August 28, 2022

Wokies at "Scientific American" claim the “2-sex model reinforced gender and racial divisions by tying social status to the body".

Hey citizen!  Did you know that communist wokies claiming to be scientists at the cesspool rag "Scientific American" are now claiming that before the late 18th century Western science recognized only one sex, and that "The shift historians call the “two-sex model” served mainly to reinforce gender and racial divisions by tying social status to the body"?

Seriously, the wokie cretins who run this cesspool of a magazine said that.  And because "scientists" apparently can't grasp subtle "reasoning" like the paragraph above, they backed up the point with a damn video--apparently because the wokies wanna reach Dem voters who graduated from highschool without being able to read.

Wait...ya say you never learned this in highschool or college?  And that the first chapter of the Bible recognizes two sexes, so you're thinking maybe what I just claimed

Well there's definitely a huge amount of horseshit here, but none of it by me.  Here's the twat from SciAm's verified twatter account:

This, friends, is what you're up against: Wokie communists, posing as "scientists," claiming that before the late 18th century (for young Americans that's the late 1800s) "Western science recognized only one sex."  

And if that's not insane enough for ya, the rest of the line is "The shift historians call the “two-sex model” served mainly to reinforce gender and racial divisions by tying social status to the body."

And they conclude with "To learn more, watch the full second episode of our documentary series "A Question of Sex" on the myth of two sexes.

This shit is beyond parody.  And yet it's being promulgated to wokie young Americans as "science."  And not a single 65-year-old department head at any university dares to say a critical word about this crap, because doing so will get you fired.  Hell, even using obvious pronouns to refer to a student has gotten professors and highschool teachers fired.

If you think this is just fiction--that Scientific American didn't really claim the things above--click the damn link at the top.  You need to know what you're facing.  And you don't.  Not yet.  Question is, will you wake up before it's too late?.


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