December 31, 2022

Can you beat an AI computer in predicting a person's politics from a pic of their face?

Studies show Artificial Intelligence can correctly predict a person's political preference from a face photo 72$ of the time.  By contrast, humans correctly predict only about 55% of the time, or barely better than chance.  Check the pic below and see how you do.  (Then we'll show you.)


So how many of the 32 faces shown did you predict were conservative vs. leftists?

Even though many leftists are pleasant-looking, and many conservatives are scary- or odd-looking, the computer found what you already know: that most goofy-looking people lean Left.

The reason isn't known, but is thought to be that most goofy-looking people don't do well when competing with non-goofy-looking people, so become angry and bitter--which fits with Leftism.

Beats me.  But now let's see how you did in predicting political leaning from faces.

Turns out every person above is a leftist.  All members of Antifa.  Of course you probably guessed that.

"They're not after you. They're after me"

Chances are you don't know what this actually means.

If you have young children you know they're defenseless against full-grown, evil people.

They depend on you.  On you making good decisions.  Their lives depend on it.

Two or three BILLION foreigners want to come here--and the Democrat "preznit" and Dem congress are welcoming them, telling them they won't be turned back or deported even if they've committed serious crimes.  Promising them thousands of dollars in "freebies" every month.

Over five million have walked in under biden's watch--and Democrats totally support that.

At this rate, soon this country will be FAR different from the one you grew up in.

If that's fine with you, so be it.  But if you have young children, ask yourself how they'll fare under the new regime.

Question is, do you want the Democrats open-borders plan to continue?  Will your children be better off with millions more illegals, or worse off?


You know the two worst problems facing us today, citizen?

Y'know, the two worst problems facing Americans today?  Sure, obvious to everyone: the most dire is, of course, the awful discrimination suffered by trans men--meaning, of course, men, who may have been temporarily gaining experience as a different gender, their true male-ness.  

So because they're absolutely, positively, no question about it MEN, you stupid bigots may be so unenlightened that you think MEN can't get pregnant.

Hahahahaha!  How silly!  You trans-phobes just don't believe in Science!  An' Science definitely says that real MEN CAN get pregnant.  So there!

Now that we've settled that, consider the second dire problem:  Not just "climate change," citizen, but an even worse problem: "Climate Discrimination."

Yes, it's well known that transgender pyrsyns face ghastly climate discrimination.  It's Science!  Fortunately our faaabulous Secretary of Transportation, who has overcome terrible discrimination himself in chest-feeding his baby, has assured us that the Biden-Harris administration will be spending $540 million on a campaign to educate transphobic Americans on the importance of ensuring that pregnant MEN don't suffer the horrors of Climate Discrimination.  Here's an example:


A European looks at the future of western nations

On this last day of  the endless invasion of western nations, some thoughts from a European observer:

Looking about me in the hope that all this is surreal, a bad dream.  Everywhere I look I see dictatorial rulers of western nations posing as democratic leaders--embracing policies that are guaranteed to destroy their nations..  
I see coercion, fraud, graft, theft, gross immorality, open borders, a hatred of Whites and Christianity. There is no longer any doubt that the UK and Europe are regressing to a corrupt, violent society, poor and primitive, competing for survival and resources against millions of uneducated, unskilled primitives as we head towards becoming a minority in our homeland.

Liberals claim that not only is the continued invasion fine, but that "compassion demands" that we continue to welcome more illegal immigrants into our nation.  This year 46,000 aliens illegally invaded the UK, including 15,000 Albanian Mafiosi.  Thanks to our corrupt rulers many of these invaders are luxuriating in four- and five-star hotels at taxpayers’ expense.

They're burrowing deep into the criminal underworld, recreating the third-world cesspools from whence they came. 

The author is a Brit, and the U.K. had 46,000 illegal immigrants this year.  By contrast, under the biden open-borders policy over 2.2 million illegal immigrants simply walked across the knee-deep river into the U.S. in 2022.  On top of 2.1 million in the first year the Democrats controlled every branch of the government.

This exact pattern is occurring in EVERY western nation.  Eh, probably just coincidence, right?

"Drag Queen Story Hour" has changed its name; Mainstream Media will adopt new name by tomorrow

One of the Left's biggest strengths is that they realize the importance of controlling the language the Media uses.  And that means that the public will quickly, unthinkingly adopt whatever cunning, misleading terms the Left demands.

If we had a reasonably unbiased Mainstream Media, its members wouldn't cave and play along.  But since the Media is totally Leftist, they slavishly parrot whatever the Left's demand is for the terms the Left allows.

Example #395,894:  Any of you recall hearing about a thing calld "drag queen story hour," where public libraries pay drag queens tax dollars to put on drag shows for kids.

Except the Left calls these shows just "reading books to kids," and "family entertainment" that "captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood."

Wait..."the gender fluidity of childhood"??  You think I must be kidding, right?  Nope, this is what they're pushing, as you'll see in a minute.  Also, they've dropped "Queen" from "drag queen story hour," cuz "drag queen" is a term everyone knows.  So it's way too informative.

So now, in the blink of an eye, watch EVERY Mainstream Media hack slavishly switch to the new "Leftist-approved" term.  Just watch.  In three weeks you won't find a SINGLE Mainstream outlet using the term "drag queen story hour."

So to no one's surprise, there's a website called "," so let's see how they describe their mission, eh?

What is Drag Story Hour?

It’s just what it sounds like! Storytellers using the art of drag to read books to kids in libraries, schools, and bookstores.

"Books," ya say?  Hmmm...what kinds of books?  Yeah, "GenderQueer" and the like.  But in saying just "books,"as they do. who could possibly object?  Just like reading the Bible, right?  You're not against "reading books," are ya?

DSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood, and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.

"Unabashedly queer role models."  That's very candid.  So do ya think you'll see that quote in the Mainstream Media, ever?  Nah, jus' "readin' books to kids."


December 30, 2022

"We have only ten years to prevent catastrophe" of Global Warming!!!" Wait...

"It's absowootwy twoo, citizens!  We onwy have ten yeeus to saave de Erf oh we'ah aw be keewd!  We know dis is twoo becuz we lissen to Science!  Peepo who do not lissen to Science want to keew youah childwen!"

Oh wait...they said this WHEN?  1972?  Gosh, how can we still be here?

Oh wait (again):  Maybe this was back when the Sciency types were telling us the planet was headed for another Ice Age!  Wonder how they saved us from duh Ice Age, eh?

But don't worry, citizens: THIS time they're sure!  Cuz Scientists are a LOT smahtah now..

Same libraries that eagerly sponsor "Draq Queen Story Hour" refuse to let a Christian author do a reading

Your public library used to be a wholesome place.  But if you life in a big Democrat-ruled city,  need to show you don't know how much things have changed--for the worse.

By now most of you have heard that for years now libraries in so-called "progressive" cities have been sponsoring "draq queen story hours."  And if you object the mob will howl that you're a  ___-phobe.  

Besides, library execs counter that they're just being "tolerant," "open-minded," "inclusive."  Cuz we're all about "free speech" in public spaces, right?

To see how quickly this bullshit propaganda would "become inoperative," watch what happened when the publisher of a Christian childrens' book asked the Indianapolis Public Library if they could reserve a room for the book's author to do a reading from the book.

This is the same Indianapolis Public Library that regularly hosts "Drag Queen Story Hours" so you'd think they'd be willing to host all manner of readings, eh?

Hahahaha!  I see you just arrived on the planet!  Enjoy your stay!

Instead, the anti-Christian, pro-tranny library staff said no, we not gonna do dat.  The initial reason was that the Christian message of the book didn't align with the values of the library staff.

When the publisher pointed out that the official policy was that anyone could rent a room at the library, that bullshit dodge morphed into "We don't think there would be enough interest."

So the publisher *rented* a small room on the 6th floor.

When it came time for the reading, the room was packed to overflowing with parents and kids, drawing the biggest crowds to the library ever.  The publisher said "Thousands showed up," far exceeding the capacity of the room.

One woman posted video to Facebook of the lines to get into to hear the reading. The video of the long line clearly shows that the library's claim that there wouldn't be any interest was clearly not the issue.  Instead it was simply that library execs didn't like the book or its message.

The author says the book "teaches kids biblical wisdom, through the seasons of life and how to grow the fruits of the Spirit, which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control."  You'd think that message would be pretty uncontroversial, but leftists, socialists and destroyers seem not to like it, so...
The publisher faced the same problem when trying to host a reading at the public library in Scarsdale, New York. The staff curtly declined, but then claimed they hadn't declined, but that the publisher hadn't completed the right paperwork.

Can you imagine the library trying that bullshit on a Drag Queen group?

When the publisher pushed back, saying the library couldn't refuse to let them reserve a room, the staff quickly claimed it was just a misunderstanding: they claimed they thought the publisher was asking them to *sponsor* a story hour--like "Drag Queen Story Hour, which the library PAYS taxpayer dollars to sponsor.

