December 20, 2022

NPR: Taliban bans women from parks, gyms, middle schools, highschools and universities in Afghanistan

Dec 20, 2022

"Okay everyone, all together now:  'Where is the headquarters of the Oppressive anti-feminist Patriarchy?' Say it loud now!"

[Congregation]:  "WESTERN NATIONS!"

"Absolutely, sisters!  So now that we've managed to help the Taliban drive the Oppressive U.S. forces out of Afghanistan, dem nice Taliban boyz will grant women their rightful place in society!  Full equality, comrades!"

"Now we'll turn our program over to the awards committee which will award the prizes."

"Thank you Madam Chair.  Okay, who had 'Women will be banned from all public and private universities as of today?  That's worth $1,000.  There you go, ma'am, and congratulations.

"Now who predicted that girls would be banned from middle and highschools as of last September?  That was a harder prediction, so it wins $2,000.  There you go, ma'am, and congratulations.

"Now who predicted women and girls would be banned from parks and gyms as of May?  Very few people expected that one, so it wins $3,000.  Congratulations, ma'am.

"Finally, who had 'women will be banned from all employment'?  That one was pretty predictable, but still wins $1,000.  Congratulations."

[Congregation sits silently.  Their efforts to end what they termed "U.S. oppression" didn't work out quite the way they thought.]

Okay, end of satire.  The story below is from the Associated Press, via the totally unbiased folks at "your" National Public Radio.  I'll explain the signicance of this at the end.

Today a Taliban government spokesman said beginning immediately, women would be banned from private and public universities in Afghanistan.  It's just the latest Taliban edict reducing their rights and freedoms.

Despite initially promising a more moderate rule and women’s and minority rights, the Taliban have actually implemented their harsh interpretation of Sharia (Islamic law).

They Taliban has also banned women and girls from parks and gyms, banned girls from middle school and high school, banned women from most employment and ordered them to wear head-to-toe clothing in public.
[end of NPR/ AP story]

The Taliban actually banned girls from highschool last year, when they took control of the country after the horribly-mismanaged U.S. withdrawal (mis-managed by biden's top wokie generals, i.e political hacks without a lick of military sense).  But of course you never heard about that ban back then, cuz the Mainstream Media didn't wanna make the U.S. departure (rout) look any worse that it already did.

Now, I know you Democrats don't believe the story quoted above, cuz it shows that as usual, you were totally wrong in what you predicted would happen when U.S. troops were pulled out of that country.
So: both the AP and NPR are hard-left organs, so for both, this story is unquestionably what the law considers an "admission against interest."  When a defendant admits something that's against his or her interest to admit, the law gives that admission more testimonial weight.  The logic is that he or she would only admit something incriminating to avoid being boxed into admitting something even more incriminating.

That's what we have here: NPR and the AP know they professed to believe that the U.S. is the head of the oppressive patriarchy, while those nice Taliban boyz--just "fighting for their freedom" dontcha know--would surely be support equal rights.  Yep yep yep. Just like the communists always say. "male oppression" under duh Taliban, eh?

Now surely at least a few NPR/AP shills were smart enough to know that was horseshit.  But not one evah spoke up and said "Could it be that American troops are actually standing up for womens' rights?  I know that's hard for us to believe, cuz Oppressive Patriarchy n' all, but do ya think just maybe...?"

So...if NPR and AP ran with this story, you can believe it.  Cuz "admission against interest."  



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