August 30, 2022

Things are changing so fast--for the worse--that it's almost impossible for most people to keep track

When lots of world-changing events happen in a short time, people tend to tune out.  Or forget they happened.  As one commentator put it,

"We are living in one of those moments where so much is happening all at once--and information about it all is so tightly controlled--that huge, history-changing events can occur and nobody seems aware of them."

Bingo.  Example: 

  1. On February 21st Russia invades Ukraine.  
  2. Shortly thereafter the biden regime imposes sanctions on Russian oil and gas sales.  
  3. Even though Ukraine was not a member of NATO, that now-nearly-useless organization moves to support Ukraine.  (No objections here, just noting a key element in the chain of events.)
  4. Since many nations in the EU are also members of NATO, at the end of May the EU announces  it will join the U.S. in embargoing Russian oil (not natural gas);
  5. Needing to keep earning foreign currency, Russia begins selling oil to China and India, at a discount;
  6. Knowing Germany is the largest economy in the EU, and that Germany is totally dependent on Russian gas, Russia cuts off most gas sales to Germany to try to peel Germany away from NATO;
  7. This starts a domino effect, with prices for ALL energy in Europe rising by stunning amounts almost overnight.  The wholesale price of electricity jumps 50% in a single WEEK.  In France the retail cost of electricity jumps ten percent in a single DAY.  Locals begin buying up all available firewood and chopping down trees in deep forests.
  8. Germany is now turning off traffic signals after midnight.  France has ordered lights in office buildings turned off after 10pm.  In London, thousands of pubs are planning to close when temperatures begin to drop since they won't be able to afford the cost of heating.
  9. It now appears that much of German industry may be forced to shut down due to lack of gas or electricity.

Amusingly, speaking at the United Nations about four years ago, Trump warned that Germany was totally dependent on Russian natural gas.  There's video of a half-dozen members of Germany's UN delegation laughing, apparently because they thought this was a silly concern.

Wonder if they're still laughing today?

Proof #698,345 that "the experts" are often full of crap: What were you taught is the source of "fossil fuels"?

To the extent American students are taught anything at all about oil and "natural gas, " it’s that both came from dinosaurs (hence the term "fossil fuels").  If schools even teach this much, they don't explain HOW that happened, but it doesn't matter--because "oil from dinosaurs" is horseshit.

But for once we can't really blame schools, because since 1879 or so the “experts” have tried to figure out where oil and gas come from, and "dinosaurs" was the concensus of duh “experts.”

So if Americans know *anything* about oil, it’s that it comes from dinosaurs.

Except that turns out to be horseshit.  Let me explain.  And then at the end I'll tell you why I bothered, since not one in a million people care what the origin is.

Ever since the "dinosaur" theory was put forth, critics noted that there were LOTS of problems with it--that is, things that seemed clearly to contradict it.  Just like "Global Warming."  But just like GW, the "experts" blythely ignored the contradictions, figuring no one would notice.  After all, they were "experts," eh?  "You vill obey der Szience, citizen!"

Well...back in 1987--before the so-called “elites” declared math to be raaaacist--a brilliant astrophysicist named Thomas Gold did some math about well-known characteristics of oilfields––and realized the “dinosaur theory” couldn’t be true.  He wrote a book called “Power from the Earth” explaining a far better theory, and it’s gotten perfect reviews. It’s that good. 

To name just one of the MANY flaws in the “fossil fuel” theory, he noted something that had been well-known by petroleum engineers for a century: that in every known field, if you drilled deeper you found oil in deeper reservoirs. But since the layers of rock were separated by tens of millions of years, if the "dinosaur" theory was true it would require that the exact same location had repeatedly “gotten lucky” in terms of dinosaur "death fields."  

It defied logic.  And there are MANY other facts that reject the “dinosaur theory.”

Of course you don't care about arcane theories about the source of oil.  So my point in bringing this up is just this:  That VERY OFTEN the so-called experts are full of shit. That includes economists (“We’re NOT in a recession!!!) and the top asshole in the NIAID, the total fraud Fauci ("Duh vaccines are 'safe and effective!) and the slobberingly-praised female moron running the CDC (Rochelle Walensky, whose main qualification was that she'll do anything she's told).

Finally, for the two or three of you who may be curious as to the REAL source of oil and ‘natural gas:” It’s massive amounts of *carbonates* dating from the accretion of carbonate rocks as the Earth formed. When heated to thousands of degrees those rocks decompose to carbon, which combines with hydrogen to produce methane (CH4)–natural gas–which when forced thru rock under pressure then links together to produce all the hydrocarbons in oil.

Now just for fun:  If you've got a teenage kid, ask him or her what the schools taught 'em about where oil and gas comes from.  Guarantee the answer will be either "Huh?" or "dinosaurs."  After all, the Democrats constantly keep calling oil and gas "fossil fuels," right?  What do you think they mean by that?

Mainstream Media: "Consumer confidence jumps!!!!!"

Headline ten minutes ago, on (a total shill page for Wall Street):

Consumer Confidence Jumps in August as Inflation Slows

Wow!  Great news for Democrats, eh citizen?  Cuz for a couple of months there voters were  worried about things like inflation, soaring energy prices, shrinking GDP, Democrat laws raising taxes, growing Chinese aggression, and...well, it's a long list, eh?  But today?  Confidence has JUMPED, "as inflation slows."!

Buried deep in the enthusiastic article is this 'graf that explains the title (all else is hype):

The increase comes as inflation showed signs of abating, with both major inflation indices registering a deceleration in July. The consumer-price index dipped to an 8.5% annual pace, down from the previous month’s 9.1% pace...

SEE?  Inflation is DOWN.  Plummeted!  From 9.1 to a mere, trivial 8.5% !

Well no wonder consumer confidence jumped, hearing news like THAT, eh?  I mean, who wouldn't be giddy with "confidence" after the annual inflation rate fell to a mere 8.5%, eh?  It's almost like Porridgebrain (that would be the vegetable occupying the White House) saying that between June and July there was NO inflation!  That wasn't quite true, of course, but his supporters in the Lying Mainstream Media didn't say a critical word, so gullible voters believed it.

But let's not spoil the GOOD NEWZ being pushed by Bloomberg, eh?  I mean, you've all noticed how much better things are now than they were a year ago, right?  Your kids can go to college without being forced to mask or take the next new, improved jab.  You probably got a big raise.  Your family's monthly bill for groceries has plummeted!  (If you're a guy, ask your wife.)

What's not to love, eh?

Here's a prediction for ya, and you can watch to see if I'm right:  We've got two more months before the crucial mid-term elections.  I'll predict that in each of those months the Mainstream Media will claim that "Consumer confidence is soaring," and "Inflation plummeting" and using the "core CPI" to show you that inflation is trivial--because the "core CPI" conveniently does NOT include the silly, incidental costs of food and energy.  Cuz, reasons.

All that is designed, intended, to enable the Democrats to claim enough votes to retain control of both chambers of congress in November.

Wait, I hear my Democrat friends saying "Dis can't be true, cuz if duh U.S. wuz gettin' hurt by doze FAAABULOUS Democrat policies, duh Mainstream Media would nevah support 'em, cuz duh Media pipo would be hurt TOO!  So you're just an ol' poopy-head!"

Ah.  Well, there ya go, eh?  Except for two things:  First, not a single person in the Mainstream Media--even the entry-level "reporters"--believes Democrat policies are hurting the nation.  And second, the folks who actually run the Mainstream Media are wealthy enough that they'll be just fine regardless. 

You think Brian Stelter or Chris Cuomo or Don LeMon or Joy Reid or Andrea Mitchell will suffer even a tiny bit if the U.S. economy craters?

Deaths from all causes in Israel--with 98% of population vaxxed and boosted--show a frightening trend

Whut dis mean?  

Democrats: "Is got numbers, an' we know math be raaaaacist, so dis be raaaacist!  So we ignore!"  (In case you missed it, in Democrat-ruled Seattle, leftist teaching "consultants" have actually claimed "math is racist."  Seriously.)

Ah, math is raacist, eh?  Sure, sparky.  You bet.  Now go groom some 8-year-olds and let the adults talk.

As noted, the table above shows total deaths in Israel from all causes.  You'll quickly note that total deaths for 2020--the first year duh Chyna virus escaped China to start the plandemic --and before any of the so-called "vaccines" were available--were higher than before the plandemic arrived (48,797 vs 46,004, an increase of 6.07%), as you'd expect.

Let's assume all of that increase was due to deaths from Covid. 

The first vax was approved in the U.S. in late December of 2020, and Israel began to jab its citizens a couple of months later.  They now have the highest percentage of popuation fully jabbed of any nation.

Total deaths for 2021 were 50,736, vs. 48,797 for 2020--an increase of about 4% over 2020.  That increase is two percent less than 2020 to 2021.  How much of this drop in percent increase was due to the vax and how much to improved treatment methods can't be determined.

