April 19, 2024

Who can get ALL the networks to get their affiliates to say exactly the same thing on same day?

You're gonna have to think on this one for a bit:  

You won't be surprised to learn that big, bureaucratic (moronic) entities--like the CIA, FBI, DOJ, the entire biden regime--tend to do things the way they've always done 'em.  "Cuz dat beez in our manual of procedures!  An' yew don' evah wanna deviate frum ouah approved procedures!"

So...sometimes when technology changes, the "procedures manual" takes a year or two (or more) to grasp that however the agency used to do things may not work now.

You'd think that as much as they pay those incredibly smaht pipo, dey wouldn' have dis problem, eh?  

Hahahahahahahaha!  Problem is, even when young, tech-savvy staffers discover a new twist that makes the old system not work, very often the top assholes don't listen to 'em!  Seriously!

There's a solid psychological explanation for this:  "We're older and smahtah den yew, so duh thing yew jus' tol' us can't be a problem...because if it was, we would nevah have written the procedure the way we wrote it, right?  So thanks, now go away."

If you think that's crazy-talk, nonsense, horseshit, you're too damn naive to reproduce.  Want an example?  Remember way WAY back when NASA selected "the first teacher in space"?

Unless you're old, you don't, cuz that was 38 damn years ago, way back in January of 1986.  NASA launched a crew of seven aboard the "space shuttle" Challenger.  That mission lasted just over a minute:  Seventy-three seconds after liftoff the thing blew up, killing all seven crewmembers--including "the first teacher in space."

Turned out the disaster was caused by cold temperatures causing a seal to leak.  Hey, stuff happens, eh?  Except...the night before the launch, an engineer with the company that made the big solid-fuel "booster rockets" called the launch site to warn 'em of EXACTLY the problem that caused the disaster.  He warned 'em not to launch until the seals had warmed up.

Betcha can't guess what happened, eh?

NASA shithead: "Thanks li'l buddy, but we're a LOT smahtah den yew, cuz we beez here an' yew ain't.  If yew wuz impo'tant yew'd be here.  But yew aren't, so...thanks, li'l buddy, but we adults have dis all under control, so don't worry bout it."

And 14 hours later the thing blew up and killed seven...including...

Everyone should have been fired.  But of course no one was.  So...people at the top rarely listen to warnings from younger people down the organizational chart.

So how is this relevant?  Well...before a) the internet; and b) tens of thousands of talented Americans having cheap, capable video-editing software, you never would have seen the clip I'm about to show ya.  It's a compilation of maybe 50 TV "talking heads" looking earnestly--"convincingly"--into the camera--something they practice doing, and are very good at--and reading the exact same line, saying some media sites are putting out information not approved by duh regime.

The line is "This is extremely dangerous to our democracy!"

The weird part is, these are local stations from all the different networks.  What are the odds that every network would tell all their "local affiliates" to read this line within the same two-day window, eh?

Democrat voter, and the regime:  "Dis jus' coincidence!"

Really?  Watch the video.  

Now: before the internet, unless you worked for the Media you could only watch maybe two local nightly newscasts a day.  And you had no way at all of seeing newscasts from other cities.   So if you did see two local evening newscasts, and heard talking heads on those two saying exactly the same thing, you'd think "coincidence."

But if you were somehow able to see 50 or 100 local newscasts, in which the talking head read exactly the same line, would you think it's still just coincidence?

No.  This was all ordered by someone, at an agency with LOTS of power, like the CIA or the White House.  Once you realize that only a powerful agency of the government could get all the networks to issue the order at the same time, there's no real need to slice it any finer.

Now, the internet has been around in essentially its current form for 24 years or so.  And with local stations all being on the Net, every American can get video from any local station.  And low-cost video-editing software has been available for the same time.  All that remained was for a talented conservative to a) grab 50 local newscasts and find the same lines; and b) create a compilation video and synchronize it, so you see and hear all the talking heads saying exactly the same thing, in the same cadence.

Are you starting to understand how you're being manipulated yet?

Nah, if you're a Democrat, you aren't.  


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