letitia James is the corrupt attorney-general of New York state.  She hates Trump, and is the person SOLELY responsible for ORDERING that he post $450 MILLION in bail.

For young Americans: The 8th Amendment to the Constitution--which the Founders called "the supreme law of the land"--says "excessive bail shall not be imposed."  $454 MILLION...think that's a bit excessive?

So...she's willing to do ANYTHING to jail Trump.  And yet when asked about her obvious agenda to do that, she lies--looking SOOooo fucking sincere--and says "That's just not true."

"The president of the United States [she's referring to Trump here] has complained that I've got some sort of personal vendetta against him--that I campaigned against him [when she was running for the attorney-general position].  That is not true."

Hahahahahahaha!  Fortunately for honest Americans, when lying pieces of dog-shit like James proudly, angrily make public speeches to rally anger against Trump, saying they wanna "get Trump" and "We're gonna get him" and "His days are numbered!", those angry rants are recorded on video--something James is clearly too dumb to realize.

Now someone has put together a one-minute compilation of James saying ALL those things, screaming and fulminating about getting Trump, and how she wants revenge against Trump for "the way he treated Obama."

And yet when she realizes that her clear, obvious personal vendetta against the former president has been exposed, suddenly she turns all sincere-looking and piously bleats "I don' haz no personal vendetta against Trump.  Absolutely not!  Dat not true!"

Watch for yourself.  What a lying sack of shit.  But of course you'll never see any of these clips in the Lying Mainstream Media.

This lying bitch is the fucking attorney-general of the entire corrupt state of New York.  Think her obvious bias results in her refusing to charge her "friends," while unleashing the power of the state on white conservatives?



April 20, 2024

Dem-ruled Maine passes bill that prohibits parents from "interfering with sex-change procedures"

Unless you monitor laws in every state (spoiler: you don't) you have no idea how far down the slide to hell this country is.  If you wanna see a faaaabulous example of how a Democrat-ruled state works, consider this:

Last week Maine's Democrat-controlled legislature passed a bill that would prohibit "interference" with all types of sex-change procedures, *regardless of how young the victim was.*

If you're a Democrat voter you think that's a "right-wing scare story," cuz you can't believe any legislature would be that stupid or tyrannical.  Mus' be "fake newz!" eh?  In that case do your own g*ddamn research: search for Maine bill LD 227.

If you're a Democrat, you won't, because you don't wanna believe this is real.  Tragically, it IS real.

The bill also DECREES that no one--*not even parents of victims*--may sue ANY "medical worker" for any medical procedure relating to sex-change, including prescribing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.  

For a legislature to pass a law *ordering* that surgeons who perform sex-change surgery on minors, or doctors who give puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones to minors, *cannot be sued* is a breathtaking overreach.  But they did it.

The bill could also allow hospitals and doctors to refuse to turn over medical records of young patients who later sue for injuries they claim were injured by a "sex-change procedure."  

Let me repeat that for my Democrat siblings: Your kid goes to a hospital to start sex-change (or as the Dems put it, "gender-reassignment care."  The "care" causes ghastly damage.  Kid sues...and the hospital system says "Oh, you want your own medical records?  Tough.  We OWN your medical records and refuse to give 'em to you."

Maine's totally fucked-in-the-head Democrat governor Janet Mills is expected to quickly sign the bill into law.

The Democrats who rule Maine also passed a law allowing abortion until the moment of birth.  And last year the Democrat-ruled legislature approved drugs like puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones--for children as young as 16--*without parental consent.*

This is like the old Soviet Union: "We will do whatever we want with your children, because they're actually OUR property.  Your children belong to us."



biden's Dept of "Education" issues RULE, adding "or gender identity" to Title IX

Okay, citizens, time to dust off your ancient learning about the three branches of gruberment.  Ready?

According to the Constitution ("Whut dat?"), which branches of the gruberment are given the power to draft and pass "laws"?  