Indianapolis and Scarsdale have both boasted about their Drag Queen Story Hours.


December 29, 2022

List of some of the new taxes the Dems will hit you with on Jan 1st

Hey citizen, remember that faaaabulous "Inflation Reduction Act" passed by the Democrats (because they had total control of both chambers and duh W.House)?

The Mainstream Media positively slobbered over how faaabulous it was!  But in fawning over how supposedly brilliant it was, they overlooked a few provisions they didn't want to talk about:

$260 BILLION in new taxes that will hit you on Jan. 1st.

"Wait...whut?  Why didn't anyone mention this before the Democrats passed it?"

Because the Mainstream Media slobbers over the Dems.  So here's a partial list:

A new $6.5 Billion tax on "natural gas."  If you're a __-studies major you may not know that natural gas is what heats homes and hot water.

Average voter: "Why should I care if our marvelous Democrat leaders tax hell out of a company?  That's not my problem."

People who don't know economics believe that.  But in fact companies pass all taxes through to consumers.  Meaning you'll be paying this entire tax via monthly bills for heating and electricity.  Enjoy!

BTW, that $6.5 billion estimated cost is from the Congressional Budget Office.

The American Gas Association warned that the new tax on natural gas would increase the average family’s heating bill by 17%.

*$12 Billion in new taxes on crude oil.  Naive consumers again bleat "Why should I care?"  And same answer: The tax will be paid by *you*.

$1.2 Billion in higher taxes on coal.  "But I don't burn coal, so why should..."   About 40% of all the electricity in the U.S. is produced by coal.  That's why.

A totally new $74 Billion tax on "stock buy-backs."

When companies make a profit, sometimes they choose to use some of those profits to buy-in some of their stock.  That keeps the price up, which benefits all retirement accounts and pension funds.  Democrat pols know that, but have nevertheles decided to slap a steep tax on buy-backs.

And finally, the whopper: a new $225 Billion tax on corporations that have profits of over a billion dollars in 3 consecutive years.

If you've been keeping track, that makes $313 BILLION in new taxes.  And again, who do you think will pay those billions?  You.  That could easily cost the average family an additional thousand bucks a year.

Hmmm....Ever notice how Dems bleat that they *care* about working families, eh?  Yeah, they care so much that they just upped the average tax by a thousand bucks a year.  Thanks, Democrats.

Interesting that you never heard a word about all these new taxes in the Mainstream Media, eh?

Biden administration officials have repeatedly admitted taxes that raise consumer energy prices are in violation of President Biden’s $400,000 tax pledge.


December 28, 2022

Old scare: "Nuclear Winter!" Trendy new solution to "most deadly problem evah": "Let's do Nuclear Winter"

 Back in the Bad Old Days of what was called the Cold War most Americans were at least somewhat concerned that if the Soviet Union (which was a real thing then; google it) decided to launch a nuclear attack, the world would be toast.

Aside from the obvious, one of the deadly problems foreseen by the experts was that dust blown into the stratosphere by a few thousand nuclear warheads would block enough of the sun's rays that the earth would get far colder.  Crops would fail for lack of enough sun.

It was called "nuclear winter," and the Mainstream Media was full of stories about how deadly it would be.  It would take decades for enough of the dust to settle to bring back anything like normality.

But that was *then.*  Today we have crazy Global Warmies who are actually talking about launching rockets into space loaded with sulfur crystals, to block the sun's rays *deliberately.*

Seriously.  Cuz when you're a Warmist, you actually *want* nuclear winter, since Everyone Knows the most dire problem facing our planet is...Globull Worming.

But gets better:  Moonbats are so convinced that we can't wait to invoke artificial winter that one of 'em has formed a company that claims it's already launched weather balloons that *may* have released reflective sulfur particles in the stratosphere.

Realizing that the Legal System in the U.S. might put a hitch in their plans, they cunningly launched these balloons from Mexico, so they'd be safe from the SEC, EPA, IRS, DHS, HHS, DOE, DOEd, DOJ, FBI, CIA or any of another dozen U.S. 3-letter agencies.

But never fear: The startup is a scam.  It’s already offering to sell “cooling credits” for future flights *possibly* spewing sulfur crystals into the stratosphere.  

If you're a college-age American you probably think no company could be dumb enough to fall for such an obvious scam.  But you'd be wrong: for years "woke" (i.e. gullible) liberal CEOs have been spending millions to buy so-called "carbon credits."  One branch of that was that sellers of those credits claimed that if your company paid 'em millions, they'd use "a lot" of that money to hire people to plant trees in the rainforest.  

Of course it was impossible to confirm that those pushing the "carbon credits" would do what they said.  But that didn't bother the wokie execs, cuz what mattered was that the public saw that They Cared.

Virtue signaling at its finest.

And now the co-founder and CEO of the startup has found an even more esoteric scam: Buy our "cooling credits" and we promise to launch balloons that may or may not spew a few kilos of magic crystals into the upper atmosphere.  And of course no one can tell whether it actually happens.

I suspect the wokie warmists working for the biden regime will be watching the public's response to this very intently.  If the public doesn't get upset, the warmists will push the Democrats to fund a large-scale version.  Cuz, Global Worming is the most serious problem in the world, comrade!

    The company says it has raised $750,000 in funding from Boost VC and Pioneer Fund, among others, and that its early investors have also been purchasing cooling credits.

Man claiming to be female, convicted of killing both his parents, now listed as 'female' in prison records

A biological male who claims to be female fatally stabbed both his parents in 2016.

The nutter was sentenced to 40 years in prison.  But because insane morons are now running EVERY branch of duh gruberment, he's now considered "female" by the Maine Department of Corrections..

Andrew T. Balcer, 24--who DEMANDS to be called "Andrea"--was originally listed as male after being convicted of murdering his parents in 2016.  But because you're being ruled by crazed morons--and no, there is NO other way to accurately describe it-- some dip-shit in the chain of RULERS changed the official state records to "officially" claim this crazy bastard is a female.

The killer--who again, demands to be called "Andrea"--told cops that on the night he murdered his mother he woke her and told her he was having trouble sleeping.

Andrew Balcer listens to testimony during the sentencing hearing for killing his parents, Dec. 4, 2018, at the Capital Judicial Center in Augusta, Maine.

When his mother tried to comfort him--as mothers do--he stabbed her in the back nine times, killing her. Balcer also murdered his father and the family dog.  He allowed his older brother to flee, telling him, "It’s not your day."

Balcer called 911 himself to report the murders.  He reportedly laughed while confessing his crimes to a police officer over the phone.

We reached out to the Maine DOC to ask what accommodations Balcer will receive as a (claimed) "female inmate."  We got no answer, as the state's "Department of Corrections" did not respond to Fox News' request for comment by time of publication.

In 2020, MDOC Commissioner Randell Liberty--a corrupt dipshit working for the tranny mafia--RULED that state-run correctional facilities must "provide clothing items that align with an inmate's gender identity," including push-up bras and chest binders.

There are several insane sons of bitches in this story.  See if you can tell the sane from the insane. 

Spoiler: The killer is *obviously* insane.  But so is every person in the Maine state government chain of command who accommodated this insane killer's DEMANDS to be considered female.

You're welcome.

Commenter: "Will we ever reach a 'tipping point,' where enough Americans say 'That's it, we're done' ?"

Commenter notes that although half the population sees what's happening, no one seems to be resisting.  Asks

"Is there a point at which enough people are outraged that they'll be a critical mass?  How many Americans need to die before there is an uncontrollable ourpouring of collective anger screaming for justice--screaming to kill the evil-doers?"

I think it’s extremely unlikely that there will EVER be a “critical mass” opposing the government’s thugs.  If you're old enough, in school you learned about our Revolutionary War, so we think that's a pattern.  But the only reason three percent of the colonists fought for independence back in 1776 was because the leaders of what were then "the colonies" were the ones driven to be free of royal rule, thus stoking the fires of revolution.

It's vastly different today: “our” political rulers are the ones ordering their thugs to arrest or kill anyone who disagrees with them. And they’re extremely aggressive about arresting anyone for even the most trivial offense, like Mike Flynn.

In the U.K. cops arrested a lone woman quietly standing across the fucking STREET from an abortion clinic. Cop demanded “Are you praying?” She replied "I might be, in my head," and he arrested her.  Admittedly it's the U.K. but the same principle is already here in the U.S.  Corrupt judges have *already* removed kids under 18 from the home if either parent objected to a sex-change operation.  Seriously.

It's interesting that in all our studies of nations of old, whether kingdoms or groups that presumed to be more enlightened, all vanished.  Ah well..."those who refuse to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them."  Yep.

