December 22, 2022

Delaware Supreme Court rules all-mail voting and same-day registration violate state constitution

Since you pay attention to national politics, you surely read or heard that the supreme court in biden's home state ruled that both all-mail voting AND same-day voting registration violated the state's constitution, eh?.

The state's Democrat-controlled legislature had passed both laws this past summer.

Democrats knew the state's constitution didn't allow either all-mail voting or same-day registration, and tried to get enough Republicans to support amending the constitution to permit both.  But the Republicans didn't bite, so the Democrat-controlled Assembly passed both laws anyway, hoping no one would complain.  Cuz..."equity."  Or something.

The Dems had previously approved a different vote-by-mail law during the Great Covid Plandemic in 2020, which was allowed for the 2020 and 2022 elections because the "emergency powers" in effect then allowed that law to take effect even though it violated the constitution.  But the officially-declared (by biden) end of the plandemic ended that law.

Democrats knew both laws strongly favored"efforts to win elections" so they scrambled to try to amend the constitution.  When that failed, they passed the new law anyway, hoping no one would notice or sue.  Cuz as they taught us in school, a "constitution" is merely a suggestion, having no legal force or effect.

At least that's what Democrats believe.



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