If you're a Democrat you probably answered "All of 'em," cuz that's exactly where we are today under the biden/harris/garland/mayorkas regime.  Obozo was the same way: "I can make laws cuz I beez duh preznit!"  But the Constitution explicitly says only congress can pass laws, which the preznit can either sign or veto.

But as with everything in the Constitution that Democrats don't like, the Democrats have found a workaround.  Here's how it works:  Virtually all laws have a section saying "the department of [X] shall have the authority to make all rules necessary to implement this law."  And there's the trick: the Dem White House handlers simply ORDER one of the endless fed empires to make a RULE that the actual law never intended.  SOooo simple!  And you don't even notice.

Latest example:  Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 originally said schools that receive federal funds couldn't discriminate on the basis of "race, color, religion or national origin."  In 1972 congress amended this to add "or sex."  The actual amendment said "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance."

Then during the Clinton years the "Education" Department issued a DECREE that added "or sexual preference."  This seemed unnecessary because no one saw any discrimination in education on that basis, but then this was when the "same-sex marriage" craze was at fever pitch, and the Clintons wanted to milk that for millions of votes.  This was NOT part of the law or any of the amendments thereto, but no one objected cuz...the Media and Democrats were hot to ram same-sex relationships down everyone's throat, eh? 

May 15, 2020:  The Trump administration directed the Department of "Education" to roll back their DECREES on Title IX to what the actual LAW said about sex: "sex."  Nothing about  "gender identity" or sexual orientation.  But under Obozo's reign the wokie leftists who run Connecticut had decreed that males claiming to be girls could compete on girls' teams.  (Or as the Leftists who run Wiki deliberately and confusingly wrote, "allows transgender girls to compete in high school sports as girls," cuz who could possibly object to that logical proposition, eh?)  The Department of Education issued a letter stating that that state's insane policy violated the civil rights of female student-athletes, thus Title IX.  

March 8, 2021:  Following the wokie Dems, the insane biden regime demands that all of you agree that men can become "authentic, legal" women simply by saying they are.  Accordingly, just SIX WEEKS after the corrupt vegetable was installed as prez, in accord with the insane demands of the rat-bastard communists who run the Democrat party, Porridgebrain signed Executive Order 14021, titled "Guaranteeing an Educational Environment Free From Discrimination on the Basis of Sex, Including Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity."

If you doubt that, look it the hell up.

Now:  As you saw by reading the actual text of the amendment (copied earlier) that added "sex" to Title IX, you can see that the term "gender identity" was not, and is not, in the actual law.  And for the benefit of stupid Democrats who've NEVER read the Constitution, that document does NOT give the president the right to make or amend laws.  Got that?

Now: Dems bleat "Our faaabulous preznit din' make or change no law, he jus' decreed dat when congress passed Title IX, which said "sex," what duh congress really meant was that "sex" included 'gender identity.'  See?"

Yeah, well...the only problem with that was that the term "gender identity" wasn't known in 1972, and centuries of case law have held that later generations can't legally change terms in laws to give those laws meanings unknown to those who drafted and passed those laws, thus meanings never intended.  Got it?

June 16, 2021: the Department issued a decree saying it would interpret Title IX's definition of "sex" to prohibit discrimination on the basis of both "sexual orientation" and "gender identity."

Neat, eh?  "We din' change duh LAW, we jus' made a RULE dat utterly changed it.  Neener neener neener!"

So, acting as ordered by biden's EO, the fucking DOEd effectively changed the law, claiming this is perfectly legal because of that paragraph saying "executive agencies" can make all rules necessary to enact the provisions of the law.  Except this was NOT, and cannot have been, the intent of congress in saying "sex" back in 1972.

But the cunning leftists in the DOEd say "We kin doo dis cuz we din' really change duh law, eh?  See, we way smaht!  We jus' interpret duh law in a way duh congress intended!"

No, you didn't, and you know that.  The bullshit term "gender identity" was unknown in 1972, and has never appeared in the law.  Your leftist Dem party invented the term a couple of decades after the law was passed.  