"Don't tell me anything that contradicts anything the Democrat party says"

A lifetime ago I flew big jets across the Pacific.  And one of the things you needed to learn was that when another crewmember said "Sir I think you need to look at this," you didn't argue with him.  He'd seen something or knew something about the airplane that you probably didn't, and thought you should know about it.  The new info might be disturbing, but it would never occur to you to ignore it, since id you did, you might not end up at the destination you planned.

Relevance:  Years ago, to my surprise, I found that Democrats/leftists/sheep do NOT want to know anything that conflicts with their worldview.  This seemed so dumb, so illogical, that I tested that hypothesis in lots of ways, each time trying to couch the info in less and less disturbing terms.

What I found is that I couldn't find way to get 'em to at least listen to information they didn't wanna hear.  No point in trying to talk with my liberal friends about...well, anything having to do with the policies of our government rulers.  But sometimes (rarely) I'll take a shot with one of my siblings--all of whom are diehard liberals.

Many people have said that no matter how much data you have, it's impossible to reason people out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.  For years I thought that was just a clever aphorism, but it seems totally accurate.  People of a certain mind-set simply refuse even to listen to information that conflicts with their worldview.

For example, I have yet to meet a single leftist who's willing to listen to the hard data showing that

  •  Covid was made lethal to humans by modifying a previously-harmless bat virus, specifically by inserting four genes that made it better able to attack cells in the human airway having an "ACE-2" receptor;
  • the modification was done by Chinese researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology;
  • Tony Fauci gave U.S. taxpayer funds to that institute, specifically for researching how to insert genetic code into a virus.  The funds were funneled thru a "cutout" called "EcoHealth Alliance" directed by Peter Daszak;
  • Contrary to what Fauci et al endlessly bleated, the vaccines do NOT prevent you from getting the virus, or transmitting it to others.  The trials were not only far too short but were also faked to make it appear that the vaxxes worked, when they didn't;
  • The so-called "vaccines" cause long, rubbery blood clots, of a length never seen before.  This has been found by hundreds of embalmers and morticians around the U.S.--filmed as ten-inch-long clots were pulled out of bodies.  Yet "your" CDC--which would normally be hell-bent on discovering the cause--has totally ignored those videos, photos and reports.  It's like if they keep ignoring 'em, they'll go away?
  • The so-called "vaccines" kill fit young people with no "co-morbidities."  By contrast, people under 30 who get covid almost never die from it.  Yet school systems are ORDERING your kids to take the jab and all the boosters in order to go to school;
  • Global Warming--now re-named "climate change" after too many Americans grew skeptical of "global warming"--is NOT caused by CO2;
  • Maps of glacier faces in Alaska bays from as early as 1750 show those glaciers have been steadily retreating ever since--yet humans only started burning significant amounts of carbon fuels around 1945;
  • The newest "deadly greenhouse gas" the Dems demand we eliminate is produced by nitrogen fertilizers.  One European nation has already ordered farmers to stop using fertilizer, and to cut their dairy herds in half.  If you think that's not coming here you're too naive to breathe;
  • Contra to Democrat bleating, the most powerful cause of inflation (by far) is printing billions of dollars of paper currency.  More money chasing the same quantity of goods bids the price up;
  • The Democrats have now stolen two elections in a row, and corrupt judges still refuse to allow any evidence to be presented to a jury.  The cases are either dismissed with the bullshit excuse that "You don't have standing to sue" or "Okay, you showed that 50,000 ballots are missing, but you haven't shown that this was done maliciously, and I decree that the mere fact that they're missing, and all from heavily-Republican areas, isn't good enough to allow a full investigation;
  • Hunter Biden's laptop shows clear evidence that the biden family has been taking payments from foreign governments for years.  
  • When the NY Post published the story three weeks before the 2020 election, the FBI pressured Twatter and Fakebook to kill the story--which they did.
  • Before Musk bought Twitter, former execs bleated that they NEVAH colluded with the FBI to censor views the biden regime didn't like, but now the release of internal emails between Twitter censors and FBI agents--"the Twitter files"-- shows conclusively that this is exactly what happened;
  • Contra to the endlessly repeated bleats of shit-head Mayorkas and Harris, the southern border is not even remotely secure, but is wide open.  The cartels know it, the rest of the world knows it, and all the illegal aliens know it.  The only people who believe it's "closed" are Democrat sheep;

And the above list just scratches the surface.  For example, the biden regime is pushing the DOJ to declare parents who object to school staff helping their kid get a sex-change operation without telling the parents.  Astonishing.

So taking the vax as an example: not a single Democrat will EVER change their view that the vax is "safe and effective" even if their fit 15-year-old with no known pre-existing medical conditions suddenly dropped dead. “It just happens. This has ALWAYS happened–not unusual at all!”

They seem to have an ENDLESS ability to rationalize that whatever decision they make–who they voted for, forcing their kid to take the jab, etc–was the right decision, always. If there’a a bad (or tragic) result, it CAN’T be because they made a stupid decision–or often no decision, just going with the herd.

My siblings are exactly like this. High IQ, advanced degrees, but when you say “So what do you think about how the FBI got social media to bury they story about Hunter Biden’s laptop?” or “What do you think about the sudden deaths being reported in fit young people?” they get positively angry. “Don’t talk to me about those things!”

Amazing.  These people will never believe the FBI pressured Social Media to delete posts the biden regime didn't like. Or anything on the list above.  They just don't want to hear anything that disturbs their worldview.

Doesn't seem like a good way to run a family, or a nation.  And I don't think they'll like the destination they're heading for.

December 27, 2022

Tough decision!


"We Scientists understand this covid virus." "Of course our understanding is still...evolving."

The United Nations is utterly corrupt.  And one of that corrupt organization's tentacles is the "World Health Organization," whose director is a communist from Ethiopia who was installed by China.

The director totally supported masks, and vaccines, and totally ignored safe, effective cures like ivermectin and HCQ.  Even though he was consistently wrong, the Mainstream Media hung on and echoed his every word.  For example:



Murder mystery: What do all these murders in a single month have in common?

Suppose 30 Americans were brutally murdered each month, in the same circumstances but scattered around the country.  Suppose the problem could be fixed quite easily, but one political party blocks the fix, time and time again.

Think the Mainstream Media would put the pieces together, solve the puzzle and tell ya? 

That depends on which party has been blocking the fix, eh?  So if you like to solve mysteries, see if you can figure out the common thread in the stories of 41 similar murders in a single month, earlier this year.

But if you solve the mystery you're cautioned not to tell anyone, as it's Top Secret!  Revealing the secret to anyone is absolutely forbidden, and doing so can get you fired, or expelled from school.

You northeasterners freezing? Thank the Democrat pols who shut down nuclear power and pipelines.

As the brutally cold winter weather freezes the northern and Northeast states, it's worth recalling that the MOST DIRE, AWFUL, DEADLY, URGENT threat to our nation is NOT invasion by illegal aliens, or soaring murder rates, or freezing to death.  Instead it's...Global Warming.

So all you residents of New York and other Northeast states, when you’re freezing over the next couple of months, remember the  dumb, dictatorial Democrat pols who shut down your nuclear power and the pipelines that would have kept you warm.  Congratulate yourselves for drinking their KoolAide, helping them pull this off.

You keep cluelessly voting them into office, and then they promptly screw you, bleating about the Green New Deal.  Eventually, after you're all forced to buy electric vehicles that take an hour or more to re-charge (if you can find a vacant charging "station"), you'll realize what they did--with your approval.

Meanwhile, hope you have enough firewood to keep from freezing.  And do keep voting Democrat.

December 25, 2022

Here's your "preznit," lecturing the rest of us on how awful it is that there's "division" in this nation


December 24, 2022

Wishing all a Merry Christmas

As we near the end of the second year of our nation's ordeal, may you all enjoy a Merry Christmas.  May the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you now and always.

Liberal NY pols have yet another faaabulous idea: let's award state licenses to sell pot--so we can tax it!

Whenever politicians and bureaucrats discover anything lots of people want to do--indeed, are determined to do--they start making plans to tax the hell out of it.

So consider the brilliant pols of New York who proposed to legalize weed.  Part of the argument was that it would reduce the monopoly of the drug cartels, but the main reason was so they could cash in on the total determination of smokers, by taxing it.  Seemed like a great idea, right?  They could see people were determined to use it, so they thought that by legalizing it they could reap billions, eh?  

What could possibly go wrong with that brilliant plan?

Ah, glad you asked.  So let's review the brief and corrupt history of New York's plan to legalize pot. 

First thing the pols realized was that to keep profits high, they could only "award" less than 100 lucrative, licenses.  And they'd have to"carefully" awarded.  So in the interest of "fairness" the brilliant pols decide to award licenses to blacks and other minorities first--especially if the already had convictions for selling illegal drugs, cuz the pols knew that was "business experience."

I swear I'm not making this up.

And of course the "industry" would have to be rigorously controlled, with lots of forms to fill out each month, lots of permits, licenses and so on.  Inventory forms.  And this brought the first realization: the pols would have to create a state agency to walk the new license-holders through how to fill out all the applications and forms they required.  To do that they appropriated something like $150 million.

