Old scare: "Nuclear Winter!" Trendy new solution to "most deadly problem evah": "Let's do Nuclear Winter"
Back in the Bad Old Days of what was called the Cold War most Americans were at least somewhat concerned that if the Soviet Union (which was a real thing then; google it) decided to launch a nuclear attack, the world would be toast.
Aside from the obvious, one of the deadly problems foreseen by the experts was that dust blown into the stratosphere by a few thousand nuclear warheads would block enough of the sun's rays that the earth would get far colder. Crops would fail for lack of enough sun.
It was called "nuclear winter," and the Mainstream Media was full of stories about how deadly it would be. It would take decades for enough of the dust to settle to bring back anything like normality.
But that was *then.* Today we have crazy Global Warmies who are actually talking about launching rockets into space loaded with sulfur crystals, to block the sun's rays *deliberately.*
Seriously. Cuz when you're a Warmist, you actually *want* nuclear winter, since Everyone Knows the most dire problem facing our planet is...Globull Worming.
But wait...it gets better: Moonbats are so convinced that we can't wait to invoke artificial winter that one of 'em has formed a company that claims it's already launched weather balloons that *may* have released reflective sulfur particles in the stratosphere.
Realizing that the Legal System in the U.S. might put a hitch in their plans, they cunningly launched these balloons from Mexico, so they'd be safe from the SEC, EPA, IRS, DHS, HHS, DOE, DOEd, DOJ, FBI, CIA or any of another dozen U.S. 3-letter agencies.
But never fear: The startup is a scam. It’s already offering to sell “cooling credits” for future flights *possibly* spewing sulfur crystals into the stratosphere.
If you're a college-age American you probably think no company could be dumb enough to fall for such an obvious scam. But you'd be wrong: for years "woke" (i.e. gullible) liberal CEOs have been spending millions to buy so-called "carbon credits." One branch of that was that sellers of those credits claimed that if your company paid 'em millions, they'd use "a lot" of that money to hire people to plant trees in the rainforest.
Of course it was impossible to confirm that those pushing the "carbon credits" would do what they said. But that didn't bother the wokie execs, cuz what mattered was that the public saw that They Cared.
Virtue signaling at its finest.
And now the co-founder and CEO of the startup has found an even more esoteric scam: Buy our "cooling credits" and we promise to launch balloons that may or may not spew a few kilos of magic crystals into the upper atmosphere. And of course no one can tell whether it actually happens.
I suspect the wokie warmists working for the biden regime will be watching the public's response to this very intently. If the public doesn't get upset, the warmists will push the Democrats to fund a large-scale version. Cuz, Global Worming is the most serious problem in the world, comrade!
The company says it has raised $750,000 in funding from Boost VC and Pioneer Fund, among others, and that its early investors have also been purchasing cooling credits.
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