Now look at 2022:  As of end of July Israel had recorded 31,631 deaths from all causes.  The same period for 2021 showed 29,580.  So almost seven percent more deaths thru July of this year than for a year earlier.

Wait, that's...really odd.  Because with even more experience treating patients we would expect the year over year increase to be less than the 4% increase of 2021 over 2020.  If fact if the so-called "vaccine" worked you'd expect the increase in deaths to drop back to matching the growth in population.  But it's clearly significantly higher.  What can be accounting for this?

"Global Warming," right? 

Okay, kidding aside: 31,600 people is a very large sample, and it would take something very big to change that number by just one percent--300 or so.  The only plausible candidates are either they're still having lots of deaths from Covid, OR from the jab.

Democrats: "Dat not possible!  Duh vaccines bees safe and effective!  Safe!  And Effective!"

Okay, then you explain the numbers in the table.  We're listening. 

August 29, 2022

How crazy are they in NYC? New law DECREES that you can't buy **whipped cream** unless you're over 21

How goofy is this country--specifically Democrats who rule it?  And especially New York City.

In NYC, violent crime is virtually legal.
  So is shoplifting.
  Shooting a police officer can go unprosecuted.   

  Foreigners who are in the country illegally are welcomed with open arms as if there were no laws;
     *authorities even hand them cash gifts, house them for free in luxury hotels, and want them to vote.

By contrast, you can get in big trouble for calling the illegal aliens “illegal aliens.”

And as of two weeks ago you'll need to be 21 to buy a can of pressurized whipped cream.

And if you're a store that doesn't DEMAND ID before selling a can of this dangerous stuff, you can go to jail.

The reason the Democrats are kids are chugging the whipped cream to get high from the nitrous oxide propellant.

Not kidding.  Apparently New York City has done such a faaabulous job of solving the problems of outrageous crime, random crazies pushing subway patrons in front of trains, heroin addiction and fentanyl deaths that they're actually demanding a photo ID to buy...whipped cream. 

H/T Moonbattery.  Great reading!

August 28, 2022

Babylon Bee: New CDC study shows that people who believe crazy conspiracy theories don't get myocarditis!

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Monday CDC Director Rochelle Walensky spoke at a press briefing, saying a new study has found that people who believe goofy conspiracy theories seem to be immune to a once-rare heart condition called myocarditis.

According to the CDC's findings, people described by the CDC director as "total nutjobs" appear to be immune to the formerly rare heart condition.  The authors of the study were baffled as to how a belief could give people immunity from a life-threatening medical condition.

"We've never seen anything like this before," she said.  "Some of our experts thought this might be related to Covid-19, but we couldn't figure out how. When the pandemic hit we quickly discovered everything about the virus, and ordered common- sense health guidelines like wearing masks and staying six feet apart, and there's absolutely no doubt that those guidelines saved millions of lives.

"Cases of myocarditis didn't start appearing until around March of last year.  Just by accident one of our surveys asked whether respondents believed conspiracy theories, and found this bizarre correlation in which belief in crazy conspiracy theories seems to protect people from getting myocarditis.  But we can't determine how that could happen."

When a reporter asked Walensky if myocarditis could be caused by the Covid vaccine the director said "Absolutely not.  We know the vaccine is totally safe and effective," she said. 

According to sources, the only theory advanced so far to try to explain the effect is that "conspiracy nuts"--people who believe absurd things like the story about a laptop supposedly abandoned by Hunter Biden--may have also declined to take the safe, effective vaccines because they had the crazy idea that they might have adverse effects.

But this theory was quickly dismissed because there is no evidence that the vaccines pose any risk to health, and the government would never claim the vaccines being safe and effective if it wasn't true.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, blasted the new CDC study.

"Let's look at the facts," said Fauci. "Conspiracy theorists believe the moon landing was fake, and that JFK was shot by a turtle wearing a hamster suit. So obviously the vaccines are safe and effective. They literally annihilate the virus and prevent vaccinated people from getting Covid or spreading it to anyone."

We tried to contact Dr. Fauci to ask some follow up questions, but at press time he was unavailable, having been diagnosed with COVID-19 for the second time.

The NIH would not say whether Fauci had been vaccinated or boosted.

H/T The Babylon Bee.  Hit the link to read these other great hits:
  *Meet Gender Studies Major Chloe And 7 Other Underprivileged College Grads Whose Loans You'll be paying off!
  *10 more debts Biden is canceling

Wokies at "Scientific American" claim the “2-sex model reinforced gender and racial divisions by tying social status to the body".

Hey citizen!  Did you know that communist wokies claiming to be scientists at the cesspool rag "Scientific American" are now claiming that before the late 18th century Western science recognized only one sex, and that "The shift historians call the “two-sex model” served mainly to reinforce gender and racial divisions by tying social status to the body"?

Seriously, the wokie cretins who run this cesspool of a magazine said that.  And because "scientists" apparently can't grasp subtle "reasoning" like the paragraph above, they backed up the point with a damn video--apparently because the wokies wanna reach Dem voters who graduated from highschool without being able to read.

Wait...ya say you never learned this in highschool or college?  And that the first chapter of the Bible recognizes two sexes, so you're thinking maybe what I just claimed

Well there's definitely a huge amount of horseshit here, but none of it by me.  Here's the twat from SciAm's verified twatter account:

This, friends, is what you're up against: Wokie communists, posing as "scientists," claiming that before the late 18th century (for young Americans that's the late 1800s) "Western science recognized only one sex."  

And if that's not insane enough for ya, the rest of the line is "The shift historians call the “two-sex model” served mainly to reinforce gender and racial divisions by tying social status to the body."

And they conclude with "To learn more, watch the full second episode of our documentary series "A Question of Sex" on the myth of two sexes.

This shit is beyond parody.  And yet it's being promulgated to wokie young Americans as "science."  And not a single 65-year-old department head at any university dares to say a critical word about this crap, because doing so will get you fired.  Hell, even using obvious pronouns to refer to a student has gotten professors and highschool teachers fired.

If you think this is just fiction--that Scientific American didn't really claim the things above--click the damn link at the top.  You need to know what you're facing.  And you don't.  Not yet.  Question is, will you wake up before it's too late?.

August 27, 2022

Suppose you had a school built to teach 1,300 students, but just 64 students were actually enrolled....

If you were a businessman and had half a dozen factories doing well, but one or two that were only producing, say, five percent of their known capacity, would it occur to you to ask WHY they were only being used at five percent?  Would you look for problems that could be solved, and if they couldn't be solved, would you continue to  keep them open? 

Welcome to Chitcongo, where the notoriously corrupt, left-wing, inefficient Chicago Public School system has two schools with enrollments only five percent of capacity.  Another couple are at 8 percent.

Why in the world are they still open?  Answer: Teachers' unions.

If that doesn't seem absurd enough, look at the last two columns on the right, above: They show the percent of students in each school who are proficient in reading and math, respectively.  Look at all the zeroes and ones.

Of course nothing will be done.  Public schools could graduate students when just one or two percent were barely proficient in any subject, and nothing would be done, because the schools have an infinite amount of taxpayer money.  The officials--and union officials--don't actually give a damn about whether their "graduates" can spell cat or add nine plus eight.  The teachers might, but the teachers don't get to make the big decisions, like what schools to close.

Rank-and-file teachers (i.e. not union officials) have no more say over school management than you have over the policies of the biden regime.

If parents complain, the teachers go on strike for more money, and the city gives them whatever they want.

Charter schools would be an immense help, but that would reduce the power of the teachers' union, so Chitcongo pols like Lori Beetlejuice will continue to block 'em.

But don't worry, citizen: the biden regime has a hand-picked Secretary of Education, a guy who formerly presided over New York City's notoriously shitty and corrupt school system.  Say THERE'S a guy who will surely tell Chitcongo pols how to cut costs while improving the quality of education!

Hahahahahahahahahaha!  Oh yeah, you bet.

With insanity and waste and corruption like this, does anyone really think we're NOT doomed?

Democrats invented double-standards, and know how to use 'em!

Illegal immigrants: "I come to America--Texas!

New York Liberal/Democrat/Communist: "YES! WELCOME HOME, weary traveler!"  But if they wanna go to, say, New York...


CDC admits being wrong about everything re Covid, no consequences. Eventually we'll see the same on Global Warming

You probably didn't see it, but about a week ago the director of the CDC--a goofball liberal female--quietly admitted that almost every order her agency gave about Covid-19 was wrong.

Hey, "mistakes wuz made," eh?  Happens to all of us, Rochelle.  But not to worry: your agency helped destroy the booming economy, killed the elderly who got duh Chyna virus by making it a criminal offense to use the APPROVED, KNOWN-SAFE drugs that cured the damn thing quickly, in case after case, which you and your agency ignored to push the shitty, non-working "vaccine."