Now came the second realization: With all the taxes and state-mandated overhead, pot sold by the state-licensed "dispensaries" (love the orwellian name, eh?) would likely end up costing customers twice as much as  the same stuff sold by the same unlicensed dealers who'd been selling illegally for decades.  This would likely mean the eagerly-touted "hundreds of millions a year" in tax revenue would be substantially less than predicted.

But on the plus side, the scheme provided more Democrat-awarded jobs in state government.  So even if the state doesn't get any net income from the scheme, it was a resounding success, eh? 

December 22, 2022

They say "This never happens!" Except it does.

What do you think the people below have in common?  (Click to enlarge.)

For starters, each one murdered or raped multiple victims, typically young girls from ages 4 to 15 years old. you probably guessed, every one is a man claiming to be female.  They're from a collection of 122 such monsters, posted by a thorough researcher.

The reason this is significant is that the tranny lobby claims male-to-female trannies are sweet and harmless.  And no doubt some are.  But the 122 noted killed or raped multiple girls.  Often after being convicted of raping or killing their first victim, moronic judges sentenced them to a very short sentence, only for them to kill again within weeks of release.

About half of these creatures were trannies when they killed or raped.  The other half realized they could DEMAND that the state transfer them to a womens' prison if they merely claimed to be female.  In many case the American Civil Liberties Union represented them in court.  And in every case morons in the "justice" system did as their rulers in black robes or in the legislature commanded.

And within months the monsters were raping inmates in their new prison.  Wow, who could have predicted that, eh?

I'll admit to having a really strong dislike for monsters, and con artists.  But also an equal dislike for stupid or corrupt officials and judges and legislators, who probably should rewarded by being sent home to their master for a well-earned retirement.

The real stunner for me is that almost no so-called "womens' rights activists" seem to be complaining about this obvious con-game of rapists and killers demanding to be transferred to womens' prisons, only to attack real women inmates and guards.  You'd think if the "activists" were honest they'd stand up for real women instead of siding with the tranny lobby.  It really strikes me as strange.

Monster "welfare" spending bill gives $750,000 to tranny Latina group that wants to dismantle our justice system

TWO DAYS AGO your highly-paid, corrupt congresswhores made public the pork-laden text of the massive 4,155-page, $1.7 TRILLION monstrosity the Mainstream Media is now diplomatically calling the "omnibus spending bill," which congress says they plan to pass tomorrow.

Oh THANK YOU, congresswhores!  You are TOO kind to allow us serfs to see your $700 BILLION in COMMANDED gifts to special-interest groups.

Among the billions of dollars the monster bill gives to special-interests is a tiny $750,000 one congresswhore explicitly ORDERED to be given to a Los Angeles-based transgender Latina group that bleats that it wants to dismantle the U.S. criminal justice system, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and to force “transgender history and discourse” into elementary schools, among other so-called "progressive initiatives."

Now, in the total scheme of government waste and corruption, three-quarters of a million dollars isn't enough for most people to get even mildly concerned about.  But it's the principle of the thing, because NONE of these earmarks are Constitutional.  But since all these "little" anti-American, pro-tranny bullshit programs are essentially overshadowed by the big-ticket items, few people notice 'em.

And of course next year all those "little" crap programs are not only still around, and still demanding money, they've also had a year to learn which congresswhores they can kick back ten or twenty thousand to to ensure they get twice as much money in the next budget.

And so it goes.  And as long as corruptocrats rule congress, there aren't enough votes to stop ANY of it.  

Here's a challenge to my Dem friends:  find corrupt "earmarks" submitted by Republicans.  Let's see how the figures stack up.  C'mon, y'all can do it!  Just download the 4,155-page bill and examine each earmark to see who that ordered cash payment benefits, and let us know.   

Delaware Supreme Court rules all-mail voting and same-day registration violate state constitution

Since you pay attention to national politics, you surely read or heard that the supreme court in biden's home state ruled that both all-mail voting AND same-day voting registration violated the state's constitution, eh?.

The state's Democrat-controlled legislature had passed both laws this past summer.

Democrats knew the state's constitution didn't allow either all-mail voting or same-day registration, and tried to get enough Republicans to support amending the constitution to permit both.  But the Republicans didn't bite, so the Democrat-controlled Assembly passed both laws anyway, hoping no one would complain.  Cuz..."equity."  Or something.

The Dems had previously approved a different vote-by-mail law during the Great Covid Plandemic in 2020, which was allowed for the 2020 and 2022 elections because the "emergency powers" in effect then allowed that law to take effect even though it violated the constitution.  But the officially-declared (by biden) end of the plandemic ended that law.

Democrats knew both laws strongly favored"efforts to win elections" so they scrambled to try to amend the constitution.  When that failed, they passed the new law anyway, hoping no one would notice or sue.  Cuz as they taught us in school, a "constitution" is merely a suggestion, having no legal force or effect.

At least that's what Democrats believe.


Hey, heard about the awful, terribly threatening "tripledemic" yet?

Hey folks, heard about the dreaded "tripledemic" yet?

Sure ya have, cuz uh brilliant Sciency pipo at duh NY Times done tol ya.  An' all duh cool kids an' duh eeelites read duh Times, right?  And you're definitiely one of duh cool kids, right?  So here's duh Times:

‘Tripledemic’ Rages On: Fever-Filled Weeks Lie Ahead 

Duh Times even gots a whole section called "Tripledemic Forecast."  So there ya go.

So any of that ring a bell now?  And of course you know two of the three "epidemics," right?  Sure: the tenth or twelfth variant of Covid, and the flu, which is expected to be bad this year.  Wait, the Media ALWAYS say the flu is gonna be extra-bad this year, eh?  

So what's the third member of the "tripledemic"?  If you're one of the eeelites you know.  (If not, highlight the line below the last line of text to find out.)  And surprisingly it's NOT the dread climate-destroying poison called "carbon dioxide."

So a few of you may wonder: Since duh Times wants you to think everything's faaabulous wif' duh Dems running duh White House an' still in control of duh senate, and having effective control of duh House (since the utterly corrupt Kevin McCarthy is a shithead Democrat posing as Republican and won't try to use the narrow GOP majority to stop any Leftist bill), why would they print scary stories like this, which tend to make people nervous and unhappy?

Simple:  Scared people are easy to manipulate.  So when duh CDC orders all five-year-olds to take the newest jab, scared or merely clueless parents will rush right out and get their kids jabbed.  Which is fine--free country and all, eh?

Except...the Dems will do exactly the same as they did before (and are still doing): they'll make life miserable for anyone who refuses to get their kid jabbed.  "You're ANTI-SCIENCE!" they'll scream.

Try asking 'em what the fatality rate is for people under 20 who haven't been vaxxed.  It's 0.0003 percent (three ten-thousandths of one percent).  See how many of the rabid screamers--the folks screaming that you're "anti-Science"--have even a vague idea what that number is.  Cuz they don't have a clue.

And yet they'll still scream that you're "anti-Science." 

The third epidemic is "Respiratory Syncytial Virus," usually shortened to RSV.

7th release of Twitter internal emails show FBI pressured the company to discredit Hunter Biden laptop story

If you've been following the first six releases of internal emails by Twatter employees before Musk bought the platform you know that Twatter's top attorney, Jim Baker, had previously been General Counsel for the FBI.

You may also know that the FBI was exchanging dozens of emails every day with Twatter "security chief" (and apparently total pedophile) Yoel Roth, planting the idea that the FBI had top-secret information that "Russia" was going to pull some sort of "hack and dump" operation just a couple of weeks before the presidential election to help the sitting president win re-election.

Just kidding--you likely know almost nothing about any of this, because the only thing the Mainstream Media has said about Twitter at ALL since Musk bought it is that Musk is an evil, rich meanie for firing all those faaabulous, virtuous people who were keeping you safe from seeing anything the Dems didn't want you to read.

And if you're a Democrat you don't WANT to know any of this-- because it proves, beyond doubt, that the FBI was pressuring Twatter and other social-media giants to delete true information that would have cost the Democrats votes.  In fact I suspect a significant percentage of Democrats see nothing at all wrong with the FBI pressuring media companies to spike the NY Post's story reporting that an abandoned laptop belonging to Hunter Biden contained thousands of emails showing the biden family was being paid millions by China.

I haven't seen a single liberal who considers the FBI pressuring Twatter to spike the laptop story to be in any way a limitation of free speech at the request of the government--since it helped the Democrats win the "presidency."  And it's pointless to ask Democrats how they'd feel if the roles were reversed and the Trump administration had pressured social-media giants to delete stories about GOP wrongdoing, cuz they simply reject the entire idea that the FBI helped the Democrats.  Dat just un-possible, citizen.

