April 28, 2024

"The rubes won't suspect a thing!"

Democrat leader: "For decades the U.S. population rose by a million people a year.  But now birthrates are falling.  Without a constantly increasing number of consumers and workers, we can't make money.  What can we do to fix this?"

Dem lackey: "You need more consumers and workers?  Here's an idea:  Let's import two million aliens every year!"

Dem #2: "Well we do love illegal aliens, but I don't think voters will like that, since they're worried about crime,  drugs, terrorists, diseases, illiteracy and the huge cost of feeding and housing 'em."

Dem lackey: "Don't worry, we'll just tell our media allies not to mention any of those problems.  And if word of our plan should leak we'll just tell voters it's just a 'right-wing scare story created by people who hate non-whites!'
   And ev'rybudy gon' believe that.  An' if a few don't we'll say 'We've only let in po' refugees seeking  Asylum!  Wimmens an' chirrens.  Po' persecuted trannies who wuz almost kilt ev'ry day!"

Democrat leader: "It's brilliant.  Stupid voters won't suspect a thing."


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