biden regime RULE re-defining "sex" in Title IX to mean "or gender identity" is unconstitutional
Unless you pay close attention to the lies and abuses by the biden regime--apparently with the support of most Democrat voters--you have no idea what's happening, and how fast the Democrats are trashing the Constitution.
That magnificently-crafted document--which the Founders called "the supreme law of the land"--says the preznit canNOT make laws. Got it? Do I have to cite the clause in the document, since none of you seem to know jack-shit about this particular provision?
So again: the preznit is NOT allowed to make laws. Or amend laws. Or ignore laws.
Two years ago biden's handlers handed him an "executive order" to sign. That EO DECREED that his regime would "interpret" Title IX of the Civil Rights Act's protection against discrimination on the basis of "sex" as meaning that every "educational institution" in the U.S.--including universities, museums and libraries!--were now ordered to pretend that males claiming to be females were real women.
Let the outrageous absurdity of that sink in for a minute.
Four days ago the corrupt, power-mad lackeys of biden's department of "Education" issued their "Final Rule" implementing that DECREE. That "Rule" fills a staggering 1,577 pages, which the lackeys hoped would bury the infuriating core of the thing--which I've stated above--in enough word-fog that no one would be able to find the smoking gun.
Yes, they really think we're that stupid.
Now: it should be obvious by now that trannies are totally mentally ill--as are their supporters. And it's an outrage for the Democrats to ORDER that males be allowed in girls' dressing rooms--which is EXACTLY what this rule orders. But ironically that's not the most fatal effect of this DECREE.
Here's the fatal part: biden's handlers are smirking that "We din' change no law! We would nevah do sumpin' like dat, cuz we looooves duh law! See, all we did was have ouah wunnerful preznit issue an 'Executive Order,' see? Dat totally legal! Not change law! Den he ask duh DOEd to issue a RULE to enforce duh Executive Order. See? Not change law! Nope nope nope!"
Apparently biden's handlers think that "reasoning" is legally sound, since they did it.
But least a couple of biden's gruberment attorneys know this DECREE has the same effect as amending a law, which preznits are NOT allowed to do. That makes both the EO and this rule unconstitutional, and immediately impeachable. (More on that below.)
So IF the Supreme Court allows this to stand, it will mean that any Democrat preznit can effectively make or change or ignore any law his party wants.
Starting to get it yet? (Spoiler: not one out of 10,000 Americans understands what's happened here.)
Democrats and their tranny mafia allies bleat "We din' change no law! Dat beez nonsense! Dis beez a guuud rule! Uncle Joe not change law! Yew jus' mad cuz we snookered yew yet again, as we always do! We always smahtah den yew."
And the Mainstream Media will either cheer or say nothing critical of the regime for doing this--cuz they looove trannies, and the Democrat party. And even though they know this cunning way of enabling a president to change a law could be used against them someday, they also know no Republican president would ever try it--because the Media would immediately scream that any decree he issued to change a law would be grounds for impeachment.
Besides, Republican presidents still consider the Constitution to be the supreme law of the land, and would never consider such a brazen end-run around it.
So why won't congress impeach biden for this?
Answers: First, even if the House did (and they won't), Democrats who control the senate won't remove him. And second: Cackles Harris.
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