Now in the 7th release of Twatter emails we see even more direct evidence that the FBI--which had had possession of Hunter Biden's laptop since December 9th of 2019, and knew the damning emails it contained--devised an elaborate plan to neutralize that explosive revelation:  That plan was to claim the story about the laptop was all "Russian disinformation." Or that the emails supposedly on it were "hacked" (which wouldn't at all detract from their accuracy).  Or both.  Or something, anything, to protect the Democrat nominee for president, in an election just ten months away.

In other words, the FBI repeatedly, deliberately lied to help the Democrats win the presidency in 2020.  There it is, in one sentence.

[Just to refresh your memory, the emails on the laptop show that the biden family received huge payments from China, via various companies formed by Hunter.]

TWITTER FILES, part 7  -- posted by Michael Shellenberger
    Dec 19, 2022
[see also

  •  August, 2019:  A person claiming to be Hunter Biden drops off a laptop at a repair shop in Delaware.
  •  September, 2019:  In recovering the laptop's hard drive the shop owner discovers thousands of emails, photos and other evidence suggesting serious criminal activity.  But believing the owner is the son of a powerful politician (and possible Democrat nominee for president), he simply recovers the data and calls a # Hunter left on the repair order to tell him he can pick it up.
  • November, 2019:  Despite repeated calls, no one has picked up the laptop.  Knowing the laptop showed serious corruption, and believing the FBI was honest, the shop owner tells the FBI about the laptop.
  • December 9th, 2019:  The FBI obtains a warrant allowing agents to seize the laptop.  Hours later agents enter the repair shop and take it.
  • Jan 1 to October, 2020:  The FBI begins a daily campaign to warn Twatter "security minders" that after "colluding" to help Trump win the presidency in 2016, "foreign agents" were again trying to influence the 2020 presidential election to help Trump win.  Since virtually everyone working at Twatter is a leftist, they're eager to cooperate with the FBI demand to "safeguard our election."     No one bothers to ask why Russia would want to help the strongly pro-America Trump instead of the anti-military, pro-open-borders, pro-Obamacare biden--cuz all duh good pipo "knew" duh Russians conspired to help Trump win in 2016, so of course they'd back their candidate again in 2020, eh?
  • August, 2020:  FBI agent Elvis Chan emails Twitter, "Does anyone there have a top-secret clearance?"  When someone mentions Jim Baker, Chan responds, "I don't know how I forgot him" — an odd claim, given Chan's job is to monitor Twitter, so he'd know all the former and current FBI agents working there.  Also, Chan had worked with Baker while the latter was still with the FBI.  Odd...
  • Mid-Sept, 2020:  FBI agent Chan and Twatter security chief Yoel Roth set up an encrypted messaging network so FBI agents can communicate with their Twatter contacts without the contents being discoverable.  Nuthin' suspicious about that, eh?
  • Sept 15, 2020:  the FBI’s Laura Dehmlow, who heads up the Foreign Influence Task Force, and Elvis Chan, ask to give a classified briefing to Jim Baker, without any other Twitter staff present.
  • September, 2020:  With the election just two months away a woman named Vivian Schiller organized what was called an "exercise" at the Aspen Institute.  The "exercise" involved a hypothetical "hack-and-dump" operation involving...wait for it...Hunter Biden. The goal was to suggest to the Mainstream Media and social media how they should cover such a TOTALLY hypothetical (and of course false) story to keep the "foreign actors" from "influencing our election"--which was now just two months away.
  • The organizer of this "exercise"--Vivian Schiller--was a former CEO of National Public Radio, former "head of news" at Twitter and former general manager at the NY Times.  So total liberal Democrat.  Attendees included Twatter security chief Yoel Roth, and Fakebook's head of security, and "national security reporters" for the NY Times and Washington Post.
  • October 13, 2020:  The New York Post calls Hunter to tell him they'll be publishing a story about his abandoned laptop the next day, asking if he wants to comment.
  • October 13:  Less than 3 hours later emails show the FBI is talking with Twatter execs again, explicitly warning them that a big piece of "Russian disinformation" is about to drop, and that Twatter needs to "be vigilant" and do whatever they can to thwart the dangerous "Russian plot to influence our election."
  • October 14:  The Post publishes the bombshell story  revealing the business dealings of former VP--and Dem presidential nominee--Joe Biden’s adult son.  Every detail in the story is accurate, but within hours Twatter "security" locks the Post's Twatter account so no one can link to the story via Twatter.  Twatter "security minders" then proceed to delete user tweets referring to the Post's true story.  Cuz we can't have malicious people tryin' ta influence our elections, eh?
  • Within hours of Twatter locking the Post's account--making it impossible for users to link to the paper's article--other social media companies also begin deleting their references to the Post's story, further preventing it from spreading.   And significantly, because the story was deleted so fast, voters are more likely to think the story must not have been true--because no one imagines social media would delete all references to a totally true story.  Cuz that would require a huge conspiracy.  And such a thing is just unimaginable to most Americans.  

And the FBI didn't just pressure Twatter: In a televised interview Fakebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the FBI warned his company to "be on the alert" for what agents said was "a Russian hack-and-leak operation." "We thought there had been a lot of Russian propaganda in 2016 election," said Zuckerberg, "and that there was about to be some kind of dump similar to that."

Notice how the lie--the propaganda--of collusion in 2016 made it easy for Zuckerberg to believe the same thing was happening four years later.

It's important to understand that Hunter Biden was paid not just hundreds of thousands of dollars, but *tens of millions* of dollars through contracts with foreign businesses, including ones linked to China's government.  There is no record of Hunter doing any actual work for those businesses, which suggests he was selling access. 

  • Oct 14th:  Shortly after the NY Post publishes the Hunter Biden laptop story, Baker repeatedly insists to other Twatter execs, on internal email, that the damning emails the Post reportedly found on Biden's laptop were either fake or were "hacked" (illegally copied) or both--in which case Twitter policy demanded that the company delete any tweets spreading the story.  But the FBI had seized the laptop in December of the prior year, so it had to have known within a couple of weeks that the material was authentic.  So either the FBI lied to Baker in claiming the materials were faked, or Baker is lying.
  • By 10 am Twitter execs were on-board with the wild hack-and-dump story. 
  • October 14, 3:38 pm:  Baker arranges a phone conversation between Twatter execs and Matthew J. Perry in the Office of the General Counsel of the FBI, the thrust of which was that the Hunter Biden laptop was an elaborate fake.  The original Narrative--the cover story--was that someone had loaded "a" laptop, with fake emails and photos, and dropped it off at the repair shop in Delaware.

Because of the clever campaign by the FBI, Twitter and other social media companies worked fast to remove and discredit the Post's totally accurate story about Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop.  The Mainstream Media quickly followed suit.

Of course leftists who ran Twatter were eager to do anything to help the Democrat party, but it's also interesting that the FBI actually used taxpayer funds to pay Twitter $3.5 million for "staff time" helping the agency.

In early 2021 a Baker associate emailed “I am happy to report we have collected $3,415,323 [from the FBI] since October 2019!”

Note the detail of than number: $3,415,323.  Sounds like someone was actually keeping track of the lucrative income stream, eh?

Democrats: "Nah, dis all jus' made up!  Duh FBI wuz investigatin' 'disinformation,' so why would it need to pay to compel cooperation in that investigation?  SEE?" 

December 21, 2022

How a corrupt congresswhore ordered $300 million of your tax dollars to be given to a private company

As I've noted earlier, the utterly, irredeemably corrupt congress is about to pass a 4,155-page, $1.7 TRILLION spending bill in the last two day of the congressional session before the new, GOP-majority House is sworn in in January. 

This monstrosity is total pork containing hundreds of "earmarks," each of which ORDERS taxpayer funds be given to a specific leftist group that donated to the congresswhore who inserted the "earmark."

To name one example: On page 1,046 is a $300 MILLION that at first glance seems to be for preparation for an "influenza pandemic."  But then a bit farther down is the bomb: 

"Provided that notwithstanding Section 496(b) of the [Public Health Service] Act, funds may be used for the construction or renovation of privately-owned facilities for the production of influenza vaccines and other biologies IF the Secretary finds that such construction or renovation is necessary to [do whatever the corruptocrats want].

Section 496(b) said--reasonably--that public money could NOT be used to "build or renovate" PRIVATE facilities.  The cunning corrupt congresswhores had to specifically insert language to make that restriction "not apply" to the use they carefully planned for this $300 MILLION.

"But that's nothing to be concerned about, citizen, cuz the 'Secretary' would have to 'find' that dis wuz absolutely necessary!  So see, nothin' to be concerned about!"

The Secretary (of HHS) hand-picked by bidumb--who will have this post for the next two years--is the unimaginably corrupt Xavier Becerra, who resigned his lifetime-safe House seat from California to take the far-less-powerful, less-lucrative post of the state's attorney-general.  

