Hey citizens, have you heard about the new "rulez" by the regime about Title IX?
Unless you pay close attention to national politics (spoiler: you don't), you may have missed the DECREE by biden's department of """Education/Indoctrination""" regarding Title IX.
It was really radical, so warranted LOTS of attention. Yet the Media was unusually quiet about it. Did you hear about it? If so, do you know what it ordered?
For those of you who were off planet for the first two months of biden's reign, here's what happened: On March 8, 2021--just SIX WEEKS after the corrupt vegetable was installed as prez--his handlers, following the wokie demands of the rat-bastard communists who run the Democrat party, handed Porridgebrain "Executive Order 14021, grandly titled "Guaranteeing an educational environment free from discrimination on the basis of sex---including sexual orientation or gender identity."
Being a good Democrat, Porridgebrain signed it.
Now, here's what the actual LAW, as amended in 1972, says:
"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance."
Got it? But biden's EO said his regime would "interpret" that law as including "gender identity."
Note that the courts have ruled that Executive Orders "have the force of law" unless they contradict actual, y'know, LAWS.
When congress amended Title IX in 1972, does anyone believe they intended their amendment to include "gender identity" as a specially-protected class?
Take all the time ya need to answer that one, Democrats.
Of course they did NOT, since that concept had yet to be coined. In 1972 sex meant the two obvious biological sexes, nothing more.
But the tranny mafia was determined to get their way (as leftists and Democrats always are). Rat-bastard speaker Nancy Pelosi and her lackeys tried for four years to amend Title IX to include "gender identity" as a specially- protected class, but she never even brought it up for a floor vote, because congressional Democrats prized re-election more than the wokiez demands.
SO...biden's handlers first had him issue the Executive Order, then had him order the Dept. of """Education""" to issue RULEZ implementing that DECREE.
See how slick that is, citizen? "We din' change no law! We wud NEVAH do dat, cuz we obeys duh Constitution! Yep yep yep! We jus' issues a RULE an y'all haz ta obey it or we take money away from ya. But we din' change a single law! Nope nope nope!"
Are you cool with that? Do you see how easily they subverted the Constitution to effectively change the law--while piously bleating that duh preznit wud NEVAH try to re-write duh LAW, eh? Cuz duh Dems reeeeeally luvs duh Constitution, right?
That's all background. Now the lying communist rat-bastards who run a pro-Democrat, pro-tranny website called The Hill have just run what for them is a standard pack of lies about the Democrat machine's new "rules"--decrees--about Title IX.
The new rulez sez every K-12 school, college, university and museum (?) is hereby ORDERED to allow men to use women's locker rooms, and to play on womens' teams.
Florida governor Ron DeSantis saw that the regime's new RULEZ didn't square with the actual language of the amended law, and called 'em out on it, saying Florida "will not comply" with new DECREE, since the actual, y'know, LAW doesn't say what the biden regime says it says.
Last week the biden regime's lackeys unveiled what The Hill calls "a final set of changes to Title IX." Notice how that sounds like the law changed. But it didn't.
The regime says the "changes" "add protections for transgender students to the federal civil rights law on sex-based discrimination." "Changes" makes you think the law changed. It didn't. The changes were a DECREE from biden and friends.
biden's "Education Secretary," Miguel Cardona, said “These final regulations build on the legacy of Title IX by clarifying that all our nation’s students can access schools that are safe, welcoming, and respect their rights.”
"Build on the legacy of Title IX," y'say? That phrase was crafted by lawyers, to make the rubes think the law had been changed. It hadn't.
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation’s largest LGBTQ advocacy group, wailed that Florida’s "laws and policies targeting basic freedoms and rights pose significant risk to the health and safety of many."
Really? Tell us, wokiez, What "laws and policies" does Florida have that you claim target "basic freedoms and rights." Oh, dat right: You fools think men can actually become women simply by declaring they are.
The "press secretary" for the HRC said "politicians in Florida, Louisiana, Oklahoma and elsewhere are leaping to oppose crucial protections for students.”
"Crucial protections for students? Y'mean like forcing schools to allow boys use girls locker rooms and bathrooms? Is that what you claim is "protections for students"?
This nonsense is the most obvious lie, utter projection. The tranny mafia is forcing schools to allow boys into girls dressing rooms, but somehow claims conservatives are the ones "opposing crucial protections for students." It's insane.
“These MAGA politicians are choosing theatrics and hateful rhetoric over protecting and furthering the needs of their state’s students,” said the press secretary. “Refusing to comply with Title IX could have damaging consequences for schools, including significant loss in funding on the order of hundreds of millions of dollars."
"Refusing to comply with Title IX." Wow. Actually Florida IS complying with both the letter and intent of that law.
Another wokie bleated that DeSantis “cannot ignore federal protections designed to safeguard students and families, including LGBTQ students, survivors of sexual assault and harassment, and pregnant students.”
Treating boys as boys safeguards all students. And for the wokiez to throw in the claim that the regime's DECREE somehow safeguards "pregnant students" seems to be invented out of thin air.
"We will continue to work with parents across the state to foster an environment where every student can learn and thrive,” it bleated.
A spokesbleater for the Department of Education wrote that its Department crafted the new DECREE (rulez) "to give complete effect to the Title IX statutory guarantee that no person experiences sex discrimination in federally funded education.”
Hey, spokesbleater: Did congress amend the law to include "or gender identity"? No, they didn't. So you dweebs have unilaterally decided the law doesn't mean what it clearly says. You just made up the part about "or gender identity" and believe a corrupt leftist judge will support you in this.
“All schools receiving any kind of federal funds *must comply with these final regulations,*" said the spokesbleater.
"Must comply with these...um...'final regulations," eh? One more time: Did congress amend the law to include trannies? If they didn't, do you have even a scintilla of evidence that even though the law *as written* never mentions "gender identity," you claim that's what congress actually *meant* when they amended it in 1972?
If congress never amended the law to SAY what you claim, and never intended that result, by what perverse logic do you think it can legally be re-interpreted to that effect today?
And yet the regime is now bleating that "All schools must comply with these final...RULEZ."
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