April 20, 2024

Dem-ruled Maine passes bill that prohibits parents from "interfering with sex-change procedures"

Unless you monitor laws in every state (spoiler: you don't) you have no idea how far down the slide to hell this country is.  If you wanna see a faaaabulous example of how a Democrat-ruled state works, consider this:

Last week Maine's Democrat-controlled legislature passed a bill that would prohibit "interference" with all types of sex-change procedures, *regardless of how young the victim was.*

If you're a Democrat voter you think that's a "right-wing scare story," cuz you can't believe any legislature would be that stupid or tyrannical.  Mus' be "fake newz!" eh?  In that case do your own g*ddamn research: search for Maine bill LD 227.

If you're a Democrat, you won't, because you don't wanna believe this is real.  Tragically, it IS real.

The bill also DECREES that no one--*not even parents of victims*--may sue ANY "medical worker" for any medical procedure relating to sex-change, including prescribing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.  

For a legislature to pass a law *ordering* that surgeons who perform sex-change surgery on minors, or doctors who give puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones to minors, *cannot be sued* is a breathtaking overreach.  But they did it.

The bill could also allow hospitals and doctors to refuse to turn over medical records of young patients who later sue for injuries they claim were injured by a "sex-change procedure."  

Let me repeat that for my Democrat siblings: Your kid goes to a hospital to start sex-change (or as the Dems put it, "gender-reassignment care."  The "care" causes ghastly damage.  Kid sues...and the hospital system says "Oh, you want your own medical records?  Tough.  We OWN your medical records and refuse to give 'em to you."

Maine's totally fucked-in-the-head Democrat governor Janet Mills is expected to quickly sign the bill into law.

The Democrats who rule Maine also passed a law allowing abortion until the moment of birth.  And last year the Democrat-ruled legislature approved drugs like puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones--for children as young as 16--*without parental consent.*

This is like the old Soviet Union: "We will do whatever we want with your children, because they're actually OUR property.  Your children belong to us."




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