He did that because investigator were closing in on him for corruption, and he believed--correctly--that the investigators would give up if he resigned.  So you already know how the $300 MILLION will be spent: it will pay a "Big Pharma" company to build or renovate a "facility" using taxpayer funds.

Congratulations, peasant:  Your corrupt congresswhores just ORDERED you to give the executives and stockholders of Big Pharma a $300 MILLION present.

The beneficiaries won't even thank you.  Cuz you didn't have any say in it.  You just paid for it.

Naturally you don't believe any of that.  Well take a look below:

Democrats:  "Dis not true!  Dis all lies!  FAKE NEWZ by Rethuglican 'domestic violent extremists!  Dis wuz NOT on page 1,046 of dis totally necessary, non-pork-laden bill!  An' dis bill did NOT have 4,155 pages, cuz dat would make it impossible for any congresscritter to read it!  An' doze honest congresscritters wud NEVAH pass a LAW wif'out reading it, right?"



Corrupt congresswhores are about to pass a 4,155-page, $1.7 TRILLION spending bill, rushed thru in ten days

Your totally corrupt congress is about to pass a "spending bill" 4,155 pages long.  It's utterly packed with unconstitutional "earmarks"--money the soon-to-be LAW demands be given to special-interest groups, each of which has donated money to the congresswhore who inserted the "earmark."

Not one congresswhore has had time--let alone the inclination--to read this entire bill.  Most of 'em don't give a damn what it contains, because most are in on the scam.  And the few that aren't don't have the votes to stop it from passing.  And it's being pushed by the corrupt Mitch McConnell and most of the retiring GOP senators as well as the Dems.

Behold your corrupt government "at work."

Here's a list of just a FEW of the hundreds of "earmarks" in this utterly corrupt bill:

💸 $1.2 million for “LGBTQIA+ Pride Centers”
💸 $1.2 million for "services for DACA recipients” (aka helping illegal aliens with taxpayer funds) at San Diego Community College.
💸 $477k for the Equity Institute in RI to indoctrinate teachers with “antiracism virtual labs.”
💸 $1 million for Zora’s House in Ohio, a “coworking and community space” for “women and gender-expansive people of color.”
💸 $3 million for the American LGBTQ+ Museum in New York City.
💸 $3.6 million for a Michelle Obama Trail in Georgia.
💸 $750k for the for “LGBT and Gender Non-Conforming housing” in Albany, New York.
💸 $2 million for the “Great Blacks in Wax” museum in Baltimore.
💸 $856k for the “LGBT Center” in New York.

💸 $750k for the “TransLatina Coalition” to provide “workforce development programs and supportive services for Transgender and Gender nonconforming and Intersex immigrant women in Los Angeles.

If you're interested in why the Constitution did NOT give congress the power to do this, click here.

December 20, 2022

NPR: Taliban bans women from parks, gyms, middle schools, highschools and universities in Afghanistan

Dec 20, 2022

"Okay everyone, all together now:  'Where is the headquarters of the Oppressive anti-feminist Patriarchy?' Say it loud now!"

[Congregation]:  "WESTERN NATIONS!"

"Absolutely, sisters!  So now that we've managed to help the Taliban drive the Oppressive U.S. forces out of Afghanistan, dem nice Taliban boyz will grant women their rightful place in society!  Full equality, comrades!"

"Now we'll turn our program over to the awards committee which will award the prizes."

"Thank you Madam Chair.  Okay, who had 'Women will be banned from all public and private universities as of today?  That's worth $1,000.  There you go, ma'am, and congratulations.

"Now who predicted that girls would be banned from middle and highschools as of last September?  That was a harder prediction, so it wins $2,000.  There you go, ma'am, and congratulations.

"Now who predicted women and girls would be banned from parks and gyms as of May?  Very few people expected that one, so it wins $3,000.  Congratulations, ma'am.

"Finally, who had 'women will be banned from all employment'?  That one was pretty predictable, but still wins $1,000.  Congratulations."

[Congregation sits silently.  Their efforts to end what they termed "U.S. oppression" didn't work out quite the way they thought.]

Okay, end of satire.  The story below is from the Associated Press, via the totally unbiased folks at "your" National Public Radio.  I'll explain the signicance of this at the end.

Today a Taliban government spokesman said beginning immediately, women would be banned from private and public universities in Afghanistan.  It's just the latest Taliban edict reducing their rights and freedoms.

Despite initially promising a more moderate rule and women’s and minority rights, the Taliban have actually implemented their harsh interpretation of Sharia (Islamic law).

They Taliban has also banned women and girls from parks and gyms, banned girls from middle school and high school, banned women from most employment and ordered them to wear head-to-toe clothing in public.
[end of NPR/ AP story]

The Taliban actually banned girls from highschool last year, when they took control of the country after the horribly-mismanaged U.S. withdrawal (mis-managed by biden's top wokie generals, i.e political hacks without a lick of military sense).  But of course you never heard about that ban back then, cuz the Mainstream Media didn't wanna make the U.S. departure (rout) look any worse that it already did.

Now, I know you Democrats don't believe the story quoted above, cuz it shows that as usual, you were totally wrong in what you predicted would happen when U.S. troops were pulled out of that country.
So: both the AP and NPR are hard-left organs, so for both, this story is unquestionably what the law considers an "admission against interest."  When a defendant admits something that's against his or her interest to admit, the law gives that admission more testimonial weight.  The logic is that he or she would only admit something incriminating to avoid being boxed into admitting something even more incriminating.

That's what we have here: NPR and the AP know they professed to believe that the U.S. is the head of the oppressive patriarchy, while those nice Taliban boyz--just "fighting for their freedom" dontcha know--would surely be support equal rights.  Yep yep yep. Just like the communists always say. "male oppression" under duh Taliban, eh?

Now surely at least a few NPR/AP shills were smart enough to know that was horseshit.  But not one evah spoke up and said "Could it be that American troops are actually standing up for womens' rights?  I know that's hard for us to believe, cuz Oppressive Patriarchy n' all, but do ya think just maybe...?"

So...if NPR and AP ran with this story, you can believe it.  Cuz "admission against interest."  


"Medicaid"--an instructional tale of how compassion and virtue-signaling can quickly cost $600 BILLION per year

The Left wanted to put the government in charge of all medical care.  So in 19XX they got the nose of the camel into the tent by starting "Medicare" for Americans 65 and older.  Cuz we love our "elders" and want them to have a comfortable retirement.

Of course with that settled the Left neatly pivoted to the next most sympathetic group--the poor--and came up with "Medicaid."  People of all ages could qualify for this super new program, you just couldn't make more than 125% of the "poverty line" (which increased every year).

You will be absolutely amazed to learn that initial projections were that only a few million people qualified.  But much to the surprise of politicians, when you offer "free shit" to people making less than X, you suddenly find that your estimates of how many people made less than X were WAY off!

So when Medicaid started in 1966 the entire program cost about $4 per U.S. resident, and paid about $200 per "enrollee" per year.  Fabulous, eh?

By 1971 the program was costing double the estimates of just six years earlier.  Which is really shocking cuz doze estimates were made by certified "experts"--who were still claiming they were right.'d be amazed how fast the word spread that you could get "free" medical care if you just made less than X.  So two years ago 33 million people were enrolled in Medicaid.  The program was costing nearly $750 per resident and paying enrollees an average of $6,000 each per year.  

But that was way back in 2000.  Today, after duh Dem shutdown of duh whole ekonomy cuz of duh chyna virus, wif lotsa pipo losin' dere jobz, duh experts say 100 million 'Mericans are now enrolled in Medicaid--three times the number just two years ago.

If we don't see ANY increase in per-enrollee costs, and use the same $6,000 per enrollee per year as in 2000, the program would cost a staggering $600 BILLION this year. 

According to one estimate, now that people are slowly going back to work in the faaaabulous Democrat economy, at least 21 million of the 100 million people on Medicaid earn too much money to qualify.  So Leftists wail that they might be "dis-enrolled."  That's wishful thinking.  Instead they'll just magically report lower earnings in order to stay on the "free healthcare" gravy train.

When the cost of a program triples in two years, one would think responsible "leaders" would act to rein in the exploding cost.  But of course the "free medical care" lobby is far too powerful for more than a handful of congresspersons to back any effective change to cut costs.

What you're seeing here is called the "Cloward-Piven strategy."

For young Americans, that's an explicit strategy first described in 1966 by two communist professors at the Columbia School of Social Work (of course).  (With characteristic pro-communist camouflage Wiki calls 'em "social activists").  

The strategy was to overload the welfare system and cause it to collapse, which they believed would make it easy to push through the "guaranteed annual income" and "income redistribution" they wanted.

It was a strategy eagerly embraced by the Left and all its agents.

"See, what we need to do is to give every American below 150% of the poverty line $5,000 per month, jus' fo' bein' alive.  That'll motivate em we're still trying to figure that out, but we're sure it'll motivate 'em to do something.  And that will be good for the economy, eh?  Cuz if we gibs 'em $5,000 per month, states can stop worrying about how to fund $1,500 a month in welfare!  WOOT!

