Things are changing so fast--for the worse--that it's almost impossible for most people to keep track
When lots of world-changing events happen in a short time, people tend to tune out. Or forget they happened. As one commentator put it,
Bingo. Example:
- On February 21st Russia invades Ukraine.
- Shortly thereafter the biden regime imposes sanctions on Russian oil and gas sales.
- Even though Ukraine was not a member of NATO, that now-nearly-useless organization moves to support Ukraine. (No objections here, just noting a key element in the chain of events.)
- Since many nations in the EU are also members of NATO, at the end of May the EU announces it will join the U.S. in embargoing Russian oil (not natural gas);
- Needing to keep earning foreign currency, Russia begins selling oil to China and India, at a discount;
- Knowing Germany is the largest economy in the EU, and that Germany is totally dependent on Russian gas, Russia cuts off most gas sales to Germany to try to peel Germany away from NATO;
- This starts a domino effect, with prices for ALL energy in Europe rising by stunning amounts almost overnight. The wholesale price of electricity jumps 50% in a single WEEK. In France the retail cost of electricity jumps ten percent in a single DAY. Locals begin buying up all available firewood and chopping down trees in deep forests.
- Germany is now turning off traffic signals after midnight. France has ordered lights in office buildings turned off after 10pm. In London, thousands of pubs are planning to close when temperatures begin to drop since they won't be able to afford the cost of heating.
- It now appears that much of German industry may be forced to shut down due to lack of gas or electricity.
Amusingly, speaking at the United Nations about four years ago, Trump warned that Germany was totally dependent on Russian natural gas. There's video of a half-dozen members of Germany's UN delegation laughing, apparently because they thought this was a silly concern.
Wonder if they're still laughing today?
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