December 22, 2022

Monster "welfare" spending bill gives $750,000 to tranny Latina group that wants to dismantle our justice system

TWO DAYS AGO your highly-paid, corrupt congresswhores made public the pork-laden text of the massive 4,155-page, $1.7 TRILLION monstrosity the Mainstream Media is now diplomatically calling the "omnibus spending bill," which congress says they plan to pass tomorrow.

Oh THANK YOU, congresswhores!  You are TOO kind to allow us serfs to see your $700 BILLION in COMMANDED gifts to special-interest groups.

Among the billions of dollars the monster bill gives to special-interests is a tiny $750,000 one congresswhore explicitly ORDERED to be given to a Los Angeles-based transgender Latina group that bleats that it wants to dismantle the U.S. criminal justice system, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and to force “transgender history and discourse” into elementary schools, among other so-called "progressive initiatives."

Now, in the total scheme of government waste and corruption, three-quarters of a million dollars isn't enough for most people to get even mildly concerned about.  But it's the principle of the thing, because NONE of these earmarks are Constitutional.  But since all these "little" anti-American, pro-tranny bullshit programs are essentially overshadowed by the big-ticket items, few people notice 'em.

And of course next year all those "little" crap programs are not only still around, and still demanding money, they've also had a year to learn which congresswhores they can kick back ten or twenty thousand to to ensure they get twice as much money in the next budget.

And so it goes.  And as long as corruptocrats rule congress, there aren't enough votes to stop ANY of it.  

Here's a challenge to my Dem friends:  find corrupt "earmarks" submitted by Republicans.  Let's see how the figures stack up.  C'mon, y'all can do it!  Just download the 4,155-page bill and examine each earmark to see who that ordered cash payment benefits, and let us know.   


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