August 27, 2022

CDC admits being wrong about everything re Covid, no consequences. Eventually we'll see the same on Global Warming

You probably didn't see it, but about a week ago the director of the CDC--a goofball liberal female--quietly admitted that almost every order her agency gave about Covid-19 was wrong.

Hey, "mistakes wuz made," eh?  Happens to all of us, Rochelle.  But not to worry: your agency helped destroy the booming economy, killed the elderly who got duh Chyna virus by making it a criminal offense to use the APPROVED, KNOWN-SAFE drugs that cured the damn thing quickly, in case after case, which you and your agency ignored to push the shitty, non-working "vaccine."

Yeah sweet-cheeks, you and your fellow Democrats have a shit-pot-load of deaths and misery to answer for.  But neither you nor any of your co-conspirators will ever be called to account for your malevolence or mere incompetence because you're a Democrat, appointed by a corrupt regime.  Your job was to help Pfizer make $80 billion, and you did that very well indeed.

Now let's look at the next act of this endless demonstration of incompetence and evil:  Global Warming.  Oh wait...a decade or so ago, after a string of record-cold winters that were making rational Americans suspect that just MAYBE the Democrats' screams about "Global Warming" might not be accurate, the Left/Democrats quietly changed the name of that "existential crisis" to "climate change."

See, if the climate stops warming that sorta' makes people doubt the Left's wails.  But with "climate change" the Left wins no matter what happens.  It's yet another example of the Left re-defining things to stay in control of the Narrative.  Like "gender-confirming surgery" replacing "sex-change surgery," or the Left claiming that folks who want to bar males from competing against biological females are somehow "preventing innocent children from participating in sports!"

So...the Global Warmies of the Left are bent on replacing all reliable electricity with far more costly, unreliable wind and solar, because carbon-powered generating plants emit CO2, which the Warmies scream is overheating the planet.  For the same reason, they're trying to outlaw gasoline-powered cars and replace 'em with electric vehicles.  It's merely a coincidence that the batteries for EVs are made in China.  Mere coincidence.

In a rational world there would be public debates between experts from each side of the Global Warming issue.  And if, after those debates, most Americans still believed the lie that CO2 causes a non-trivial amount of warming, government would let market solutions play out instead of forcing costly solutions on Americans.

And make no mistake: the Left and the World Economic Forum want to punish Americans first and hardest, because if our economy is permanently crippled, the socialists and Marxists win. 

So what we see here--for the umpteenth time--is the costs of the rich man’s virtue-signaling vanity cause will be borne by working Americans.  This will have NO measurable effect on climate, because the socialist countries and the less-developed countries won't play.  But Americans will suffer.

Ever notice how rich people always want you to sacrifice for some cause, while they never sacrifice?  Yeah, me too.  Like Hollywood actors flying their private jets to Europe several times a year to receive awards or attend Important Conferences because they don't want to put up with the burden of having to fly commercial.

Forty years from now, when the economy-killing results of the Democrat' "Green New Deal" have become painfully clear, not a single Leftist/Democrat incompetent who helped kill the American dream will be punished, or will ever apologize.  Just like with Covid.

Because the Media and the "entertainment industry" is totally leftist, they never have to admit their failed policies, never apologize, never pay a price.  It's like those policies either imposed themselves (by some magic never explained) or simply never happened.

Five years from now the official Democrat/Media Narrative will be that Pfizer and the other "vax" makers wanted six more months of trials before releasing the "vax," but that they were pressured by da eeeevil Trump to release 'em too early, before all the side-effects were known.

(For the record: Pfizer announced the release of the first "vax" six days AFTER the 2020 election.)


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