December 30, 2022

"We have only ten years to prevent catastrophe" of Global Warming!!!" Wait...

"It's absowootwy twoo, citizens!  We onwy have ten yeeus to saave de Erf oh we'ah aw be keewd!  We know dis is twoo becuz we lissen to Science!  Peepo who do not lissen to Science want to keew youah childwen!"

Oh wait...they said this WHEN?  1972?  Gosh, how can we still be here?

Oh wait (again):  Maybe this was back when the Sciency types were telling us the planet was headed for another Ice Age!  Wonder how they saved us from duh Ice Age, eh?

But don't worry, citizens: THIS time they're sure!  Cuz Scientists are a LOT smahtah now..


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