"Don't tell me anything that contradicts anything the Democrat party says"
A lifetime ago I flew big jets across the Pacific. And one of the things you needed to learn was that when another crewmember said "Sir I think you need to look at this," you didn't argue with him. He'd seen something or knew something about the airplane that you probably didn't, and thought you should know about it. The new info might be disturbing, but it would never occur to you to ignore it, since id you did, you might not end up at the destination you planned.
Relevance: Years ago, to my surprise, I found that Democrats/leftists/sheep do NOT want to know anything that conflicts with their worldview. This seemed so dumb, so illogical, that I tested that hypothesis in lots of ways, each time trying to couch the info in less and less disturbing terms.
What I found is that I couldn't find way to get 'em to at least listen to information they didn't wanna hear. No point in trying to talk with my liberal friends about...well, anything having to do with the policies of our government rulers. But sometimes (rarely) I'll take a shot with one of my siblings--all of whom are diehard liberals.
Many people have said that no matter how much data you have, it's impossible to reason people out of a position they didn't reason themselves into. For years I thought that was just a clever aphorism, but it seems totally accurate. People of a certain mind-set simply refuse even to listen to information that conflicts with their worldview.
For example, I have yet to meet a single leftist who's willing to listen to the hard data showing that
- Covid was made lethal to humans by modifying a previously-harmless bat virus, specifically by inserting four genes that made it better able to attack cells in the human airway having an "ACE-2" receptor;
- the modification was done by Chinese researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology;
- Tony Fauci gave U.S. taxpayer funds to that institute, specifically for researching how to insert genetic code into a virus. The funds were funneled thru a "cutout" called "EcoHealth Alliance" directed by Peter Daszak;
- Contrary to what Fauci et al endlessly bleated, the vaccines do NOT prevent you from getting the virus, or transmitting it to others. The trials were not only far too short but were also faked to make it appear that the vaxxes worked, when they didn't;
- The so-called "vaccines" cause long, rubbery blood clots, of a length never seen before. This has been found by hundreds of embalmers and morticians around the U.S.--filmed as ten-inch-long clots were pulled out of bodies. Yet "your" CDC--which would normally be hell-bent on discovering the cause--has totally ignored those videos, photos and reports. It's like if they keep ignoring 'em, they'll go away?
- The so-called "vaccines" kill fit young people with no "co-morbidities." By contrast, people under 30 who get covid almost never die from it. Yet school systems are ORDERING your kids to take the jab and all the boosters in order to go to school;
- Global Warming--now re-named "climate change" after too many Americans grew skeptical of "global warming"--is NOT caused by CO2;
- Maps of glacier faces in Alaska bays from as early as 1750 show those glaciers have been steadily retreating ever since--yet humans only started burning significant amounts of carbon fuels around 1945;
- The newest "deadly greenhouse gas" the Dems demand we eliminate is produced by nitrogen fertilizers. One European nation has already ordered farmers to stop using fertilizer, and to cut their dairy herds in half. If you think that's not coming here you're too naive to breathe;
- Contra to Democrat bleating, the most powerful cause of inflation (by far) is printing billions of dollars of paper currency. More money chasing the same quantity of goods bids the price up;
- The Democrats have now stolen two elections in a row, and corrupt judges still refuse to allow any evidence to be presented to a jury. The cases are either dismissed with the bullshit excuse that "You don't have standing to sue" or "Okay, you showed that 50,000 ballots are missing, but you haven't shown that this was done maliciously, and I decree that the mere fact that they're missing, and all from heavily-Republican areas, isn't good enough to allow a full investigation;
- Hunter Biden's laptop shows clear evidence that the biden family has been taking payments from foreign governments for years.
- When the NY Post published the story three weeks before the 2020 election, the FBI pressured Twatter and Fakebook to kill the story--which they did.
- Before Musk bought Twitter, former execs bleated that they NEVAH colluded with the FBI to censor views the biden regime didn't like, but now the release of internal emails between Twitter censors and FBI agents--"the Twitter files"-- shows conclusively that this is exactly what happened;
- Contra to the endlessly repeated bleats of shit-head Mayorkas and Harris, the southern border is not even remotely secure, but is wide open. The cartels know it, the rest of the world knows it, and all the illegal aliens know it. The only people who believe it's "closed" are Democrat sheep;
And the above list just scratches the surface. For example, the biden regime is pushing the DOJ to declare parents who object to school staff helping their kid get a sex-change operation without telling the parents. Astonishing.
So taking the vax as an example: not a single Democrat will EVER change their view that the vax is "safe and effective" even if their fit 15-year-old with no known pre-existing medical conditions suddenly dropped dead. “It just happens. This has ALWAYS happened–not unusual at all!”
They seem to have an ENDLESS ability to rationalize that whatever decision they make–who they voted for, forcing their kid to take the jab, etc–was the right decision, always. If there’a a bad (or tragic) result, it CAN’T be because they made a stupid decision–or often no decision, just going with the herd.
My siblings are exactly like this. High IQ, advanced degrees, but when you say “So what do you think about how the FBI got social media to bury they story about Hunter Biden’s laptop?” or “What do you think about the sudden deaths being reported in fit young people?” they get positively angry. “Don’t talk to me about those things!”
Amazing. These people will never believe the FBI pressured Social Media to delete posts the biden regime didn't like. Or anything on the list above. They just don't want to hear anything that disturbs their worldview.
Doesn't seem like a good way to run a family, or a nation. And I don't think they'll like the destination they're heading for.
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