Yeah sweet-cheeks, you and your fellow Democrats have a shit-pot-load of deaths and misery to answer for.  But neither you nor any of your co-conspirators will ever be called to account for your malevolence or mere incompetence because you're a Democrat, appointed by a corrupt regime.  Your job was to help Pfizer make $80 billion, and you did that very well indeed.

Now let's look at the next act of this endless demonstration of incompetence and evil:  Global Warming.  Oh wait...a decade or so ago, after a string of record-cold winters that were making rational Americans suspect that just MAYBE the Democrats' screams about "Global Warming" might not be accurate, the Left/Democrats quietly changed the name of that "existential crisis" to "climate change."

See, if the climate stops warming that sorta' makes people doubt the Left's wails.  But with "climate change" the Left wins no matter what happens.  It's yet another example of the Left re-defining things to stay in control of the Narrative.  Like "gender-confirming surgery" replacing "sex-change surgery," or the Left claiming that folks who want to bar males from competing against biological females are somehow "preventing innocent children from participating in sports!"

So...the Global Warmies of the Left are bent on replacing all reliable electricity with far more costly, unreliable wind and solar, because carbon-powered generating plants emit CO2, which the Warmies scream is overheating the planet.  For the same reason, they're trying to outlaw gasoline-powered cars and replace 'em with electric vehicles.  It's merely a coincidence that the batteries for EVs are made in China.  Mere coincidence.

In a rational world there would be public debates between experts from each side of the Global Warming issue.  And if, after those debates, most Americans still believed the lie that CO2 causes a non-trivial amount of warming, government would let market solutions play out instead of forcing costly solutions on Americans.

And make no mistake: the Left and the World Economic Forum want to punish Americans first and hardest, because if our economy is permanently crippled, the socialists and Marxists win. 

So what we see here--for the umpteenth time--is the costs of the rich man’s virtue-signaling vanity cause will be borne by working Americans.  This will have NO measurable effect on climate, because the socialist countries and the less-developed countries won't play.  But Americans will suffer.

Ever notice how rich people always want you to sacrifice for some cause, while they never sacrifice?  Yeah, me too.  Like Hollywood actors flying their private jets to Europe several times a year to receive awards or attend Important Conferences because they don't want to put up with the burden of having to fly commercial.

Forty years from now, when the economy-killing results of the Democrat' "Green New Deal" have become painfully clear, not a single Leftist/Democrat incompetent who helped kill the American dream will be punished, or will ever apologize.  Just like with Covid.

Because the Media and the "entertainment industry" is totally leftist, they never have to admit their failed policies, never apologize, never pay a price.  It's like those policies either imposed themselves (by some magic never explained) or simply never happened.

Five years from now the official Democrat/Media Narrative will be that Pfizer and the other "vax" makers wanted six more months of trials before releasing the "vax," but that they were pressured by da eeeevil Trump to release 'em too early, before all the side-effects were known.

(For the record: Pfizer announced the release of the first "vax" six days AFTER the 2020 election.)

One California DA finally examined the effects of releasing criminals w/o making them post bail. Wow.

Supposedly because of duh Chyna virus, in April of 2020 California began releasing everyone arrested for crimes other than murder without making them post bail.

Supposedly this was done to reduce the spread of covid, but you may recall that the so-called "experts" had DECREED that crowds spread the virus, so the reality was that crooks were safer IN jail cuz they couldn't be around crowds of people.  And of course for years the Left had been screaming to end making people post bail to be released.  So in reality Covid was just a pretext to set all the criminals free, just as it was a pretext to lock up all law-abiding citizens and their children.

Finally the DA of one California county has gotten around to examining the effects of the release-'em-all-without-bail system.  And the results won't surprise anyone except leftists.

Actually, just kidding about that last statement:  Even the Left knew releasing crooks and thugs without making them post bail would result in them committing more crimes.  The Left just didn't care.

The DA found that 70% of those let out on zero bail almost immediately committed more crimes!

It's almost as if releasing people who committed crimes the same day, without making them post bond (something that might have been viewed as a warning not to commit MORE crimes) might--dare we say it?--encourage criminals to commit more crimes.  Yeah, who could have guessed, eh?

In fact, many committed more-serious crimes -- including murder.

DA Jeff Reisig concluded that there is "no rational public safety-related basis" for having this zero-bail policy in place, particularly in the post-pandemic era.

In Reisig's county, of 595 people released without having to post even a dollar for bail during the period in question, 420 (70.6%) were arrested for new crimes. 123 of those were violent crimes, including murder, attempted murder, kidnapping, carjacking and domestic violence.

So not only did 70% commit more crimes, fully one in five committed violent crimes.

Of course you never heard that on any of the alphabet networks, nor did you read it in the NY Times or WaPo or any of the major papers--because telling you that would reveal the total insanity of yet another of the Left's endless stupid policies.



Who made the decision to lock down the entire country in March of 2020--that handed the government to the Democrats??

On March 16th of 2020, just six weeks after the first case of Covid-19 (a.k.a. the Chyna virus) was confirmed in the U.S, Trump held a press confernce at which the CDC and Fauci recommended an almost total lockdown of the United States.  

After the presser the CDC issued a flier laying out all the details of "the government's" recommendations--about which the ever-trusting Trump apparently knew nothing: “bars, restaurants, food courts, gyms, and other indoor and outdoor venues where groups of people congregate should be closed.”

That decision to recommend an almost total lockdown destroyed the economy and wrecked life for virtually every American other than the elites.  Ultimately the lockdown almost certainly made the crucial difference in allowing the Democrats to win both the presidency and control of both chambers of congress.  So an investigator decided it was worth finding out exactly how this disastrous decision was made.  Who, exactly, wrote those lockdown words?  Who approved that decision?.

Turns out the guy who claims "credit" for it--and brags about it in his new book--is Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

You may recall that Trump named his RINO VP Mike Pence to chair the administration's Coronavirus response.  Kushner--who's been named by many as the person most able to talk Trump into things--was somehow named to Pence's team.  (Eventually someone will find who arranged that.)

Obviously neither Kushner nor Pence had any background in infectious diseases, but Kushner had...contacts!   Not in epidemiology but in "tech"--wealthy entrepreneurs, but with ZERO experience in infectious disease, epidemiology, immunology or anything other than management and business classes at the Wharton School. 

Kushner called on two close friends from college to help: Nat Turner and Adam Boehler. Both were graduates from the Wharton School (as Trump was).  Both had worked in "health-care delivery," meaning management rather than virus expertise.

Oh, and they had great connections to Google--which would prove vital.

One other Kushner pal would be crucial: a member of the board of Pfizer, Scott Gottlieb, who was the former head of the FDA.  Kushner explains:

I had been trying to persuade Gottlieb to come back into government for a short-term stint to help us better organize our response and support our effort to develop a vaccine. 

When we called Gottlieb, he was grateful that we were preparing guidelines. “They should go a little bit further than you are comfortable with,” he said. “When you feel like you are doing more than you should, that is a sign that you are doing them right.”

That last line is from Kushner, in his own book.  It perfectly captures the way "educated morons" with power approach problems: "“When you feel like you are doing more than you should, that is a sign that you are doing them right.”, there's a key principle for great results, eh?

I'm gonna stop here because I don't want to spoil the outrage you'll feel when you read the story at this link.  Essentially, Kushner and his pals--two of whom had zero expertise in viruses--recommended a policy that destroyed the U.S. economy, handed control of the government to the Democrats, and did NOTHING to reduce Covid.

And yet Kushner will leverage his influence with the Lying Mainstream Media into win after win after win--at least as he and his sycophants will tell it.

Who's funding the (powerful) push to change the "gender" of children?

A commenter wrote:

Much of the funding for the transgender movement seems to be coming from extremely wealthy white men who are either homosexual or transgender themselves. 

These include Jennifer Pritzker--a male-to-female transgender; Martine Rothblatt--another male-to-female transgender (and transhumanist?); Tim Gill (a gay man); George Soros; Drummond Pike; Warren and Peter Buffett; Jon Stryker (a gay man); Mark Bonham (a gay man); and Ric Weiland (a deceased gay man whose philanthropy is still LGBT-oriented). 

Some of these billionaires fund the LGBT through their myriad companies, multiplying their contributions many times over in ways that are also difficult to track.

I haven't verified this, but it was apparently posted by "the federalist" website, and they've got enough assets to not want to be sued for getting an accusation like this wrong. But here's a pic of two of those mentioned as huge donors to the tranny lobby:

Wiki (I know) confirms that "Jenny" Pritzker--born James Nicholas Pritzker--is indeed a tranny. He's a cousin of J.B. Pritzker, the fat, corrupt governor of the cesspool of Illinois, with a net worth estimated at $1.7 Billion.

