April 15, 2024

In 1984 a KGB defector exposed the Soviet plan to make the U.S. fail--without firing a shot

“America's continued success depends on its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.” – Joseph Stalin

All Americans who love this nation should read  the 1984 interview with Yuri Alexandrovich Bezhmenov, a member of the USSR's KGB who defected.  https://youtu.be/QuyYG4sDMV4

Bezhmenov described a four stage plan that would result in the U.S. falling to communism without having to fire a shot:

1. Demoralization
2. Destabilization
3. Crisis
4. Normalization

Keep in mind that he gave this interview 40 years ago:

The demoralization process in the United States is already complete:  Young Americans are being taught nothing about the nation's founding principles, but instead that their country was founded on racism, lies and theft.  No society can survive when its children believe those things.
   Demoralization was the process that took the most time because we had to totally change the schools, by taking over school boards and changing what the boards ordered taught.

“The next stage is destabilization. This happens fast--just 2 to 5 years to destabilize a nation.  We paralyze your economy and foreign relations, and introduce waste and laziness in your armed forces.”

“The third stage is crisis.  Given a suitably deadly crisis it only takes a few weeks to get your politicians to take away your rights--"for your own good," of course.  And of course you never get them back.  After the purported crisis is over, the power structure will have radically changed.  Your leaders will have shut down your economy, and will only slowly and grudgingly re-open it.

"The last stage is normalization:  Your media and politicians assure you that the conditions you're now living under are just as they've always been--that nothing has changed.  Of course that's a lie, but people have no way to be sure.  Politicians then promise their supporters a huge amount of free goodies, which sink your government further into debt and fuel inflation.
  They eliminate free market competition, instead pouring tax dollars into corrupt companies while honest ones are penalized.  "Hate speech" becomes a crime punished by prison.  And of course only the government determines what's considered "hate speech."
   Your leftists--all these professors and self-styled "civil rights defenders" and U.N. supporters--are instrumental in this process.”

In countries where we tested this subversion, millions died.  The lucky ones were able to flee to Western countries hoping to find peace, only to find that same subversion plan--the same road to destruction--is now being followed here.

In particular, the vaunted UN is full of corrupt vultures eager to grab their share of the West's wealth.

 Wow.  He gave that interview 40 years ago.


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