December 19, 2022

Anyone recall what they told us the predicted fatality rate was for duh Chyna virus? New study shows...

Hey citizen, I know y'all are busy raising kids or trying to keep food on the table or trying to pass college courses, so no one has time to keep up with events.  But think back:  Around April of 2020 most states shut down their economy: businesses the governor deemed "non-essential" were ordered closed.  In some Democrat-ruled states, like Michigan, you were allowed to go to "big-box" stores but weren't allowed to buy certain things the governor said you couldn't.  

For example, in Michigan you could go to Home Depot but you weren't allowed to buy plant seeds or fertilizer to grow food.  Apparently the governors had found a way to keep duh Chyna virus out of the plumbing and electrical aisles but not out of the aisles selling seeds and fertilizer.

Seriously.  Of course you probably didn't hear about that so as far as you know it never happened, eh? 

Most restaurants in Dem-ruled states were shut down.  You had to wear a mask to go to the grocery store--cuz they falsely claimed masks prevented people from transmitting duh virus.  Yep.  That was a lie, but who cared, right?

Point was, they had to scare you into thinking little Sally was gonna die unless they shut everything down.  And it worked.

So what I'd like you to do is try to recall what the Establishment told ya the fatality rate was if ya got duh Chyna virus.  Did they say it would kill, say, six percent of those who got it?  Three percent?  One percent?  What do you recall?

All you recall is that every broadcast and cable "newz" channel had those big red totalizers on the right side of the screen listing the total number of Americans reported as having been infected, and above that the number who'd died--although there seemed to be some confusion on whether "died with" or "died from."

So what percentage did they tell you would die if infected?

Of course you don't remember, but Hoo Boy it was a scary-big number, right?  Cuz if they'd admitted that if properly treated, covid was not significantly more lethal than ordinary flu, no one would have gone along with their orders to shut down the whole damn economy, right?

Well guess what, sparky:  Seven weeks ago a study was published giving the answer.  Published by the National Institutes of Health, for what that's worth.  Here's what they found:

  • the fatality rate for those between 60 and 70 was one-half of one percent of those infected;
  • the fatality rate for those between 50 and 60 was about one-eighth of one percent;
  • for those between 40 and 50 it was 35 one-thousandths of one percent;
  • for those between 30 and 40 it was 11 one-thousandths of one percent
  • for those between 20 and 30 it was two one-thousandths of one percent;
  • and for people under 20 it was three ten-thousandths of one percent (0.0003%)

As the researchers drily put it, "The current analysis suggests a much lower [fatality rate] in non-elderly populations than previously suggested." 

Interestingly, the researchers didn't bother to list the fatality rate for under-16s, let alone for children under six, because the numbers are just too tiny.  And yet the people running your lives ORDERED that your six-year-old would not be allowed to go to school unless he or she had taken the experimental jab.

Rarely does a week pass without some study being published confirming the things I was telling you a year or two ago.   Probably just lucky guesses.

The study I'd love to see is one comparing the fatality rates between vaccinated and unvaxxed.  From everything I've seen so far I'll be surprised if the rate for vaxxed people is barely one percent lower than unvaxxed.  And after accounting for the number of "sudden deaths in those with no prior medical conditions, within two weeks of taking the vaccine," I predict there won't be a statistically-significant difference.


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