Through his foundation, Pritzker donated $2 million to create the world's first endowed academic chair of "transgender studies" at the University of Victoria in British Columbia.  Cuz "African studies" and "Womens' studies" were getting lots of ridicule, so now there's a new "-studies" major to take the heat off of those earlier disasters.

Yeah, I said it.

So yeah, the Pritzker claim is accurate.

Now for "Martine Rothblatt."  I can't even begin.  Lots of accomplishments, then went not only tranny but "transhumanist."  Unless you're one of the Annointed Ones you don't know what that means,  Go to Wiki (I know) and read the sections titled "Social Activism" and "Reception."  It reads like you'd imagine a Harvard freshman on peyote would write.  Great start, built a huge following and fortune, then went bonkers and tranny.  So yeah, this one's genuine too.  

Now:  The tranny movement has rich trannies and gays donating hundreds of millions of dollars--plus all their substantial influence--to the "cause" of giving 12-year-olds puberty-blocking drugs, followed quickly by "hormone-replacement therapy."  (Using "therapy" there is a cunning example of how the Left steals language.)  Then comes surgery.   

By huge contrast, normal parents have NO ONE fighting for them, and no one giving them hundreds of millions of dollars for cutesy ads and pushing normal family life.  Hopefully you're beginning to understand why the tranny movement has gained so much power so fast:  they have money and they're more fanatical than cult members.  They wail that "If you don't allow us to "give" your kid "gender-reassignment surgery," or "gender-affirming surgery" (another example of Leftist language theft), or now the even more brazen "gender-confirming surgery"  (hard to believe they warp the language that brazenly!) then your precious child might attempt suicide!!!!"

What they carefully don't tell ya is that mentally-confused (mentally-ill) people have higher rates of "suicidal ideation," and far less often, attempted suicide, regardless of whether they get any surgery.

As many have noted, far better outcomes if you do nothing but counsel 'em until they reach 18, since most outgrow their "body dysmorphia" and become comfortable with their biological sex.

Of course that would cut off a billion or so in fees for tranny surgeries, and another billion or so for various specialized drugs.  So obviously the people eating from that rice bowl aren't gonna give it up, eh?

August 25, 2022

Compilation of biden's verbal crashes and brain freezes--he has NO idea what's going on much of the time

If you get your news from the Mainstream Media you think your president is reasonably well-spoken. 

That's because the Mainstream Media never shows biden' crashes.  Like saying on more than one occasion that he was running for the senate instead of the presidency.  Confusing the year something happened by decades.  Forgetting the name of the guy who was president when biden was VP.

Because the Mainstream Media is covering up for Porridgebrain, a YouTuber has put together a compilation of biden brain freezes and verbal crashes. 

Of course by the time you see this, YouTube will probably have taken the clip down, claiming it's "hate speech" or "elder abuse."  

Or "misinformation."  Yeah, dat's it.  Doze videos are all FAKE!  See, you kin fake anything on video, citizen.

After biden's 'forgiving" $10,000 or $20,000 in student loans, here's the latest proposal from the Democrat party

From: Speaker Pelosi
To: Members of our wonderful Party
Subject:  Our next proposed laws

As you know, President Biden has taken the brilliant step of proposing to forgive either $10,000 in student loan debt, or $20,000 for low-income voters.  This is brilliant, as it will cause millions more Americans to vote for our Party in November.

We're consulting with the president's team to see whether this goal can be better accomplished by Executive Order or whether it would be better for Congress to pass a bill.  When we decide, I'll let you know.

Now, building on this fabulous policy, here's our next brilliant proposal:  

As some of you know, our Party is working hard to stop climate change (formerly called "Global Warming").  To do this we need to get all Americans to buy clean, non-polluting electric vehicles, abolishing all fossil-fueled vehicles.  To make this more attractive to voters, the "Inflation Reduction Act" just signed into law will pay voters $7,500 to buy an EV.  This was brilliant.

Unfortunately our political enemies are claiming that EVs have a hidden cost that makes them unattractive: that the batteries only last five years or so, and that replacing those batteries can cost over $26,000 per vehicle.

Our diligent staff members didn't recognize this as a problem since no one in government ever keeps a vehicle more than a year or two.  Normally if you need to buy new tires it's time to get a new car, right?

SO...since the president's announcement that we'll forgive $10,000 or $20,000 in student loans has been greeted with such huge approval by everyone--especially by the Media-- and has resulted in a huge surge in donations to the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee, we've come up with a new proposal that will not only make EVs more attractive but will also win us more votes in November:

We're putting the final touches on a bill that will pay EV owners up to $25,000 when they have to replace the batteries in their EV.  This will also apply to voters who buy a used EV.

We've already consulted with the White House and have been assured that the president will sign this bill.  Now our job is to get it passed quickly, before the November elections, since that will bring voters out to support our Party's candidates.  

This doesn't give us much time, so we expect everyone to support this, and ensure the Republicans don't pass any amendments.  Your cooperation is appreciated.

Wishing our Party perpetual control,

"The symptoms of collapsing societies haven't changed in a thousand years"

"The symptoms of collapsing societies have been unchanged for a thousand years:  The men become weak, the leader get decadent, law enforcement gets politicized, the currency becomes devalued.--and then things begin to come apart." 

That was Tucker Carlson's intro last night, and it perfectly describes what's been happening in the U.S. since Porridgebrain and his regime were installed.

Tucker tells of a black 14-year-old in New Orleans who carjacked five vehicles within two weeks, shoving a gun in the face of the female drivers.  Cops caught the bastard, but at his trial the black female mayor came to court and intervened to get him a light sentence.  

And it worked : the vicious carjacking, life-threatening bastard got no jail time at all.  Thanks, Latoya.

If you care about the future of this nation (and about half the people in this country clearly do not), take a look at the Tucker's opening at the link above.  It's well worth your time.  Do the things he says agree with your personal experience?

biden regime's policy of open-borders--a policy supported by all Dem pols--is gravely damaging the U.S.

The biden regime's policy of open borders has flooded the U.S. with people who don’t respect any of our customs, morals, or traditions.  This lack of respect shouldn't surprise anyone, because why would foreigners respect U.S. customs, any more than they respect U.S. law, eh?

Liberals have known this for decades.  They just don't care.

This is no question that this is an invasion.  Look at the hours of video of illegals crossing the Rio Grande.  Almost all of them are single males of military age.  At least two million per year, just based on the number who casually saunter across and immediately turn themselves in to Border Patrol, knowing that this will give them free transit to northern cities and loaded EBT cards.

Allowing everyone who walks across the border to remain in the U.S. violates U.S. law.  This is an impeachable offense, but Democrat politicians don't care.  Porridgebrain and his handlers get away with breaking U.S. law because there aren't enough votes conservative votes in congress to remove him from office.

Democrat pols are supported in the "open borders" policy by a huge majority of their moronic liberal voters, who either don't realize they're surrendering their country or don't care.  The invaders will make it harder for all young Americans--including liberals' kids--to get into college, and get good-paying jobs, but liberals don't believe that.

In fact many Dem-ruled states now offer illegal aliens FREE college tuition at state universities.  Faaabulous deal, eh?  Of course that so-called "free" tuition is NOT free: Your taxes and your kids' tuition fees pay for it.  

Do you think that's unfair?  Tough.  Democrat pols didn't ask you, because they don't need to.  With control of not only the presidency but also BOTH chambers of congress, they don't give a flying fuck what you think.  What matters to them is "virtue-signaling"--and getting re-elected by stupid Dem voters.

To be fair, it wouldn't matter if a majority of Dem voters opposed open borders, because as long as voters keep returning Dems to power, Dem politicians will continue to do whatever they want.

But in truth most liberals DO support open borders.  The  extent of liberal reasoning seems to be “Look at those poor people walking all the way from Guatemala to the U.S. to get a better life. They want to be Americans SO much that we need to let them.”

Democrat pols play on that sentiment, wailing that anyone who *opposes* their open-borders policy--which they carefully do NOT describe as "open borders" or "unlimited unvetted immigration"--is "xenophobic" or "anti-immigrant."  But Republicans and conservatives are neither xenophobic nor anti-immigrant.  They just want would-be immigrants to be screened, and to immigrate at a rate low enough to avoid destroying U.S. society.

If you're still not convinced that liberal pols are trying to destroy the U.S., consider this: Democrat governors and legislators are brazenly subverting U.S. immigration law by declaring "sanctuary states," in which Democrat governors have DECREED that no state or city or county employee may cooperate with ICE by notifying ICE when the state has jailed an illegal for committing a crime in the U.S.

ICE asks states to notify them when any law-enforcement agency in the state has jailed an illegal alien for committing a crime, and to hold the alien until ICE agents can take the illegal into custody.  But cops in Democrat-ruled "sanctuary states" are prohibited from cooperating, and instead quietly release the illegals without notifying ICE.

