December 20, 2022

The Germans found the data. Your CDC knows the data for the U.S. too. They just refuse to tell us.

The government of Germany is known for keeping pretty thorough records.  In this case they keep medical records on 72 MILLION Germans.  So when crazy right-wing conspiracy nuts began claiming unusually high numbers of fit people around the world, with no known medical conditions, were dropping dead of unknown causes, the German government got right to work to see if that was true.

Cuz, see, if it the number of people dying suddenly had increased significantly, someone might wanna try to see if there was a common thread, y'know?  I mean, it sounds silly but some people look for reasons for unusual bad things, eh?

So here's what the Germans found:

I can hear my totally-liberal, credulous siblings now: "Dis perfectly normal, you Science-denier!  Not an unusual increase at ALL!  You jus' don' wanna believe it when brilliant people like DOCTOR Tony "I-am-Science" Fauci says duh vaccines are both "Safe...and Effective!  You unvaxxed monsters are jus' tryin' ta kill po' li'l Sally, and grandmother!"

"See, it's SCIENCE!!  You jus' don' wanna believe duh Science!"

Ah, I see.  Is that the same fraud Fauci who looked right into the camera and solemnly told us that if you took the jab you could NOT get covid, and couldn't transmit it to others?  And that wearing a mask would stop transmission of the virus?  THAT Dr. Science?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

What's interesting is that you people seem at least theoretically smart.  But for some reason you're astonishingly credulous.  You believe things the so-called "experts" and the Media tell you even though you have no earthly idea if it's true.  You just believe it cuz some dipshit with a title and a huge salary said it was true.  Which is pretty much the definition of "credulous." 

(For young Americans:  Credulous is "willing to believe or trust too readily, especially without proper or adequate evidence;  synonym gullible.)

You're the same people who believe electric cars will save the planet, while voting to tear down dams that make clean, non-radioactive energy, because...reasons.

You're the people who believe the Dutch government is right to ban fertilizer for farming, cuz...reasons.  You're not sure exactly what the reasons are, but you're sure they have some vague connection to Global Warming, so that as far as you're concerned that settles the argument.  But you have no idea what gas they're blaming, or how many parts per million are in the air today, or were in the air a million years ago.  You just read a story and...believed it.

You're the same people who believe "America has always been a raaaacist country," and "America was founded on raaacism!"  You believe it because the Media screamed it, and the elites echoed it.  And you recall that when the Constitution was ratified, for purposes of apportioning House seats, it was agreed that blacks were to be counted as "three-fifths of a person."  Yet not one of you in 100,000 knows the reason for that compromise.

If you're well-informed, go ahead: say aloud the reason.  Then ask your friends.  When you've got the answer, highlight the area below to show it.  I rest my case.

That compromise was inserted at the demand of northern delegates to the convention, because they wanted to reduce the number of House seats the southern states would get.


Back to the graph above:  German researchers found a HUGE jump in "sudden adult deaths" after the covid "vax" became widely available.  Yeah, I know correlation doesn't show causation, but my point is that very few other countries have bothered to publish that data.  And I can absolutely assure you that "your" vaunted CDC and NIH both know exactly what those numbers are for the U.S.  They're just not about to tell you--cuz dat would make people think that a government that ORDERED every U.S. citizen to take the jab or be fired, and ordered kids as young as 5 to take the jab to go to school, is either astonishingly dumb, or wants to kill its own people.

I'll wait while you liberals decide which way you'd like to jump on the answer that question.  Or feel free to invent an answer that paints your party in a much better light.  Just be advised that the bleat "They just didn't know" rings hollow when the rest of us have been trying to warn you for over a year.

"Do NOT jump off that cliff, cuz you'll die."  [jumps anyway]  Liberal: "He/they/ze/zir/zum jus' didn't know!  No one warned ze/zir!  Why didn't you tell ze/zir?"


In any case, Merry Christmas.


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