Commenter: "Will we ever reach a 'tipping point,' where enough Americans say 'That's it, we're done' ?"
Commenter notes that although half the population sees what's happening, no one seems to be resisting. Asks
"Is there a point at which enough people are outraged that they'll be a critical mass? How many Americans need to die before there is an uncontrollable ourpouring of collective anger screaming for justice--screaming to kill the evil-doers?"
I think it’s extremely unlikely that there will EVER be a “critical mass” opposing the government’s thugs. If you're old enough, in school you learned about our Revolutionary War, so we think that's a pattern. But the only reason three percent of the colonists fought for independence back in 1776 was because the leaders of what were then "the colonies" were the ones driven to be free of royal rule, thus stoking the fires of revolution.
It's vastly different today: “our” political rulers are the ones ordering their thugs to arrest or kill anyone who disagrees with them. And they’re extremely aggressive about arresting anyone for even the most trivial offense, like Mike Flynn.
In the U.K. cops arrested a lone woman quietly standing across the fucking STREET from an abortion clinic. Cop demanded “Are you praying?” She replied "I might be, in my head," and he arrested her. Admittedly it's the U.K. but the same principle is already here in the U.S. Corrupt judges have *already* removed kids under 18 from the home if either parent objected to a sex-change operation. Seriously.
It's interesting that in all our studies of nations of old, whether kingdoms or groups that presumed to be more enlightened, all vanished. Ah well..."those who refuse to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them." Yep.
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