Many such released illegals have killed innocent Americans within weeks of being released.  If that doesn't infuriate you, you're a perfect Dem voter.

August 23, 2022

biden regime to announce taxpayers will be forced to repay student loan debt for doctors and lawyers

Well well well...with the November mid-term elections 76 days away, the biden regime has conspired to bribe Americans to win votes to keep majority in congress:  Tomorrow the regime will announce that they'll  use tax dollars to repay ("forgive") billions of dollars of student loan debt.  

Like most gruberment programs, this is a pure bribe to win votes.  And it works.

Only 37% of Americans have a 4-yr college degree.  Only 13% have graduate degrees, but a full 56% of student loan debt is held by people who went to grad school.

The biden regime's plan to use taxpayer dollars to repay ("forgive") studen loan debt is like taking money from a plumber to pay the debt of a lawyer.

Even Democrat corruptocrat Nancy Pelosi, in April, said “People think that the president has the power for [student loan] debt forgiveness. He does not.”  So was that wrong?  Cuz they're about to do it.


August 21, 2022

biden Dept of Ed creates new test that big Dem-ruled cities can adopt; pass it and get highschool diploma!

From: Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education 

To: All K-12 public school officials and teachers

The U.S. Department of Education is one of the most important federal agencies.  Without our crucial guidance, schools would have no idea what to teach, or how to grade, or what restrooms students will be allowed to use.

In recent years there has been some controversy over whether some schools were actually teaching the things all highschoolers needed to learn, or were merely acting as bundlers for political contributions from teachers' unions to the Democrat party. In particular, some large cities had very low graduation rates, which caused a few malcontent parents to doubt the skills of local school boards. 

We can't have parents questioning our policies, so to resolve the problem of low graducation rates, after extensive research and testing we have created a new standardized test that school systems can administer to seniors.  Students who pass this new test will be deemed competent to receive their highschool diploma.

27 large cities have already adopted our new standardized test that certifies them as quality HS graduates.  Here are the test questions, but schools are directed to NOT show the questions to students!:

1. How many states in the United States?
2. Who is the president of the United States?
3. What nation borders the U.S. on the north?
4. Which is larger: 0.1 or 0.01
5. Which is larger: a million, or a billion?
6. Which of the following is/are racist:
     a. math
     b. white people
     c. laws demanding that people wanting to vote must have a photo-ID;
     d. anyone who says there are only two genders
     e. all of the above

7. Which of the following people are NOT related to the Kardashians?
    a. Kim
    b. Chloe
    c. Kourtney
    d. Kylie
    e. Kendall
    f. MaryAnn

8. If you saw seven statues of Founders and former presidents, and your anti-racist friends had already pulled down four, how many would be left to destroy?

9. If Antoinicious gets $400 per month from AFDC, $300 per month from unemployment and $1200 per month from Democrats' "Universal Basic Income," what's her total monthly income?
   a. $1200
   b. zero
   c. a million dollars
   d. $24,374
   e. doesn't matter cuz whatever it is, it ain't enough  

10. Which of the following is/are racist?
   a. Republicans
   b. the Constitution
   c. conservatives
   d. Donald Trump
   e. all of the above

11. Which of the following statements is/are true?
   a. "The southern border is under control and totally secure"
   b. "Inflation is good"
   c. "Diversity is our greatest strength"
   d. "The United States has always been a racist country"
   e. "Republicans are racists"
   f. "Socialism is far better than capitalism"
   g. all of the above

12. Which of the following are good ways to show you're anti-racist?
   a. Burn down white-owned businesses
   b. Liberate merchandise from white-owned stores
   c. Overturn police cars
   d. Ambush police and firemen
   e. all of the above

13. You've heard about the "First Amendment."  Where is that found?
   a. The Declaration of Independence
   b. The "Inflation Reduction Act"
   c. The Treaty of Omaha
   d. The "Civil Rights for Transgenders Act"
   e. The "Affordable Care Act"
   f. Doesn't matter because the Supreme Court deleted it after finding that it allowed "hate speech"

14. Which of these did President Biden name as the greatest threat to our nation?
   a. The unvaccinated
   b. Russia
   c. China
   d. Canada
   e. disinformation
   f. "domestic violent extremists"

15. The Democrat party has called for de-funding police departments.  But when Republicans demanded that the FBI be de-funded, Democrats accused them of being "against law enforcement."  This is an example of what?
   a. Double-standards
   b. Hypocrisy
   c. Cognitive dissonance
   d. Progressive taxation
   e. Nuanced thinking

16. Which of the following statements is/are true?
   a. The most important thing is to vote Democrat
   b. The biggest threat to the world is Global Warming
   c. Global Warming is caused by CO2, which is a deadly poison.
   d. America emits more CO2 than any other country, so we are the ones who need to give up the most to save the Earth.
   e. Unless Americans stop using "fossil fuels," all life on Earth will be destroyed by Global Warming in ten years.
   f. All of the above.

END OF TEST.  It has been decided that if a student gets 8 questions right, that will qualify for a highschool diploma.

Miguel Cardona, biden pick for the crucial post of Sec of Education

(Do I really need to add /s ?)

What's all the fuss about some "affidavit" supporting the "search warrant" for the raid on Trump's home?

Back when we were a British colony it was common for ruling thugs (at that time British soldiers instead of FBI agents and Democrat politicians) to barge into homes and turn 'em inside-out searching for "stuff."

Wait...what *kind* of stuff?  Anything they wanted.  They didn't have to tell the homeowner or resident.  "We're agents of the king, and you must do as we DEMAND, peasant!" 

This was standard stuff for British subjects, where the king and his lackeys could do anything they wished--and did.

The Founders really hated that kind of behavior, so when they drafted the Bill of Rights they took care to include rules prohibiting police ("the government") from doing what the king's lackeys had always done--search your home on a whim.

Now: If you've been paying attention you know several things about the FBI raid on Trump's residence:
* The 30 FBI agents were there for 9 hours;
* The search warrant itself was ludicrously overbroad, literally demanding "every record" from the entire period of Trump's time in office;

The warrant itself is supported--theoretically justified--by a separate "affidavit" which is a sworn statement setting forth the specific legal justification for the search and seizure of your property.

The biden regime, through corrupt partisan hack Merrick Garland, released the search warrant for the Trump raid, but not the affidavit.  Margot Cleveland at the Federalist had some observations on that:

In a court filing opposing the motion to unseal the affidavit, the DOJ argued that it "considered whether the affidavit can be released subject to redactions.”  Right away you realize the DOJ is implying that they would refuse to unseal the affidavit unless they were allowed to "redact" everything they didn't ant you to know--meaning the gruberment refuses to tell you the putative reasons for the raid.

The DOJ filing quickly "concluded" that there was no point to unsealing the affidavit *because* they said “the redactions necessary to mitigate harms to the integrity of the investigation would be so extensive as to render the remaining text devoid of meaningful content…”

Oooh, yeah!  We (DOJ) are all about "mitigating harms to the integrity of the investigation," eh?  Lying sons of whores.  What sort of "integrity" do they claim remains?

This suggests that IF the "magistrate" should be so crazy as to refuse the DOJ's "suggestion" and demand that the affidavit be unsealed, and IF Garland deigns to "unseal" the affidavit (as opposed to appealing the matter to a more compliant judge), the thing will be essentially totally blacked out except for words like "a," "and" and "the."

The DOJ argued that the affidavit contained “substantial grand jury” information."  So?  Oh, now we get it: They're implying that since GJ testimony is supposed to be secret, the contents of the affidavit should be secret too.  Ah.  So if the Gestapo wants to keep something secret, just claim it's in being investigated by a grand jury.  Hmmm...

The lying sons of bitches kept mentioning “national security overtones,” wailing about their concern for “the safety of the witnesses,” with the prosecutor noting the risk that “‘amateur’ internet sleuths” might uncover their identities and contact information.  The DOJ attorney then wailed about the failed attempt by a lunatic to "attack FBI agents in Cincinnati, Ohio," using that to argue that the situation was “volatile,” justifying extreme measures.

Garland and the corruptocrats now claim EVERY issue is "volatile" and justifies "extreme measures" like secret warrants.  Star chambers.

Garland's corrupt DOJ argued that unsealing the affidavit "would create the threat of possible obstruction and interference.”  This is clutching pearls.

DOJ filing: “The court has found probable cause that there was a violation of one of the obstruction statutes, and that evidence of obstruction could be found in a redacted version of the affidavit.”   The DOJ wailed that the investigation remained in its “early stages” and that unsealing the affidavit could harm the probe.

What it would do is reveal the spy the FBLie inserted in Trump's personal residence.

The official, written DOJ court responses show that the identity of the FBLie spy must be redacted so he or she can continue to spy.  

