August 25, 2022

biden regime's policy of open-borders--a policy supported by all Dem pols--is gravely damaging the U.S.

The biden regime's policy of open borders has flooded the U.S. with people who don’t respect any of our customs, morals, or traditions.  This lack of respect shouldn't surprise anyone, because why would foreigners respect U.S. customs, any more than they respect U.S. law, eh?

Liberals have known this for decades.  They just don't care.

This is no question that this is an invasion.  Look at the hours of video of illegals crossing the Rio Grande.  Almost all of them are single males of military age.  At least two million per year, just based on the number who casually saunter across and immediately turn themselves in to Border Patrol, knowing that this will give them free transit to northern cities and loaded EBT cards.

Allowing everyone who walks across the border to remain in the U.S. violates U.S. law.  This is an impeachable offense, but Democrat politicians don't care.  Porridgebrain and his handlers get away with breaking U.S. law because there aren't enough votes conservative votes in congress to remove him from office.

Democrat pols are supported in the "open borders" policy by a huge majority of their moronic liberal voters, who either don't realize they're surrendering their country or don't care.  The invaders will make it harder for all young Americans--including liberals' kids--to get into college, and get good-paying jobs, but liberals don't believe that.

In fact many Dem-ruled states now offer illegal aliens FREE college tuition at state universities.  Faaabulous deal, eh?  Of course that so-called "free" tuition is NOT free: Your taxes and your kids' tuition fees pay for it.  

Do you think that's unfair?  Tough.  Democrat pols didn't ask you, because they don't need to.  With control of not only the presidency but also BOTH chambers of congress, they don't give a flying fuck what you think.  What matters to them is "virtue-signaling"--and getting re-elected by stupid Dem voters.

To be fair, it wouldn't matter if a majority of Dem voters opposed open borders, because as long as voters keep returning Dems to power, Dem politicians will continue to do whatever they want.

But in truth most liberals DO support open borders.  The  extent of liberal reasoning seems to be “Look at those poor people walking all the way from Guatemala to the U.S. to get a better life. They want to be Americans SO much that we need to let them.”

Democrat pols play on that sentiment, wailing that anyone who *opposes* their open-borders policy--which they carefully do NOT describe as "open borders" or "unlimited unvetted immigration"--is "xenophobic" or "anti-immigrant."  But Republicans and conservatives are neither xenophobic nor anti-immigrant.  They just want would-be immigrants to be screened, and to immigrate at a rate low enough to avoid destroying U.S. society.

If you're still not convinced that liberal pols are trying to destroy the U.S., consider this: Democrat governors and legislators are brazenly subverting U.S. immigration law by declaring "sanctuary states," in which Democrat governors have DECREED that no state or city or county employee may cooperate with ICE by notifying ICE when the state has jailed an illegal for committing a crime in the U.S.

ICE asks states to notify them when any law-enforcement agency in the state has jailed an illegal alien for committing a crime, and to hold the alien until ICE agents can take the illegal into custody.  But cops in Democrat-ruled "sanctuary states" are prohibited from cooperating, and instead quietly release the illegals without notifying ICE.

Many such released illegals have killed innocent Americans within weeks of being released.  If that doesn't infuriate you, you're a perfect Dem voter.


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