In any case, the DOEd has now issued its "Final Rule" on the subject--a staggering 1,577 pages.  Here's the opening 'graf:

AGENCY: Office for Civil Rights, Department of Education.  

ACTION: Final rule. 

SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Education (Department) amends the regulations
implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX). The purpose of these amendments is to better align the Title IX regulatory requirements with Title IX’s
nondiscrimination mandate.
These amendments clarify...Title IX...to provide an educational environment free from discrimination on the basis of sex...

"Clarify"?  That's a lie.  Only in bizarro world would this be called a "clarification."  The rat-bastards have issued a RULE that utterly changes the meaning and intent of the law. 

And here's what it actually does:  By this decree ("rule" never voted by congress), ALL K-12 schools and universities will now be required to allow men claiming to be girls to compete as girls.  (Of course most want this, since they're insane leftists who care NOTHING for your daughters.)

All K-12 and universities will be forced to allow men claiming to be girls to use girls' bathrooms and locker rooms.

If you're a Democrat, you apparently love this!  You're fine with your precious 14-year-old having to undress in front of men claiming to be girls, cuz dat jus' fair, eh?  An' you prize fairness above everything, right?  Well, except you're fine with bigger, stronger males winning all the girls' races, right?  "Cuz dat jus' fair," eh?  Cuz doze snowflakes iz reeeally reeeally girls, right?  Authentic, real girls.

You people are certifiably insane.  And on some level you know it.  Let me make it simpler: Claiming you're the opposite sex does NOT make it so.  

Of course you and your woke friends don't believe that--which explains how the U.S. has reached its current state--including the stolen election.

In Houston, black teen steals, kills store clerk; grand jury dismisses all charges

In the lawless shithole of Houston a 17-year-old black--Mario Young--went into a convenience store and stole a bag of chips.

The 42-year-old clerk noticed and followed him outside, calling for him to come back and pay.

Minutes later Young fatally shot the clerk.

Yesterday a Houston grand jury voted dat duh po' teen shouldn't be charged fo' shootin' duh clerk, cuz he thought duh clerk might have had a gun.  The clerk was unarmed, and no gun was found in his car.

The Harris County DA had originally charged the killer, but apparently the grand jury vote overrules that.  The grand jury ruling means the killer won't even be charged with some lesser homicide like "wrongful death."  

So now, in Houston, if a member of a "protected" group steals something from a store and is pursued, the thief can shoot the clerk and get off *without even being inconvenienced by a trial*--by claiming he thought the clerk had a gun.

Can anyone explain why the perp wasn't even charged with "negligent homicide" or "wrongful death"?

Anyone care to predict the result of this ruling?



April 19, 2024

Who can get ALL the networks to get their affiliates to say exactly the same thing on same day?

You're gonna have to think on this one for a bit:  

You won't be surprised to learn that big, bureaucratic (moronic) entities--like the CIA, FBI, DOJ, the entire biden regime--tend to do things the way they've always done 'em.  "Cuz dat beez in our manual of procedures!  An' yew don' evah wanna deviate frum ouah approved procedures!"

So...sometimes when technology changes, the "procedures manual" takes a year or two (or more) to grasp that however the agency used to do things may not work now.

You'd think that as much as they pay those incredibly smaht pipo, dey wouldn' have dis problem, eh?  

Hahahahahahahaha!  Problem is, even when young, tech-savvy staffers discover a new twist that makes the old system not work, very often the top assholes don't listen to 'em!  Seriously!

There's a solid psychological explanation for this:  "We're older and smahtah den yew, so duh thing yew jus' tol' us can't be a problem...because if it was, we would nevah have written the procedure the way we wrote it, right?  So thanks, now go away."

If you think that's crazy-talk, nonsense, horseshit, you're too damn naive to reproduce.  Want an example?  Remember way WAY back when NASA selected "the first teacher in space"?

Unless you're old, you don't, cuz that was 38 damn years ago, way back in January of 1986.  NASA launched a crew of seven aboard the "space shuttle" Challenger.  That mission lasted just over a minute:  Seventy-three seconds after liftoff the thing blew up, killing all seven crewmembers--including "the first teacher in space."