History suggests that Garland's corrupt DOJ won't unseal the search warrant unless it's so blacked out as to be totally devoid of information.  Because the Democrats can always find Dem judges to do as they demand.

August 20, 2022

Cartoon exchange fittingly captures why RINO Liz Cheney lost by a landslide

After RINO Liz Cheney's landslide loss in the Wyoming primary, a Wyoming paper ran this cartoon:

Wyoming voter: "Can you stop Biden from killing thousands of Wyoming energy jobs?"

Liz Cheney: "I'm gonna investigate Donald Trump!"

Wyoming voter: "Do you think Biden and the Dems are responsible for the Afghanistan debacle?"

Cheney: "I'm gonna investigate Donald Trump!"

Voter: "We're the most conservative state in the union.  Can you not at least pretend to represent us?" 

Cheney: "I'm gonna investigate Donald Trump!"

Voter: "With all that, I'm not about to vote for you."

Ex-congresscritter RINO Cheney: "Wow you traitors are so obsessed with Trump!"

During the Great Depression, Democrats paid farmers to destroy livestock and crops when Americans were hungry

Short history lesson for college-age Americans.  Covers a lot of ground, but you need to know all of it:

During the Great Depression (1930-1939) tens of thousands of businesses closed, putting millions of people out of work.  With no income, people couldn't buy the usual amount of food.

As demand (in the economic sense) dropped, but the supply of food initially unchanged, the laws of supply and demand forced market prices for both livestock and crops down drastically.  So farm income dropped, because no one could afford to buy food.  So tens of thousands of farmers lost their farms (bank foreclosure).

Enter the Democrat president and would-be dictator, former governor of New York Franklin D. Roosevelt.  FDR was as connected as Bill and Hilliary today.  He was such a megalomaniac that when the Supreme Court ruled one of his pet laws was unconstitutional, he unilaterally "packed the court," adding a dozen Democrat "justices" so Dems could get whatever they wanted.  (This was later ruled unconstitutional.)

So back to farmers:  As noted, due to the stock market crash and ensuing Great Depression, millions of Americans lost their jobs and their families were--not dying but couldn't afford food to keep from being hungry.  So can you guess what the Democrats' "solution" was?

As a part of his New Deal FDR had his supporters in congress pass a LAW called the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), which paid farmers to kill millions of hogs and cows, and plow under over 10 million acres of cotton.  The theory was that destroying animals and food and cotton already produced would reduce supply (duh), which would cause prices to INcrease.

This is worth repeating because it's the only time in history that Democrats have ever admitted that the twin "laws of supply and demand" are real.  I don't know of a single instance OTHER than this where a Democrat policy recognized those laws.  

Why did they recognize those this time?  Because it gave them more power and control, while making it appear that they were taking action to "save the country."  But in fact those policies hurt Americans and delayed the recovery.

The Dem policy--explicitly detailed in the "Ag Adjustment Act"--was widely criticized at the time.  Farmers (and all Americans) had a hard time understanding how, having worked hard to raise animals or crops to feed people--at a time when millions were hungry--"their" government would order those animals and crops destroyed and buried.  

Of course AS IS TRUE TODAY, the opinions of farmers and voters didn't make any difference to the ruling politicians.  The only people who mattered were FDR and his Democrat supporters in the corrupt congress.  So using the AAA, gruberment agents in the Department of Agriculture offered to pay farmers to destroy millions of cattle and pigs, and burn or plow under millions of tons of crops.  Since the gruberment was offering to pay more to destroy the livestock and crops than farmers could get at market, naturally the took the deal--though many had tears in their eyes, since they were good people who saw the evil in what they were being paid to do.

Ultimately, recovery depended on people re-starting businesses and hiring workers.  Yes, that's a long, slow process, which was NOT helped by destroying animals and crops.  Better if the government had paid farmers a few cents per pound for what they could sell at market prices.  

Yes, that's a subsidy, and free-market purists reject those.  But because farming and ranching are so highly skilled, and take a long time to build up capital and expertise, that's the ONE area governments can't afford to let the free market destroy.  The social costs are far too high.

Let me re-state that, because I don't want some dumb sonofabitch 50 years from now to mis-state my position:  If you have a product that's been made obsolete by a new technology, the government should NOT be allowed to subsidize the obsolete product.  Of course that happens all the time, as the obsoleted industry uses bribes ("campaign contributions") to get corrupt asshole congresswhores to slyly insert subsidies into bills at the last minute.

Literally, the assholes slip handwritten terms into the official, printed draft version of bills at midnight.  You don't think this is true, and certainly not legal, but it is true.  It's one of the reasons our nation has been doomed: corruption in congress and the presidency.

Similarly, the gruberment should never be allowed to spend billions of dollars to subsidize a new technology, like "electric vehicles."  The morons in congress have no idea whether EVs are a rational solution to ANYTHING, but they'll support whatever their moronic party tells em to.

Batteries with a life of just five years, that cost $25,000 to replace?  They don't know and don't care.  

Batteries that depend on a metal controlled by China?  They don't know or care.

Fact that there's not even *remotely* enough electric generating capacity to support changing even ten percent of vehicles to  EVs?  They don't know or care.  

They'll vote with the party, because if they don't, the party won't give them money for re-election.  Which is the ONLY thing these greedy sons of bitches care about.

Okay, I've digressed far too much.  Just wanted you college-age Americans to know how Democrat "god" FDR got his corrupt lackeys in congress to pass a law that resulted in gruberment paying farmers to destroy millions of cattle and pigs and millions of tons of crops, at a time when millions of Americans were hungry.  Cuz you sure as hell will NEVER hear about this in your corrupt Dem-ruled schools.

It's like it never happened.  And in another 20 years Americans who should have known better will INSIST that it did NOT happen--that this is all a "right-wing scare story."

It's scary all right.  It's also true. 

Source: book, but on a leftist website pushing something else.

A handful of conservatives (not including politicians) may be learning how to fight the Democrats

Unlike Democrats, conservatives have never been very good at dirty politics.  Maybe that's about to finally change:  A group claims to be putting up billboards satirizing cherished Democrat policies, like this:

The only mis-step I see is that the billboards shown above don't specifically name "Democrats" as the source of the obviously ghastly, destructive policies.  And I suspect a LOT of Independent voters won't connect "Progressive" with Democrat.

In any case, here are a couple of other ideas for more of this:

"Inflation is GOOD for working families.  We need more of it, so vote Democrat in November!"

"Support free college tuition and housing for illegal immigrants--vote Democrat"

"Ten-year-olds are old enough to change gender.  Vote Democrat."

"Rename Washington DC "George Floyd City"  Vote Democrat."

"Stop arresting criminals.  Vote Democrat"

If you've got a suggestion, contact "Citizens for Sanity" at 202 240-8386


August 18, 2022

Female Yale professor brags that she helps children as young as 3 years old with their 'gender journey.'

Female Yale professor brags that she helps children as young as 3 years old with their 'gender journey.'

Yep, 3-year-olds.  Seriously.  She was bragging about it.  On video, on the website of the Yale School of Medicine.

Critics: "Uh...3-year-old kids don't know jack about 'gender journeys.'  You're a quack.  Or worse."

Democrats and all academics: "NOooo!  Dis berry good!  We needs to tell dem t'ree-year-olds dey's akshually trapped in duh wrong body!  Den we kin gibs em sum gud drugs dat heps 'em beez whatevah duh opposite of what dere X's and Y's say dey iz.  Den we kin get duh inshurance to pay us $40,000 to cut dere stuff off.  See, you dummies gots ta FOLLOW DUH SCIENCE!  Cuz we know dat "God makes mistakes!"  Well, we wud say dat if we thought dere wuz a god, but you git it. 

Now for the "tell" that they knew they were caught dead to rights:  Some leftist asshole deleted the video from Yale School of Medicine's YouTube page.

You don't delete videos unless you know you f'd up.  And they did, bigtime. They told you what they were doing.  And they were SO arrogant, SO assured of their ability to get away with ANYTHING, that they put a video admitting their plot on the Yale university website.

Are you just beginning to get an inkling of what you're up against yet?  

Nah, you probably don't.

Dem-fellating Associated Press changes name of the "Inflation Reduction Act" in its "reporting" on bill signing

Say, citizen, did ya hear that Dear Leader signed the "Inflation Reduction Act" into law?  That's after a tie vote in the senate was broken by Cackles, porridgebrain's worthless POS VP.

But oddly, in its slobbering piece on the bill's signing the Associate Press didn't call it the "Inflation Reduction Act even once--which was pretty odd since that was the title of the "Act" (i.e. law).  Instead the AP called it "Democrats’ landmark climate change and health care bill."

