December 31, 2022

You know the two worst problems facing us today, citizen?

Y'know, the two worst problems facing Americans today?  Sure, obvious to everyone: the most dire is, of course, the awful discrimination suffered by trans men--meaning, of course, men, who may have been temporarily gaining experience as a different gender, their true male-ness.  

So because they're absolutely, positively, no question about it MEN, you stupid bigots may be so unenlightened that you think MEN can't get pregnant.

Hahahahaha!  How silly!  You trans-phobes just don't believe in Science!  An' Science definitely says that real MEN CAN get pregnant.  So there!

Now that we've settled that, consider the second dire problem:  Not just "climate change," citizen, but an even worse problem: "Climate Discrimination."

Yes, it's well known that transgender pyrsyns face ghastly climate discrimination.  It's Science!  Fortunately our faaabulous Secretary of Transportation, who has overcome terrible discrimination himself in chest-feeding his baby, has assured us that the Biden-Harris administration will be spending $540 million on a campaign to educate transphobic Americans on the importance of ensuring that pregnant MEN don't suffer the horrors of Climate Discrimination.  Here's an example:



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