Turned out the disaster was caused by cold temperatures causing a seal to leak.  Hey, stuff happens, eh?  Except...the night before the launch, an engineer with the company that made the big solid-fuel "booster rockets" called the launch site to warn 'em of EXACTLY the problem that caused the disaster.  He warned 'em not to launch until the seals had warmed up.

Betcha can't guess what happened, eh?

NASA shithead: "Thanks li'l buddy, but we're a LOT smahtah den yew, cuz we beez here an' yew ain't.  If yew wuz impo'tant yew'd be here.  But yew aren't, so...thanks, li'l buddy, but we adults have dis all under control, so don't worry bout it."

And 14 hours later the thing blew up and killed seven...including...

Everyone should have been fired.  But of course no one was.  So...people at the top rarely listen to warnings from younger people down the organizational chart.

So how is this relevant?  Well...before a) the internet; and b) tens of thousands of talented Americans having cheap, capable video-editing software, you never would have seen the clip I'm about to show ya.  It's a compilation of maybe 50 TV "talking heads" looking earnestly--"convincingly"--into the camera--something they practice doing, and are very good at--and reading the exact same line, saying some media sites are putting out information not approved by duh regime.

The line is "This is extremely dangerous to our democracy!"

The weird part is, these are local stations from all the different networks.  What are the odds that every network would tell all their "local affiliates" to read this line within the same two-day window, eh?

Democrat voter, and the regime:  "Dis jus' coincidence!"

Really?  Watch the video.  

Now: before the internet, unless you worked for the Media you could only watch maybe two local nightly newscasts a day.  And you had no way at all of seeing newscasts from other cities.   So if you did see two local evening newscasts, and heard talking heads on those two saying exactly the same thing, you'd think "coincidence."

But if you were somehow able to see 50 or 100 local newscasts, in which the talking head read exactly the same line, would you think it's still just coincidence?

No.  This was all ordered by someone, at an agency with LOTS of power, like the CIA or the White House.  Once you realize that only a powerful agency of the government could get all the networks to issue the order at the same time, there's no real need to slice it any finer.

Now, the internet has been around in essentially its current form for 24 years or so.  And with local stations all being on the Net, every American can get video from any local station.  And low-cost video-editing software has been available for the same time.  All that remained was for a talented conservative to a) grab 50 local newscasts and find the same lines; and b) create a compilation video and synchronize it, so you see and hear all the talking heads saying exactly the same thing, in the same cadence.

Are you starting to understand how you're being manipulated yet?

Nah, if you're a Democrat, you aren't.  

April 17, 2024

Eleven-minute clip shows you how they were all lying to scare you into taking the jab

Unless you paid close attention from the day the FDA and CDC approved Pfizer's so-called "vaccine," you've forgotten what a relentless avalanche of screaming, hateful propaganda was unleashed on Americans to get them to take the jab.

This for a "vaccine" the CDC and FDA and Pfizer--and biden's handlers--already knew was so ineffective at preventing the "vaccinated" from getting the Chyna virus that the CDC literally wrote a new definition for "vaccine" to get it to qualify!  And yet they NEVER stopped screaming at you that "this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated."  And "If you get vaccinated you canNOT get covid!"

SO...for the sake of your kids (or future kids) you need to watch this absolutely masterful eleven-minute compilation of every damn talking head on the alphabet nets, and every lying sack of shit in government, screaming at you that if you didn't take the ineffective jab you should be denied all medical care--and lots worse.  Every late-night talk-show host joined in the screaming condemnation.  Those two utter lying pieces of shit Don Lemon and bill gates were particularly bad.

Hell, they were all total Nazis--and utterly wrong about EVERYTHING.  They lied, innocent Americans died.  The Left's idol--that dumb-as-a-rock Democrat governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo ALONE killed 15,000 by ordering nursing homes to take infected people.  And yet no one was fired or went to prison, no one was executed.

