December 31, 2022

"They're not after you. They're after me"

Chances are you don't know what this actually means.

If you have young children you know they're defenseless against full-grown, evil people.

They depend on you.  On you making good decisions.  Their lives depend on it.

Two or three BILLION foreigners want to come here--and the Democrat "preznit" and Dem congress are welcoming them, telling them they won't be turned back or deported even if they've committed serious crimes.  Promising them thousands of dollars in "freebies" every month.

Over five million have walked in under biden's watch--and Democrats totally support that.

At this rate, soon this country will be FAR different from the one you grew up in.

If that's fine with you, so be it.  But if you have young children, ask yourself how they'll fare under the new regime.

Question is, do you want the Democrats open-borders plan to continue?  Will your children be better off with millions more illegals, or worse off?



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