Why did the AP not call the LAW by its stated name, eh?  Wait, I know:  After two reporters asked two prominent Democrat congresswhores if they could name a single part of the new LAW that would actually reduce inflation, and neither could answer, and after all the scoring agencies agreed the faaabulous "Inflation Reduction Act" would do damn near nothing to actually...reduce inflation...the Democrats told the AP to stop using the official name--the one printed on the Act--and instead to substitute what the Dems' faaabulous law really does:  

It's a $400 BILLION piece of shit, larded with fake measures ostensibly intended to fight "Global Warming" and pay higher subsidies to people on Obamacare. if the bill actually contained those provisions all along, with virtually nothing to, y'know, reduce inflation, why didn't the Democrats call it the "Landmark climate change and health-care Act" from the outset?

That's obvious:  Because Americans would have opposed such an obvious waste of taxpayer dollars.

But by lying about what it would do during the two weeks before passage, the Democrats--with the crucial help of a slobbering, fawning Media--lulled the public into not looking at what the bill actually proposed to fund, just long enough for the corrupt Democrats to pass the piece of shit--without a single GOP vote.

But now that they've passed the so-called "Inflation Reduction Act," Democrats don't want Americans to be reminded that the new LAW spends a shit-ton of money on corrupt croneys but not a dollar on reducing inflation.

In other words, the Dems lied to pass the thing.  And quoting the actual name of the Act--the "Inflation Reduction Act"--would remind voters that once again, Democrats had stolen $400 billion for their supporters.

See the AP "story" for yourself.

biden regime is about to approve NEW vax for new corona variant; schools expected to demand students take it

Hey citizen, gotten vaxxed against Corona yet?  How about "boosted"?  Yes?  Good for you!  You may keep your job, and fly on commercial airlines!  You may bask in your virtue.

Now guess what:  There's a NEW vax, expected to be approved in less than a month.  And if you don't take it, you're a "violent right-wing extremist insurrectionist who wants to kill innocent Americans"!

(FBI:  If I accidentally left out any of your required psychological "flag words" in that last phrase, my apologies.)

Yesterday the regime's "coronavirus response coordinator" Ashish Jha said the "new, improved"  updated COVID-19 vaccines are expected to be available in “a few short weeks.”  And now that the regime has learned how to manipulate, they're not bothering to approve this first for "those at high risk if infected by covid"--people over 70 or those with dangerous "co-morbidities."  Nope nope nope!

Instead the "coordinator" says he "believes" the FDA will approve it for everyone over the age of 12.  

If you think this is fake news, watch Jha's interview with a regime shill Lester Holt on “NBC Nightly News.”   I mean, if you can't trust Lester Holt and NBC, who can you trust, eh?

Earlier in the week Jha said the "updated" vaccines could be available in “early to mid-September.” 

Back in June the FDA quietly told "vaccine makers" to start making the "new" vaccines, which are specifically designed to "protect" people against "subvariants of omicron" known as BA.4 and BA.5, which are "currently circulating."  So-called "experts" like Anthony Fauci have wailed that the new "subvariants" are WAY more readily transmitted than the original.  Are they more dangerous?  They never say, and no reporter dares to ask.  All that's needed is the dire warning "more transmissible."

If that didn't convince ya, Jha says the new vax is also expected to be WAY more effective against earlier variants. 

Now, start the clock.  How long do ya think it'll be before both big teachers' unions DEMAND that all school kids take the NEW, IMPROVED jab in order to be allowed to attend school?

Of course no one will be able to blame the regime, since the "vax to attend" order would be coming from local school boards instead of from the regime itself.  See how clever that is?

So the regime just gave Pfizer another $30 BILLION or so--less a billion in kickback to the corruptocrats.  And if you take the jab and don't get covid, they'll say that's absolute proof that the new vax worked!  But if you take it and DO get covid, they'll simply call it a "breakthru case" and will claim "Hey, everyone knows that no vaccine is perfect!  We just had to protect everyone we could!"

Hey citizens, I've got a vaccine here that is absolutely guaranteed to keep you from being eaten by dinosaurs!  It's only $100 per dose, and if it should fail to work we promise to pay you a million bucks!  Works on all ages!  You don't want your sweet child to be eaten by a dinosaur, do ya?

Of course this great vaccine is only effective for a year (which is way longer than the corona "vax"), and then you'll need another shot to stay protected.  But don't worry--the government will cover most of the cost.  Oh, and we absolutely guarantee there are NO adverse effects!  No blood clots, no enlarged hearts, no sterilization, no cancers!

Better to be safe than eaten by dinosaurs, right?

August 17, 2022

Grocery prices in July had largest increase in 43 years; eggs cost 38% more than a year ago

Hey citizen, did you hear the great newz?  Dear Leader said we had zero inflation last month!  Isn't that faaaabulous?

Wait...what? says what?

The price of food at home rose 1.3% from June to July, marking a 13.1% increase compared to last year. It was the largest price increase for groceries since 1979.

Egg prices rose the most, rising by 4.3% in July, and 38% above a year ago. Potatoes are 13.3% higher than a year ago.  Butter was 26% higher than a year ago, while coffee was over 20% higher over that same period.

But since the "core" CPI mysteriously excludes both food and energy, if you leave those out the CPI was only 5.9% higher than a year ago, making the overall annual inflation rate drop from 9.1% in June to a mere 8.5% in July.

Democrat shills blamed Covid, the war in Ukraine and "pandemic-related supply-chain disruptions" for the jump in food prices.  Cuz we get so much of our food from overseas, right?
But...but...but...Dear Leader said "Zero!  There is no inflation."  So dis story above just can't be right.

Besides, no one uses very much butter or eggs or potatoes, eh?  The really big menu items like chicken and beef and cheese and milk have probably stayed level.  Yeh, dat's it.  


biden regime has quietly sold off 24 million barrels of oil from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve--in just 5 weeks!

If you pay attention to national events you may recall hearing that a month or so ago the biden regime sold five MILLION barrels of oil from our "strategic petroleum reserve" (SPR) to other countries, including a million barrels to communist China.  Cuz, see, that's how you earn big bucks in bribes, by selling our most formidable adversary a million barrels of oil from our "strategic reserve."

You did hear that, right?

What you didn't hear--and won't hear from the Lying Mainstream Media--is that this was just the beginning: biden and his corrupt handlers quietly admitted they would continue to sell a MILLION barrels of oil PER DAY to foreign nations from the SPR, 

Naturally no one believed they could possibly be that stupid, eh?  So here's the weekly summary from the biden regime itself.  Last line is SPR.  On July 8 it contained 485 million barrels.  On August 12 that number was down to 461 million--24 million barrels less than five weeks earlier.

And in the week of August 5th thru 12th total U.S. petroleum stocks (top line) dropped by 12.5 million barrels .  For the math-phobic that's about 1.5 million barrels per day. 

To make the picture even clearer: When Porridgebrain was installed in the White House, the SPR contained 638 million barrels of oil.  As of the end of May of this year it was down to 523 million barrels.  And as noted above, as of August 12th the SPR contained 461 million barrels.

So during the just under 19 months of Porridgebrain's tenure the SPR has dropped from 638 million to 461 million barrels.  For the math-impaired that's a drop of 177 million barrels.  Where did all that oil go?  And now the regime is increasing the selloff to a million barrels per DAY.

Oil is an astonishingly valuable commodity, and the SPR was built and stocked to keep essential things running here at home if imports were halted after the Democrats managed to make us dependent on imported oil again (which they have).  So for the biden regime to sell 177 MILLION barrels of oil in our "strategic petroleum reserve" is much like residents of Moscow, after the Bolshevik revolution, being forced to burn fine furniture to keep from freezing.

Ask yourselves how China--the country that just two years ago unleashed Covid19 on the world--ever got its hands on a million barrels of U.S. oil.  If the biden regime was both honest and rational they wouldn't have sold a million barrels of our "strategic petroleum reserve" to China.  

So why did they?   If you're a conservative you already know.  If you're a Democrat, you already guessed.  You just don't want to admit it.   The regime is corrupt from top to bottom, or just stupid.


Largest aluminum manufacturing plant in the U.S. closing due to...wait for it...higher energy costs

Further to my last post on a sharply-contracting manufacturing base, here's a story from the end of June that you didn't hear about, because the networks and the WaPo and NY times didn't think you needed to know:
From U.S. News & World Report, June 24, 2022, printing an AP piece word-for-word:

A large aluminum plant in Kentucky is "temporarily halting production,"  laying off more than 600 workers.  Reason?  Rising energy costs.

Century Aluminum said its Hawesville plant was the largest producer of high purity aluminum in North America.

White House spokesdummy: "Don't worry, citizen:  You DID see that the AP said the shutdown is only temporary.  Just 9 to 12 days.  So no problem, citizen!  Ev'ryting jus' fine!  Peachy!