All it cost Americans was our freedom, our businesses, the lives of loved ones who were prevented from getting approved drugs that cured the thing in two days, and thus died when they could SO EASILY have lived.

The key from the tyrants' standpoint was to scream that if you didn't obey 'em, you'd DIE, along with your loved ones.  So it was essentially the same as the Democrats are doing with Globull Worming: "Unless you do exactly as we order, ALL LIFE ON EARTH WILL BE DESTROYED BY RUNAWAY WARMING!"

SO...did you learn your lesson from the covid panic?  The "plandemic"?

No, most of you didn't.  The regime claims about 70% of Americans took the jab, even though 40% were essentially forced to by biden's ORDER that they'd be fired if they didn't.  And half the public (Democrats) think the Dem regime did nothing wrong AT ALL.  Hmmm....



Second source, unless YouTube takes it down. 


Check the large number of empty seats in Scranton yesterday to hear Porridgebrain

Yesterday the alleged preznit, Porridgebrain, spoke in his hometown, Scranton PA.  SO...since he's not just a REEEally popular preznit but also dis hiz hometown, errybudy in Scranton loves him, so he should have drawn huge crowd, right?  

Well...unless the Mainstream Media is lying to Americans.  So this is the "crowd" minutes before biden was scheduled to appear.  Take a look:

Notice anything?  Like, tons of empty seats?

Compare this half-empty room to the huge crowd outside the bodega Trump visited yesterday.

And yet all the polls show the *nationwide vote* for prez tied.  That's because places like California and New York are overwhelmingly Democrat.  But all that has to happen is for the polls to say it's "close" for the Dems to pull of a plausible steal in November.

And the Dems and the Media will laugh their asses off.

April 15, 2024

In 1984 a KGB defector exposed the Soviet plan to make the U.S. fail--without firing a shot

“America's continued success depends on its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.” – Joseph Stalin

All Americans who love this nation should read  the 1984 interview with Yuri Alexandrovich Bezhmenov, a member of the USSR's KGB who defected.  https://youtu.be/QuyYG4sDMV4

Bezhmenov described a four stage plan that would result in the U.S. falling to communism without having to fire a shot:

1. Demoralization
2. Destabilization
3. Crisis
4. Normalization

Keep in mind that he gave this interview 40 years ago:

The demoralization process in the United States is already complete:  Young Americans are being taught nothing about the nation's founding principles, but instead that their country was founded on racism, lies and theft.  No society can survive when its children believe those things.
   Demoralization was the process that took the most time because we had to totally change the schools, by taking over school boards and changing what the boards ordered taught.

“The next stage is destabilization. This happens fast--just 2 to 5 years to destabilize a nation.  We paralyze your economy and foreign relations, and introduce waste and laziness in your armed forces.”

“The third stage is crisis.  Given a suitably deadly crisis it only takes a few weeks to get your politicians to take away your rights--"for your own good," of course.  And of course you never get them back.  After the purported crisis is over, the power structure will have radically changed.  Your leaders will have shut down your economy, and will only slowly and grudgingly re-open it.

"The last stage is normalization:  Your media and politicians assure you that the conditions you're now living under are just as they've always been--that nothing has changed.  Of course that's a lie, but people have no way to be sure.  Politicians then promise their supporters a huge amount of free goodies, which sink your government further into debt and fuel inflation.
  They eliminate free market competition, instead pouring tax dollars into corrupt companies while honest ones are penalized.  "Hate speech" becomes a crime punished by prison.  And of course only the government determines what's considered "hate speech."
   Your leftists--all these professors and self-styled "civil rights defenders" and U.N. supporters--are instrumental in this process.”

In countries where we tested this subversion, millions died.  The lucky ones were able to flee to Western countries hoping to find peace, only to find that same subversion plan--the same road to destruction--is now being followed here.

In particular, the vaunted UN is full of corrupt vultures eager to grab their share of the West's wealth.

 Wow.  He gave that interview 40 years ago.