An' dat don't include duh reparations.  We gonna neegotiatie dat separately.

See, dis beez why we Democrats are rulin' duh preznitsy an' bof chambers of duh congress!  Cuz we is duh smaht ones!  We know how to git dem votes frum all doze pipo! 

It's sad that we've come to this, but here we are.

And yesterday another 24,000 illegal aliens were allowed to enter the U.S. by the Democrats.  Yay!

The Germans found the data. Your CDC knows the data for the U.S. too. They just refuse to tell us.

The government of Germany is known for keeping pretty thorough records.  In this case they keep medical records on 72 MILLION Germans.  So when crazy right-wing conspiracy nuts began claiming unusually high numbers of fit people around the world, with no known medical conditions, were dropping dead of unknown causes, the German government got right to work to see if that was true.

Cuz, see, if it the number of people dying suddenly had increased significantly, someone might wanna try to see if there was a common thread, y'know?  I mean, it sounds silly but some people look for reasons for unusual bad things, eh?

So here's what the Germans found:

I can hear my totally-liberal, credulous siblings now: "Dis perfectly normal, you Science-denier!  Not an unusual increase at ALL!  You jus' don' wanna believe it when brilliant people like DOCTOR Tony "I-am-Science" Fauci says duh vaccines are both "Safe...and Effective!  You unvaxxed monsters are jus' tryin' ta kill po' li'l Sally, and grandmother!"

"See, it's SCIENCE!!  You jus' don' wanna believe duh Science!"

Ah, I see.  Is that the same fraud Fauci who looked right into the camera and solemnly told us that if you took the jab you could NOT get covid, and couldn't transmit it to others?  And that wearing a mask would stop transmission of the virus?  THAT Dr. Science?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

What's interesting is that you people seem at least theoretically smart.  But for some reason you're astonishingly credulous.  You believe things the so-called "experts" and the Media tell you even though you have no earthly idea if it's true.  You just believe it cuz some dipshit with a title and a huge salary said it was true.  Which is pretty much the definition of "credulous." 

(For young Americans:  Credulous is "willing to believe or trust too readily, especially without proper or adequate evidence;  synonym gullible.)

You're the same people who believe electric cars will save the planet, while voting to tear down dams that make clean, non-radioactive energy, because...reasons.

You're the people who believe the Dutch government is right to ban fertilizer for farming, cuz...reasons.  You're not sure exactly what the reasons are, but you're sure they have some vague connection to Global Warming, so that as far as you're concerned that settles the argument.  But you have no idea what gas they're blaming, or how many parts per million are in the air today, or were in the air a million years ago.  You just read a story and...believed it.

You're the same people who believe "America has always been a raaaacist country," and "America was founded on raaacism!"  You believe it because the Media screamed it, and the elites echoed it.  And you recall that when the Constitution was ratified, for purposes of apportioning House seats, it was agreed that blacks were to be counted as "three-fifths of a person."  Yet not one of you in 100,000 knows the reason for that compromise.

If you're well-informed, go ahead: say aloud the reason.  Then ask your friends.  When you've got the answer, highlight the area below to show it.  I rest my case.

That compromise was inserted at the demand of northern delegates to the convention, because they wanted to reduce the number of House seats the southern states would get.


Back to the graph above:  German researchers found a HUGE jump in "sudden adult deaths" after the covid "vax" became widely available.  Yeah, I know correlation doesn't show causation, but my point is that very few other countries have bothered to publish that data.  And I can absolutely assure you that "your" vaunted CDC and NIH both know exactly what those numbers are for the U.S.  They're just not about to tell you--cuz dat would make people think that a government that ORDERED every U.S. citizen to take the jab or be fired, and ordered kids as young as 5 to take the jab to go to school, is either astonishingly dumb, or wants to kill its own people.

I'll wait while you liberals decide which way you'd like to jump on the answer that question.  Or feel free to invent an answer that paints your party in a much better light.  Just be advised that the bleat "They just didn't know" rings hollow when the rest of us have been trying to warn you for over a year.

"Do NOT jump off that cliff, cuz you'll die."  [jumps anyway]  Liberal: "He/they/ze/zir/zum jus' didn't know!  No one warned ze/zir!  Why didn't you tell ze/zir?"


In any case, Merry Christmas.

Does the Constitution give congress the power to pass all manner of "welfare" programs?

Leftists claim the Constitution specifically authorizes the federal government to enact every policy the left demands, because of the phrase ”promote the general welfare," which appears twice in that document.

For this to be true, one must show that the Founders actually intended this result--and here Leftists go quiet--because clearly that's not what the Founders envisioned--as will be shown.

As always, the Left deliberately ignores all historical data and context to get whatever it wants.  And here's what they spend your taxes on:  here are just a few of the thousands of "earmarks" that have been hidden in the 4,155-page, $1.7 TRILLION spending bill the corrupt congress is about to pass.  Each of these "earmarks" uses your taxes to pay for the left’s extreme agenda.

(For young Americans, an "earmark" is an order to spend money on a specific project that benefits one special-interest group that donated to the congresswhore who inserted the provision into the bill.)

💸 $1.2 million for “LGBTQIA+ Pride Centers”
💸 $1.2 million for "services for DACA recipients” (aka helping illegal aliens with taxpayer funds) at San Diego Community College.
💸 $477k for the Equity Institute in RI to indoctrinate teachers with “antiracism virtual labs.”
💸 $1 million for Zora’s House in Ohio, a “coworking and community space” for “women and gender-expansive people of color.”
💸 $3 million for the American LGBTQ+ Museum in New York City.
💸 $3.6 million for a Michelle Obama Trail in Georgia.
💸 $750k for the for “LGBT and Gender Non-Conforming housing” in Albany, New York.
💸 $2 million for the “Great Blacks in Wax” museum in Baltimore.
💸 $856k for the “LGBT Center” in New York.
💸 $750k for the “TransLatina Coalition” to provide “workforce development programs and supportive services for Transgender and Gender nonconforming and Intersex immigrant women in Los Angeles.

Now: The Left (Democrats) claim the Constitution gives congress the power to spend your money on any "social welfare program" it wants--because the preamble of the Constitution includes the phrase “promote the general Welfare.”  So let's take a look:

The preamble is a one-sentence explanation telling future readers why the Founders drafted the document and established our system of government.

The preamble lists six reasons the Founders drafted the Constitution, including "to…promote the general Welfare….”  This is the phrase the Left uses to justify ALL federal programs that are clearly not authorized by the rest of the document.

But *by law,* the preamble itself confers no power.  In contract law a preamble isn't held to be legally enforceable.  Legal scholars on the Left know this, so virtually all the arguments that the Constitution actually gives the federal government unlimited power (an inevitable conclusion if one accepts the Left's argument that the Founders intended that their new government have the power to "promote the general Welfare") are made by lesser lights whose reasoning is utter crap.

Are you surprised?

Also, to successfully claim the Constitution actually grants this unlimited power, one must (by long-held contract law) also show that the Founders intended such a result.

As will be shown, they didn't.  The actual powers the Founders intended their new central government to have are *expressly detailed* in the remaining Articles of the Constitution.  So again, let's look:

Article I, Section 8 (A1S8) contains the second mention of the phrase “general Welfare,” in a section that delegates a specific list of powers to Congress.  It begins “Congress shall have Power To … provide for the…general Welfare of the United States.”

This is usually called the “welfare clause.”  And it's the clause the Left uses to claim that the Founders intended that the central government have unlimited power.  Using tax dollars to pay off loans for ___-studies majors?  Using tax dollare to pay for medical care for low-income people?  Free food for low-income people?  The Left claims all such powers were explicitly granted by the Founders.

But does that word "general" before "welfare" have any relevance here?

Leftists: "Whut?  Nah, dat jus' boilerplate.  Don' mean nuttin'."

Are you surprised?

Fortunately, immediately following this "unlimited power" clause is a list of 16 specific powers showing exactly what the Founders intended.  For example, “To establish Post Offices” and “To raise and support Armies.”

Leftists: "Ah, but A1S8 ends by giving congress the power 'To make all Laws' needed to "provide for the general welfare.'  So, SEE?  We told ya!"

No.  The grant is to pass laws needed to carry out “the foregoing Powers...", i.e. the 16 specific functions envisioned by the Founders.

Yes, the last sentence in the clause does add "...and all other Powers vested by this Constitution,” but to use that line to justify unlimited power gets us back to the question of what the Founders intended those "other powers" to be.  The preamble doesn't do it, nor are they included in the list of 16 specific powers.

So the phrase "...and all other Powers vested by this Constitution" clearly wasn't intended as authorizing Congress to fund anything it wanted merely by claiming some program to be "general welfare."