"Oh, you say it wasn't 9 to 12 days, but 9 to 12 weeks?  Well, dat actually good!  Give overworked workers a chance to enjoy life wit' dere famblies, so ev'ryting jus' fine!"

"Oh wait, ya say it was "9 to 12 months?  And that the company said they're not sure they'll ever actually re-open the plant?"

In that case: "This is really good news, because making aluminum takes tons of electricity, so shutting down this big plant will allow the state to charge another thousand of those faaabulous electric vehicles without having to add any more generating capacity!  Yay!  So our plans are working perfectly!"

A county official said company executives told him they had to shut the plant because the cost of electricity had risen dramatically this year.

Democrats: "DIS NOT TRUE!  Every Media outlet showed Dear Leader saying 'energy costs are going DOWN!'  Electricity is energy, so price of electricity mus' be goin' down too, eh?"

It's also worth noting that as recently as April Century Aluminum had increased production at this plant, adding 60 jobs.  So in April the company seemed to think the plant was profitable.  

“We celebrated that,” said the president of the local union. “I guess if it hadn’t been for the cost of electricity we would still be making aluminum.”

So what happened?

Democrats: "Greedy corporations."

Me: Can a plant continue to operate if it doesn't make a profit?

Democrats: "Greedy corporations!"

Me: So you don't actually want to discuss this, eh?

Democrats: "Trump stole nuclear weapons secrets and sold 'em to Russia!  Besides, if we need aluminum we can always buy it from our Chinese friends!"


New York "manufacturing index" drops by near-record amount--huge contraction. But don't worry...

Because New York was settled early in our nation's history, and NYC had such a huge population, the area around NYC had a LOT of manufacturing.  So the state created its own "manufacturing index" to see how things were going.

A positive number shows growth, negative obviously contraction.  "Experts" expected the latest number to be plus-5, indicating good growth.  

"Unexpectedly" (as with most expert predictions today) the index actually turned out to have fallen to MINUS 31.3 this month--a drop of 42.4 points, with the negative number showing a huge contraction.

According to the New York Fed this is the second largest monthly decline on record and among the lowest levels in the survey's history.

The index for new orders dropped 35.8 points to MINUS 29.6.  The "shipments index" fell 49.4 points to a MINUS 24.1.

And it wasn't just New York: In July economic "experts" predicted Philadelphia's manufacturing index would fall to zero.  "Unexpectedly" it fell to negative 12.3.  The index for new orders declined for the second consecutive month, from -12.4 to -24.8.

If you or I were as wrong in my job as frequently as these "economic experts," we'd be fired.  But that's not the main point of my posting this.

As another wag noticed, the forecasts of the so-called "experts" are always wrong on the "faaaabulous" side when Democrats rule things, and are always wrong on the "doom/despair" side when a Republican is president.  Odd, eh?  Almost makes ya think there's some plan there.

Interestingly, according to the biden regime all these near-record declines are NOT bad news, and certainly not a sign that we're in a recession.  No no no, citizen!  Instead these numbers show that the nation "is in a transition to a stable, booming economy."  Yay!  GOOD NEWS, eh?

Well if that was true, sure.  And if you're a typical Democrat, that's what you believe, right?

Say, ya know what would fix this?  Another trillion dollars of gruberment spending on boondoggles, like the deliberately mis-named "Inflation Reduction Act."  White elephants!  Grift and corruption and kickbacks!  Yeh, dat's da ticket!

Now: If you're a typical Democrat you have no idea whether the huge, near-record drop in the NY and Philly manufacturing indices are real.  And if truth be told, you actually don't care--because your Dear Leader, Porridgebrain, said we're not in a recession!  (We've got it on video.)  And the Mainstream Media dutifully, slobberingly, fawningly echoed that, without a single critical word.

If you're an FBI agent or a politician or school teacher or other gruberment employee, you don't care because your gruberment paycheck insulates you from recessions.  Yay!  So who cares what some silly "index" for some faraway state says, eh?  Ain't nothin' to you liberals in DC or Chitcongo or San Fran or LA, right?

Ah.  Well.  You may not be interested in reality, but that doesn't insulate you from reality.  Well, unless you're wealthy or connected or a gruberment employee or pol.

So the point of this post was to put my marker down: to call your attention to a distant number you never knew existed (which isn't your fault, of course), and to tell you what it means to you.  Six months from now you'll have a much better idea.  And finally--*finally*--you may realize that your wunnerful Democrat party has been lying to you.  About everything.

Of course I may be wrong.  Guess we'll see. 


August 16, 2022

"Dear Colleague" letter from some FBLie asshole to his comrades is a propaganda masterpiece

The letter in the pic below seems to be from a propagandist in either the FBI or DOJ.  You may be able to enlarge by clicking.  In any case, transcript below.  (I've used abbrieviations for brevity.)

Transcript of letter:

Last night DHS and DOJ issued a Joint Intelligence Bulletin...providing information on the potential for domestic violent extremists to carry out attacks on federal, state and local law enforcement and government personnel or facilities.

This information is being shared in light of an increase in threats and acts of violence, including armed encounters, against [everyone in gruberment] in reaction to the FBI's recent execution of a court-authorized search warrant.  Since the search, the FBI and DHS have observed an increase in violent threats posted on social media against federal officials and facilities.

Note how the propagandist takes pains to explain to voters that the search warrant was authorized by a [corrupt] judge, as if that makes everything ducky.  He doesn't mention that the DOJ/FBLie didn't even try to get a district judge to approve the warrant--which was absurdly, unconstitutionally overbroad--so obvious that an honest judge would almost certainly declined to approve it!  So DOJ/FBLie used a known-corrupt "magistrate"--Rineheart, who was a U.S. attorney in Florida and switched sides in a single day to defend Jeffrey Epstein.  But not one American in a million knows a word about that.

Here's the crux of the letter--trying to paint anyone who objects to literally unlimited numbers of illegal aliens entering the U.S. across the southern border as "domestic violent extremists."  Has nothing to do with the raid, but plants the idea in the target audience that everyone who objects to unlimited illegal immigration is a "domestic violent extremist."

In addition, as described in the June 7 National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin, some domestic violent extremists have expressed grievances related to the false perception that the U.S. gruberment is NOT working to maintain security along the U.S.-Mexico border...

Propagandist claims that thinking the regime is NOT working to "maintain" security on the border is a "false perception," eh? It's actually a TRUE perception.  There is NO security on the Mexican border, and everyone with a functioning brain knows it.

///and there remains increased risk of domestic violent extremists relying on these grievances to justify violence against officials involved in the enforcement of border security.

Again, there is NO enforcement of security on the border.  Everyone who crosses is waved right in, then given a taxpayer-funded jet flight to cities far from the border.  Propagandist repeats the lie because the more you repeat it, the more an uninfored person is likely to believe it.

While there is no current, specific, credible threat to any of our employees, recent events such as the 11 August attempted entry of the FBI's Cincinnati Field Office, remind us that our important work could put us in situations that can be both difficult and dangerous.

Sparky, the only work you thugs do is persecute people who believe in the rights enumerated in the Constitution, including the 9th and 10th Amendments.

Please stay vigilant and aware of your surroundings as you work to preserve public safety and national security.  Thank you for your steadfast commitment to serving our nation with valor and integrity."
Again, you thugs do NOT preserve either public safety or "national security."  You just claim to.  Cuz the rubes will believe it, eh?  Y'all claim to be about "law."  What a sick joke.  You entrapped the rubes from Michigan into plotting to kidnap Gretch, you had undercover agents in the Jan 6 crowd breaking windows right next to open doors (!) and then standing back and urging people to enter.  It's on video!

This "Dear Colleague" letter is a masterpiece of propaganda--self-serving horseshit from top to bottom.  The author's mission was to get fence-sitting voters to not vote GOP in November, and the obvious way to do that is to scream that "domestic violent extremists" have threatened violence.

Breathless innuendo notwithstanding, there haven't been any threats from any sane Americans against any gruberment thugs or facilities, because sane Americans know the thugs will throw you in jail for over 18 months without charges or bail or attorneys if you threaten 'em.  So sane people decline.

Now I have no doubt that the same crew of liars and propagandists who crafted the Dear Colleague letter also used FBLie accounts on social media sites to post any kinds of threats they felt would accomplish their mission.  But they quickly reversed by saying "there is no current...*credible threat*" to either thug personnel or facilities.

They had to back off, because if they'd posted the actual (alleged) threat, skeptics would have demanded the name of the account.  And unless they've gotten a LOT more clever, by doing some clever analysis, internet experts can find out if it's really an FBLie account.

BTW, this is from the same outfit that originally claimed that Attorney-General junior thug Merrick Garland did NOT sign off on the raid.  This was so absurd, so unbelievable, that the DOJ quickly backtracked, now saying Garland didn't know the exact time planned for the raid.  Nice recovery.