To claim the Founders intended that the "welfare clause" gave congress a power other than the 16 explicitly enumerated requires that we accept that there was no point in the Founders listing the 16 specific powers.  That is, why would they provide specific powers if they intended that congress could do ANYTHING, eh?  Such a list would serve no useful purpose. And the law assumes rational people don't bother putting things in contracts that serve no useful purpose.

That list exists because the authorized powers are limited to the list.  When an enumerated list is used in a contract, the principle is “the designation of one is the exclusion of the other.”  The Founders were well familiar with the law, and viewed the Constitution as a legal contract among the states that ratified it.

Even Alexander Hamilton--a big advocate for a powerful central government--wrote (in Federalist #83) “an affirmative grant of special powers would be absurd as well as useless if a general authority was intended.”

The delegates of the 13 states of the "Confederation" spent five months in Philadelphia in the hot summer of 1787 debating, refining, rewording and finally agreeing on the precise language of the proposed Constitution. On September 17th, they submitted the document to the states for ratification.

Every word in it was carefully chosen.  For the Left to claim the Founders listed “Establish Post Offices” and “declare War” as specifically delegated powers of Congress, yet actually intended Congress to have the unlimited power to do anything that could be considered "welfare," cannot be supported as a matter of law and logic.

But if some later Americans decided to give the central government the power to use tax dollars to (for example) give some people free medical care, or build LGBTQ centers, or Black History museums, the Founders provided a way for future Americans to do that, by "amending" the Constitution.  So when oh-so-virtuous pols in congress proposed laws adding new "welfare programs," they could have proposed an amendment to give them that power.

But of course they never offered such an amendment--because for any amendment to become law it must be ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the states.  The Left knew that wouldn't happen.  They knew most Americans would object to giving congress unlimited power.  (Today welfare programs have become so numerous that the historical opposition may no longer be true.)

Does anyone really believe that the men who drafted and ratified the Constitution had never heard of hungry kids and the cost of attending college, so simply forgot to list such functions as envisioned federal powers?

Even back in 1787 they knew about hunger and the cost of a college education.

So: All federally funded social welfare programs are unconstitutional.  Yet the Supreme Court--wanting to be popular above all--has never ruled any new "welfare" program unconstitutional.  They came close when Franklin Roosevelt's Dems passed Social Security, but caved when FDR threatened to pack the court with Democrats to ensure court would approve the new welfare program.

Nothing in the Constitution’s preamble, or the welfare clause of Article I, or in the other articles gave Congress the power to fund any social welfare program for sub-sets of citizens in particular situations.  Such programs are not the “general Welfare of the United States” as defined by the Constitution,

No matter how good these programs make Dem pols feel, they're all unconstitutional.  And if left in place they will complete the destruction of the United States, by bankrupting the country.

The 10th Amendment specifically states that any powers not *specifically* granted to the central government were “reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”  This underscores that the Constitution didn't grant either Congress or any other agency of the federal government any power not expressly delegated to it.  But the courts have ignored this explicit amendment.

By contrast, all states were free to try whatever welfare programs they wanted.  It would have been a great experiment:  Had NY and California passed the current vast array of welfare programs, we would have been able to see the results of their doing so.  Had those states prospered, others would have copied their faaabulous example, and eventually the Left might have finally offered its never-offered amendment.

Obviously too late now.  The unhappy result--the end of the U.S. as we've known it--is now, sadly, unavoidable. 

(Adapted from this article by by Keith Bessette in the Federalist)

December 19, 2022

Anyone recall what they told us the predicted fatality rate was for duh Chyna virus? New study shows...

Hey citizen, I know y'all are busy raising kids or trying to keep food on the table or trying to pass college courses, so no one has time to keep up with events.  But think back:  Around April of 2020 most states shut down their economy: businesses the governor deemed "non-essential" were ordered closed.  In some Democrat-ruled states, like Michigan, you were allowed to go to "big-box" stores but weren't allowed to buy certain things the governor said you couldn't.  

For example, in Michigan you could go to Home Depot but you weren't allowed to buy plant seeds or fertilizer to grow food.  Apparently the governors had found a way to keep duh Chyna virus out of the plumbing and electrical aisles but not out of the aisles selling seeds and fertilizer.

Seriously.  Of course you probably didn't hear about that so as far as you know it never happened, eh? 

Most restaurants in Dem-ruled states were shut down.  You had to wear a mask to go to the grocery store--cuz they falsely claimed masks prevented people from transmitting duh virus.  Yep.  That was a lie, but who cared, right?

Point was, they had to scare you into thinking little Sally was gonna die unless they shut everything down.  And it worked.

So what I'd like you to do is try to recall what the Establishment told ya the fatality rate was if ya got duh Chyna virus.  Did they say it would kill, say, six percent of those who got it?  Three percent?  One percent?  What do you recall?

All you recall is that every broadcast and cable "newz" channel had those big red totalizers on the right side of the screen listing the total number of Americans reported as having been infected, and above that the number who'd died--although there seemed to be some confusion on whether "died with" or "died from."

So what percentage did they tell you would die if infected?

Of course you don't remember, but Hoo Boy it was a scary-big number, right?  Cuz if they'd admitted that if properly treated, covid was not significantly more lethal than ordinary flu, no one would have gone along with their orders to shut down the whole damn economy, right?

Well guess what, sparky:  Seven weeks ago a study was published giving the answer.  Published by the National Institutes of Health, for what that's worth.  Here's what they found:

  • the fatality rate for those between 60 and 70 was one-half of one percent of those infected;
  • the fatality rate for those between 50 and 60 was about one-eighth of one percent;
  • for those between 40 and 50 it was 35 one-thousandths of one percent;
  • for those between 30 and 40 it was 11 one-thousandths of one percent
  • for those between 20 and 30 it was two one-thousandths of one percent;
  • and for people under 20 it was three ten-thousandths of one percent (0.0003%)

As the researchers drily put it, "The current analysis suggests a much lower [fatality rate] in non-elderly populations than previously suggested." 

Interestingly, the researchers didn't bother to list the fatality rate for under-16s, let alone for children under six, because the numbers are just too tiny.  And yet the people running your lives ORDERED that your six-year-old would not be allowed to go to school unless he or she had taken the experimental jab.

Rarely does a week pass without some study being published confirming the things I was telling you a year or two ago.   Probably just lucky guesses.

The study I'd love to see is one comparing the fatality rates between vaccinated and unvaxxed.  From everything I've seen so far I'll be surprised if the rate for vaxxed people is barely one percent lower than unvaxxed.  And after accounting for the number of "sudden deaths in those with no prior medical conditions, within two weeks of taking the vaccine," I predict there won't be a statistically-significant difference.

As the U.S. continues to implode, trivia: yet another school district encourages staff to secretly help minor kids "transition"

So many huge, nation-killing events have been happening in the last two years that things that would have outraged many Americans two years ago now are barely even noticed.  

Example: In a small public school in a minor state, a mother putting clean laundry in her 13-year-old daughter's dresser found a "chest binder."

When she asked her daughter about it, her daughter said her male "social worker" at her public school had given it to her to enable her to "transition."  This happened just two weeks after her daughter was "assigned" to "social worker" Sam Roy.  And as you already guessed, the "social worker" told her not to tell her parents anything.

Now, one more 13-year-old girl wanting to be male--and being secretly encouraged to do so by school staff--isn't a big deal (unless it's your daughter).  Instead, what you should take away from this story is the way the school responded:

  • They immediately removed their list of staff from the school website;
  • They refused to respond to the mother's questions;
  • They refused to respond to media questions;
  • No member of the school board would respond to questions.

The official position of virtually the entire public-school bureaucracy in this country now seems to be that your kids belong to them.  If your kid expresses perfectly normal anxiety about his or her sex at 13, the school is spring-loaded to help them "transition," without telling the parents.  And thus far parents haven't been able to sue the school board or school district for "tortious interference" or anything else, cuz..."It's 'Official District Policy,' and you can't change or challenge 'District Policy' cuz we iz duh experts and you iz jus' a parent."

That attitude should outrage everyone with a functioning brain.

To add insult to injury, so far no court has sided with any parents.  And because the tranny mafia is so powerful, most parents are reluctant to object, for fear of being called "transphobic" or "haters" or "bullies" or whatever the current favorite epithet is.  Being called "transphobic" will get you fired from most government jobs.

Now for the topper: In 2019 the state legislature passed, and Gov. Janet Mills signed, a law that bans “conversion therapy” of minors.  Conversion therapy has been called "controversial" by the gay and trans mafia because counselors try to convince teens claiming to be gay or transgender that they may not be.  So it's now against the law to try to do that.

But it's still quite legal for school counselors and "social workers" to convince minors who express normal anxiety and uncertainty about sex that they are actually gay or transgender.

So...perfectly fine and legal to convince kids they ARE gay or trans, but against the law to try to convince kids they may just be going through a normal phase.  Cuz your rulers have said doing THAT is "controversial," and "pseudo-science." 

Makes total sense.